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> m 

Coronation Durbar 
Delhi 1911 

Official Directory 
witA maps 




Chapter I. Proclamation .... . . 1 

Chapter IX. Programme of State Ceremonies, etc. . . 4 

Chapter III. State Entry. 

Reception by Ruling Chiefs in Fort. 
Reception in the Ridge Pavilion. 

a. General note . . . . li 

b. Ceremonial programmes . . .7 
<. Routes and passes . ... 10 

Chapter IV. Reception of Ruling Chiefs. 

a. General note .... . .31 

1. Routes, etc . .21 

Chapter V. Unveiling of the King Edward Memorial 

ft. General note . ... .22 

/;. Ceremonial programme ... . . 22 

r Routes, etc. . .... 25 

Chapter VI. Military Church Parade. 

a. General note . . . . 28 

/>. Routes, etc*. ....... 28 

Chapter VII. Presentation *f Colours. 

a General note ....... 09 

It. Ceremonial progi ninnies -... iV2 
< Route<, etc. . . . . . . % $ 

Chapter VIII. The Durbar. 

a General note . . . .* . . .40 

1. Ceremonial programme . . . . m .41 
/. Routes, etc. ........ 45 

Chapter IX. The State Reception. 

a. General note ........ 50 

1). Routes, et. ........ 50 


< PAGE. 
Chapter X. Presentation of Volunteer and Indian Officers. 

a. General note ........ 53 

b. Ceremonial programmes . . . . . .53 

Chapter XI. State Garden Party. 

ff. General note . ..... 57 

h. Routes, etc. ..... .58 

Chapter XII. Review 

a. General note . . . 61 
A. Review order* ... 61 
. Routes, etc ..... . 65 

Chapter XIII. Investiture 

<t. General note . ... 67 

b. Ceremonial programme . . 67 
<. Routes, etc ..... . 71 

Chapter XIV. -Review of Police. 

a. General note ...... 72 

b. Review orders ..... 72 

c. Routes, etc. ....... 74 

Chapter XV. Departure of Their Imperial Majesties. 

a. General note . . . . . . . .75 

/*. Ceremonial programme . . . 75 
c. Routes, etc. ........ 78 

Chapter XVI. Sports, Games, etc. f 

a. General note . . . . 4 . , ,79 

l> Polo, Hockey and Football Tournament* . . 80 

t\ Routers, etc. . . . . . . .83 

tf. Military Tournament and Point-to-Point JJ-u-o 84 

f. Routes, etc. . , . . . 89 

/'. Boxing Tournament ...... 90 

//. Btulshalii Mela ....... 90 

h. Native sports . . . . . .91 

Chapter XVII. Administration . . . 92 

Chapter XVIII. -Miscellaneous Information . . .95 

Part I. State Ceremonies. 


declared in a Proclamation published in the 
Gazette Extraordinary of the 22nd March 
1911 : 

44 MH)CrtaG upon the death of our late 
Sovereign of happy memory King Edward, 
upon the sixth day of May in the year of 
Our Lor<J one thousand nine hundred and 
ten, We did asceriti the Throne under the 
style and title of George the Fifth by the 
Grace of God, King of the United Kingdom 
of Great Britain and Iceland and of the 
British Dominions beyond the seas, Defender 
of the Faith, Emperor of India ; and whereas 

by Our Royal Proclamations bearing date 
the nineteenth day of July and the seventh 
day of November in the year of Our Lord one 
thousand nine hundred and ten in the first 
year of Our Reign We did publish and 
declare Our Royal intention by the Favour 
and Blessing of Almighty God to celebrate 
the solemnity of Our Royal Coronation upon 
the twenty-second day of June one thousand 
nine hundred and eleven ; and whereas it is 
Our wish and desire to make known to all 
Our loving subjects within Our* Indian 
dominions that the said solemnity has so 
been celebrated and call to Our f presence 
Our Governors, Lieuterfeint-Governors and 
others of Our officers, the Princes, Chiefs 
and Nobles of the Native States under Our 
protection and representatives of all the 
Provinces of Our Indian Empire, now We do 
by this Royal Proclamation declare Our 

Royal intention to hold at Delhi on the 
twelfth day of December one thousand nine 
hundred and eleven an Imperial Durbar 
for the purpose of making known the said 
solemnity of Our Coronation and We do 
hereby charge and command Our right 
trusted and well beloved counsellor Charles 
Baron Hardinge of Penshurst, Our Viceroy 
and Governor-General of India, to take all 
necessary measures in that behalf. 

GiVen at Our Court at Buckingham 
Palace this twenty-second day of March in 

the year of Our Lord one thousand nine 

hundred and eleven and in the first year of 
Our Reign. " 



The following is the official programme, showing dates 




Thursday, 7th 

Friday, 8th 
Saturday, 9th . 


! Jxeecptum of Clncls 

j llm'iilion of duct's. 

10 4.M. 

Sunday, 10th 
Monday, llth 

Tuesday, 12th . 
Wednesday, 13th 

Thursday, 14th 
Friday, 15th 
Saturday, 16th 

11 A.M. 

j Church Sen ue in Mililaiy 
j ramp. 

Presentation ol Colours on 
Polo Ground. 


ccL-plion of Volunteer Officers , U'-ti ^-M. 
and Tndiiin OHiccrs iu ihc 
Kin^-Euiporor's C.uu]). j 


ol Toluv 



10 A.M. 

11 A. v. 

1 I'.M 

Fi>r j<i}rrunnie>. u) the i>ieliiiun,u\ {.'.inn- in the Polo, 


TER 11. 

and times of (bo State ceremonies, and other functions :- 

Afternoon. ' Hour. 



Kin; Edward Memorial 3-30 P.M. ] Thnr Imp< rial Mn jetties? 8 P.M. 

Ceremonj . 
S-mi-fimilx of //// 7'/o ! 3-30 P.M. 


nf fh<- /'oofltr/ll 


3-30 P.M. 

I Polo Tournum'Ht Inmtl . j 3-30 P.M. 

i Tattoo in the Bcla . . 0-0 P.M. ' Stati 1 Dinner and Kcecp- 8 P.M. 


Dinner Party. 
Tattoo on Polo Ground . ' 0-30 P.M. 


Thar Imperial Majesties' 8 P.M. 
Dinner Party. 

, Fhmh of the 7/orlvy I 3-30 P.M. THE INVESTITURE . 9-30 P.M. 
Tournament. ' \ 

| Mthinry Tournament and 
\ Pond-to- Point Rmv<s. 

1-30 P.M. 

ft note of the Boxing J) P.M. 

H<ick(_>v, F<Mitb.ill and Boxing Touin.muMil-., sec Chapter li. 


The State Entry. 

General Note. 

The Royal train will arrive from Bombay ni flu- sin lion 
in the Selimgarh bastion of the Fort at 10 o'clock on the 
morning of the 7th December. Their Imperial Majesties 
will be received on the platform by Their Excellencies the 
Governor- General and Lady Hardinge, the Governors and 
Heads of Provinces, the Commander-iii-Chicl', the Members 
of the Executive (Council of tho Governor- General, and the 
high officers (Military and Civil) of Government. After 
the high officials have" been presented by His Excellency the 
Governor- General, Their Imperial Majesties will proceed 
through the Selimgarh bastion (which will be occupied by 
sections representing the army at Delhi ; and by tho whole 
of the Veterans invited by the; State to the IJurbar) to 
a State pavilion within the Fort wall, where the Ruling 
Chiefs will have the honour of being presented to them. 

Their Imperial Majesties will, after this, move in pro- 
cession from the Delhi Gate of the Fort, past. the Jnmma 
Masjid, and through the Chandni Chowk and other principal 
streets of the city to the Ridge, where they will be greeted 
before proceeding to their camp by the representatives of 
British India assembled in a special pavilion. A short 
address will be presented by tBe Vice- President of the 
Governor- General's Legislative Council. 

The procession from %he Fort will bo formed in three 

First The procession of the Governors, Lieutenant- 
Governors and Chief Commissioner of the 
Central Provinces. 

THE STATE ENTRY. nd The iRoy al Processi on. 

Third The processions of the Ruling Chiefs. 

The first portion of the procession "will move to the 
pavilion on Hie Ridge while the Ruling Chiefs are being 
presented to Their Imperial Majesties, in order that the 
Heads of Provinces may join the groups of Provincial 
representatives before the procession arrives there. Special 
arrangements have been made for purdah ladies of high 
rank to see this procession from the Delhi Gate of the 
Fort, and also for school children, to whom a place on the 
route has been allotted on the glacis of the Fort. - A number 
of stands for spectators will be erected along the route, by 
the Delhi Municipality, from whom places will be procur- 
able. A large stand has also l>eeii erected by the Committee 
at the Town Hall. Seats will be reserved in the pavilion 
on the Ridge for official guests and the families of officers, 
Military anil Civil, on duty. 

After leaving the pavilion on the Ridge Their Imperial 
Majesties will proceed direct to the King-"Kmperor's Camp 
below the "Ridge. 

Ceremonial Programme of the State Entry 
7th December 1911. 

QUEEN-EMPRESS will arrive by train at the Selimgarh bastion of 
the Delhi Fort, at 10 A.M. oA Thursday, the 7th December 1911, 
and will proceed from the railway station to their camp by the 
route* and in the order of procession hereinafter indicated 

2. They will be received on alighting from the train by Their 
Excellencies the Governor-General and Laxly Hardinge and conducted 
to the Reception Pavilion on the platform opposite the Royal Saloon. 
The Guard of Honour will salute and the Band will play the 
National Anthem. At the same moment;;* a salute of 101 guns will 
be commenced from the ramparts of the Fort. 

This salute will be divided into three portions of 34, 33 and 
34 guns, respectively, at the end of each of which a feu de joie 
will be fired by the troops lining the route from the Fort to the 


3. I Lis Excellency the Governor-General, after introducing to 
Their Imperial Majesties the members of their Indian Staff, will 
then present the following high officials who will be assembled on the 
platform : 

The Governor of Bombay. 

The Governor of Madras. 

The Lieutenant-Governor of the Punjab. 

The Commander-in-Chief. 

The Licutenaiit-Govcriior of Bengal. 

The Lieutenant-Governor of Burma. 

The Lieutenant-Governor of Eastern Bengal and Attain. 

The Lieutenant-Governor of the United Provinces. 

The Chiel Justice of Bengal. 

The Metropolitan of India. 

The Governor-General's Executive Council!: 

(1) The Hon'ble Sir Guy Flectwood Wilson. 

(2) The Jion'b'i.' Mr. J. L. Jenkins. 

(3) The Hon'ble Mr. II. W. Carlyle. 
(1) The Hon'ble Mr. S. H. Butler. 

(5) The Hon'ble Saiyid All Imam. 

(6) The Hon'ble Mr. W. H. Clark. 
The Xiual Commander-in-Chief. 

The General Officer Commanding, Southern Army. 
The Chiei of the General Staff. 
The General Officer Commanding, Northern Army. 
The Resident in Mjsore. 

The Agent to the Governor-General in Bajpntana. 
The Resident at Hyderabad. 
The Chief* CoinmiHMoner, Central Provinces. 

The Clnet (Commissioner and Agent to the Governor-General, North- 
West Frontier Province. 

The Agent to the Governor-General and Chief Commisgiuui-i- ui Baluchistan. 
The Agent to the Governor-General in Central India. 
The General Officer Commanding, Meerut Division. 
Tlie President ot the Railway Hoard. 
The Adjutant General m India. 
The (Quartermaster General in India. 
The Commissioner of Delhi. 

While these presentations are being made, the members of the 
Household in waiting will take up their places outside the station 
to form a procession to the Chiefs' Keception Tent as follows : 
Trumpeter. Delhi Herald. Trumpeter. 

A.-D.-C. to H. E. the ,, , . _ D _ c A.-D.-C. to H. E. the 

Governor-General. J '" '" ' Governor-General. 

Extra A.-D.-C. Extra A.-D.-C. Extra A.-D.-C. 


A. M. S. A. M. S. A. M. S. 

T * r i ii i t 11 r I'mute Sec\. to 11. E. 

Lt.-Col. Bird. A.-D.-C. the Govt , rnor . Gellei . aI . 

A.-P.-C. A.-D.-C. A.-D.-C. 

A v n Lieut. -Col. A n < 

A -- J> -" C - Sir Haveloek Charles. A.-U.-U 

Equerry. Equerry. Equerry. 

Equerry. Equerry. Equerry. 

Sir .lames Dmilop-Smith. Hear- Admiral Sir Colin Koppol. 

Sir s'luarl Beatson. Sir Horace Siiuth-Dornen. Sir Edward IU>nr y. 
Sir John Howett. The Lord Annaly. The Lord Stamfordham. 

The Earl of Sluiftchbnry. The Earl of Durham. 

The Queen-Empress. The King-Emperor. 

Attendants. Attendants. 

II. E. Lady Hardingo. H. E. the Governor-General. 
The Duke oi Teek. The Duehebs of Devonshire. The Marquis of Crewe. 

The Hou'ble Veneha Rarin&r. The Countess of Shaftesbur). 

Kripr.-Gen. Gnmston. Sir Henry McMahon. 

Assistant, Herald. 

Trumpeter. Trumpeter. 

4. Ai'tor the })n\st'iitalioiis, Their Imperial AFnjesties will leave the 
station ami will sigsiiu bo saluted by the Guard of Honour of British 
infantry drawn tip at the foot of the steps. 

The King-Emperor will inspect the Guard of Honour, aeeompaniod 
l>y the Governor-General and Commander- in-Chief and preceded by 
tv\o Equerries in \\aitinjj. 

Their Imperial AFajesties will then \\alk through the Selimgavh 
bastion into the Fort to the Reception Tent in which the Ruling Chiefs 
will a\\ ait them. The Hoynl Standard will be hoisted as they enter 
the Fort, aiurti Guard of Honour of Indian Infantry in front of the 
Reception Tent will salute as they approach. 

After the Guard of Honour has been inspected, they v\ill enter the 
Reception Tent and the Ruling Chiefs will be presented, one by one, by 
the Master of the Ceremonies assisted by the local Political Officers. 

5. Immediately after their presentation at the Railway Station, the 
Governors, Lieutenant-Governors, etc., who will take part in Procession 
A v\ ill retire and with their escorts will take the places assigned to 
them in Procession A, which vull fortlfwith proceed to the Ridge. 
Those not included in the procession will proceed by another route to 
their seats in the Pavilion on the Ridge. 

ti. When the Chiefs have been presented, Their Imperial Majesties 
will proceed in procession by the following route which will be lined 
throughout by troops : 


Delhi Gate of the Fort. Quo n's Jload. 

Khas Road. Dufferin JJridgo. 

Hound tho Jumma Musjid. Mori Gate. 

Esplanade Road. Boulevard Road. 

Ohandni Chowk. Kajpnt Hoad. 

Fattohpur Bazar t'hauburja Road. 

Through the Pavilion on the Ridge to the Kiii^-Emperor's Camp. 
7. The procession will be formed in three parts in the following 
order : 

A. Procession of High Officials. 

A Deputy Inspector-General of Police, Punjab. 

The Chief Commissioner of the Central Provinces with his escort. 

The Lieutenant-Governor of the United Provinces with his escort. 

The Lientenant-Govcrnor of Eastern Bengal and Assam with his escort. 

Tho Lieutonant-Governor of Burma with his escort. 

The Lieuteimnt-Governor of Bengal with his escort. 

The Lieutenant-Govcrnor of the Punjab with his escort. 

The Governor of Madras with his Staff and Body-Guard. 

The Governor of Bombay with Ins SI ail' and Body-Guard. 

B. The Royal Procession. 

The Inspector-General of Police, Punjab. 

An Ofliccr of Army Headquarters. 

A Regiment of British Cavalry. 

A Battery of Royal Horse Artillery. 

The Escort Staff. 

Tho Army Headquarters Staff. 

His Excellency the Commander-m-Chief's Staff. 

Indian Trumpeters. 
Tho Assistant Herald. 
British Trumpeters. 

Delhi Herald. 

The Body-Guard. 

The Governor-General's Statt. 

The Kinij-Emprror's Stuff and 7/o?<t, huld, a* follows : 
Extra A.-D.-C. , t Extra A.-D.-C. 

Extra A.-D.-C. A. M. S. Extra A.-D -C. 

A vr o Hony.Col. A IVT ci 

A. M. b. xnwab Sir Muhammad Islam Khan. A ' m * s ^ 

A.-D.-C. A.-D.-C. A.-D.-C. 

A.-D.-C. A.-D.-C. A.-D.-C. 

Equerry. Equerry. Equerry. 


llng.-Gen. R. E. GnuiMoii. Lt.-Gcn. Sir. Horace Smuh-Uorrieu. 

Sir Henry McMahon. 'i'lie Lord Annaly. The Lord Stamfordham. 

Hony. Indian A.-D.-Cs. 

The Body-Guard. 
Household Ca\alry Orderlies. 

The Duke of Teck. H. K. the Commander-in-Chiet. 

Equerry-m-waiting. Equerry-m-waiting. 

The King-Emperor. 

The Marquis of Crewe. H. K. the Governor-General. 

Roval Groom. Royal Groom. 

The Queen-Empress 

(In a carnage with the Duclu^s of DctonMiire and Karl ol Durham). 
Lt.-CoJ. 11. I). Watson. Maj.-Gen. Sir Stuart Beatson. 

The Commandant of the Hod} -Guard will ride on the ritrht and the Honorary 
Commandant of the Imperial Cadet Corps on the left ol the carriage. 

The Imperial Cadet Corps. 

Tier Excellency Lady Hardmge (in carriatfe). 
Members ol the Household (ftco lamlavs) 

First La 11 < I an. 

The Countess of Shafteshury. 
The Hon'ble Venetia Baring. 

The Earl of Shaft esbim. 
Kear- Admiral Sir Colin Tvepprl. 

Srcond JjCtHiiaii' 

Lt.-Col. Sir .lames Dunlop-Smith. 
Lt.-Col. Sir K. lla\ clock Charles. 
Mr. UuBoula\. 
Lt.-Col. lin-d. 
^ Indian Cavalry Kcguneiit of the Escort. 

C. Procession ot Ruling Chiefs.* 

A Deputy Inspector-General of Police. 
His Highness the Nizam of Hyderabad with the Resident at Hyderabad and His 

Highncss's escort. 
His Highness the Gaekwar of Baroda with the Resident and His Highness's 

His Highness the Maharaja of Mysore with the Resident in Mysore and His 

Hignnesn's escort. 

His Highness the Maharaja of Kashmir with the Resident and His High- 
ness's escort. 

The Rajputana Chiefs with their Political Officers and escorts; the Agent 
to the Governor-General accompanying the leading Chief. 

Chiefs who are Honorary A.-D.-IX to tb- King-hmpt-ror will rule \\ith the St:JV, 


The Central India Chicts with their Political, and escorts ; the Avent to 

the Governor-General accompanying the leading Chief. 
The Madras Chiefs with their Political Officers and escorts. 
The Bombay Chiefs with their Political Officers and escorts. 
The Punjab Chiefs with their Political Oilieers and escorts. 
The Ualuchistan Chieis with their Political Officers and escorts ; the Agenl to 
the Govern or-Geneial and Chief Commissioner accompanying Un- 
loading Chief. 
Their Highnesses the Maharajas of Sikkim and Bhutan with their Political 

Officer and their own escorts. 

North-West Frontier Province Chiefs with their escorts, the Chief Com- 
missioner and Agent to the Governor-Ueneral leading. 
Tho United Provinces Chief* with their Political Officers and escorts. 

The Bengal Chiefs with their Political Oilieers and escorts. 

Eastern Bengal and Assam Chiefs with thoir Political Oilieers and escort!?. 

The Central Provinces Chiefs with their Political Officers and escorts. 

The Burma Chiefs with their Political Officers and escorts. 

A Regiment of Indian Ca\alry. 

S. Tho first Procession A will start while the presentation of 
the Killing' Chiefs is taking 1 place. On reaching the Pavilion on the. 
Ridge the Governors and others will alight and take their seats among 
the Representatives of British India assembled then* to welcome 1 Their 
Imperial Majesties. 

!). As the Hoyal Procession leaves the Fort a salute of 101 guns 
will he fired hy salvoes of hatteries from the* Ridge to announce 
that it has started. The Chiefs will then take up the places assigned 
to them in Procession ( 1 which will advance on a given signal after the 
last Regiment of the Uoyal Escort has passed through the Delhi (late 
of the Fort. 

10. When Their Imperial Majesties reach the Pavilion on the Ridge 
the Representatives of British India there assembled will rise and 
remain standing. The Queen- Empress's carriage will dr^w up alongside 
the King- Emperor on his left and the VVVe-President of the (lovomor- 
GeneniPn Legislative Council will approach on the right and read 
a short address of loyal u el come and devotion to Their Imperial 
Majesties on behalf of British India. The King- Emperor will ac- 
knowledge the address, and the progress to the Royal Camp will 
be continued as before. Those assembled in the Pavilion will then 
resume their seats and will remain in the Pavilion until the Chiefs' 
Procession has passed. 

11. As Their Imperial Majesties arrive at the Camp the Royal 
Standard will be hoisted. A Guard of Honour drnun up in front 
of the Royal Touts will present arms. 

12. After passing the Pavilion on the Ridge the Chiefs will proceed 
to thoir own camps by the Ridge Road. The Representatives of 



British India in the Pjjrilioii on the Ridge will stay in thoir places 
until the Governors, Lieutenant-Governors, and the Chief Commis- 
sioner, Central Provinces, with their escorts and the Members of 
His Excellency the Governor-General's Executive Council have left by 
the Chauburja Koad. 


Ceremonial Programme for the Reception 

of Their Imperial Majesties in the Fort 

by the Ruling Chiefs. 

The Killing Chiefs \\ill arrive at the Fort by the Lahore (Jate not 
later than DAM. and will drive to the pavilion near the Selimgarh 
entrance where they will auait the arrival of Their Imperial Majesties. 

2. Each Chief \\ ill be met on arrhal at the entrance of the pavi- 
lion by an AttachiM)!' the Foreign Department and conducted to his seat. 

3. The seats \\ill all he ranged at the back of the pavilion, -f ? , 
furthest from the Thrones ; and, before the arrual of Their Imperial 
Majesties, the Chiefs will leave these seats and stand in territorial 
groups on the left side of the Thrones, witli their own Political Officers. 

4. The nflival of the King-Emperor and Queen-Empress will be 
preceded by a flourish of trumpets at the entrance of the >Slianiiana, 
and as Their Imperial Majesties pass up the centre to the Thrones, the 
National Anthem uill be played and the Chiefs will make their 

5. Tlu Chiefs will then pass before Their Imperial Majesties one by 
one, according to their groups from left to right, their names being 
announced by the Master of tlu Ceremonies. The Chiefs who will first 
pass before Their Imperial Majesties will stand nearest the Thrones 
on the left side of the pavilion and \\ill afterwards take up a position 
nearest the entrance, so that after the departure of the Imperial party, 
they can leave in the order of precession. 

When the last Chief has passed, the Master of the Ceremonies will 
make his reverence, and Their Imperial Majesties will pass out and 
take their places in the State Procession. * 

(). A flourish of trumpeta will be sounded when Their Imperial 
Majesties leave the Shamiana, and the National Anthem will be played. 

7. The carriages or horses of the Chiefs will next be brought up, 
and they will proceed to the front of the Xaubat Khaim to take their 
places in the procession 


Ceremonial Programme or Reception by 
Representatives of British India at the 
. , . Ridge Pavilion . . . . 

On the occasion of tho Stato Entry of Their Imperial Majesties 
the King-Emperor and Queen-Empress into Delhi on tho 7th "December 
1911, the Representatives of British India will bo assembled in tho 
J Deception Pavilion on the Ridge where an add res* of welcome will be 
presented on their behalf by the Vice-President of the Council. 

2. The Representatives and tho spectators will arrive* before 
10-45 A.M. anil will bo shown to their places by officers appointed for 
the purpose. The Representatives will have seats on the cast- side of 
the roadway, and the spare on the west side will be occupied by 
spectators. Those coining on foot may arrive by any of the approach 
roads up to the hour named. Those in vehicles will, if resident in 
crimps west of the Ridge and south of tho Mall, approach by the 
Roshanara Road to the southern end of the pavilion ; those resident 
north of the Mall or anywhere oast of the Ridge will approach by the 
Ridge Road. 

y. A band will play at. the pavilion from 9-45 A.M. until the 
arrival of Their Imperial Majesties at Delhi (10 A.M.) is announced by 
the playing of the National Anthem, during which all will stand. 

4. About 11 A.M. the Heads of Local Governments will arrive 
in procession along the processional route, and their carriages will set 
down in the pavilion, passing out along tho Chaubnrja Road and 
returning along Circuit House Road to take up a position at the top of 
the Roshanara Road so as to be the iirst to leave after the Imperial 
procession has passed out. ^ 

5. The Heads of Local Governments will take their seats on the 
east side of the roadway to await Thfir Imperial Majesties' arrival. 
The Members of the Government of India and the, "Representatives of 
British India deputed by their Provinces will also be grouped there. 

6. As Their Imperial Majesties' procession starts from the Fort, 
a salute of 101 guns will be tired by salvoes of batteries from the 

7. As the Imperial precession approaches the entrance to the 
pavilion enclosure, a flourish will be played by trumpeters stationed 
at the entrance and, on the entry of the Heralds, this will also be done 
by the State trumpeters taking part in Ihe procession. 

8. The Vice-President 9f the Council will then take up a position in 
the middle of the enclosure at the east side of the road, and around him 
will stand the Members of the Government of India, Governors and the 


Provincial Representatives. All present will rise as the trumpeters 
pass through, to await Their Imperial Majesties' arrival. 

9. The Herald will halt in the centre of the enclosure, opposite the 
place where the Vice-Presidcnt of the Council is standing, and the State 
trumpeters will pass round in front of the two sides of the pavilion 
and form up on either side of the exit, facing inwards, the remainder of 
the procession passing between them. 

10. On the arrival of Their Imperial Majesties at the entrance to 
the pavilion enclosure, the band will play the National Anthem, and 
the procession will continue until the King-Emperor is opposite the 
Vice-President of the Council, when His Imperial Majesty will 
halt and the carriage of the Queen-Empress will draw up alongside 
him on the left. 

1L. The Hody -Guard and the Governor-General's staff will pass out 
of the enclosure, hut the officers of the King-Emperor's staff and 
Household will halt in the exit to the enclosure and turn round 
independently, each on his oxvn ground, to face Their Imperial Majesties 
while the ceremony is going on. 

12. The Vice-President of the Council will then make his reverence, 
and present the Address on behalf of British India to His Imperial 
Majesty who will hand it to the Governor-General. 

L3. His Imperial Majesty will be graciously pleased to hand his 
reply to the Governor-General. 

14. A flourish will next be sounded by the trumpeters at the exit, 
and the procession will re-form as before (save that the Heralds and 
State trumpeters will follow the Queen-Empress's and Lady 
Hardinge's carriages after the Imperial Cadet Corps) and proceed 
to the Camp. 

15. The National Anthem will be played as Their Imperial Majesties 
move out of the enclosure and all will remain standing until they have 
left, and will stay in their places until the Ruling Chiefs' procession 
and the carriages of the Heads of Local Governments have passed 

1 6. The carriages of the Heads of Local Governments will file 
through the enclosure from the Roshanara Road, passing out from the 
north end of the enclosure along the Chaubnrja Iload immediately 
after the Killing Chiefs' procession has left, and they will depart in 
the same order as on arrival. 

The carriages of the Representatives and spectators will be brought 
in by territorial blocks after those of the Heads of Local Governments 
and Administrations, leaving in the same way as the latter. 

A band will play at the pavilion after the departure of Their 
Imperial Majesties until the processions have passed out. 



Directions regarding Routes, Driving 
Passes, etc., to be used for the State Entry. 



1. Ruling Chief* will enter the Fort 1>y the Lahore Gate, and 
will proceed to that point by one of two routes, n'z. 

(<?) Along the Mall from Kingsway junction thence rid Alipur 
Road to Kashmir Gate, under Lothian Hridge and thence 
by the Kl pr'ni Road to ihe Lahore (late.* 

(7>) Down Mall as far as Prince's Road junction thence rift 
Prince's Road, Kingsway, Canal Road, Rajpur bridge, 
Imperial Avenue, Southern portion of Central Avenue 
and Malkaganj Road to junction of (irand Trunk Road. 
Along (Irand Trunk Road, south of Tis fla/ari Maidan, 
thence across Rail\\ay bridge and thence due east towards 
Kabul date thence skirting west of city walls to Lahore 
dale of city, thence to Chandni Chowk and by ttouth side 
of Chandni Chowk to Lahore (Sate of Fort.f After passing 
the junction of the Esplanade Road they must proceed 
hy the norlli, side of last portion of the Chandni Chowk. 

2. Instruction? regarding ronle. rnstructions will he issued through 
Political OIKcers showing which of above routes is to he taken by each 
Ruling Chief. Chiefs living in the Provincial Camps will travel hy 
the (Irand Trunk Road and the latter part of H route. 

3. Drivers' Paws. Drivers should wear the special red and white 
badge (Ruling Chiefs). 

4. Admitftton Tickrfv. None will be required. 

5. Time of starling andarriral. Arrangements should be made by 
Political Officers for all Chiefs to arrivtMn the Fort by 9 A.M., at latest. 

(). Parking. The carriages of Ruling Chiefs will be parked under 
the orders of the Police on the east side of the Main road of the Fort. 

7. Escorts of Ruling Chiefs who approach by route (tr) will stop at 
the junction of Elgin and Queen's Roads, where they will be marshalled. 
Those of Chiefs approaching by route (Z>) will turn off at Elgin Road 
to be marshalled. The Escorts, after being nuirshalled, will move up to 
the east end of Queen's road^and thence down the lload between the 
Fort and Elgin Road. The head of the line will draw up outside the 
Lahore Uate of the Fort. They will enter the Fort and fall in behind 
their Chiefs as each of tho latter passes in Procession C. 

* The portion of the Mull b,-tvvoen Kiritfsway and thu corm*r of Central Aujnuo will In- 
sufficiently free of troops to allow of tr.ithc ,t 8 A.M 

| The iibove to he sufficiently clear of troops horn (5-.V> A.M.^ 



Tho Governor of Jggjjy- 8. Heads of Provinces and Ad- 

Lieutenant-Governor, Punjab. ministrations taking fart inProces- 

;; Surma.' sion A will proceed to the Fort vid 

;; ',; East*- Bengal t j ic Alipur Road and Kashmir Gate 

and Assam. ji -n A. i_ ^i _ 

United Provin- entering the Fort by the Lahore 

Chief Commissioner, Central Provinces. Gil/t. 

9. Drivers 9 Pauses. The Drivers should wear the special yellow and 
white badges for High Officials. 

10. Admission Tickets. -?tone will be required. 

11. Time for starting and arrival. Camp officers should arrange 
for carriages to be in the Fort in time for the Heads of Provinces to 
be 011 the Selimgarh platform by 9-25 A.M. at latest. 

12. Parking. Carriages will be parked along the road at back of 
the Reception Pavilion leading behind the barracks to the Lahore 
Gate. Escorts will be stationed near the carriages on ground to the 
south-west of this road. 

13. Departure. Immediately after their presentation at the Rail- 
way station Heads of provinces will proceed on foot or by rickshaw to 
their carriages. The latter will then move off, picking up their escorts 
as they pass them, and will drive along the Main Road to the Delhi 
Gate of the Fort, proceeding at a tiot by the processional route to the 
Ridge Pavilion. 

14. Military Officers taking part in Procession E will enter by 

the Labor 3 Gate of the Fort. 

15. H. E. the Governor-General will arrive at Selimgarh vid the 
processional route at 9-30 A.M. 


10. Other High Officials* privileged to attend at Selimgarh but 
The chief justice of Bengal. not taking part in Procession A 

KmSo^^uve councu " * U proceed to the Selim- 

of the Governor-General. gai*!! DaStlOU by the Allplir 

The N.ival ComnmiultT-iii-Chlef. l{rwl fiiviniio> nfT hv thi A ainoTiitnv 

The Gi-ueral Officer Commanding, IvOatl, Illllllllg Oil Dy me ASiniUlpUl 

southern Army. lload vast the Kudsia Gardens on 

The General Officer Commanding, A T> . ,, . , , . . 

Northern Army. the new Bela Road and driving 

The AgentTo ihe^ov^rnor-Generai m thence direct to the Sallyports under 
Rujputonu. the Fort Wall. 

The Resident at Hyderabad. 

^82SS5r "SaAES&S TAe^ffh Officials i quylion 
Frontier Province. at'e advised to use motors as far as 

The Chief Commissioner and Agent to !/ j j. 'J j 7 

the Governor-General in Baluchistan. possible in order to avoid delay in 

NOTE - Military Officers taking part in the Procession or privileged to appear on Selim- 
garh platform will, if they are 011 inspection duty with troops lining the roads, be allowed to 
pi oeeed either to the Lahore Gate of the Foi tor to the Sallyports by any route most con- 
venient to them. 


The Agent to the Governor-General in r fiddling ti 6 Ridge PaviLlOil after 

The nt Sm I Jrai a ' officer commimdinK, the departure of Their Majesties 
*%**,**. Pom the SeUmgarh * M (* 

The Commissioner of Delhi. below), and dlSO Oil account OJ the 

salutes to be fired from the Batteries on the Itidye. 

17. Drivers' Passes. Drivers should wear the special yellow and 
white badges " for certain High Officials." 

IS. Admission Tickets. None will be required. 

19. Time of Starting and Arrival. Carriages should be timed to 
arrive at the Sallyports not later than 9-15 A.M. 

20. Parking. Carriages will be parked in the ditch near the 
Sallyports, in the order shown on the badges. 

21. Members of His Majesty's Suite. The above arrangements 
also apply to the members of His Majesty's suite who arrive in Delhi 
in advance of His Majesty, and do not take part in the Procession. 


22. Pardah Ladies specially invited to view the procession from 
the Delhi Gate of the Fort will proceed by the same routes as the 
Ruling Chiefs in whose camps they are resident, as far as the Lahore 
Gate of Fort, but instead of entering the Lahore (rate will continue by 
the Elgin lload to the Delhi Gate of the Fort. 

23. Drivers 9 Passes. The special blue and white badge* for Pardah 
Ladies will be worn by drivers. 

24. Admission Tickets. Invitation tickets ^Lould be 

25. Time of Starting and Arrival. Political Officers will arrange 
time of starting ; carriages must arrive at Delhi Gate not later than 
9-15 A.M. 

26. Parking. Carriages will bo parked in the order of hadges 
behind the married quarter barracks to the west of f lain road of the 
Fort. 4 

27. Departure. Pardah Ladies will leave by the Delhi Gate of the 
Fort after the Processions have left the Fort. 


28. Press representatives who are invited to view the arrival of 
Their Majesties at Selimgarh Station will proceed there direct by the 
icute described in paragraph*16 above. 

NOTE. -A few selected Prehs representatives will be able to view the arrival of Their 
MajeHtieu at Selimftarh Station, or can Kee from the overhead bndtfo above the Fort Gate the 
reception of Their Majesties by the Ruling Chiefs. These representatives can then drive 
ntraufht back to the Ridge Flagstaff Tower and Ridge Road by motor (rirfc advice pant. 1<> 

29. Drivers' Passes. A special drivers' pass (yellow, square, 
with red band numbered, Xo. 1 ) will be issued for the occasion. The 


Officer-in-charge, Press djnp, will be responsible for the issue of these 
passes, which will be given only to residents in the camp. Each resident 
should receive a pass. 

30. Ticket of Admission will be required and must be 
produced ; a special ticket will be issued by the Invitation Bureau. 

31. Time of Arrival. Carriages must arrive at the Sallyports not 
later than 8-45 A.M. 

32. Parking. Carriages will be parked in the Fort ditch separately 
from those of High Officials. 


33. Representatives of British India and all- visitors receiving 
tickets for the Ridge Pavilion will proceed to the pavilion by two 
routes according to the position of their camps. (1) Red "Route, those 
resident in the city and in the area east of Ridge or north of Mall will 
approach by the Flagstaff Tower and Ridge Road. (2) Blue Route, 
those resident in the area lying south of the Mall and west of the Ridge, 
also residents in the Cavalry and Provincial camps, will approach oid 
Central Avenue, Malkaganj and Roshanara Roads, or Grand Trunk 
Road and Roshanara Road. 

Visitors are adrised whenever possible to take the Light Railway 
to Hindu Rao's Station. Means of conveyance will be provided from 
the station to the pavilion. 

34. Time of Arrival. All visitors must he at the Pavilion by 
10-30 A.M. at which time the roads will be closed. 

35. Drivers 9 Passes. The pass to be worn by coachmen for route 
(1) is the square red pass numbered No. 2 ; for route (2) the square 
blue pass numbered No. 3. 

36. Admission Tickets. Visitors will receive invitation tickets 
which will indicate; number and position of their seat. These 

tickets must be produced. 

37. Parking. Carriages of visitors coming by route (1) will turn 
sharp to the right at the pavilion, thence pass along Chanburja Road 
und be parked down Imperial Avenue Road. Carriages approaching by 
route (2) will be parked along Ridge Road towards Mutiny Memorial. 


38. Spectators occupying seat* in the stands on Khas Road 
or Esplanade Road will drive \.id Kashmir Gate and Lothian Bridge 
along the Elgin Road, and up by the Chandni Chowk to the open space 
between the Elgin and Esplanade Roads, and set down to the rear of 
the stands where their carriages will be parked. They must be in 
their scats by 10-15 A.M. Those using the Town Hall stand will 
drive via Kashmir Gate, Lothian Road, Queen's Road and through the 
Queen's Garden to the back of the Town Hall where their carriages 

will be parked. They must be in their seats by 10-30 A.ic. 



Further notes regarding State Entry ; Procedure at 
Ridge Pavilion, etc. 

1. After Their Majesties have left the Selimgarh Bastion those 
High Officials who do not take part in the State processions will at 
once drive to the Ridge Pavilion, by the Alipur and Flagstaff Koads. 
On reaching the Pavilion, their motors will turn to the right down 
Chauburja Road and be parked in the Imperial Avenue, a special park- 
ing ground being reserved for them. 

2. Those Press representatives who are not invited to view the 
arrival at Selimgarh, can view the procession from the stand on the 
Khas Iload opposite the Delhi Gate. These will be conveyed back to 
the Eidge Pavilion vid flagstaff Tower and Ridge Road. 

A certain number of Press representatives will be given seats in 
the Town Hall stand. They will be conveyed back to the Ridge 
Pavilion by the route shown in para. 38 above. 

They should exhibit to the Police the square yellow Pass marked 
No. 1 and should travel in motors. 

The remainder of the Press representatives should proceed from the 
Press Cam}) direct to the Ridge Pavilion. 

The root' of the Chauburja Mosque will be reserved for those repre- 
sentatives who wish to use it. 

3. The President, Durbar Committee, will give the yellow pass marked 
No. 1 to certain other privileged persons who will be allowed to pro- 
ceed on these passes from the stands on the Khas Road ^o the Ridge 
Pavilion, in the same way as Press representatives, provided they 
drive in motors. 

4. The carriages of Heads of Provinces taking part in Procession 
A will on arrival at the Ridge Pavilion be moved down the Ridge by 
Chauburja Road past the Cadet Corps and Press Camj^ and be parked 
with their escorts in order of precedence along the uoshanara Road. 
After the Royal Procession and Chiefs Procession have passed through 
the Pa\ ilion, the carriages will be moved up into the Pavilion in order 
that Heads of Provinces may drive direct to their Camps. 

5. Other spectators will not move from their seats until the carriages 
of the Heads of Provinces referred tt> above have left the Pavilion. 
The carriages of the other High Officials whose coachmen wear the 
special yellow badge for certain High Officials will then be brought up 
in serial order and af terwams those of other spectators. 

6. Members of His Majesty's suite not taking part in the procession 
will drive to the stand at the Town Hall or to the Pavilion on Ridge 
as they may prefer. The drivers should wear the special " yelloiv and 
white ladge for certain High Officials." They will approach the 
Pavilion on Ridge by the Flagstaff Tower and Ridge Road. 


Reception of Ruling Chiefs by His 
. . . Imperial Majesty. . . . 

On Thursday the 7th, Friday the 8th and Saturday the 9th 
of December His Imperial Majesty will receive those Ruling Chiefs 
who are entitled to a salute. The times fixed for the ceremony in each 
case will be communicated to Political Officers. 

The reception will take place in the Audience Chamber in His 
Imperial Majesty's camp. 

Directions regarding Routes, etc. 

1. Political Officers will arrange with the Inspector-General of Police 
regarding the time of departure and arrival of Ruling Chiefs. The 
special drivers 9 laiges for Ruling Chiefs (red and white) should be 
worn by drivers. 

2. Escorts will be restricted as follows : Chiefs with 17 guns and 
over, 2 non-commissioned officers and 12 men ; Chiefs with 15 guns 
and under, 1 non-commissioned officer and 8 men. 


The All-India King Edward 

General Note. 

The scheme for a Memorial to His late Majesty King 
Edward the VII was inaugurated by His Excellency the 
Earl of Minto. Lord Minto's intention was that the 
Memorial should be subscribed to by all classes throughout 
India ; the maximum amount for any individual sub- 
scriber was therefore limited to Us. 5,000 and a total of 
Rs. 5,00,000 was aimed at. This amount was sub- 
scribed in little over a year, the total number of subscribers 
exceeding 75,000. c 

The Memorial will take the form of a bronze equestrian 
statue of the late King-Emperor, on a pedestal of red Agra 
sandstone. It will stand in a garden on the open ground 
between the Jumma Mas j id and the Fort. 

The statue is being prepared by Sir Thomas Brock, and 
the pedestal on which it will stand is being built from 
designs by the same sculptor. 

Ceremonial Programme of the 

Unveiling of c the Memorial Tablet. 

Friday, 8th December, at 3-30 P.M 

1. Their Excellencies the Governor- General and The Lady Hardinge 
of Penshurst will leave their Camp at 2-35 P.M. with an escort of 


Cavalry. Their Excellencies will be accompanied by the Military 
Secretary and one A.-IX-C. 

2. On the arrival of Their Excellencies, the Guards of Honour 
mounted at the entrance will salute, and the Members of the Com- 
mittee consisting of 

The Hon'ble Mr. 11. W. Carlyle, C.S.T., C.I.E., 

The Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muker jee, 

The Hon'ble Mr. 11 Robertson, c.s.r., C.I.E., 

The Hon'ble Sir A. II. McMahon, K.C.I.K., c.s.r., 

The Hon'ble Mr. W. B. Gordon, c.r.E., 

The Hon'ble Mr. C. W. N. Graham, 

The Hon'ble Sir V. D, Thakersey, Kt., 

The Hon'ble Khan Zullikar All Khan, 

The Hon'ble Malik Umar Hay at Khan, C.I.E., 

The Hon'ble Sir Arthur Tver, Kt., C.I.E. (Honorary 


Kaja Sir Harnam Singh, X.C.T.E., 
Mr. J. II. DuBoulay, C.T.E., 
Colonel C. M. Dallas, 
Captain J. Mackenzie (Honorary Secretary), 

and the Executive Officers in charge of the work will be presented. 

3. Her Excellency will be conducted to her seat by the Honorary 
Secretary to the Committee and an A.-D.-C. 

4. Their Imperial Majesties will leave the Royal Pavilion at 2-5& 
P.M. with a Field Officer's escort consisting of one squadron of British 
and one squadron of Indian Cavalry. A Guard of Honour with Band 
and Colours drawn up in front of the Royal Pavilion will give a Royal 
Salute as they a$>pear, and a Royal Salute will be fired from the Fort 
as the Procession starts. 

5. The Procession will be formed as follows : 

Two Privates British Cavalry. 

Interval of 60 yards. 
One Squadron British Cavalry. 

Interval of BO yards. 
* State Landau dk T^ i x> v 

"" R y al Carriage 

With British Officer on either Bide. 

Haifa horse length interval. 

Carriage escort of 2 N.-C.-Os. 

Standard Bearer and 4 Privates British Cavalry. 


Other Carriages included in the recession. 

Interval of SO yards. 
One Squadron Indian Cavalry. 

Interval of GO yards. 
One N. C. O. Indian Cavalry. 

Interval of(>0 yards. 
Two Sowars Indian Cavalry. 

6. The route to be followed will bo, Alipore lload, Kashmir Gale, 
ami Elgin lload. 

7. Their Imperial Majesties will be received by His Excellency the 
Governor-General, the Members of the Executive Committee, and others 
connected with the work who will be presented to Their Imperial 
Majesties by the Governor-General and the Senior Member of the 

8. On the arrival of Their Imperial Majesties at the entrance to the 
garden the Guards of Honour will salute and the Itoyal Standard will 
be hoisted on the Delhi Gate on the Fort. 

9. During the presentation of the Committee, after the above salute, 
a procession will be formed as follows : 

Two Members of II. E. the Governor-General's Staff. 

Two A -D.-Cs. 
Two Equerries in waiting. 

Their Imperial Majesties. 

His Excellency the Governor-General. 
Their Imperial Majesties' Suite in attendance. 
Members of the Executive Committee. 

10. The two Guards of Honour furnished by the senior British and 
Indian Regiments present at Delhi, of which the late King- Emperor 
was Colonel-in-Chief, will be placed on either side of ftie road leading 
from the entrance of the enclosure to tie platform. 

Detachments of all Corps present at Delhi of whom the late King 
Emperor was Colonel- in-Chief will be placed round the perimeter of the 
enclosure. The Standards or Colours and the massed Bands of these 
regiments will be grouped in a convenient place. 

11. On the arrival of the head of the procession at the platform, 
the members of the Suite preceding Their Imperial Majesties will 
halt and face inwards. 

12. Their Imperial Majesties will be conducted to their seats by 
His Excellency the Governor-General and the remainder of the Suite 
will take their seats close to the Royal Dais. 

The Members of the Executive Committee will proceed to the 
places allotted to them. 


13. As the procosskn advances a flourish of trumpets will be 
sounded by the trumpeters stationed round the platform and all 
present will rise and remain standing until Their Imperial Majesties 
are seated. 

14. His Excellency the Governor-General will, then, present an 
address to His Imperial Majesty on behalf of the Executive Committee, 
to whom the Memorial scheme has been entrusted. 

His Imperial Majesty, nfter replying, will advance to the base of 
the pedestal accompanied by Her Imperial Majesty, and will unveil 
the Memorial Tablet. 

15. The assembled troops will give a Hoyal Salute, the massed 
Bands will play the National Anthem and a salute of 101 guns will 
be fired by the Battery stationed near the Water-Gate of the Fort. 

The Senior Member of the Executive Committee will then hand a 
miniature of the proposed statue to His Excellency, who will ask His 
Imperial Majesty to graciously accept it. 

10. All present will rise as Their Imperial Majesties advance to the 
pedestal and will remain standing throughout the remainder of the 

17. On the completion of the Ceremony Their Imperial Majesties 
will take their departure, a procession being formed as on arrival and 
the Guards of Honour will give the Royal Salute. 

18. The Order of Procession on return will be the same as for 
arrival, and a Royal Salute will bo given by the Guard of Honour on 
duty at the Royal Pavilion on Their Imperial Majesties' arrival there. 

19. The voute will be lined throughout with troops. 

20. After the departure of Their Imperial Majesties, Their Ex- 
cellencies will return to Cam}), the same formalities being observed as 
on their arrival. 

21. All spectators should be in their places by 2-55 P.M. 


Instructions for Routes, Passes, etc. 
A. Ruling Chiefs and High Officials. 

1. Route. Rnling Chiefs and High Officials have the choice of two 
roads to the Mori Gate : 

(a) Vii the Mall, Khyber Pass and Rajpur Road; but the 
portion of this route from the Khyber Pass to the junction 
of Rajpur Road will not be available after 2-35 P.M. 


(b) Vid the Prince's Road, Central A\enuc, Imperial Avenue, 

Chauburja Road, Raj pur Road and Boulevard Road. 
From the Mori Gate the route will be across the Dufferin Bridge 
Did the Queen's Gardens and Chandni Chauk to Esplanade Koad and 
to the north entrance to the Memori t al Garden on TChas Road, walking 
thence to their seats in A and F Blocks. 

2. Drivers' Badges. Red with white hand for Ruling Chiefs and 
yellow with white band for High Officials. 

3. Admission Tickets. Invitation Cards must be 

4. Time of Arri ral .2-55 P.M. 

5. Parking. Empty carriages and motors will continue down tin* 
Khas Road and turn to the left where they will be parked behind the 
Spectators' Stands. There will be two parks flagged red and white 
and yellow and white for the carriages and motors of Ruling Chiefs 
and High Officials, respectively. 

6. Departure. -Departure will be by the same route 1 and carriages 
and motors will be called up as required. 

B. Visitors with Tickets for Block B. 

7. "Route. Same as paragraph 1 : visitors will walk from the 
entrance to their seats in B Block on the right of the approach 

8. Drivers' Passes. Red star" shape, numbered Xo. 12. 

9. Admission Tickets. Invitation Cards must be 

10. Time of Arri ral for carriages. 2-45 P.M. 

11. Parking. Kmpty carriages and motors will continue down the 
Khas Road and turn to the left where they will be partted behind the 
Spectators' Stands. The parking ground will be flagged red. 

C. Other Invited Guests, with Tickets for 
Block P. 

12. Route. Other invited guests after passing the Dufferin 
Bridge and the north-east ^ate of the Queen's Gardens will turn 
to the right and leaving the gardens at the Towu Hall, will cross 
Chandni Chauk and proceed along Egertou Road past the Jumma 
Masjid to the south entrance to the Garden. The entrance will be 
flagged blue. 

13. Drivers' Passes. Blue, star shape, numbered No. 13. 


14. Admission Tit kefs. Invitation Cards must be 

L5. Time of Arrival. 2-55 P.M. at latest. 

16. Par HJI^. Empty carriages will proceed along the same road 
and then turn" to the left to the parking ground, which will be 
flagged bine. 

L7. Departure. Carriages will not be permitted to leave the 
parking ground until the Ruling Chiefs and High Officials have 
departed, after which they will return by the route by which they 

D- General Public. 

18. Spectators having seats on the stands along the Khas Road 
must proceed to their stands via the Chandni Chauk as the traffic 
along the Ksplanade Road will be closed after 12-55 o'clock except for 
Special Pass-holders. 

19. Carriages will be diverted from the Chandni Chauk to the 
right on to the Maidan or open space between Esplanade and Elgin 
Roads, and will be parked north of the carriages of the Ruling 
Chiefs and High Officials. Spectators must proceed on foot from 
the parking ground to the stands. Carriages will not be allowed to 
leave the parking ground until all the Killing Chiefs and High 
Officials have passed into the Chandni Chauk. 


Military Church Parade. 

General Note. 

On Sunday, December 10th, Their Imperial Majesties 
will attend a Military Church parade on Jagatpur Island, 
opposite the Delhi Garrison Troops Camp. They will 
reach the Parade ground at 10-30 A.M. 

The service will be attended by about 8,000 troops and 
by officers and their families ; a small number of scats will 
be allotted to residents in the civil camps. There will be 
no accommodation for other visitors from the civil camps. 

Instructions regarding Routes, Passes, etc., 
for the Military Church Parade. . 

Their Imperial Majesties will leave the King-Emperor*s Camp at 
10 A.M. and take the following routes . Kingsway, The Mail, Corona- 
tion Road, Military Road, Island Road, Jagatpur Island. 

2. They will return by the following route : Jagatpur Island 
Road, Sirhind Road, Kings way. 

3. Roads to be closed. The route via Kingsway smd Coronation 
Road will be closed to all traffic from 9-30 A.M. until alter the Royal 
Procession has passed. 

4. Che return route will le closed as follows : 

Island and Sirhind Roads and Kingsway from Sirhind Road 
to Dahirpur from 11-20 A.M. Kingsway from Dahirpur to King's Camp 
from 11-35 A.M. 

5. In addition to the Coronation Road before the hour of 9-30 A.M. 
the following routes will be open to persons attending the Service : 

(i) Wa/irabad Road or Magazine Road to Jagatpur Island 

Bridges ; 
(ii) Sirhind Road and Island Road. 

6. With the exception of those who have tickets for the Service civil- 
ians will not be allowed to cross the Jagatpur Island Bridges after 8 A.M. 


Presentation of Colours. 

General Note. 

At 11 A.M. on Monday, the llth, the King-Emperor 
will present colours on the polo ground to the following 
Regiments : 


1st Battalion, The Northumberland Fusiliers. 

RAISKD 1674. 

Battle Honours of The Northumberland Fusiliers. 
Wilhclmstahl. Eadajoz. Lucknow. 

St. Lucia, 1778. Salamanca. Afghanistan, 1878-80. 

Rolica. Vittoria. Khartoum. 

Vhuiera. Nivctte. South Africa, 1899- 

Corunna. Orthcz. 1902. 

Bnsaco. Toulouse. Modeler River. 

Ciudad Rodrigo. Peninsula. 

1st Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry. 

RAISED 1758. 

Battle Honours of The Durham Light Infantry. 
Salamanca. Koosh-Ab. Inkerman. 

Pyrenees. South Africa, 1899- Persia. 

Orthez. 1909. Bushire. 

Alma. Vittoria. Xew Zealand. 

Sebastopol. Nivottc. Relief of Ladysmith. 

Reshire. Peninsula. 

2nd Battalion, The Black Watch. 

RAISED 1779. 
Battle Honours of The Black WaU-h (Royal Highlanders}. 

The Sphinx, superscribed " Egypt. " 
Guadeloupe, 17^9. Corunna. Orthez. 

Havannah. Fuentes d'Onor. Peninsula. 

Mangalore. Nivette. South Africa, 184-6-7, 



Sebastopol. Scringapataui. Alma. 

Ashantee. Busaco. Lucknow. 

Tel-cl-Kebir. Pyrenees. Egypt, 1882-1884. 

Kirbekan. Nive. Nile, 1884-85. 

Martinique, 1762. Toulouse-. South Africa, 1899- 

Mysore. Waterloo. 1902. 


1st Battalion, The Seaforth Highlanders. 

RAISED 1777. 
Baffle Honours of The Seaforth Highlanders (Ross-shire 

Buffs, The Duke of Albany's}. 
The Elephant, superscribed " Assays. " 

South Africa, 1835. 


Peiwar Kotal. 
Kabul, 1879. 

Afghanistan, 1878-80. Koosh-ab. 
Tel-el-Kebir. Central India. 
Atbara. Charasiah. 
South Africa, 1899- 
1902. Kandahar, 1880. 
Mysore. Egypt, 1882. 
Tape of Good Hope, 
1806. Chitral. 
Java. Khartoum. 
Sehastopol . Paawleberg . 

2nd Battalion, The Gordon Highlanders. 

RAISED 1794. * 

Battle Honours of The Gordon Highlanders. 
The Sphinx, superscribed " Egypt " j The Royal Tiger, superscribed 


Mysore. Egypt, L882, 1884. South Africa, 1835. 

Eguiont-op-Zee. .Nile, 1884-85. Lucknow. 

Comnna. Tirali. Kabul, 1879. 

Almaraz. Defence of Ladysniith. Afghanistan, 1878-80. 

Pyrenees. Seringapatam. Tel-el-Kebir. 

Orthex. Mandora. Chitral. 

Waterloo. Fuentes-d'Onor* South Africa, 1899- 

Delhi. Vittoria. 1902. 

Charasiah. Nive. Paardeberg. 

Kandahar, 1880. Pcnin*ula. 

1st Battalion, The Highland Light Infantry. 

RAISED 1777. 

Battle Honours of The Highland Light Infantry. 
The Elephant, superscribed "Assaye" ... The Castle and Key, 

Ciudad Rodrigo. 






South Africa, 1851-2-3 

Central India. 


Moddor River. 


superscribed " Gibraltar, 1780-83," and with the motto " Montis 

Insignia Calpe " underneath. 

Caruatii*. Waterloo. 

Mysore. Sebastopol. 

Seringapatauu Egypt, 1882. 

Roleia. South Africa, 1899- 

Coruima. 1902. 

Fuentes d'Onor. Sholinghur. 

Kadajoz. Hindoostan. 

Salamanca. Cape of Good Hope, 

Pyrenees. 1806. 

Nive. Vimicra. 

Toulouse. Husaco. 

1st Battalion, The King's Own Scottish 

RAFSKD 1688. 
JJattl>c Honours of The King's Own Scottish Borderers. 

The Sphinx, superscribed " Egypt." 
Xanmr, 1695. Martinique, 1809. Tirah. 

Minden. Afghanistan, 1878-80. South Africa, 1900-02. 

Kgmont-op-Zee. Chitral. Paardeberg. 

1st Battalion, The Connaught Rangers. 

RAISED 1793. 
Battle Honours of The Conncwght Rangers. 

The Sphinx, superscribed " Egypt. " 




Fuentes d'Onor. 

<_'iudad Rodrigo. 










Central India. 
South Africa, 1877-9. 
South Africa, 1899- 

Relief of Ladysmith. 


18th Infantry. 

RAISED 1795. 

Battle Honour of the 18th Infantry. 
Burma, 1885-1887. 


90th Punjabis; 

RAISED 1799. 

Battle Honours of the 90th Punjabis. 
Ava. Afghanistan, 1878-80. Burma, 1885-87. 

Ceremonial on the occasion of the Presen- 
tation of Colours to the British Battalions. . 

The 4 parade will be drawn up in the form of a hollow square. 

Battalions in quarter column, at the slope, with bayonets fixed. 
Officers and old colours taking post in review order. 

The senior Major and senior Subaltern of each battalion will be on 
the right and the second senior Major and second senior Subaltern on 
the left of the old colours in the line of officers of their battalion. 

All officers except the General Officer Commanding the parade and 
his staff, dismounted. 

The General Officer Commanding the parade and two staff officers 
mounted, 15 paces in front of the interval between the Seaforth 
Highlanders and the Gordon Highlanders. 

The massed bands will be behind the interval between the Seaforth 
Highlanders and the Gordon Highlanders. 

The massed pipes behind the interval bet w eon the Seaforth High- 
landers and the Black Watch. * 

The massed drums and bugles behind the interval between the 
Gordon Highlanders and the Highland Light Infantry. 

One big drum and one side drum from each battalion will be placed 
in the form of a triangleapex towards the Royal Standard. 

The apc'x drums of the Coniiaught Hangers 30 ^>aces from the 
position that will be occupied by His Imperial Majesty. The drums 
of the Northumberland Fusiliers an<> Durham Light Infantry, four 
paces apart, six paces in rear of the drums of the Coniiaught Hangers. 
The drums of the live Scottish battalions in a semi-circle, horns away 
from the Royal Standard, and the head six paces in rear of the drums 
of the Northumberland Fusiliers and ihirham Light Infantry. 

The new colours will be placed unfurled on the drums, draped 
towards the Royal Standard, the King's colour on the right. 

One colour-sergeant and fivo sergeants (with bayonets fixed) from 
each battalion will be in charge of, and one pace immediately behind, 
the pile of drums of their own regiment. 

The Bishop and Chaplains will form up in line six paces from and 
facing the drums, in front of the intervals between battalions a 
follows : 


Church of England . . In front of the interval between 

the Northumberland Fusiliers 
and the Durham Light Infantry. 

Church of Scotland . . In front of the interval between 

the Seaforth Highlanders and 
the Gordon Highlanders. 

Roman Catholic, . . .In front of the interval between 

the King's Own Scottish Bor- 
derers and the Comiaught Ran- 

As the Royal procession reaches the Royal Standard, the General 
Officer Commanding the parade will give the Command Royal salute 
Present arms. 

His Imperial Majesty will inspect the troops as they stand in 
hollow square. 

(His Imperial Majesty will dismount.) 

As soon as His Imperial Majesty has dismounted, the guards on the 
new colours, taking their time from the Counaught Rangers, will form 
simultaneously towards and march back in quick time to their 
battalions, passing by the outer flanks. 

The Chaplains of the Church of England will thetti come to the 
front, and having placed themselves in rear of the drums of the 
English regiments, facing His Imperial Majesty, will read the 
consecration service. At its conclusion they will retire behind 
His Imperial Majesty, passing by the right of the drums. *,.- 

At the same time as the Church of England Chaplains move off, the 
Church of Scotland Chaplains will advance and act as above, placing 
themselves within the semi-circle of the drums and colours of the 
Scottish regiments, facing His Imperial Majesty. The Chaplains will 
retire in the same manner as those of the Church of England. 

Similarly, th -> Roman Catholic Chaplains will carry out the conse- 
cration of the colours of the Connaught Rangers, placing themselves 
in rear of the colours of that battalion, facing His Imperial Majesty. 
The Chaplains will retire behind His Imperial Majesty passing by the 
left of the drums. 

The Commanding Officers, the two senior Majors and the two senior 
Subalterns of each battalion will advance in line in quick time 
(swords at the " Carry ") on to their new colours. 

The Commanding Officer will halt fou** paces in rear and the four 
officers for the colours two paces in rear of the drums of their own 

All officers will then salute and return swords, taking the time from 
the front. 

The senior Major of each battalion will take up the King's colour 
and the next senior Major will take up the regimental colour. 



When all officers are in position and the new colours taken up, the 
Majors and Subalterns for colours ]will advance, moving by the outer 
flanks of the drums, and form up in three columns in front of the 
drums of the Connaught Hangers, the front of centre column being 
ten paces from His Imperial Majesty. At the same time Commanding 
Officers will form up in line four paces in front of the drums of the 
Connaught Rangers 

Colour parties will then advance in slow time, in succession, in 
the order battalions attend on parade, and receive their new colours. 

The massed bands will commence to play a " Troop " as soon as 
the iirst colour party advances to receive the new colours. 

The procedure will be as follows : 

The senior Major of the Northumberland Fusiliers, carrying the 
King's colour will place himself on His Imperial Majesty's left, 
facing him, the second senior Major similarly carrying the regimental 
colour, will place himself on His Imperial Majesty's right, facing him. 

The two senior Subalterns will halt one pace in front of His Imperial 
Majesty (the senior on the right) and face His Imperial Majesty. 

The senior Major will hand the King's colour to His Imperial 
Majesty, from whom the senior Subaltern will receive it, sinking on 
the right knee. 

Similarly the second senior Major will hand the regimental colour 
to His Imperial Majesty and the second senior Subaltern will receive 
it sinking on the right knee. 

Both Subalterns will then rise, the two senior officers salute with 
the right hand and all four officers will move to the ri^it and return 
to their position behind their drums ; the two Majors will take post 
echeloned outwards one pace in front of the Subalterns with the 

When the colour party of the Northumberland Fusiliers lias moved 
off five paces, the colour party of the Durham Li^Jit Infantry will 

The procedure will be the same for the remaining battalions in 

The massed bands will cease playing as soon as the last colour party 
is in position behind their drums. 

As soon as all the regiments have deceived their new colours and 
colour parties have taken up their position in rear of the drums, the 
Commanding Officers will advance in slow time and halt ten paces in 
front of His Imperial Majesty and, facing him, salute with the right 
hand. The Officer Commanding the Northumberland Fusiliers, who 
will be on the right of the line, will be immediately opposite to His 
Imperial Majesty. 

Commanding Officers will advance in succession and His Imperial 
Majesty will hand an address to each battalion commander. As each 


Commanding Officer receives his address, he will salute and move off to 
the right and fall in two paces in rear of his colours, his place in front 
of His Imperial Majesty being taken by the next Commanding- Officer, 
when the officer who preceded him has moved off five paces. 

During the movements as above, the massed bands will again play 
a " Troop." 

The Officers carrying the new colours will let the colours fly as the 
Commanding Officers move forward and will return to the " Carry " 
when Commanding Officers have moved into their positions behind the 

As soon as all Commanding Officers are in position the drums will 
commence a " lloll. " On the first beat of the drums, the Commanding 
Officers and the Majors of the colour parties will draw swords. All 
will then form towards their own battalions, and the roll of drums will 
cease. The massed bands will then strike up the Grenadier March, to 
which the parties will move to a position facing their own battalion 
and J5 paces from it. In this position each Commanding Officer will 
remain two paces in rear of his party, and the two Majors will take 
post echeloned outwards, two paces in front of the colours. 

Battalions will present arms. 

The old colours flying will march to the rear by the outer flank of 
their battalions in slow time. The old colours, when in positions in 
rear of the battalion, will be cased. 

The massed bands will play " Auld Lang Syne" whilst the old 
colours march to the rear, but will cease playing as soon as the colours 
reach No. 2 Company. 

These commands will be given in succession after the old colours 
reach No. 2 Company and the bands cease playing. 

The new colours will take post, colours being let fly. The massed 
bands will play " God save the King/' 

The troops w ; ll order anus as soon as the new colours are in position. 

(iris Imperial Majesty the King-Kmperor will mount.) 

Officers and men will remove choir head-dress and give three cheers. 

(His Imperial Majesty will then withdraw.) 

The troops will remain at the " Present " until His Imperial 
Majesty has left- the parade ground. 

The troops will remain on the ground until the order to march 
home is given. 

Ceremonial on the occasion of the Presenta- 
tion of colours to Indian Regiments : 

The parade will be drawn up in the form of a hollow square. 
Regiments in quarter column of double companies, at the slope, 


with bayonets fixed. Officers suul old colours taking post in review 

(N.B.-TtK' old colours will bi> can led hv the Sni and 1th m-moi jemadars.) 

The senior double company commander uiul the senior jemadar of 
each regiment will be on the right and the second senior double 
company commander and jemadar on the left of the old colours, in the 
line of officers of their battalion. 

All officers except the (Jeneral Officer Commanding the parade and 
his staff, dismounted. 

The General Officer Commanding the parade and two staff officers 
mounted 15 paces in front of the centre of the 18th Infantry. 

The. massed bands and drums will be behind the centre of the 18th 

One big drum and one side drum from each battalion will be placed 
in the centre of the square in line four paces apart and 1JO paces from 
the Royal Standard. 

The new colours will be placed unfurled on the drums, draped 
towards the Royal {Standard, the King's colour on the right. 

One colour-havildar and two havildars (with bayonets iixed) from 
each regiment will be in charge of, and one pace immediately behind, 
the pile of drums of their own regiment. 

As the Royal procession reaches the Royal Standard, the General 
Officer Commanding the parade will give the command Royal 
salute Present arms. 

The massed bands will play the National Anthem throftgh. 

His Majesty will inspect the troops as they stand in hollow square. 

(His Imperial Majesty will dismount.) 

As soon as His Imperial Majesty has dismounted, the guards on 
the new colours, taking their time from the 18th Infantry, will form 
simultaneously towards and march back in quick time to their batta- 
lions, passing by the outer flanks. 

The Commanding Officer, the two t >nior double company command- 
ers and the two senior jemadars of each regiment will advance in line 
in quick time (swords at the " Carry ") on to their new colours. 

The Commanding Officer will halt four paces in rear and the 
British and Indian Officers for the colours two paces in rear of the 
drums of their own regiment. 

All officers will then salute and return swords, taking the time 
from the right. 

The senior double company commander of each battalion will take 
up tho King's colour and the next senior double company commander 
will take up the regimental colour. 

When all officers are in position and the new colours taken up, 
the double company commanders and jemadars for colours will advance 


moving by the right () f their drums and form up in column in front 
of the drums, the front of the column being ten paces from His 
Imperial Majesty. At the same time Commanding Officers will form 
up in line four paces in front of the drums. 

Colour parties will then advance in slow time, in succession, in the 
order battalions stand on parade, and receive their new colours. 

The massed bands will commence to play a " Troop " as soon as the 
lirst colour party advances to receive the new colours. 

The procedure will be as follows : 

The senior double company commander of the 18th Infantry 
carrying the King's colour will place himself on His Imperial 
Majesty's left facing him, the second senior double company 
commander similarly carrying the regimental colour will place himself 
on His Imperial Majesty's right, facing him. 

The two jemadars will halt one pace in front of His Imperial 
Majesty (the senior on the right) and face His Imperial Majesty. 

The senior double company commander \\ill hand the King's colour 
to His Imperial Majesty, from whom the senior jemadar will receive 
it, sinking on the right knee 

Similarly the second senior double company commander will hand 
the regimental colour to His Imperial Majesty and the second senior 
jemadar will receive it sinking on the right knee. 

Both jemadars will then rise, the two double company commanders 
salute with the right hand and all four officers \\i\\ move to the right 
and return t o their position behind their drums; the tuo double 
company commanders \\i\\ take post, echeloned outwards, one pace in 
front of the jemadars with the colour. 

When the colour party of the ISth Infantry has moved off live 
paces, the colour party of the 90th Infantry will advance, and will 
move to the left after the presentation of their colour. 

The massed bands will cease playing as soon as the last colour party 
is in position behind their drums. 

As soon as all the regiments have received their new colours and 
colour parties have taken up their position in rear of the drums, the 
Commanding Officers will advance in line in slow time and halt ten 
paces in front of His Imperial Majesty and facing him, and salute 
with the right hand. The Officer Commanding the 18th Infantry, who 
will bo on the right of the line, will be immediately opposite to His 
Imperial Majesty. 

Commanding Officers will then advance in succession and His 
Imperial Majesty will hand an address to each. As each Commanding 
Officer receives his address, he will salute and move off to the right 
and fall in two paces in rear of his colours, his place in front of His 
Imperial Majesty being taken by the next Commanding Officer. 


During the movements as above, the massed bands will again 
play a " Troop." 

The Officers carrying the ne\v colours will let the colours fly as the 
Commanding Officers move forward and will return to the carry when 
Commanding Officers have moved into their positions behind the 

As soon as all Commanding Officers are in position, the drums will 
commence a " Roll." On the first beat of the drums, the Commanding 
Officers and the double company commanders of the colour parties will 
draw swords. All will then form towards their own battalions, and 
th roll of drums will cease. The massed bands will then strike up the 
Grenadier March, to which the parties will move to a position facing 
their own battalion and 15 paces from it. In this position each 
Commanding Officer will remain two pares in rear of his party, and th 
two double company commanders will take post, echeloned outwards, 
two paces in front of the colours. 

The regiments will present arms 

The old colours flying will march to the rear by the outer flank of 
their battalions in slow time. The old colours, when in position in rear 
of the battalions, will be cosed. 

The massed bands will play " Auld Lang Syne " whilst the old 
colours march to the rear, but will cease playing as soon as the colours 
reach \o. 2 double company. 

These commands w ill be given in succession after t]je old colours 
reuch Xo. 2 double* company and the bands cease playing. 

The new colours will take post, colours being left fly 

The massed bands will play "(toil Save the King.*' 

The troops will order arms as soon as the new colours are in 

(His Imperial Majesty the King-Kmperor will mount.) 

Officers and men will give three cheers, Hritish Officers removing 
their head-dress. 

The troops will remain on the ground until the order to march 
home is given. 

Instructions .regarding Routes, etc. 

1. Routes. See Instructions regarding routes to Polo ground 
(page 83). 

2. Time of arrival : not later than 10-30 A.M. 

3. Closure of roads. The following roads will he closed to 
traffic : 


(a) Kingsway from King's Camp to junction with Prince's 
Road, from 10-30 A.M. to 11-10 A.M. and again from 
12-30 P.M. to the departure of His Majesty. 

(i) Prince's Hoad from junction with Kingsway to junction 
with Bandstand Hoad 10-30 A.M. to the departure of 
His Majesty. 

4. Admission. On production of Polo membership badge ; or of 
ticket of admission to the two roped enclosures for Ruling Chiefs and 
High Officials. Military or Naval Officers in uniform and their 
families will he admitted without production of tickets or badges. 


The Durbar. 

General Note. 

The Durbar will be hold sit noon on the 12tli December 
in an arena composed of two amphitheatres on the same 
site as that of Lord Lytton's Assemblage in 1877 and 
Lord Curzon's Durbar in 1903. The smaller of these 
amphitheatres, which contains about 12,000 seats, is Tor 
the Governors, Commander- in- Chief, Lieutenant -Governors 
and other high officials, the Hilling Chiefs, the Dnrbaris 
from British India and Native States, the guests in 
Government camps and privileged spectators. f Phe larger 
one is intended for the general public and will accom- 
modate over 50,000 persons. On it some six thousand 
places will be reserved for school children and benches 
will be erected to accommodate about 8,000 persons. The 
remaining portions of it will be open to the public. The 
arena will lx> occupied by some iJO,000 troops, representing 
all the units present in Delhi. 

After receiving the homage of the Governors, Chiefs 
and Representatives of British India at the Royal shamiana 
within the inner amphitheatre, Their Imperial Majesties 
will appear at the Royal Pavilion in the centre of the Arena, 
where the Royal Proclamation will be read before the 
whole assemblage. 

Their Imperial Majesties will then return to the Royal 
shamiana, and the Durbar will close. 


Ceremonial Orders for the Durbar. 

1. The Members of the Household, including 1 the Minister in 
Attendance, will leave the King-Kmperor's Camp at 10-15 A.Af. and 
will proceed by the King-sway- to the Durbar Amphitheatre, where 
they will be conducted to their places. 

2. Their Excellencies the Governor-General and Lady Hardingc 
will leave the King-Emperor's Camp at LI -10 A.M. with an escort of 
one squadron of British Cavalry and one squadron of Indian 

On approaching the Amphitheatre their carriage will pass to the 
right along the front of the Spectators' Mound, turn donn the 
Centre Road and proceed to the left by the Circular Road to the 
Durbar Shamiaiia \\hore they uill be received by the Goveriior- 
Gcneral's Staff and conducted to their seats. 

On arrival in the Amphitheatre they will be received with 
salutes by the troops massed in the arena and by the Guards of Honour. 
All present will rise and remain standing until Their Excellencies have 
alighted and taken their seats. 

3. Their Imperial Majesties the King-Emperor and Queen -Empress 
Arrival of Their will drive from the Camp at IL-30 A.M. attended by 

impci wi Mnjestu-s. t wo oquerries-hi-ttaitiiig on horseback and with an 
escort of one Regiment British Cavalry, n Battery of Royal Horse 
Artillery, the Body-Guard, Imperial Cadet Corps, and one Regiment of 
Indian Cavalry. 

The cortege will proceed to the Durbar Shamiana by the route 
described above. 

The Imperial Cadet Corps and tha Body -Guard will remain in the 
procession throughout, but the remainder of the escort will leave the, 
procession as it is about to ento. the Circular Road to pass in front of 
the Amphitheatre and will form up outside the arena. 

4. As their Imperial Majesties enter the Amphitheatre a salute* of 
101 guns will be fired, and when they reach the Durbar Shamiana the 
Royal Standard \vill be hoisted, u Royal Salute will be given by the 
Guards of Honour and all the troops present, and the Massed Bands 
will play the National Anthem. 

Their Imperial Majesties will be received by His Excellency the 
Governor-General as they alight from their carriage, and conducted 
to their Thrones. 

All present will rise as Their Imperial Majesties enter the arena and 
will remain standing until they have taken their seats. 

* The salute will he timed so us to terminate us Their Imperial Majesties 
*ntor the Durbar Shuiniuna. 


On the conclusion of the salute, the Master of the Ceremonies will 
obtain the Kiner- Emperor's command to open the 

Opening of the Durbar. jx , o L l 

The opening of the Durbar will be signalised by a flourish of 
trumpets and roll of drums from the Massed Bands in the arena. 

The King-Emperor has announced his gracious intention of then 
addressing the assemblage. 

6. After this the Governor-General, the High Officials and the 
Ruling Chiefs will do homage in the following 

(1) His Excellency the Governor-General. 

(2) His Excellency the Commandcr-in-Chief and the Ordinary Members of 

the Governor-General's Executive Council. 

(3) The Ruling Chiefs in political relations with the Government of India 

and the Agents to the Governor-General and Residents* in the 
following territorial order, .. 
(i) Hyderabad. (v) Rajputana. 

(ii) Baroda. (vi) Central India. 

(lii) Mysore. (vii) Baluchistan. 

(iv) Kashmir. (\\\\) Sikkim and Bhutan. 

(4) The Chief Justice and Puisne Judges of the High Court, Bengal. 

(5) The Governor-General's Legislative Council. 

(6) His Excellency the GovernorFof Madras. 

(7) The Governor's Executive Council. 

(8) Ruling Chiefs in political relations with the Government of Madras. 

(9) Provincial Representatives of Madras. 

(10) His Excellency the Governor of Bombay. 

(11) The Governor's Executive Council. * 

(12) Ruling Chiefs in political relations with the Government of Bombay. 

(13) Provincial Representatives of Bombay. 

(14) His Honour the Lieutenant-Governor of Bengal. 

(15) The Lieutenant-Governor's Executive Council. 

(16) Ruling Chiefs of Bengal. 

(17) Provincial Representatives of Bengal. 

(181 His Honour the Lieutenant-Goverr Dr of the United Provinces. 

(19) Ruling Chiefs of the United Provinces. 

(20) Provincial Representatives of the United Provinces. 

(21) His Honour the Lieutenant-Governor of the Punjab. 

(22) Ruling Chiefs of the Punjab. 4 

(23) Provincial Representatives of the Punjab. 

(24) His Honour the Lieutenant-Governor of Burma. 

(25) Ruling Chiefs of Burny\. 

(26) Provincial Representatives of Burma. 

(27) His Honour the Lieutenant-Governor of Eastern Bengal and Assam. 

(28) Ruling Chiefs of Eastern Bengal and Assam. 

_ (29) Provincial Representatives of Eastern Bengal and Assam. 

* The Agents to the Governor-General and Residents will each precede their Chiefs and 
remain until the last of these has done Homage. 


(30) The Tlon'ble the Chief Commissioner of the Central Provinces. 

(31) Ruling Chiefs of the Central Provinces. 

(32) Representatives of the Central Provinces. 

(33) Representatives of Baluchistan. 

(34) The Hon'blc the Chief Commissioner ol the North-West Frontier 


(35) Representatives of the North-West Frontier Province. 

7. At the conclusion of the ceremony the King-Emperor and Que<'n- 
DiTSr Wh si"umam\ "til Empress will move* in procession from the Durbar 
Royal Pavilion. ' ' Sliamiana to the Royal Pavilion. 

Thoy will advance hand in hand, their Robes being held by Pages 
and golden Umbrellas held over their heads. 

Then will follow Their Excellencies the Governor-( General and Lady 
Hardinge, the Minister in Attendance, His Highness the Duke of Teck, 
the Duchess of Devonshire, and at a suitable interval the remainder of 
the suite in attendance. 

All will rise as the King- Emperor and Queen-Empress leave the 
Thrones in the Dm bar Shamiana and will remain standing until 
Their Imperial Majesties are seated in the Royal Pavilion. 

Their Excellencies the Governor-General and Lady Hardinge, the 
Minister in Attendance and His Highness the Duke of Teck with the 
Duchess of Devonshire, the Countess of Shaftesbury and the Hon'ble 
Venetia Baring will stand on the second tier of the Royal Pavilion ; 
His Excellency and Lady Hardinge on the right and the others above 
named on the left of the Thrones, round which the Pnges will be 

The Staffs will stand on the next lower platform. 

8. The Bands within the arena will then sound a summons to the 

The Heralds, with the Trumpeters, who will be posted outside, 
will reply with a ilourisli of trumpets and will ride 

Proclamation. . *. y . . .., , ,, * .,, , ,. ... 

up to the Amphitheatre. They will halt at the 
entrance to the Centre Road beyond the Spectators' Mound and sound 
another flourish of trumpets, /fhcy will then ride to the front of the 
Royal Pavilion, form up and sound a third flourish. 

The Herald will then be commanded to read in English the 
Royal Proclamation announcing the Solemnity of His Imperial 
Majesty's Coronation in London on the 22nd Juno 1911, after which 
it will be read in Urdu by the Assistant Herald. 

When the Proclamation has thus been read the Trumpeters will 
sound another flourish. 

As this flourish concludes, the Massed Bands will play the National 
Anthem and the Guards of Honour and troops massed in the arena will 
present arms. All the spectators will rise from their seats and remain 
standing while the National Anthem is being played. On its com- 

* The Massed Bands will play a March during the procession. 


pletion a salute of 101 guns by salvoes of batteries will be tired and 
Uic troops outside the arena will tire a Jen rle joie. 

When the Royal Salute lias been fired the Herald and Tnun- 
Announcemeiit peters will sound a prolonged flourish, after which 
His Excellency the Governor-General will make 
such announcement as His Imperial Majesty may command. 

The Herald and Trumpeters will then sound another flourish, and the 
herald, raising his helmet, will call for three cheers first for the King- 
Kmperor and then for the Queen- Empress which will be joined in by 
all the spectators and the troops inside the Amphitheatre! As soon as 
these cheers have subsided, the General Officer Commanding tho Troops 
outside the arena will similarly call for cheers from them. 

10. Their Imperial Majesties will then return to the Durbar Shamiana 
iietum t<> Durbar in procession* as before, and when they arc again 

siumiuna. seated the Trumpeters will sound another flourish, 

after which the Herald and Trumpeters will retire from the arena. 

The Master of the Ceremonies will next request the King- 
Emperor's permission to close the Durbar, whereupon the Massed 
Hands will play the National Anthem which will bo sung by the whole 

11. Their Imperial Majesties will then depart in the same manner 

and with the same ceremonies as when they came. 
ep! SSstl Their All present will remain standing until they have 

left the arena. 

The procession, will pass to the 1 Centre Road by the Circular 
Road on the opposite side of the Durbar Shamiana to tluA, by which it 
arrived, and when it reaches the end of the Centre Road will turn to 
the left and proceed below the Spectators' Mound to the Prince's Road 
and thence by .that route to the King-Emperor's Camp. 

The first gun of the salute will be fired as the procession leaves the 
arena by the Prince's Road. 

After the departure of the Royal cortege, Their Excellencies the 

Departure of ills Governor-General i nil Lady Hardinge will leave 

Excellency the iJovt-r- the Durbar in the same way and with the same 

nor-General and mem- < ,1. i j i , , 

hers of the Royal honours as on then* arrival, the spectators rising as 
Household. ft\cy enter their carriage. 

After the Governor- General, tho members of the Royal House- 
hold will depart. 

Departure of HiKh High Officials and Ruling Chiefs will then 

officials and others. ) )e condficted to their carriages. 

All others are requested to remain in their places until the above 
have left, and they will then leave in the same manner as on arrival. 


* Massed Bands will play a March during the procession. 


Instructions regarding Routes, Passes, etc. 
for the Durbar* 

A. Ruling Chiefs. 

1. Routes. Killing Chiefs will drive to the Amphitheatre by the 
most convenient road converging on King'SWay, which in the 
case of those residing on Coronation Road will be the Military Road, 
and in the case of those residing on the Prince's Koad will be 
md the Dahirpur Road. 

Carriages of Muling Chiefs coming up Prince's Road will be 
diverted on to fhe Dahirpur Road ; those Princes who are resident 
on Prince's -Koad above the junction of Dahirpur Road must 
drive down Prince's Road on to the Pahirpur Road. 

2. Carriages should not have more than two horses. 

3. Escorts will be on a limited scale and will accompany carriages 
and be parked close by. 

4. Approach to Durbar. Carriages will drive rid Kingsway on 
to the Chiefs' Approach Road near the East Vista of the Amphi- 
theatre ; the road will be flagged red and white. They will thence 
pass along the Circular Road at the back of the* Amphitheatre to the 
point opposite the entrance nearest to their owners' seats, where they 
will set down. (Ann badges to be worn on drivers 3 left arm and 
giving the biocJc letter will be distributed to camp officers.} 

5. Time of Arrival. It should be arranged that Ruling Chiefs 
should arrive not later than 10-4-5 A.M. 

6. Passes.X\\ drivers should wear the special red and white badges 
for Ruling Chiefs. 

7. After setting down, carriages and their escorts should proceed 
along the Circular Road at back of Amphitheatre to the west and wheel 
to the left on to the new Prince's Road to the parking ground S. W. of 
the road ; this will be flagged red and white. Carriages will be arranged 
according to the block letter of their owners' seats in the Amphitheatre. 

8. Departure.- After the departure of H. K. the Governor- General 
and Heads of Provinces, the carriages and escorts of those Ruling Chiefs 
who have scats in the front row at the Durbar will drive into the 
Amphitheatre via the west vista in accordance with the position of 
their block letters and draw up opposite their owners' seats. They 
may leave the Amphitheatre either by the west or east vista by the 
nearest route to their respective camps. 

Carriages of those Chiefs who have not seats in the front row of 
the Amphitheatre will be brought up at the back Circular Koad to 
the owners 3 block letter. 


B. Purdah Ladies. 

9. Route. These ladies will proceed by the same route as the 
Chiefs in whose camps they are resident, and the same procedure will 
apply in regard to the method of approach and setting down of 

10. Time of Arrival. Purdah ladies are recommended to start early 
so as to be in their seats by 9-45 A.M. at latest. 

11. Drivers' Passes. The special blue and white drivers' badge 
for purdah ladies should be used. Arm badges to be worn on drivers' 
left arm and showing the block letter of owners' seat ivill be distri- 
buted to camp officers. 

12. Parking. Carriages, with escorts, if any, will, after setting 
down, proceed along the Circular Koad at back of Amphitheatre and 
wheel to the left to the parking ground flagged blue and white. 

13. Departure. The carriages of purdah ladies will be brought up 
opposite the blocks occupied by their owners after the general public 
have left. 

C. Heads of Local Governments, and High 

Officials having the "Special Pass for 

certain High Officials." 

14. 22 oute. Carriages will proceed by the same route as the 
Kuling Chiefs and the same procedure will apply in regard to the 
approach and setting down of occupants at the Amphitheatre. 

15. Time of Arrival. Carriages should arrive not later than 
10-50 A.M. 

16. Passes. Drivers should wear the special yellow and white 
" badges for certain High Officials." Arm badges to be worn on drivers' 
left arm and giving the block letter of the owners' seat ivill be distri- 
buted to camp officers. 9 

17. Parking. Empty carriages will proceed along the Circular Koad 
at back of Amphitheatre and wheel to the left into the special parking 
ground flagged white and yellow. 

18. Departure. After the procession of H. E. the Governor- General 
has passed on to the Prince's Road the carriages and escorts, if any, 
of Heads of Local Governments, including the C. C. of Central 
Provinces, will drive into the Amphitheatre in order to take up their 

Carriages will not begin to move from the parking grounds until 
the tail of His Excellency's Procession has passed the junction of 
the old and new Prince's Road. 

Carriages of other High Officials in possession of special passes 
loill be brought up at the back of the Amphitheatre to the owners' 
block letter. 


D. Members of King-Emperor's suite not taking 
part in the procession. 

19. The same procedure will be followed at arrival as in the case of 
Heads of Local Governments, but conveyances will not leave the 
King-Emperor's Camp until 10-45 A.M. 

20. The conveyances of members of the King- Emperors suite will 
not be brought up into the Amphitheatre at departure, but will be 
dealt with as in the concluding part of para. 18, coming u$ first. 

E. Other Spectators having tickets entitling 
them to seats in the Amphitheatre. 

21. Important. Camp officers should arrange whenever possible 
that residents in their camps having tickets for the Amphitheatre 
should arrive by railway. Special trains will- be run to the two 
Durbar Railway Stations and conveyances will be provided from the 
broad gauge station to the Amphitheatre. 

The Kingsway from the Mall to Dahirpur will be entirely closed to 
all carriages of which the drivers are iiot furnished with the special 
passes for lluling Chiefs, purdah ladies and high officials (red and 
white, yellow and white, blue and white). The Kingsway from Dahir- 
pur to the Amphitheatre will similarly be closed at 10-20 A.M. 
Prince's Road from the Mall to the Amphitheatre will similarly be 
closed at 10-15 A. M. 

22. Spectators should note that Invitation 
Cards must in every case be shown. 

23. For those spectators having tickets for the Amphitheatre who 
drive to the Durbar, the three following routes have been laid down : 

(a) Red route ; residents in the city ; residents east of Ridge ; 
and residents in area bounded by Coronation Road, Mall 
and Ridge. 

24. Route. Vid Mall, Coronation Road and Mili- 
tary Road joining: Kings way tat Dahirpur. 

25. Time of Arrival : not later than 10-30 A.M. The junction of 
Military lload and Kingsway will be closed at 10-20 A.M. 

26. Drivers* Pass. Red triangular pass numbered No. 4. 

27. Approach to Durbar will be by spectators' road (nagged red) 
at back of Amphitheatre. Carriages will 3et down at platforms marked 
with the colour shown on the pass ; motors will drive up to the right 
of the platform and other carriages to the left. A number will be 
given to each carriage on arrival. 

28. Parking. Carriages after setting down will drive to the 
spectators' carriage parks nagged red and will be parked strictly in 


accordance with their number and the colour of their passes, separate 
parks being set apart for carriages and motor cars. 

29. Departure. Carnages will not be brought up until the Ruling 
Chiefs and High Officials have departed. They will then be brought 
up in their serial order to the platforms at which they arrived, and if 
their occupants are not present on the platforms ready to depart, will 
be passed on back to the parks and come up again later. There will be 
110 objection to visitors proceeding on foot to their carriages. 

(1)) Blue route ; residents in area south-west of Grand Trunk Road 
and -in Cavalry Camps. 

30. Route. nd Azadpur, Review Road, Parade 
and Marsh Roads to overbridge by Durbar 
Station ; crossing overbridge on foot. 

31. Drivers' Passes. Blue triangular pass numbered Xo. 5. 

32. Time of Arrival : not later than 10-45 A.M. 

33. Parking. Carriages will be parked north-west of the over- 
bridge at the Durbar Railway Station. 

There will be considerable delai/ on this route as roads will be 
crowded by traffic from the city to the Spectators' Mound. Residents 
are therefore strongly recommended to travel by rail. 

(c) Yelloiv route ; resident* in triangular area bounded by Grand 
Trunk Road, Ridge, and Mall ; also those on Prince's 

34. Route "By the most convenient route to 
Prince's Road. 

35. drivers' Passes. Yellow triangular pass numbered No. 6. 

36. Time of Arrival : not later than 10-30 A.M. Junction of Mall 
and Prince's lload will be closed at 10-15 A.M. 

37. Approach to Jhirbar, Parking and Departure. Except that 
the approach is by Prince's Itoad instead of Kingsway, the procedure 
will be the same as laid down in 27 to 29 above. 

The parking grounds will be flagged yellow. 

F Press Representatives. 


38. The motors of a certain number of Press representatives will be 
allowed to proceed vid Prince's Road and Dahirpur lload and will be 
parked at the junction of SirMind lload and Kingsway. Those represen- 
tatives who desire to do so will proceed on foot to their motors before 
the close of the ceremony, and will proceed direct to the Press Camp 
vid Kingsway. 

39. These representatives will receive the yellow pass No. 6, with a 
red band bearing special instructions on it. 


G. Spectators proceeding to the 
Spectators' Mound. 

40. Must approach either by railway or by the following route, 
namely, Grand Trunk Road, Review Road, Marsh 

Road. No other route will be open to them ; they will not be 
allowed to approach by any of the roads leading through the Central 
Camp or by the Hela. 

41 . Approach 1o Mound. The Mound will be approached by the 
Circular Road at the back ; spectators will not be allowed to approach 
the Mound from the front. 

42. Time of Arrival. Review and Marsh Roads will be closed at 
10 A.M. to all persons not holding tickets for Amphitheatre or drivers' 

43. Tickets of Admission. None will be required except for re- 
served portion of the Mound. No drivers' passes will be given. 

4'k Parking The carriages of those spectators who drive will be 
parked on a vacant space north -west of the Railway Station and beyond 
the parks of visitors holding tickets for Amphitheatre. 

45. Departure. Spectators on the Mound cannot leave the Mound 
until the spectators in the Amphitheatre have left, and the troops have 
left the arena. They will then be permitted to move by blocks ; those 
who so desire can pass into the arena. 


State Reception. 

General Note. 

Their Imperial Majesties will hold a State Reception 
in His Majesty's camp after the State dinner on the 
evening of December 12th. 

Instructions regarding Routes, etc., for the 
. State Reception .... 

A. Ruling Chiefs, Heads of Provinces and High 
Officials having the special "pass for High 

1. Ruling Chiefs, Heads of Provinces and High Officials will 
proceed by the shortest route to the main entrance on the west (Kings- 
way) side of the King's Camp, and thence keep to the le|t to the arrival 

2. Drivers 9 Badges. Keel with *vhite hand for Ruling Chief ; 
yellow and white for Heads of Provinces, etc. 

3. Admission Tickets. Invitation Cards. 

4. Time of Arrival. From 8 P.M. to 9 P.M. at latest. 

5. Parking. Empty carriages wi>l return to the main entrance and 
turn to the left to be parked in line along the road which forms the 
west boundary of the Camp (Probyn Road). Carriages of Ruling 
Chiefs will be parked to the kouth of the road and those of Heads of 
Provinces, etc., to the north. Empty motors will be diverted to the 
left on to the road leading to the Stables at the south side of the 

6. Departure. At departure carriages and motors will be called 
up as required and will leave by the same route as they arrived. 


B. Other Visitors. 

V. Other visitors will arrive by two different routes shown below 
as the red and blue routes. 

S. Time oj Arrical. From 8 P.M. to 8-45 P.M. at latest. 

9. Drivers' Passes. Shield shaped tickets Nos. 9 and 1 1, coloured 
red or blue according to routes. These will be issued with the invita- 
tion cards. 

10. Description of Route. 

(a) Red Route. l r id the Mall and the Circuit House Road 

to the north-east entrance of the King's 

Camp and thence to the right by the 3rd or southern 
approach road leading to the arrival platform opposite His 
Excellency the Governor-General's tents. This route will be 
used by all camps on and north of the Mall including the 
Military Camps. (Pass No. 9.) 

(b) Blue Route. Via cither the Imperial Avenue or the 

chauburja Road to the south-east entrance of 

the King's Camp. Vehicles will turn to the left 
and proceed by the first or most southern of the three 
approach roads to the arrival platform opposite His Majesty 
the King's tents. This route will be used by all camps on 
the south of the Mall including Civil Station and City. 
(Pass No. 11.) 

11. Parking. 

(a] Empty carriages arriving by the Red route will return by 
the northern approach road to be parked in line along the 
road outside the north boundary of the King's Camp. Motors 
will be parked in line on the serpentine roads to the west 
oi! the arrival platform and also on the central approach 

(b) Carriages arriving by the Blue route will return by the 
northern approach road to be parked in line along the south 
end of Circuit House Road and afterwards along Imperial 
Avenue to the parking ground. Empty motors will be parked 
in line on the central approach road. 

12. Departure. 

(a) Red Route. Carriages will enter the Royal Camp by the 
right or most northern approach % oad, and will leave by the 
right or southern approach road. Motors will be brought 
up first and will depart by the same route. 

(b) Slue, Route. Carriages will enter the Royal Camp by 
the right or northern approach road and will leave by the 
right or southern approach road. Motors will be brought 
up first and will depart by the same route. 



13. It should be noted that carriages and motors will he brought 
up at time of departure strictly in order of their parking numbers. 
(See next paragraph.) Unless occupants are ready when thoir 
carriage arrives their departure will be delayed. 

14. At all entrance gates Police Officers AN ill be stationed who 
will examine drivers' badges and passes, and in the case of vehicles 
other than those of Killing Thief's and High Officials issue ]u'king 
tickets (numbered serially) in duplicate to the driver and occupant. 

15. Escorts. Political Ollicers in charge will be asked to issue 
dehnite instructions to all visitors that no escorts will be allowed. 
The use of motors on this occasion should be encouraged and the 
number of horses in each conveyance strictly limited to two animals. 

16. Visitors should also be warned that no admittance Can 

be obtained to the Camp without a Driver's 
Badge or Pass* 


Presentation of Volunteer and 
Indian Officers. 

General Note. 

At 10-45 A.M. on the morning of the 13th December His 
Imperial Majesty will receive the officers with the Volun- 
teer contingent and the Indian Officers and Senior Sub- 
Assistant Surgeons of His Majesty's Indian Army and the 
Imperial Service troops on duty at Delhi. 

The presentation will take, place on the lawn west of the 
Reception Shamiana in the King-Emperor's Camp. 

Ceremonial Procedure on the occasion of 
the Presentation of Volunteer and Indian 


1. Volunteer Officers will he drawn up facing south in two 
ranks, in order of seniority from the loft, at right angles to the Re- 
ception Shamiana, and at a distance of 50 yards from and north of 
the Royal Standard. The left of the line 10 yards west of line dra\\n 
north and south through the Flagstaff. 

2. The Indian Officers and Senior Sub- Assistant Surgeons will be 
drawn up facing the Royal Standard and 30 yards from it in a line 
of columns. 

3. The centre of the line immediately opposite the Royal Standard. 
Guards of Honour furnished by 

1 st Battalion, The Connaught Rangers, 
1st King George's Own Sappers and Miners 


will be drawn up on either side of the lloyal Standard and in a line 
with it facing west. The British Guard to the north, and the Indian 
Guard to the south of the Royal Standard. 

The Band of the Connaught Rangers will he drawn up imme- 
diately east of the Royal Standard. 

Troops to be in position by 10-30 A.M. 

4. On His Imperial Majesty's arrival on the ground he will be 
received with a Royal Salute by the Guards of Honour. 

5. His Imperial Majesty will inspect the Guards of Honour. 

6. The Presentation of Volunteer Officers \\ill first be proceeded 
with, and then the Presentation of Indian Officers. 

Ceremonial Procedure for the presentation 

of Indian Officers and Senior Sub-Assistant 

. Surgeons 

The Indian Officers of each unit, including Senior Sub- Assistant 
Surgeons, will be formed in columns of fours (sections), in order of 
seniority from the right of the leading section. Smaller units will be 
grouped together. 

Units of the Indian Army and Imperial Service Troops will be 
formed in line of the above small columns, Indian A /my in order 
of precedence of corps, and units of the Imperial Service Troops in 
alphabetical order. 

The columns from right to left will he as follows : 


4 Body- Guards . ;~1 C '*> 

9 Cavalry regiments . . } 2 Columns . I ^7 

4 Mountain Batteries . J | 4 

4 Companies, Sappers and ] { 4 

Miners. i I 

2 Railway Companies . I I | 2 

3 Signal Companies . I r 5 Columns . ^_ 3 
30 Infantry Regiments . 9 . \ f 90 

5 Transport Corps . i | { 5 
Medical . . . ! J ! I 4 
Imperial Service Troops . 3 Columns . . 99 

Intervals between columns will be 2 yards. 
Distances between rank 5 feet. 


The following- British Officers will accompany units to present the 
Indian Officers and to regulate the parade, and will form on the 
right of their nnits : 
With each Cavalry and Infantry 2 Officers (Commanding Officer 

Regiment. and Adjutant). 

With each of the Body-Guards . . 1 Officer. 
With each Mountain Battery 1 Officer. 

With eacli Corps of Sappers and 1 Officer. 


With each Railway Company . 1 Officer. 
With each Signal Company . 1 Officer. 
With Transport Corps . . 5 Officers (or less). 
With Medical Corps . . 2 Officers. 

In the ease of the Imperial Service Troops, the Inspector-General 
of Imperial Service Troops will present each Commandant, and the 
latter will present their own Officers ; in addition, the Inspector-General 
will detail Inspecting Officers to assist on parade, but they will not 
advance with their units to where His Imperial Majesty will stand. 

Indian Officers will be presented to His Imperial Majesty in sec- 
tions of fours, but when the number of Indian Officers of a unit is not 
divisible by 4, the last section may consist of 3, or the last 2 sections 
of 5 officers. 

Commanding Officers will be on the right of their leading sections, 
Adjutants on the right of the rear sections. 

Sections will wheel to the left (or right), move along the front of 
the line until the No. 2 arrives on the centre line, when they will 
wheel to the right (or left), the No. 2 then advancing direct on the 
Royal Standard. 

Sections will follow one another at 4 paces distance, in one contin- 
uous column, commencing with the leading section of fours of No. I 

As the kWiig section halts 2 paces from His Imperial Majesty, all 
Officers of the section will salute together, including the Commanding 
Officer. The section will then take one pace to the front, the Com- 
manding Officer taking a pace and a half ; he will then make a half 
turn to his left, the Indian Officers simultaneously presenting their 

The Commanding Officer will then call out in turn the name of 
each Indian Officer in the section. When His Imperial Majesty has 
touched the sword of the last Indian OnVer of the section, the section 
will take 1 pace to its rear, all will again salute, and the section turning 
to its left will move off. The Commanding Officer will retain his 
advanced position throughout and will salute only on his first arrival 
and with the last section of his unit. 

The next section in rotation will at the same time move into its 
plaee 2 paces from His Imperial Majesty, and so on in succession. 


Adjutants will advance with the last sections of their units, but 
instead of taking one, pace to the front after the 1 salute will make a half 
left turn and thns be one pace in rear of their Commanding Officers. 

When a Commanding Officer has presented all his Indian Officers, 
he and his Adjutant will salute with the rear section, take 3 paces to 
their right rear, turn about and march oft'. 

Indian Officers after being presented will march back to Camp. 


Garden Party. 

General Note. 

Their Imperial Majesties will hold a Garden Party in 
the Fort on the afternoon of Wednesday, the 13th of 

2. Their Imperial Majesties will arrive at the Lahore 
Gate of the Fort at 3-30 J'.M. and will enter the Gardens by 
the Nau bat Khana. They have consented to present them- 
selves at the historic Jarnkha in the Masumum Burj to 
the crowds assembled for the Badshahi Mela or people's 
fete, (q. v.) which will be held on the bank of the River 
Jamiia below the walls of the Fort. 

3. Heads of Local Governments and High Officials will 
drive to the Naubat K liana through the Lahore Gate ; 
Ruling Chiefs and Purdah Ladies (for whom special 
arrangements have been made in the Mumtaz Mahal and 
the Naubat Khana) will enter by the Delhi Gate. Other 
guests will reach the Garden Party by the Selimgarh Gate 
of the Fort. The Dewan-i-Khas will be reserved for 
the use of Their Imperial Majesties, but the other historic 
buildings of the Fort will be open to the inspection of 
guests ; the Museum of Delhi antiquities specially formed by 
the Punjab Government for this occasion, and located in 
the Mumtaz Mahal, will also be open for inspection. The 
Massed Bands will play at different points in the Gardens, 
and there will be a display of fireworks on the river bank 
below the walls of the Fort, commencing at about 6 P.M. 
The Fort gardens will be illuminated at sunset. 


Instructions for Routes, etc. 
A. Ruling Chiefs. 

L Ruling Chiefs will enter the Port by the Delhi Gate. 
The following ronte will be closed entirely from 2-40 P.M., ris., Alipur 
Road from Khyber Pass via Kashmir Gate, Lothian Bridge, Elgin 
Road to Lahore Gate of Fort ; Political officers should therefore 
arrange that Chiefs should, as far as possible, use the route by Raj pur 
Road, Mori Gate, Queen's Gardens, Chandni Chaiik and Elgin Road, 
and should use motors in order to avoid the necessity for bringing 

2. Time of Arrival. Ruling Chiefs should arrive at the Delhi 
Gate by 3-10 P.M. at latest. 

3. Escorts, if any, will be left outside the Delhi Gate of the Fort- 
being marshalled in the open space near the junction of Khas and 
Elgin Roads. 

4. Approach to Garden Party will be by main road to the Xtuibat 
Khana where carriages will set down. As soon as carriages ha^ o set 
down they will move sharp to the right. 

5. Parking. Carriages will be parked south of the Naubat Khana. 

6. Drirers' Passes. Drivers should wear the red and white badge 
for Ruling Chiefs. 

7. Departure will be by the Delhi Gate. Escorts, u any, will be 
picked up as the Chief's carriage passes along the Khas or Elgin Road. 

B. Purdah Ladies. 

8. The route to be taken will be the same as that taken by Ruling 

9. Time of Arrival. Xot later than 3 P.M. at Mumta/ Mahal or 
2-30 P.M. at Naubat Khana. (See para. 10.) 

10. Approach. Special provision has been made for purdah ladies 
on the roof of the Mumtaz Mahal and also for a small number on the 
upper storey of the Naubat Khana. Carriages can be driven up to the 
Mumtaz Mahal by the road which will be flagged blue and white 
leading off the main road f"om the Delhi Gate, and a special entrance 
(to be used only by purdah ladies) will be constructed. A special side 
entrance (to be used only by purdah ladies) will also be constructed to 
the south of the Jfaubat Khana. 

11. Parking. Carriages will be parked near the place where they 
set down. 


12. Escort*, if any, must be loft in the same place as escorts of 
Ruling Chiefs. 

13. Driver*' Passes. The special blue and white badge for purdah 
ladies should be worn. Drivers should also wear on their left arm 
a badge, which will be issued with invitations, marked MM or N 
according as tickets are held for the Mumtaz Mahal or Naubat 
Khan a. 

14. Departure will be by the Delhi Gate. Escorts will be picked 
up in passing Esplanade Road. 

C Heads of Provinces and High Officials holding 
the " Special Pass for High Officials." 

15. Route. Conveyances will enter the Fort by the Lahore 
Gate setting down at the Xaubat Khana. It should be carefully 
noted that the route rid Alipur Koad, Kashmir Gate, Lothian Bridge 
and Elgin Koad will be closed at 2-40 P.M. It is advisable 
therefore to use, as far as possible, the route by Mori Gate, Queen's 
Gardens and Chandni Chatik and to utilize motors as far as possible. 

16. Time of arrival. ^ot later than 3-10 P.M. 

17. Escorts, if any, must be left outside the Lahore Gate, and will 
be marshalled on the Camp de Mars. 

18. Drivers 9 Passes. The special yellow and \\hito "badges for 
certain Hig 1 ' Officials" should be used. 

19. Parking. Conveyances after setting down will turn sharp to 
the left and will be parked north of the Xaubat Khana. 

D. Other Guests. 

20. All other guests must enter the Fort by the 
bastion. The most convenient method will be to travel over the 
Durbar Railway (broad gauge) to the Selimgarh Station, and camp 
officers should advise guests to use this method whenever possible. 
Special trains will be run for the occasion. 

21. All guests who drive must approach the sallyport below the 
bastion by the new Bela Road. Approach to this Road for (1) resi- 
dents in Provincial and Cavalry Camps w : ll be vid Grand Trunk Road, 
Dufferin Bridge, Queen's Road under Calcutta Bridge and through 
Nigainbodh Gate; (2) for others either by Alipur Kudsia Gardens 
entrance to Bela Road or by Raj pur Road, Dufferin Bridge, Queen's 
Gardens and Nigainbodh Gate to Bela Road. 

NOTE. Visitors to the Badshahi Mela will not be allowed to use the Bela Road; after 
1 P.M. nor to utilise after this hour the Fort ditch between Selimgurh und the Fort. 


It must be noted that fhe Aliptir Road tot 1 1 be doted from 2-40 
P. if. to 3-20 P.M. and the crowing over the Elgin Road will also be 
closed 10 minute ft before the arrival of the Royal procession. 

22. Drivers' Passes For route (1) the Octagonal blue pass 
numbered No. 7 should be used, for route (2) the Octagonal red pass 
numbered Xo. 8. 

23. Parking. Carriages will be parked in the Fort ditch according 
to tho colour of the drivers' passes. 

24. Admission. Will be by ticket. Tickets BlUSt 1)6 

shown before entering the Fort. 

25. Cloak rooms will be provided in the barracks near the entry to 
the gardens. 



General Note. 

His Imperial Majesty will review the | troops conceutrated 
at Delhi on the 14th December 1911 at 10 A.M., on the 
Badli Ke Sarai Review Ground. 

It is anticipated that thc5 total number of troops present 
will be nearly 50,000, comprised in 45 battalions of infantry, 
13 regiments of cavalry, with 114 guns. 

Review Orders. 

I. The troops under the Command of His Excellency General Sir 
O'Moore Crcagh, V.C 1 ., G.C.H., Commander-in-Chief in India, will 
be drawn up, Officers and colours taking- post in review order, at 
9-30 A.M. in two lines facing south-west, as follows from right to left 
of the lines . 


(1) 3rd Division : 

Divisional Cavalry regiment . In mass. 

Brigade Royal Field Artillery. Tn quarter column of batteries 

at half interval. 

Brigade Mountain Artillery . Ditto. 

Company Sappers and Miners . In company column. 
Signal Company . . .In company column. 
3 Brigades Infantry . . In line of quarter column. 
Divisional Infantry battalion . In quarter column. 

(2) 7th Division : 

(As above). 

(3) Composite Division : 

(As above). 

(4) Garrison of Delhi ; 

Regiment Cavalry . . In mass. 

Company, Royal Garrison In column of sub-sections. 


2 Brigades Infantry . . In line of quarter column. 



(5) Cavalry Division : 

2 Brigades, Royal Horse Each brigade iu quarter column 
lery. of batteries at half interval. 

(NOTE -The 2 Britfadf* <>*' R> Hor-.o Artillery, In the first instance, will lx- in action 
t half interval 200 yards to the right of the first line. After tiring the Imperial Salute they 
will move into their position on the right of the second line, for inspection.) 

3 Brigades Cavalry . . In Brigade mass. 

Field Troop, Sappers and In column of half troops. 

Wireless Signal Company . Ditto. 

(6) Volunteers : 

2 Squadrons Light Horse 7 T 

1 Squadron Mounted Rifles . ) in mass ' 
Company Artillery and Port In line. 

Battalion Infantry . . In quarter column. 

(7) Imperial Service Troops : 

3 Brigades Cavalry . . In Brigade mass. 
Battery Mountain Artillery . In line at close interval. 

4 Companies Sappers and In company column. 

2 Camel Corps 

3 Brigades Infantry . . In line of quarter column. 

4 Transport Corps . . In column of half troops. 
Intervals between : 

Arms and Divisions . .10 yards. 
Brigades and regiments . 5 

Battalions, Sappers and Miners 3 

and Signal Companies. 
Bands will be massed 25 yards in rear of the centre of Divisions. 


2. As His Imperial Majesty the King- Emperor's procession ap- 
proaches the review ground, an Imperial Salute of 101 guns will be 
#red at 3 seconds interval by the 9th and 10th Brigades, Royal Horse 


3. On the arrival of the head of the King-Emperor's procession on 
the review ground, the parade will be brought to attention, carry 
swords and slope arms. As His Imperial Majesty reaches the Standard, 
a Royal Salute will be given. 


4. The King-Emperor will then inspect the two lines. 



5. After the inspection by His Imperial Majesty, the troops will 
inarch past as follows : 

Ifir&t march past Mounted troops at the walk, dismounted troops 
in quick time. 

(i) Cavalry Division : 
Royal Horse Artillery 

By Brigades, in line of batteries 

at close interval. 
By Brigades, in brigade mass. 
In line. 

Cavalry .... 
Field Troop, Sappers and 


Wireless Signal Company 
Distances : 

100 yards between Brigades. 

50 yards between Cavalry, Field Troop, Sappers and Miners and 

Wireless Signal Company, 
(ii) 3rd Division: 

Divisional Cavalry regiment. 
Brigade, Royal Field Artil- 

Brigade, Mountain Artillery. 
Company Sappers and Miners 
Signal Company 
Brigade Infantry 
Divisional Infantry Battalion 
(iii) 7th Division 
(iv) Composite Division 
(v) Garrison of Delhi 
(vi) Volunteers : 

Light Porse and Mounted 


Artillery, Port Defence, In- 
(vii) Imperial Service Troops : 

Cavalry .... 
Camel Corps 
Mounted Battery 
Companies Sappers and Miners 
Infantry .... 
The Transport Corps will not march past. 

Distances : 

200 paces between Divisions. 

150 paces between Brigades of Infantry. 

60 paces between arms and Brigades of Artillery. 

In lino. 

In mass. 

In line of batteries at close in- 

In line. 
In line. 

In line of quarter column. 
In quarter column. 
As above. 
As above. 
As above. 

In mass. 

In quarter column. 

In column of squadrons. 


In line at close intervals. 
In line. 
In column of double companies. 


Second march past lloyal Horse Artillery and Ca\alry (including 
Divisional Cavalry regiments and Imperial Service Cat airy) at the 
gallop as follows : 

Batteries lloyal Horse Artillery. In line at half intenal. 
Regiments of Cavalry , .In line. 
Distances : 

Units will march past at 1 minute interval. 


7. After marching past and while the gallop is taking place the 
remainder of the troops will form up in line of Divisional masses on 
the 1st parade line as follows : 
(i) 3rd Division. 
(ii) 7th Division. 
(Hi) The whole of the massed bands of Divisions, immediately 

opposite the Royal Standard, 
(iv) Composite Division, 
(v) Garrison of Delhi and Volunteers, 
(vi) Imperial Service Infantry, Divisional Troops jind Camel 

Distances : 

30 paces between Divisional masses. 

The Cavalry Division after the gallop past will form in column 
of brigade masses on the right of the 3rd Division. 

The Imperial Service Cavalry similarly on the left of the Im- 
perial Service Infantry. 

The 9th Brigade, Royal Horse Artillery, will form up in line at 
half interval, 1,300 yards from and to the east of the Royal Standard, 
with its left on the passing line. 

The lOth Brigade, Royal Horse Artillery, will form up in line at 
half interval, 1,300 yards from and to the w'est of the Royal Standard, 
with its right on the passing line. 
Both Brigades facing inwards. 

The line will then advance in review order (the massed bauds 
playing "the British Grenadiers") to a point 200 yards from the 
Royal Standard, when a Royal salute will be given after which 
there will be three cheers for His Tmperial Majesty the King- Em- 
peror, followed by three cheers for Her Imperial Majesty the Queen- 

As the line advances, the 2 Brigades of Royal Horse Artillery will 
move at a gallop and come into action 900 yards from the Royal 
Standard. After the conclusion of the cheering they will fire an 
Imperial salute of 101 guns at 3 seconds interval, commencing with 
10th Brigade, which will fire 34 guns, the 9th Brigade will then fire- 
33 guns, and the 10th Brigade again the remaining 34 guns. 


Instructions regarding Routes, Passes, etc. 

NOTE. Their Imperial Majesties will travel to the Review Ground 
md Kingsway, Dahirpur Road and Parade Road, and the entire 

route will be closed from 9 A.M. until the Royal 

Procession has passed. 

A. Ruling Chiefs, Purdah Ladies and High 
Officials holding " special passes for High 

Houtes.(a) Those resident north of the Mall should drive md 
Coronation, Kingsway or Prince's Roads, to 
Parade Road, but it should be noted that 
Kingsway, Dahirpur Road and Parade Road will 
not be available after 9 A.M. until the Royal 
Procession has passed. Traffic between these hours 
will be diverted vid the Mall and Route (b). 

(b) Those resident between the Mall and Grand Trunk 

Road should drive via the Mall and Empress 

(c) Those resident south-east of Grand Trunk Road should 

drive by Grand Trunk Road, Azadpur and 

Review Road. 

1. Time i>/ Arrival. All spectators should be in their seats by 9-40 
A.M. at latest. 

2. Approach to Stand*. Carriages will set down near the stand in 
which the occupant's seat is situated. 

3. Parking. The carriages of Ruling Chiefs and High Officials 
will be separately parked according to the serial numbers on their 
driving passes. 

4. Drivers 9 Badges. Drivers should wear the special red and white 
badges for Ruling Chiefs or High Officials (yellow and white). The 
driver should wear on his left arm a badge shoiving the number 
of the stand in which the seat is situated ; these lodges toil I be 
distributed to Camp Officers. 

B. Guests invited to Royal Enclosure. 

6. These will drive to the review ground in the same manner 
as Ruling Chiefs or High Officials, but carriages will draw up at 
the grass plot in front of the Royal enclosure. The carriages of the 
guests to the Royal enclosure will be separately parked immediate- 
ly behind the Royal enclosure. Drivers will be supplied with badges 
to be worn on the left arm bearing the letter 2?. 


C. Other persons having Tickets for the 
Review Stand* 

6. Those should wherever possible approach by railway. The 
Durbar broad gauge railway runs immediately behind the Review 
Stands, and special trains will be run on this occasion. 

7. Persons having tickets for the Review Stands who drive to the 
review ground will approach by three routes : 

(a) Red route ; for all residents north of the Mall. These 
will approach by the Coronation, Kingsway, or Prince's 
Roads to Parade Road before 9 A.M., after which 
time and until the Royal Procession has passed this route will 
be closed. Driving pass ; red diamond pass No. 14 which 
will be issued to Cam}) Officers. 

(b) Slue route ; for all residents south of Mall and also for 
residents east of Ridge, (excluding the City). These will 
drive to the review ground via the Mall and ESmprOSS 
Road. Drivers 9 pass ; blue diamond pass No. 15 which 
will be issued to Camp Officers. 

(c) Yellow route ; for residents in City, Provincial Camps 
and Cavalry Camp. The route will be by Grand Trunk 
Road and Review Road. Drivers' pass; yellow 
diamond pass No. 16 which will be issued to Camp Officers. 

8. Time of Arrival. \\\ spectators must be in their seats by 
9-40 A.M. 

9. Carriages will stop short of the stands and spectators will 
proceed to their seats on foot. 

10. Parking. Carriages of spectators will be parked in parking 
grounds flagged red, blue and yellow according to the colour of the 
drivers' pass. They will be arranged by the numbers which will bo 
given in duplicate to driver and occupant as carriages a. nve. 



General Note. 

His Imperial Majesty will hold an Investiture in the 
Reception Shamiana in the Royal Camp at 9-30 P.M. on 
the evening of December 14th. 

Ceremonial Programme of the Investiture. 

1. All spectators will arrive by 8-15 P.M. 

2. Kuling Chiefs who arc not members of one of the Orders will 
arrive by 8-20 P.M. at the Grand Entrance and will be conducted to 
their places. 

3. A Guprd of Honour will be mounted at the Grand Entrance 
and will pay compliments to those entitled to the honour. 

4. Gentlemen to be invested will arrive* by 8-30 P.M. and be con- 
ducted to the seats which they will temporarily occupy previous to 

5. Knights Commanders, Commanders, Companions and Members of 
the various Orders will arrive by 8-25 P.M. and 8-15 P.M., respectively, 
and will assemble in the tent set apart for them. 

6. Knights Grand Commanders and Knights Grand Cross will arrive 
by 8-35 P.M. and will be conducted to their assembling tent. 

7. At 8-45 P.M. the Commanders, Companions and Members having 
been marshalled in the ante-room, a procession will enter there in the 
following order : 

Two Gentlemen Ushers. 

The Assistant Secretary in the Foreign Department. 

Commanders, Companions and Members in their proper order. 

Two Gentlemen Ushers. 

8. On reaching the front of the dais, the Commanders, Companions 

* The Entrances to be used are notified in the "Instructions regarding Routes " issued 
to Camp Officers. 


and Members will file off right and left and proceed to the scats allotted 
to them. 

9. At 9 P.M. the Knights Commanders will similarly proceed to their 
seats, entering in the following order of procession : 

Two Gentlemen Ushers. 

The Under-Secrctary, Foreign Department. 

Knights Commanders. 

Two Gentlemen Ushers. 

10. At 9-10 I'.M. a procession of the Knights Grand Commander* 
and Knights Grand Cross will enter in the following order : 

Two Ghobdars. 

Two Gentlemen Ushers. 

The Deputy Secretary, Foreign Department. 

Knights Grand Commanders and Grand Cross in their proper order, 

each with two attendants. 

Two Gentlemen Ushers. 

Two Chobdars. 

11. On reaching the front of the dais, the Knights Grand Command- 
ers and Grand Cross will file off right and left and proceed to their seats. 

12. A march will be played by the band for each procession. 

13. At 9-20 P.M. the Governor-General of India and Lady Hardingc 
and staff will arrive at the Grand Entrance, where a procession will bo 
formed and will advance to the dais in the following order : 

Chobdar. Chobdar. 

The Undersecretary, Foreign Department. 
A.-D.-C. A.-D.-C. 

A.-D.-C. A.-D.-C. 

Comptroller. Surgeon. 

Military Secretary. Private Secretary. 

Foreign Secretary. 

H. E. Lady Hardinge. H. E. the Governo* -General. 

Pages. Pages. 

A.-D.-C. A.-D.-C. 

Chobdar. Chobdar. 


14. All present will rise and remain standing until Their Excel- 
lencies are seated. 

15. Their Imperial Majesties will arrive at the Grand Entrance 
at 9-30 P.M. where a proces-ion will be formed, proceeding to the dais 
in the following order -. 

Chobdar. Chobdar. 

Delhi Herald. 

Gentlemen at Arms and Royal Archers. 
A. M. S. 


A. M. 8. Lieut.-Col. Sir Havelock Charles. A. M. S. 

Equerry. Equerry. Equerry. 

Sir James Dnnlop-Sniith. Rear-Admiral Sir Colin Keppel. 

Major-General Lieutenant-General Si j; dwar a Henry. 

Sir Stuart Beatson. Sir H. Smith-Dorrien, oir * uw ru ur J- 

Sir John Hewctt. The Lord Annaly. The Lord Stamfordhani 

The Earl of Shafteshury. The Earl of Durham. 

The Queen-Empress. The King-Emperor. 

Pages. Pages. 

Attendants. Attendants. 

The Duke of Teck. The Marquis of Crewe. 

The Duchess of Devonshire. 

The Hon'ble Venctia Baring. The Countess of Shaftesbury. 

Br.-Genl. Grimston. Sir Henry McMahon. 

Assistant Herald. 
Chohdar. Chohdar. 

16. The entry of this procession will be announced hy a nourish of 
trumpets, at which all present will rise and remain standing till Their 
Imperial Majesties are seated. The National Anthem will be played 
by the band as they enter, and thereafter a Grand March till the pro- 
oession has been completed. 

17. A Guard of the Imperial Cadet Corps will be posted on the 
right and left of the dais. 

18. Their Imperial Majesties will take their seats on the dais 
attended there by Their Excellencies the Governor- General and Lady 
Hardinge, also by the Minister in Attendance, and the Duchess of 
Devonshire. The Governor-General and the Minister in Attendance 
will sit on the right of the King-Emperor, and Lady Hardinge and the 
Duchess of Devonshire on the left of the Queen-Empress, but below 
the dais. 

19. The other officers summoned in attendance will take their places 
on the right and left. 

20. After obtaining permission, with the usual reverence by bow- 
ing, the Master of the Ceremonies will then announce the Knights 
Grand Commanders and Knights Grand Cross to be invested, who will 
each advance opposite the King-Emperor from left to right, one by 
one, and, with the usual reverence by bowing, will kneel upon the 
right knee. 

21. The King-Emperor will then proceed to invest each one by 
placing the Riband and Badge of the Order over his right shoulder, 
obliquely to the left side, and affixing to his left breast the Star. 

22. After Investiture, the Knight Grand Commander or Knight 


Grand Cross will vise,* and, after bowing to the King-Emperor, will 
retire by the right of the dais to the seat provided for him. 

23. When the Investiture of the Knights Grand Commanders 
and Knights Grand Cross has been completed, the Master of the Cere- 
monies will announce the Knights Conmiaiulers one after another 
in their proper order. 

24. Each will advance from the left opposite the King-Emperor, 
where he will make the usual reverence by bowing and then kneel 
upon the right knee. 

25. After, if necessary, receiving the honour of Knighthood, he 
will be invested by the King-Emperor who will place the Riband and 
Badge round his neck and affix the Star to his left breast. He will 
then rise,* and, after bowing, will retire to the right of the dais and 
take the seat allotted to him. 

26. The procedure in the case of gentlemen to be created Knights 
Bachelors, who will follow the Knights Commanders, will be similar, 
each making the usual reverences, and* kneeling on the right knee to 
receive the honour of Knighthood, afterwards retiring by the right to 
the seat allotted to him. 

27. Commanders, Companions and Members of the several Orders 
and recipients of the Kaisar-i-Hind decoration will next likewise ad- 
vance from the left on their names being announced, and will make 
the usual reverences,* kneeling on the right knee to receive the 
Badges of their respective Orders, and decorations, which will bo 
affixed by the King-Emperor. 

28. After the above have passed to their seats, the Master of the 
Ceremonies will, with the usual reverence by bowing, announce the 
completion of the investiture, and a procession will be formed in the 
reverse order of that on the arrival. 

29. The Guard of the Imperial Cadet Corps will then close round the 
dais and remain till the company has departed. 

30. A band will play during the ceremony. The National Anthem 
will be played when Their Imperial Majesties rise to leave, and their 
departure will be announced by a flourish of trumpets. 

31. The various grades of the Orders will then depart in the reverse 
order to that observed on arrival, the Knights Grand Commanders ami 
Knights Grand Cross leaving first and the Companions and Members 

32. Spectators will retain their seats until the last procession has 
passed out. 

* In an oases before rising the gentlemen invented will kiss the King-Emperor's hand in 
tne usual manner. 




Instructions regarding Routes, etc. 

1. Times of arrival should be carefully noted. General Spectators, 
8-15 P.M ; Ruling Chiefs, not members of orders, 8-20 'P.M.; gentle- 
men to be invested 8-30 P.M.; Knight Commanders, Commanders 
and Members of orders, 8-25 and 8-15 P.M. ; Knight Grand Comman- 
ders and Knights Grand Cross, 8-35 P.M. 

2. Assembling tents will be placed on the West Side of the 
road opposite the Grand Entrance to the Investiture tent. Gentlemen 
to be invested and Members of orders will on their carriages reaching 
the arrival platforms descend on the West Side, and walk to the 
Assembling tents, leaving the remainder of the occupants of their 
conveyances, if any, to use the arrival platform. 

Other Instructions. 

Other Instructions are the same in every respect as those printed 
for the State Reception, pages 50 to 52. 


Review of Police. 

General Note. 

His Imperial Majesty will at 11 A.M. on Friday, the 15tli 
December, hold a review of the police force assembled in 
Delhi. The review will be held on the Polo ground. 

Programme for the Review of Police; . 

1. At 11 A.M. on the 15th December 1911, His Imperial Majesty 
the King-Emperor will hold a Review of the Police force present at 
Delhi in connection with the Coronation Durhar on the Camp Polo 

2. Their Imperial Majesties will leave Camp at 10-45 A.M. attended 
by their suite and escorted by one squadron of British and one 
squadron of Indian Cavalry. The route from the Camp to the Polo 
Ground will he lined by troops. 

3. The force to be reviewed will be constituted approximately as 
follows : 

(a) All Gazetted Officers on duty at the Durbar. 

(b} All non-Gazetted Officers who can be spared from duty. 

(c) The following Head Constables and men : 

1. Punjab .... 

2. North-West Frontier Province 

3. Bengal .... 

4. Central Provinces 

5. Madras . . 

6. Eastern Bengal and Assam 

7. Central India . 

8. United Provinces 

9. Bombay . . 

10. Burma . . 

11. Rajputana . . 

12. Baluchistan . . 

Total rank and file 



The above figures are, except in the case of the Punjab, approxi- 
mately 75 per cent, of the strength of the Provincial detachments 
(including in the case of the U. P. those on duty at the Badshahi 

4. Those officers and men who already hold the King's Police Medal 
may, and those who are to receive it shall, be included in the contin- 
gents to attend the Review. Officers and men holding other medals 
and orders may with advantage be chosen to represent their Province. 

5. The Parade will be drawn up in a line of quarter columns, the 
leading companies of each column being armed with muskets and 
bayonets. The Gazetted Officers will be in line in front. 

6. The officers and men who are to receive medals will be in 
position at the end of the left wing. 

7. The Deputy Inspectors-General of Police will be mounted, their 
places being at equal intervals in advance of the other Gazetted 

8. The Parade will be commanded by the Inspector-General of 
Police, Punjab, his position being well in advance and in the centre of 
the line. He will be attended by his two staff officers. Such Inspec- 
tors-General of other Provinces, who may attend the Review, will 
be drawn up in line behind and in support of the Inspector-General 
of Police, Punjab, and in front of and in command of their own con- 

9. The Inspectors-General and Deputy Inspectors-General will be 
mounted, other officers will be dismounted. Full Dress uniform will 
be worn. 

10. The Police Band will be drawn up in rear of the Parade. 

11. On the arrival of Their Imperial Majesties, the Military Guard 
of Honour, mounted inside the entrance of the Parade Ground, will 
.give a Royal Salute which will be repeated by the assembled Parade 
when the centre Pavilion is reached, the Band at the same time playing 
the National Anthem. 

12. His Imperial Majesty, attended by the Inspector-General of 
Police, Punjab, and such other Inspectors-General as may be present, 
will inspect the force. 

13. After the Inspection, the King-Emperor will return to the 
saluting base and the officers (having returned swords) and men to 
receive medals will march to the front. 

14. Each Inspector-General will then in turn present his officers 
and men to receive the medals. Each one in turn, as his name is 
called, will advance to within one pace of His Imperial Majesty and 
will salute both before and after receiving his medal, and will then 
return to his original position in the Parade. 


15. During the Inspection and presentation the Band will play 
suitable music. 

16. At His Majesty's departure there will be a Royal Salute and 
the Band will play the National Anthem. 

Instructions regarding Routes, etc. 

See instructions regarding routes, etc., on occasion of the presenta- 
tion of colours. These will apply as far as possible, except that there 
will be no enclosures for Ruling Chiefs and High Officials. 

Time of Arrival. Not later than 10-30 A.M. 


Departure of Their Imperial 

General Note, 

The King-Emperor will leave Delhi on the afternoon of 
the 16th December 1911, proceeding to Nepal, and the 
Queen-Empress will at the same time leave Delhi proceed- 
ing to Agra. 

The Ruling Chiefs present at Delhi will by special 
desire of the King- Emperor assemble in the audience 
chamber of the Royal Camp to take leave of Their Imperial 

Their Imperial Majesties will then drive in procession 
to the Fort, and proceed to the platform of the Selimgarh 
Station where the heads of Local Governments and certain 
other high officials will be assembled. 

Ceremonial orders on the occasion of the 
departure of Their Imperial Majesties. 

1. At 10-45 A.M. the Ruling Chiefs present at Delhi will, by special 
desire of the King-Emperor, assemble in the Audience Chamber of the 
lloyal Camp to take leave of Their Imperial Majesties. 

2. They will drive, with their escorts, to the door of the ante-room 
tent entering the Camp by the West Gate according to a timing fixed 
by the Inspector-General of Police. On alighting from their carriages 
they will be met by an A.-D.-C. to the King-Emperor who will 
conduct them into the Audience Chamber. 


3. The sardars who accompany them will remain in the ante-room. 

4. A Guard of Honour of Indian Infantry will be mounted opposite 
the entrance to the ante-room and will pay the customary compliments 
on the arrivals of the Chiefs. 

5. At 11-15 A.M. the approach of the King-Emperor and Queen- 
Empress will be announced by a flourish of trumpets. As Their Im- 
perial Majesties pass down the Chamber, tho Master of the Ceremonies 
will announce the name of each Chief, who will make the usual 

6. When the King-Emperor and Queen- Em press leave the apart- 
ment, a second flourish of trumpets will be sounded, and the Guards 
of Honour stationed outside will present arms. As they enter their 
carriage, the Band will play the National Anthem, and the Guard of 
Honour drawn up at the place of departure will present arms. 

7. Their Imperial Majesties will proceed from the Camp to the Fort, 
where they will enter their trains, by the following route :- 

Chauburja Road. Kashmir Gate. 

Ridge Road. Lothian Bridge. 

Alipur Road. Lahore Gate of the Fort. 

8. The route will be lined by troops as on arrival, and troops will 
l>e massed on the Champ dc Mars. 

9. The Procession will be formed as on the occasion of the State 
Entry in the following order : 

The Inspector-General of Police, Punjab. 

An Officer, Army Head-Quarters. 

The British Cavalry Regiment of the Escort. 

A Battery of Royal Horse Artillery. 

The Escort Staff. 

Army Head-Quarters Staff. 

The Commander- in-Chief. 

Indian Trumpeters. 

The Assistant Herald. 

British Trumpeters. 

Delhi Herald. 

The King-Emperor's Staff (on horseback). 
The Body-Guard. 

The King-Emperor and Queen-Empress. 

The Imperial Cadet Corps. 
Members of the Household (in carriages). 

Indian Cavalry Regiment of Escort. 

Their Imperial Majesties will drive in a carriage, and the Procession 
will move at a trot. 

10. As the Procession approaches the Lahore Gate of the Port, the 
trumpeters will sound a flourish and a Band stationed at the gate will 
play the National Anthem. 


11. As the Procession passes through the Fort the various portions 
of the Escort will file off. and form up on the open ground at the side of 
" Main Road," leaving only the Heralds and trumpeters, the Body- 
Guard and the Imperial Cadet Corps to enter the Sclimgarh bastion 
with the Koyal Carriage. 

12. When Their Imperial Majesties have entered the Port, a Royal 
Salute of 101 guns by salvoes of batteries will commence to be fired 
from the Ridgo. This salute will be divided into three parts of 
34, 33 and 34 guns, respectively, at the end of each of which a, feu de. 
joie will be fired by the troops lining the route from the Ridge to the Fort. 

13. A Guard of Honour consisting of one Company of British Infan- 
try, one Company of Indian Infantry and one Company of Volunteers 
will be drawn up at the foot of the steps leading to the platform. 

14. Their Imperial Majesties will be received on the platform by 
Their Excellencies the Governor-General and Lady Hardinge and Staff 
who will have arrived previously in a separate procession. Also by the 
Heads of Local Governments and Administrations, the Commander- 
in-Chief, the Chief Justice of Bengal, the Metropolitan of India, the 
Ordinary Members of the Governor-General's Council, the Naval 
Commander-in-Chief, the General Officers Commanding the Southern 
and Northern Armies, the Chief of the General Staff, the General Officer 
Commanding the Meerut Division, tho Adjutant and Quartermaster- 
Generals in India, the President of the Railway Board, the Com- 
missioner of Delhi, and the members* of 

H HI*.. * Vwfoe Committee, all of whom will 
S?^ ^;L ar ^ V ! d P^ viousl y b y the Lahore Gat, 

haraju of Bikaner. OI the Jt Ort. 

^S^i?i$te 15 ' A salute of 101 guns will be fired 
colonel His Highness the Ma- from the ramparts of the Fort, and the 
sir T b w y *ne pur ' Guards of Honour will pay the usual oom- 

L^ H teS a cti Daiius. plimenta as the King-Emperor enters his 
Brigadier-General Cox. train. Immediately after his departure thi* 

SSSffiSSSS? Grlmston ' Queen-Empress will leave by a second train, 
M?Ha\tey Cla8an ' tne 8aine cercmon tes being observed. 

Lieutenant-colonel Maxwell. 16. Their Excellencies the Governor- 
^Tabne'i 00101161 """"^ "eneral and Lady Hardinge will remain on 
the platfonn until their train is brought up 

when they will leave for Dehra Dun, the usual compliments being paid 

by the Guards of Honour. 

17. The High Officials and others present ou the platform will await 

Their Excellencies' departure, after which they will return to the Camp 

by the Lahore Gate and the Alipore Road. 




Instructions regarding Routes, Passes, etc. 

1. His Excellency the Governor-General and suite will leave the 
King's Camp by the north-east gate, and will proceed vid Circuit 
House Road, the Mall and Alipur Road. Their Imperial Majesties 
after saying farewell to the Ruling Chiefs will leave the Camp by the 
south-east gate. 

2. The entire route w'z.> Chaubnrja Road, Ridge Road, Alipur 
Road, Kashmir Gate, Lothian Bridge, Lahore Gate and Fort will be 
closed (except to carriages of which the drivers have the special yellow 
and white pass for High Officials), from 11 '25 until the Royal 
procession has passed. 

Ruling Chiefs. 

3. Route. Ruling Chiefs with their escorts will proceed by 
the shortest route to the Main entrance on the west side of the 
King's Camp (on Kings way) and keeping to the left will proceed 
to the Reception Pavilion. 

4. Passes. Drivers should wear the special red and white badge 
for Ruling Chiefs. 

5. Time of Arrival. Not later than 10-15 A.M. 

6. Parking of carriages. Carriages of Ruling Chiefs with the 
escorts will return to the Main entrance on Kingsway and proceed 
to the left vid Probyn Road to the parking ground on Imperial 
Avenue where they will be marshalled according to order of departure, 
i.e.* the first to arrive will be the last to leave. If necessary the 
parking arrangements will be continued down the Malka Gunj Road. 

7. Departure. Carriages and escorts when called up will return 
vid Probyn Road and then keeping to the right will proceed to the 
Reception Pavilion and thence will return rid the Main entrance 
of the Camp (on Kingsway) to their respective Camps by the 
route by which they came. 

High Officials. 

8. Heads of Local Governments and those High Officials who will be 
present at the Port at the time of the departure of Their Imperial 
Majesties (vide para. 14 of the Ceremonial Orders) will proceed w'd the 
Mall and Khyber Pass, Kashmir Gate and Lothian Bridge to the 
Lahore Gate of the Fort. 

9. Time of arrival at Fort 12 noon. 

10. Passes. Drivers should wear the special yellow and white 
pass for High Officials. 

11. Parking. Carriages and escorts will be parked on the open 
space at the west side of the main road of the Fort. 

12. Departure* Carriages and escorts will leave by the route 
by which they came. 


Games and Sports. 

General Note. 

The Durbar Polo, Hockey and Football Tournaments 
will be played off on the Polo Grounds opposite the Foreign 
Office Camp on the Prince's Road. It may be noted that 
these grounds will also be used for the Presentation of 
Colours, the Police Review and for the performance of the 
Military Tattoo. The Polo Ground contains three Enclo- 
sures. The charges for admission will be as follows : 
Enclosure A. 

Membership tickets . . . Rs. 30 for a gentleman. 

15 for a lady. 
Daily tickets (finals) ... 10 for a gentleman. 

5 for a lady. 
Daily tickets (other days) . , 5 for a gentleman. 

3 for a lady. 

Membership tickets will admit to all events ; they will not be sold 
at the gates, bu! can be obtained on payment from Camp Officers. Day 
tickets can be purchased at the gates on production of a visiting card. 

Three tickets for tea will be given to each holder of a permanent 
ticket, but none to holders of single day tickets. 

Enclosure B. 

(1) Season tickets for Enclosure B will be sold at Rs. 5 each and 
can be obtained from Camp Officers. 

(2) Day tickets will be sold at the gates. The charge will be 
as follows : Rs. 

Polo final 3 

Otherdays 2 

(3) British Departmental officers, Indian officers, British Warrant 
officers and Indian officers of Imperial Service Troops will be allowed 
to purchase tickets for themselves and their families at half price. 



(4) The tickets will be non-transferable and will be available 
only when uniform is worn. 

(5) Volunteer Non-commissioned officers will be allowed to purchase 
Enclosure B tickets at half price if they so desire. Hule 2 applies in 
their case also. 

Enclosure C. 

Entrance to Enclosure C will be free except on the finals and semi- 
finals of Polo, Hockey and Football matches. The charge on these 
occasions will be 8 annas a day. British and Indian Non-commissioned 
officers and men in uniform and Volunteers in uniform and ladies ac- 
companying them will be admitted to this enclosure at half price. 
Police Non-commissioned officers and sepoys in uniform will also be 
admitted at half price. Season tickets can be purchased for this en- 
closure from Camp Officers at the following charges : 

British N. C. Os. and men and Volunteers . . 1 Rupee. 

Indian Army N. C. Os. and men and Indian Police, 

N. C. Os. and men 12 annas. 


Books of coupons for refreshments at the Polo Ground can be 
obtained on payment (5 Its. each) from Camp Officers and also at the 
entrance. Refunds will be given for unused coupons returned before 
the 21st December. 



] 27th Nov. 

Qolconda v. 
13th Hussars . 

10th Hussars vs. 
IstK.D.G's. . 

Bhopal v$.. 
17th Cavalry 

Imperial Cadet Corps v. 
9th Hodson's Horse . 

17th Lancers v*. . 
Scouts . 

(*th Dec. 
' ] 28th Nov. ) 

} 29th Nov. > 

S 6th Dec. 
\ 30th Nov. ) 

\ 1st Dec. ^ 


ethlnniskilling.Dragoonst*.. "Und Dec. J 

Palanpur ) ' 

6th Dec. 


Kishangarh . B; 

Governor-General's Staff . . B; 

Secretary* for the Polo Tournamtnt* 

9th Dec, 
7th Dec. 

^llth Dec. 

, R.H.A. 




The Hockey Tournament is open to the whole Native Army only 3 British 
Officers are allowed to play in the team. Seventy-six teams entered. 

The following are the Divisional Winners : 
1st Division. 

2nd Division ... 

3rd Division. 

4th Division .... 

5th Division .... 

6th Division. 
7th Division .... 

84th Punjabis. 

130th (K. G. O.) Baluchis. 
30th Punjabis. 

8th Division. 
9th Division 

33rd Punjabis. 

1st Brahmans. 

Burma Division 93rd Burma Infantry. 

The final matches will be played on No. 3 Polo Ground on the dates and times 


1st Round. 

6th Division . 
5th Division . 
3rd Division . 
Burma Division 

} A 10A.M. 

* > B 4 P.M. 

28th November. 
28th November. 

Remaining Divisions . 


2nd Round, 

9th Division . 
2nd Division . 
1st Division . 
7th Division . 
8th Division . 
"B" . 
4th Division . 

] C 10A.M. 

;} D 4p.M. 
;} IB 10 A.M. 

'] P 4P.M. 

30th November. 
30th November*. 
2nd December. 
2nd December. 


"C" . . 

" E" . 
"D" . 

"F" . 

} G 10A.M. 

} H 4P.M. 

5th December. 
5th December. 


G ' 

} Winner. 4 P.M. 

14th December. 

In the case of drawn matches (except the final) the replay will be at 8 A.M, next 




The Football Tournament is open to the whole Britten Army hi India the 
preliminary tics are played off by Divisions, Fifty-two teams entered. The games 
are played under English Association Football rules as far as practicable. 

The Winners of the various Divisions are 
1st 2nd Bn. North Staffordshire Regiment. 
2nd 2nd Bn. The Black Watch. 

4th. 2nd Bn. Koyal Welsh Fusiliers. 
5th. 1st Bn. Durham Light Infantry. 
6th. 2nd Bn. Loyal North Lancashires. 

9th. 2nd Bn. King's Shropshire Light Infantry. 
Burma. The Border Kegiment. 

The final matches will all be played on No. 3 Polo Ground on the dates and at 
the times shown below. 

6th Division 
8th Division 
1st Divn. (Scratched) 


1st Round. 

- A 10 A.M. 

27th November. 

Burma Division . . J 

B 3-15 P.M. 

27th November. 

Remaining Divisions 

Byes. . 

2nd Round. 

3rd Division . .") 
2nd Di vi so 11 . ./ 
"B . . .( 
7th Division . . S 
"A" . . .t 
5th Division . . j> 
9th Division . .^ 
4th Division . . / . 

C 10A.M. 

D 3-45 P.M. 

E 10 A.M. 

F 3 45 P.M. 

29th November. 
29th November. 
1st Px'ember. 
1st December. 


"F" . . .V 
"C" . . J 
"E" . . .\ 
"D" . . J 

G 10 A.M. 

H 3-45 P.M. 

4th December. 
4th December. 


"G" . . .? 
" H " . . . j 

Winner. 3-45 P.M. 

9th December. 

In the case of drawn matches (except. the final) the replay will be at 8 A.M. next 

Secretary for Hockey and Jfootball Tournaments . Capt. J. A. CHAMIBJC, 33rd 


Instructions regarding Routes, Passes, etc., 
for Visitors to the Polo ground. 

1. No special routes are prescribed but drivers of carriages of 
Ruling Chiefs and High Officials should wear their special badges. 

2. Xo carriages will, however, be admitted to the Polo ground ex- 
cept those conveying Their Imperial Majesties or Their Excellencies 
the Governor-General and Lady Hardinge, or carriages containing 
members of the suites in attendance. Other carriages will set down 
at the north or south end of the Mound according to the route by 
which they arrive. 

3. There will be no space available for escorts, and Ruling Chiefs 
and High Officials are requested to use motor cars as far as possible. 
Visitors ivhose camps are near the Polo ground are advised to 
walk ; others are requested to use, the Durbar railway* to Kings- 
way (broad gauge) or Polo (lighl railtvat/) whenever possible. 

4. No parking of carriages or motors on the Prince's lload, Bandstand 
Koad or Polo Ground lload can be permitted. The carriages of High 
Officials and Ruling Chiefs will be parked separately near the south- 
west corner of the Polo ground and will be brought up when required. 
Other carriages and motors will be parked in the carriage park No. 22 
on the map at the south of the Polo Ground Road. This park will be 
divided into three parks coloured red* yellow and blue. 

(a) CarrHges and motors driving to the Members' entrance on 
Prince's Road after setting down will be passed on and 
down Bandstand lload and the Polo Ground Road into the 

red park. 

(It) Carriages and motors of thos<; arriving riff the Bandstand 
Road from the south or north will set down at the southern 
entrance of the Polo ground and be passed into the 

yellow park. 

((?) Carriages and motors of those arriving by the Polo Ground 
Road from the east will be passed into the blue park. 

5. Police arrangements will be made to issue carriage tickets 
coloured red, yellow and blue at the various setting down places, and it 
is to be noted that if drivers do not obtain these tickets they will not 
be admitted into the parking ground and will be passed on. Particular 
care should be taken to destroy old carriage tickets as a fresh ticket is 
issued every time a carriage is passed into the park. 

6. Departure. The carriages of Ruling Chiefs and High Officials 
only, of which the drivers are wearing their special badges, will be 
Brought up into the enclosure at departure. 

NOTE. No dogs will be admitted within the Polo grounds. 

Bicycles may be parked in a special onclofeure near the Light Railway Station. 



The price for admission is as follows : 
Enclosure A. Price of admission, Es. 15. 

This consists of two enclosures one on each side of the Eoyal 
pavilion and is intended chiefly for Killing- Chiefs (with two to four of 
their Sardars or Officials according to the status of the Chief), High 
Officials, Peers and Peeresses, Members of Parliament and their 

Enclosure B. Price of admission, Es, 10. 

NOT. British Army and Volunteer Officers and their families (as defined in 
Army Regulations, India) will be admitted to this enclosure at half 

Enclosure C. Price of admission, Es. 5. 
Enclosure D. Price of admission, Es. 2. 

NOTE. Indian Officers of Indian Army and Imperial Service Troops and! 
British Warrant and Non-Commissioned Officers in uniform, also 
Police Non-Comraissioned Officers in uniform will be admitted at half 
price to this enclosure. 

There will also be an enclosure for about 1,600 Veterans and 
pensioners to which admission will be free. 

No seats in any of the enclosures will be reserved. 

All tickets for Enclosures A and B will be purchased in advance 
from Camp Officers who will indent on the Central Invi J ation Bureau 
for the number of tickets required. 

Tickets for Enclosures C and D will be sold at the gate. 

There will be an enclosure for the motors of Indian Ladies ; entrance 

Refreshments. The books of coupons (Es. 5) available for the Polo, 
Hockey and Football Tournaments are also available for the Military 
Sports. Detached coupons can also be purchased at the gates. 

The Military Tournament. 

The Tournament will take place at the Budli ki serai Review 
ground on the morning of the 15th December. Preliminary competi- 
tions will be held in Divisions, and selected representatives, of the 
Divisions only will appear in the Durbar Tournament. 
The following is the programme of the Tournament : 
British Officers. 

EVENT No. 1. 

Best officer at Arms (Mounted Corps). Open to 1 British 
Officer per Division (including Volunteer Officers, Mounted Corps) 


Cavalry {School, Saugor, and Army Headquarters to count as I 
Division. The 3 Independent Brigades together to count as 1 Division. 
Inspecting Officers, Imperial Service Troops, to be considered as be- 
longing to the Division to which their Headquarters are nearest 

(a) Tent-pegging with lance. (6) Sword v. Sword. 

1st prize. King-Emperor's Cup. 
2nd prize. King-Emperor's Cup. 

EVENT No. 2. 

Best officer at Arms (Dismounted Cor psj. Open to 1 British 
Officer per Division (including Volunteer Officers, Dismounted Corps) 
Gymnastic Staff and Army Headquarters to count as 1 Division. The 
3 Independent Brigades together to count as 1 Division. Inspecting 
Officers, Imperial Service Troops, to be considered as belonging to the 
Division to which their Headquarters arc nearest 

(a) Bayonet v. Byqnet. (6) Sabre v. Sabre. 

1st prize. Queen-Empress' Cup. 
2nd prize. Queen-Empress' Cup. 

Indian Officers. 
EVENT No. 3. 

Best officer at Arms (Mounted Corps}. Open to 1 Indian 
Officer per Division. The 3 Independent Brigades together to count 
as one Division 

(a) Tent-pegging with lance. (6) Sword v. Sword. 

1st prize. King-Emperor's Gold Medal. 
2nd prize. King-Emperor's Silver Medal. 
3rd prize. King-Emperor's Bronze Medal. 

EVENT No. 4. 

Best officer at Arms (Dismounted Corps}. Open to 1 Indian 
Officer per DiviLlon. The 3 Independent Brigades together to count 
as one Division 

(a) Bayonet v. Bayonet. (6) Sword v. Sword (singlestick). 
1st prize. King-Emperor's Gold Medal. 
2nd prize. King-Emperor's Silver Medal. 
3rd prize. King-Emperor's Bronze Medal. 

Indian Officers, Imperial Service Troops. 

EVENT No. 5. 

Best officer at Arms (Mounted Corps}. Open to 1 Indian 
Officer per Circle, Imperial Service Troops 

(a) Tent-pegging with lance. (6) Sword v. Sword. 

1st prize. King-Emperor's Gold Medal. 
2nd prize, Kin^-Emperor's Silver Medal. 
3rd prize. King-Emperor's Bronze Medal. 


EVE.NT NO. 6. 

Best officer at Arms (Dismounted Corps). Open to L Indian 
Officer per Circle, Imperial Sen ice Troops 

(a) Bayonet v. Bayonet. (b) Sword v. Sword (singlestick). 

1st prize. King-Emperor's Gold Medal. 
2nd prize. King-Emperor's Silver Medal. 
3rd prize. King-Emperor's Bronze Medal. 

British Warrant and Non-Commissioned Officers and Men. 
KVENT Xo. 7. 

Best man at Arms (Mounted Corps). Open to 1 British War- 
rant Officer, Non- Commissioned Officer or man per Division (including 
Volunteer Mounted Corps). Cavalry School, Saugor, to count as L 
Di\ ision 

(a) Tent-pegging with lance. (ft) Sword v. Sword. 

1st prize. King-Emperor's Gold Medal and ,10. 
2nd prize. King-Emperor's Silver Medal aiid^ES. 
3rd prize. King-Emperor's Bronze Medal and 8. 

EVENT No. 8. 

Best man at Arms (Dismounted Corps). Open to 1 British War- 
rant Officer, Xon-Connnissioned Officer or man per Division (including 
Volunteer Dismounted Corps). Gymnastic; Staff of the 4 Central 
Schools to count as 1 Division 

(a) Bayonet v. Bayonet. (b) Sword v. Bayonet. 

1st prize. King-Emperor's Gold Medal and 10. 
2nd prize. -King-Emperor's Silver Medal and 5. 
3rd prize. King-Emperor's Bronze Medal and .3. 

Non-Commissioned Officers and Men, Indian Army. 

EVENT Xo. 9. 

Best man at Arms (Mounted Corps). Open to I Xon-Com- 
missioncd Officer or man per Division. The 3 Independent Brigades 
together to count as 1 Division. Cavalry School, Saugor, to count as 1 

(a) Tent-pegging with lance. (b) Sword v. Sword. 

1st prize. King-Emperor's Gold Medal and 10. 
2nd prize. King-Emperor's Silver Medal and 5. 
3rd prize. King-Emperor *s Bronze Medal and .3. 

EVENT Xo. 10. 

Best man at Arms (Dismounted Corps). Open to 1 Xon-Com- 
missioned Officer or man per Division. The 3 Independent Brigades 
together to count as 1 Division 


(n) Bayonet v. Bayonet. (b) Sword v. Bayonet. 

1st prize. King-Emperor's Gold Medal and 10. 
2nd prize. King-Emperor's Silver Medal and 5. 
3rd prize. King-Emperor' a Bronze Medal and 3. 

N on- Com missioned Officers and Men, Imperial fierrice Troops. 
EVKXT No. 11. 

Best man at Arms (Mounted Corps). Open to 1 Non-Commis- 
aioned Officer or man per Circle, Imperial Service Troops - 

(a) Tent-pegging with lance. (6) Sword v. Sword. 

1st prize. King-Emperor's Gold Medal and 10. 
2nd prize. King-Emperor's Silver Medal and .5. 
3rd prize. King-Emperor's Bronze Medal and ^3. 

EVKXT No. 12. 

Be ft I man at Arms (Dismounted Corps). Open to 1 Non-Com- 
missioned Officer or man per Circle, Imperial Service Troops 

(a) Bayonet v. Bayonet. (&) Sword v. Sword (singlestick) 

1st prize. King-Emperor's Gold Medal and .10. 

2nd prize. King-Emperor's Silver Medal and .5. 

3rd prize. King-Emperor's Bronze Medal and ,3. 
Secretary for Tournament Committee Major G. A. Trent. 

Point-to-Point Races. 

The races will take place in connection wilh the Military 
Tournament on the afternoon of the 15th December, over a course 
consisting of about 4 miles of natural country, with the addition of 
various obstacles. 

The following is a programme of the races which- will be held under 
the C. T. C. rules : 


King-Ernperor's Cup. All Comers' race. A. cup value 30 and 
75 per cent, of the entrance money to the winner, 220 per cent, of 
the entrance money to the second and 5 per cent, of the entrance money 
to the third. Open to ponies 14-1 and under. 
Distance . . About 3 miles. 

Weights . . English and Australasians 12 stone 7 Ibs. 
Country-breds 11 stone. 
Arabs 10 stone 7 Ibs. 

Weight for inches. Allowance : Owners riding their own horses 
allowed 7 Ibs. Entrance Rs. 16. Twenty-six Entries. 



King -Emperor's Cup. Imperial Service Troops race. A cup 
value 30 to the winner. Open to horses bond jide and uncondi- 
tionally the property of Indian Officers, Imperial Service Troops, or the 
Regimental Funds. Entries limited to one entry per regiment. To he 
ridden hy an Indian Officer belonging to the regiment entering. 

Distance ....... About 4 miles. 

English and Australasians catch weights . Over 11 stone 7 Ihs. 

Country-hreds catch weights . . . Over 9 stone 7 Ibs. 

Arabs catch weights Over 8 stone 7 Ibs. 

Entrance Free. Eleven Entries. 


Queen-Empress' Cup. Welter Weight race. A cup value 30 
and 75 per cent, of the entrance money to the winner, 20 per cent, 
of the entrance money to the second and 5 per cent, of the entrance 
money to the third. Open to horses bond fide and unconditionally the 
property of the owner entering them, and belonging to officers of His 
Majesty's Navy or Army on full pay, to officers of the Indian Army 
Reserve, to gazetted officers of the Civil Service, and to officers of the 
Indian Volunteer Force, active or reserve. 

Also to other members of the Volunteer Force, whose entries have 
been duly certified by their Commanding Officers as complying with 
the conditions that the horses entered are bond fide and uncondition- 
ally the property of the owners so entering. 

Horses must have never won a flat race, hurdle race, or steeplechase, 
value Rs. 1,100 (one thousand one hundred) or over, nor have cost at 
any time a greater sum than Rs. 2,000 (two thousand). 

Distance . . About 4 miles. 

Weight .... 13 stone 7 Ibs. 

Allowances . Country-breds allowed 2 stone. 

Arabs allowed 3 stone. 

Owners riding their own horses allowed 7 Ibs. Entrance* Rs. 16. 
Thirty-seven Entries. 


King -Emperor's Cup. Indian Officers' race. A cup value 
30 to the winner. Open to horses bond fide and unconditionally 
the property of Indian Officers, or the Regimental Funds; or in 
Nbn-silladar regiments, borne on the regimental horse roll ; the 
horse entered must have been in the regiment for one year on 15th 
December 1911. Entries limited to one entry per regiment. To be 
ridden by an Indian Officer belonging to the regiment entering. 


Distance About 4 miles 

English and Australasians catch weights . Over 11 stone 7 Ibs. 
Country-breds catch weights . . . Over 9 stone 7 Ibs. 

Arabs catch weights Over 8 stone 7 Ibs. 

Entrance Free. Fifteen Entries. 


Queen-Empress 9 Cup. Light Weight race. A cup value 30 
and 75 per cent, of the entrance money to the winner, 20 per cent, 
of the entrance money to the second and 5 per cent, of the entrance 
money to the third. Open to horses bond fide and unconditionally the 
property of the owner entering them, and belonging to officers of His 
Majesty's Xavy or Army on full pay, to officers of the Civil Service, 
and to officers of 'the Indian Volunteer Force, active or reserve. 

Also to other members of the Volunteer Force, whose entries 
have been duly certified by their Commanding Officers as complying 
with the conditions that the horses entered are bond fide and 
unconditionally the property of the owners so entering. 

Horses must never have won a flat race, hurdle race, or steeple- 
chase, value Rs. 1,100 (one thousand one hundred) or over, nor have 
cost at any time a greater sum than Rs. 2,000 (two thousand). 
Distance ..... About 4 miles. 
Weights . . .12 stone. 

Allowances .... Country-breds allowed 2 stone. 

Arabs allowed 3 stone. 

Owners riding their own horses allowed 7 Ibs. Entrance Rs. 16. 
Forty-five Entries. 


No betting or totalizators will be allowed on the course. No 
lotteries will be permitted. 

During the afternoon, between races, there will be the following 
Military displays : 

llth (K.E.O.) Lancers, Circus. 

Musical Drive, by a Battery, Royal Horse Artillery. 
Musical Ride, 17th (D.C.O.) Lancers. 
Trick riding display, 18th (K.G.O.) Lancers. 
Secretary to Race Committee Major P. O. Hambro. 

Instructions regarding Routes, etc,, for the 
* . . Military Tournament 

1. Residents in the areas detailed in paragraph 7 of the instruc- 
tions regarding the Review should use the routes mentioned in that 
paragraph, and the same parking arrangements will be made. 


2. Time of Arrival. The Military Tournament begins in the 
morning, and the Races at 1-30 P.M., and it is expected that His 
Majesty will arrive at 3 P.M. The following route, ciz., Kino sway to 
the Fountain, Prince's Road from the Fountain to the junction with 
the Mall, the Mall from Prince's Road junction to Empress Road, and 
Empress Road, will be closed from 2-20 P.M. to 3 P.M. All traffic pro- 
ceding along the Mall between those hours will be diverted to Review 

3. Driver ft 9 Passes (Nos. 14-, 15, 16, similar to those used for tbe 
Review) will be issued to purchasers of tickets in the first and second 
enclosures. Tickets for the third and fourth enclosures will be pur- 
chased at the gates and passes cannot be issued in advance ; but 
carriages will not be stopped by the police owing. to the absence of 
a pass. 

4. Drivers of carriages driving to the motor enclosure for pardah 
ladies will wear on the left arm a badge bearing the letter M which 
will be issued to all purchasers of tickets for the enclosure. 


The Boxing Tournament for the Championship of India will be held 
nightly at the specially built arena just north-east of Durbar Amphi- 
theatre, from 27th Xovember till llth December (inclusive). The finals 
will be on 15th December. The officers' classes are for Catch, Middle, 
Light and Feather weights ; men's classes for the above and a Bantam 
class in addition. A cup will be presented to the winner in each of the 
officers', a gold medal to the winner and a sih er medal no the runner 
up in each of the men's classes. 

In addition, the Durbar Committee have presented a 50 cup for 
the winning Regimental team. There is accommodation for about 6,000 
in the Boxing Arena, at prices varying from Rs. 5 to annas 2. Boxing 
will commence nightly at 9 P.M., and special trains wilj be run for the 
occasion on both broad-gauge and light railways. A good metalled 
road runs within 50 yards of the arena. 

President of the Tournament Committee Maj.-(Jeii. B. T. Mahon, 
C.B., D S.O. 

Hon. Secretary Ctipt. ). R. K. Stansfield, D.S.O., Gordon 


The Badshahi Mela, or People's fSte will be held on the bank of the 
River Jumna below the wall of the Delhi Fort. 

The most important period of the fete will be from December llth 
to December 17th, but wrestling and various preliminary competitions 
vill start from the beginning of the month. The wrestling matches on 
December 2nd will be confined to wrestlers of the Indian Army. 


Soldiers in uniform will on that day ho admitted into the wrestling 
arena at half price. 

The principal day will he December 13th, the date of the State 
Garden Party, on which occasion Their Imperial Majesties have con- 
sented to appear at the historic Jarokha on the wall of the Fort, which 
overlooks the ground occupied hy the fete. Arrangements are being 
made to enable as many people as time permits to march past Their 
Imperial Majesties j this should prove a most interesting spectacle to 
guests at the Garden Party, who will have from the walls of the Fort 
an excellent view of the whole area of the fete. Elephants will be 
available for those visitors who desire to go through the crowds at the 

On the morning of the 13th, processions representing the various 
religions, Hindu, Sikh, Musalman, Jain, and the Arya Samaj will march 
on to the Mela area. Visitors who wish to view what is certain to be a 
picturesque and interesting sight can do so by arriving on the river 
bank at about 10 A.M. 

During the afternoon the Patiala Circus and Musical riders and the 
Rampur Circus riders will give exhibitions, and arrangements are also 
being made for a sham attack on a Fort, organized hy His Highness the 
Maharaja of Gwalior in conjunction with Lt.-Col. "Bir Bikram Singh of 
Nahan. There will he a display of daylight and other fireworks, the 
latter taking place between five and six o'clock in the evening. 
Arrangements have also been made for exhibitions of acrobatic skill, hill 
dances, the well-known Khattak dance, ram fighting and local games. 

Admission to the Mela is free, and fees will only be charged for 
wrestling and similar shows. 

tfecrefary of Ike Mela Commit lee Lieut. G. E. Sopwith, R.E. 


JSports have been arranged, comprising Wrestling, Quoit- 
throwing, Sonchi, Sword and Shield play, a Flat Race (open 
to members of the R. A. T. A. only) and Flat Race (open 
to members of the T. A. T. A. only). The finals will take 
place on the 3rd December on the Hockey practice ground, 
near the Army Camp station, commencing at 2 P.M. Ad- 
mission free. 


General Administration. 

The general arrangements for the Imperial Assemblage 
have under the general orders of His Excellency the 
Viceroy been carried out by the Committee which was ap- 
pointed under the following Notification : 


FORT WILLIAM, the 2nd February 1911. 

No. 54 D. 

His Excellency the Viceroy lias been pleased to appoint a Com- 
mittee for the management, subject to His Excellency's general control 
and supervision, of all business connected with the Coronation Durbar, 
to be held at Delhi in December 1911, and to nominate the following- 
members : 


The Hon'ble Sir John Prescott Hewett, K.C.S.I., C.I.E., Lieute- 
nant-Governor of the United Provinces. 


Maj.-Gen. His Highness Maharajadhiraja Sir Madho Rao Scindia, 
Bahadur, of Gwalior, G.C.S.I., G.C.V.O., Honorary A.-D.-C. to His 
Majesty the King-Emperor of India. 

Col. His Highness Maharaja Sir Ganga Singh, Bahadur, of Bikaner, 
G.C.I.E., K.C.S.I., Honorary A.-D.-C. to His Majesty the King-Emperor 
of India. 

Maj.-Gen. His Highness Maharajadhiraja Sir Pratapsinghji, of 
Idar, G.C.S.I., K.C.B., Honorary A.-D.-C. to His Majesty the King- 
Einperor of India. 


Col. His Highness Nawab Sir Muhammad Hamid AU Khan, Baha- 
dur, of Rampur, G.C.I.E., Honorary A.-D.-C. to His Majesty the 
King- Emperor of India. 

The Hon'ble Sir T. R. Wynne, K.C.I.E., V.D., President of the 
Railway Board. 

The Secretary to the Government of India in the Foreign Dept. 

The Commissioner of the Delhi Division. 

Col. II. V. Cox, I. A., Deputy Quarter-Master- General in India. 

Col. C. J. Bamher, I. M.S., Inspector-General of Civil Hospitals, 

Brev-Col. R. S. Maclagan, R.E., Chief Engineer, Public Works 
Department, Punjab. 

Lt.-Col. F. A. Maxwell, D.S.O., V.C., I.A., Military Secretary to 
the Viceroy. 

Mr. W. M. Hailey, I.C.S., Deputy Secretary to the Government of 
India in the Finance Department. 

Lt.-Col. R. E. Grimston, C.I.E., Extra Equerry to the King. 

Lt.-Col. C. F. T. Murray, I. A., Supply and Transport Officer. 

Mr. V. Gabriel, C.V.O., I.C.S., Secretary. 

The following is a list of the principal officers serving under the 
direction of the Coronation Durbar Committee : 

Police. Mr. E. Lee French, Inspector General of Police, Punjab. 
Deputy Inspectors General : Lt.-Col. H. T. Dennys, Mr. G. A. 
Rundle ; Chief Traffic Officer, Mr. A. C. Stewart. 

Public Works. Major S. D'A. Crookshank, R E., Superinten- 
dent of Works. Assistants Mr. F. T. Jones, Asstt. Engineer, P. W. 
D., Lieut. C. F. Stoehr, R.E., Lieut. R. G. G. Robson, R.E., Sirdar 
Balwant Singh, and Sirdar Bahadur Bhai Ram Singh (Principal of the 
Mayo School of Art, Lahore). 

Water Supply. Mr. D. W. Aikman, P. W. D., Sanitary Engineer, 
Punjab Government. Assistant Dewan Amar Nath, P. W. D. 

Electric Lighting. Mr. J. S. S. Pitkeathly, Electrical Inspector, 
United Provinces. Assistants Capt. J. S. Barker, R.E., Lieut, 
A. H. C. Trench, R.E., Mr. J. F. Scott, Lieut. Roome, R.E. 

Sanitation. Under the general supervision of Col. C. Bamber, 
I.M.S., Lt.-Col. H. B. ThornhiL, C.I.E., Inspecting Sanitary Officer, 
Major E. L. Ward, I.M.S., Executive Sanitary Officer and Health 
Officer ; Capt. A. G. Grisewood, I.M.S., Plague Medical Officer. 

Dairy. Mr. M. W. Smith, Dairy Expert (under the supervision of 
Col. R. H. Ewart, D.S.O.). 

Superintendent of Durbar Gardens Mr. A. E. P. Griessen. 

Secretary, Local Committee Mr. G. M. Boughey, I.C.S. 

Secy., Durbar Polo Tournament Lt.-Col. R. St. C. Lecky. 

Secy., Point-to-Point Races Major P. O. Hambro. 


Secy., Military Tournament Major G. A. Trent. 

Superintendent, Central Market Mr. D. Bennett. 

The Durbar Railways have beeen constructed under the general 
orders of Sir T. II. Wynne, K.C.I.K., President, Railway Board. 
Engineer- in-Chief, Mr. J. C. Lyle Traffic Manager, Major H. V. 
Freeland, R.E.; Assistants Mr. A. F. Johnston, Executive Engineer, 
Mr. C. M. Brisco Owen, Executive Engineer ; Officer in charge of the 
Durbar Light Railway, Lieut. A. II . L. Mount, R.E. 

The special arrangements for Irrigation have been carried out by 
Mr. T. R. J. Ward, C.I.E., Superintending Engineer, Western Jamna 
Canal ; Assistants Mr. C. D. Fleming, Executive Engineer, and 
Lieut. G. E. Sopwith, U.K. 

The postal arrangements have been carried out under the general 
direction of Mr. W. Maxwell, C.I.E., I.C.S., Director-General of 
the Post Office of India. 

The telegraphic arrangements are under the charge of Mr. 1. C. 
Thomas, Director of Telegraphs. 

Works in Delhi Fort Capt. L. N. Malan, R.E. (electric light- 
ing)} Capt. A. Campbell, R.E., Garrison Engineer ; Mr. Gordon Sander- 
son, Archaeological Survey, Agra Circle ; Rai Sahib Bishambar Nath, 
Executive Engineer ; L. Raja Ram, Assistant Engineer. 

In order to provide for arrangements for Military Concentration, a 
special Military Staff Office was organised in February 19 LI. The 
work of the office has been carried out under Brigadier- General 
H. V. Cox, I.A., by Major James, A. Q. M. G., Captain Graham. 
P. A. Q. M. G., Lieut. Hobart, R.E., and Lieut. Lickma.j, Berkshire 

This Military Staff laid out all the Durbar Camps, Civil and 
Military and Lieut. Hobart prepared the maps of the area. 


Miscellaneous Information. 


The visiting books of Their Imperial Majesties will he placed in the 
Following positions : 

The Flagstaff Tower. 

The lower verandah of the Pavilion at the north entrance to the 
Polo Ground. 

Army Camp at the junction of Barari and Lahore I loads close 
to Enquiry Office, Composite Division. 

The books will remain open from 10 A.M. to 3 P.M. each day on the 
8th to llth, 13th and 15th December. 


This Exhibition is located in one of the historic buildings in the 
Palace-fortress of Shah Jahan, the Mumtaz Mahal. This building was 
for many years used as a sergeants' mess, and it is only during the 
past twelve months that it has been adapted to serve the purposes of a 
Museum. During the alterations, a good deal of the old decoration 
has been laid b.a-e, and though the outlines of the patterns are blurred 
sind the colours faded, enough remains to show the visitor the manner 
in which tin 1 building was decorated while it was still in Moghul 

Outside, in the verandah, are arranged a number of sculptures and 
inscriptions, all belonging to the permanent collection, which forms the 
nucleus of the present Exhibitior. 

In the main hall, there is a fine collection of arms and armour. 
Many of the exhibits in this class have a personal interest as weapons 
once owned by men who have played a great part on the stage of Indian 
history. Side by side with them are a number of standards and ensigns 
of forms strange to the Western eye. Other accessories of Moghul 
ceremonial will be found in State palanquins, elephant housings and 
dresses of honour, while the procedure of the departments of State in 
regard to the grant of titles and the issue of patents of appointment to 
offices is illustrated by the collection of farmans and sanads. 


The small collection of Mutiny relics will be of special interest to 

There are a number of fine examples of the arts of seal-engraving 
and calligraphy, and it is believed that the collection of pictures is one 
of the most noteworthy yet exhibited in India. It contains portraits 
of most of the famous personages in the history of the Moghul Empire, 
as well as a large number of pictures of archaeological interest, 
representing the buildings of the Palace when they were actually in use 
by the last Emperors and other old Delhi buildings as they were in the 
early part of the last century, when the artists of Upper India first 
turned their attention to architectural subjects. 

A detailed catalogue has been prepared, and may be obtained at the 
Museum (price Be. 1) . It gives a great deal of historical and other 
information, not readily accessible to visitors, and it is hoped that they 
will find it of assistance not merely as a guide to the Exhibition, but as 
a book of reference during their travels through the provinces of the old 
Moghul Empire. 

Only a small proportion of the exhibits belong to the permanent 
collection. Many of the most interesting have been lent by Indian 
Chiefs, and among these the exhibits from Udaipur, Gwalior, Jodhpur, 
Bhopal, Bikaner and Alwar will be found specially worthy of notice. 

The Exhibition will, it is hoped, bo open from the 8th December 
and will remain open till the end of February. It will be open every 
day, except when the Fort is closed to visitors, Sundays excepted, from 
10 A.M. to 4-30 P.M. Admission Ee. 1. 

The photographing of exhibits is strictly prohibited. 

Several of the exhibits, not marked as belonging to the permanent 
collection or as lent by Chiefs, are for sale. Enquiries should be made 
in the Museum office on the premises, or, by letter, from the Honorary 
Secretary, Loan Exhibition, The Fort, Delhi. The exhibition has been 
arranged by Mr. Gordon Sanderson, of the Archaeological Survey, and 
Mr. J. P. Thompson, I.C.S., Delhi. 


1. Elephants will not be allowed on roads in the Civil Station, City 
or Central Camps. 

2. Drivers must obey all directions of the Police for the regulation 
of traffic. 

3. All pedestrians are required to walk on the footpaths where they 
are provided. 

4. Vehicles must follow each other in line. Infringement of this 
rule may result in indefinite detention of a carriage or motor at various 
points where the roads will be blocked to others than those in the line 
of traffic. 

5. All slow traffic must keep well to the left or give way to faster 
traffic such as motors. 

6. The use of firearms within the Durbar area is strictly forbidden 
between dates 6th and 17th December 1911. 


7. The flying of Kites or Aero-kites on public thoroughfares and the 
sending up of fire balloons within the Durbar area is forbidden. 

8. It is particularly requested that carriages be parked within camp 
boundaries whenever this is possible. When necessity demands they 
may be parked at the side of the road in single file only, excepting on 
the following roads where no parking will be permitted : 

(i) Kingswav -From the main entrance of the King's camp to 

the Mall. 

(ii) Prince's Eoad From the Fountain to the Mall, 
(iii) Central Avenue, 
(iv) Imperial Avenue, 
(v) Circuit House Eoad. 

9. List of Hackney Carriage Stands in the Coronation Durbar Area. 

(1) Kingsway Eailway Station. 

(2) Army Camps Eailway Station. 

(3) Cavalry Camps Eailway Station. 

(4) Provincial Camps Eailway Station. 

(5) Imperial Service Troops Eailway Station. 

(6) Punjab Camp Eailway Station. 

(7) Tis Hazari Eailway Station. 

(8) Flagstaff Eailway Station. 

(9) Hindu Eao Eailway Station. 

(10) Press Camp on the Circuit House Eoad. 

10. Horses shall not be exercised by syces on public roads within 
the Durbar a*-ea between the hours of 9-10 A.M. and after 4 P.M. 

11. Lighting up time has been fixed at 5-45 P.M. for all vehicles, but 
is subject to alteration as notified from time to time. 


Officer in general charge : 

Mr. W. MAXWKLL, C.I.E., I.C.S., Postmaster-General, Punjab and 
N.-W. Frontier. 

Post Offices. The Durbar Camp is served by the Coronation Durbar 
post office, which is situated on the Mall, adjacent to the Kingsway 
railway station. This office is the sole distributing office for mail 
matter in the Durbar area. Tweive sub-offices which are distributed 
throughout the Imperial, Civil and Provincial Camps and are situated 
in the localities shown below have been provided in the Central camps 
for the transaction of all classes of business (except Savings Bank) 
with the public : 

Post Office " A " . . . . Kashmir Gate. 

"B" . . . . Mori Gate. 
" C " . . . . Chauburja. 
,, " D " . . . Imperial Avenue. 



Post Office 

Central Avenue. 
Polo Ground. 
Grand Trunk Road. 
Provincial Camps Road. 
Pembari Bridge. 
The Ridge. 

There arc also post offices in the camps of H. I. M. the King- 
Emperor, Their Honours the Lieutenant-Governor of Bengal, the 
Lieutenant-Governor of Eastern Bengal and Assam and the Lieutenant- 
Governor of the United Provinces. These offices are open for the 
transaction of postal business with persons connected with the camps 
concerned, and will not be available for use by the general public. 

The troops forming the Durbar Concentration together with the 
Indian Chiefs' camps are served by 12 post offices which are situated 
in the localities shown below : 

Post Office No. 1 
No. 2 
No. 3 

No. 4 
No. 5 
No. 7 
No. 8 
No. 9 
No. 10 
No. 11 
No. 12 

Badli ki Sarai. 
Cavalry Camp Station. 
Horse Shoe Jhil. 
The Island. 
Wazirabad Road. 
Alipore Road. 
The Mall. 
Prince's Road. 

Letter-Boxes. Over one hundred letter-boxes are distributed 
throughout the camps, and these are cleared in connection with all out- 
going mails and local deliveries. This number includes a letter-box 
erected alongside of each Enquiry Office where a memu. showing the 
hours at which that box is cleared' is exhibited for public information. 

Delivery of "Mails. (1) All paid unregistered articles for delivery 
in the Central camps are made over by the Post Office to the officials 
in charge of the several Enquiry Offices in the Civil, Provincial and 
Chiefs' Camps, who arrange for and undertake all responsibility for 
their delivery. Letters which cannot 6rdinarily be delivered within 24 
hours of their receipt in the Camp Enquiry Offices will be removed to 
the Central post office daily by a staff of Inspectors. The public are 
advised to enquire at the Central post office for letters which are 
oxpactod but have not been received. 

In the Civil and Chiefs* camps, the delivery of registered and 
insured letters and parcels, as also of money orders, value-payable 
articles, and unpaid letters is arranged for by the Post Office and is 
made direct to the residents at their respective camps. Articles of 


these classes arc not left at Enquiry Offices for delivery except at 
the written request of the addressees who authorise the Enquiry 
Office to sign receipts for, and pay postal charges due on, articles 

(2) In the Military camps the delivery of registered and unregistered 
articles is made to the orderlies who attend the camp offices which 
serve the units to which they are attached. 

Intimation of the arrival of insured letters, value-payable articles, 
money orders and articles on which any charge has to be collected on 
delivery is sent through the orderly to the addressee, who is required 
to attend in person or appoint the orderly as his agent. 

The Hour* of Delivery are : 


Of unregistered 

orf inlnj 

Of registered and 
parcel mail and 


money orders. 

1st Delivery. From all places in Assam, 

Bengal. Bombay, Burma (thrice 
weekly), Central India, Central Pro- 

vinces, Eastern Bengal, Madras, 
Punjab, Rajputana and United Pro- 
vinces ; also local postings . 
2nd. Delivery.- -From places in the 



Punjab, Sind and Baluchistan ; 

also local postings .... 



3rd Delivery. From places in Raj- 

putana, Oudh and the Punjab, also 
from Ahmedabad (Gujrat), Bhavna- 

gar, Rajkot, Wadhwan ; and local 

postings .... 



4th Delivery. Local postings only 



(succeeding 1 day). 

6th Delivery. From places in Oudh, a 
portion of the United Provinces ; 

also local postings 



(succeeding day). 

Weekly English Mail . 




Registered letter mail 

(Monday), Parcel 

mail and money orders 


By the mails due to arrive at Delhi on the'9th and 16th December, that portion 
which is correctly addressed to the Central and Concentration Camps will be 

forwarded from Bombay on the arrival of the mail steamer by an extra special train 
ran by the Bombay, Baroda and Central India Railway and be delivered at 

I at 8 A.M. 



The Hours of Despatch of Mails are : 



For unregistered 

For registered 

letters and 

articles and 



1st Despatch. For places in Bombay, 
Punjab, Central Provinces, Madras 

and Oudh ; also Meerut, Muzaffar- 
nagar, Saharanpnr, Agra and 




2nd Despatch.~For places served by 

(preceding day). 

the East Indian Railway from Delhi 

to Mughalsarai. also Kohtak, Gur- 

gaon and Ilewari .... 



3rd Despatch. For places served by 

(preceding day). 

the Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway 

from Delhi to Moradabad and Saha- 

ranpur to Mughalsarai . 



4th Despatch. For places in Punjab, 
Sind, Baluchistan, Kajputana, and 
Central India ; also for Cawnpore, 
Dehra Dun and Mussooric 



6th Despatch. For India generally ; 

also Burma 




Weekly English Mail .... 





The latest dates on which letters and parcels (vid Brindisi) for the United 
Kingdom can be despatched from the Coronation Durbar Post Office so as to en- 
sure their arrival there by Christmas Day and New Year's Day are as follows: 

Christmas Day 
New Year's Day 


. Dec. 8 
. Dec. 15 


Dec. 7 
Dec. 14 

The Hours of Postal Utisiness are : 

References and Enquiries attended to 
Certificates of Posting granted . 

Prom To 

A. M. p. M. 

70 80 

80 80 



A. M. 



P. M. 


Begistered Articles received for despatch . 
Parcels received for despatch 
Insured Articles received for despatch 
Value-payable Articles received for despatch 
Money Orders issued 
Telegraphic Money Orders issued 
British Postal Orders sold and paid . 
Telegrams received for despatch 




On Sundays and Post Office holidays only Express telegraphic 
money orders are issued. 

Information regarding the hours of business in sub-offices is obtain- 
able on application at the sub-offices themselves. 

The sub post offices in the civil camps and the concentration area 
are open from 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. for transactions with the public. Money 
orders are issued and British postal orders sold and paid from 10 A.M. 
to 4 P.M. 

Postal Enquiry Office. A Postal Enquiry Office is established at the 
Central Post Office. The public are requested to intimate full parti- 
culars of thc-'r addresses to the Chief Superintendent and Postmaster, 
Coronation Durbar Post Office, so that these may be registered in 
the Postal Enquiry Department. This will facilitate the delivery 
of articles received with incomplete addresses. An article addressed 
in such a way that the Post Office cannot deliver it, will be kept in 
deposit in the Postal Enquiry Department at the Coronation Durbar 
post office and the public should make enquiries only at that office 
for undelivered articles. Articles for delivery will not be retained in 
deposit by any sub-office. The Postal Enquiry Department of the 
Coronation Durbar post office is open from 7 A.M. to 8 P.M. 

Telegrams. Tel egrams are received for despatch by the Coronation 
Durbar post office between the hours of 7 A.M. and 9 P.M. Telegraphic 
messages are not delivered from *hat office. 

Telephones. All the post offices are telephone call offices with 
the exception of J. (Wazirpur), 9 (The Mall) and 11 (Prince's Eoad). 

Complaints. All complaints relating to the Durbar post offices 
should be addressed to 

Mr. D. Murtrie, 

Chief Superintendent and Postmaster, 
Coronation Durbar Post Office. 




In addition to the permanent Telegraph Offices in Delhi detailed 
below : 





Week days. 

Sundays and 




Delhi Cavalry Lines. 



Accepts late fee tele- 

grams ; does not ac- 

cept Press telegrams. 

Delhi Chandni Chowk 



Docs not accept late 

foe telegrams or 

Press telegrams. 

Delhi Chauri Bazar 




Delhi Daruba . 




Delhi Darya Ganj 




Delhi EatraBarian 




Delhi Maiden 'a Hotc 




Delhi Subzimundi 




Delhi Sadda Bazar 




The following temporary Telegraph Offices have been opened in 
connection with the Coronation Durbar : 

1. A Telegraph Office on the Imperial Avenue, designated 
Coronation Durbar," open always from 0-24 hours. 

2. Nine local Telegraph Offices as follows : 



Where situated. 

Week days. 

Sundays and 



Does not 
accept late 
fee tele- 

Coronation Dnrbar 

A. On the Cen- 
tral Avenue. 


grams or 
Press tele- 

Coronation Durbar 
Coronation Durbar 

B. AttheG.P.O. 
C. Junction of 
Grand Trunk 
Road & Pro- 
vincial Camps 







NAME OP OFFICK. i Where situated. 

Coronation Durbtir 

Week days. ^JJj 


D. Provincial 
Camps Sta- 
tion, i 


7-21 8-10, 16-18 j Accepts late 

fee tele- 
grams, does 
not accept 
Press tele- 
| grams. 

Coronation Durbar 

E. Cavalry , 





Camps Sta- i 


tion. i 

Coronation Durbar 

P. Durbar Light! 


! Do. 

do. , 


Railway Sta- 




Coronation Durbar 

G. Dahirpur i 



do. ! 



Coronation Durbtir 

H. \riny (lamps 






Coronation Durbar 

K. Wazirsibad 









The following arc the Railway Telegraph Offices in Delhi which 
receive paid telegramH : 

NAME OP Ovvict . 




Delhi, E. I. Railway") Joint ^ 
J f. 0--24 
Delhi, B. B. Railway) Station ) 

- 24 


Delhi Junction, G. I. P. Railway 0-2-4 

02-1 ' 

Delhi Kishenganj, N. W. Ry. . 0-24 

o~24 ! 

Delhi Lahore Gate, B. B. Ry. . ; 0-24 


Delhi Sadar, G. I. P. Railway . 



Delhi Serai Rohilla, B. B. Ry. . 


0-24 j 

Delhi Shahdara, E. I. Ry. . 

6-21 ! 

6-21 : 

: Express telegram* 
1 dealt with at any 
J time day or night. 


None of the Railway Stations on the Delhi Durbar Railways 
accept paid telegrams. 

Press telegrams are only accepted at the Delhi and Coronation 
Durbar Telegraph Officea, and at no others. 

All telegrams will be delivered at Camp Enquiry Offices only, 
imp Staff 
the Camps. 

Camp Staff Officers will arrange to deliver telegrams to residents in 

Visitors arc particularly requested to intimate their addresses 
to the Officer in charge of the Coronation Durbar Telegraph Office. 
Cards for this purpose, addressed to that Officer, are available at all 
Telegraph Offices and Enquiry Offices. 

A list of undelivered telegrams is posted daily at the Central Office. 
A statement of undelivered telegrams is also posted daily to all Camp 
Enquiry Offices. 

Any complaints should be addressed to 

The Officer in Charge, 

Central Telegraph Office, 
Coronation Durbar. 


A Central Telephone Exchange has been established in the Corona- 
tion Durbar Telegraph Office. All Camp Enquiry Offices are connected 
to this Exchange. Full particulars showing all subscribers connected 
to the Exchange are to be found in the List of Subscribers issued with 
each instrument. 

All Post Offices are also Public Call Offices except 'lie Post Offices 
at Wazirabad, on the Mall and on Prince Road. A fee of four annas 
is charged for a three minutes' conversation, an additional fee of four 
annas is charged for every three minutes or part of three minutes in 

Complaints in writing should be addressed to 

The Assistant Superintendent, 

Central Telephone Exchange, 
Telegraph Camp, 

Coronation Durbar. 

Verbal complaints may be made by calling up No. 180. 

Officer in general charge of telegraph arrangements Mr. I. C. Thomas. 



In order to provide for the traffic in the Durbar area, special lines, 
on both the broad gauge and narrow 2' 6" gauge, have been construct- 
ed. Visitors are advised to obtain the Delhi Durbar Eailway guide 
for full details. The following short description shows generally the 
facilities offered : 

Broad Gauge. 

The Delhi- Ambala-Kalka Railway has been doubled from Sabzi- 
Mandi Station to Wazirpur junction, where a connection is made 
with the new Durbar lines. The Southern Punjab Eailway has 
been doubled from Brewery Cabin to Shakurpur. From Shakur- 
pur the Durbar Eailway has been constructed in a north-easterly 
direction to Imperial Service Troops Station, Provincial Carats Station 
and under the Delhi-Ambala-Kalka Eailway to Azadpur junction ; 
from here the main line goes on to the terminal station at Kingsway, 
and two branch lines go in one direction to Cavalry Camps station, in 
another direction to the Durbar station and Army Camps station. 

To relieve congestion in the main stations at Delhi, a second ter- 
minal station "Hamilton Eoad " has been made, with a " halt " sta- 
tion close to the Dufferin Bridge ; and a connection between the Agra 
Delhi Chord Eailway at Delhi Sadar, and the main lines at Grand 
Trunk junction, which will divert traffic round the main station. 

Local trains will run at intervals of about 15 minutes between Delhi 
main, or Hamilton Eoad, and Kingsway halting at Delhi Kishenganj, 
Imperial Service, Provincial Camps and Azadpur en route. Passengers 
for Cavalry Camps, Durbar, or Army Camps stations change at Azadpur. 
An occasional train will run vi& Sabzi-Mandi and Punjab Camps sta- 
tions. These broad gauge trains carry about 1,100 persons and carry 
goods and passenger traffic of all description, but it is important that 
for all traffic booked througli to the five broad gauge camp stations, 
viz., Kingsway, Army Camp, Cavalry Camp, Provincial Camp and 
Imperial Service Troops stations goods, should be clearly marked with 
the special labels provided free of charge at all the chief stations in 
India. The L bels are of distinctive colours and designs. Special 
trains and fully reserved carriages will be sent through to any of these 
camp stations. The rates for special trains, and for goods and parcels, 
will be found in the Delhi Durbar Eailway guide, or can be ascer- 
tained at the stations. There are also representatives of the railway 
companies at the enquiry offices of important camps. 

Atari ow gauge. 

The terminus is at Tis Hazari, with a short single line to the 
Mori Gate. The main line is double and runs North to the Khyber 
Pass, where one line goes West to the Polo ground and one North to 
the Durbar Amphitheatre. The line carries passengers only. Nor- 
mally trains ran every fifteen minutes from Tis Hazari to the two 
termini, half to the Polo ground and half to the Durbar station. 
The trains carry about 230 persons each. 

The fares are as under, and apply to journeys between any pair 
of stations on the Durbar Railways. 





r e,o b *i- 

IlSj> 3'i 

Distance over 
are levi 

ff' s is 


S* hi t^. P 

^ss*! 1 

ny Br 
m o 


1-3^3 S 

o or 

d ^, O -M 

M 00 " Vi " * o . "g 

H]|js fi- L Hi j ig 

^-aSSiiS -s55 ^b-^*5 vi^3 

OoS-HrtS Ort.GH 0^^'OJ Oc8 

sl|| S5?>.| 

o^o5 olcg^ 

EH r^ 





t 2 

f'S S" 

|M Ig, 





Cheaper fares will be offered to those travelling by the light rail- 
way in the early morning to provide facilities for the servants of 
visitors to proceed to the central market or the city for provisions. 

The ordinary train service on both the broad and the narrow gauge 
railways is liable to be suspended or will be supplemented in order to 
provide for the concentration of trains on the point nearest the special 
centre of interest for each day. Time tables will be issued from day 
to day giving details of the * train service for the following day and 
will be distributed to nil camps and exhibited at stations. Fares on 
trains for the Amphitheatre on the day of the Durbar will be in- 
creased as the time for running the last train approaches. 

Chief Engineer : Traffic Manager: 



The rates of hire which may be demanded by drivers of carriages 
licensed under the special rules in force for the Durbar period shall not 
exceed the following : - 

Within Municipal Limits awl Durbar arm. 

Special and 
1st Class. 

2nd Class. 

3rd Class 

3rd Class 
and Tonga. 

4th Class 

Rs. A. v. 

RS. A. P. 

Rs. A. P. 

Rs. A. p. 

Rs. A. p. 

Per hour or part 
Per day of 10 





1 8 

10 Municipal Limits. 

The fares which may be demanded for a drive to or to and from 
Humayun's Tomb. -\ 

SafTrlang!" (Direct or circular tour) 

Badli. ) 

which are within six miles of Municipal limits and to the Kutab, 
Okhla and Kalkaji which are more than six miles from Municipal 
limits shall be calculated by the hour or day according to the above 

These special rates of hire shall only be in force between the 15th of 
November and the 24th December 1911, and may only be charged for 
hackney carriages of all descriptions licensed under the special rules in 
force for the Durbar period. 



1. The use of motors during the Durbar is regulated by the Punjab 
Motor Vehicles Act, 1907, and the rules thereunder, the principal pro- 
visions of which are summarized in the following paragraphs. The 
rules apply to all motor vehicles including motor bicycles. 

2. Licenses. No person may drive a motor vehicle without a 
license. Licenses granted (a) under any Act in force in the United 
Kingdom or (b) under any Act in force in British India are recognised 
as valid for the purpose of this Act. 

3. Licenses available for one year will be granted by the Deputy 
Commissioner, Delhi, on payment of a fee of Us. 2 to any person over 
the age of 18 years who has not been disqualified by a formal declara- 
tion under the Act on account of a breach of the rules under the Act. 

4. Production and tise of licenses : 

(a) The driver of a motor vehicle shall produce his license upon 

demand by any police officer above the rank of constable. 

(b) The holder of a license shall not lend it to, nor allow it to 

be used by, any other person. 

5. Registration of vehicles. Every motor vehicle used within the 
Durbar area shall be registered with the Deputy Commissioner, Delhi, 
who will assign a special Durbar number to each vehicle registered 
with him. 

6. Applications for registration, which must contain the particulars 
shown in Schedule I, should be submitted in advance, before the 
arrival of the car in Delhi, accompanied by a fee of Rs. 2. A fee 
of Rs. 15 must be paid with every application submitted after Decem- 
ber 1st, 1911. 

7. Arrangements will be made for the issue of passes through the 
Station Masters of Durbar Railway Stations for motors arriving at 
such stations which have not previously been registered These passes 
will be granted only on the condition that regular registration shall be 
effected as soon as possible. (Sec Schedule III.) 

8. Identification marks. Every registered motor vehicle shall 
carry an identification mark, consisting of two plates, which shall com- 
ply with the requirements detailed in Schedule II. The plates form- 
ing the identification mark shall be fixed one on the front and the 
other on the back of the motor vehicle, in an upright position, so that 
every letter and figure on the plate is upright and easily distinguish- 
able. Provided that, in the case of motor bicycles, the plate fixed on 
the front part of the cycle may, if it has duplicate faces, be fixed so 
that from whichever side the cycle is viewed the letters or figures on 
one or other face are easily distinguishable. 

9. Speed. Ho motor vehicle shall be driven within the Durbar 
area at a greater speed than 12 miles an hour. 


10. Reckless driving. Whoever drives a motor vehicle recklessly 
>r negligently or at a speed or in a manner which is dangerous to the 
public, having regard to all the circumstances of the case, including the 
nature, condition and use of the road, and to the amount of traffic which 
ictually is at the time, or which might reasonably he expected to he, on 
bhe road, may on conviction be punished with fine which may extend to 
>ne hundred rupees, or, in the case of a second or subsequent conviction, 
to two hundred rupees. 

11. Stoppage in case of accident. Where any accident occurs to 
my person whether on foot, on horseback, or in a vehicle or to any 
horse or vehicle in charge of any person, owing to the presence of a 
motor vehicle on the road, whoever is in charge of such motor vehicle 
shall stop it for a reasonable time, and, if required, give his name and 
address, and also the name and address of the owner of such vehicle. 

12. Use of lights. When a motor vehicle is in use or standing 
on a public road or street after the time advertised as lighting up time 
a lamp shall be kept burning on the vehicle, so contrived as to illumin- 
ate by means of reflection, transparency or otherwise, and render 
easily distinguishable, every letter or figure on the identification plate 
fixed on the back of the vehicle. Provided that in the case of motor 
cycles, the front plate may, if desired, be so illuminated. 

Acetylene gas lamps should not be used on motor or other 
vehicles unless they are so hooded or screened as to throw the light on 
the road only. 

13. Breach of rules. Any breach of the rules detailed in para- 
graphs 2, 4, 5, 8, 9 or 11 above may on conviction be punished with 
fine which may extend to fifty rupees, or, in the case of a second or 
subsequent conviction, to one hundred rupees. Provided that no pro- 
secution for a breach of the provisions of rule 4 (a) shall be instituted 
if the driver whose license has been demanded produces the same before 
a Magistrate within 48 hours of the demand. 

NOTE. The schedules can be obtained on application to the Superintendent of Police, 

14. Flags on motors are not allowed unless authorised by the 
Inspector General of Police. 



Commandant. Colonel T. C. F. SOMERVILLE, Commandant, 
Royal Military School of Music. 

Musical Director. Major A. STRETTON, M.V.O., Director of 
Music, Royal Military School of Music. 


By kind permission of the Commanding Officer* ;md Officers, the 
bands of the following regiments are present : 

1st (King's) Dragoon Guards. 

6th (Inniskilling) Dragoons. 

13th Hnssars. 

1st Battalion, Northumberland Fusiliers. 

2nd Battalion, Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment) . 

1st Battalion, The King's Own Scottish Borderers. 

4th Battalion, The Worcestershire Regiment. 

1st Battalion, The Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regi- 
ment) . 

2nd Battalion, The Black Watch (Royal Highlanders). 

2nd Princess Charlotte of Wales' (Royal Berkshire Regiment). 

3rd Battalion, The King's Royal Rifle Corps. 

4th Battalion, The King's Royal Rifle Corps. 

1st Battalion, The Manchester Regiment. 

1st Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry. 

1st Battalion, Highland Light Infantry. 

1st Battalion, Seafortli Highlanders. 

1st Battalion, The Connaught Rangers. 

16th Rajputs (The Lucknow Regiment) . 

23rd Sikh Pioneers. 

25th Punjabis. 

28th Punjabis. 

33rd Punjabis. 

34th Sikh Pioneers. 

36th Sikhs. 

39th Garhwal Rifles. 

46th Rattray's Sikhs. 

47th Sikhs. 

53rd Sikhs. 

57th Wilde's Rifles. 

74th Punjabis. 

107th Pioneers. 

116th Mahrattas. * 

128th Pioneers. 

130th (King George's Own) Baluohis (Jacob's Rifles). 

1st Battalion, 1st (King George's Own) Gurkha Rifles 

(The Malaun Regiment). 

2nd Battalion, do. do. do. 

1st Battalion, 2nd (King Edward's Own) Gurkha Rifles 

(The Sirmoor Rifles). 
2nd Battalion, do. do. do. 


1st Battalion, 3rd (Queen Alexandra's Own) Gurkha Eiflcs. 
2nd Battalion, do. do. do. 

1st Battalion, 4th Gurkha Rifles. 
2nd Battalion, do. 

2nd Battalion, 9th Gurkha Rifles. 
2nd Battalion, 10th Gurkha Rifles. 
Also the string bands of 
The King's Dragoon Guards, 

1st Battalion, The King's Own Scottish Borderers, 
2nd Battalion, The Royal Berkshire Regiment, and 
1st Battalion, The Connaught Rangers . 

By kind permission of His Excellency the Governor General his 
Orchestra will on occasions play with the Massed String Bands. 

At the finals of the Hockey 'Tournament Native Music will be per- 
formed on Dhols and Serenais by men of the 25th, 28th and 33rd 
Punjabis, 57th Wilde's Rifles, 107th Pioneers, 128th Pioneers and 
130th K. G. O. Baluchis. 

Applications to engage bands should be made, through the Com- 
mandant, to the Commanding Officer of the Regiments or Corps to 
which the band in request belongs. 

The Massed bands will play on the Polo Ground on the dates and at 
tho hours specified below. 

Monday November 27th at 4-30 V.M. 

Tuesday November 28th at 4-30 P.M. 

Wednesday November 29th at 4-30 P.M. 

Friday December 1st at 6 P.M. 

Monday December 4th at 3 P.M. 

Tuesday December 5th at 3 P.M. 

Wednesday December 6th at 4-30 P.M. 

Saturday December 9th at 3 P.M. Tattoo 011 the Polo Ground 

at 9-30 t.M. 

Monday December llth at 3-30 P.M. 
Sunday December 17th at 4-30 P.M. 

On the evening of 12th December there will be a Torch-light 
Tattoo on the Bela beginning at 6 P.M. 


The general control of the Medical and Sanitary Arrangements is in 
the hands of Colonel C. J. Bamber, I.M.S., Inspector General of Civil 
Hospitals, Punjab, assisted by the following officers : 
Lt-Gol. H. B. Thornhill, C.I.E., Inspecting Officer of Sanitation. 

Major E. L. Ward, I.M.S. . . Special Health Officer. 
Capt. A. E. Grisewood, I.M.S. . Special Plague Officer. 


A. Medical Arrangements. 

Each Central and Provincial Camp is provided with a Medical 
Officer who is supplied with a hospital in charge of a Medical subordi- 
nate. Serious cases of disease arc sent to the Civil Hospital, Delhi, 
which adjoins the Jumma Musjid. In addition there is a Civil Hos- 
pital adjoining Rajpur village in the Durbar area in charge of Civil 
Assistant Surgeon Mir Hidayat Ullah. In this hospital civilian 
followers are treated. Cases of infectious disease are treated in Segre- 
gation Hospitals, which are situated as follows : 

No. 1. On the Grand Trunk at the 5th mile stone, to take cases 

from Central Camps north of the Alipur lload (the Mall). 

No. 2. At Pembari Bridge on the Western Jumna Canal to take 

cases from all Provincial Camps. 

No. 3. Under the Ridge on the Malkaganj Road beyond the 
Central Police Camp, to take all cases from Central 
Camps south of the Alipur Road (the Mall). 

B. Sanitary Arrangements. 

Each Civil Camp has its internal sanitary arrangements controlled 
by its own sanitary staff. In the case of Central Camps south of the 
Alipur Road, the scavenging is done by the conservancy staff of the 
Coronation Durbar Committee. 

The whole area occupied by the Civil Camps is divided into three 
wards under the Conservancy Overseer Mr. Teeling. 

Each ward is sub-divided into circles in the charge of daroghas, 
who control a large establishment of sweepers. 

Nurses. Lady Minto's Indian Nursing Association will not have a 
branch at Delhi. Fully trained English Nurses for 
private cases can be engaged on application to Miss 
Tippetts, Nursing Home, Lower Mall, Lahore. 

Numerous ambulance stations are being provided on processional 
routes. These are arranged jointly by the civil authorities and St. 
John's Ambulance Association, Punjab, members of which are serving 
voluntarily. Stations will be distinguished by a small black flag bear- 
ing a white St. John's cross. 


There will be a Veterinary Hospital in Camp 31 (Map H-10) with a 
qualified staff for the treatment of any cases that may be brought. 

There will be no charge for treatment. There will be accommoda- 
tion for a limited number of cases that may be required to remain as 
indoor patients ; although there will be no charge for the treatment of 
these, owners will have to make their own arrangements for feeding, 
bedding and general attendance. As far as possible the staff will visit 


urgent cases, and cases that cannot be brought to the hospital, at the 
owner's stables, but the owner will have to provide conveyance or 
pay the travelling expenses of the Veterinary Assistant. 

There will be a number of peripatetic Veterinary Inspectors who 
will each have a certain area in which he will take action under the 
Glanders and Farcy Act when necessary and take steps to report and 
cope with any outbreak of contagious disease. They will also co-oper- 
ate with the police in the prevention of cruelty to animals. Each man 
will wear a badge by which he can be identified readily and he will be 
prepared to attend to any emergent cases, such as accident, etc., when 
called upon. 

A quantity of rinderpest serum will be kept in stock, so that in the 
event of rinderpest occurring amongst cattle, animals may be in- 
oculated on application at the hospital. 

Cases can also be treated at the Municipal Veterinary Hospital op- 
posite the Tis Hazari Station on the light railway, but there charges 
will be made according to the rates scheduled. 


For the convenience of visitors and others located in the various 
Camps on the Durbar area a Central Market has been established on 
the Mall opposite the Prince's Eoad Light Eailway Station and next 
door to the Electric Power House. 

The Market is open daily from 5-30 A.M. up to 9 P.M. The mam 
building consists of shops for the sale of Wines, Spirits, Oilman's stores, 
Tobacco, Tailoring, Saddlery and Chemists' stores. Adjoining the 
main building there is a market for the sale of Fruits, Vegetables, 
Flowers, Bread, Cakes, Biscuits, Jams, Jellies, Flour, Bice, and 
Grains etc. Adjoining this building there is another market for the 
sale of Beef, Mutton, Poultry, Eggs, Fish, and Game. Petrol can be 
obtained from the Burma Oil Co. (Agents Shaw, Wallace & Co.). The 
Government contract rate is Rs. 1-6-0 per gallon. 

The marke* is under the supervision of Mr. Douglas Bennett, 
F.Z.S., late Superintendent of the Crawford Market, Bombay. 


(CAMP 25. MAP H-9 AND 1-9.) 

A Government Dairy has been established in a central position on 
the Najafgarh Canal Boad and is being worked by the Military Farms 
Department under the supervision of Col. R. H. Ewart, D.S.O., 
Assistant Director of Farms, Army Headquarters. 

The installation comprises a dairy with butter making, separating 
and pasteurizing rooms, refrigerators, cold storage, and steam sterilis- 
ing arrangements for the cleaning of utensils. 

Two large Stock Yards have been established at the Central Dairy, 
and a Branch Dep6t has been opened near Wazirabad, which will make 
supplies principally to the Army Camps. 


The daily issues of milk are estimated to be over 25,000 Ibs., and to 
meet these a herd of 2,000 milch cattle will be maintained. The 
butter supplies, which are expected to reach It tons daily, will be partly 
obtained from the Dairy itself and partly DV importation from the 
Military Creameries. The total staff will be about 400 men, including 
60 Europeans, under the management of Mr. Smith, Dairy Expert, 
Army Headquarters. 

Produce will be sold for cash or coupons at the following rates : 
Milk 0-2-6 per lb., Cream Be. 1 per lb., Fresh butter Ee. 1-4 per 
lb., Cooking Butter Ee. 1 per lb. These rates are reduced 
in the case of troops. 


The Durbar Fodder Supply, which is in charge of Capt. Mellor of 
the Military Farms Department, has been arranged to provide a com - 
plete supply of fodder for the civil and military camps. 

The stock of hay, which consists of about 1,80,000 maunds, is steam 
baled and has been obtained from the various military farms. 75,000 
maunds of bhoom and 23,000 maunds of baled bedding grass has also 
been stocked. The supplies have been stacked at 6 convenient points 
in the Durbar area, viz., at Balsura, Samepur, Hyderpur, Wazirabad, 
Eajpur, and Azadpur. 

The sale rate of hay in bulk is Ee. 1-1-0 per maund, but in the case 
of late demands and retail issues the charge is Ee. 1-4-0 per maund. 
Bedding is sold at Ee. 1 per maund. 

Both hay and bedding are available in exchange for coupons at all 
stackyards. Coupons can be purchased at the Fodder Supply Office 
which is situated in the Government Dairy Camp and all Dairy 


In the Camp area, five observation stations Lave been established, at 

(1) The Flagstaff tower on the Eidge, 

(2) The Bandstand on the Polo Ground, 

(3) Kingsway Eailway Station, 

(4) Dahirpur village, 

(5) The Eifle butts, 

under the control of Lieut. P. C. S. Hobart, E.JE., Administration 
Camp, who is in general charge of precautions against fire. Picqucts 
will be in readiness at the observation*stations to proceed to the scene 
of a fire ; but it must be understood that it will seldom be possible 
for pioquets to arrive on the scene in time to put out the actual tent 
on fire. That should be cut down at once, and extinguished by the 
local fire brigade of the camp. 

The principal precautions to be observed will be communicated to 
residents by camp officers. The following are important : 

1. The use of naked lights or any form of oil lamp or candle, 
except hurricane lamps, should be forbidden except in camps not lit 
by electric light. 


2. Fires for cooking, etc., should be lit only in authorised places. 

3. The utmost care should be taken in the disposal of cigarette 
ends, matches, etc. 

4. If a fire is caused by the fusing of an electric wire, the first 
thing to do is to switch off the current. 


In order to provide a complete supply of filtered water for the 
Durbar camps a special installationihas been erected. The filters have a 
capacity of over 5 million gallons a day. The total length of pipes laid 
down amounts to over 101 miles and the mains alone (which amount to 
51 miles in length) weigh over 4,000 tons. The work throughout has 
been carried out under the supervision of Mr. I). W. Aikman, Sanitary 
Engineer, Punjab Government. 

For the purpose of repairing damages and leaks the Durbar area has 
been divided into 5 circles and parties have been stationed at the 
following places, viz. : - 

1. At the office of Superintendent of works, Camp 51, Map J-9, 
for the King-Emperor's Camp only. 

2. At the water works Map L-10 (on the telephone) for the 
Central Camps, Veterans' Camp and Naval contingent. 

3. Opposite Camp 313 between Camps 179 and 204 (Map J-7) for 
the 7 division, the Naval contingent and the Escort Camp. 

4. By the fire picquct outside Dahirpur village (Map H-6) for 
the 3rd division, composite division and all the Chiefs' 

5. Outside Camp 250 (Map E-6) opposite Azadpur village for 
the cavalry division and provincial camps. 

In case of a break or leakage camp officers will send intimation to 
the nearest party. 


The electrical energy for lighting the camps, roads and buildings in 
the Durbar area is generated at a central power house specially con- 
structed for tne occasion and situated on the Alipur Road next the 
central post office. The station is equipped with plant of 3,200-H.P. 
capable of delivering 2,400 kilowatts ; it will consume some 3,000 tons of 
coal before and during the Durbar period, and is calculated to produce 
energy sufficient to light 72,000 lamps of 25 candle power. 

The illumination of the roads is being carried out by means of 
incandescent metal fillament lamps of candle power ranging from 1,000 
to 50 ; approximately 100 miles of roads are lit, and some 10,000 tele- 
graph poles and 900 miles of copper wire have been erected for the 
aerial mains in camps and on roads. 

Electrical Engineer in charge, Mr. J. S. Pitkeathly, Electrical 
Inspector, UnitecT Provinces. 

Rules which visitors are requested to observe in connection with elec- 
tric, light : 

(1) Switch of all lights when not required. 

(2) Do not hang anything on the fittings or wires. 


(3) In case of fire turn off the main switch and smother tho fire 

rather than quench it with water. 

(4) Do not remove lamps from holders. 

(5) Do not replace any fuses which blow. 

In case of any fault tho camp officer should be notified. 


An Invitation Bureau has been opened in the Administration Camp 
to deal with the issue of invitations and tickets for official events. 
The office is not open to the general public, and will not deal direct 
with individuals, but only with the staff officers of camps and groups 
who have been instructed how to deal with applications which they 
themselves receive from individual members of their groups. Invi- 
tation tickets or passes will be issued at least a week before the event 
to which they relate. 

Membership, or season, tickets for the Polo, Hockey and Football 
Tournaments can also be obtained through Camp Officers only. Day 
tickets will be sold at the gates. 


The following are the services at the Churches in Delhi : 
Church of England. ST. JAMES' 
Sunday 8 A.M. Holy Communion. 
11 A.M. Morning prayer, 

5 P.M. Children's service. 

6 P.M. Evening prayer. 
Week days 8 A.M. Holy Communion. 

Roman Catholic Church 

Sunday 8-30 A.M. Mass. 

5-30 P.M. Benediction. 
Week days 7 A.M. Mass. 


Visitors who wish to see the nunferous places of interest in and 
round Delhi, should consult a guide book ; " Delhi Past and Present/' 
by Mr. H. C. Fanshawe, C.S.I. (John Muriay, London, 1902), is 
recommended. Prom it the following three days' itinerary has been 
taken : 

First day Morning. Drive through the Kashmir Gate to the Fort 
and Palace, the Juimna Masjid, and the Chandni Chauk. 

Afternoon. Drive to further end of Ridge, and from there along 
it to the south end. Then proceed along the route of the sites of the 


siege batteries and the breaches, finishing with the spot where General 
Nicholson was shot and grave where he lies buried. 

Second day. In the morning drive to the Kutab (12 miles), by the 
direct route of the Ajmir Gate and Safdar Jang*s tomb. Spend the 
day there one cannot see well all that is worth seeing in less than 
some four hours and return in the evening by the same road, pausing 
if there is time to see the group of tombs at Khairpur. (By starting 
at 7-30 A.M. and having a second relay of horses, it is possible to 
include Tughlakabad in the day's trip ; this, however, involves a drive 
of 35 miles, and five to six hours' sight-seeing.) 

Third day Morning. Visit the Purana Kila, Humayun's tomb 
and Nizam-ud-din j if possible also the tomb of Isa Khan and of Khan 

Afternoon. Visit the Delhi Palace again, the Kala Mas j id, and 
the tomb and College of Ghazi-ud-din at the Ajmir Gate. 

The Roshanara garden will repay a visit. 

Visitors to the Fort and the Jumma Mas j id should note the follow- 
ing rules. 

Rules for admission to the Delhi Fort between 
the 15th November and 17th December 1911. 

1. The Fort will be closed to visitors from the 15th* of November. 
Passes will, however, be given to selected visitors. 

2. All applications should be addressed to the Deputy Inspector 
General of Police (Railways & C. I. D.), Punjab, at Delhi. Those from 
the residents of Native States should be forwarded to the above officer 
through their respective camp officers or Political officers. 

3. Applications should be made at least 48 hours in advance of the 
date on which it is desired to visit the Fort. 

4. The Fort will be closed entirely to visitors on the following 
days : -December 6th, 7th, 12th, 13th, 16th. 

5. The Deputy Inspector General may refuse any application without 
assigning a reason therefor. 

Rules for admittance to the Jama Masjid. 

I. No one is permitted to remain in the Mosque at night, except 
the appointed Khadims, the Muazzan, and individuals specially autho- 
rized by the Managing Committee. 

II. All European visitors are requested to place over their boots, 
before entering the domed portion of the Mosque on the west-side of 
the quadrangle, the coverings provided on the steps leading from the 
quadrangle on that side. 


III. European soldiers are not allowed to enter the Mosque without 
a pass from their Commanding Officer, or from the Brigade Office. 

IV. Non-Musalman Asiatics are not allowed to enter the Mosquo 
without a pass from the Deputy Commissioner or from the Managing 
Committee. The Darwans will indicate where such passes can be 

V. No smoking is allowed in the Mosque. Visitors are forbidden 
to take inside the Mosque, dogs, hukkas, musical instruments or any 
articles prohibited by Mohammadan doctrine. Persons desiring to 
photograph within the Mosque, must obtain special permission to do so 
from the Managing Committee. 

VI. Visitors must not pass or stand in front of Mohammadans 
engaged in prayer, and are required to remain in the eastern portion 
of the Mosque during the hour of prayer. 

VII. No chairs or benches can be taken into the Mosque without 
the special permission of the Committee and any taken in, with such 
permission, must be removed as soon as the ceremony for which they 
were allowed has ended. 

VIII. No religious discussion is allowed in the Mosque, nor is any 
assemblage allowed, except for the purpose of prayer. Preaching in 
the Mosque is forbidden, except with the permission of the Managing 

IX. Two constables will be detailed for duty at the North and 
South gates and will be responsible for seeing that the above rules arc 

Part II. Civil and Central Camps. 

The following list of Camps has been arranged alphabetically : 

The King-Emperor's Camp. 


Ajmer (Provincial) 
Ali Rajpur (Central 

Chiefs) . . > . 
Alwar (Rajputana Chiefs) 
Army Headquarters 
Baghat (Punjab Chiefs) 
Bahawalpur (Punjab Chiefs) 
Baluchistan (Agent to the 

Baluchistan (Provincial) 
Bamra (Bengal Chiefs) 




jLjni-uni, v,JJfiig*n vyuiuAoy . Io5 

Banganapalle (Madras Chiefs) 136 I 

Bansda 136 

Banswara (Rajputana Chiefs) 136 
Baria (Bombay Chiefs) . . 137 
Baroda (Gaekwar) . ,. . 137 
Baroda (Resident) . . 138 
Barwani (Central India 

Chiefs) . . .138 

Benares (United Provinces 

Chiefs) . . . . 138 ! 
Bengal (Lieutenant-Governor) 139 
Bengal (Provincial) . . 142 
Bharatpur (Rajputana Chiefs) 144 
Bhavnagar (Bombay Chiefs) . 145 
Bhopal (Central India Chiefs) 146 
Bhor (Bombay Chiefs) . 146 

Bhutan 146 

Bijawar (Central India Chiefs) 147 
Bikaner (Rajputana Chiefs) . 147 
Bilaspur (Punjab Chiefs) . 148 
Bombay (Governor) . 149 

Bombay (Political Officers) . 152 
Bombay (Political Officers in 

Bombay Chiefs Block II) . 153 
Bombay (Provincial) . . 153 

Bombay, Baroda and Central 

India Railway . . 156 
Bundi (Rajputana Chiefs) . 158 
Burma (Lieu tenant-Governor) 159 
Burma (Provincial) . . 161 
Cambay (Bombay Chiefs) . 162 
Central India (Agent to the 

Governor-General) . . 163 
Central India (Political Offi- 
cers) 164 

Central India (Provincial) . 164 
Central Provinces (Chief 

Commissioner) . . 165 

Central Provinces (Political 

Officers* . . .167 

Central Provinces (Provin- 
cial) ... .167 
Chamba (Punjab Chiefs) . 169 
Charkhari (Central India 

Chiefs) . . 169 

Chhatarpur (Central India 

Chiefs) . . . .170 
Chota Udepur (Bombay) . 170 
Civil Lines, Delhi . . .170 
Cochin (Madras Chiefs) . . 175 
Cooch Behar (Bengal Chiefs) . 176 
Comtnander-in Chief . . 176 
Cutch (Bombay Chiefs) . . 180 
Datia (Central India Chiefs) . 180 
Dewas Senior Branch (Central 

India Chiefs) . . .180 
Dewas Junior Branch (Cen- 
tral India Chiefs) . . 181 
Dhar (Central India Chiefs) . 181 
Dharampur (Bombay Chiefs) . 182 
Dhenkanal (Bengal Chiefs) . 182 





Dholpur (Eajputana Chiefs) . 182 
Dhrangadra (Bombay Chiefs). 183 
D'thala (Bombay Chiefs) . 183 
Dujana (Puniab Chiefs) . 184 

Dungarpur (Eajputana Chiefs) 184 
East Indian Railway . 184 

Eastern Bengal and Assam 

(Lieutenant-Governor) 185 

Eastern Bengal and Assam 

(Provincial) . . . 
Fadthli (Bombay Chiefs) . 
Faridkot (Punjab Chiefs) . 
Foreign Office and Adminis- 

tration . . . . 
Gondal (Bombay Chiefs) . 
Government of India . 
Great Indian Peninsula Bail- 

way ..... 200 
Gwalior (Central India Chiefs) 200 
Hill-Tipperah (Eastern Ben- 

gal and Assam Chiefs) . 201 
Hyderabad (Nizam) . . 202 
Hyderabad (Resident) . . 203 
Idar (Bombay Chiefs) . . 204 
Imperial Cadet Corps . . 204 
Indore (Central India Chiefs). 206 
Jaipur (Eajputana Chiefs) 207 
Jaisalmer (Baiputana Chiefs). 208 
Janjira (Bombay Chiefs) . 208 
Jaora (Central India Chiefs) . 208 
Jhalawar (Eajputana Chiefs) 
Jind (Punjab Chiefs) . 
Jodhpur (Eajputana Chiefs) 
Jubbal (Punjab Chiefs) . 
Kalahandi (Bengal Chiefs) 
Kalat (Baluchistan Chiefs) 
Kalsia (Punjab Chiefs) 
Kankar (Central Provinces 

Chiefs) . . 

Kapurthala (Punjab Chiefs) 
Karauli (Rajputana Chiefs) 
Kashmir (Maharaja) . 
Kashmir (Eesident) . 
Khairpur (Bombay Chiefs) 
Kushalgarh (Eajputana) 
Kishangarh (Eajputana 

Chiefs) . 

Kolhapur (Bombay Chiefs) 
Kotah (Eajputana Chiefs) 
Lahej (Bombay Chiefs) . 






. 221 

I Lakhtar (Bombay Chiefs) . 221 
Las Bela (Baluchistan Chiefs) 221 
Lawa (Eajputana Chiefs) . 222 
Loharu (Punjab Chiefs) . 222 
Limbdi (Bombay Chiefs) . 222 
Madras (Governor) . . 223 
Madras (Provincial) . - 225 
Makrai (Central Provinces 

Chiefs) . . 227 

Malerkotla (Punjab Chiefs) . 227 
Mandi (Punjab Chiefs) . . 228 
Manipur (Eastern Bengal and 

Assam Chiefs) . . .228 
Military Tournament Staff 

Camp . . 229 

Mourbhan] (Bengal Chiefs) . 229 
Mudhol 'Bombay Chiefs) . 229 
Mysore (Maharaja) . . 230 
Mysore (Eesident) . . . 231 
Nabha (Punjab Chiefs) . . 232 
Nahan (Puniab Chiefs) . . 232 
, Narsinghgarh (Central India 

Chiefs) . . .232 

Naval Contingent . . . 233 
I Nawanagar (Bombay Chiefs) . 234 
j Nepal Envoy . . 234 

I North- West Frontier Pro- 
vince (Chief Commissioner) . 235 
North-West Frontier Pro- 
vince (Provincial) . 236 
North-Western Eailway . 238 
Northern Army (General Offi- 
cer Commanding) . . 240 
Orcha (Central India Chiefs) . 241 
Oudh and Eohilkhand Eail- 
way ... 242 
Palanpur (Bombay Chiefs) . 244 
Panna (Central India Chiefs) . 245 
Partabgarh (Eajputan a 

Chiefs) . . 245 

Pa^audi (Punjab Chiefs) . 246 
Patiala (Punjab Chiefs) . . 246 

Police 247 

Police, Central . . .247 
Police, Special Military . . 249 
Postal Officers . . .249 
Pudokkottai (Madras Chiefs). 250 
Punjab (Lieutenant-Govern- 
or) 250 

Punjab Commission . . 253 



Punjab (Provincial) . . 254 
Press ..... 257 
Radhanpur (Bombay Chiefs) . 259 
Raigarh (Central Provinces 

Chiefs) ... 260 

Rajgarh (Central India Chief s) 260 
Rajkot (Bombay Chiefs) . 261 
Rajpipla (Bombay Chiefs) . 261 
Rajputana (Agent to the Gov- 

ernor-General) . . . 261 
Rampur (United Provinces 
' Chiefs) . . . .262 
Ratlam (Central India Chiefs) 263 
Rewa (Central India Chiefs) . 264 
Sachin (Bombay Chiefs) . 264 
Sailana (Central India Chiefs) 265 
Sambalpur (Bengal Chiefs) . 265 
Samthar (Central India 

Chiefs) . . . .265 
Sangli (Bombay Chiefs) . . 266 
Sarangarh (Central Provinces 

Chiefs) . . . .266 
Shahpura (Rajputana Chiefs) . 266 
Slier and Mokalla (Bombay 

Chiefs) . . . .267 

Sirguja (Central 
Chiefs) . 



Sitamau (Central India Chiefs) 268 
Sirohi (Rajputana Chiefs) . 268 
Sonpur (Bengal Chiefs) 269 

Southern Army (General Offi- 
cer Commanding) . . 269 
Special Military Camp . . 270 
Suket (Punjab Chiefs) . . 272 
Tehri (United Provinces 

Chiefs) . . 272 

Tonk (Rajputana Chiefs) . 273 
Travancore (Madras Chiefs) . 273 
Treasury and Audit . . 274 
Udaipur (Mewar) (Rajputana 

Chiefs) . . . .274 
United Provinces (Lieutenant- 
Governor) . . . .275 
United Provinces (Provincial) 277 
Visitors' Camps- 
Cecil Section . . 281 
Curzon House . . 282 
* Curzon House Tents . 283 
Kudsia Gardens . 283 
Nicholson Camp . 283 
Visitors' Camping Sites 

TisHazari. . . .285 

Cruising Company's Camp . 285 

Site 246 . . . .286 

Wankaner (Bombay Chiefs) . 287 



The King- Emperor's Camp. 

CAMP 1. MAP J-9 AND 10. 

Ji Imperial JftajestB the 
)er Imperi 

Their Imperial Majesties' Suite from England. 

The Duchess of Devonshire . 

The Countess of Shaftesbury 
Major H. H. the Duke of Teck, 

G.C.B., G.C.V.O., C.M.G. 
The Right Hon'ble the Marquis of 

Crewe, K.G., P.C. 
The Earl of Durham, K.G. . 
The Earl of Shaftesbury, K.P., 

The Right Hon'ble the Lord 

Annaly, P.C., C.V.O. 
The Right Hon'ble the Lord Stam- 

fordham, P.C., G.C.V.O., K.C.B., 

K.C.S.L, K.C.M.G., I.S.O. 
Lt.-Gen. Sir H. L. Smith- Dorrien, 

K.C.B., D.S.O. 
Sir E. R. Henry, G.C.V.O., K.C.B., 

Maj.-Gen. Sir S. B. Beatson, 

K.C.B., K.C.S.I. 
Rear-Admiral Sir C. R. Keppel, 

K.C.V.O., C.B., D.S.O. 
Lt.-Col. Sir J. R. Dunlop-Smith, 

K.C.S.I., C.I.E. 
Comdr. Sir C. L. Gust, Bt., 

K.C.V.O., C.B., C.M.G., C.I.E., 


Mistress of the Robes. 


Silver Stick and Personal Aide- 

de-Camp to the King-Emperor. 
Secretary of State for India. 

Lord High Steward. 
Lord Chamberlain to the Queen- 
Lord-in- Waiting. 

Private Secretary to the King- 

Aide-de-Camp General. 

Extra Equerry to the King-Em- 

Extra Equerry to the King-Em- 

Extra Equerry to the King-Em- 

Political A.-D.-C. to the Secretary 
of State for India. 

Equerry to the King-Emperor. 


The Hon'blc Lt.-Col. Sir D. W. Equerry to the King-Emperor. 

G. Keppel, K.C.V.O., C.M.G., 

C.I.E., R.N. 

Lt.-Col. Sir F. E. G. Ponsonby, Assistant Private Secretary and 

K.C.V.O., C.B. Equerry to the King-Emperor. 

Major Lord Charles G. F. P. Fitz- Equerry to the King-Emperor. 

maurice, M.V.O. 

Major Clive Wigram, M.V.O., I.A. Assistant Private Secretary and 

Equerry to the King-Emperor. 

Lt.-Col. Sir R. Havelock Charles, Serjeant-Surgeon to the King- 

K.C.V.O., F.R.C.S. Emperor. 

Mr. F. H. Lucas, C.B. . . Private Secretary to the Secretary 

of State for India. 

The Hon'ble J. W. Fortescue, Official Historian. 


Mr. F. Jacomb Hood . . . Official Artist. 

Their Imperial Majesties' Indian Suite. 

The Hon'ble Sir J. P. Hewett, President, Durbar Committee. 

K.C.S.I., C.I.E. 

The Hon'ble Lt.-Col. Sir A. H. Master of Ceremonies. 

McMahon, K.C.I.E., C.S.I. 

Brig.-Gcnl. R. E. Grimston, C.I.E., Military Secretary to the King- 

6th (K.E.O.) Cavalry. Emperor. 

Lt.-Col. H. D. Watson, C.I.E., Extra Equerry to the King- 

9th Gurkha Rifles. Emperor. 

Brig.-Gen. W. R. Birdwood, C.B., Aide-de-Camp to the King-Em- 

C.S.I., C.I.E., D.S.O. peror. 

Brig.-Gen. H. D'U. Keary, C.B., Aide-de-Camp to the King-Em- 

D.S.O. peror. 

^9.C. Brig.-Gen. C. J. Melliss, Aide-de-Camp to the King-Em- 

C.B. peror. 

Col. F. Goodwin, C.I.E., V.D., B. B. Aide-de-Camp to the King-Em- 

and C. I. Ry. Vol. Rifles. peror. 

Bt.-Col. H. E. Stanton, C.B., D.S.O., Aide-de-Camp to the King-Em- 

R.G.A. peror. 

Hony. Maj.-Gen. His Highness Hony. Aide-de-Camp to the King- 
Maharaja Sir Madho Rao Scindia, Emperor. 

Bahadur, G.C.S.I., G.C.V.O., 

Maharaja of Gwalior. 


Maj. -Gen. His Highness Maharaja Hony. Aide-de-Camp to the King- 
Bahadur Sir Partab Singh, Emperor. 
G.C.S.I., K.C.B., Regent of the 
Jodhpur State. 

Hony. Col. Nawab Sir Muhammad Hony. Aide-de-Camp to the King- 
Aslain Khan, Sardar Bahadur, Emperor. 

Hony. Col. His Highness Sir Hony. Aide-de-Camp to the King- 
. Muhammad Hamid Ali, Khan Emperor. 
Bahadur, G.C.I.E, Nawab of 

Hony. Col. His Highness Maharaja Hony. Aidc-de-Camp to the King- 
Sir Ganga Sing, Bahadur, Emperor. 
G.C.I.E., K.C.S.I., Maharaja of 

Major E. D. Money, 1st Gurkha Assistant Military Secretary to the 

Rifles. King-Emperor. 

Major H. R. Stockley, R.E. . . Assistant Military Secretary to 

the King-Emperor. 

Capt. R. E. T. Hogg, C.I.H. . Assistant Military Secretary to 

the King- Emperor. 

Lt.-Col. R. Bird, C.I.E., I.M.S. . Surgeon to the King-Emperor. 

Major the Hon'ble W. G. S. Extra Aide-de-Camp to the King- 

- Cadogan, M.V.O., 10th Royal Emperor. 

JCapt. L. F. Ashburner, M.V.O., Extra Aidc-de-Camp to the King- 

D.S.O., Royal Fusiliers. Emperor. 

.Capt. H. Hill, M.V.O., Royal Extra Aide-de-Camp to the King- 
Welsh Fusiliers. Emperor. 

,Capt. R. B. C. Raban, Duke of Extra Aide-de-Camp to the King- 
York's Own Lancers (Skinner's Emperor. 

His Excellency the Governor-General. 
Her Excellency the Lady Hardinge of Penshurst, C.I. 

The Hon'ble A. Hardinge. 

The Hon'ble Diamond Hardinge. 

Miss Sandford. 

Miss Ostcll. 
Miss Pierce. 

Jis Excellency the Governor- General's Staff. 

Mr. J. H. DuBoulay, C.I.E., I.C.S. Private Secretary. 

Mr. J. Scott .... Assistant Private Secretary. 

Lt.-Col. F. A. Maxwell, ^.C., Military Secretary. 

D.S.O., 18th(K.G.O.) Lancers. 
Mr. R. Parsons 


Lt.-Col. F. O'Kinealy, I.M.S. 
llony. Major L. A. H. Clarke 

Capt. J. Mackenzie, 35th Sikhs 

Personal Assistant to the Military 

Assistant Surgeon. 

Comptroller, Governor- General's 

Major the Hon'ble H. J. Fraser, 

Scots Guards. 
Capt. the Hon'ble A. O. W. C. Ditto. 

Weld-Forester, Grenadier Guards. 
Capt. F. A. Nicolson, 15th (The Ditto. 

King's) Hussars. 
Major R. G. Jelf, King's Royal Extra Aide-de-Camp. 


Capt. W. W. Muir, 15th Sikhs . Ditto. 

Capt. A. F. Hartley, llth (K.E.O.) " Ditto. 

Capt. H. P. Burn, Gordon High- Ditto. 


Capt. A. A. Tod, Rifle Brigade . ' Ditto. 
Lieut. J. J. Aster, 1st Life Guards Ditto. 
Lieut, the Hon'ble J. N. Bigge, Ditto. 

King's Royal Rifles. 
Lieut, the Hou'ble E. Hardinge, Ditto. 

15th (The King's) Hussars. 

Risldr.-Maj. Abdul Karim Khan, Aide-de-Camp. 
Sardar Bahadur, Governor-Gen- 
eral's Body Guard. 

Subdr.-Maj. Mit Singh, Sardar Ditto. 

Bahadur, I.O.M., 53rd Sikhs. 

Hony. Capt. Risldr.-Maj. Wali 
Muhammad, Sardar Bahadur, late 
Governor-Generars Body Guard. 

Hony. Capt. Risldr.-Maj. Hukam 
Singh, Sardar Bahadur, I.O.M., 
late 16th Cavalry. 

Hony. Aide-de-Camp. 




Hony. Aide-de-Camp. 


Hony. Capt. Risldr.-Maj. Abdul 

Aziz, Sardar Bahadur, late 5th 

Hony. Capt. Subdr.-Maj. Madho 

Singh Rana, Sardar Bahadur, 

late 4th Gurkha Rifles. 

H. 23. the Governor- General's Sand. 
Herr H. E. E. Biichner . . Director of Music. 

H. ~E. the Governor- General's Body Guard. 

Capt. V. A. S. Keighley, 18th 
(K. G. O.) Lancers. 

Lieut. V. C. P. Hodson, 10th Hod- 
son's Horse. 

llisldr. Kehar Singh. 

Risldr. Ibn Ali. 

Jemadar Jafar Hoosain. 

Jemadar Bhan Singh. 

Commandant, Governor- General's 
Body Guard. 

Adjutant, Governor-General's 
Body Guard. 

Major P. G. Smallwood, 

M.V.O., R.A. 
Hony. Lieut. E. O' Donald . 

Mr. L. C. Glascock 
Mr. H. Lillie . 

Mr. P. L. Orde . 

Camp Staff. 

Officer in charge of the King- 
Emperor's Camp. 

. Assistant to Officer in charge of 
the King-Emperor's Camp. 


. Superintendent of Police, Punjab. 
. Assistant Superintendent of Police, 

. Assistant Superintendent of Police, 


DuBoulay, Mrs. 

Gordon, Lt.-Col. R. F. C., 15th 


Hardinge, Viscount C. B. 
Hardinge, Viscountess. 
Hewetfc, Lady. 
Hewett, Miss. 
Hodson, Mrs. 
Keighley, Mrs. 
Lambton Meux, Admiral the 

Hon'ble Sir H., K.C.B., 

Lambton Meux, Hon'ble Lady. 

Lawley, The Hon'ble Sir Arthur, 

G.C.I.E., K.C.M.G. 
Lawley, Lady. 
Lawley, Miss. 
Lawley, Miss M. 
Lord Alington, K.C.V.O. 
Mackenzie, Mrs. 
Mar and Kellie, Earl of, Kt. 
Mar and Kellie, Countess of. 
Maxwell, Mrs. 
McMahon, Lady. 
McMahon, Miss. 
Montague, Lord Charles, C.V.O. 


O'Kinealy, Mrs. I Sefton, Countess of. 

Pollock, Capt. R. V., 15th (The j Sefton, The Eight Hon'blc the 
King's) Hussars. I Earl of, P. C. 

Small wood, Mrs. 

Enquiry Office. 
Lieut. G. Gilpin, Royal Sussex Regiment. 

Ajmere Merwara Provincial Camp. 

CAMP 372. MAP 1-6. 
Mr. Cursetji N. Suntook . . Camp Staff Officer. 

Bagsuri, Thakur of. 

Bandanwara, Thakur of. 

Berli, Thakur of. 

Bhinai, Raja of. 

Bishambar Nath, Mr., Vakil. 

Brij Jiwan Lai, Pandit . . Extra Asst. Comr., Merwara. 

Champalal Seth, Rai Bahadur. 

Chandmal Rai Seth. 

Chandrika Pershad, Pandit, Rai 


Debi Dayal, Munshi. 
Deogaon Baglura, Thakur of. 
Deolia, Thakur of. 

Dhanjishaw Dinshaw Mehta, Mr. . Judicial Asst. Commissioner. 
Gopi Nath, Rai Sahib . . General Manager, Court of Wards. 
Imamuddin AH Khan, Diwan, 

Syed, Jagirdar. 
Kharwa, Thakur of. 
Masuda, Thakur of. 
Mehta, Mr. F. C., Bar.-at-Law. 
Mithan Lai, Mr., Vakil. 
Neinichand, Seth, Rai Bahadur. 

Phulchand, Munshi . . . Extra Asst. Comr., Ajmer. 
Pisangau, Raja of. 
Tantoti, Thakur of. 
Umaidmal, Seth, Rai Bahadur. 



Ali Rajpur. 

CAMP 409. MAPjH-6. 

Rana Partap Singh. 
Lala Bala Baksh . . . Assistant Camp Staff Officer. 

Hormusji Adarji Tate, 

Bahadur, Diwan. 
Pahar Singh, Sardar. 
Petigara, Doctor Rustomji. 


Raghunath Singh, Mr. 
Shanker Rao, Mr. 
Takht Singh, Thakur of Sondhwa.. 
Vineyek Duhe Rao, Mr. 


CAMP 365. MAP 1-6. 
His Highness Maharaj Sawai Sir Jai Singh Bahadur, K.C.S.I. 

Thakur Ram Singhji of Thana. 
Kunwar Shoo Nath Singhji . 
Thakur Govind Singhji 
Kunwar Jatan Singhji 

Ali Mohammad, Munshi 

Amir Singh, Dewan. 

Bhagwat Sarup, Babu 

Bhawani Sahai, Lala . 

Bhawani Singhji, Thakur. 

Daood Khan, Major . 

Daya Krishna Kaul, Dewan, C.I.E. 

Ganeshi Lalji, Dhabai 

Ganga Singh ji/Thakur 

Gaudoin, Dr. 

Gaudoin, Mrs. 

Harington, Colonel . 

Harington, Mrs. 

Narain Singhji, Thakur. 

Syed Mohammad, Hakim . 

Watson, Major J. W., I.M.S. . 


Superintendent of Police. 

Mir Mnnshi. 
Abu, Vakil. 

Nazhn Deodi. 

Military Secretary. 

Comptroller of Household. 

Munsarim Toshakhana. 
Agency Surgeon, Alwar* 

Army Headquarters Camp. 

CAMP 34 

Capt. A. R. B. Suttleworth, LA. , 
Capt. D. I. Suttleworth, LA. . 
Major T. A. Granger, I.M.S. 

Camp Officer. 
Camp Staff Officer. 
Medical Officer. 


Aspinall, Capt. C. F. . . General Staff Officer, A. H. Q. 

Aspinall, Mrs. 

Bailey, Major G., 104th Welles- Staff Officer for Recruiting, Army 

ley's Rifles. Headquarters. 

Bailey f Mrs. 

Baird, Capt. H. B. D. . . Brigade Major to Inspector- 

General of Cavalry. 
Baird, Capt. P. T. C., Cameron 


Battiue, Major R. St. C. . . General Staff Officer, A. H. Q. 
Battine, Mrs. 

Beatty, Major L. X. . . . 31st Lancers.. 

Bird, Mrs. ' 

Browne, Major H. J. P. . . Railway Concentration Officer. 
Browne, Mrs. 
Brownlow, Major D'A. C., I.A. . Assistant Judge Advocate General, 

Provost Marshal. 
Brownlow, Mrs. 
<$.<., Cobbe, Lt.-Col. A. S., D.S.O., General Staff Officer, A. H. Q. 

32nd Pioneers. 
Cobbe, Mrs. 
Cooke, Major H. F., 32nd Pioneers Asst. Secy, to the G. of I., Army 


Pallas, Col. J., R.E. . . . Military Works Branch, A. H. Q. 
Deas, Major L. M. R., S. and T. General Staff Officer, A. H. Q. 

Deas, Mrs. 

Earle, Capt. R. G., R.E. . . Director of Communication. 
Evans, Capt. Lloyd, R.E. 
Evans, Mrs. 
Firth, Col. R. "I., R.A.M.C. . Sanitary Officer, P.M.O/s Branch, 

Army Headquarters. 
Firth, Mrs. 

Fraser, Lt.-Col. T., R.E. . . Staff College. 
Fraser, Mrs. 

Hamilton, Col. W. G., D .S.O. . Deputy Adjutant General, A.H.Q. 
Harrison, Col. T. A., I.A. . Controller of Military Accounts, 

Supply and Marine. 
Kingston, Major G. B., R.E. . Assistant Director General of 

Military Works. 
Kingston, Mrs. 

Hudson, Col. H., C.I.E., I.A. . General Staff Officer. 
Hudson, Mrs. 
Jackson, Major A. W., 90th Pun- General Staff Officer, A. H. Q. 



Keary, Mrs. 

Kensington, Capt. G. B., R.E. . Deputy Assistant Director Gen- 
eral of Military Works. 
Kensington, Mrs. G. B. 
Kirke, Capt. St. G. 
Knox, Capt. H. H. S., Xorthamp- General Staff Officer, A. H. Q. 

ton Regiment. 
Knox, Mrs. 

Kunhardt, Capt. J., I.M.S. 
MacMutm, Major G. F., D.S.O., General Staff Officer, A. H. Q. 


Martin, Rev. H. C. . . . Gen. Sec., Rl. Army Temp. Assoc. 
Martin, Mrs. 

Melliss, Lieut. A. R., 10th Jats . Staff Officer, Hyderabad. 
Minchin, Col. F. F. . . Dir. of Ordnce. Inspection, A.H. Q. 

Minchin, Mrs. 
Mitchell, Capt. J., R.A. . . Orderly Officer to 1. C. D. and 

R. G. A. 

Money, Mrs. E. D. 

Mowhray, Capt. J. L. . . General Staff Officer, A. H. Q. 

Muirhead, Capt. J. A., 1st Lancers. 
Mumtaz Mahammed Khan, Malik, Extra A.-D.-C. to H. E. the 

Lieut., I. A. Commander-in-Chief . 

Newnham, Major C. C., 6th Ca- Deputy Assistant Adjutant Gen- 

valry. eral, Army Headquarters. 

Newnhain, Mrs. 

Nugent, Major C. H. H., R.E. . luspr. of Machinery, A. H. Q. 
Nugent, Mrs. 

Ogg, Capt. W. M., R.A. . . Bde. Major, Royal Arty., A. H. Q. 
Ogg, Mrs. 
Orr, Capt., G. M., llth (K.E.O.) Staff Captain, Q.lx.G.'s Branch, 

Lancers. Army Headquarters. 

Pepper, Lieut. H. Pers. Asstt. to Q. M. G. in India. 

Pepper, Mrs. 

Pritchard, Capt. B. C. A. . . General Staff Officer, A. H. Q. 
Pryor, Major P. Holland, M.V.O., 

13th Lancers. 
Pryor, Mrs. 
Rattray, Major H. B., D.S.O., 45th Attache", A. G.'s Branch, Army 

Rattray's Sikhs. Headquarters. 

Rattray, Mrs. 

Sanders, Major G. A. F., R.E. . D. A. A. G., Royal Engrs., A. H. Q. 
Shore, Col. O. B. S. F., D.S.O., General Staff Officer, A. H. Q. 

Shore, Mrs. 



Shuttleworth, Mrs. A. R. B. 

Sloggett, Surgeon- General A. T., 
C.B., C.M.G., R.A.M.C. 

Smyth, Capt. C. A. Watson, 1st 

Stratton, Major F. C., A.V.S. 

Tanner, Col. j. A., C.B., D.S.O., . 

Turner, Major H. H. F., 2nd Lan- 

W r agstaff, Capt.. M. 

Wallace, Capt. C. C., R.E. . 

Walter, Col. J. Mac N., D.S.O. . 

Walter, Mrs. 

Watson, Col. W. A., C.I.E. . 

Watson, Mrs. 

Watson, Mrs. H. D. 

Whitaker, Lieut. H., The Rifle 

Whitaker, Mrs. H. 

Wildman, Miss E. A. 

Wilkinson, Capt. H. B. Des V. . 

Wilkinson, Mrs. 

Williams, Col. A. B.C. 

Williams, Mrs. 

CAMP 33. 

Honorary Surgeon to His Excel- 
lency the Viceroy. 
Adjutant, Simla Volunteer Rifles. 

General Staff Officer, A. H. Q. 
Deputy Asstt. Q. M. G., A. H. Q. 

General Staff Officer, A. H. Q. 
Bde. Major to Inspr. Gen. of Vols. 
Asst. Adjutant General, A. H. Q. 

Dy. Q. M. G., Army Headquarters. 

Assistant Provost Marshal. 

Lady Supdt., Q. A. M. N. S. I. 
Attache, A. G. Branch, A. H. Q. 

Dy. Dir. of Supplies, A. H. Q. 
MAP 1-9. 

Miss Barton. 
Miss Benyon. 
Miss Chesney. 

Miss Firth. 
Miss Harrison. 
Miss Jones. 

Miss Mowbray. 
Miss Walter. 


CAMP 328. 

Rana Dalip Singh, C.I.E. 

Tika Durga Singh. 
Kanwar Ainar Singh. 

Devi Singh, M. 
Dhuini Ram 

Patch Singh, Mehta. 

Gonml Singh, M. 

Lachhmi Singh, Mehta. 

MAP J-6. 
Rana of Baghat. 

Treasury Officer. 
Sant Singh, M. 
Sundar Singh, M. 
Sundar Singh, M. 


His Highness 



CAMP 302. 


Abdul Malik, Manlvi 
Asa Nand, Diwan 
Bahadur Ali, Chaudhri 

Brown, Miss J. 

Dacosta, Miss Z.E., L.R.C.P. & S. 
Ghulam Hussain, Maulvi . 
HafiK Abdul Majid Khan . 
Hafiz Ghulam Qadir Khan . 
Mohammad Abdur-Rahman Khan 


Mohammad Din, Maulvi 
Mohammad Din, Sheikh 
Mohammad Siraj-ud-Din, Syed 
Munshi Irshad Nabi . 
Nur Mohammad, Makhdum. 
Ralihn Bakhsh, Maulvi Haji, C.I.E 

Sahib Khan, Major . 
Shababuddin, Colonel 
Smith, Mrs. 
Smith, Miss. 

Sultan Ahmad Khan, 
Bahadur Mirza. 

MAP 1-8. 
Xawab of Bahawalpur. 

Revenue Officer. 
Financial Member. 
Accountant General, Toshakhana 
Officer and Officer-iii-charge of 
the Bahawalpur Camp. 

Lndy Doctor. 

Tutor to H. H. the Xawab. 

Risaldar, Body Guard Cavalry. 

Military Member. 

Judge, Chief Court. 
Medical Officer. 
Judge, Chief Court. 
State Vakil at Agency. 

President, Council of Regency 


Commandant, Palace Guard. 
Commandant, Bahawal Guard. 

Khan Revenue Member. 

BaluchistanAgent to Governor-General's 

The Hon'ble 
C.I.E., I.A. 

Mrs. Ramsay. 
Miss Ramsay. 
Lieut. A. H. 


CAMP 14. 
J. Ramsay, 

MAP H-8. 

Agent to the 

and Chief 


Commissioner in 

(K, E. 0.) Cavalry. 

S. Wheatley, 6th Personal Assistant. 


Capt. E. H. S. James, LA. . Officer in Charge. 

Capt. C. N. MacMullen, 15th Camp Staff Officer. 
Ludhiana Sikhs. 

Archer, Col. C., C.I.E., I. A. . Revenue and Judicial Commis- 

sioner in Baluchistan. 
Archer, Mrs. 

Bickford, Major W. W., LA. . Commandant, Zhob Levy Corps. 
Bray, Mr. D. deS., I.C.S. . . Census Supdt., Baluchistan. 
Bray, Mrs. 

Dobbs, Mr. H. R. C., C.I.E., I.C.S. Political Agent, Sibi. 
Dobbs, Mrs. 

Duke, Col. A. L., LM.S. . Chief Medical Officer and Resi- 

dency Surgeon in Baluchistan. 
Duke, Mrs. 
Petherstonhaugh, Capt. W. A., A.-D.-C. to G. O. C., 4tli (Quctta) 

8th Cavalry. Division. 

Forster, Maj. General J. B. . Brigade Commander, Quetta 

Infantry Brigade. 
Jacob, Lt.-Col. A. L., D.S.O., Commandant, 106th llazara Pio- 

C.I.E., LA. neers. 

McConaghey, Col. A., LA. . Political Agent, Quetta. 

O'Leary, Col. fc\ K. R., Royal (General Staff Officer, 4th (Quctta) 

Irish Fusiliers. Division. 

Panet, Major A. E., R.E. . . Personal Assistant to the Secretary 

to the A. G. G., P. W. D. 

Sclater, Maj.-Gcn. H. C., C.B. . Comdg. 4th (Quetta) Division. 
Sclater, Mrs. 
Swinburn, Mr, 
Watertield, Mr. S. S. . . First Assistant to the Agent to the 


Williams, Col. G., R.E. . . Secretary to the Agent to the 

Governor-General, P. W. D. 

Baluchistan Provincial Camp. 

CAMP 462. MAP C and D-8. 

Major H. A. K. Gough, LA. . Officer in charge of Camp. 

Capt. G. B. Brown, 58th Vaughan's Camp Staff Officer. 


Mr. F. M. A. Beaty. * * Police Officer. 




Abdul Karim, Mir, Gitchki. 
Abdul Rahman, Mir, K. S. Lehri. 
Abdnlla Khan, Sardar, Gitchki. 
Alam Khan, Mir, Mehtrzai. 
Ali Khan, Sardar, Sinjerani. 
Ali Muhammad, Sardar, Jattak. 
Aloo Khan, Sardar, Lehrzai 

Babar Shall, Syed. 
Bahawal Khan, Sardar, Satakzai. 
Bai Khan, Sardar, Sainelari. 
Bakhtyar Khan, Sardar, Rustam- 

Bakhtaur Khan, Sardar, Ma/arani 


Behram Khan, Sardar, Lehri. 
Chakar Khan, Sardar Mir, 

Fakir Muhammad, Sardar, 

Ghaus Bakhsh Khan, Sardar Sir, 

Raisani, K.C.I.E. 
Ghulam Haider Khan, S. B., 

Haji Achakai. 

Gohram Khau, Jemadar, Gitchki. 
Habibullah Khan, Sardar, 

Imam Baksh Khan, Sardar, Sar- 


Isa Khan, Sardar, Nausherwani. 
Jan Gul Khan, Sardar, Belkhel 


Kaiser Khan, Nawab, Magassi. 
Khair Bakhsh Khan, K. B., 

Nawab, Marri Chief. 
Khande Khan, Jogezai. 
Khan Muhammad, Sardar, 

Laskhar Khan, K. B,, Sardar, 


Mazar Khan, Sardar, Bajoi. 
Mehrab Khan, Sardar, Gitchki. 
Mehr Shah, K. B. Syed, 


Mehrulla Khan, Nawab Mir, 
C.I.E., Raisani, Nazim of 

Mian Khan, K. S., Sardar, Kurd. 
Mian Khan, Khan Sahib, Kibzai. 
Mir Wahid Bakhsh, llesaldar 

Major, K. B,, Kaisani. 
Muhammad Ali Khan, Sardar, 

Zaggar Mengal. 
Muhammad Baka Khan, Sardar, 

Muhammad Hassan Khan, K. B., 


Muhammad Khan, Sardar, Joge- 
Muhammad Murad, Mir, Jamal- 

Muhammad Rahim Khan, Risal- 

dar Zagar Mengal. 
Mustafa Khan, K. B. Sardar, 


Nadir Shah, Sardar, Gitchki. 
Nawab Khan, K. B. Sardar, 

Shamezai Luni. 
Nur Muhammad, Wadera, Bun- 

Omar Khan, Sardar Shah, 


Pahar Khan, Sardar, Sasoli. 
Paindan Khan, K. S., Kibzai. 
Rahim Khan, Mir, Badini. 
Rahim Khan, K. B., Mir, Kurd. 
Rashid Khan, S. B. Sardar, 

Rassul Bakhsh, K. B., Mir 


Rasul Bakhsh, Sardar, Lango. 
Rustam Khan, Sardar, Muham- 
mad Hasni. 
Samandar Khan, Sardar, Muham- 

Sardar Khan, Wadera, Rind. 



Sarf raz Khan, Sardar, Nausher- 

Shahbaz Khan, Nawab Sir, 

K.C.I.E., Bugti Chief. 
Shahbaz Khan, Sardar, Lotani. 
Shahbaz Khan, Sardar, Gurgnari. 
Shah Nawaz Khan, Sardar, 


Slier Muhammad Khan, Sardar, 

Sultan Muhammad Khan, Sardar, 


Wali Muhammad, Sardar, Mengal. 
Yusaf Khan, K.B. Mir, Kurd. 
Zarghun Khan, Jogezai. 
Zehri Khan, Sardar, Musyani. 

Guests and Officials. 

Anlcy, Major F. G. 

Anley, Mrs. 

Bhajan Lai, Lala 

Bcaty, Mrs. F. M. A. 

Fowler, Miss. 

Ganpat Rai, Diwan, C.I.E. 

Gough, Mrs. 

Hallo wes, Capt. J. H. 

Inder Singh, Babu 

Ingram, Miss. 

James, Mrs. 

Ladha Ram, R. S. . 

Lajpat Rai, Babu 

Lekhu Ram, Lala 

Mohammad Anwar Jan, S. 

Mohammad Khan, M. 

Mohammad Gul Khan, 


Saidan Shah, S. 
Shamas Shah, K. B. Mir 
Sharbat Khan, M. . 
Sher Mohammed, Mirza 
Sultan Hussain, M. 

. Naib Tahsildar, Sibi. 

Extra Assistant Commissioner. 

15th Lancers. 
Sub-Assistant Surgeon. 

. Native Assistant, Sarawam. 

. Sub-Assistant Surgeon. 

. Tahsildar, Sharagh. 

. Tahsildar, Duki. 

. Naib Tahsildar, Pishin. 

Khan Extra Assistant Commissioner. 

. Naib Tahsildar, Zhob. 

. Settlement Extra Asst. Commr. 

. Native Assistant, Chagai. 

. Native Assistant, Census. 

. Tahsildar, Zhob. 


CAMP 401. 

Raja S. Tribhuban Deo Chandra- 


Tikayat Debya Sbankar Deo. 
That Raja Udit Partab Singh Deo. 
Babu Jogesh Chandra Das . 
Babu Parsu Ram Singh. 

MAP H-7. 

Feudatory Chief of Bamra. 

Private Secretary. 


Banmali Deo, Babu. | Surendra Nath Sinha, Dr. 

Krishna Chandra Nand, Babu. ! Upendra Cliaridra Das Gupta, 
Madhu Sudan Misra, Pandit. j Babu. 


CAMP 399. MAP H-7. 

Nawab Saiyid Ghulam Ali, Khan Nawab of Banganapalle. 


Mir Asad Ali, Khan Bahadur . Brother of the Nawab. 
Mir Hussain Ali Khan. 

Mir Rahath Ali, Khan Sahib . A.-D.-C. to the Nawab. 

Akber Hussain, Khaja, Sahib Dewan. 


Ghulam Ghouse, Khan Sahib . In charge of Camp. 
Muhammad Hussain Sahib, Medical Officer. 

Muhammad Hyath Padsha Sahib, Personal Asst. to the Diwan. 



CAMP 450. MAP D.-9.. ' 
Maharawal Shri Pratapsinhji Goolabsinhji, 

Raja of Bansda. 

Pravinsinhji Pratapsinhji (brother). 
Natwarsinhji Pratapsinhji (brother). ' 

Mr. Phirozshah N. Billimoria, State Karbhari. 
Mr. Wamanrao B. Mohille, Chief Medical Officer. 
Mr. Mahashankar J. Avashia, Private Secretary. 


CAMP 368. MAP 1-6. 
His Highness Ray Rayan Maharawal Sri Shambhu Singh, Bahadur. 

Gulab Singh, Thakur of Kuania. 

Lai Singh, Bapu of Bhimsaur . Member of Council. 

Moti Singh,Thakur of Ganora. 


Moti Singh, Bapu. 

Pirthi Singh, Thakur of Arthuna. 

Raghunath Singh, Maharaj of. 


Rai Singh, Rao of Garhi. 
Dikshit, Pandit Sri Ram. Kamdar. 


CAMP 451. MAP D-9. 
Mahai'awal Shri Ranjitsinhji Mansinhji, Raja of Baria. 

Kumar Naharsinhji (brother of the Raja). 
Dhirajsinhji Jitsinhji Raul, Bhayat. 

Mr. Harilal Mansukram Parekh, State Karbhari. 

Dr. J. J. Munsiff. 

Mr. V. C. Baxi, Private Secretary. 

Mr. P. B. Pradhan, State Engineer. 

Jivabhai Gohel, A.-D.-C. 


CAMP 351. MAP 1-8. 
His Highness Maharaja Sir Sayajirao Gaekwar, G.C.S.I. 

Prince Dhairyashilrao Gaekwar. 

Himat Bahadur Anandrao Gaek- 
war, C.I.E. 

Shrimant Sampatrao Gaekwar . Bar. -ut- Law, Member of the 

Council (Baroda) and Chief 
Officer, Delhi Durbar. 

Capt. Kumar Shiv Raj Singh A.-D.-C. 

Gapt. R. S. Parab 

Capt. G. R. Nimbalker 

Mr. Maniram Rupsing Chavan 

Bhandarker, Mr. V. G. 
Cooper, Dr. A. D. 

Camp Officer. 

Chief Justice. 
Sanitary Commissioner. 

Gupta, Mr. B. L., I.C.S. (retired) Senior Member of the Council 

and Legal Remembrancer. 
Gupta, Miss. 
Laxmilal Dowlatrai, Rao Sahib . Manager, Hazur English Office. 


Lec, Mr. G. B. ... Tutor to Prince Dhairyashilrao 

Mayer, Dr. 0. A. L. . . . Chief Medical Officer and Palace 

Physician to H. H. 
Nimbalker, Mr. Gunajirao II. . Survey and Settlement Commr. 

Nissen, Col. E Capt. of Body Guard. 

Seddon, Mr. C. N., LC.S. . . Dewan. 

Seddon, Mrs. 

Seddon, Miss. 

Tek Chand, Dewan, I.C.S. 

Tottenham, Miss. 

West, Miss F. M. 

Baroda Resident's Camp. 

CAMP 17. MAP G-8. 

Mr. H. V. Cobb, C.I.E., I.C.S. . Resident at Baroda. 
Major W. Beale, LA. . . First Assistant and Camp Staff 


Beale, Mrs. 

Brooke, Mrs. 

Lai Mohammad, Khan Sahib, 

Muller, Mr. 0. V. 

Muller, Mrs. 

Vadilal Balubhai, Rao Bahadur. 



CAMP 410. MAP H-6. 
Rana Sahib Ran jit Singh. 
Pandit Pannalal . . . Assistant Camp Start' Officer. 

Balwant Singh, Thakur. 
Bharat Singh, Kunwar. 
Hudson, Miss. 
Hormusji, Mr. Meherji. 
Kuar Singh, B. 

Katwar Singh, Kunwar. 

Onkar Singh, Thakur. 

Onkar Singh, Thakur of Kathi- 


Vikram Singh, Kunwar. 

Madho Singh, Thakur. 


CAMP 311. MAP J-7. 

His Highness the Hon'ble Maha- 
raja Sir Prabhu Narayan Singh 
Bahadur, G.C.I.B. 



Kunwar Aditya Prasad Narayan Heir- Apparent. 

Singh Bahadur. 
Babu Lachman Prasad Narain 


Babu Lalit Behari Sen Boy . 
Ahmad Hasan, Saiyad 
Baijnath Prasad Singh, Chaudhri. 
Chandra Shekhar Malik, Babu 
Prasad, Ha/an Har Shankar 
Plant, Capt. 

Earn Bahadur Singh, Babu. 
Rancher Singh, Babu. 
Roe, Mr. H. R. ... 

Sarcar, Dr. 

Vindeshri Prosad Singh, Col. 

Wemyss, Mr. O. G. 

Private Secretary. 

Chief Judge. 

Superintendent of Police 

Excise (Camp Officer). 
State Medical Officer. 
Chief Secretary. 



His Honour the Lieutenant- 
Governor's Camp. 

CAMP 5. MAP 1-8. 

The Hon'ble Mr. F. W. Duke, 

C.S.L, I.C.S. 
Mrs. Duke. 
Miss Duke. 

Capt. R. C. B. Williams, 35th Sikhs 
Capt. J. S. Dallas, 6th Gurkha R. 
Capt. Bruce Hay, Q. O. Corps 

of Guides. 

Capt. E. Magniac, 27th Punjabis . 
Capt. F. K. Maclaren, 9th Gurkha R. 
Lieut. H. Exham, Yth Gurkha R. 
2nd-Lieut. R. C. Lowndes, R.G.A. 
Subedar-Major Hira Singh . 
Capt. C. J. L. Allanson, 6th 

Gurkha Rifles. 

Capt. G. C. S. Black, 8th Rajputs . 
Lt.-Col. G. R. M. Green, I.M.S. 


Private Secretary. 


Extra A.-D.-C. 

Extra A.-D.-C. 
Extra A.-D.-C. 
Extra A.-D.-C 
Extra A.-D.-C. 
Indian Extra A.-D.-C. 
Officer in Charge. 

Camp Staff Officer. 
Medical Officer. 


Mr. 11. J. Angus 
Mr. A. K. Taylor 


Public Works Officer. 
Electrical Engineer. 

Bengal Legislative Council. 

Bhanja Deo, The Hon'ble Raja 

Rajendra Narayan. 
Bradshaw, The Hon'ble Mr. W. J . . Bengal Legislative Council. 
Buchanan, Lieut.-Col. W. J., I.M.S. Insp. (ten. of Prisons, Bengal. 
Buchanan, Mrs. 
Chapman, The Hon'ble Mr. E. P. 

Chapman, Mrs. 

Collin, The Hon'ble Mr. E. W. . 

Collin, Mrs. 

Cuniming, The Hon'ble Mr. J. G. 

Dring, Mr. W. A., C.I.E. . 

Dring, Mrs. 

Dumayne, The Hon'ble Sir P. G., 


Dunbar, Mr. L. G. 
Emerson, Mr. E. C. 
Emerson, Mrs. 

Pilgate, The Hon'ble Mr. T. R. . 
Pinnimore, The Hon'ble Mr. B. K. 

Sec. to Government, Judicial 
Dcpt.. Bengal Legis. Council. 

Commr., Presy. Divn., Calcutta, 
Bengal Legislative Council. 

Sec. to Govt., Rev. and General 

Dept , Bengal Legis. Council. 
Agent, East Indian Railway. 

Vice-Chairman, Calcutta, Port 
Commrs., Bengal Legis. Council. 
Sec. and Treas., Bank of Bengal. 
Calcutta Trades Association. 

Bengal Legislative Council. 
Sec. to Government, P. W. D., 

Bengal Legislative Council. 
Offg. Commr., Burdwan Divn. 

Garrett, Mr. J. H. E. . 

Garrett, Mrs. 

Gopal Saran Narayan Singh, The 

Hon'ble Maharaj -Kumar. 
Goswami, The Hon'ble Rai Bahadur Member of Council, Bengal. 

Kisori Lai. 

Graham, The Hon'ble Mr. C. W. N. Presdt., Bengal Cham, of Com. 
Graham, Miss. 
Grant Gordon, The Hon'ble Lt.-Col. Bengal Legislative Council. 

Grant Gordon, Mrs. 

Greer, The Hon'ble Mr. R. T., C.S.I. Offg. Member of Council, Bengal. 
Greer, Mrs. 
Halliday, The Hon'ble Mr. P. L., Commissioner of Police, Calcutta. 

C.I.E, M.V.O. 
Halliday, Mrs. 

Harris, Col. G. P. A., V.H.S., I.M.S. Insp. Gen. of Civil Hospitals. 
Harris, Mrs. 
Hay, Mrs. 

Bengal Legislative Council. 


Kuchler, The Hon'ble Mr. G. W. 


Director of Public Instruction, 

Bengal Legislative Council. 
Kiicbler, Mrs. 
Macpherson, The Hoii'ble Mr. D. J., Member, Board of Revenue, U. 

C.i.E., I.C.S. 
Macpherson, Mrs. 
Maddox, The Hon'ble Mr. C. L. 

Maddox, Mrs. 

McLeod, The Hon'ble Mr. N. 

McPherson, The Hon'ble Mr. H., 

Mitra, The Hon'ble Mr. 

Morshead, The Hon'ble Mr. L. V. 

P., Bengal Legis. Council. 

Chairman, Calcutta Corporation, 
Bengal Legislative Council. 

Bengal Legislative Council. 
Director of Land Records, 

Bengal . 
B. C. Standing Counsel for Bengal, 

Bengal Legislative Council. 
Insp. Gen. of Police, Lower Pro- 
vinces, Bengal Legis. Council. 
Morshead, Mrs. 
Mukharji, Mr. II. N., C.I.E. 
Mukharji, Mrs. 

Murshidabad, Ihtisham-ul-Mulk 
Kais-ud- Daula Amirul-Omrali 
Xawab Sir Asif Qadr Saiyid 
Wasif Ali Mirza Khan Bahadur 
Mahabit Jang, K. C.S.I., Nawab 
Bahadur of. 

Sheriff of Calcutta. 
(Not residing in Camp.) 

Oldham, The Hon'ble Mr. C. A. 

Commr. of Excise and Salt, 

Bengal Legislative Council. 

Vice-President of Council, 

Slacke, The Hon'ble Mr. F. A., 

C.S.I., I.C.S. 
Slacke, Mrs. 
Stevenson-Mo~re, The Hon'ble Chief Secretary to Government, 

Mr. C. J., C.I.E., I.C.S. "- ' T =--"-- " ;1 

Stevenson-Moore, Mrs. 
Stewart, The Hon'ble Mr. F. H. 
Stewart, Mrs. 
Tomkins, Mr. H. G. . 

Bengal Legislative Council. 
Bengal Legislative Council. 
Accountant General, Bengal. 

Tomkins, Mrs. 

Wheeler, The Hon'ble Mr. H., C.I.E. Sec. to Government, Financial 

and Municipal Department, 

Wheeler, Mrs. 

White, The Hon'ble Mr. C. A. 

Wilson, Major R. P., I.M.S. 
Wilson, Mrs. 

Bengal Legislative Council. 

Sec. to Govt., P. W. Dept., 

Bengal Legislative Council. 
Civil Surgeon, Calcutta. 



Bengal Provincial Camp. 

CAMP 466. MAP E-7. 
F. Macrae, Indian Officer in Charge. 

Mr. R. S. 


Mr. H. T. Cullis, I.C.S. 
Capt. H. R. Dutton, I.M.S. . 

Ahmad, The Hon'ble Mr. Saiyid 

Ali, Prince Qamr Qadr Mirza Abid 

Bahadur, of the Oudh Family. 
Ariff, The Hon'ble Mr. Golani 

Hossain Cassim. 
Das, Rai Bahadur Badri 
Basu, Dr. Jagadish Chandra, 

C.I.E., D.Sc. 

Bukhtyar Shah, Sahihzada Moham- 
mad, C.I.E. 
Das, The Hon'ble Mr. Madhusudan 


Das, Babu Umesh Chandra 
De, Raja Baikuntha Nath, Bahadur 
Deb, Raja Binoy Krishna, Bahadur 
Deb Roy, Raja Prainatha Bhusan 
Deo, Bara Lai Nawal Kishore 

Nath Sahai. 

Dudhoria, Raja Bijoy Singh 
Dutt, The Hon'ble Mr. Kshirod 

Dutton, Mrs. 
Fakhr-ud-din, The Hon'ble Maulvi 

Saiyid Mohammad. 
Haidar, Khan Bahadur Badr-ud- 

Imdad Imam, Nawab Shams-ul-ulma 

Jhunjhunwala, Rai Sheo Prasad, 


Kapur, Raja Ban Bihari, C.S.I. . 
Khan, The Hon'ble Khan 

Bahadur Sarfaraj Hussain. 
Kelso, Mr. H. A. 

Camp Staff Officer. 
Medical Officer. 

Bengal Legislative Council. 

Bengal Legislative Council. 

Bengal Legislative Council. 

Civil Surgeon, Daltongunj. 


Sobha Bazar, Calcutta. 

Naldanga, Jessore. 

Palkot, Ranchi. 

Azimgunj, Murshidabad. 
Bengal Legislative Council. 

Bengal Legislative Council. 



Calcutta and Gaya. 


District Supdt. of Police, Patna. 


Law, The Hon'ble Babu Hrishi Bengal Legislative Council. 


Macrae, Mrs. 
Muhammad, The Hon'ble Nawab 

Saiyid, Khan Bahadur. 
Mukharji, Mr. Girindra Chandra 


Bengal Legislative Council. 

Mukharji, Mr. Tej Chandra, 

M.A., B.L. 
Nandi, The Hon'ble Maharaja 

Monimlra Chandra. 
Prasad, The Hon'ble Babu Braja 


Quasim, Khan Bahadur Ghulam . 
Rahman, Nawab A. Jb\ M. Abdur, 

Khan Bahadur. 
Ray, The Hon'ble Babu Mahendra 

Roy, The Hon'ble Rai Sita Nath, 


Rawlins, Mr. E. F., Indian Police. 
Razvi, Nawab Ha/i, Saiyid Bad- 
shah Nawab. 
Sahay, The Hon'ble Babu Bal 

Sahay, The Hon'ble Rai Shiba 

Shanker, Bahadur. 
Suhrawardy, The Hon'ble Dr. 

Abdulla-al Mamum. 
Salem, Maulvi Abdus, M.A. 
JSarbadhikari, The Hon'ble. Babu 

Deba Prasad. 
Sarkar, Rai Armada Prasad, 

Sen, The Hon'ble Rai Baikuntha 

Nath, Bahadur. 

Seraj-ul-Ifllam, Khan Bahadur 
Singh, The Hon'ble Mr. Dip 


Singh, Raja Durga Prasad . 
Singh, Kumar Giriwar Prasad 
Singh, Raja Kalananda 
Singh, Raja Kainalesvvari Prasad 
Singh, Raja Narpat . 

District Superintendent of Police, 

District and Sessions Judge. 

Basirhat, 24-Parganas. 

Nawab of Patna. 

Bengal Legislative Council. 


Presidency Magistrate, Calcutta. 

Superintending Engr., S. W. 


Jharia, Manbhum. 
Ranka, Palamau. 
Banaili, Purnea. 
Porahat, Singhbhuin. 


Singh, Maharaja Sir Rabaneswar Gidhaur. 

Prasad Bahadur, K.C.I.E. 
Singh, Maharaja Sir Rameswar, Darbhanga. 

Bahadur, K.C.I.E. 
Singh, The Hon'ble Kumar Sliiba 

Nandan Prasad. 

Singh, Raja Bahadur Seoraj Nandan Sheohar. 
Singh, Raja Thakurai Bhagwat Chaiupur Palamau. 

Sinhu, The Hon'ble Babu Kirta- 


Sinha, Maharaja Ranajit . . Nashipur. 

Tegart, Mr. C. A. . . . Dy. Commr. of Police, Calcutta. 
Zahruddin, The Hon'ble Moulvi 



CAMP 367. MAP 1-6. 
His Highness Sri Rajindra Sawai Kisheu Singh Bahadur Bahadur. 


Rao Raja Raghunath Singh. 
Rao Raja Jugal Saran Singh. 

Ainar Singh, Sardar . . . Deputy Collector, Bharatpur. 
Bhanwar Singh, Chodri. 
Crow, Miss. 

Cruickshank, Mr. . . . Assistant Engineer. 
Cruickshank, Miss. 

Fateh Singh, Pandit . . . Vakil, Abu. %; 

Girdhar Singh, Lala. 

Govind Ramchandra Khandekar, Judicial Member. 
Rao Bahadur, Pandit. 
Holland, Mr. R. E., I.C.S. . . Political Agent, Eastern States, 

Holland, Mrs. 
Jadbir Singh, Lala. 
Jones, Mr. F. Evelyn. 
Jones, Mrs. 

Judd, Mr. .... State Engineer. 

Judd, Mrs. 

Jugal Singh, Col. * . Commandant, Cavalry. 
Kamal Singh, Chodhri. 
Karan Singh, Chodhri. 


Madho Singh, Bakhshi. 

Nirbhey Singh, Bakhshi. 

Padham Singh, Chodhri. 

Pershadi Lai, Lala. 

Qayam Singh, Fojdar. 

Kaghuhir Singh, Dhau Bakshi. 

Raushan Lai, Rai Bahadur, Munshi Financial Member. 

Sajjad Hussain, Mir . . . Civil and Sessions Judge. 

Sampat Singh, Chodhri. 

Sheo Lai, Babu .... Controller of Accounts. 

Stokes, Mr. H. G., I.C.S. 

Smith, Major F. A., LM.S. . . Agency Surgeon, Eastern States, 

Smith, Mrs. 
Sri Ham, Chodhri. 
Sujan Singh, Bakhshi. 


CAMP 381. MAP 1-7. 

His Highness Sir Bhavsinhji Takhatsinhji, K.C.S.I., Maharaja of 

Kumar Shri Mangalsinhji, brother of His Highness. 

Kumar Shri Vajubha, nephew. 

Kumar Shri Bhojrajji, cousin of H. H. and Heir-apparent of Gondal. 

Rana Shri Popatbhai Kalubha (cousin). 

Mr. P. D. Pattani, C.I.E., Dewan. 

Mr. K. F. Mirza, B.A., LL.B., Judicial Assistant to the Dewan. 

Rani Shri Kalubha, A.-D.-C. to His Highness. 

Mr. Chamanlal Bhudarbhai, Bar. -at -Law, Revenue Commissioner. 

Dr. Naval Kishore. 

Mr. Pestonji Burioriee, State Engineer. 

Mr. A. P. Pattani. 

Mr. P. J. Mehta, Camp Staff Officer. 

Kumat Shri Lakhuba Banesinh of Vana. 

Mr. B. P. Pattani. 

Darbar Shri Takhatsinhji of Katosan. 

Mr. Jamiatram Jivanram, B.A., LL.B., Solicitor. 

Mrs. Mirza (wife of the Judicial Assistant). 




CAMP 347. MAP 1-8. 
Her Highness Nawab Sultan .Tahan Bogum Sahiba, G.C.8.I., G.C.I.K. 

Lt.-Col. P. T. A. Spence 
Munslii Abdul Raul' Khan . 

Abdul Aziz Khan, Jemadar. 
Abdul Hamid Khan, Munshi. 
Abdul Jubbar Khan. 
Abdul Majid Khan. 
Abdul Kadir, Babu. 
Abdul Samad Khan, Mian. 
Abdul Samad Mazhar, Mr. 
Barnes, Dr. Mrs. Dissent. 
Hamid Muhammad Khan, Mian. 
Hamidullah Khan, Sahebzada. 
Hasan Khan, Khan Bahadur 

Munshi Israr. 

Iqbal Muhammad Khan, Mian. 
Liakat Ali, Munshi. 
Mahmud Hasan Khan, Munshi. 
Mansab Ali, Mir. 

Camp Staff Officer. 
Assistant Camp Staff Officer. 

Moazzam Muhammad Khan, Mian- 
Muhammad Abdul Sakur, Maulvi. 

Xasiruddin, Khan Bahadur Maulvi 
Syed Muhammad. 

Xasrullah Khan, Xawab Muham- 

Obeidullah Khan, Sahebzada 
Col. Ilaji. 

Rustomji; Mr. .1. 

Rustomji, Mrs. 

Sakhawat Husain, Munshi. 

S])ence, Mrs. 

Tahsin Muhammatl Khan, Mian. 

Tamkin Muhammad Khan, Mian. 

Watcrlow, Mrs. 

Webbo, Mr. D. 13. 


CAMP 449. MAP D-9. 
Meherban Shankerao Cliimnaji, Pant Sachiv of Bhor. 

Shrimant Babasaheb (son of the Chief of Bhor). 
Rao Bahadur Shridhar Abaji Satbhai, State Karbhari. 


CAMP 316. MAP J-7. 

His Highness Maharaja Sir Ugyen Wangchuk, K.C.I.E. 
Rai Bahadur Ugyen Dorji Kazi. Private Secy, to His Highness. 

Budhibal Singh. 
Dugay Jougpcn. 
Gasa Zimpon. 
Paroo Dunyi. 

Pema Dorji. 
Pema Tsering. 
Peter Sing, J. 
Poonakha Ziinpon. 
Thimbu Zimpon. 
Tongsa Zimpon. 




CAMP 334. MAP J-6. 
His Highness Maharaja Sawai Sawant Singh Bahadur. 

Lt-Col. L. Impey . . . Camp Staff Officer. 

Munshi Abdul Kiiriiu . . Assistant Camp Staff Officer. 

Abdul Kavim, Syed 

Ali Hussain Khan, Murislii. 

Ashraf Beg, Mirzu. 

Baldeo Pjirshad, Lala. 

Baldeo Singh, Sawai Dewan 


Clihatar Sal, Kunwar. 
Chhatarjit, Dewaii. 
Despat Singh, Kuiiwav. 
Dewandar Singh, Dewan. 
Din Dayal. 
Doolhajoo, Kun war. 
(ihanraj Singh, K mi war. 
Ginvar Singh, Ku invar. 
Gulab Singh, Khas Kalam, 


Hamid Hussuin, Syed. 
llarhal Singh, Kunwar. 
Harsowak J^al, Lala. 

Han mat Pershad, Rai Dawa. 
Ibraliim Khan. 
Jangi Singh, Kunwar. 
Jangjit Singh, Kunwar. 
Kamta Pershad, Lala. 
Khushal Khan. 
Lai Mohan Mnkerji. 
Lokcndra Singh, Rao. 
Mangal Singh, Partit Rai Dawa. 
Ma/but Singh, Noney. 
Xirbhay Ram Chhaya, Doctor. 
Puranmal, Noncy. 
Randhir Singh, Kunwar. 
Ratan Singh, Kunwar. 
Sheoraj Singh, Dewaii Bahadur. 
Sri Ram Xait, Pandit. 
Udal Singh, Kunwar. 
lipendar Nait, Pandit. 
Wahid Ali, Mir. 


CAMP 354. MAP T-7. 

Colonel His Highness Maharaja Raj Rajeshwar Siromoni Sri Sii 
Ganga Singh Bahadur, G.C.I.E., K.C.S.I., Honorary A.-D.-C. to His 
Majesty the King-Emperor. 

Maharaj Sri Hhairun Singh. 
Maharaj Sri Jagmal Singh. 

Maharaj Sri Xarain Singh. 
Maharaj Sri Prithi Singh. 

Bakhtawar Singh, Captain,!Thakiir 

of Samandsar. 
Bane Singh, Captain, Kunwar of ! 

Motasar. I 

Bhairun Singh, Major, Ktmwa 

of Reri. 

Brjey Singh, Thakur of Sankhr 
Booth, Mrs. 



Din Dayal, Major. 

Goodbody, Major C. M., T.M.S., 
Civil Surgeon, Bikaner. 

Goodbody, Mrs. 

Gop Singh, Captain, Thakur of 

Gulab Singh, Captain, Kunwar of 

Hari Singh, Thakur of Mahajan. 

Hari Singh, Thakur of Sidhmukh. 

Hari Singh, Major, Thakur of 

Hutchinson, Captain W. G., Assist- 
ant Resident, Western States, 

Jeoraj Singh, Bao of Pugal. 

Jeoraj Singh, Thakur of Reri. 

Kamta Prasad, Babu. 

Kan Singh, Thakur of Bhukarka. 

Kealy, Miss. 

Kinnaird, The Master of. 

LaTouche, Mr. C. II. 

Man Singh, Bawat of Bawatsar. 

Manchester, the Duke of. 

Manchester, the Duchess of. 


CAMP 319. MAP J-6. 
His Highness Baja Bije Chand. 

Marsh, Doctor Jane, M. A. Lady 

Doctor, Jodhpnr. 
Ncmichand, Mehtn. 
Nihal Chandra, Babu. 
Pratab Singh, Thakur of Bikam- 


Prithiraj Singh, Major Kunwar. 
Ban jit Singh, Captain, Kunwsir 

Gad wain. 

Rawlins, Major A. K. 
Rnstomji, Mr. K. 
Sadiq Ali, Munslii. 
Sadul Singh, Thakur of Jasuua. 
Sadul Singh, Captain, Thakur of 


San\val Das, Rai Bahadur Babu. 
Sultan Singh, Thakur of San\\a- 

Vay do Vaya, His Excellency 

Monseigneur Cardinal.^ 
Wake, Lieut.-Colonel E. St. A., 

Tutor to Maharaj Knm\ ar of 

Wake Wilkinson, Mr. ,1. V. S., 


Behari Lai, B. . 
Beri Singh, M. . 
Bishen Singh, B., S.V.O. 
Chhaju Ram, B. . 
Dalel Singh, Babu 
Durga Singh, M. 
Gosaun Mai, Rawat 
JaganNath, B. . 
Khusbal Singh, Dr. . 
Kirpa Ram, M 
Kishen Singh, M., Subedar 
Mathra Das, Lala 
Piari Lai, M. 
Pohlo Bam, Negi, Vakil 
Ram Singh, M. . 

Treasury Officer. 

Head Master. 

Head Clerk. 


Superintendent of Police. 

Manager of Kothi. 

Hospital Assistant. 

Xaib Tahsildar. 

Judicial Judge. 
Camp Tahsildar. 



Semand Singh, M. . . . Revenue Officer. 

Sham Singh, M. . . . . Superintendent. 

Shib Singh, M. 

Sohan Singh, M . 

Tulsi Ham, M. . . . . Superintendent of factories. 


His Excellency the Governor's Camp. 

CAMP 3. MAP 1-9. 

His Excellency Sir George Governor of Bombay. 

Sydenham Clarke, G.C.M.G., 

O.C.I. E. 
Lady Clarke. 

Lord Harris, O.C.S.I., G.C.l.E. 
Lady Harris, C.I. 
The Hon'hlo George Harris. 
Miss Standeii. 
Miss B. Standeii. 
Miss Fellowes. 
Miss Clarke. 

Mr. C. C. Watson, l.C.S. . . Private Secretary. 
Major J. G. Grcig, 121st Pioneers Military Secretary. 
Capt. T. C. Lucas, Il.A.M.C. . Surgeon. 
Capt. E. G. Drummond, 4th A.-D.-C. Camp Staff Officer. 

Gurkha 'lines. 

Capt. C. T. Davis, l()7th Pioneers A.-D.-C. 
Capt. V. A. Coaker, 3rd Skinner's A.-D.-C. 

Subadar-Maior Sher Mohammad A.-D.-C. 

Capt. G. W. C. Lucas, 34th Poona Commandant, His Excellency's 

Horse. Body-guard. 

Lieut. A. H. M. Wilson, 12th Adjutant, His Excellency's Body- 
Cavalry, guard. 
Lt.-Col. II. W. L. Dunlop, V.D., Honorary A.-D.-C. 

Commanding Bombay Volunteer 

Capt. F. H. Charlton, 1st (King's) Extra A.-D.-C. 

Dragoon Guards. 



Capt. E. H. Stocker, Lath Hussars Extra A.-D.-C. 

Capt. J.A. Brooke, 6th (Innis- Extra A.-D.-C. 

killing) Dragoons. 

Capt. E. H. Clarke, R.E. . Extra A.-D.-C. 

Capt. A. J. H. Sloggett, Ritte Extra A.-D.-C. 


Mr. K. M. Proi'S . . . In charge of Cain]) 

Aga Khan, His Highness Sir Sul- 
tan Muhammad Shah, G.C.I K. 

Barrow, Mr. R. P., I.C.S. 

Begbic, The Hon'ble Mr. J. 

Broacha, Mr. Shapurji Barjorji . 

Cadcll,Mr. P. 11, . . ' . 

Chauhal, The Hon'ble Mr. M.B. . 

Chandavarkav, The Hon'ble Sir 
Narayan Ganesh, Kt. 

Chaudavarkar, Lady. 

Curtis, The Hon'ble Mr. G. S., Commissioner Central Division. 
I.C.S. Bombay Legislative Council. 

Curtis, Mrs. 

Davar, The Hon'ble Mr. Justice 

Commissioner, Northern Division 
Bombay Legislative Council. 
Sheriff of Bombay. 
Municipal Commissioner, Bombay, 
Member of Council, Bombay. 
Judge, High Court, Bombay. 

Drew, Mr. W. W., I.C.S. 

Judge, High Court, Bombay. 

Mr. Bombay Legislative Council. 

. Commissioner of Customs, Salt, 

Opium and Abkari, Bombay. 
Drew, Mrs. 
Ebrahim, The Hon'ble 

Fazulbhoy, Currimbhoy. 
Garud, The Hon'ble Mr. Siddhanath Bombay Legislative Council. 

Ghulam Mahomed Bhurgri, The Bombay Legislative Council. 

Hoii'ble Mr. 

Graham, The Hon'blc Mr. W. L. . Bombay Legislathe Council. 
Graliam, Mrs. 

Greaves, The Hon'ble Mr. H. R. . Bombay Legislative Council. 
Greaves, Mrs. 

Heaton, The Hon'ble Mr. Justice Judge, High Court, Bombay. 

J. J., I.C.S. 
Heaton, Mrs. 

Hill, Mr. A., C.I.E. . . . Secretary to Government, P. W. D. 
Ibrahim Rahimtullah, The Hon'ble Bombay Legislative Council. 

Mr., C.I.E. 
Jackson, The Hon'-ble Lt.-Col. J., Inspector-General of Prisons. 

I.M.S. Bombay Legislative Council. 


Jackson, Mrs. 

Kemball, Mr. H. V. R. . Joint Socy. to Govt., P. W. D. 

Kennedy, Mr. M. . Inspr.-Genl. of Police, Bombay. 

Kennedy, Mrs. 

Kincaid, Mr. C. A., l.C.S. . Secretary to Govt., Political, Spe- 

cial and Judicial Departments. 
Kincaid, Mrs. 
Lamb, The Hon'hle Mr. R. A., Member of Council, Bombay. 

C.S.I., C.T.K, LC.S. 
Lamb, Mrs. 
Lucas, The Hon'ble Mr. W. H., Chief Secy, to Govt. Bombay 

LC.S. Legislative Council. 

Mehta, The Hon'ble Sir Pheroze- Presdt. of Bombay Municipal 

shah, K.C.I.E. Corpn. Bombay Legis. Council. 

Mehta, Lady. 

Michael, Mr. W. H., LC.S. Accountant- General, Bombay. 

Michael, Mrs. 

Millet, The Hon'ble Mr. G. P. . Conservator of Forests, Central 

Circle. Bombay Legis. Council. 
Morison, The Hon'ble Mr. W. T., Member of Council, Bombay. 

C.S.L, LC.S. 
Xarhnan, The Hon'ble Dr. Temulji Bombay Legislative Council. 

Bhikaji, L.M., F.U.M.S. 

Nariman, Mrs. 
Narharsingji Ishwarsingji, The Thakor of Amod. 

Hon'ble Sardar. 

Orr, The Hon'ble Mr. J. P., LC.S. . Chairman, Bombay Improvement 

Trust. Bombay Legis. Council. 
Orr, Mrs. 

Palmer, The Right Kev. E. . Lord Bishop of Bombay. 

Peerbhoy, Tho Hon'ble Mr. Abdul Bombay Legislative Council. 

Hussein Adamji. 

Pratt, Mr. E. M., LC.S. Judicial Commissioner in Sindh. 

Procter, The Hon'ble Sir Henry, Bombay Legislative Council. 


Proes, Mrs. 
Rafiuddin, Ahmad, The Hon'ble Bombay Legislative Council. 


Rien, Mr. J. L. 
Rien, Mrs. 

Russell, The Hon'ble Mr. Justice Judge, High Court, Bombay. 
Russell, Mrs. 


Sardar, The Hon'ble Saiyed All El Bombay Legislative Council. 

Sctalvad, The Hon'hle Mr. Chiman- Bombay Legislative Council. 

lal Harilal. 

Scott, The Hon'ble Sir Basil, Kt. . Chief Justice,High Court, Bombay. 
Shar]), The Hon'ble Mr. W. II. . Director of Public Instruction. 

Bombay Legislative Council. 
Sheppard, The Hon'ble Mr. W. D., (Commissioner, Southern Division. 

C.I.E., I.C.S. Bombay Legislative Council. 

Sheppard, Mrs. 

Sprott, Mr. F. L. . Chairman, Bombay Port Trust. 

Sprott, Mrs. 
Stevenson, The Hon'ble Surgeon Surgeon General with Govt. of 

General W. H., I.M.S. Bombay. Bombay Legis. Council. 

Stevenson, Mrs. 

Straiigman, The llon'blc Mr. T. J. Advocate General, Bombay Legis- 
lative Council. 
Strongman, Mrs. 
Vakil, The Hon'ble K. B. Navroji Bombay Legislative Council. 

Pestaivji, C.I.E. 
Vishindas, The Hon'ble Mr. Bombay Legislative Council. 

Webb, The Hon'ble Mr. M. DeP., Bombay Legislative Council. 

Webb, Mrs. 

Bombay (Political Officer's) Camp. 

CAMP 383. MAP 1-7. 

Abud, Lt.-Col. H. M., LA. . . Political Agent, ditch. 

Bell, Maj.-Gen., LA. . . Political Resident, Aden. 

Bell, Lieut. H. W., LA. . . Assistant Political Agant. 

Berthon, Major H. W., I. A. . Officer in charge of the Bombay 

Provincial and Chiefs' Camps. 
Berthon, Mrs. 

Ghosal, Mr. J., I.C.S. ., . Collector of Panch Mahals and 

Political Agent, Riva Kautha. 
Ghosal, Mrs. 

Hill, Mr. C. H. A., C.S.I. C.I.E., Agent to the Governor, Kathiawar. 

Hill, Mrs. 

Humphreys, Capt. D. W. H., 8th A.-D.-C. to the Political Resident. 

Gurkha Rifles. Aden. 


Lunham, Capt. J. L., I.M.S. . ^Medical and Sanitary Officer in 

charge of the Bombay Camps. 

Meek, Lieut. A. S., I.A. . Assistant Political Agent. 

Mosse, Capt. A. H. B., I.A. . Assistant Political Agent. 

Price, Col. C. U. . . . Political Officer with H. H. the 

Mir of K hair pur. 

Price, Mrs. 

Wodehouse, Major F. W., I.A. . Resident, Koihapur, and Southern 

Mahratta Country. 

Wood, Major W. M. P., I.A. . Political Agent, Gohehvad. 

Bombay (Political Officer's) Camp Block II. 

CAMP 439. MAP D-i). 

Townshend, Lieut. F. II. E., R.E. Camp Staff Officer and Assistant 

Engineer in charge of the Horn- 
bay Provincial Camp. 

Wightwick, Lieut. H. M., J,A. . Assistant to the Political Resident, 


Bombay Provincial Camp. 

CAMP 469. MAP 13-8. 

Mr. W. C. Tndor Owen, I.C.S. . Camp Staff Officer. 

Balaram Rao Bahadur Ellapa . J.P., Bombay. 

Bambho Khan, Jam . . . Dakor of Ubauro. 

Basavprabhu, The Hon'ble Sardar Sar Desai of Vantmuri. Bombay 

Lekhamganda. Legislative Council. 

Belvi, The Hon'ble Mr. Dattatraya Bombay Legislative Council. 

Vinkatesh, L.L.B. 

Chok, Khan Sahib Madhuba of . Companion of the Thakur Sahib of 


Chunilal, The Hon'ble Sardar Rao Bombay Legislative Council. 

Bahadur Motilal. 
Chunilal, Mrs. 

Crimmin, Col. J. V. C., C.I.E., J.P., Presidency Surgeon, Bombay. 


Crimmin, Mrs. 

Dajiraj, Sardar Sursintji . . Thakor of Utelia. 



Dalai, Sardar Bomanji . Ahmedabad. 

Dalpatbhai, Sardar Lalbhai . Ahmedabad. 

Dandckar, Rao Bahadur Appaji Than*. 

Dandekar, Mrs. 
D'Monte, Dr. D. A., J.I*. 
D'Monte, Mrs. 
Desai, The Hon'ble Sardar P. V. 

Dholu, Khan Bahadur Mancharji Bombay. 
Rustamji, C.I.K. 

Bombay Legislative Council. 

Doran, Mr. E. A , C.I K., J.P. 

Doran, Mrs. 

Dulaboa, Sardar Raisin ji 

Field, Dr. J. W. 

Gokaldas, Mr. Narotam Moraji 

Ilarbord, Lieut. J. D. 

Postmaster General, Bombay. 

Thakor of Kervada. 


J.P., Bombay, 

Tutor and Guardian to II. II. the 

Raja of Porbandar. 
Harbord, Mrs. 

Ibrahim, Sir Currumbhoi, Bart. . Bombay. 
Ichalkaranji, The llon'ble Sardar Bombay Legislative Council. 

Narayan Rao (iovind, Chief of. 
Jehangir, Sir Cowa/ji, Bart. . Bombay. 
Jehangir, Lady. 

Jijeebhoy, Sir Jamsetjee, Bart. . Bombay. 
Jijeebhoy, Lady. 
Joglekar, Rao Sahib Vishvanath Dharwar. 

Joglekar, Mrs. 
Kadri, Khan Bahadur Saiyid Oriental Translator to the (lov- 

Shamasuddin Saiyid Mian, J.P. eminent of Bombay. 
Karandikar, The Hon'ble Mr. Bombay Legislative Council. 

Raghunath Panduranj,L.L.B. 
Karandikar, Mrs. 
Khimji,Rao Bahadur Vasauji 

Kothari, Mr. J. H. 

J.P. of Bombay. 

Vice- President, Karachi Munici- 
Madbavlal Chinubhai, Sir, Kt., Chinubhai Lodge, Ahmedabad. 


Malegaon, The Honble Sardar 
Shambhu Amarsingh, Jadhav - 
rao, Raja of. 
Malegaon, Rani of 
Mamur Khan, Khan Sahib . 

Mavji, Mr. Parshotum Visram 

J.P., Bombay. 


Mehta, The Hon'ble Mr. Lalubhai Bombay Legislative Council. 

Marikar, Tho Hon'blc Sardar Bombay Legislative Council. 

R. B. Ycshwnntvao Trimbak. 
Moodliar, The Hoii'ble Sardar 

Coopooswamy Viziarungum. 
Padamji, Sardar Xovroji. 
Palitaiui, Bahadur Sinhji Man- 

sinhji, Thakur Sahib of. 
Pandit, Rao Sahib Pandlikrao Kanara. 

Pataiikav, Sardar Bhimrao Nogoji- 

rao of. 
Porbandav, H. H. Xatwarsinhji 

Bhavsinlrji, Rana Sahib of. 
Pmvkh, The Hon'blc? Mr. (lokuldas Bombay Legislative Council. 

Purekh, Mrs. 
Petit, Sir Dinshaw, Bart. 
Peerbhoy, Sir Adamji, Kt. . 
Priestly, Mr. E. 
Itamji, The Hon'ble Mr. Man 

Ranrji, Mrs. 
Rodda, The Hou'ble llao Bahadur Bombay Legislative Council. 

Shriniwas Konher. 
Sassoon, Sir Jacob . . . 
Shivaram, Rao Sahib Seth Pahlaj 

Souter, Mr. W. L. B., C.I.E. 




District Supdt of Police, Bombay. 

Bombay Legislative Council. 


. D. I. G. of Police, Northern 

Range, Ahmedabad. 
Talpur, His Highness Mir Haji 

Nur Muhammad, Khan of. 
Tarapurwala, Mr. Fardunji Kuvar- 

ji, L.C.E., C.I.E. 

Tata, Sir Dorab, Kt. . . . Bombay. 
Tata, Lady. 

Taylor, Revd. Dr. G. P. . . Ahmedabad. 
Taylor, Mrs. 
Tudor Owen, Mrs. 
Vinchurkar, Sardar Ganpatrao Nasik. 


Virpur, Kumar Shri Moolraj of . Companion of the Thakur Sahib 

of Palitana. 



Wa/ar Hidayat, Khan Sahib . 

Whittle, Mr. A. T., C.I.E. . 

Whittle, Mrs. 

Yusif Shah, The Hon'ble Khan 
Bahadur Syod Alahando. 

East Khandesh. 

Hombny Legislative Council. 

Bombay, Baroda and Central India 
Railway Camp. 

Mr. A. C. Owen 
Mr. D. If. Stenl 
Mr. A. H. Dean 

Addis, Mr. F. H. 
Addis, Mrs. 
Bradford, Mr. J. H. 
Bradford, Mrs. 
Bulkley, Mr. W. W. . 
Bulkley, Mrs. 
Clayton, Mr. J. A. 
Clayton, Mrs. 
Collins, Mr. C. W. M. 
Cookc, Mr. C. A. 
Cooke, Mrs. 
Cooper, Mr. T. . 
Cotesworth, Mr. C. (T. 
Cotesworth, Mrs, 
Covell, Mr. B. C. 
Covell, Mrs. 
Peanc, Mr. H. H. 
Donaldson, Mr. B. 
Eraser, Mr. W. S. 
Garrett, Mr. B. S. 
Haigh, Mr. A. G. 
Hanson, Mr. P. W. . 
Hanson, Mrs. 
Heath, Mr. B. H. 
Heath, Mrs. 
Horrobin, Mr. A. 
.Janson, Mr. V. . 
Jones, Mr. H. L. 

CAMP 422. MAP H.-8. 

. Camp Staff Officer. 

. Officer in charge. 

. Medical Officer. 

. Carriage and Wagon Supdt. 

. Assistant Engineer. 

. Assistant Engineer. 

. Dy. Carriage and Wagon Supdt. 

Assistant Engineer. 

. Executive Engineer. 

. Temporary Assistant Loco. Supdt. 

. District Loco. Superintendent. 

. Asst. Carriage and Wagon Supdt. 

. Engineer-in-Chief. 

. Assistant District Loco. Supdt. 

. Loco. Superintendent. 

. .Assistant Loco. Superintendent. 

. Assistant Engineer. 

. General Traffic Manager. 

. Assistant Engineer. 

. Analytical Chemist. 

Junior Government Inspector. 

. District Loco. Superintendent. 



Jones, Mrs. 
Kirby, Mr. W. A. . 
Kirby, Mrs. 
LaTouehe, Mr. J. N. D 
LaTouche, Mrs. 
LaTouchc, Miss. 
LaTouche, Mr. 
Marryat, Mr. N. 
Marryat, Mrs. 
Marsland, Mr. F. 
Marsland, Mrs. 
Martin, Mr. L. J. 
Martin, Mrs. 
Maurice, Mr. H. A. 
May, Mr. A. J. 

McCloskey, Mr. A. K 
Middlctou, Mr. R. H. 
Middlcton, Mrs. 
Moore, Mr. D. O. Mill ,c 
Morley, Mr. W. C. . 
Morley, Mrs. 
Morley, Miss. 
Morley, Miss. 
Owen, Mrs. 
Owen, Miss. 
Owen, Miss. 
Owen, Captain H. C. . 

Owen, Mrs. 
Page, Mr. F. J. 
Page, Mrs. 

Peyton, Mr. W. H. . 
Pigott, Mr. R. E. 
Pigott, Mrs. 
Reynolds, Mr. J. R. . 
ReynoMs, Mrs. 
Rollo, Mr. A. D. 
Saxby, Mr. H. B. 
Shephard, Mr. T. F. G 
Shephard, Mrs. 
Shipp, Mr. W. E. 
Shipp, Mrs. 
Skipwith, Mr. F. E. . 

. Assistant Engineer. 

. Senior Government Inspector. 

District Loco. Superintendent. 
. Temporary Assistant Engineer. 
Assistant Engineer. 

. Assistant Traffic Superintendent 
Assistant Engineer. 

. Assist. Elec. Engr. Telegraphs. 
Assistant Engineer. 

Assistant Loco Superintendent. 
. Acting 2nd Deputy Auditor. 

. Adjutant, 2nd B., B. and C. I 
Railway Volunteers. 

. Loco, and Carriage Superintendent. 

. Assistant Storekeeper. 

. Chief Electrical Engineer. 

. Deputy General Traffic Manager. 

. Assistant Storekeeper. 

. Electrical Engineer. 

. Assist. Elec. Engr. Telegraphs. 

. Acting. 1st Deputy Auditor. 

. Executive Engineer. 



Skipwith, Mrs. 
Slade, Mr. O. E. R. . 
Thackwell, Mr. A. H. 
Thomson, Mr. R. S. . 
Whately, Mr. It. 
Whitney, Mr. A. 
Williams, Mr. II. A. C. 

Wood, Miss. 
Wright, Mr. T. T. . 
Wright, Mrs. 
Young, Mr. K. H. 
Young, Mrs. 

Assistant Engineer. 
Assist. Carriage & Wagon Supdt. 
Assistant Traffic Superintendent. 
Executive Engineer. 
Signal Superintendent. 
Superintendent of Police, Uaj- 
putana Malwa Railway. 

Acting Chief Auditor. 
Executive Engineer. 


CAMP 361. MAP I.-7. 

His Highness Maharao Raja Sir Raglmbir Singh, Bahadur, G.C.T.K 


Amar Singh ji, Rathor 
Anandi Lalji, Kotvval 
Bahadur Singhji, Sanwat-ka Bijey 
Bairisalji, Mahasingot 
Barad Singh ji, Sanwat-ka. 
Bhairon Singhji, Solankhi. 
Bhom Singhji, Rathor 
Brij Bhushanji, Bohra. 
Chandra Singhji, Rathor. 
Chatar Singhji, Sanwat-ka. 
Condon, Major deV., I.M.S. 

Condon, Mrs. 

Fateh Singhji, Solankhi. 

(iovind Lalji, Bohra . 

(lolab Singhji, Mewawat 

Hanwant Singhji, Mahokamsingot 

Harinath Singhji, Mahasingot 

Jawahar Singhji, Balnot 
Kalyan Singhji, Bairisalot . 
Kalyan Singhji, Mahokamsingot, 

Jagirdar of Say ana. 
Jagirdar of Keshopura 
Jagirdar of Pachipala. 
Jagirdar of Jajawar. 

Jagirdar of .Thalipum. 

Agency Surgeon, Ifnnioti and 

Member of Council. 
Jagirdar of Sadera. 
Jagirdar of Muglana and Member, 

State Council. 
Jagirdar of Jaitgarh and Member, 

State Council. 
Jagirdar of Ajaita. 
Jagirdar of Bankakhera. 
Jagirdar of Rangbilas. 


Kesri Singhj i, Solankhi. 
Khadam Hussainji, Munslii . 
Lakshmi Narayanji, Babu . 

Maclan Mohan ji, Bolira 
Madan Singhji, Balnot. 
Mukand Singhji, Solanki Rawat 
Nathoosingh j i, Mahokamsingot 
Peacock, Major H. B. 

Peacock, Miss. 

Prithvi Singhji, Mahokamsingot 

Randhir Singhji, Babu, B.A. 

Rennie, Col. 

Rennie, Mrs. 

Sheo Singhji, Rathor 

Sheo Singhji, Solankhi 

Sheodan Singhji, Rathor 

Singhsalji, Nathawat 
Sundar Lalji, Bohra. 

State Vakil at Abu. 
Secretary to His Highness 

Durbar Saheb Bahadur. 
In t-liarge State Forces. 



Jagirdar of Datunda. 
.la^irdar of Bardha. 
Political Agent in Haraoti and 

Jagirdar of Bnorikhora. 
Revenue and Finance Member. 
(Retired, R. A. M. C.) 

Jagirdar of Ulora. 
Jagirdar of Aklor. 
Jagirdar of Baronda and Qiladar, 

Bundi Fort. 

Grandson of the Thakur of Pagara. 
State Vakil at Deoli. 


His Honour the Lieutenant-Governor's 

Camp 24?. 

The Hon'ble Sir Harvey Adamson, 

LL.D., Kt., K.C.S.I., I.C.S. 
Lady A(Uimson. 
Capt. E. L. Caldecott, R.A. 
Capt. E. C. Lentaigne, 4th Gurkha 

Capt. T. H. Battye, 10th Gurkha 


Mr. G. B. H. Fell, C.I.E., I.C.S. . 
Lieut. D. K. McLeod, Q. 0. Corps 

of Guides. 
Major C. C. S. Barry, I.M.S. 

Map 1-9. 
Lieutenant- Governor . 

Private Secretary. 

Extra A.-D.-C. 

Officer in charge. 
Camp Staff Officer. 

Medical Officer. 


Mrs. Barry. 

Buchanan, Mr. G. C. . . . Chairman and Chief Engineer, 

Rangoon Port Commissioners. 
Buchanan, Mrs. 

Cabell, Mr. W. H. L., I.C.S. . Pi-est. of the Rangoon Mun. Com. 
Cabell, Mrs. 

Covornton, Mr. J. G. . . Director of Public Instruction. 

Covernton, Mrs. 
Darwood, Mr. A. J. 
Davis, Lt.-Col. R. E. S., I.M.S. 

Kales, Mr. H. L., I.C.S. . . Commissioner, Pegu Division. 
Bales, Mrs. 
Fell, Mrs. 
Finlay, Dr. Harry. 

Finlay, The Hon'ble Mr. C. K . Burma Legislative Council. 
Finlay, Mrs. 

Fox, The Hon'ble Sir C. E., Kt. Chief Judge, Chief Court. 
Fox, Lady. 

Frenchman, Col. E. P., I.M.S. 

Fyffe, The Right Rev. R. S. . Bishop of Rangoon. 
Gaitskell, Mr. A., T.C.S. . . Officiating Commissioner of Settle- 
ments and Land Records. 
Gaitskcll, Mrs. 
Gates, The Hon'ble Mr. F. C., Financial Commissioner, Burma, 

C.S.I., I.C.S. Burma Legislative Council. 

Gates, Mrs. 
Giles, Mr. R. S. 
Hartnoll, The Hon'ble Mr. Justice Judge, Chief Court, Lower Burma. 

H. S., I.C.S. 
Hartnoll, Mrs. 

Lace, Mr. J. H. . , . Chief Conservator ofl Forests. 
Law, Mr. J. M., C.I.E. . . Dy. Inspector- General of Police. 
Lees, Mr. O. C. ... Joint Sec. to Govt., P. W. D. 

Lees, Mrs. 

Lentaigne, Mr. B. P. 
Lentaigne, Mrs. 
Leslie, Mrs. 
Leslie, Miss. 
Leslie, Lieut. W., R.A. 

Macnabb, Lb.-Col. D. J. C., I, A. . Commissioner, Magwe Division. 
Macnabb, Mrs. 

McDonnell, Mr. R. G. P. P., C.I.E. 
Newton, Mr. W. G. 
Ormond, The Hon'ble Mr. Justice Judge, Chief Court, L. Burma, 

E. W. 


Onnond, Mrs. 

Parkin, Lt.-Col. H., C.I.E., I.A. . Inspector General of Police. 

Parkin, Mrs. 

Rcddie, Mr. J. G. 

Rice, Mr. W. F., C.S.I., I.C.S. . Chief Secretary to Government. 

Hose, Commander G. G., R.I.M. . Principal Port Officer. 

Rose, Mrs. 

Shaw, Mr. G. W., C.S.I., I.C.S. . Judicial Conir., Upper Burma. 

Stikeman, The Hon'ble Mr. W. R. Vice-Chairman, Rangoon Port 

Comrs., Burma Legis. Council. 

Tarleton, Mr. W. H. . . . Conir. of Police, Rangoon Town. 
Tarleton, Mrs. 

Thompson, Mr. H., I.C.S. . . Deputy Commissioner. 
Thompson, Mrs. 
White, The Hon'ble Mr. G. G. . Secretary to Government, P. W. 

I)., Burma Legis. Council. 
White, Mrs. 

Willcocks, Mr. J. . . . Agent, Burma Railways. 

Young, The Hon'ble Mr. C. Radford, Government Advocate, Burma 

Bar.-at-Law. Legislative Council. 

Young, Mrs. 

Burma Provincial Camp. 

CAMP 436. MAP F-9. 

Mr. C. E. Browne . . . Officer in charge and Camp Staff 

Mr. G. C. B. Stirling, C.I.E. . Political Officer for the Shan 

Mr. S. N. Battacharya, M.B. . Medical Officer. 

Abdul Husein, The Hon'ble Mirza Burma Legislative Council. 

Aung, Maung Myat Tun, K.S.M., Deputy Commissioner. 


Awn, Hkun Hsang, K.S.M. . Sawbwa of Tawngpeng. 

Chan, Maung Htoon . . . Advocate, Akyab. 

Cowasjee, The Hon'ble Mr. M., Burma Legislative Council. 


Cowasjee, Maung Tha Ka, K.S.M. Extra Asst. Conservator of Foiests-. 

Dun, Maung Ne, K.I.H., K.S.M. . Municipal Commissioner, Prome. 

Hke, Saw .... Sawbwa of Hsipaw. 

Hla, Maung Tun, T.D.M. . . Deputy Superintendent of Police. 

Intaleng, Sao Kawn Kiau, K.S.M. Sawbwa of Kengtung. 



.Tamal, Mr. A. S. 
Kaing, Maung Ngwe, 


Ket, The Hon'ble Maung, K.S.M. 
Ko, Mr. Taw Sein, K.I.H. . 
Kyin, Maung Po 
Lai, Hkun, C.I.E., K.S.M. . 
Liu, Maung We 
Lwin, Maung Tun, K.S.M . 
Maing, Sao Naw, K.S.M. . 
Mawng, The Hou'ble Sao, C.I.E., 


Min, Maung Tun, T.D.M. , 
Myat, Maung Htoon, K.I.H. 
Mye, The Hon'ble Maung . 
Nee, Nang Seng 
Nyen, Sao Khin 
Ogh, Maung, K.S.M. . 
Pe, Maung, K.S.M. . 

Si, Maung Po, A.T.M. 

Sum, Nang .... 

Tha, Maung Po 

Thaung, Maung Po, K.S.M. 

Thu, Maung Hla Paw, A.T.M. 

Tin, Maung, A.T.M. . 

Tsong, The Hon'ble Mr. Lim Chin 

Tun, Maung Paw, K.S.M. . 

Ya, Sao Nang .... 

Zan, Maung Aung, K.S.M. . 


K.S.M., Extra Assistant Commissioner. 

Burma Legislative Council. 
Supdt., Archaeological Survey. 
Municipal Commissioner, Eangoon. 
Sawbwa of Laikha. 
Inspector of Schools. 
Extra Assistant Commissioner. 
Sawbwa of South Hsenwi. 
Sawbwa of Yawnghwe. 

District Superintendent of Police. 

Burma Legislative Council. 
Chief wife of Hsipaw Sawbwa. 
Chief wife of Laikha Sawbwa. 
Extra Assistant Commissioner. 
Extra Assistant Commissioner and 

Addl. Judge, Small Cause Court. 
Municipal Commisssioner, Rangoon. 
Chief wife of South Hsenwi 


Honorary Magistrate, Rangoon. 
Assistant Engineer, P. W. D. 
Deputy Superintendent of Police. 
Extra Assistant Commissioner. 
Burma Legislative Council. 
Extra Assistant Commissioner. 
Chief wife of Yawnghwe Sawbwa. 
District Judge. * 


CAMP 376. MAP 1-6. 

His Highness Nawab Jafar Ali Khan Hussein Yawar Khan, Saheb 
Bahadur, Nawab of Cambay. 

Mirza Ali Mahomed Khan. 

Mir Baba Saheb Mir Ramjan Ali Saheb. 

Mr. Madhavram Harinarayen Vyas, Dewan. 

Dr. J. Vajaram. 

Mr. D. M. Majmodar, State Engineer. 


Central India. Agent, Governor 
General's Camp. 

CAMP 21. MAP H-9. 

Mr. M. F. O'Dwyer, [C.S.I., I.C.S. Agent to Gov.-Gen. in Cen. India. 
Mrs. O'Dwyer. 

Lieut. C. O Harvey, II I" 38th Personal Assistant. 

(K.G.O.) Central India Horse. 

Major 11. K A. Hamilton, T.A. . Officer in charge o camp. 

Capt. H. 1). McLaughlin, 6th Camp Staff Officer (Commandant, 

Gurkha llifles. Malwa Bhil Corps). 

Blakeway, Major J. P., R.E. . Secretary in the P. W. D. 

Blakeway, Mrs. 

Blomfiold, Maj.-Gen. C. J., C.B., General Officer Commanding 

D.S.O. Mhow. 

Blomficld, Mrs. 
Brooke, Miss 

Collings, Mr. C. .1. . . . Bank of Bombay. 
Cotgrave, Lt.-Col. K C. B. . . Commanding Central India Horse. 
Cox, Mr. J. H., I.C.S. 
Cox, Mrs. J. H. 
Crump, Mr. L. M., I.C.S. . . 1st Assistant to the Agent to the 

Gov.-Gen. in Central India. 
Crump, Mrs. 
Gardom, Mis 
Hamilton, Mrs. R. E. A. 

Hide, Mr. P Principal, Daly College, Indore. 

Hide, Mrs. 

Impey, Lt.-Col. L., LA. . . Political Agent in Bundelkhand. 

Impey, Miss 

Kemball, Lt.-Col. C. A., C.I.E., I.A. Resident at Gwalior. 

Kemball, Mrs. 

LeRossignol, Mrs. 

Ogilvie, Capt. G. D., I.A. . . 2nd Assistant to the Agent to the 

Gov.-Gen. in Central India. 
Ogilvie, Mrs. 

Roberts, Lt.-Col. J. R., I.M.S. . Adm. Medl. Offr. in Central India. 
Roberts, Mrs. 
Waterfield, Mr. H. G. . . Insp.-Gen., C. I. Agency Police. 


Central India Political Officers' Camp* 

CAMP 342. MAP J-7. 
Mr. W. S. Davis . . . Officer in charge of Camp. 

Beville, Major F. G., C I.E. . Political Agent in Bhopawar. 

Blcackley, Mrs. 

Davis, Lt.-Col. C., 1st (D. Y. O.) 

Davis, Mrs. C. 
Davis, Mrs, W. S. 

Fayrer, Major F. D. S., I.M.S. . Agency Surgeon in Baghelkhand. 
Fayrer, Mrs. 

Godfrey, Lt.-Col. S. H., C.I.E. . Political Agent in Baghelkhand 
Godfrey, Mrs. 
Hugo, Major J. H-, I.M.S. 

Jardine, Mr. W. E., C.I.E. . . Political Agent in Malwa. 
Joly, Miss. 

Knox, Major K. W., I.M.S. . . Residency Surgeon in Gwalior. 
Knox, Mrs. 
La Terriere, Lieut. H. M. B. de 

Sales, 60th King's Boyal Rifles. 
MacKellar, Dr. (Miss) Margaret 
Plowden, Capt. C. T. C. . . Assistant Political Agent in 

Seton, Mrs. 

Spence, The Hon'ble Mrs. 
Trollope, The Hon'ble Mrs. Cran- 


Trollope, The Hon'ble Sophia. 
Trollope, Mr. T. 

Tyrrell, Major J. R. J., I.M.S. . Agency Surgeonjin Bhopawar. 
Tyrrell, Miss. 
Willis, Miss Vera. 
Wise, Lieut. A. D., 27th Light 

Wise, Mrs. 

Central India Provincial Camp. 

CAMP 4,61. MAP D-9. 

Major R. E. A. Hamilton, I.A. . Officer in charge. 
Lala Piyare Lai . . . Camp Staff Officer. 




Bahadur Singh, Raja (accompanied 
by K. S. Syed Ali Ahmed Jafri 
Superintendent of the State) 

Baldeo Singh, Thakur 

Bheron Singh, Thaknr 

Chandra Bhan Singh 

Chhatrapati, llaja, C.S.I. 

Dhirat Singh, Raja . 

Hyder Ali Khan, Nawab . 

Jaswant Singh, Thakur 

Kesri Singh, Thakur . 

Khalaq Singh, Rao (accompanied 
by Mr. W. V. Sar Desai, Super 
intendent of the State). 

Kishorc Singh, Thaknr 

Madho Singh, Tliakur 

Nahar Singh, Thakur 

Partab Singh, Thakur 

Pirbhi Singh, Raja 

Radha Charan, Rao Bahadur Chau 

Ran jit Singh, Thakur 

Sardul Singh, Thakur 

Shambu Singh, Thakur 

Agra Berkhera. 


Jagirdar, Garauli. 







Berkhera I. 





Jagirdar, Pahra. 


Sheogarh, Sadakheri. 


Central Provinces. 

Chief Commissioner's Camp. 

CAMP 36. 

The Hon'ble Mr. R. H. Craddock, 

C.S.I., I.C.S. 
Mrs. Craddock. 
Miss Craddock. 
Capt. P. C. Waterfield, 45th 

Rattray's Sikhs. 
Mr. C. U. Wills, I.C.S. 
Capt. H. deL. Pollard-Lowsley, 


MAP 1-10. 
Chief Commissioner. 

Personal Assistant. 

Magistrate and Camp Staff Officer. 
Officer in charge and Camp Staff 



Capt. J . JdacMillaii, I.M.S. . 
Lieut. A. C. Hewitt, Rl. Fusiliers 

Batten, Mr. J. K., I.C.S. . 

Batten, Mrs. 

Chatterton, Right Rev. E., D.D. . 

Chatterton, Mrs. 

Chiuoy, Khan Bahadur A.D. 

Crump, Mr. H. A., I.C.S. . 

Sanitary and Medical Officer. 
Additional Personal Assistant. 

First Additional Judicial Coinmr. 
Lord Bishop of Nagpur. 

Commissioner, Jubbulpur Divi- 

Crump, Mrs. 

Dastur, Mr. Manikshah Ratanji 

deBrett, Mr. E. A., I.C.S. . 

dcBrett, Mrs. 

Dcnnys, Col. G. W. P., I.M.S. 

Drake- Brockman, Mr. H. V., I.C.S. Judicial Commissioner. 

Drake-Brockman, Mrs. 

Fuller, Sir Bampfylde. 

Hallet, Mr. C. Hughes 

Harriot, Mr. G. M., C.I.E. . 

Harriot, Mrs. 

Hart, Mr. G. S. 

Hart, Mrs. 

Hassan, Mr. Mandi 

Horsbrugh, Lt.-Col. R. P., I.A. 

Horsbrugh, Mrs. 

Joyce, Mr. A. E. 

Laurie, Mr. H. M., I.C.S. . 

Provincial Judicial Service. 
Chief Secretary. 

Inspector- Gen. of Civil Hospitals. 

Deputy Inspector-Gen, of Police. 
Chief Engineer. 

Chief Conservator of Forests. 

Offg. Deputy Commissioner, Drug. 
Deputy Coinmr., Hoshangabad. 

Laurie, Mrs. 

Low, Mr. C. E., C.I.E., I.C.S. 

Mitra, Mr. Rajeshwar 

Assistant Engineer. 
Commissioner, Nerbudda Divi- 

Director of Agriculture. 
Supdg. Engineer, Jubbulpur. 

Phillips, The Hon'ble Mr. F. A. T., Commissioner, Chhattisgarh Divn. 


Phillips, Mrs. 
Pollard- Lowsley, Mrs. 
Salam-ullah Khan, Nawab, K. B. 
Slocock, Mr. F. S. A., I.C S. 
Slocock, Mrs. 
Stanyon, Mr. H. J., C.I.E. 

Stanyon, Mrs. 

Walker, Mr. J., C.I.E., I C.S. 

Walker, Mrs. 

Wright, Mr. A. 

Inspector-General of Police. 

Second Additional Judicial Com- 

Commissioner, Nagpur Division. 
Director of Public Instruction, 


Central Provinces (Political Officers) Camp. 

CAMP No. 395. MAP H-7. 

Blakesley, Mr. E. H., I.C.S. . Pol. Agent, Chhattisgarh Fcuda- 

* tories, C. P. 
Blakesley, Mrs. 

Kutubuddiii, Khan Bnhadur . Officer in charge of C. P. Chiefs' 


Central Provinces Provincial Camp. 

CXMP 470. MAI J C-8. 

Raghunath Sadasheo, Thakur, Officer in charge of (Camp. 
E. A. C. 

Abdul Baki Khan, Khan Bahadur, Mchkar, Buldana District. 


AH Raza Khan, Khan Bahadur Honorary Magistrate, Chinduara. 

Azam Shah, Raja 
Ballabdas, Dewan Bahadur Seth 
Ballichand Tivvari, Rao Bahadur 
Balwant Singh 



Dhana, Saugor District. 

J agirdar, Pachinari, Chindwara. 

Bambawala, Mr. Ainrit Rain- Officiating D. S. P., Bhandara. 


Barat, Rai Bahadur 8. N. . . Civil Surgeon, Drug. 

Beharilall Khazanchi, Rai Bahadur Jubbulpore. 

Bhagwant Rao Shankar Rao, Rao Daryapur, Amraoti District. 


Bhagwat, Rao Bahadur Dattatrya Akola. 


Bishan Datta Shukul, Rai Baha- Sihora, Jubbulpore District. 


Bose, Sir Bipin Krishna, Kt., Nagpnr. 


Chaudhri, Rai Bahadur D. N. . President, Raipur Municipality, 

Chinoy, Khan Bahadur A.D. . Retired E. A. C., Amraoti. 

Damle, Rao Sahib Kesho Govind Vice-Chairman, District Board, 


Dharmadhikari, Pandit K. M. .' Secretary, District Council, 


Ganpat Rao Srikande, Pandit . Retired E. A. C., Saugor. 


Ghulam Hussain, Khan Bahadur Nagpur. 

Indar Shah, Lai . . . Zaminilar, Ambagarh Chauki, 

Drug District. 

Indraz Singh, Rao Bahadur . Zamindar of Kamptha, Bhandara. 

Jagannath Prasad Misr, Pandit . President, Municipal Committee, 


Jiwandass, Rai Bahadur, Seth . Jubbulpore. 
Kashinath Kesho Thakur, Rao Officiating Senior Divisional 

Bahadur. and Sessions Judge, Nagpur 

Kastarchand Daga, Diwan Baha- Kamptee. 

dur, C.I.E. 

Khare, Mr. D. N. . . . President, Wardha Municipality. 
Lai Bir Bikram Deo . . . Zamindar, Khariar, Raipur. 
Madha Rao, Bhau . . . Zamindar, Amgaon, Bhandara 


Mathura Prashad, Rai Sahib . Pleader, Chindwara. 

Manikji Merwanji Mullnah, Khan Balaghat. 

Moreshwar Vishwanath Joshi . Vice-Chairman, Amraoti Town 

NagendraNath De, RaiiBahadur, Bilaspur. 


Narain Rao Kelker, Mr. . . Balaghat. 
Nizamuddin Ahmad, Khan Offg. Inspector of Schools, 

Bahadur. Chhattisgarh Division. 

Paranjpe, Mr. Shridar Ganesh . Extra Deputy Conservator of 

Forests, Jubbulpore. 
Purshottam Bhagvvant Deshpande, Ellichpur, Amraoti District. 

Rao Sahib. * 

Raghoba Mahadik, Rao Bahadur . Rajim, Raipur District. 
Raghoji Rao, Raja Bahadur . Deor, Nagpur. 

Raghunath Rao, Aba Sahib . . Jubbulpore, 
Raghuraj Singh . . . Zamindar, Eaiidaria, Bilaspur 

Ramchandra Ganesh Mundle, Rao Vice-Chainnan, District Board, 

Bahadur. Yeotmal. 

Ramchandra Rao Bhuskate . . Burhanpur, Nimar District. 
Ramkrishna Rao, Rao Bahadur, Retired E. A. C., Nagpur. 


Shujat Ali Khan, Diwan . . Seoni-Chappra. 
Takht Singh, Raja . . . Fatehpur, Hoshangabad District. 
Vasudeo Ramkrishna, Rao Baha- Nagpur. 

dur, Pandit. 



Vinaik, Rao Bahadur Deo Rao 
Vithal Purshottam Puranik, Rao 


Vishwanath Singh, Raja 
Vishwanath Singh, Sardar Bahadur 




Wun, Yeotmal District. 

Imlai, Jubbulpore District. 
Manogaon, Narsingpur District. 

CAMP 321. 
His Highness Raja Sir Bhure 

Singh, K.C.S.L, C.I.E. 
Tikka Ram Singh 
Mian Sahib Kesri Singh 
Mian Nihal Singh 

Atkinson, Mr. A. E. 

Atkinson, Mrs. 

Bannerjee, B. S. 

Chatterjce, Dr. 

Chatur Bhuj, Dr. 

Collins, Captain L. P. 

Collins, Mrs. 

Gopal Das, Sardar 

Gurditta Mai, L. 

Kcnnaway, Mr. F. W., I.C.S. 

Kennaway, Mrs. 

Mclntosh, Mr. R., I.F.S. 

Mohan Lai, Pandit 

Prabh Dyal, L. ... 

Sri Kanth, Captain 

MAP J-6. 
Raja of Chainba. 

Second son. 

Chief Superintendent. 

Personal Physician. 
2/4 Gurkhas. 

Superintendent of Works. 
Postmaster General. 
Political Officer. 

Conservator of Forests. 
Wazir-i-Wazarat, Chamba. 
Wazir-i-Wazarat, Bhattiyat. 
Commanding State Forces. 

Charkhari State. 

CAMP 335. MAP J-6. 
His Highness Maharajadhiraja Sipahdar-ul-Mulk Jijhar Singh 

Judeo Bahadur, C.I.E. 
Syed Ghulam Abbas . . . Assistant Camp Staff Officer. 

Abdul Rahim, Syed. 

Ahmed Hussain, Kamaluddaula 


Ahmed Khan, Mirza. 
Ahmed Khan, Doctor, Said. 
Asghar Ali, Mir. 
Bhagirath Judeo, Kunwar. 

Bhanpertab Singh, Judeo. 
Daryao Singh Judeo, Kunwar. 
Deo Singh Judeo, Dewan. 
Debi Singh Judeo, Chawandra. 
Debi Singh Judeo, Capt. Kunwar. 
Debi Singh Judeo, Jagirdar 


(iajraj Singh Judeo, Dcwau. 
Ganga Singh Judeo, Dewan 

Gopal Krishna. 

Jugal Kishorc Hajpai, Pundit. 
Kanhai Judeo, Dewan. 
Lachman Singh Judeo, Dewan. 
Lachman Singh Judeo, Musahab. 

Harbans Rai, Chawandra. j Madho Singh Judeo, Kunwar. 

Hardeo Singh Judeo, Dewan. ! Mohar Khan, Hakim. 

Hira Lai, Prithan. | Murli Dhar, Jotshi. 

Jaganuath Pvasad, Pundit. j Pahar Singh Judeo, Kunwar. 

Jigni, Dewan of. | Parbat Singh Judeo, Dewan. 

Jigui, Rao of. I Ram Datt, Pandit. 
Thakur Parshad, Partit Rai. 


CAMP 332. MAP J-6. 

His Highness Maharaja Vishwanath Singh Bahadur. 
Thakur Ganga Singh . . . Assistant Camp Staff Officer. 

Bakhtawar Singh, Dewan. Pratipal Singh, Kunwar. 

Fazal-i-Haq, Munshi. Raghnath Singh, Dewan. 

Ganga Singh, Thakur. Shayam Behari Misra, Pandit. 

Jagannath Prasad, Babu. Sheo Behari Lai Misra, Pandit. 

Jai Krishna Shastri, Pandit. Tori Fatehpur, Rao of. 

Kirat Singh, Dewan. Tori Fatehpur, Son of Rao of. 

Martaudrao Ambegaonkar, Mr. Udayajit, Kunwar. 
Pahar Singh, Lai. 

Chhota Udepur. 

CAMP 452. MAP D.-9. 

Maharawal Sim Fatehsinhji Motisinhji, Raja of Chhota Udepur. 



Mr. Ganpatrao Laud, State Karbhari. Dr. Shere Ali Karim All. 
Mr. Jamnadas Mehta, Judicial Officer. 

Civil Lines, Delhi. 

Abbott, Mr. H Delhi Club. 

Adie, Mr. J. C Rajpur Road. 

Adie, Mrs. .... Ditto. 


Allnutt, Rev. Canon S. S. . Cambridge Mission, Queen's Rd. 
Andrews, Rev. C. F. . , Maitland House, Lothian Road. 

Angelo, Mr. W. ... Delhi and London Bank, Chandni 


Angelo, Mrs. .... Ditto. 

Baines, Mr. A. C. ... Delhi Club. 

Barnaul, Miss . . . .St. Stephen's Hospital, Tis 

Barren, Mr. C. A., I.C.S. . . Deputy Commissioner, Delhi, 

Liullow Castle Road. 

Barren, Miss .... Ludlow Castle Road. 
Barron, Capt .JR., I.M.S. . . C/o C. A. Barron, Esq., Ludlow 

Castle Road. 

Barron, Capt. W. E., RE.. . Ditto. 

Barron, Mis. . . . . Ditto. 

Barry, Mr. C. B., I.C.S. . C/o J. P. Thomson, Esq., Flag- 

staff Road. 
Bazeley, Miss . . . .St. Stephen's Hospital, Tis 


Beddy, Miss .... Civil Hospital, Delhi. 
Bcresford, Mr. W. P. V. . . C/o \V. Angelo, Esq., Delhi and 

London Bank, Chandni Chowk. 

Blakiston, Rev. R. . , Cambridge Mission, Queen's Rd. 

Bosworth Smith, Mr. 13. X., I.C.S. C/o C. A. Barron, Esq., Ludlow 

Castle Road. 

Boughey, Mr. G. M., I.C.S. . . Ditto. 

Boughey, Miss . . Ditto. 

Boyd, Miss .... Civil Hospital, Delhi. 

Burke, Mr. E. H. . . . Delhi Residents' Camp, Rajpur 


Burke, Mrs Ditto. 

Calvocoressi, Mr. P. J. . . C/o C. Demetriades, Esq., Raj pur 


Calvocoressi, Mrs. . . Ditto. 

Charlesworth, Miss . . .C/o Miss Beddy, Civil Hospital. 
Clarke, Mrs. R. ... C/o J. P. Thompson, Esq., Flag 

Staff Road. 

Clarke, Miss .... Ditto. 

Clifford, Mr. S. ... Court Road. 

Clifford, Mrs Ditto. 

Colman, Miss . . . .St. Stephen's Hospital, Tis 

Cooke, Deaconess Mary . . St. Stephen's Hospital, Tis 

Coore, Rev. A Cambridge Mission, Queen's Rd. 


Gumming, Mr. H. T. 

Dallas, Lt.-Col. C. M., I.A. . 

Dallas, Mrs. 

Davidson, Lt.-Col. D.M., I.M.S. 

Diggory, Mr. S. L. 

Diggory, Mrs. . 

Dcmetriades, Mr. C. 

Duboscq, Mr. H. 

Eckhart, Miss . 

Favell, Miss 


Fisher, Mr. H. 
Fisher, Mrs. 
Fitz Henry, Miss 
Fleming, Mr. F. J. 
Foley, Mr. G. . 

Foley, Mrs. 
Foley, Miss 
Fordyce, Mr. J. K. 
Fowler, Mrs. 

Francis, Miss 

Francis, Miss 
Gilbertson, Mr. J. G. . 

Gilbertson, Mrs. 

Gmeiner, Miss 

Goode, Miss 

Gray, Mr. J. B. . 

Griffin, Mr. J. G. 

Grisewood, Capt. A. E., I.M.S. 

Haniner, Major J. A. L. 

Hanmer, Mrs. 
Higman, Mr. B. F. 
Higinan, Mrs. 
Hird, Mr. R. L. . 
Hird, Mrs. 
Hodgson, Miss . 

Ingram, Mr. 

Dist. Engr., Imperial Hotel. 
Commissioner, Delhi Division, 
Alipore Road. 

Civil Surgeon, Alipore Road. 

Raj pore Road. 




BaptisttMission, Chandni Chowk. 
St. Stephen's Hospital, Tis 

Court Road. 


Baptist Mission, Chandni Chowk. 
Delhi Club. 

C/o W. Angelo, Esq., Delhi and 
London Bank, Chandni Chowk. 

Alipore Road. 
C/o F. J. Fleming, Esq., Delhi 

St. Stephen's Hospital, Tis 


Baptist Mission, Chandni Chowk. 

Head Master, Govt. High School, 

Old Residency, Lothian Road. 

Hindu Girls' School. 

St. Stephen's Hos.; Tis Hazari. 

Delhi Club. 


C/o Lt.-Col. C. M. Dallas, 

Alipore Road. 

Tis Hazari. 

Tis Hazari. 

National Bank House, Raj pur Rd. 

National Bank House, Raj pur Rd. 

C/o C. A. Barren, Esq., Ludlow 
Castle Road. 

C/o C. Kirkpatrick, Esq., Flag- 
staff Road. 


Jacob, Mr. S. M., I.C.S. 
Jerwood, Miss. . 

Jones, Mr. G. A. 
Judd, Rev. A. C. 
Kirkpatrick, Mr. C. . 
Kirkpatrick, Mrs. 
Leather, Rev. M. O. . 
Lewes, Mrs. 
Locke, Mr. 
Locke, Mrs. 
MacMurray, Miss 
Maitland, Mrs. 
Marsh, Rev. N. C. 
Mctaxa, Mr. T. N. 

Metaxa, Mrs. 
Monk, Mr. F. F. 
Moore, Miss 
Morgan, Miss 
Morony, Miss 

Muller, Miss 
Murray, Dr. R. E. 

Neville, Mrs. 

Padfield, Mr. R. C. H. 
Page, Mr. C. R. . 
Page, Mrs. 
Parsons, Miss 

Patronas, Mr. M. 

Patronas, Mrs. 
Phillip, Mr. W. A. 

Phillip, Mrs. 
Priest, Miss 
Purton, Rev. G. A. 

Read, Mr. J. C. . 
Read, Mrs. . 
Renton, Miss 


Delhi Club. 

St. Stephen's Hospital, Tis 

Delhi Club. 

Maitland House, Lothian Road. 
Flag-staff Road. 


Maitland House, Lothian Road 
C/o Miss Boyd, Civil Hospital. 
Kudsia Gardens. 


St. Stephen's Hos., Tis Hazari. 
Raj pur Road. 

Cambridge Mission, Queen's Rd. 
C/o C. Demetriadis, Esq., Rajpur 

Maitland House, Lothian Road. 

Baptist Mission, Chandni Chowk. 

Baptist Mission, Chandni Chowk. 

C/o J. P. Thompson, Esq., Flag- 
staff Road. 

St. Stephen's Hos., Tis Hazari. 

Assistant Civil Surgeon, Police 

C/o Rev. N. C. Marsh, Cambridge 
Mission, Queen's Road. 

Delhi Club. 

St. Stephen's Hospital, Tis 

C/o C. Demetriades, Esq., Rajpur 


National Bank House, Rajpur 



Hindu Girls' School. 
Cambridge Mission, Queen's 

Northern India Flour Mills. 

St. Stephen's Hospital, Tis 


Roberts, Mr. J. C. 
Roberts, Mrs. 
Robins, Mr. F. J. 
Rose, Mr. W. C. . 

Rose, Mrs. 

Rosevears, Rev. W. H . 
Rosevears, Miss . 
Rutherford, Mr. R. B. . 
Salkield, Mr. T. . 

Salkield, Mrs. 
Sanderson, Mr. Gordon 

Sanderson, Mrs. Gordon 
Schmidt, Miss . 

Schwaiger, Mr. Imrc . 
Schwaiger, Mrs. . 
Scott, Mr. S. 
Shaw, Mr. J. O'Neil . 

Shaw, Mrs. 
Shepherd, Miss . 

Stow, Mr. A. M., I.C.S. 

Stow, Mrs. 
Sutton, Mrs. L. . 

Sutton, Miss L. 

Sutton, Mr. 11. L. 

Sutton, Mrs. R. L. 

Swainson, Mr. .1. 

Talbot, Mr. A. W. J., I.C.S. . 

Talbot, Miss M. M. 
Taylor, Miss 


Thomas, Rev. E. S. 
Thomas, Mrs. 
Thomas, Rev. H. J. 
Thomas, Mrs. 
Thomas, Miss 

Rajpur Road. 


C/o H. Fisher, Esq., Court Road. 
C/o W. Angelo, Esq , Delhi and 
London Bank. 

Cambridge Mission, Queen's Rd. 
St. Stephen's Hos., Tis Hazari. 
Tis Hazari. 

Municipal Engineer, Delhi Resi- 
dent's Camp, Raj pur Road. 

Superintendent, Archwologi cal 

Survey, Agra, People's Park, 

Lothian Road. 

C/o E. H. Burke, Esq., Delhi 

Resident's Camp, Raj pur Rd. 
Cashmir Gate. 


Bank of Bengal, Chnmlni Chowk. 
Extra Assistant Commissioner, 

Hardinge Hotel. 

St. Stephen's Hospital, Tis 

C/o J. P. Thompson, Esq., Flug- 

staff Road. 

Delhi Residents' Camp, Ha j pur 


Court Road. 


Delhi Club. 

C/o J. P. Thompson, Esq., Flag- 
'staff Road. 
St. Stephen's Hospital, Tis 

Church Compound, Lothian Rd. 


Baptist Mission, Chandni Chowk. 



Thomas, Rev. S. S. 
Thompson, Mr. S. 

Thompson, Mr. J. P., I.C.S. , 
Thompson, Mrs. 
Tyrrell, Miss Phyllis . 

Vlasfco, Mr. A. . 
de Vries, Baroness 

Webb, Miss 
Waddy, Rev. S. 
Waller, Mr. F. C. 

Warnc, Miss 

Ward, Mr. T. R. J., C.I.E. 

Ward, Miss. 

Waring, Mr. M. L., I.C.S. 

Warnock, Mrs. . 

Warnock, Miss . 
Watts, Miss 
Webb, Miss 
Webster, Mr. H. J. 
Westrup, Mr. B. G. . 
White, Mr. H. . 
White, Mrs. 
Wilberfonsc, Mr. S., I.C.S. 

Wilberforce, M''s. 
Williams, Miss A. 
Xydis, Mr. G. . 

Xydis, Mrs. 
Young, Rev. C. B. 
Zefiropulo, Mr. . 

Zefiropulo, Mrs. . 

Baptist Mission, Chandni Chowk. 
Delhi and London Bank, 

Chandni Chowk. 
District Judge, Flagstaff Road. 

C/o J. P. Thompson, Esq., Flag- 
staff Road. 

Raj pur Road. 

C/o F. J. Fleming, Esq., Delhi 

St. Stephen's Hospital. 

Delhi Residents' Camp, Raj pur 


St. Stephen's Hospl., Tis Hazari. 
W. Jumna Canal Office, Alipore 


Divisional Judge, Court Road. 
C/o J. G. Gilbertson, Esq , Govt. 
High School. 

St. Stephen's Hospl., Tis Ha/ari. 

Delhi Club. 

Allahabad Bank, Chandni Chowk. 


C/o C. A. Barren, Esq., Ludlow 
Castle Road. 


Baptist Mission, Chandni Cliowk. 
C/o C. Demetriades, Esq., Rajpur 


Baptist Mission, Chandni Chowk. 
C/o C. Demetriades, Esq., Rajpur 



CAMP 314. MAP J-7. 

His Highness Raja Sir Sri Rama 
Varma, G.C.S.I. 


M. R. Ry., Ravi Varina, JMfth 
Tampuran .... 

M. R. Ry. Rama Varma, 
Twelfth Tampuran 

M. R. Ry. Gopaladesikachari 

Banerji,Mr. A. R., I.C.S. . 

Banerji, Mrs. 

Brown, Mr. H. W. M. 

Browning, Mr. G. E. 

Browning, Mrs. 

Coombes, Dr. O. N., L.R.C.P. 

Chakko, Mr. M. A. . 

KasturiRanga Aiyer 


Brother of H. H. the Raja. 

Sarvadhikaryakar and Private Sec. 

Diwan of Cochin. 

Supdt. of Excise. 
Chief Engineer. 

Chief Medical Officer. 
Commandant, Nayar Brigade and 

Supdt. of Police. 
In charge of Camp. 

Cooch Behar. 

CAMP 315. MAP J-7. 
His Highness Maharaja Raj Rajindra Narayan Bhup Bahadur. 

Maharaj Kumar Jitendra Narayan. 
Maharaj Kumar Victor Nityendra Narayan. 
Maharaj Kumar Hitendra Narayan. 

Mr. J. N. Roy, A.-D.-C. I Mr. G. N. Gupta, A.-D.-C. 

Mr. S. N. Gupta, A.-D.-C. | Mr. S. N. Roy, A.-D.-C. 

Mr. N. D. Raijmt, A.-D.-C. 

Adamson, Dr. P. 
Dentith, Mr. A. W., I.C.S. 
Ghose, Mr. P. N. 
Ghosh, Mr. B. . 
Nandi, Mr. K. C. 
Sen, Mr. N. C. . 
Sen,Mr.N.N. . 
Sen, Mr. P. C. 

Physician to His Highness. 
Superintendent of State. 
Dewan of the State. 
Secretary to His Highness. 
Superintendent of Works. 
Military Sec. to His Highness. 
Judical Memher, State Council. 
Comptroller of H. H.'s Household 

His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief'* 

CAMP 2. MAP 1-9. 
His Excellency Genl. Sir O'Moore Creagh, V.C., G.C.B., I.A., 

Commander-in-Chief in India. 
Lady Creagh. Miss Creagh. 



Capt. K. Barge, 17th Cavalry 
Capt. W. N. Herbert, Northum- 
berland Fusiliers. 
Capt. A. C. Charrington, 1st 

(Royal) Dragoons. 
Capt. Nicholson, 4th Dragoon 


Major Lawaoii, Scots Greys 
Capt. J. Charteris, 11. E. 
Capt. W. A. Kennard, 13th 


Capt. Hill .... 
Lieut. Crcagh, 7th Hussars . 

Subadar Major Bahadur AH Khan, 

I.O.M., Sardar Bahadur, 51st 

Risaldar Mir Jafar Khan, I.O.M., 

9th Hodaon's Horse. 
Capt. Judbir Thapa, Sardar 

Bahadur, late 2nd (K. E. O.) 

Gurkha Rifles. 
Capt. Sher Singh, Sardar Bahadur, 

late 13th (D. C. O.) Lancers. 
Capt. Lehna Singh, Sardar 

Bahadur, late 53rd Sikhs. 
Capt. Bidhi Chand, Sardar 

Bahadur, late 38th Dogras. 
Capt. Tura Baz Khan, Sardar 

Bahadur, late 20th Infantry. 
Capt. Santbir Gurung, Sardar 

Bahadur, I.O.M., late 2nd (K. 

E. O.) Gurkha Rifles. 
Col. M. Cowper, 10th Lancers 
Capt. D. I. Shuttleworth, l-3rd 

Gurkha Rifles. 



Extra A.-D.-C. 
Extra A.-D.-C. 
Extra A.-D.-C. 

Extra A.-D.-C. 
Extra A.-D.-C. 

Honorary A.-D.-C. 

Honorary A.-D.-C, 
Honorary A.-D.-C. 
Honorary A.-D.-C. 
Honorary A.-D.-C. 
Honorary A.-D.-C. 

Officer in charge o Camp. 
Camp Staff Officer. 

Adinsall, Miss. 

Barrett, Maj.-Genl. Sir A. A., Adjutant General in India. 


Barrett, Lady. 
Black, Major W. C., 12th Pioneers Assistant Military Secretary to 

the Commander-in-chief. 
Black, Mm. 



Bliss, Lieut. P. W., R.E. 
Bridgeman, Lieut, the Hon'ble 

H. G. O., R.H.A. 
Broome, Col. R. C., C.I.E. . . . 
Burney, Lt.-Col. P. deS., R.G.A. 
Campbell, Mr- L. S. . 
Cowper, Mrs. 

Cox, Capt. T. S., 16th Cavalry. 
Cunningham, Capt. C. C., 12th 

Dick, Capt. R. N. 
Dickie, Maj.-Gen. J. E., C.B. 
Gray, Capt. W. D. 


Dir. Gen., Army Remount Dept. 
Chief of the Staff Branch. 

Dir. Gen. of Military Works. 
Chief Clerk, Mil. Sec.'s Branch. 

Grayi Maj. Gen. W. duG., C.B. Inspector-General of Volunteers. 
Grover, The Hon'ble Maj.-Gen. Secretary to the Government of 

M. H. S., C.B. India, Army Department. 

Grover, Mrs. 
Haig, Lt.-Gen. Sir D., K.C.V.O., Chief of the General Staff. 


Haig, Lady. 
Hamilton Gordon, Brig.-Gen. A., Director of Military Operations. 


Hamilton Gordon, Mrs. 
Hata, Major .... 
Headlam, Br.-Gen. J. E. W., 


Headlam, Mrs. 
Hickmaii, Brig.-Gcn. H. P. 
Hill, Capt. H. W., R.F.A. 
Kent, Capt. L. M., R.E. 
Kitson, Maj. Gen. G. C., C.V.O., 

Leslie, Lieut. N. J. B., The Rifle 

Lindsay, Maj. A. B., 2nd Gurkha 


Lindsay, Mr. D. 
Lister, Capt. A. E. J., M.B., 

F.R.C.S., I.M.S. . 
Lister, Mrs. 
Logan-Home, Lt.-Col. P. C., 26th 

(K. G. O.) Light Cavalry. 
Malan, Capt. L. N., R.E. . 

Japanese Army. 

Director of Staff Duties and 
Military Training. 

Inspector, Garrison Artillery. 

Quarter Master General in India. 

Surgeon to Commander- in-Chief. 

Malan, Mrs. 

Deputy Assistant Director- Gene- 
ral of Military Works. 


Mansfield, Maj.-Gcn. H., C.B. Dir. of Supplies and Transport. 

Mansfield, Mrs. 

Mansfield, dipt. C. B. H., 8th 

MeCalmont, Maj.-Gen. Sir H., 

K.C.B., C.V.O. 
McCalmont, Lady. 
Poorc, Col. 
Poore, Lady. 
Read, Lieut. W. R., 1st (King's) 

Dragoon (inards. 

Reid, Col. L. H. . . . Judge Advocate General. 
Reid, Mrs. 

Rimington, Maj.-Gen. M.F., C.B. Inspector- General of Cavalry. 
'Rimington, Mrs. 

Rutherford, Col. C., .B., C.M.G. Principal Veterinary Officer. 
Rutherford, Mrs. 
Seabrooke, Mr. 
Stowell, Mr. 

Stuart, Maj.-Gcnl. R. C.-O. . Director- General of Ordnance. 

Stuart, Mrs. 
Swettonliam, Capt. W. A. W,, 

Swinhoe, Major E. A. (S. and T. 

Thomas, Lieut. G. O., Royal Welsh 

Thome, Major T. Assistant to Officer in charge of 


'Jliorne, Mrs. 
Trevor, Surgeon General F. W., Principal Medical Officer and 

C.B. Honorary Surgeon to the King. 

Trevor, Mrs. 
Watson, Lieut. T. N., 12tli 


Whelan, Mr. A. A. 
Wilson, Lt.-Col. M. R. H., 10th Military Secretary to the Com- 

Hussars. mander-in-Chief. 

Zu Dohna, Count. 

CAMP 58. MAP 1-8. 

Miss Hamilton Gordon. Miss Mansfield. Miss Trevor. 
Miss Headlam. Miss Reid. Miss Van Gotham. 

Miss Kay. Miss Smedley. 



CAMP 387. MAP 1-7. 

His Highness Maharav Shri Mirza Raja Savai Sir Kheugarji Bahadur, 
G.C.I.E., Rao of Cutch. 

Maharaj Kumar Shri Vijayrajji, Heir-apparent. 
Kumar Shri Godji. 
Kumar Narayanji of Tera. 

Jadeja Versalji of Roha. 
pJadheja Rupsinhji of Sandhaii. 
Jadheja Hawirji of Rawa. 

Dr. J. B. Damaiiia. 

Chunilal Sarabhai, Esq., Dewan. 

Rauchodbhai Udayaram, Esq., Ex-Dewaii. 

Khan Bahadur R. H. Kotwal, Commissioner of Police. 

Hariram Madhavji, State Engineer. 

mrablmi Manibhai } Private Scci ' etai ' k ' to m s Highness the Rao. 
Mrs, Kotwal. 


CAMP 344. MAP J-7. 
His Highness Maharaja Lokendra Gobind Singh Bahadur. 

Paudit Raghunath Rao . . Assistant Cam]) Stuff Officer. 

AH Muhamad Khan, Khan Baha- 

Chatur Singh, Colonel. 
Chhoteylal, Rai. 
Dalip Singh, Dcwan. 
Ganga Sahai, Rae Saheb Lala. 
Kamod Singh, Kunwar. 
Kashi Prasad, Rai Saheb. 

Masuin Ali, Sayed. 
Xirpat Singh, Bhayajn. 
Parbat Singh, Kumvar. 
Parbat Singh, Killedar. 
Raghunath Rao, Pandit. 
Randhir Singh, Rao. 
Rundhir Singh, Dewan. 

Dewas State (Senior Branch). 

CAMP 341. MAP J-7. 
His Highness Raja Tukoji Rao. 

Mr. W. E. Jardine, C.I.E. . Camp Staff Officer. 

Mr. K. B. Bidwai . . . Assistant Camp Staff Officer, 



Balwaiitrai Tm edi, Mr. 
Bidvvai, Mr. K. B. 
Deokar, Raj aram j i . 
Deokar, Vyankatrao Bhawaiirao. 
Govind Pundit, Ramrao. 
Hinge, Khaudorao. 
Jadhav, Manknri, Laksmaii Rao. 
Jadhav Rayaji Rao. 
Jagdeo Rao Puar, Shviiiiant. 
Joshi, Dr. G. B. 
Kadain, Miilchamlrarao. 
Kishen Lai. 

Mankari, Kishonrao Mahadco 

Mankari, Ham Rao. 
Melir Ali, Mr. 

Xagardeolekar, Balasahib Puar. 
Narayaii Fadnis, Wainanrao. 
Narayan Prasad, Pandit. 
Oak, Mr. G. L. 
Pachunkar, Narain Rao. 
Parsotan Mankari, Pandit. 
Ramchaiidra Muke, Kcshorao. 
Sambhaji Rao. 
Savant, Dr. S. V. 
Surve, Rangrao. 
Vaghalkar, Kashirao 

wanrao Puar. 
Vaghalkar, Sahib Rao Puar. 

Mr. Ramsavan Dass 

Burke, Capt. 
Coovorji, Mr. 
Fateh Singh, 
ixliare, Amrit Rao. 
Jadhav, Morar Jtao. 
Kibe, Mr. M. V. 
Kishenlal, Rao Saheb. 

Dewas State (Junior Branch). 

CAMP 340. MAP J-7. 
His Highness Raja Malhar Rao Baba Saheb. 

Assistant Camp Staff Officer. 

Moral, Bapu Saheb. 

Onkar Singh. 

Ram Singh. 

Sadashiv Rao Puar, Shrimant. 

Samarth, Mr. > 

Vyankatesh, Laxinan Rao. 


CAMP 343. MAP J-7. 
His Highness Raja Udaji Rao Puar. 

Major F. G. Beville, C.I.E. 
Mr. R. R. Aga. . 

Aga, Mr. R. B. 

Aga, Mrs. R. B. 

Bala Sahib Vadncrkar, Mr. 

Baba Rao, Sardar Mohite. 

Bannarji, Babu P. N. 

Badri Pershad, Mr. 

Beharilal Shanna, Mr. 

Camp Staff Officer. 
Assistant Camp Staff Officer. 

Bharat Singh, Thakur of Malthan. 
Chajuram, Rai Balmdur T. 
Chhaganlal, Mr. 
Dhairya Sahib, Shrimant Rao 

Baba Sahib. 

Daulat Rao, Sardar Mohite. 
Gopal Rao, Dr. Nadkar. 



(ioviiid Rao Mankar. 

Illawa, Mr. B. K. 

Jaswant Sing, Thaknr of Bidwal. 

Jeejoba Vichare of Sawantwadi. 

Khanderao Bande, Sirdar. 

Krishenlal, Mr. 

Malhar Rao Puar. 

Martand Rao Bande. 
Rustomji Patel, Mr. 
Sardar Singh, Thaknr, of Bakht- 


Scturamji Puar, Shriinant. 
St. Joseph, Mr. J. D. 
St. Joseph, Mrs. 


CAMP 454. MAP D.-9. 
Maharana Sliri Mohandevji Narayanevji, Raja of Dharampur. 

Kumar Shri Narsinhdevji. 
Hhai Shri Prabhatdevji. 

Kumar Shri Rmnsinhji. 
Kumar Shri Chandradcvji. 

Sasandi Umedsing Gulabsing. Rawalsing Kesliarbava. 

Dr. K. D. Pardiwala. 

Mr. Suiiderrao Gajanan Jayakar, M.A., B.Se., Dewan. 

Barjorji Xasservanji Vakil, Khan Bahadur, Legal Adviser. 


CAMP 400. MAP H-7. 

Kaja Sura Pratap Mahindra Baha- Feudatory Chief of Dheiikaiutl 

Bakhshi Singh, Sardar. 

Bisua Nath Misra. 

Chandra Sekhar Panigrahi, Babu. 

U\\'arka Nath Sarkar, Bahadur, 

Dwijendra Nath Pasu, Babu. 

Mali cs war Saha Lai. 
Raj Kishore Tripathy, Babu. 
Rangadhar Mahanti, Babu. 
Saehidanand Sing, Babu. 
Sarwananda Sidha Brahmacharri. 


CAMP 366. M>P 1-6. 

His Highness Rais-ud-Daula Sipcdar-ul-Mulk Maharaj-adheraj 

Sri Sawai Maharaj liana Udaibhan Singh Lokindei- 

Bahadur Diler Jung Jai Deo. 

Kunwar Rup Singh. 
Kunwar Chitter Singh. 
Lallu Tara Charan . 
Mahabir Singh 



Anderson, Capt. (i. H., I. A. . Superintendent, Dholpuv State. 

Anderson, Mrs. 

Bhagat Singh, Sardar Bahadur. 

Bihar i Lai, Doctor. 

Inderbir Singh, Grn. 

Megh Singh, Sardar. 

Mohammad Khan, Nawab Khwaja. 

Ramsay, Major A. D. O. . . Assistant Political Agent. 

Ramsay, Mrs. 

Raw, Mr. W., l.C.S. . . . Settlement Officer, Dholpur and 

Raw, Mrs. 

Sampuran Singh, Sardar. 
Umrao Singh, Sardar. 


CAMP 380. MAP 1-7. 
His Highness GhanHhyainaiuhji Ajitsinhji, Raja Saheh of Dhrangadra. 

Kumar Shri Parabatsinhji, Commander-in-Chief. 
Kumar Shri Doungersinhji, A.-D.-C. to His Highness. 
Kumar Shri Natwarsinhji. 

Karansinhji Mansinhji, Dewan. 

Mansinghji S. Jhala, Private Secretary to His Highness. 

Mamshankar G. Bhat, B.A., LL.B., State Vakil. 

K. S. Juvaiisinhji Jivansinhji. 

Dr. Darasha H. Baria. 

Pherosha Merwanji, Private Secretary. 

Balasinghji, Officer Commanding Cavalry Escort. 


CAMP 458. MAP D.-9. 

The Amir of D'thala. 

Set' bin Shaif (son;. Abdullah bin Abdul Kawi 

Ali bin Shaif (son). (nephew). 

Sheikh Kassim Mohamed of Znbed. Sheikh Abdullah Haddi. 
Sheikh Ali bin Mahomed Mokbil. Sheikh Ali Mnthana. 



CAMP 329. MAP J-6. 

Jalal-ud-Daula, Nawab Muham- Nawab of Dujana. 
mad Khursbaid All, Khan Baha- 
dur, Mustekil-i-Jang. _, 

Imtiaz All Khan. Ishrat All Khan. Jawshcd All Khan. 


CAMP 353. MAP 1-8. 
His Highness Rai-i-Rayan Maharawal Sri Bijaya Singh Bahadur. 

Bankora, Thakur of. 

Bichiwara, Thakur of. 

Ganesh Ram, Dcwan Rai Bahadur 


Kastur Chand Shah . . . Late Kamdar and Jagirdar. 
Kirpa Chand Gandi . . . Late Kamdar and Jagirdar. 
Lethbridge, Major W., I.M.S. . Medical Officer, Dungarpur. 
Lethbridge, Miss. 

Sardar Pratap Singh . . . State Engineer. 
Prideaux, Major P. B., I.A. . . Assistant Resident, Mc\var. 
Prideaux, Mrs. 
Rao of Ramgarh. 
Seth Sobha Chand . . . Council Member, 

East Indian Railway Camp. 

CAMP 431. MAP H-8. 

Sears, Mr. R. H. . . . Officer in charge, District Engineer, 

Sheridan, Mr. P. C. . . . Camp Staff Officer. 

Arthur, Sir Allen. 

Bell, Mr. J. M. . ' . . Junior Engineer. 

Bell, Mrs. 

Caldwell, Mr. J. Senior Assistant Auditor 

Caldwell, Mrs. 

Collins, Mr. C Deputy Chief Auditor. 

Clarke, Capt. . . . Junior Government Inspector. 

Dawson, Mr. F. C. Royal . . Senior Government Inspector. 
Dawson, Mrs. Royal. 



Elliot, Mr. 
Elliot, Mrs. 
Hannay, Mrs. H. M. . 
Hannay, Miss. 
Highet, Mr. R. S. 
Highet, Mrs. 
Johnstone, Mr. A. H. . 
Johnstone, Mrs. 
Joy, Mr. E. E. . 
Legge, Mr. F. C. 
Marshall, Mr. J. A. . 
Marshall, Mrs. 
O' Donovan, Mr. 1). . 
O' Donovan, Mrs. 
Pearce, Mr. C. M., V.D. 
Pearce, Mrs. 
Press well, Mr. T. G. . 
Presswell, Mrs. 
Pugh, Mrs. L. T. E. 
Purcell, Mr. E. E 
Pure-ell, Mrs. 
Kawson, Mr. 
Rundlett, Mr. J. H- . 
Rundlett, Mrs. 
Sheridan, Mr. P. 0. . 
Tebbs, Mr. F. R., V.D. 
TebbH, Mrs. 
Wells, Mr. G. . 
Wells, Mrs. 
Wicldicombe, Mr. E. P. 
Young, Mr. M. C. G. . 
young, Mrs. 

Wife of Assistant Traffic Supdt. 
Chief Engineer. 
District Engineer. 

Assistant Superintendent, Printing. 
District Traffic Superintendent. 
Chief Auditor. 

Assistant Traffic Superintendent. 
General Traffic Manager. 
Assistant Traffic Manager. 

Assistant Traffic Superintendent. 

Assistant Traffic Superintendent. 

Divisional Traffic Manager. 
Chief Engineer, Railway Board. 

Assistant Controller of Stores. 

Engineer-in-Charge, B. A. K. Ry. 
Resident Engineer. 

Eastern Bengal and Assam. 

His Honour the Lieutenant-Governor's Camp. 

CAMP 6. 

His Honour Sir Charles Bay ley, 

K.C.S.I., T.C.S. 
Lady Bay ley. 
Capt. L. E. Dening . 
Capt. O. C. Pulley, 16th Rajputs . 

MAP 1-9. 

Private Secretary. 


Capt. L. Bayley, 6th Cavalry 
Capt. R. Deniiig, 18th Lancers 
Capt. A. P. Cole, R.A. 
Capt. Collingridge, 9th Gurkhas . 
Lt. A. E. C. Harris . 
Lt. A. Fowler .... 
Col. Claude Routh 
Lt.-Col. H. W. G. Cole, LA. 
Capt. P. L. Ingpen, West York- 
shire Regiment. 
Mr. H. K. Briscoc, I.C.S. . 
Lt.-Col. E. A. W. Hall, I.M.S. . 


Extra A.-D.-C. 

Extra A.-D.-C. 

Extra A.-D.-C. 

Extra A.-D.-C. 

Extra A.-D.-C. 

Extra A.-D.-C. 

Honorary A.-D.-C. 

Officer in charge of the Camp. 

Assistant Camp Officer. 

Camp Staff Officer. 
Medical Officer. 

Alder, Mr. W., I.C.S. . 
Aldersmith, Mr. C. H. 
Arbuthnott, The Hon'ble Mr. J. C., 
C.I.E., I.C.S. 

Arbuthnott, Mrs. 

Ashburner, Mrs. 

Ashby, Miss. 

Bayley, Mr. A. S. B. 

Bonham Carter, The Hon'ble Mr. 

X., I.C.S. 

Bonham Carter, Mrs. 
Browne, Col. C. A. R., R.E. . 
Browne, Mrs. 
Campbell, The Hon'ble Col. R. N., 

C.I.E., I.M.S. 
Campbell, Mrs. 

Cathcart, The Hon'ble Mr. W. T. . 
Chaplin, The Hoii'ble Mr. A. W. C. 
Chaplin, Mrs. 
Cole, Mrs. 
Dening, Mrs. 
Edwards, Miss. 
Forbes, Mr. Charles. 
Forbes, Mrs. 
Fischer, The Hon'ble Mr. F. N., 


Fischer, Mrs. 
Gruning, The Hon'ble Mr. J. F., 


Offg. Accountant-General. 

Commissioner, Surma Valley and 
Hill Districts, Eastern Bengal 
and Assam Legislative Council . 

Commissioner, Dacca Division,, 
E. B. &. A. Legislative Council. 

Manager, E. B. & S. Railway. 

I. G., Civil Hospitals, E. B. & A. 
Legislative Council. 

E. B. & A. Legislative Council. 
E. B. & A. Legislative Council. 

Commissioner, Chittagong Div., 
E. B. & A. Legislative Council. 

Secretary to Government, E. B. & 
A. Legislative Council. 


Griming, Mrs. 

Gurdon, The Hon'ble Lt.-Col. P. Commissioner, A. V. Districts, 

K. T., I. A. E. B. & A. Legislative Council. 

Gurdon, Mrs. 
Gurdon, Miss. 
Hall, Mrs. 
Hallward, The Hon'ble Mr. N. L. Director of Public Instruction, 

E. B. & A. Legislative Council. 
Hall ward, Mrs. 
Harris, Miss. 
Henderson, The Hon'ble Mr. R. E. B. & A. Legislative Council. 

H., C.I.E. 
Heimessy, Mr. G. 
Hennessy, Mrs. 
Hodding, Col. J., C.I.E. 
Hodding, Mrs. 
Hughes Buller, Mr. 11. B., C.I.E., Inspector-General of Police, East- 

I.C.S. era Bengal and Assam. 

Hughes Buller, Mrs. 
Le Mesurier, The Hon'ble Mr. H., Chief Secretary to Government, 

C.S.I., C.I.E., I.C.S. E. B. & A. Legislative Council. 

Le Mesurier, Mrs. 
Lyon, The Hon'ble Mr. P. C., Member, Board of Revenue, 

C.S.I., I.C.S. E. B. & A. Legislative Council. 

Lyon, Mrs. 
Manners- Smith, The Hon'ble Mr. Sec. to Govt., E. B. & A. Leg's- 

F. St. G., C.I.E. lative Council. 

Manners-Smith, Mrs. 
Maheiulra Raivjan Roy, The Choudhuri of Kakiua (and the 

Hon'ble Kumar. Saheba of Kakina). 

Melitus, The Hon'ble Mr. P. G., Member, Board of Revenue, 

C.I.E., I.C.S. E. B. & A. Legislative Council. 

Melitus, Mrs. 
Monahan, The Hon'ble Mr. F. J., Commissioner, Rajshahi Division, 

I.C.S. E. B. & A. Legislative Council. 

Monahan, Mrs. 

Morgan, The Hon'ble Mr. G. . E. B. & A. Legislative Council. 
Mullick, The Hon'ble Mr. B. K., Sec. to Legislative Council and 

I.C.S. Supdt. and Remembrancer of 

Legal Affairs, E. B. & A. 
Mullick, Mrs. 
Xathaii, The Hon'ble Mr. R., C.I.E., E. B. & A. Legislative Council. 


Nawab Ali Chaudhri, The Hon'ble E. B. & A. Legislative Council. 
Maulvi Syed, K.B. 


Needham, Mr. F. J., C.I.B. 

Ncwbould, The Hon'ble Mr. B. B., District and Sessions Judge, Dacca, 

I.C.S. E. B. & A. Legislative Council. 
Pulley, Mrs. 

Reid, The Hon'ble Mr. W. J., Sec. to ftovt. of E. B. & A., 

I.C.S. Financial and Municipal Dcpts., 

E. B. & A. Legislative Council. 
Reid, Mrs. 

Shakespear, Lt.-Col. J., C.I.E., Political Agent, Manipur. 

D.S.O., I.A. 

Tnminger, Mr. L., C.I.E. . . Supdt., Telegraphs, Assam Division. 
Truninger, Mrs. 

Wood, The Hon'ble Mr. Vernon. . Agent, Assam-Bengal Hallway, 

E. B. & A. Legislative Council. 
Wood, Mrs. 

Eastern Bengal and Assam. 
Provincial Camp. 

CAMP 467. MAP E-7. 

Mr. C. Tindall, I.C.S. . . Officer in charge. 

Mr. P. Sen . . . Camp Staff Officer. 

Mr. W. T. Moore . . . Superintendent of Police. 

Abdul Jabbar, Maulvi Saiyid . Comilla. 

Abdus Subhan Chowdhury, Nawab Bogra. 

Abdul Majid, The Hon'ble Maulvi E. B. and A. Legislative Council. 

Aulad Hussan, Saiyid, Khan First Inspector of Registration 

Bahadur. Offices. 

Bazlur Rahim, Maulvi, Khan Government Pleader, Xoakliali. 


Barua, The Hon'ble Mr. Manik E. B. and A. Legislative Council. 


Barua, The Hon'ble Raja E. B. and A. Legislative Council. 

Prabhat Chandra. 

Basu, Bhupal Chandra, Rai Deputy Director of Agriculture. 


Bura Gohain, Srijut Lokeswar . Jorhat. 

Chaliha, Srijut Kali Prasad . Sibsagar. 

Chatterji, Mr. Ganga Charan . District Magistrate (Officiating). 

Chatterji, Dr. P., Rai Sahib . Inspector of Schools. 

Chatterji, Sarat Chandra, Rai Government Pleader, Rangpur. 




Chowdhuri, Bohmong Cholaph 
Chowdhuri, The Hon'ble Ma 

phru . 

Saiyid Hussain Haidar, Khan 

Das, The Hon'ble Kai Bahadur 

Bhuban Ram. 

Das, Hari Charau, Kai Bahadur . 
Das, Sarat Chandra, Kai Bahadur, 


Deb, Abhaya Narayan, Raja 
Deb, The Hon'blc Rai Bahadur 

Dulal Chandra. 
Deb Haikat, Prasanno Kumar, 


Fur/e, Mr. T 

Ghosh, Rai Bahadur Iswar 

Ghosh, Babu Nishi Kanta . 

Gupta, Mr. X. . 

Hemayatuddin Ahmed, The 

Hon'ble Maulvi. 
Hudu, Mr. S. N. 
Khan Chowdhuri, The Hon'ble 

Maulvi Mohamed Ismail. 
Khaund, Rai Bahadur Parshu 


Khwaja Muhammad Azim, Khan 
^ Sahib. 

Kutubuddin Ahmad, Maulvi . 
Majid, Mr. A. 
Muhammad Ahiya, Abu Nasr 

Muhammad Bakht Mojumdar, 

Khan Bahadur. 
Mukerji, Babu Gopal Chandra 
Mukei'ji, Babu Tripura Charau s 
Naha, The Hon'ble Babu Ananga 


Ray, Babu Ananda Chandra 
Ray, Raja Bhuban Mohan 
Ray, The Hon'ble Maharaja 

Bahadur Orija Nath. 
Ray, Maharaj Kumar Gopal Lai . 
Ray, Maharaja Jagadindra Nath . 

Chittagong Hill Tracts. 

E. B. and A. Legislative Council. 

E. B. and A. Legislative Council. 

Government Pleader, Silchar. 


E. B. and A. Legislative Council. 


A. S. P. 

Government Pleader, Dacca. 

Chairman, Mymensingh Munici- 

Deputy Legal Remembrancer. 
E. B. and A. Legislative Council. 

District and Session Judge. 

E. B. and A. Legislative Council. 



District and Sessions Judge. 


Civil Surgeon (Offg.) 
Superintendent of Police (Offg.) 
E. B. and A. Legislative Council. 

E. B. and A. Legislative Council. 



Ray, Babu Jaiiaki Xath . . Bhagyakul. 

Ray, The Hon'ble Babu Prasanna E. B. and A. Legislative Council. 


Ray, Kumar Rabindra Xarayan . Bhawal. 

Ray, The Hon'ble Mr. Saradindu E. B. and A. Legislative Council. 


Ray, Raja Bahadur Sasi Sekha- Tahirpur. 


Ray, The Hon'ble Rai Bahadur E. B. and A. Legislative Council. 

Sita Xath. 

Ray, Babu Upendra Lai . . Chittagong. 

Ray Chowdhury, The Hon'ble Babu E. B. and A. Legislative Council. 

Binod Kumar. 

Ray Chowdhury, Raja Manmatha Santosh. 


Ray Chowdhury, Babu Sarat Chanchal. 


Ray Daaticlar, Babu Nalini Kanta, Sylhet. 

Sain, Raja Mong Nephnt . . Chittagong Hill Tracts. 

Sarma, Babu Baikanta Xath . Chairman, Sylhet Municipality. 
Sen, Mrs. 

Singh, Srijut Chandra Xarayan . Jorhat. 

Singh, U. Dakhor, Seim of Khurim Shillong. 

Singh, Maharaja Kumud Chandra Susang. 

Sukul, Rao Sahib Matadin . Executive Engineer. 

Taslimuddin Ahmed, The Hon'ble E. B. and A. Legislative Council. 

Khan Bahadur. 
Tindall, Mrs. 
Tucker, Mr. F. H. 


CAMP 459. MAP D-9. 
The Fadthli Sultan. 

Sultan Abdulla Ba Haidra. Sheikh Salim bin Xaser Ali 

Sultan Hussein bin Mahomed. haddadi. 

Xasar bin Mahomed. Sheikh Ahmed bin Jarada Mar- 

Ombarak bin Ahmed Xaser. kashi. 


CAMP 308. MAP J-7. 

His Highness Raja Brij Indar Raja of Faridkofc. 

Singh Bahadur. 
Kanwar Shib Indar Singh. 



Ahmad Din, Mian. 

Arur Singh Sardar, Sardar Baha- 

Bachittar Singh, Sardar 

Basant Singh, Sardar 

Beer Singh, Sardar . 

Dayal Singh Man, Sardar Baha- 
dur, Sardar. 

Dayal Singh,! Mrs. 

Oajjaii Singh, Sardar 

Gulam Muhammad, Sheikh 

Gurdial Singh, Sardar. 

Harcharn Singh, Sardar. 

Hari Singh, Sardar. 

Harnaiu Singh, Colonel 

Ifarpal Singh, Sardar. 

Hazura Singh, Sardar. 

Hira Singh, Colonel . 

Indar Singh, Sardar 

Jalal Uddin. 

Jamiat Singh, Sardar 

Kanwar Sain, Lala . 

Karpal Singh, Sardar. 

Karta Kishen, Pandit. 

Karta Ham, Lala 
Kartar Singh, Sardar. 
Kesar Ram, Chaudhari 
Lai Singh, Sardar 
Mohammed Hassan, Maulvi. 
Mohammed Baud, Maulvi. 
Mulk Raj, Dr. 
Narain Singh, Sardar. 
Naraiu Singh, Sardar. 
Narain Singh, Sardar 

Nizam Uddin, Mian. 
Ram Chand, Lala. 
Sobha Singh, Sardar. 
Sohan Singh, Babu . 
Sundar Singh, Sardar 
Tezab Ali, Seth. 
Walli Ullah, Haji Mnulvi . 

Sessions Judge. 

Sadar Adalti. 

Supdt. of Police, Faridltot. 

President, Council of Regency. 


Superintendent, V. O. Council. 

Comdg. Imperial Service Sappers. 

Commanding State Infantry. 
Assistant Tutor to His Highness. 

Commanding Officer, Cavalry. 
In charge Camp, Delhi. 

Mir Munshi. 

Settlement Officer, Faridkot. 

Medical Officer. 

Member, Council of Regency, 

Secretary, Council. 
Assistant Commanding L S. S. 

Member, Council of Regency, 


Foreign Office and Administration Camp. 

CAMP 8. MAP H-8. 
Lt.-Col. A. D'A. Bannerman, Officer in charge of Camp. 

Capt. D.' Robertson, I. A. . . Assist, to Officer in charge Camp. 

Aikmaii, Mr. D. W. . . . Sany. Engr., Coronation Durbar. 

Aikman, Mrs. 

Apcar, The Hon'ble Mr. A. A. . Consul for biam, Calcutta. 

Ashton, Mr. R. P. Acting Consul-Genl. for Denmark, 


Bamber, Col. C. J., I.M.S. . . Member, Coronation Durbar Com. 

Bamber, Mrs. 

Bannerman, Mrs. 

Barret, Mons. C. ... Acting Consul-Genl. for France, 


Clarke, Mr. E. H. S., C.I.E. . Deputy Secretary, Foreign Dept. 

Colombers, Senor Don . . Consul-General for the Argentine 


Colombers, Mrs. 

Cox, Brig.-Genl. H. V. . . Member, Coronation Durbar Com. 

Cox, Mrs. 

Cox, Lt.-Col. P. Z., C.S.I., Resident, Persian Gulf. 

Cox, Mrs. 

Crookshank, Major S. D'A., R.E. Superintendent of Works, Coro- 
nation Durbar. 

Cuvelier, Mons. M. . . . Consul for Belgium, Bombay. 

Davood Khan, Mirza Sir, K.C.M.G. Consul-General for Persia,Calcutta. 

Djaafer Bey .... Consul-Genl. for Turkey, Bombay. 

Ewart, Col. R. A. . . . Director of Durbar Farms. 

Ewart, Miss. 

Freyesleben, Dr. F. . . Consul-General, Austro-Hungarian 

Empire, Calcutta. 

Gabriel, Mr. E. V., C.V.O., I.C.S. . Secy., Coronation Durbar Com. 

Gould, Mr. B. J., I.C.S. . . Under Secy., Foreign Department. 

Hailey, Mr. W. M., I.C.S. . Member, Coronation Durbar Com. 

Hamel, Mr. G. S. D. . . . Acting Consul-General for Nether- 
lands, Calcutta. 

Henderson, Mr. W. P. . , Director of Telegraphs. 

Henderson, Mrs. 


Hirata, Mr. T Acting Consul -General for Japan, 


Hsi, Mr. Hsiao Yung . . Consul for China, Rangoon. 

Jambon, Monsieur C. . . Consul for Uruguay, Calcutta. 

James, Major W. B., I. A. . . Assistant Quarter Master General, 

Coronation Durbar. 

James, Mrs. 

Lecky, Col. R. St. C. . . Sec. of the Durbar Polo Tourna- 


Lecky, Mrs. 

Lorimer, Mr. J.G., C.I.E., I.C.S. . Resident, Turkish Arabia. 

Lyle, Mr. J. C. . Eng.-in-Chief, Durbar Railway. 

Maclagan, Col. R. S., C.B., R.E. Member, Coronation Durbar Com. 

Maclagan, Mrs. 

Manners-Smith, Lt.-Col. J., Resident in Nepal. 

V.C., C.I.E. 
Manners- Smith, Mrs. 

Martinez, Don J. Meana Y. . Consul for Spain, Bombay. 

Maxwell, Mr. W., C.I.E. . . Postmaster-General. 
Maxwell, Mrs. 

McCallum, H. E. Sir E., R.E., Governor of Ceylon. 

McCallum, Lady. 

Michael, Mr. W. H. . . . Consul-General for United States 

of America, Calcutta. 

Michael, Miss. 

Murray, Lt.-Col. C. P. T. . . Member, Coronation Durbar Com. 

Murray, Mrs. 

Patterson, Major S. B. A. . . Asst. Secy., Foreign Department. 

Patterson, Mrs. 

Pena, Senor Don E. Domingo . Consul-General for Chile, Calcutta. 

Peyton, Brig.-Gen. W. E., D.S.O. Delhi Herald. 

Peyton, Mrs. 

Petrocochino, Mr. L. D. . . Acting Consul for Greece, Calcutta. 

Pittaluga, Chev. A. . . Consul for Italy, Calcutta. 

Reynolds, Mr. L. W., I.C.S. . Dy. Secy. Foreign Department. 

Reuss, His Serene Highness Consul-General for Germany, 

Prince Heinrich XXXI of . Calcutta. 

Reweliotty, Monsieur L. . . Acting Consul-General for Russia, 


Robertson, Mrs. D. 

Sanders, Mr. H. J. . . Consul-Genl. for Norway, Calcutta. 

Sanders, Mrs. 

Shah Beg Khan, Col. Haji . Afghan Envoy with the G. of I. 



Sheridan, Mr. C. . . Inspector General, Railway Mail 


St. John, Major H. B., I. A. . Invitation Officer. 
St. John, Mrs. 

Strain, Mr. J. B. Consul for Peru, Calcutta. 

Strain, Mrs. 
Thornhill, Col. H. B., CJ.E. . Special Magte. and Exe. Sany. 


Thornhill, Mrs. 
Wanklyn, Mr. W. L. . . Acting Consul-General for Sweden, 

Wanklyn, Mrs. 

Wood, Mr. J. B., C.I.E., I.C.S. . Joint Secretary, Foreign Dept. 
Wood, Mrs. 
Wrem, Senhor de Consul-General for Portugal, 


Wynne, Sir T. R., K.C.I.E. . Member, Coronation Durbar Com. 
Young, H. E. Sir A. H., Governor, Straits Settlements. 


Young, Lady Evelyn. 
Zubcrbuhler, Mr. J. . . . Vice-Consul for Brazil, Bombay. 

Bannerman, Major W. P., 31st 


Brown, Mr. P Principal, School of Art, Calcutta. 

Brown, Mrs. 

Cameron, Mr. J. G. P. 

Churchill, Lieut. 

Farebrother, Lieut. P. H., 128th 

Pinnis, Lieut. H. C., 14th K. G. 0. 


Gabriel, Capt. C. H., I.A. . . Political Department. 
Graham, Capt. R. B., 33rd Punjabis Deputy Assistant Quarter Master 

General, Coronation Durbar. 
Graham, Mrs. 

Hambro, Major P. O., 15th Hussars. 
Hambro, Mrs. 
Heard, Mr. E. S. 

Hobart, Lieut. P. C. S., R.E. . Staff Captain, Coronation Durbar* 
Jacob, Lieut. R, M., 130th K, G. 0. 



Jones, Mr. F. P. Scott, Lieut. M. A. II., R.E. 
Loch, Lieut. P. G., 97th Deccan , Slattery, Mr. J., l.P. 

Infantry. i Sopwith, Lieut. G. E., U.K. 

Mcade, Lieut. M. E. M., 125th ' Stoehr, Lieut. C. F., U.K. 

Napier's llifles. ' Trench, Lieut. A. H. C., U.K. 

Pilkington, Mr. Trent, Major G. A., Northern 

Pilkington, Mrs. Regt., Inspector of Gymnasia. 

Pitkeathly, Mr. J. S. Trent, Mrs. 

llohson, Lieut. R. K. Walker, Lt. G. B., 31st Punjabis. 

Roome, Lieut. H. E., R. K. Ward, Major E. L., I.M.S. ' 

Scott, Mr. F. S. Williamson, Mr. II. S., I.C.S. 


CAMP 378. MAP 1-7. 

His Highness Thakor Saheb Sir Bhagvatsinhji Sagramji, G.C.I.E., 
Thakore Saheb of Gondal. 

Her Highness Nandkunvarba, C.I. (the Rani Saheb of Gondal). 
Kumar Shri Bhupat Singhji. 
Kunvari Shri Bakurba. 
Kunvari Shri Leilaba. 

Pherozsha Maueckjee, Supdt. of State Police. 
Balabhai Golabchand, State Engineer. 
Dr. Hari Bhickajee. 

Pranshankar Bhowanishankar, Pte. Secy. 
Dahyabhai Balabhai, Camp Staff Officer. 
Revd. Hume Robertson. 

Government of India Camp. 

CAMP 4?.. MAP 1-10. 

Capt. C. J. L. Allanson, 6th Gurkha Officer in charge of Camp. 

Capt. A. H. McCleverty, 2nd (Q.O.) Camp Staff Officer. 

Rajput Light Infantry. 
Capt. F. Skipwith, 5th Gurkha 

Rifles (Frontier Force). 
Capt. W. G. Ayscough, 7th (Duke 

of Coimaught's Own) Rajputs. 


Lieut. W. O'Brien, I.A. 

Lieut. M. Rawlence, R.E. 

Lieut. 11. T. Fellowes, The Rifle 


Capt. 11. A. Needham, I.M.S. 
Mr. V. Uawson .... 


In Medical Charge. 

Under Secretary to the (ioveru- 
mcnt of India, Home Depart- 

Risldr. Suraj Mai, 14th Murray's 

Jat Lancers. 
Jemdr. Ganpat Mahadeo, 3rd Sap- 

pers and Miners. 

Abu Ahmad Ghuznavi, The Hon'ble Member of the Legislathe Coun- 

Mr. A. K. cil <>f the Go\ernor- General. 

Armstrong, The Hon'ble Mr. C. H. Member of the Legislative Coun- 
cil of the Governor-General. 
Armstrong, Mrs. 
Beadon-Bryant, Mr. F. 
Beadon-Bryant, Mrs. 
Bcntoii, Sir John, K.C.I.E 
Benton, Lady. 
Basu, The Hon'ble Babu Bhupendra Member of the Legislative Conn- 

Nafch. cil of the Governor-General. 

Basu, Mrs. Bhupendra Nath. 
Brett, The Hon'ble Mr. C. M. W., Puisne Judge, High Court, Cal 

C.S.I., I.C.S. 
Brett, Mrs. 
Brunyate, The Hon'ble Mr. J. B., 

C.I.E., I.C.S. 
Brunyate, Mrs. 
*Bijoy Chand Mahtab, The Hon'ble 

Maharaj Adhiraj Sir, K.C.I.E., 

I.O.M., of Burdwan. 
Burrard, Col. S. G., R.E., F.R.S. . 
Burrard, Mrs. 
Butler, The Hon'ble Mr. S. H., 

C.S.I., C.I.E., I.C.S. 
Butler, Mrs. 
Carlyle, The Hon'ble Mr. R. W., 

C.S.I., C.I.E., I.C.S. 
Carlyle, Mrs. 

Inspector- General of Forests. 
Inspector- General of Irrigation. 


Joint Secretary to the Govern- 
ment of India, Finance Dept. 

Surveyor-General of India. 

Member of the Exe. Council of the 
Governor-General (Education) . 

Member of the Executive Council 
of the Governor-General (Rev- 
enue and Agriculture, P. W. D.). 
Chitnavis, The Hon'ble Mr. G. M., Member of the Legislative Council 


of the Governor-General. 

* Not residing in Camp 


Clark, The Hou'ble Mr. W. H., Member of the Executive Council 

C.M.G. of tlie Governor-General (Com- 

Clark, Mrs. mcrcc and Industry). 

Cleveland, Mr C. K , C.I.E., I.C.S. Director, Criminal Intelligence. 
Cleveland, Mrs. 

Dadabhoy, The Hon'ble Mr M. B. Member of the Legislative Council 

Dadabhoy, Mrs. of the Governor-General. 

David, The Hon'ble Sir Sassoon, Member of the Legislative Council 

Kt. of the Governor-General. 
David, Lady. 

Dempster, The Hon'ble Mr. F. E., Director-General of Telegraphs. 


Dempster, Mrs. 

Earle, The Hon'ble Mr. A , C.I.E., Secretary to the Government of 

I.C.S. India (Home Department). 
Earlc, Mrs. 

Pinney, Mr S , C.I E. . . . Member of the Railway Board. 
Finney, Mrs 

Gait, Mr. E. A., C.I.E., I.C.S. . Census Commissioner for India. 
Gait, Mrs. 

Ghulam Muhammad, Bhurgri, The Member of the Legislative Council 

Hon'ble Mr. of the Governor-General. 

Gillan, Mr. R. W., C S.I , I.C.S. . Comptroller and Auditor General. 
Gillan, Mrs. 

Gokhale, The Hon'ble Mr. G. 1C., Member of the Legislative Council 

C.I.E. of the Governor-General. 

Gordon, The Hon'ble Mr. W. B., Secretary to the Government of 

C.I.E. India, P. W. D. 

Harington, The Hon'ble Sir R., Puisne Judge, High Court, Cal- 

Bart. cutta. 
Hariugton, The Hon'ble Lady. 

Jenkins, The Hon'ble Mr. J. L., Member of the Exe. Council of the 

C.S.I. Governor-General (Home). 
Jenkins, Mrs. 

Jenkins, The Hon'ble Sir L., Kt., Chief Justice, Bengal. 

Jenkins, Lady. 

Kenrick, The Hon'ble Mr. G. H. B., Advocate General, Bengal. Member 

K.C., LL.D. of the Legislative Council of the 


Lukis, The Hon'ble Surgeon Gen- Director-General, Indian Medical 

eral C. P., M.D., C.S.I., I.M.S. Service. Member of the Legis. 

Council of the Governor-General. 
Lukis, Mrs. 

Lumsden, Capt. W., R.X., A.-D.-C. Director, Royal Indian Marine. 



Lumsdeii, Mrs. 

Maclagan, The Hon'ble Mr. E. D., 

C.S.I., J.C.S. 
Macpherson, The Hon'ble Mr. J.M., 


Macpherson, Mrs. 
Madge, The Hon'ble Mr. W. C. . 
Maung Bah Too, The Hon'ble, 

C.I.E., K.S.M. 
Maung Bah Too, Mrs. 
Mazharul Haque, The Hon'ble 

Mr. M. 
Meston,The Hon'ble Mr. J. S., 

C.S.I., I.C.S. 
Meston, Mrs. 
Mudholkar, The Hon'ble Rao 

Bahadur II. N. 
Mudholkar, Mrs. 
Muhammad All Jinnah, The 

Hobble Mr. 
*Mukharji, The Hon'ble Justice 

Ashutosh, C.S.I. 
Partab Singh, The Hon'ble Sardar, 

Porter, The Hon'ble Mr. L. C., 

Pramada Xath Roy, The Hon'ble 

Robertson, The Hon'ble Mr. B., 

C.S.I., C.I.E., I.C.S. 
Robertson, Mrs. 
Saiyid Husain Bilgrami, C.S.I. . 

Saiyid Muhammad Sahib, The 

Hon'ble Nawab Bahadur. 
Sayed Ali Imam, The Hon'ble Mr. 

Sayed Shamsul Huda, The Hon'ble 

Sharp, The Hon'ble Mr. H. 

Sinha, The Hon'ble Mr. Sachchi- 

Secretary to the Government of 
India, Rev. and Agriculture Dept. 

Member of the Legislative Coun- 
cil of the Governor-General. 





Secretary to the Government of 
India (Finance Department). 

Member of the Legislative Coun- 
cil of the Governor-General. 



Puisne Judge, High Court, Cal- 

Secretary to the Government of 

India (Education Department). 
Dighapatia. Member of the Legis. 

Council of the Governor-General. 
Secretary to the Government of 

India, Commerce and Industry 

Late Member of the Council of 

the Secretary of State for India. 
Member of the Legislative Council 

of the Governor-General. 
Member of the Executive Council 

of the Governor-General (Law). 
Member of the Legislative Council 

of the Governor-General. 
Joint Secy, to the Govt. of India 

(Education D epartment) . 
Member of the Legislative Council 
of the Governor-General. 

* Not residing in Camp. 


Slade, His Excellency Rear Ad- 
miral Sir E. J., K.C.I.E., M.V.O., 

Slade, Lady. 

Sladc, Miss. 

Stephen, The Hon'ble Mr. Justice 
H. L. 

Stephen, Mrs. 

Stewart-Wilson, The Hon'ble 
Mr. C. 

Stewart- Wilson, Mrs. 

Thakersey, The Hon'ble Sir 
Vithaldas Damodar, Kt. 

Thakersey, Lady. 

Todhunter, The Hon'ble Mr. C. G. 

Todhnnter, Mrs. 

Travers, Dr. Morris W., F.R.S. 

Forces, East Indies. 


Puisne Judge, High Court, 

Director-General of the Post 
Office of India. 

Member of the Legislative Coun- 
cil of the Governor General. 

Inspector-General of Excise and 

Salt. Member of the Legis. 

Council of the Governor- 

Director, Indian Institute of 

Travers, Mrs. 

Urnar Hayat Khan, The Hon'ble 

Malik, Tiwana, C.I.E. 
Umar Hayat Khan, Mrs. 
Vairicherla Virabhadra, The Kurupam. 

Hon'ble Raja, Razu Bahadur, 


Vincent, Mr. W. H. H. 
Vincent, Mrs. 
Warre, Flag Lieut. Philip, R.N. . 

Member of the Legislative Coun- 
cil of the Governor General. 


Sec. to Govt. of India(Legis. Dept). 

Weekes, Secretary R. N. 

Wilson, The Hon'blo Sir Guy 

Fleetwood, K.C.B., K.C.M.G. 
Wood, Mr. W. H. . 
Wood, Mrs. W. H. 
Zulfikar AH Khan, The Hon'ble. 

Flag Lieut, to Com. in-Chief, 
Naval Forces, East Indies. 

Secretary to Coinmander-in-Chief, 
Naval Forces, East Indies. 

Member of the Exe. Council of the 
Governor-General (Finance). 

Member of the Railway Board. 

Member of the Legislative Coun- 
cil of the Governor-General. 
Prime Minister of Patiala. 



Mr. A. J. Chopin 
Mr. W. If. Scott 

Ambler, Dr. 
Barnett, Mr. 
Barnett, Miss 
Barwick, Miss 
Bell, Mr. 
Bell, Mrs. 
Boileau, Mr. 
Bonncr, Mr. A. . 
Brumby, Mr. . 
Brumby, Mrs. 
Caffyn, Lieut. . 

Forbes, Mr. 
Hepper, Major H. 
Hepper, Mrs. 
Lambert, Mr. 
Muirhead, Miss 
Pattenson, Mr. A. 
Preston, Mr. 
Richardson, Mr. 
Richardson, Mrs. 
Rumboll, Mr. 
Scott, Mr. 
Scott, Mrs. 
Stokes, Mr. 
Turner, Miss. 
Tweddell, Miss. 
Walker, Mr. . 

G. I. P. Railway Camp. 

CAMP 421. MAP H-8. 

Officer in charge. 
Camp Staff Officer. 

District Surgeon. 
District Engineer. 

Carriage and Wagon Supdt. 

Acting Locomotive Supdt. 
Resident Engineer. 

Insptr. and Adjt., 1st Bn., G. I. P. 

Vol. Rifles. 

Acting Dist. Loco. Supdt. 
A. L., R.E. . Agent. 

Deputy Traffic Manager. 

E. T. . . Assistant Traffic Supdt. 
Acting Chief Engineer. 
Asstt. Carriage and Wagon Supdt. 

General Traffic Manager. 
District Traffic Supdt. 

Signal and Interlocking Engr. 

District Engineer. 


CAMP 349. MAP 1-8. 

Major General His Highness Maharaja Sir Madho Rao Scindhia 
Bahadur Srinath, G.C.S.I., G.C.V.O., and A.-D.-C. to His 
Majesty The King-Emperor, Maharaja Scindhia of Gwalior. 

Munshi Hakdad Khan . . Assistant Camp Staff Officer. 



Abdul Ghani, Khwaja Syed,| 

Sardar Bahadur, Brigadier 

Ahmed Khan, Sardar Sahebzada 


Appajirao Shitole, Lt.-Col. 3ardar. 
Bhide, Rao Baliadur, R. J. 
Bishan Das Dewan. 
Chet Singh, Thakur of Amla. 
Dhirat Singh, Raja of Garha. 
Dule Singh, Major Rao. 
Dwarka Shankar Waglc, Lt.-Col., 


Edibam, Capt. J. P. 
Pilose, Lt.-Col Sir Clement, K.S.G., 

Pilose, Lt.-Colonel Sir Michael, 

K.S.S., C.I.E. 
Ganpat Rai, Lala. 

Ganpat Rao Raj wade, Col. 

Hashmatullah, Capt. 

Heyland, Mrs. 

Hooper, Miss. 

Hooper, Miss Joyce. 

Jagat Mohan Lai, Lala. 

Khan Chand, Lala. 

Kailas Narain, Lt.-Col. Pundit. 

Mirza Mai Neotia. 

Mohan Lai Khosla, B. 

Xarsinghrao Shitole, Sardar 


Preston, Mr. Sidney, C.I.E. 
Rai Singh, Major Thakur. 
Ramdyal, Lala. 
Ramji Das Vaishya, Lala. 
Han jit Singh, Thakur of Bagli. 
Sunder Lai, Rao Bahadur Shejam, 


Hill Tippera. 

CAMP 374. MAP I-G. 
His Highness Raja Birendra Kishore Deb Barman Manikya. 

Murray, Capt. H. A., I. A., Political Agent. 

Barman, Rajkumar Brajendra Kishore Deb. 

Barman, Kumar Dina Mohan Deb. 

Barman, Kumar Jatendra Deb. 

Barman, Kumar Nabin Deb. 

Barman, Kumar Narendra Deb. 

Barman, Rajkumar Navadwip Chandra Deb. 

Gupta, Babu Prasanna Kumar. 

Jung, Rana Budh. 

Jang, Rana Jagabir. 

Sashi Bhusan Datta, Rai Bahadur. 

Ray, Thakur Partap. 

Varjir, Thakur. 

Williams, Mr. T. R. 




CAMP 300. 
His Highness Nizam-ul-Mulk Niz- 

am-ul-Doula Nawab Mir Osman 

All Khan Bahadur Fateh Jung. 
Nawab Musaffar Jung Bahadur. 
Nawab Jahangir Jung Bahadur. 
Mir Kudrat Ali, Khan Sahib. 
Major Muintaz-ul-Doula 
Col. the Nawab Sir Afsur-ul- 

Mulk Bahadur, K.C.I.E., M.V.O. 
Nawab Sadik Jung Bahadur 
Nawab Nasir Nawaz-mi Doula 


Abdul Ghani, Dr. Muhammad. 
Ahmed Hussain, Maulvi 

Buckley, Mr. F. 

Burnett, Mr. K. 

Burnett, Mrs. K. 

Dunlop, Mr. A. J. 

Dunlop, Mrs. 

Egerton, Mr. B., C.I.E. 

Faridoon Jung Bahadur, Nawab, 


Fellows, Mrs. 

Glancy, Mr. R. I. R., I.C.S. . 
Glancy, Mrs. 

Hamid Yar Jung Bahadur, Nawab. 
Hankin, Mr. A. C., C.I.E. . 
Hank in, Mrs. 
Hisani-ul-Mulk, Khan-i-Khanan 

Bahadur, Nawab. 
Hyderi, Mahomed Akbar Nazar Ali 

Hyderi, Mrs. 

Johnston, Rev. S. H. 

Johnston, Mrs. 

Khurshid Ali, Mir. 

Khusrau Jung Bahadur, Nawab. 

Kishen Pershad Bahadur, Raja 

Rajayan Maharaja Sir, Yamiu-us- 

Saltana, G.C.I.E. 

MAP 1-8. 
Nizam of Hyderabad. 

Officer in charge of Camp. 
A.-D.-C. Camp Staff Officer. 


Secretary to His Highness and 
Chief Secretary to Govt. 

Political and Private Secretary. 
Financial Adviser. 

Inspector General of Police. 

Assistant Minister, Military 

Secretary, Judicial, Police, and 

General Departments. 




Krishnamachari, Mr. . 

Liakat Jung Bahadur, Nawab. 
Mahir-ud-Daula Bahadur, Major 

Miles, Mrs. 
Mahomed Moin-ud-din Khan 

Bahadur, son of the late Na\*ab 

Sir Asman Jah Bahadur. 
Mooraj, Mr. Mohammad Fa r /il 
Mohammad Vali-ud-din, Khan 

Sahib Capt. 

Nand Lai Sil, Babu . 
Naidu, Dr. 
Naidu, Mrs. 
Pendlcbury, Mr. W. . 

Pendlebury, Mrs. 
Pilkington, Major. 
Pilkington, Mrs. 
Poyntz, Mrs. 
Prem Singh, Capt. Sardar 
Salar Jung Bahadur, Nawab 
Sarbuland Jung, Nawab 
Shah Mir /a Baig, Capt. 
Shah Mir Khan, Dr. . 
Stephens, Mrs. Nesbitt. 
Tarachand, Raja. 
Willoughby, Lt. J. G. 

Legal Adviser and Secretary to- 
the Legislative Council. 

Military Secretary. 

Public Works Secretary. 
Financial Secretary. 

Agent and Manager, Nizam's. 
Guaranteed State Railway. 

A.-D.-C. to Minister. 

Chief Justice. 
A.-D.-C. to Minister. 
Staff Surgeon. 

33rd Q. O. Light Cavalry. 

Hyderabad. Resident's Camp. 

CAMP 9. MAP H-8. 

Resident at Hyderabad. 

Miss V. Pinhey. 

The Hon'ble Lt.-Col. A. P. Pinhey, 

C.S.I., C.I.E., LA. 
Mrs. Pinhey. Miss Pinhey. 

Colvin, Lieut. E. J. D. 38th (King 
George's Own) Central India 

Chamberlin, Mr. 

Chamberlin, Miss. 

Crawford, Mr. F. C. 

Crawford, Mrs. 

Personal Assistant to the Resi- 
dent. Officer in charge of 
Camp and Camp Staff Officer. 

Superintendent, Railway Police. 


Drake- Brockman, Lt.-Col. H. E., Residency Surgeon. 


Drake-Brockman, Mrs. 
Ghnlette, Col., C.I.E. 
Leclgard, Mrs. 

Minchin, Major A. B., C.I.E., I. A. First Assistant to tho Resident. 
Minchin, Mrs. 


CAMP 389. MAP 1-8. 
His Highness Maharaj Major Dolatsinh, Maharaj of Idar. 

Maharaj Kumar Shri Himat Sinhji Saheb, Heir-apparent. 
Maharaj Kishan Singhji Saheb, brother of H. II. Maharaj. 
Thakore Ranjit Singhji of Dawad. 
Thakore Udey Singhji of Dawad. 
Thakore Ram Singhji of Dawad. 
Thakore Setan Singhji. 
Thakore Kishore Singhji of Bikamkore. 
Thakore Dhane Singhji. 

Thakore Naharsinghji, Commanding Sardar Infantry. 
Kumar Mool Singhji of Sabalwad. 

Rao Raja Narapat Singhji, Commandant of the Idar Imperial Service 
Despatch Riders. 

Umrao Singh, Naib Dewan. 

Kumar Prem Singhji, Military Secretary. 

Mehtab Singh, A.-D.-C. 

Samel Singh, A.-D.-C. 

Baktawar Singh, A.-D.-C. 

Badar Singh, A.-D.-C. 

Mr. Abdur Ruzzak, Private Secretary. 

Dr. Shyam Charan Sen, L.M.S. 

Imperial Cadet Corps. 

CAMP 41. MAP J-10. 
Major R. O'B. Taylor, 19th Commandant and Officer in charge 

Lancers (Fane's Horse). of Camp. 

Capt. A. B. Skinner, 5th Cavalry . Adjutant and Camp Staff Officer. 
Lieut. Thakur Dip Singh . . Assistant Adjutant and Assistant 

to Officer in charge of Camp. 




Aba Sahib Rain Chandra Rao 
Nawab Abdul Majid Khan . 
Lieut. Aga Cassim Shah 
2nd- Lieut. Aga Murtaza Khan 

Lieut. Auiar Singh 

Sardav Autar Singh of Bhunga. 
Liout. Bala Sahib Dane 

Bala Sahib Trimbakrao Khanvelkar 

Kunwar Daj i llaj 

Thakur Dalpat Singh 

Rajah Fatah Singh Rao 

Kunwar Gambhir Singh 

Sahibzada Haji Khan 

Raja Haider Zainan Khan . 

Sardar Harnarain Singh 

Kunwar llira Singh . 

Lieut. Ibrahim Khan . 

Kana Jodlia Jung Bahadur. 

Khan Fateh Din 

Lieut. Khan Muhammad Akbar 


Kunwar Jorawar Singh 
Kunwar Keshri Singh 
Nawab Khusrau Jung Bahadur . 
Thakur Lakhaji Raj Sahib 
Sardar Madho Kao Kadam . 
Mir Ghulam Raza Khan of 


Kunwar Nahar Singh 
Nana Sahib Gopal Kao 
Thakur Narpat Singh 
Lieut. Pirthi Singly . 
Kunwar Prakram Singh 
Raja Pratap Singh 
Nawab Rais Yar Jung 
Nawab Rais Jung 
Kunwar Ham Singh . 
Raja Ranjit Singh 
Kunwar Savai Singh , 
Syed Abdul Wahab Hazrat j i 



A.-D.-C. to G. 0. C., Poona. 

Attached 106th Hazara Pio- 

A.-D.,C. to G. O. C., Mhow 

Attached 103rd Mahratta Light 
Rohet, Jodhpur. 

Vala, Kathiawar. 
Khanpur, X. W. F. P. 
Thol, Karnal. 
Xawab of Sachin. 

Khan of Manawadar. 

Attach^ to A. G. G. in Central 


Lathi, Kathiawar. 
Datha, Kathiawar. 

Squadron Offir., Gwalior Lancers. 
Dy. Inspecting Officer, Khairpur 

Imperial Service Camel Corps. 
Rajpura, Nandod. 
Asst. Comdt., 51st Camel Corps. 

Squadron Commander, 2nd Gwa- 
lior Lancers. 



Sheikh Nawah Gulam Jilani 
Sheikh Imtiaz Rasul Khan . 
Kunwar Sultan Nimbalkar 
H. H. the Maharaj [liana Udhai 

Bhan Singh. 

Maharaj Kunwar Vijay Singh 
Lieut. Zorawar Singh . 






Commandant, Bhavnagar Lancers. 

Allen, Mr. P. U., I.C.S. 
Allen, Mrs. P. U. 
Braithwaitc, Mrs. 
Carwithen, Mrs. 

. Collector, Bareilly. 


CAMP 348. MAP 1-8 , 

His Highness Maharajadhiraja Raj-Rajiswar Sawai Tukoji Rao 
Holkar Bahadur. 

Mr. C. L. S. Russell, I.C.S. 
Mr. Shreeman Singh . 

All Hasan, Khan Bahadur Syed. 

Atma Ram, Dr. 

Bansure, Santajirao. 

Bedarkar, Mr. B. C. 

Bhagwat, Mr. B. A. 

Biscoe, Mr. W. P. 

Biscoe, Mrs. 

Biscoe, Miss. 

Bolia Sahib, Shrimant Narain 


Borade, Mr. B. P. 
Bosanquet, Mr. O. V., C.I.E., 


Brown, Mr. G. 
Brown, Mrs. 
Bute, The Marquis of 
Bute, The Marchioness of 
Campbell, Miss. 
Cassilis, The Earl of 
Cassilis, The Countess of 
Chandorkar, Mr. Lakshman Rao. 
Changan, Shankar Rao. 

Camp Staff Officer. 
Assistant Camp Staff Officer. 

Crompton Roberts, Colonel. 

Crompton Roberts, Mrs. 

Dube, General Bahnukand. 

Dube, Ramprasad, Major. 

Elliot, Miss. 

Padnis, Sadeshiv Ram Rao. 

Puller, Miss. 

Puzell, Miss. 

Gaiipat Singh of Dahi, Raja. 

Grant, Colonel. 

Grant, Mrs. 

Hamilton, The Duke of 

Hamilton, The Duchess of 

Holkar, Bhau Sahib. 

Holkar, Malhar Rao. 

Holkar, Yadav Rao. 

Hostc, Mr. 

Jadhav, Mr. R. 

Jadhav, Mr. V. B. 

Kennard, Mr. 

Kothari, Shiv Chand. 

Lean, Lieut. E. 



Luard, Major C. E. 

Luard, Mrs. 

Matkar, Eondaji Rao. 

Matkar Bahadur,* General Govind 


Mujtaba Khan, Maulvi Muhd. 
Mulchand, Lala. 
Nanak Cliand, Rai Bahadur, 

C I V 

Pcliyi Miss. 
Pennanand, Rai Bahadur, 


Prithi Nath, Mr. Mahadeo. 
Prithi Singh, Thakur of Naulana. 
Powel Cotton, Mrs. 

Ram Chand, Munshi. 
Ram Pershad, Major Dube. 
Reshimwale, General Sakharaui 

Russell, Mrs. 
Sarangpani, Dr. S. N. 
Saraymal Bapna, Mr. 
Seagrim, Mr. C. 
Soiialkar, Mr. K. B. 
Strafford, Cora, Countess of. 
Tambe, Dr. C. R. 
Tembe, Mr. C. M. 
Traill, Major W. S., R.E. 
Traill, Mrs. 
Unied Singh of Dahi, Kunwar. 


CAMP 358. MAP 1-7. 

Col. His Highness Saramad-i-Rajah-i-Hindustau 

Raj Rajindar Sri Maharajadhiraja Sawai Sir Madho Singh Bahadur, 

G.C.S.I., G.C.I.E., G.C.V.O., LL.D. 

Lalji Sahib Kanwar Bijey Singhji. 
Lalji Sahib Kanwar Govind Singhji. 

Lalji Sahib Kanwar Man Singhji. 
Lalji Sahib Kanwar Abhey 

Babu Abinash Chanderji Sen . Private Secretary. 

The Hon'ble Nawab Mumtaz-ud- Senior Member of Council, Jaipur. 

dowla Sir Faiyaz Ali Khan, 

K.C.I.E., C.S.I. 

Babu Ananda Prasadji . 
Khawas Bala Bukshj'i . 
Thakur Devi Singhji of Chomu 
Pandit Durga Prasadji . 
Mehta Fouj Karan Singhji . 
Rao Raja Madho Singhji 
Pandit Madhu Sudanji 
Thakur Mehtab Singhji 
Mohan Singhji. 
Khawas Ram Kanwarji 
Daroga Ram Pratapji . 
Eaja Udai Bhan 

Assistant Private Secretary. 
Keeper of the State Jewels. 
Member of Council, Jaipur. 
Vakil at Abu. 
Residency Vakil, Jaipur. 

Pandit in attendance. 
Member of Council, Jaipur. 

Keeper of the Robe. 
Master of the Ceremonies. 
Assistant Surgeon. 


Hayward, Miss Curtis. 

Stofcherd, Mr. C. E., C.E. . . Superintending Engineer, Jaipur. 

Stothcrd, Mrs. 


CAMP 355. MAP 1-7. 
His Highness Maharajadhiraja Maharawal Salivahan Bahadur. 

Thakur Dan Singh of Lathi. 

Rao Amar Singh 
Thakur Amar Singh 
Bhati Bulidan . 
Rao Motisingh . 
Kazi M. Niyazili 
Thakur Pane Singh 








CAMP 375. MAP 1-6. 

His Highness Nawab Sidi Sir Ahuicd Khan Sidi Ibrahim Khan, 
G.C.LE., Nawab of Janjira. 

Sidi Abdul Rehman Sidi Isuf, Jaburli Subhedar. 
Sidi Mahomed Sidi Abdul Ajij, Shekhani Subhedar. 
Sidi Hasan Sidi Sayed, Subhedar. 
Sidi Ismail Sidi Abdul Karim, Subhodar. 

Dr. H. A. Lakhani. 

Mr. Bapuji Mahipat Kharkar, B.A., Dewan. 

Mr. V. R. Chifcnis. 

Mr. V. A. Dighe, L.C.B., State Engineer. 

Mr. AH Akbar, Superintending Engineer, N. P. 

Mr. Ali Ashgar H. Pyzee. 


CAMP 338. MAP J-7. 
Capt. His Highness Fakhr-ud-Daulah Nawab Muhammad Iftikhar Ali 

Khan Bahadur Saulat Jang. 
Babu Sri Ram .... Assistant Camp Staff Officer. 


Abdul Hakim, Khwaja. 

Abdul Hasan, Syed. 

Amar Nath. 

Ambalal, Doctor. 

Asgar All Khan, Sahibzada 

Ashraf Ali Khan, Sahibzada 

Cameron, D., Major. 

Cameron, Mrs. 

Firoz Muhammad Khan. 

Gauliar Ali Khan. 

Gobind Bam Seth. 

Ghulam Abbas Khan, Jagirdar of 

Hidayat Muhammad Khan, Sahib- 

Hormaji Cawasji, Dr. 

Kailas Nath, Pandit. 


Kesri Singh, Thakur of Mandawal. 

Mahnmd Ali Khan, Muhammad. 

Mashuq Ali Khan, Sahibzada. 

Waris Muhammad Khan. 

Miyan Jan Khan, Muhammad. 
Mohan Singh, Kamdar, Shujaota. 
Musaraf Yar Khan, Muhammad. 
Musharraf Ali Khan, Sahibzada. 
Narain Das, Seth. 
Narain Singh, Bapu. 
Raman ej das, Seth. 
Bup Singh, Thakur of Shujaota. 
Rustam Yar Khan, Police 


Sati-Ullah Khan, Muhammad. 
Sarfraz Ali Khan, Sahibzada 


Saligram, Hospital Assistant. 
Sham Lai, Pandit. 
Sher Ali Khan, Sahibzada 

Sitaram, Seth. 
Sri Niwas, JSeth. 
Sri Ram, Babu, B.A. 
Sultan Mahmood Khan* 

Tribhawan Nath, Pandit. 


CAMP 363. MAP 1-6. 
His Highness Raj Rana Sir Bhawani Singh Bahadur, K. C.S.I. 

Maharaj Kunwar Rajindra Singh . 

M. Shama Shankar 

Thakur Unirao Singh of Shampura. 


Abdul GhafurKhan . 
Balonadra Singh, Maharaj Kunwar 
Chhedalal, Babu 
Gordhan Singh, Mama 
Goviiidlalji, Bohra Jagirdar. 
Jaswant Singh, Maharaj Musahib. 
Manikchand, Seth 
Mithanlal, Babu 
Pannaiiand Chaturvcdi, Pandit 
Partab Singh, Rao 

Private Secretary. 


Appellate Court Judge. 

Settlement Officer. 


Finn of Binodiram BalchancL 
Munib Daftar Sadar. 


Ramlal, Doctor , 
Shadilal, Dhabai 


Shaikh Subhan, Khan Bahadur 

Assistant Surgeon. 

Librarian to His Highness. Ja- 

girdar with honour of gold 

Bakshi Foj. 


CAMP 303. MAP 1-8. 
His Highness Raja Sir Ranbir Singh. Bahadur, K. C.S.I., Raja of .Jiml. 

Her Highness Rani Saheba Olive Jaflwant Kour. 

Princess Dorothy Ranbir Kour (daughter of His Highness). 

Major Gobindar Singh 
Capt. Rnghunath Singh 
Capfc. Kashmira Singh 
Lieut. Tilok Singh 
Lieut. Kavtar Singh . 
.Sardar Kalha Singh 
Mohammad Piarc Khan 

Autar Singh, Sardar. 
Bishcn Singh, Sardar . 
Brahma Nand, Pandit 
Brij Xarain, Munshi 
Dhingra, Dr. B.L., M.D. 
Didar Singh, Bahadur, Sardar 

Fatteh Singh, Sardar . 
Fernandez, Mr. J. H. . 
Fernandez, Mrs. 
Ghulani Bhikh, Gcneml 
Gurnam Singh Bahadur, Sardar 

Bahadur Bakhshi. 
Hardit Singh, Capt. 
Hargopal Singh, Pandit 
Ilaruam Singh, Dr. 

Jang Singh, Sardar 

Kidd, Mr 

Kidd, Mrs. 
Manolescue, Mr. E. 

Pte. Secretary to His Highness. 




A.-D -C. 



Commandant, Local Infantry 

Superintendent, Council, Wi r /irat. 


Chief Medical Officer. 

Jiml Motmaid attached to the 
Political Agency, Phulkian 
States and Bahawalpur. 

Sardar of Badrukhan. 

Assistant Private Secretary. 

Commanding Local Troops. 
Commander-in-Chief, State 


Camp Secretary. 
Personal Assistant to the Chief 

Medical Officer. 
Commandant, Jind Lancers. 
Comptroller of the Household. 

Officer in charge, Ranbir Stables. 


Maiiolescuc, Mrs. 

Mouat Biggs, Capt. 

Najaf Ali, Sycd . . . Minister. 

Nand Kishore, Lala . . - Treasury Officer. 

Narsingh Das, Lala . . . Nazim Anhar. 

Preni Singh, Sardar . . Minister. 

Rain Gopal, Lala . Accountant-General. 

Kaiibir Singh, Raja . . Dehra Dun. 

Rur Mai, Lala .... Postmaster-General. 

Sampat Rai, Munshi . . . foreign Minister. 

Shadi Ram, Lala .... Inspector-General, State Police. 

Shamsher Bahadur 8ingh, Kanwar Nephew of Raja Ranbir Singh 

of Dehra Dun. 

Shamsher Singh, Sardar Bahadur, Chief Minister. 


Sher Singh, Sardar . . . Superintendent, Public Works. 


CAMP 357. MAP 1-7. 

His Highness Raj Rajeshwar Maharaj-adhiraj Sumer Singh 

Maharaj Zelim Singh ji Sahih. Maharaj Sher Singhji Sahib. 

Maharaj Unied Singhji Sahib. Kumvar Guman Singhji. 

Maharaj Fateh Singhji Sahib. Kunwar Hanwant Singhji. 

Maharaj Urjan Singhji Sahib. l{ao Raja Tej Singhji. 
Maharaj Katun Singhji Sahib. 

Bakhtawar Malji, Mehta. 

Bakhtawar Singhji, Tliakur. 

Barnard, Mr. 

Chain Singhji, Kunwar. 

Chain Singhji, Rao Bahadur, 

Thakur of Asope. 
Dalip Raiji, Lala. 
Dalip Singhji, Thakur. 
Davidson- Houston, Major, C. P. D. 
Davidson-Houston, Mrs. 
Dhokal Singhji, Thakur. 
Devi Dialji, Lala. 
Eastwood, Miss R. 
Fateh Singhji, Thakur. 
Fouj Chandji, Bhandari. 

Goyder,Mr.' .... Finance Member. 
'Guman Singhji, Thakur. 


Harnain Dasji, 


LaTouche, Mr. . 
LaTouche, Mrs. 
Mangal Singlrji, Rao 


McLeod, Mr. . 
Minda, Thakur. 
O'Brien, Mr. . 
Partap Singhji, Thakur 




. Manager, Jodhpur-Bikaner Ry. 
Bahadur Pohkaraii. 

State Auditor. 

. State Engineer. 

. Sankhwali : Commandant Sardar 

Rani Singh, Mr. 
Robinson, Licut.-Col. W. H. B., Chief Medical Officer, Eajputana. 


Robinson, Mrs. 

Shamsher Singhji, Sardar Sahib. 
Sham Bihari Misra, Pandit. 
Shivanath Singhji, Thakur. 
Sommerville, Revd. Dr. 
Strong, Captain A. D. 

Strong, T)r. 

Warren, Mr. A. W. G. 

Warren, Mrs. 
Windham, Mr. 
Wiiidhim, Major C. J. 

Windham, Mrs. 


Missionary, Jodhpur. 
Guardian to His Highness. 


Engr. Jodhpur-Bikaneer 

Resident, Western 
Raj put ana. 

States of 


CAMP 327. MAP J-6. 
Rana Bhagat Chand of Jubbal, 

Thakur Amog Chand . 
L. Madho Ram . 

Ishri Singh, Kunwar. 

Jai Lai, L. 

Lalat Chand, Thakur. 

Mohan Lai, L. 

Mohi Ram, B. 

Negam Singh, Kunwar. 

Ratu Ram, B. 

Sh*r Singh 

Thakur Das, Pandit . 

Chief of Khancti State. 
Camp officer. 

Pleader, Chief Court, Pb. 


Superintendent of Forests. 



CAMP 404. MAP H-6. 

Kaja Braja Mohan Deo . . Minor Chief of Kalahandi. 

Jugal Kishore Tripati, Babu . Superintendent. 

Muhammad Sikandar, Munshi . Tahsildar. 


CAMP 326. MAP J-6. 

His Highness Beglar Begi Mir Khan of Kalat. 
Sir Mahmnd Khan, G.C.I.E. 

Major R. A! E. Benn, C.I.E. . Political Agent, Kalat and Las 

Bela, and Officer in charge. 
Capt. E. S. C. Willis, D.S.O. . Camp Staff Officer. 

Bahrain Khan, General Mir. 

Benn, Mrs. R. A. E. 

Blyth, Mrs. 

Oordon, Mr. A. Huntley . , Supdt. of Police, Lark ana, Sind. 

Jalal-ud-Din Khan, Khan Bahadur 

Kazi, C.I.E. 

SayedShah .... Vakil. 
Townsend, Miss. 
Tovvnsend, Miss M. 


CAMP 323. MAP J-6. 
Sardar Kavisher Singh of Kalsia. 

Sant Singh, Sardar . . . E. A. C., President, Council of 


Bishamber Das, Lala . . . Senior member, ditto. 

Niamat TJllah, M. Junior member, ditto. 
Surmukh Singh, Bakhshi. 


CAMP 397. MAP H-7. 
Maharajadhiraj Komal Deo. 

Durga Prasad, Tiwari Pandit . Diwan. 

Durjodhan Singh, Babu . . Muafidar. 

Nilambar Singh, Babu . . Muafidar. 

Sarju Prasad, Tiwari Pandit . . Forest Officer. 



CAMP 305. MAP J-S. 

* His Highness llaja Sir Jagatjit Raja of Kapurthaia. 
Singh Hahadnr, Ahluwalia, 

f Tlic Tikka Sahib. 
Kan war Eaghbir Singh. 
Kanwarani Raglibir Singh. 

* Kaiiwar Balbhir Singh. 
Bibi Amrit Kour. 

Mr. U French, I.C.S. . . Chief Minister. 
Mrs. French. 

Major J. C. Coldstream . . Political Officer. 
Mrs. Coldstream. 

* Capt. 11. E. Chaterje . . Private Secretary. 

* Sardar Triloki Natii Singh . A.-D.-C. 

Abdul Hamid, Mian . . HomcjMinistcr. 

Agha Hatim Mir/a . . Superintendent, Police. 

f Ajudhia Dass, Lala . . . Secretary to Tikka Sahib. 

Balm Lai, Lala . . . Collector. 

Bhagwan Das, Lala . Officer in charge, Camp. 

Harkishon Das, Lala . . Puisne Judge, Chief Court. 

Ishar Singh, Mnnshi . . . Mohtamid. 

.lowala Das, Lala . . Chief Sarishtadar. 

Kaushi Eam, Lala . . . State Engineer. 

Marshall, Mr. T. . . . Bandmaster. 

Mody, Mr. F. . . Supdt, State Houses. 

Mody, Mrs. 

*Mohabbat Eai, L. . . Asst. Comptroller. 

Peck, Major E. S., I.M.S. 

Puran Singh, Col. . , . Baklibhi and Military Secretary. 

* Shiv Charan Das, L. . . > sst. Private Secretary. 
Shiv Darshan Lai, Lala . . Asst. Engineer. 

* Will reside at 35, Alipur Road. 

t Will reside at Mr. Waller's House, Alipur Road. 


CIMP 364. MAP 1-6. 

His Highness Maharaja Sir Bhauwar Pal Deo Bahaclur Yadukul 
Chandra Bhal, G.C.I.E. 



Thakur Moti Pal of Pardampura (cousin to His Highness). 

Tbakur Sujan Pal (cousin to His Highness). 

Chanwar Jaswant Pal of Pardampura * (cousin's son). 

Munshi Jugal Krishore . . Private Secy, to His Highness. 

Balwant Pal, Thakur. 

Bhawani Singh, Dr. 

Bhola Xath Chaterji, Kao Sahib 


Bishan Singh, Thakur. 
Damodar Lai, Rao Bahadur, Munshi 
Debi Pal, Thakur. 
Girwar Singh, Thakur. 
Hari Har Lai, Babu. 
Baumaih Singh, Thakur. 
Samp Xarain, Rai Saheb Pandit . 
Shri Dhar Lai, Kunwar. 

Medical Adviser to His Highness, 
llome' Member of Council. 

Chief Member of Council. 

Assistant Settlement Officer. 


CAMP 309. MAP J-7. 

Major-General His Highness Maharaja Sir Pratab Singh li.dar 
Mahindar Bahadur, Sipar-i-Sultanat, (i.C.S.I., Maharaja oi 
llaj Kumar General Hari Singh 

Raja Sir Baldeo Singh Sahib, 

K.C.I.E., of Poonch. 
llaj a Kedar Chand Sahib of 

Raja Raghu Nath Singh Sahib of 

Tikka Gajendra Singh Sahib of 


liana Hira Singh of Dhami. 

Dr. Badri Nath, LL.D.- . . Private Secretary. 
Thakur Hukman Singh . . A.-D.-C. 
Pandit Man Mohan Lai . . A.-D.-C. 

Abdul Rahman Khan, Mehtarjao . 
Alidad Khan, Raja . 
Alim Chand, Diwan . 

Governor of Yasin. 


State Photographer. 



Amar Nath Sahib, Rai Sahib Di- 

Anant Ram Diwan . . . 

Anant Ram, Lt.-Col. 
Aziz Kausa, M. 
Barr, Major H. K., LA. 
Bhag Singh, Maj.-Genl. 
Bishan Das, Lt.-Col. Diwan 

Bodh Raj Sawhney, B.C.L. 

Bose, Mr. L. C. 

Dan Singh, Bhai 

Dhian Pal Singh, Thakur. 

Dhingra, Dr. M. L. . 

Din Dyal Wazir 

Duni Chand, Major . 

Ganda Singh, Rai Sahib Sardar . 

-Gauri Nandan, Lt.-Col. 

Ghulam Mustafa, M. 

Oupta, Mr. B. C. 

Harbans Lai .... 

Harbhamji, Kunwar. 

Har Narain, Lala 

Hasan Khan ,Raja . 

Imam Din, Khan Sahib, Sheikh . 

Jagat Ram, Lala 

Kartar Singh, Sardar 

Kesho Ram, Lala 

Mahcsh Chandra Biswas, Babu 

Makbul Husain, Shoikh 

Mitra, Rai Bahadur, Dr. A. 

Muhammad Nazim Khan, Raja, 


Narendra Nath Kaul, Pandit 
Nihal Singh, Sardar Bahadur 


Parshotam Ram, Lala 
Radha Kishcn Kaul, Rai Bahadur 
Radha Raman, Rai Bahadur 
Rattan Nath, Pandit 

Chief Minister. 

Member of the Committee of the 
Estate of Raj Kumar Hari 
Singh Sahib. 

Quarter Master General. 

Guardian to Raj Kumar Hari 

Singh Sahib. 
Military Secy, to Commander-in- 

Chief, Kashmir Army, Camp 


Chief Judge, Jammu. 
Electrical Engineer. 
Secretary to Chief Minister. 
Kotla (Agra). 

Chief Medical Officer, Kashmir. 
Head Tehvildar, Toshakhana, 


Chief Medical Officer, Jammu. 
Divisional Engr., Kashmir Div. 

Electrical Engineer. 

Tutor to Raj Kumar Hari Singh. 

Rajkot (Kathiawar). 

Home Minister. 


Supdt. Police, Jammu. 

Asst. Secy, to Chief Minister. 

Vernacular Sec. to Chief Minister. 

Residency Vakil. 

Supdt , Reception Dept. 

Revenue Minister. 

Public Works Minister. 

Mir of Hanza. 

Govern'or of Jammu. 
Coindg.' Kashmir I. S. Troops. 

Judge, High Court. 
Wazir, Poonch. 



Sadhu Singh, Rai Bahadur, Sardar Chief Forest Officer Bhardarwa 

.'! a S ir v 

Samander Khan, Col. 
Shib Saran Divvau . 

Sifat Bahadur, Khan Bahadur 


Sikandar Khan, Raja, C.l.E. 
Sobha Ram, Wazir 
Suraj Ram Mattoo, Pandit. 
Uday Chand, Pandit . 
Vidh Lai Dar, Pandit 

Adjutant General. 

Member of the Committee of the 

Estate of Raj Kumar Hari Singh 

Governor of Punial. 

Mir of Nagar. 
General Treasurer. 

Secretary to H. H. 
Treasury Officer. 

Kashmir Resident's Camp. 

CAMP 16. MAP G-8. 

Mr. S. M. Eraser, C.I.E., I.C.S. . Resident in Kashmir. 
Mrs. Fraser. 
Capt. R. H. Chenovix Trench, First Assistant. 

Lt. Col. A. ,T. deLotbiniere, Officer in charge of Camp. 

C.I.E., R.E. 

Capt. D. M. Field, I.A. 

Camp Staff Officer. 

Apcar, Mr. J. G. 

Burton Mackenzie, Miss. 

Carson, Mr. C. W. C., I.F.D. 

Carson, Mrs. 

deLotbiniere, Mrs. 

Field, Mrs. 

Lovegrove, Mr. W. H. 

Lovegrove, Mrs. 

Macnab, Lt.-Col. A. J., I.M.S. 

Macnab, Mrs. 

Oliver, Capt. D. G., I.A. . 

Rose, Major J. L., I.A. 

Rogers, Mr. G. J. 

Smith, Major W. F., S. & 

Smith, Mrs. 


CAMP 386. MAP 1-7. 
His Highness Mir Imam Baksh, Khan of Khairpur. 


Accountant General, Kashmir. 

Conservator of Forests, Kashmir. 
Residency Surgeon. 

Assistant Resident for Leh. 
Mily. Adviser, Kashmir purbar. 
Extra Assistant to the Resident. 
Supply & Transport Officer on 
special duty in Kashmir. 


Mir All Nawaz Khan, eldest son of His Highness. 

Mir Mahomed Murad Khan Valad Ahah Nawaz Khan, cousin. 

Mir AH Mahomed Khan, second son. - 

Mir Allahdadkhan Valad Mir Ghulam Hussein Khan, cousin's son. 

Mir Ghulain Hassan Khan Valad Mir Ahmed Ali Khan, brother's son. 

Mir Ghulain Ali Khan, third son. 

Mir Ghulam Raza Khan, cousin's son. 

Mir Mahomed Khan, cousin. 

Mir Raz Mahomed Khan, cousin. 

Mir Fateh Mahomed Khan. 

Syed Imam Ali Shah ^ Mujtahids, i. e.> religious heads of: the Shia 

Syed Abid Ali Shah j Community. - 

Pir Mahomed Salch Shah. 

Mir Ghulam Haidar Khan, son of Mir Mahomed Khan. 

Khan Saheb Shaik Sadikali Shcrali, Wazir, Kliairpur State. 

Dr. Farzandali, L.M.S., Naib- Wazir, Camp Shahi. 

Mr. Ghulam Mahomed, B.A., Naib-Wazir, Kliairpur Division. 

Mian Ali Nawaz Ali, Patedar and Municipal Councillor, Shikarpur. 

Mr. Murlidhar Jeramdass, Municipal Commr. and Pleader, Shikarpur. 

Seth Kanayalal, Municipal Commissioner, Shikarpur. 

Seth Girdhardass Khnatrai, Contractor/ Shikarpur. 

Dr. Diwanali wd. Shaik Ghulam Nabi, L.M. & S. 

Shaikh Sardarali wd. Sh. Ghulam Nabi, Commissariat Agent. 

Mr. Nur Nabi, B.A., Resident Magistrate in Sind. 

Shaikh Ghulam Dastgir wd. Shaikh Ghulam Nabi, B.A. 

Dr. Badruddin Lukmani, M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (London), late 

Chief Medical Officer, Khairpur State. 
Mr. Shaik Ghulam Hussain, B.A., LL.B., Pleader. 
Seth Begraj of Shikarpur, Merchant. 
Shaik Mahomed Umar, B.A., Bar.-at-Law of Amritsar. 
Mr. Mahomed Hussain Khan, Staff Officer and Engineer. 
Mr. Mumtazali Khan, Abkari Officer, Khairpur State. 
Mr. Ghulain Muhamed, Superintendent, Industrial School. 
. Mr. Gyanchand, Joint Enquiry Officer, Khairpur Camp. 
Mr. Jafferali Ansari L. Ag., Superintendent of Agriculture (nephew 

of the Wazir). 

Mr. Wajidali Ansari (nephew of the Wazir). 
Mr. Muhamedali (son of the Wazir). 
Mr. Ahmedali (son of the Wazir). 
Dr. Sirajuddin Ahmed, Medical Officer. 
Seth Hariram, Municipal Councillor, Shikarpur. 
Seth Muhandass (cousin), Councillor, Shikarpur. 
Mr. Niamtullah, Assistant to the Staff Officer. 
Mr. Gul Mohijuddm. 



CAMP 370. MAP 1-6. 

Rao Udai Singh. 

Kumar Ranjit Singh . . Son of Rao. 

Lachman Singh . . 

Chatar Singh . . 

Bhauwar Lalji . . Grandson of the Rao. 

Manek Lai, Kaindar. 


CAMP 359. MAP J-7. 

Capt. His Highness Maharajadhiraja Mudae Rajahae Baland Makou 
Sir Madan Singh Bahadur, K.C.I.E. 

Maharaj Yag Narain Singh of Karkeri. 
Maharaj Raghunath Singh of Dhasuk. 

Powar Hup Singh 

Private Secy, to His Highness. 

Anad Singh, Lala. 

Bane Singh, Thakur. 

Rao Saheb Bharat Singh, Thakur . Ragunathpura. 

Bijai Singh, Lala. 

Gobind Singh, Thakur . 

Pirohit Jaikishan Das. 

Nonand Singh, Rajah . 

Poenaskar, Pandit K. L. 

Ranjit Singh Touj Bari, Kan war. 

Ratan Singh, Kunwar . 

Sher Singh, Thakur . 

Mehta Surat Singh. 


. Chief Member of Council. 

Home Member 
Bhadun . 


CAMP 388. MAP 1-8. 

His Highness Sir Shahu Chhatrapati Maharaj, G.C.SJ., G.C.V.O., 
Maharaja of Kolhapur. 

Meherbau Piraji Bapusaheb Ghatge, Sarejav Vajarat Maab, C.S.I., 
C.I.E., Jagirdar of Kagal (Senior). 


Meherban Abajirao Krishna, Pant Pratinidhi of Vishajgad. 
Meherban Madhavrao Moreshwar, Pant Amatya of Bavda. 
Mehcrban Santajirao Ghorpade Senapati of Kapshi. 
Meherban Narayenrao Govind Ghorpade, Jagirdar of Ichalkaranji. 
Meherban Dattajirao Balasaheb Ghatge Sarjerao, Jagirdar of Kagal 


Meherban Udajirao Aba Saheb C ha wan Hinrnt Bahadur. 
Meherban Rachojirao Desai Chinchalekar. 
Meherban Rajaramrao Domodara Heravdekar Kedar Rao Shimde of 


Rao Bahadur R. V. Sabnis, Dewan of Kolhapur. 
Mr. T. M. Joshi, Camp Superintendent. 

Mr. W. A. Patil, Private Secretary to His Highness the Maharaia. 
Dr. R. V. Khedkar. 

Mr. Dattajirao M. Ingle, Private Secretary to Kagal (Senior). 
Mr. G. V. Khandekar, Karbhari of Vishalgad. 
Mr. L. V. Joshi, B.A. 
Mr. T. M. Paranjpe. 
Shri Raghupati Pandit, alias Pandit Maharaj, Spiritual Preceptor. 


CAMP 362. MAP 1-6. 

Major His Highness Maharao Sir Timed Singh Bahadur, 

G.C.I.E., K.C.S.I. 
Rai Bahadur Munshi Sheo Partab Private Secretary. 

Berkeley, Lt.-Col. R. B., I.A. . Political Agent, Kotah and 


Bijaya Singh, Raj . . . Kunari. 

Bishambhar Nath, Chauhc . . Deputy Collector, Banda District 
Butler, Mr. M. S. D., C.I.E., I.C.S. Deputy Secretary, Home Depart- 
ment, Government of India. 
Carr-White, Lt.-Col. P., I.M.S. . Agency Surgeon, Kotah and 


Carr-White, Mrs. P. 

Devon, Mr. G. Campbell . . State Engineer. 
Devon, Mrs. Campbell. 
Govind Singh, Ap. . . . Koila. 
Hari Nath, Chaube . . . Munsif, Garot Indore State 
Madho Singh Maharaja . . Gainta. 
Mir Madjar Ali, Khan Bahadur. 
Onkar Singh, Kunwar . . Palaita. 


Purshottam Rao, Pandit . . Sarola. 

Kam Nath Cbaube . . . Land-holder, Etawa, IT. P, 

Ragunath Das, Diwan Bahadur Dewan. 


Sheodan Mai, Murishi. 

Sheodan Singh, Thaknr . Sarthal. 

Sri Rani, Lala .... Kotah Vakil. 

Sri Ram, Mnnslii . . . District Magistrate, Kofcah. 


CAMP 456. MAP D.-9. 
His Highness Sultan Sir Ahmed bin Fadthl, K.C.S.T. 

Fadthl bin Ahmed (son). Abdul Karim bin Fadthl bin AH 

Abdul Hamid bin Ahmed (son). (cousin). 

Fadthl bin Abdul Majid (nephew). Ahmed bin Fadthl bin Ali 
Abdul Kawi bin Monassar (cousin), (cousin). 

Ahmed Corner, Sheikh of the Uxaibi Clan. 
Sayyid Atawi al Jifri. 

Lakh tar. 

CAMP 446. MAP D.-9. 
The Thakor of Lakhtar. 

Kumar Shri Balbirsinhji, Heir-apparent. 

Kumar Sliri Bhagwatsinhji, the youngest Kumar Shii. 

Thakoor of Utelia. 

liana Shri Kanaksinhji Anopsinhji, the Karela Bhayat. 

Rana Shri Jijubha Varsaji, the Kalam Bhayat. 

Mr. Maganlal Tribhovandas, S f .ate Karbhari. 

Dr. M. Shivshankar. 

Mr. Mensi Fulchand, Naib Karbhari. 

Las Bela. 

CAMP 325. MAP K-6. 
Mir Kamal Khan . . . Jam of Las Bela. 


Chuger Khan, Jamot . . Motabir. 

Dad Muhammad, Waclera of Motabir. 


Ghnlam Muhammad Khan, Mir . Sahibzada. 

Ishaq, Haji, Run j ha . . . Vakil of Las Bcla State. 

Jam Ali Khan, Mir . . . Sahib"ada. 

Juman, Sheikh .... Motabir. 

Nur Shah, Pir .... Motabir. 

Turner, Mr. S. D. . . . Wazir of Las Bela. 

Turner, Miss. 
Turner, Miss K. 


CAMP 370. MAP 1-6. 
Rao Bahadur Raja Mangal Singh, Kachhwaha. 

Thakur Jaswant Singh. 

Seth Kesri Singh. 

Thakur Madho Singh. 

Pandit Sukhdeo Pershad, C.I.E. 


CAMP 330. MAP J-6. 

Nawab Sir Amir-ud-din Ahmad, Nawab of Loharu. 

Khan Bahadur, K.C.I.E. 

Aiz-ud-din Ahmad Khan . . Heir-apparent. 

M. Yusuf Beg .... A.-D.-C. 

Aitzaz-ud-din Ahmad Khan. 

Ayub Khan, Mir, Bar.-at-Law . Lasbela. 

Aziz-ud-din Ahmad Khan. 

Izaz-ud-din Ahmad Khan. 

Shamsh-ud-din Ahmad Khan. 


CAMP 444. MAP D-9. 
Thakor Saheb Bolatsinhji Jasvatsinhji of Iiimbdi. 

Kumar Shri Digvijaysinhji, Heir-apparent. 
Kumar Shri Shivsinhji Ramsinhji. 
Kumar Shri Pratapainhji Ramsinhji. 


Dr. K. Tribhovandas. 

Mr. Vrajlal Jivunbhai, Judl. Karbhari. 

Mr. Jhaverbhai Nathubliai, State Karbhari. 

K. 8. Bamvala. 

K. S. Viravala. 

Ranashri Manubha Umedsirgh. 



His Excellency the Governor's Camp. 

CAMP 4. 

His Excellency Sir Thomas Gibson 

Carmichael, Barf., G.C.I.E., 


Lady Carmichael. 
Miss* Carmichael. 
Mr. A. Y. (J. Campbell, C.I.E., 

Major A. A. Duff, 3rd Battalion, 

Gordon Highlanders. 
Major F. F. Elwes, I.M.S. . 
Capt. Culme Seymour, R.N. 
Major H. F. Bateman-Champain. 
Capt. The Hon'ble C. A. J. 

Annesly, Oxfordshire Light In- 
Lieut. W. H. J. St. L. Atkinson, 

1st Royal Dragoons. 
Capt. H. G. Vaux 
Capt. Dennis Kelly . 
Capt. T. G. J. Tome, 27th Light 


Capt. Kerr Pearse 
Capt. K. B. Worgan, 20th Deccan 

Capt. C. Jarvis, 20th Deccan 


Mr. A. R. Knapp, I.C.S. . 
Capt. E. K. Molesworth, R.E. 
Mr. C. C. Longden . . 

MAP 1-9. 
Governor of Madras. 

Private Secretary. 
Military Secretary. 





Commandant, His Excellency's 

Adjutant, His Excellency's Body- 

In charge of Camp. 
Superintendent of Police. 



Surgn.-Genl. with the Government 
of Madras. 

Abdur Bahim, The Hon'ble Mr. Judge, High Court, Madras. 

Atkinson, The Hon'ble Mr. J. N., Member of Council, Madras. 

C.S.I., I.C.S. 
Atkinson, Mrs. 
Bannerman, Surgn.-Genl. W. B., 

Bannerman, Mrs. 
Bateman-Champain, Mrs. H. F. 
Benson, The Hon'ble Justice Sir Judge, High Court, Madras. 

Ralph, Kt. 
Benson, Lady. 
Bourne, The Hon'ble Dr. A. G., Director of Public Instruction : 

C.I.E. Madras Legislative Council. 

Bourne, Mrs. 
Campbell, Mrs. A. Y. G. 
Cardew, The Hoii'blo Mr. A. G., Secretary to Government, Bev. 

C.S.I., I.C.S. Dept. : Madras Legis. Council. 

Cardew, Mrs. 

Carr, The Hon'ble Mr. B. C. C. . Imperial Legislative Council. 
Castlestuart Stuart, The Hon'ble Board of Bevenue, Madras. 

Mr. A. E., C.S.I., I.C.S. 

Clerk, The Hon'ble Mr. H. E. . Secretary to Govt. Public Works 

Dept. : Madras Legis. Council. 

Clerk, Mrs. 

Cowie, The Hon'ble Mr. D. W. G. Inspector- General of Police r 

Madras Legislative Council. 
Cowie, Mrs. 
Elwes, Mrs. F. F. 
Fitzroy, The Hon'ble A. C. 
Fitzroy, The Hon'ble Mrs. 
Fraser, The Hon'ble Mr. H. S. 
Fraser, Mrs. 
Hamilton, Miss. 
Hammick, The Hon'ble Sir Member of Council, Madras, 

Murray, K.C.S.L, C.I.B., I.C.S. 
Hammick, Lady. 
Hammick, Miss. 
Hammick, Miss L. 
Home, The Hon'ble Mr. W. 0. 
Home, Mrs. 
Knapp, Mrs. A. R. 
Lawson, Mr. A. E. 
Lawson, Mrs. 
Molesworth, Mrs. E. K. 

Madras Legislative Council. 

Board of Revenue, Madras* 
-Sheriff of Madrao, 



Moore, Mr. P. L., I.C.S. . 

Moore, Mrs. 

Muirhead, Mr. A. ... 

Muirhead, Mrs. 

Nugent, Baron. 

Nugent, Baroness. 

Odgers, The Hon'ble Mr. C. E. 

Odgers, Mrs. 

Orr, The Hon'ble Mr. E. W. 

Richmond, The Hon'ble Mr. T. . 

Richmond, Mrs. 

Sankaran Nair, The Hon'ble Mr. 

Justice, C.I.E. 

Schmidt, The Hon'ble Mr. C. M. . 
Shaw-Stewart, Sir Hugh, Bart. 
Shaw-Stewart, Lady Alice 
Smith, The Hon'ble Mr. C. A. 

Smith, Mrs. 

Spring, The Hon'ble Mr. P. J. E., 


Stone, The Hon'blc Mr. J. H. 
Stuart, The Hon'ble Sir Harold, 

K.C.V.O., C.S.I., I.C.S. 
Stuart, Lady 
Twigg, The Hon'ble Mr. J. 

President, Madras Corporation. 
Agent, South Indian Railway. 

Madras Legislative Council. 

Madras Legislative Council. 
Madras Legislative Council. 

Judge, High Court, Madras. 
Madras Legislative Council. 

Secretary to Government, P. W. D. 
Madras Legislative Council. 

Chairman, Madras Harbour Trust 
Board. Madras Legis. Council. 

Madras Legislative Council. 

Chief Secretary to Government. 
Madras Legislative Council. 

Board of Revenue, Madras. 
Madras Legislative Council. 

Twigg, Mrs. 

Wallis, The Hon'ble Mr. Justice Judge, High Court, Madras. 

J. E. P. 
Wallis,' Mrs. 

White, The Hon. Sir C. Arnold, Kt. 
White, Lady 

Whitehead, Rt. Rev. Henry, D.D. 
Whitehead, Mrs. 

Chief Justice, High Court, Madras. 
Lord Bishop of Madras. 

Madras Provincial Camp. 

CAMP 437. MAP F-9. 

Officer in charge of Camp. 
Assistant Camp Officer. 

Slater, Mr. S. H., I.C.S. . 

M. R. Ry. K. R. Venkatramana 

M. R. Ry. K. Madhava Menon 

Medical Officer. 

Abdul Majid Sahib,Khan Bahadur. Brother of the Prince of Arcot. 
Anagundi, Raja of. 




Arcot, Prince of, Sir (Vhulam Imperial Legislative Council. 

Muhammad Ali, K.CM.E.. 

Azum Husain Sahib, Khan Sahib Prince of Arcot's suite. 
Balakrishna Aiyar, The Hon'ble Madras Legislative Council. 

Rao Bahadur T. S. 
Bobbili, Maharaja of, Sir V. S. 

Baiiga Rao, K.C.I.K. 

Doddappanayakkanur, Zamindar of Madras Legislative Council. 
Govindaraghava Aiyar, The Madras Legislative Council. 

Hon'ble Diwan Bahadur L. A. 
Cihulam Muhi-ud-din Sahib, Khan Brother of the Prince of Arcot. 


Jeypore, Maharaja of. 
Kameswara llao Nayudu, Tlie Madras Legislative Council. 

Hon'ble Mr. V. 

Kesava Pillai, The Hon'ble Mr. P. Madras Legislative Council. 
Krishnaswami Aiyangar, The Madras Legislative Council. 

Hon'ble Kao Bahadur N. 
Krishnaswaini Aiyar, The Hon'ble Member of Council, Madras. 

Mr. V. 
Madhava llao, M. 11. Ry., V. P., Retired Diwan of Mysore. 

Moulvi Saiyad Murtaza Sahib, Madras Legislative Council. 

The Hon'ble 
Muhammad Abdul Kuddus Badsha Madras Legislative Council. 

Sahib, The Hon'ble Mr. 
Muhammad Anwar Sahib, Khan Brother of the Prince of Arcot. 

Muhammad Habibullah Sahib, Madras Legislative Council. 

The Hon'ble Khan Bahadur. 
Muhammad Saleh-ud-din Sahib, Prince of Arcot's suite. 

Raghava Rao Pantulu, The Madras Legislative Council. 

Hon'ble Mr. G. 
Ramachandra Rao Pantulu, The Madras Legislative Council. 

Hon'ble Mr. M. 
Ramaswami Chettiyar, The Madras Legislative Council. 

Hon'ble Mr. S. R. M. 

Saldanha, The Hon. Mr. P. F. X. Madras Legislative Council. 
Sambanda Maduliar, The Hon'ble Madras Legislative Council. 

Mr. M 
Seshagiri Aiyar, The Hon'ble Mr. Madras Legislative Council. 

T. V. 
Sivaswami Aiyar, The Hon'ble Mr. Madras Legislative Council. 

P. S., C.I.E. 



Subba Rao, The Hcm'ble Mr. Nya- Imperial Legislative Council. 

Subba Rao, The Hon'ble Hao Madras Legislative Council. 

Bahadur Nairn palli. 
Tyagaraya Chetti, The Hon'ble Madras Legislative Council. 

Rao Bahadur P. 
Vasudeva Raja, The Hon. Raja V. Madras Legislative Council. 

Valiya Nambidi of Kollengode. 
Venkatagiri, Maharaja of, Sir V. 

S. R. Krishna Yachendra, 


Provincial Camp guests residing in houses in Delhi. 
Appala Kondayamba, Maharani . Maharaja Kumarika of Viziana- 


Ettiyapuram, /auiindar of. 
Gajapati Rao, Maharani Lady. 
Pithapuram, Raja of. 
Ramnad, Raja of. 
Sliannmkham Pillai, The Hon'ble 

Mr. S. T. . . . . Madras Legislative Council. 


CAMP 398. MAP H-7. 
Raja Chhatra Sal Shah Hathiya Rai. 

Munshi Suklideo Sahi Divvan. 


CAMP 320. MAP J-6. 

His Highness Nawab Ahmed Ali Nawab of Malerkotla. 
Khan Bahadur. 

Sahibzada Mohammad Iftikhar Heir-apparent. 

Ali Khan Bahadur. 
Sahibzada Mohammad Jafar AM Younger brother of His Highness. 


Sahibzada Ihsan Ali Khan. 
Sahibzada Abdul Rahman Khan. 
Sahibzada Faiz Mohammad Khan 
Captain Mumtaz Ali Khan . A.-D.-C. 

Captain Zain-ul-Abdin . A.-D.-C. 

Major Paiz Ali Khan . A.-D.-C. 

Haji Said Ahmad . . A.-D.-C. 


Abdullah, Syed, B.A. 

Abdul Aziz, Dr. 

Amba Parshad, B. 

Ali Mohammad Khan Lt.-Col. 

Allsop, MissR. J. 

Allsop, Miss O. 

Barkat Khan, Captain 

Basant Rai, L. 

Bashir Hassan, Sheikh 

Bhagwan Das, Rai Sahib 

Harnam Singh, Jamadar. 

Karta Ram, L. 

Kislicn Chand, L. 

Mansab Ali Khan, M. 

Mehv Mohammad, Khan Bahadur 

General Sardar. 
Mit Singh, Major 
Muhammad Buksh Khan Bahadur, 


Mohammad Din, Chaudhri, E. A. C. 
Munshi Ram, L. 
Rukuii-ud-din, Resaldar 
Zafar Ali, S. M. 


Foreign Minister. 
Staff Doctor. 

Supdt., Public Works Dept. 
Superintendent, Police. 
Governess to the Heir-apparent. 
Governess to Sahibzadi Sahiba. 
Commanding Artillery. 
Superintendent, Foreign Office. 
Deputy Foreign Minister. 
Medical Officer. 

Treasury Officer. 

Chief Judge. 

Camp Superintendent. 

Officer Commanding State Forces. 

Commanding Body Guard. 
Judge, Chief Court. 

Settlement Officer. 
Motamid with Pol. Agent. 
Body Guard. 
Sadar Adalti. 

His Highness Raja 

Bahadur Chandcra-Bansi. 

Amar Singh, Sardar 
Devi Singh, B. . 
Dilpat Shah, Kunwar. 
Gagan Singh, Raja 
Ganda Mai Sahib, Mehta 
Gur Dial, Munshi 
Megh Sahib, Rai . 
Raghunath Singh, Mian 
Sri Gopal, L. 
Thakar Das, Doctor . 


CAMP 307. MAP J-7. 
Bhawain Sen, Raja of Mandi. 

Wazir of Mandi. 
Head Clerk. 

Jagirdar of Nurpur (Kangra). 

Assistant Settlement Officer. 

Mir Munshi. 

Jagirdar of Kulu, Kangra. 

Jamadar of State Forces. 


Medical Officer. 


CAMP 373. MAP J-6. 
His Highness Raja Chura Chand Singh. 
Srijukta Bhaskar Singh. 


Kajkuinar, Srijukta Dumbra, Singh. 

Higgins, Mr. J. C., I.C.S. . . Vice-President, State Durbar. 
Iboonga Chauba Singh,. Pettigrew, Rev. W. 

Keirumba Thobal, Singh. Selungba Pituinber, Singh. 

Tom Chauba, Singh. 

Military Tournament Staff Camp. 

CAMP 247. MAP E.-6. 

Major P. O. Hanibro, 15th Hussars. Instructor, Cavalry School, Saugor. 
Capt. & Qr. Mas. S. Callaghan, 

17th Lancers. 
Capt. B. G. li. Gordon, Gordon Supdt. of Gymnasia, Ambala. 

Capt. R. P. Miles, Shropshire Supdt. of Gymnasia, Secundera- 

L. Infantry. bad. 

Capt. S. S. Hayne, Northauip- Supdt. of Gymnasia, Poona. 

tonshire Regiment. 
Capt. & Riding Master S. J. In charge of Camp. 

Bastyan, Royal Horse Artillery. 
Lieut. & Riding Master J. H. 

Butler, 17th Lancers. 


CAMP 447. MAP D-9. 

Meherban Malojirav Vyankatrav Raje Ghorpade alias Xanasaheb 
Chief of Mudhol. 

Meherban Gobindrao Abasaheb (son of the Chief). 

Meherban Parwattirao Nanasaheb Baburao Annasaheb Shinde. 

of Machaknur. Mr. M. S. Vinekar. 

Dr. S. C. Pascal. Mr. N. D. Upani. 


CAMP 403. MAP H-6. 

Maharaj Sri Ram Chandra BhanjDeo. Feudatory Chief of Mourbhanj. 
Lai Sahib Srish Chandra Bhaiij Deo. 
Raja Shyam Chandra Murdiaj Feudatary Chief of Nilgiri. 

Hari Chandan. 

Hari Das Bose, Babu . . . State Judge. 
Mohini Mohun Dhar, Babu . . Dewan. 
Phoni Madhab Mukharji, Babu. 




CAMP 350. MAP J-8. 

Col. His Highness Maharaja Sri Sir Krishnaraja Wadiyar 

Bahadur, G.C-B.I. 

Sri Kanthirava Karasimharaj Wadiyar Bahadur, Yuvaraja of Mysore. 
Mr. R. H. Campbell, I.C.S. . Private Secretary. 

Mr V V. Karvc . . . Officer in charge of Camp and Camp 

Staff Officer. 

Achyuta Rao, Dr. P. S. 
Ananda Rao, Mr. T., C.I.E. 
Balasundram Iyer, Mr. C. S. 
Bullen, Mr. R. H. P. . 
Bullcn, Mrs. 
Campbell, Mrs. 
Campbell, Miss. 
Chakravarti, Mr. J. S. 
Chamappajee Urs, Mr. A. 
Devarai Urs, Mr. D. . 
Desaraj Urs, Col. J., M.V.O. 
Dorasami Iyer, Mr. K. S. . 
Dharmsay, Mr. R. M. 
Dharmsay, Mr. T. M. 
Dharmsay, Mr. M. M. 
Gopalkrishna Urs, Mr. M. 
Gopalraj Urs, Mr. M. 
Gopal Rao, Mr. S. 
Govinda Rao, Mr. T. . 
Hardaker, Mr. R. C. 
Henderson, Major. 
Henderson, Mrs. 
Ismay, Mr. S., C.S.I., I.C.S. 
Ismay, Mrs. 
Iyer, Mr. R. N. 
Jones, Lt.-Col. R. G. 
Krumbiegal, Mr. G. H. 
Krumbiegal, Mrs. 
Krishnasami Iyer, Dr. E. S. 
Kumarsami Naik, Mr. B. J. 
Lakshmikantaraj Urs, Mr. M. 
Lingaraj Urs, Mr. H. 
Lingaraj Urs, Mr. H. C. 

Senior Surgeon. 

Dew an. 

Secretary to Government. 

Kolar Gold Fields, Mysore Planter. 

Comptroller to Government. 

Inspector General of^Police. 
Colonel on the Staff. 
Deputy Commissioner. 

Dewan's Private Secretary. 

Chief Judge. 
Military Secretary. 

Medical Officer. 
Deputy Commissioner. 

Durbar Bukshy. 



Lamiotir, Mr. P. 

Madhava Rao, Mr. P., C.I.E. 

Mathan, Mr. K. 

Mirza M. Ismail, Mr. 

Muthanna, Mr. M., Rao Bahadur . 

Muddaraj Urs, Mr. H. 

Nan-jund'iah, Mr. H. V. 

Nanjundaraj Urs, Mr II. 

Narsinga Rao, Mr. B. 

Narrotam, Mr. M. C. . . . 

Pilkington, Mr. H. 

Puttayaji Urs, Mr. B. 

Puttaima Chotty, Mr. K. P. 

Raghavcudra Jlao, Mr. B. D. 

Raghavcndra Rao, Mr. P. . 

Rauga Char, Mr. N. . 

Ranga Rao, Mr. M. 

Scofc-Skirving, Mr. O. 

Shama Rao, Mr. 1). . 

Singra Char, Mr. M. 

Sivagcri, Zamindar of. 

Sparkcs, Mr. H. II. . 

Sparkes, Mrs. 

Syed Amir Hassan, Mr. 

Subramhanyaraj Urs, Mr. A. V. 

Subramhanyaraj Urs, Mr. M. P. 

Venkataramaiya, Mr. 1). 

Venkatasaniier, Mr. K. 

Visvesvaraya, Mr. M. 

Under Secretary to Go\ eminent. 
Assist. Secretary to His Highness. 
Conservator of Korests. 

Second Councillor. 

Mysore Planter. 

First Councillor. 

Medical Officer with Dewan. 

Huzur Secretary. 

Mod. Officer with Her Highness. 

Survey Superintendent. 
Excise Commissioner. 

Chief Engineer. 

Mysore. Resident's Camp. 

CAMP 10. 

The Hon'ble Lt.-Col. Hugh Daly, 

C.S.I., C.I.E., LA. 
Mrs. Daly. 
Miss Daly. 
Lieut. K. A. G. Evans- Gordon, 

39th Horse. 
Major R. F. Standage, I.M.S. 

Annasawmi Mudaliar, Rao Baha- 
dur, B.P. 

Apparanda Mandana, Rai Bahadur 
Appaya, Mr. K. 

MAP H-8. 

Resident in Mysore and Chief 
Commissioner, Coorg. 

Personal Assistant and Officer in 

charge and Camp Staff Officer. 
Medical Officer. 

Assistant Commissioner in Coorg. 


Atkinson, Miss. 
Brett, Mrs. George. 
Fraser, Capt. P. W. N., D.S.O., , 
Haji Ismail Sait, Khan Bahadur. 
Mackenzie, Lieut. C. A. C. 
Pearse, Lt.-Col. G. R., V.D. 
Pearse, Mrs. 
Thompson, Major KG. 

Thmopson, Mrs. 
Warburtoii, Mr. P. B., I.C.S. 

2nd Q. O. Cameron Highlanders. 

20th Deccan Horse.. 

Comd. -tf the Coorg and Mysore R. 

17th (Duke of Cambridge's Own) 

1st Asst. to the Resident and Sec. 
to the Chief Comr. of Coorg. 


CAMP 304. 

Col. His Highness Sir Hira Singh 
Mahindar Bahadur, G.C.S.L, 

The Hoii'ble the Tika Sahih. 

Bishen Singh, Sardar 
Hardas Singh, Sr. Br. Bakhshi. 
Hazura Singh, Sr. 
Kahan Singh, Sr. 
Macauliffe, Mr. 
Malroney, Lt.-Col. . 
Nathu Lai, L. . 
Nihal Singh, Sr. 
TeperChand, L. 
Wali Muhammad Khan, Khan 
Bahadur, Sr. 

MAP J-8. 

Raja of NaBha. 


Ahlkari Ijlas. 
Retired, I.C.S. 
Retired, I.M.S. 

Vakil Agency. 
Offg. Hakam Adalat. 

Nahan (Sirmur). 

CAMP 306. MAP J-7. 
His Highness Raja Sir Surendar Raja of Sirmur. 

Bikram Parkash, Bahadur, 

Lt.-Col. Raj Kumar Bir Bikram 

Singh, C.I.B. 

Lt.-Col. Raja Jai Chund . . Lambagraon. 
Rana Noorloke Jung . . A.-D.-C. 



Gravell, Mr. Arthur . 
MacCormack, Dr. H. 
Narain Singh, Sardar 

Pars Ram, P. 
Partap Singh, Chaudhri 
Ranbijay Singh, K. 
Ran/ore Singh, K. 
Randip Singh, K. 

. Supdg. Engineer, Foundry. 

. Supdt., Medical & Sanitary Dept. 

Bahadur Chief Secretary. 

. Superintendent, Police. 


CAMP 411. MAP H-6. 
His Highness Raja Arjun Singh. 
Pandit Kunj Beharilal . . Assistant Camp Staff Officer. 

Bansi Lai, Pandit. 
Batashi Lai, Pandit. 
Bhagirath, Lala. 
Bhagwant Kishore, Lala. 
Biney Singh, Thakur. 
Oaneshi Lai, Lala. 
Gordhan Singh, Maharaj. 
Hi in ay at Ullah, Muhammad. 
Hiralal, Lala. 
Ikhal Kishan, Pandit. 
Jagannath Prasad, Pandit. 
Karan Singh, Thakur. 
Lalji Ram, Pandit. 
Madho Singh, Rawat. 

jMadan Mohanlal, Pandit. 
Moti Singh, Maharaj. 
Manmathnath Mukerji, Bahu. 
Nath Mai, Lala. 
Onkar Singh, Kunwar. 
Onkar Singh Jemadar. 
Pancham Singh, Thakur. 
Piarey Kishan, Pandit. 
Raghuhar Dayal, Lala. 
Ran jit Singh, Thakur. 
Sardar Singh, Thakur. 
Shambhu Singh, Kunwar. 
Sudhanlal, Chaubey. 

Naval Contingent Camp. 

CAMP 202. 
Lieut. E. J. Headlam, R.I.M. 

MAP J-8. 
. Officer in Charge. 

Royal Navy. 

Flag Capt. A. E. M. Chatfield, Medina." 

Capt. W. E. Goodenough, " Cochrane." 

Capt. M. Culme-Seymour, "Argyll." 

Flag Lieut. H. S. Bowlby, "Medina." 

Lieut, the Hon'ble R. O. B. Bridgeman, Medina." 

Lieut. A. G. Crawf urd, " Cochrane." 


Lieut. H. B. Taylor, Argyll." 

Lieut. W. H. Leeke, "Natal." 

Sub-Lieut. K W. M. King, Argyll." 

Sub-Lieut. G. R. N. Boynton, "Cochrane." 

Engineer Commander G. W. Murray, " Defence." 

Engineer Lieut. F. G. Haddy, M.V.O. 

Fleet Surgeon M. H. Knapp, "Natal." 

Surgeon J. 8. Ward, " Defence." 

Secretary, Assistant Paymaster K. Butcher, M.V.O. 

Royal Marine Artillery. 
Major P. Phillips. Lieut. R. W. Hutton. Lieut. J. M. Tuko. 


CAMP 382. MAP 1-7. 
His Highness Jam Shri Ranjitsinhji Vibhaji Jam Saheb of Nawanagar. 

Kumar Shri Devisinhji. 
Kumar Shri Juvansinhji. 
Kumar fcliri Bliojrajji. 

Kumar Shri Joravarsinhji. 
Kumar Shri Rupsinhji. 
Kumar Shri Raisinhji. 

Kumar Shri Chandrasinhji. 
Azam Ramsing Vala. 

Merwanji Pestonji, B.A., LL.B., Dewan. 

Shankerrao Kashinath Bave, Officer Commanding State Infantry. 

Dr. N. K. Kallianwala, Private Secretary. 

Jayashankar Waghji. 

Fulchand Daya, State Engineer. 
Lord Londesborough. 
Lady Londesborough. 

Lady Irene Denison. 
Mrs. Fellow. 

Sir Arthur Priestley, M.P. 
Mr. William Hunter. 
Mr. Hunt. 
Sir Holme Gordon. 
Lady Gordon. 

Nepal Envoy. 

CAMP 18. MAPG-9. 

Bahadur Jung, Rana Bahadur . Comdg. Col., Representative of 

Govt. of Nepal, Nepal Envoy. 

All Khan, Saj jad . . . Nawab of Baghdad. 

Dorq, Mr. Abdul Rabb . . 2nd Dragoman, Baghdad. 

Maula Bakhsh, Khan Bahadur . Foreign Office Attache. 

Muhammad Taki Khan . . Nawab of Baghdad. 


North- West Frontier Province. 

Chief Commissioner's Camp. 

CAMP 11. MAP H-8. 

The Hon'ble Lieutenant-Colonel Chief Commissioner. 

Sir George Roos-Keppel, 

K.C.I.E., I.A. 

Capt. W. A. Mad). Garstin, I.A. . Personal Assistant to Chief 


Mr. E. B. Howell, I.C.S. . . Camp Staff Officer. 

Donlca, Mr. M. . . . Inspector of Police. 

Abdul Qaiyum, Khan Bahadur Aast. Poll. Officer, Khyber. 
Sahib/ada, C.I.K 

Barton, Mr. W. P., I.C.S. 

Barton, Miss W. M. 

Blakeway, Major B. D., C.I.K. 

Campbell, Captain W. L., I.A. . Asst. Sec. to Chief Commissioner. 

Close, Mr. II. Arden, I.P. . . I. G. of Police. 

Close, Mrs. 

Dick, Colonel A. R., I.A. . Inspecting Officer, Frontier Corps. 

Dick, Mrs. 

Donald, Mr. 1)., C.I.E., I.P. . Supdt. of Police, Hazara. 

Donald, Mr. J. S., C.I.E. . . Resident in Waziristan. 

Donald, Mrs. 

Dundee, Colonel W. J. D., C.I.E., Secy., P. W. Dept. 

Dundee, Mrs. 

Grant, Mr. A. H., C.I.E., I.C.S. . Deputy Cornmr., Peshawar. 

Gregson, Mr. F. R. 

Hennessy, Mr. J. G., I.P. . . Asst. Supdt. of Police, Peshawar. 

Howard, Lady Katharine. 

Irvine, Lieut.-Col. T. W., I.M.S. . Civil Surgeon, Peshawar. 

Irvine, Mrs. 

Johnston, Mr. F. W., I.C.S. . Secretary to the Chief Cornmr. 

Johnston, Mrs. 

Lincoln, Mr. G. A. . . . Registrar, Chief Commr.'s Office. 

Minchin, Lieut.-Col. C. 1\, D.S.O. 

Minchin, Mrs. 

Muhammad Aslam Khan, Lieut.- 
Col. Nawab Sir, K.C.I.E. 



1 Muhammad Khan . . Assistant Surgeon. 

Rawlinson, Lt.-Col. C.B., C.I.E. Rev. Commr., N.-W. F. Province. 

Rawlinson, Mrs. 

Shekleton, Mrs. 

Spender, Mr. A. 

Spender, Mrs. 

Sundar Singh, Bhai . . . Assistant Financial Secretary to 

the Chief Commissioner. 

Tucker, Mr. A. L. P., C.I.E., I.C.S. Judicial Commr., N.-W. F. Pro- 

Tucker, Mrs. 

North-West Frontier Province Provincial 

CAMP 438. 

Mr. J. A. O. Fitzpatrick, I.C.S. 
Khan Sahib Sheikh Muhammad 

Akbar Khan. 
Subadar-Major Muhammad Ghali 

Khan, I.O.M., Khyber Rifles. 
Arbab Mir Ahmad Khan, Native 

Assistant, Dir. 

Muhammad Azim 
Talia Muhammad Khan 
Malik Mozaffar Khan 

MAP E-9. 

Political Officer in charge. 

Camp Commandant. 

In charge of Mehtar of Chitra 
and Nawabs of Dir and Nawa- 

Assistant Surgeon. 

Deputy Superintendent of Police. 

Inspector of Police. 

Shuja-ul-Mulk, C.I.E., Mehtar 

of Chitral. 
Nawab Aurangzeb Khan, Khan 

of Dir. 
Nawab Safdar Khan, Khan of 

Khan Zaman Khan, Nawab of 

Amb and Upper Tanawal. 
.Nawab Ahmed Nawaz Khan, 

Saddozai, of Dera Ismail Khan. 
Nawab Sir Hafiz Muhammad 

Abdulla Khan, Alizai, K.C.I.E. 
*Lt.-Col. Nawab Hafiz Muham- 
mad Nawaz Khan, Alizai. 

Nawab Ghulam Qasun Khan, 

Katti Khel, Nawab of Tank. 
Nawab Muhammad Af zal Khan, 

Khan Bahadur, Gandapur, 

of Dera Ismail Khan. 
Niwab Arbab Muhammad 

Hussain Khan, Khan Bahadur, 

Khan Saheb Khushdil Khan, 

Bangash, of Kohat. 
Raja Sher Ahmad Khan of 

Barreh, Hazara, 
Muhammad Hussain Khan of 

Garhi Habibullah, Hazara. 



Sultan Barkat Khan of Boi, 

Abdulla Khan, Khattak of Nilab, 

Khan Bahadnr Ata Muhammad 
Khan of Phnlera, Hazara. 

Khan Bahadur Arbab Muham- 
mad A/am Khan of Peshawar. 

Khan Sahib Muhammad Aman 
Khan of Kalabat, lla/ara. 

Khan Bahadur Arbab Dost 
Muhammad Khan of Tahkal 
Bala, Peshawar. 

Khan Bahadur Muhabat Khan 
of Torn, Peshawar. 

Khan Bahadur Khwaja Muham- 
mad Khan of lloti, Peshawar. 

Khan Bahadur Malik Jan 
Khan of Shahpur, Kohat. 

Khan Bahadur Muhammad Sadiq 
Khan, Bangash, of Kohat. 

Khan Bahadur Muhammad Umar 
Khan of Shewa, Peshawar. 

Khan Bahadur Mir Abbas Khan, 
Banuchi, of Bannu. 

Wazir Mani Khan. 

Allahdad Khan, Isa Khel Mar- 
wat, of Bannu. 

Khan Muhammad Sadiq Khan, 

Rai Bahadur Lala Karam Chand, 
Member of the Municipal Com- 
mittee, Peshawar. 

Rai Sahib Lakhmi Chand 
Ajmiri, of Dera Ismail Khan. 

Eai Sahib Rocha Ram, of Hazara. 

Khan Bahadur Mian Rabim 
Shah, Kaka|Khel,of Peshawar. 

Rai Sahib Diwan Jaggan Nath, 
Secretary, Municipal Com- 
mittee, D. I. Khan. 

Khan Sahib Seth Karhn Bakhsh, 

Haji, of Peshawar. 
Khan Bahadnr Yar Muhammad 
Khan, Malikdin Khel Afridi. 

Khan Sahib Zaman Khan, Kuki . 

Khel Afridi. 
Sarwar Khan, Turi, of Alamsher, 


Hanif Jan, Turi Saiyad, Kurram. 
Rai Bahadur Resaldar Kashi 
Nand, Extra Assistant Cominr. 
Khan Bahadur Muhammad 
Abdul Karim Khan, Extra 
Assistant Commissioner. 
Lala Prabh Dial, Public Prosecu- 
tor, Peshawar Sessions Dn. 
Mehtarjao Ghulam Dastgir of 

Mehtarjao Dilaram Khan of 


Naib Karib Ullah Khan of Dir. 
Hayat Ullah Khan of Dir. 
Wilayat Khan of Pashab of 


Ahmad Jan of Kotki of Nawagai. 
Nawabzada Abdul Latif Khan of 

Wazir Rahmat Ullah Khan of 

Subadar-Major Muhammad Ghali 


Subadar-Major Jawas Khan. 
Subadar-Major Mir Hassan. 
Subadar-Major Kawan Khan. 
Subadar Ghani Shah. 
Subadar Muhammad Hussain. 
Subadar Akbar Jan. 
Subadar Tor Khan. 
Subadar Mohibulla. 
Jamadar Mir Ahmad Khaih 
Jamadar Aziz Khan. 
Jamadar Nur Shah. 
Havildar Mian Khan. 
Havildar Yarbuz. 
Sowar Muhammad Shah. 
Sub-Inspector Mehr Dass. 
Sergeant Ahmad Khan. 
Sergeant Pyara Ram. 



North- Western Railway Camp. 

CAMP 429. MAP 1-8. 
Mr. B. B. Beatson . . . Camp Officer. Camp Staff Officer. 

Addis, Mr. R. B. . . . Executive Engineer. 

Anderson, Capt. C. F., 11 .E. . Asst. Secretary, Railway Board. 

Bagley, Mr. F. B. . . . Chief Engineer, S. P. Railway Co. 

Bag-ley, Mrs. 

Barlow, Miss. 

Barnardiston, Major E., R.E. 

Bean, Mr. B. C. L. . 

Bean, Mr. L. C. D. . 

Bean, Miss. 

Beatson, Mrs. 

Bell, Mr. E. A. S. 

Bell, Mrs. 

Berkley, Mrs. Or. 

Bicrnacki, Mr. R. K. 

Biscoe, Mr. W. T. 

Boalth, Mr. V. H. . 

Burton, Mr. E. . 

Burton, Mrs. 

Cameron, Major H. A., R.E. 

Cameron, Mrs. 

Carnell, Mr. N. M. . 

Chalk, Mr. W. O. 

Chalk, Mrs. 

Charlton, Mr. H. J. . 

Coates, Mr. J. . 

Coates, Mrs. 

Court, Miss. 

Deuchars, Mr. G. 

Deuchars, Mrs. 

Dyson, Mr. B. C. 

Dyson, Mrs. 

Eustace, Capt. F. R. H., B.E. 

Evans, Miss Myddleton. 

Everall, Mr. W. T. . 

Freeland, Major H. F. E., B.E. 

Freeland, Mrs. 

French, Miss. 

Furnivall, Mr. F. 

Furnivall, Mrs. 

Executive Engineer. 
Asst. Traffic Supdt. 
Traffic Superintendent. 

Deputy Manager. 

Loco. Superintendent. 

Asst. Traffic Supdt. 

Offg. Depy. Traffic Superintendent, 

District Loco. Superintendent. 

Deputy Traffic Superintendent. 

Deputy Traffic Superintendent. 
Asst. Loco. Superintendent. 

Asst. Carriage and Wagon Supdt. 
Supdt., Kalka-Simla Railway . 

Senior Govt. Inspr., Circle No. 4. 
Chief Engineer. 
Executive Engineer. 

Asst. Bridge Engineer. 

Traffic Manager, Durbar Railways. 

Offg. Deputy Manager. 



(Moulding, Mr. H. 

Gorton, Miss. 

Green, Mr. J. D. 

Green, Mrs. 

Greene, Mr. A. 

Hawkes, Mr. P. II. . 

Henderson, Mr. .1. J. . 

Henderson, Mrs. 

Henderson, Miss. 

Hunter, Mr. J. C. 

Inglis, Mr. J. J. 

Inglis, Mrs. 

Johns, Mr. W. A., C.I.E. . 

Johnston, Mr. A. Jb\ . 

Johnston, Mrs. 

Kellner, Mr. P. T. It. 

Manson, Mr. S. D. 

Monsell, Mr. J. 

Mort, Mr. A. . 

Mount, Lieut. A. 11. L., R,E. 

Mount, Mrs. 

Nicolls, Mr. R. N. . 

Owen, Mr. C. 13. 

Owen, Mrs. 

Pakenliam- Walsh, Mr. A. R. 

Pakenham-Walsh, Mrs. 

Porter, Capt. M. T., R.E. . 

Porter, Miss. 

Pruce, Mr. F. J . 

Raynor, Mr. V. O. . 

Ross, Mr. C. E. 

Ross, Mrs. 

Scott, Mr. E. A. 

Sisson, Mr. W. A. C. 

Sisson, Mrs. 

Smellie, Mr. J. H. . 

Smellie, Mrs. 

Stapleton, Mr. B. 

Stowell, Mr. A. T. 

Strong, Mr. E. S. 

Strong, Misa. 

Sutherland, Mr. J. 

Sutherland, Mrs. 

Trench, Mr. J. S. 

Trevor, Mr. D. B. 

Asst. Traffic Supdt. 

Offg. District Traffic Supdt. 

Assistant Engineer. 

Assistant Traffic Superintendent. 

Special Engineer. 

Dist. Carriage and Wagon Supdt. 
Offg. Carriage and Wagon Supdt. 

Chief Engineer. 
Executive Engineer. 

Examiner of Accounts. 
Offg. District Traffic Supdt. 

Mining Manager. 
Assistant Engineer. 

Assistant Traffic Superintendent. 
Offg. Executive Engineer. 

Offg. Supdg. Engineer. 
Assistant Engineer. 

Examiner of Accounts. 
Assistant Traffic Superintendent. 
Chief Examiner of Accounts. 

Signal Engineer. 
Executive Engineer. 

Offg. Dy. Loco Supdt. 

Executive Engineer. 

District Traffic Superintendent. 

District Loco. Superintendent. 

Engr.-in-Chief for Construction. 

District Traffic Superintendent. 
District Traffic Superintendent. 


Upson, Mr. A. . . Offg. Depy. Traffic Supdt. 

Upson, Mrs. 

Van Neck, Mr.'S. H. V. . . Assistant Traffic Superintendent. 

Volkers, Mr. R. C. F. . Secretary, Railway Board. 

Walton, Bt-Col. E. W., R.E. . Dy. Engr.-in-Chief, Southern Sec. 

Walton, Mrs. 

Watson, Capt. C. S. M. C., R.E. . District Traffic Superintendent. 

Watson, Mrs. 

West, Mr. S. E. . . . Asst. Traffic Supdt. 

Wilson, Mr. D. H. . . . Assistant Engineer. 

Wilson, Mrs. 

Young, Mr. D. R. . . . Asst. Traffic Supdt. 

Young, Mr. P. C. . . Assistant Secy., Railway Board. 

Young, Mrs. 

Young, Mr. W. H. H. . . Assistant Traffic Superintendent. 

Northern Army. 

Camp of G. O. C. Commanding. 

CAMP 37. MAP 1-10. 
Lt.-Gcn. Sir James Willcocks, Commanding Northern Army. 

K.C.M.G., C.B., D.S.O. 
Lady Willcocks. 

Lieut. A. P. Y. Langhorne, D.S.O. A.-D.-C. Officer in charge of Camp. 
Muhammad Khan, Khawaja, A.-D.-C. 

^.C,, Capt. G. G. E. Wylly, Q. Extra A.-D.-C. 

O. Corps of Guides. 
Lieut. A. M. Daniels, 3rd Skinner's Extra A.-D.-C. 

Lieut. A. M. Smith-Gumming, Sea- Extra A.-D.-C. 

forth Highlanders. 
Risaldar Khawaja Muhammad A.-D.-C. 


Bannatine-Allason, Maj.-Gen. R., Commanding Nowshera Brigade. 


Bingley, Col. A. H., C.I.E. . . Army Headquarters Staff. 
Bingley, Mrs. 
Birdwood, Mrs. 

Bunbury, Brig.-Gen. W. E., C.B. . Brig.-Gen., General Staff, North- 
ern Army. 



Q. O. Corps of Guides. 

Bunbury, Mrs. 

Davies, Lt.-Col. F. G. H. . 

Davies, Mrs. 

Dawkins, Brig.-Gen. H. S. 

Dawkins, Mrs. 

Drummond, Miss D. C. 

Fanshawe, Brig.-Gen. H. D., C.B. Commanding Presidency Brigade. 

Harrison, Mr. A. W. 

Hensman, Mr. Howard. 

Hull, Mr. L. S. B. 

Hull, Miss W. G. A. 

Lowry-Cole, Col. A. W., C.I?., D.S.O. 

Lo wry-Cole, Mrs. 

Melliss, Mrs. 

Nixon, Lt.-Gen. Sir J. E., K.C.B. 

Nixon, Lady. 

Pears, Mr. S. E. 

Powell, Major John . 

Commanding 1st Peshawar Divn. 

Sparling, Miss. 

Tomkins, Major H. L., D.S.O. 
Wood, Major E. J. M. 
Wood, Mrs. 

Representative of Vol. Forces in 
Northern Army. 

Assistant Military Secretary. 
General Staff, Northern Army. 

Orchha State. 

CAMP 345. MAP 1-7. 

His Highness Saian ad-i-Rajaha-i-Bundelkhand Mahaiaja Mahindia 
Sawai Sir Partap Sing Bahadur, G.C.S.I., G.C.I.E. 

Lala Kunwar Lai 

Ajit Singh, Kunwar. 

Ajodhya Prasad, Pandit. 

Alfred, Mr. J. C. 

Amir Ali. 

Anand Lai. 

Anant Ram. 

Arjun Singh, Kunwar. 

Babar Khan. 

Badal Judeo, Dewan. 

Badal Judeo, Seuai Dewan. 

Badri Narain, Pandit Shastri. 

Assistant Camp Staff Officer. 

Bahadur Sukh Saheb, Kunwar 


Balubhai, Doctor. 
Bhagwan Das, Lala. 
Bhagwaiit Singh, Raja Bahadur. 
Bhupat Singh, Kunwar. 
Bijai Singh, Kunwar. 
Bijai Bahadur, Dewan. 
. Bir Singh, Bhawan. 
Braj Ballabh, Lala. 
Daryao Singh, Thakur. 



Dana Dillipat, llao. 

Dana Prahalad. 

Pidar Hussairi, Khan Bahadur 


Durga Prasad, P. Darogha. 
Gajraj Singh. 
Gambhir Singh, Kunwar. 
Gambhir Singh Judeo, Scwai Rao 


Ganesh Judeo, Rao. 
Ganga Sahai, Vaid, 
Ghanshiam Singh, Bhawan. 
Gya Bidua, Pandit. 
Harbal Singh, Kunwar. 
Harcharaii Singh, Kunwar, of 

Ibrahim, Maulvi. 
Ishwari Singh, Kanwajia. 
Jagannath Prasad, Lala. 
Jagmohan Singh, Lala. 
Janki Prasad, Lala. 
Ju Jaria, Kuuwar. 
Kamta Prasad, Pandit. 
Karari Singli, Bhawan. 
Kehar Singh, Lala. 
Khalak Sing Judeo, Scwai 

Dewan Bahadur. 
Kunwar Lai, Lala. 
Kishorc Sing Judeo, Dewan 


Kunwar Lai, Lala. 
Lai Muhammad, Shaikh. 
Madho Singh Judeo, Gurdial 

Sewai Dewan Bahadur. 

Madho Prasad, Lala. 

Mardan Singh Judeo, Dcwau. 

Mardan Singh Judeo, Kunwar. 

Mathura Prasad, Babu. 

Mazbut Singh Judeo, Dewan. 

Mazbut Singh, Kunwar. 

Mohan Payak. 

Muhammad Abbas. 

Murlidhar, Lala. 

Muhammad Syed. 

Pahar Singh, Lala. 

Panah Muhammad, Shaikh. 

Puncham Singh. 

Raghunath, Pandit Dauju. 

Raghunath Singh, Kunwar of 

Raja Ram, Lala. 

Ram Charon, Doctor. 

Ram Prasad, Lala. 

Sarju, Pandit, Upadhya. 

Samp Singh, Lala. 

Safcruban Jadeo, Kunwar. 

Shera Jan, Shaikh. 

Slier khan. 

Seraj-ul-Haq, Hakim. 

Sri Prasad, Lala. 

Sundar Lai. 

Syed Hussain, Mir. 

Ummcd Ali. 

Vikramajit, Kunwar. 

Wali Muhammad Khan. 

Zaman Khan, Khan Sahib, Khan 
Bahadur Muhammad, Nasrat 
Jang, Madarul Mohan. 

Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway Camp. 

CAMP 430. MAP 1-8. 

Col. C. H. Cowie, R.E. . . Manager, Oudh & Rohilkhaud Ry. 

Mr. D. E. Keatinge . . . Officer in charge. 

Mr. J. E. Williams . . . Camp Staff Officer. 

Alexander, Mr. R. D. J. 
Allum, Miss. 
Barstow, Mrs. 

Executive Engineer, E, B. S. Ry. 



Bramley, Mr. B. C. . 
Calder, Mr. N. D. 
Chalmers, Mr. C. 8. . 
Collctt White, Mr. 11. J. . 
Collett White, Mrs. 
Cooke, Mr. W. L. S. . 
Cowie, Mrs. 
Crosbie, Mr. J. X. 
Crosbic, Mrs. 
Evans, Mr. A. O. 
Finney, Miss. 

Gardiner, Major A., II. E. . 
Gardiner, Mrs. 
Gregson, Mr. T. 
Halliday, Mr. K. J. . 
Higginson, Mr. G. B. 
Highet, Mr. J. C. 
Highet, Mrs. 
Izat, Capt. W. 11., R.E. 
Izat, Miss. 

Jacobson, Mr. A. B. . 
Jackson, Miss. 
Jai Narain Sahib, Bai 
Jeffreys Clarke, Mr. 
Jeffreys Clarke, Mrs. 
Keatinge, Miss. 
Keatingc, Miss I. 
La-Touche, Miss. 
Marriott, Mr. B. E. . 
McComas, Mr. H. 
McCoinas, Mr. B. 
McKechnie, Miss. 
McNeil, Mr. J. 
McPherson, Capt. D. W. . 
McPherson, Mrs. 
Menzies, Bev. H. 
Murray, Major V., B.E. 
Murray, Mrs. 

O'Connor, Mr. M. S. Scott . 
O'Connor, Mrs. Scott. 
Pearce, Mr. W. B. . 
Pearce, Mrs. 
Quinlan, Mrs. D. 
Bam Kishen, Mr. 
Ratcliffe, Mr. Cuthbert. 

Superintendent of Police. 
Asst. Traffic Supdt., 0. & B. By. 
Asst. Engineer, 0. & B. By. 
Dist. Traffic Supdt., O. & B. By. 

Asst. Traffic Supdt., O. & B. By. 
Asst. Engineer. 

Asst. Traffic Supdt., O. & B. By. 
Deputy Manager, O. & B. By. 

Loco. & Carr. Supdt., O. & B. By. 
Executive Engineer, C. B. By. 
Asst. Supdt. of Police. 
Asst. Manager, O. & B. By. 

Executive Engineer, O. & B. By. 
By. Traffic Supdt., O. & B. By. 

Dist. Traffic Supdt., 0. & B. By. 
Post Master General, U. P. 

Asst. Engineer, O. & B. By. 
Executive Engineer. 
Planter, Ceylon. 

Government Telegraph Dept. 
62nd Punjabis. 

Traffic Supdt., O. & B. By. 
Dist. Traffic Supdt., O. & B. By. 
Dist. Loco. Supdt. 

Asst. Engineer, O. & B. By. 



Ratcliffe, Mrs. Cnthbert. 

Rennick, Mr. C. S. . 

Rennick, Mrs. 

llcnnick, Miss. 

Rose, Mrs. C. S. 

Rose, Miss. 

Rose, Mr. G. W. N. . 

Rose, Miss. 

Rose, Mr. H. E. 

Sanders, Miss. 

fcaunders, Major F. W , 11 K. 

Bimson, Mr. J. 

Taylor, Mr. H. B. . 

Taylor, Mrs. 

Tomkins, Mr. S. C. . 

Tomkins, Mrs. 
Tomkins, Miss. 
Vost, Col. W., I.M.S. 
Yost, Mrs. 
Walton, Mr. H. R. . 

Watson, Mr. A. 

Watson, Mrs. 

White, Mr. H. G. Norman . 

White, Mrs. Norman. 

. Enginecr-in-Chicf . 

. Asst. Engineer, (). & R. lly. 
. Signal Engineer, O. & R. Ry. 

. Engineer-in-Chief, E. 13. S. Ry. 

. Chief Examiner, of Accounts,. 
O. & H. Ry. 

Engineer -in-Cliief, C aw n p o r e- 

Banda Railway. 
Dist. Traffic Supdt., O. & R. Ry. 

Dist. Loco. & Carr. Snpdt., 
O. & R. Ry. 


CAMP 385. MAP 1-7. 

His Highness Navab Sir Sher Muhammad Khan Zoravar Khan, 
* G.C.I.E., Kawab of Palanpur. 

Nawabzada Tale Muhammad Khanji (Heir-apparent). 
Nawab/ada Yaver Hussein Khanji. 
Dost Mahomed Khan Pahad Khan. 
Piroz Khan Mahomed Khanji. 

Jaffar Khan Ajam Khanji, Patawat Jaghirdar. 
Najubhai ISalabat Khanji, Patawat Jaghirdar. 
Pathan Soramkhanji Sujatkhanji, Patawat Jaghirdar. 
Jagtaji Ebrahinikhanji, Patawat Jaghirdar. 


Murad Mian Lala Mirjan, Military Secretary to His Highness. 

Galu Mian Hotbhai Mushaib. 

Alidad Khan Murid Khan Mushaib. 

Mr. Ranchodlal V. Patwari, B.A., LL.B., Chief Minister. 

Dr. P. Dhondupanthji. 

Mr. P. N. Samaldas, Reveme Commissioner. 

Captain A. G. L. Astley, 14th King's Hussars. 

Lieut. ,1. A. T. Mitter, 14th King's Hussars. 

Mrs. Mcrcwether. 

Thakoy Nizam Khan. 

Beysingh, A.-D.-C. 

Anwer Khan, A.-D.-C. 

Trimanlal Kothari. 

Kumar Saoan Singh Tessingh of Jedhpur. 

Thakor Kishore Singh of Beda. 

Maharaj Kishnasinhji (brother of the Maharaja of Idar). 

Kumar Shri Dausinghji of Jodhpur. 

Rav Raja Suratsinhji. 

Panna State. 

CAMP 336. MAP J-7. 

His Highness Maharaja Mahendra Jovendra Singh. 
M. Mubarak Ali Khan . . Assistant Camp Staff Officer. 

Bharatendra Singh, Dewan. 
Bijey Singh, Kunwar. 
Ganeshdatt, Pandit. 
Gune, D. N. 

Khaliluddin Ahmed, Kazi. 
Macnabb, Captain R. J., Tutor 
to H. H. the Maharaja. 

Macnabb, Mr. A. C., I.C.S. 
None Ganeshju, Kunwar. 
Puran Chandra Mitter, Babu. 
Raghuvendra Singh, Dewan. 
Sahib Ram, Babu. 
Sher Singh, Captain. 
Sobha Singh, Kunwar. 

Tirlok Singh, Kunwar. 


CAMB 368. MAP 1-6. 

His Highness Maharawal Raghunath Singh Bahadur. 
Maharaj Kunwar Gorvardhan Singh of Arnod. 

Bhawani Singh, Thakur of 


Bukhtawar Singh, Thaknr of Secretary to Council. 

Bukhtawar Singh, Thakur of A.-D.-C. to Maharaj Kunwar. 


Dawlat Singh, Knnwar of Barhi . A.-D.-C. to Maharaj Kunwar. 
Manohar Singh, Kunwar of A.-D.-C. to Maharaj Kunwar. 



CAMP 331. MAP J-6. 
Nawab Mu/affar Ali Khan Bahadur. 

Mohammad Ibrahim Ali Khan . Heir-apparent. 
Mohammad Hussain, M. . . Tahsildar Pensioner, Adviser to 

the Chief. 


CAMP 301. MAP. 1-8. 

His Highness Maharaj Adhiraja Rajeshwar Sri Maharaja- i-llajagan 
Bhupindar Singh Mahindar Bahadur, Maharaja of Patiala. 

Her Highness the Maharani Sahiba 

of Patiala. 
His Highness The Hon'ble Kunwar 

Sir llanbir Singh, K.C.S.T. 
Major K. M. Mistri . . . Private Secretary and Household 

Capt. Sardar Kishen Singh, A.-D.-C. Member of the Coronation Durbar 

Committee, Patiala. 

Capt. Sardar Ajmer Singh, A.-D.-C. Member of the Coronation Durbar 

Committee, Patiala. 

Amar Singh, Sardar . . . Nazim. 

Anirik Singh, Capt. Sardar . . Supdt. of Police, Patiala. 

Arjan Singh, Major Sardar . . Magistrate, Patiala. 

Bakshish Singh, Sardar . . Military Secretary. 

Balwant Singh, Capt. Sardar . Asst. Pvte. Secy, to His Highness. 

Basheshar Sarup, Sardar . . Asst. Private Secy, to H. H. the 

Kumar Sahib. 
Beer Indar Singh, Kunwar. 

Bhagwan Singh, Sardar . . Chief Justice. 

Bowles, Mr. C. W. . . Superintending Engineer. 
Chanda Singh, Col. Sardar. 

diet Singh, Sardar . . . Vakil Agency. 



Gokal Charid, Sardar 
Gurdial Singh, Capt. Sardar 
Hazaura Singh, Capt. Sardar. 
Jagindcr Singh, Sardar 
Jaginder Singh, Major Sardar. 
James, Col. C. II., I.M.S. 
Jaswant Singh, Capt. Sardar 
Jiwaii Singh, Sardar, C.S.I. 
Kartar Singh, Sardar 
Khadim Hussain, Capt. Sardar. 
Koenig, Mr. F. . 
Kisheii Singh, Sardar 
Laclihman Das, Sardar 
Madan Singh, Sardar. 
Munshi Ham, Sardar. 
Nanak Singh, Sardar . 
Karain Das, Sardar. 
Narnarain Singh, Sardar 
Xarain Singh, Dr. 
Niranjan Singh, Capt. Dr. 
Niranjaii Singh, Lieut. Sardar. 
liaghbir Chand, Sardar 
Ham Narain Singh, Kunwar. 
Rain Singh, Sardar 
Sarup Sing, General Sardar. 
Sewa Singh, Sardar. 
Shibdit Singh, Capt. Sardar. 
Sodhi Sujan Singh, Sardar 
Tarachand, Major Sardar . 
Wazir Chand, Sardar 

Deputy Foreign Minister. 
Sardar Deohri. 

Home Minister. 

Medical Adviser. 
Supdt., Kharkhaiijat. 
Rais Shchzadpur. 

Director of H. H.'s Band. 
Supdt., Lassi Khana. 
Executive Engineer. 

Hony. Magistrate, Rais Bahadur. 


Foreign Minister. 
Magistrate, Sanoor. 
Private Secretary to H. H. the 
Kunwar Sahib. 

Police Camp. 

CAMP 463. MAP D-8. 

Farquhar, Mr. C. D. . . . Superintendent of Police. 
Farquhar, Mrs. 

Police Central Camp. 

CAMP 45. MAP 1-11. 

Mr. F. W. Phillips . 

Abdullah Sheikh 
Barnard, Mr. A. B., C.LE. 

Officer in charge and Camp Staff 

Dy. Superintendent of Police. 
Dy. Dir., Crimnl. Intelligence. 



Barnard, Mrs. 
Beaty, Mr. G. . 
Beaty, Mrs. 
Bennett, Mr. 11. H. . 
Bowring, Mr. 1. W. . 
Bowring, Miss. 
Brainlcy, Mr. P. 
Close, Mrs. 
Cooke, Mr. T. F. 
Crawford, Mr. P. R. . 
Dennys, Lt.-Col. H. T. 
Dennys, Mrs. 
Glascock, Mrs. 
Handyside, Mr. E. C. . 
Hare-Scott, Mr. H. V. B. 
Halland, Mr. G. 
Hovvell, Mr. B. B. 
Howell, Mrs. 
Isemonger, Mr. F. C. . 
Isemonger, Mrs. 
Iver, Mr. G. G. B. . 
Iver, Mrs. 
Ker, Mr. J. C., I.C.S. 

Lowther, Mr. B. C. . 

Macpherson, Mr. C. . 

Macrae, Mr. A. R. 

Mercer, Mr. A. W. . 

Mercer, Mrs. 

Misick, Mr. J. 

Misick, Miss. 

Prickard, Mr. G. H. . 

Petrie, Mr. D. . 

Bundle, Mr. G. A. 

Smith, Mr. Sydney. 

Smith, Mrs. 

Smith, Miss. 

Smith, Miss. K. 

Stead, Mr. C. . 

Stead, Mrs. 

Stewart, Mr. A. C. . 

Stewart, Mrs. 

Sukha Singh, Sardar Sahib 

Tomkins, Mr. L, L. . 

Dy. Superintendent of Police. 

Asstt. Supdt. of Police. 
Superintendent of Police. 

Dy. Inspr.-Genl. of Police, IT. P. 

Asstt. Supdt. of Police. 
Asstt. Supdt. of Police. 
Dy. Inspector- Genl. of Police. 

Superintendent of Police. 
Superintendent of Police. 
Asstt. Supdt. of Police. 
Superintendent of Police. 

Superintendent of Police. 
Superintendent of Police. 

Persnl. Asstt. to Dir., Criminal 

Asstt. Supdt. of Police (Provin- 
cial Camps). 

Superintendent of Police. 

Asstt. Supdt. of Police. 

Superintendent of Police. 

Asstt. Supdt. of Police. 

Asstt. Dir., Criml. Intelge. Dept. 

Dy. Inspector-General of Police. 

Superintendent of Police. 
Superintendent of Police. 

Deputy Superintendent of Police. 
Superintendent of Police. 


Tomkins, Mrs. 

Vickery, Mr. P. C. . . . Asstt. Supdt. of Police. 

Waite, Mr. H. W. . . Asstt. Supdt. of Police. 

Wall, Mr. M. G. ... Superintendent of Police. 

Wall, Mrs. 

Wallace, Mr. S. E. . Dy. Inspector-General of Police. 

Wallace, Miss. 

Wallace, Miss. 

Wilkin, Mr. A, H. . . Superintendent of Police. 

Wilkin, Mrs. 

Police (Special Military) Camp. 

CAMP 415. MAP H-7. 

U,., Capt. The Hon'ble A. G. A. Officer in charge of Camp. 
Hore-Ruthven, 1st (King's) 
Dragoon Guards. 

The Hon'ble Mrs. Hore-Ruthven. 

Postal Officers' Camp. 

CAMP 427. 1-8. 

Appleby, Mr. K. A. . . . Personal Assistant to the Post- 
master-General, Punjab and N. 
W. P. Circle. 

Cook, Mr. J. H. E. . . . Superintendent of Post Office. 

Crosse, Mrs. 

Fanshawe, Mr. G. D. . . Superintendent of Post Offices. 

Maxwell, Miss. 

Muirhead, Mrs. 

Shout, Mr. P. P. ... Personal Assistant to the Dir -Gen. 

of the Post Office of India. 

Camp behind Coronation Durbar Post Office. 

Glacken, Mr. S. H. . . 2nd Deputy Postmaster, Corona- 

tion Durbar Post Office. 

Loughlin, Mr. P. J. . . .1st Assistant Postmaster, Corona- 
tion Durbar Post Office. 

Murtrie, Mr. D. J. . . . Chief Supdt. and Postmaster, 

Coronation Durbar Post Office. 

Kae, Mr. C. D. . . .1st Deputy Postmaster, Corona- 

tion Durbar Post Office. 



His Highness Sri Brahadamba 
Das Eaja Martanda Bhairava 
Tondiniaii, Bahadur. 

(Will live in a house on the Alipur Boad). 

M. E. Ky. Bhairava Eamachandra Brother of His Highness and 

Durai, Raja. Military Secretary. 

M. E. Ey. D. M. Durai, Eaja . Brother of His Highness. 

M. E. Ey. Krishna Swami Durai, Brother of His Highness and 

Eaja. Commandant. 

M. E. Ey. Vijaya Eaghunath Brother of His Highness and 

Durai, Eaja. Dewan. 

Boddy, Col. O. V., E.E. 

Bracken, Mr. G. T. H., I.C.S. . State Superintendent. 


His Honour the Lieutenant-Governor's 

CAMP 35. MAP 1-9. 

His Honour Sir Louis Dane, Lieutenant- Governor. 

K.C.I.E., C.S.I., I.C.S. 
Lady Dane. 
Miss Dane. 
Miss N. Dane. 
Miss D. Dane. 
Major E. C. Bay ley, 15th Lan- Private Secretary. 

Major A. Y. Cheyne, 15th Lan- Camp Staff Officer. 

Capt. J. C. Eussell, 9th Hodson's A.-D.-C. 

Capt. J. H. Bennett, 3rd Extra A.-D.-C. 

Skinner's Horse. 


('apt. R. Dane, 21st Cavalry . Extra A.-D.-C. 

Lt.-Col. W. T. Wright, 1st Honorary A.-D.-C. 

P. V. Rifles. 

Lt.-Col. D. M. Davidson, I.M.S. Medical Officer. 

Mr. V. A. Short . . . Police Officer. 

Bennett, Mr. W. E. T. . . . Chief Engr., Irrigation Branch, 

P. W. 1)., Punjab. 
Bennett, Mrs. 

Brigstocke, Mr. A. M. . . . Accountant General, Punjab. 
Brown, Dr. Edith . . . Principal, Institution India Med. 

Mission for Christian Women. 
Bruce, The Hon'ble G. 

Burt, The Hon'ble Mr. H. P., Punjah Leg. Council and Man- 
C.I.E. ager, N. W. Ry., and Commdt., 

N. W. Ry. Rines. 
Burt, Mrs. 
Currie, The Hon'ble Mr. J. . . Punjab Leg. Council & Presdt., 

Punjab Chamber of Commerce. 
Currie, Mrs. 
Darling, Mr. M. L. . . Under Secy., Political Dept., 

Punjab Government. 
Darling, Mrs. 
Diack, The Hon'ble Mr. A. II., Punjab Leg. Council and 2nd 

C.V.O. Financial Commr., Punjab. 

Diack, Mrs. 

Douglas, Lt.-Col. M. W., C.I.E. . Deputy Commissioner, Lyallpur. 
Douie, The Hon'ble Mr. J. McC., Punjab Leg. Council & 1st Finl. 

C.S.I. Commr., Punjab. 

Douie, Mrs. 
Ewiiig, Rev. J. C. R., M.A., D.D., Vice-Chnclr., Punjab Univ. & 

LL.D. Prin., Forrnan Christian Coll. 

Farrant, The Hon'ble Mr. J. T. . Punjab Leg. Council & Chief 

Engr., Bldgs. & Rds. Br., P. 

W. D., Punjab. 
Farrant, Mrs. 
Fenton, The Hon'ble Mr. M. W., Punjab Leg. Council & Chief 

C.S.I. Secy, to Government. 

Fleming, Miss E. 

French, Mr. E. Lee . . . Inspr.-Gen. of Police, Punjab. 
French, Mrs. Lee. 
Godley, The Hon'ble Mr. J. C. . Punjab Leg. Council & Dir. of 

Pub. Instrn., Punjab. 
Godley, Mrs. 


Grey, Mrs. 

Hamilton, Major A. 

Hamilton, Mrs. 

Harkishen Lai, Mr. . . . Banker. 

Harkishen Lai, Mrs. 

Harnam Singh, Raja Sir, K.C.I.E. 

Harnaiii Singh, Rani, Lady. 

Johnstoue, The Hon'ble Mr. Justice Judge, Chief Court, Punjab. 

D. C. 

Johnstone, Mrs. 
Johnstone, Miss. 
Kensington, The Hon'ble Mr. Judge, Chief Court, Punjab 

Justice A. 
Kensington, Mrs. 
Kensington, Miss. 
Ker, The Hon'ble Sir A. M., Kt., Punjab Legislative Council. 

Ker, Lady. 

Lefroy, The Eight Rev. G.A., D.I). Bishop of Lahore. 
Mant, The Hon'ble Mr. R. A. . Punjab Leg. C. and Finl. Secy. 

to Government 
Mant, Mrs. 
Massieu, Madame. 
Masson, Sir David, Kt., C.I.E. 
Masson, Lady. 
Meredith, The Hon'ble Mr. A. . Punjab Leg. Counl. & Adcll. 

Member, Imperial Council. 
Meredith, Mrs. 

Muhammad Shan, The Hon'ble Punjab Legislative Council. 

Mian, Khan Bahadur. \ 

O'Brien, Major A. J., C.I.E. . Deputy Commr., Muzaffargarh. 

O'Brien, Mrs. 

Parsons, The Hon'ble Lt.-Col. C. G. Punjab Legislative Council and 

Commr., Lahore Divn. 

Parsons, Mrs. ^ 

Reid, The Hon'ble Sir Arthur, Kt. Chief Judge, Punjab Chief Court. 

Reid, Lady. 

Robertson, The Hon'ble Mr. Justice Judge, Chief Court, Punjab. 

F. A. 

Robertson, Mrs. 
Scratchley, Mr. A. J. . . . Chief Engr., Irrigation Branch, 

P. W. D., Punjab. 
Scratchley, Mrs. 



Shadi Lai, The Hon'ble Rai Baha- Punjab Legislative Council. 


Tollinton, The Hon'ble Mr. H. P. . Punjab Legislative Council and 

Revenue Sec. to Govt. 
Tollinton, Mrs. 

Warlmrton, Mr. J. P., C.I.E. . Punjab Police (Retired). 

Young, Lt.-Col. F. Popham, C.I.E. . Dy. Commr., Sialkot. 
Young, Mrs. 

Yusnf Shah, The Hon'ble Khwaja . Punjab Legislative Council. 

Punjab Commission Camp. 

CAMP 23. MAI? A-9. 
Brewster, Mr. J. F., I.C.S. . Camp Staff Officer. 

Atkins, Mr. C. H., I.C.S. 

Atkins, Mrs. 

Coldstream, Mr. J., I.C.S. 

Connolly, Mr. J. P., I.C.S. 

Currie, Mr. M. M. L., I.C.S. 

Currie, Miss. 

DeMontmorency, Mr. G. P., I.C.S. 

Dobson, Mr. B. H., I.C.S. 

Douglas Johnston, Miss. 

Ferguson, Mr. J. S., I.C.S. 

Gordon, Mr. G., I.C.S. 

Gordon-Walker, Mr. A., I.C.S. 

Gordon-Walker, Mrs. 

Graham, Mr. A., I.C.S. 

Graham, Mrs. A. 

Harrison, Mr. M. H., I.C.S. 

Howoll, Mr. G. C. L., I.C.S. 

Hoxvell, Mrs. 

Jcnkyns, Mr. H. H., I.C.S. 

Jenkyns, Mrs. 

Keates, Capt. H. C., I.M.S. 

Kettlewell, Mr. A. B., I.C.S. 

Kettlevvell, Mrs. 

Knapp, Fleet Surgeon M. H., R.N. 

Knollys, Major R. W. E., I.A. 

Knollys, Mrs. 

Lang, Mr. 

Lee, Capt. 

Maynard, Mr. H. J., I.C.S. 

Maynard, Mrs. 

Metealfe, Mr. H. A. F., I.C.S. 
Nicolas, Major F. C., I.A. 
Nicolas, Mrs. 

Plo\vden, Mrs. G. Chichele. 
Saiidbach, Miss. 
Seymour, Miss. 

Shuttleworth, Mr. H. L., I.C.S. 
Skemp,Mr. F. W., I.C.S. 
Small wood, Mr. E. 
Lee, Mrs. 

Lnmsden, Mr. O. F., I.C.S. 
Lnmsden, Mrs. 

Maconachie, Mr. 11. R., I.C.S. 
Maffey, Mrs. 
Malan, Mr. C. H., I.C.S. 
Smith, Lt.-Col. S. Browning, 
I.M.S. b 

Smith, Mr. H. S. Scott, I.C.S. 
Smith, Mrs. Scott. 
Smith, Miss. Scott. 
Stevens, Miss. 

Trevaskis, Mr. H. K., I.C.S. 
Vincent, Miss. 
Vincent, Miss A. 
Walker, Miss. 
Whateley, Miss. 
Whitehead, Mr. R. B., I.C.S. 
Young, Mr. G. M., I.C.S. 



Punjab Provincial Camp. 

CAMP 433. 

Mr. J. P. Connolly, I.C.S. . 
Lt.-Col. A. W. T. Buist, I.M.S. . 
Mr. J. Wilson Johnston, I.C.S. 

Khwaja Tasadduq Husain, E.A.C. 

Abdul Ghafur Khan, Khan Baha- 

Adamji Mamoonji, The Hon'ble 
Khan Bahadur. 

Ahad Shah, Khwaja, The Hon'ble 

Aiirodh Singh, Mian . 

Arjan Singh, Bhai 

Arur Singh, Sardar Bahadur 

Ata Mohammad Khan, Malik, 

Khan Bahadur. 
Bahrain Khan, The Hon'ble 

Nawab, C.I.E., Chief of the 

Mazari Tribe 

Badan Singh, Sardar, C.S.I. 
Baldeo Singh, Rao 
Balwant Singh, Sardar 
Bhagwant Singh, Sardar 
Bhagwant Singh, Sardar 
Bikram Singh, Sardar 
Bishan Das, Rai Bahadur 

Buist, Mrs. 

Buta Singh, Rai Bahadur, C.I.E. . 

Campbell, Miss. 

Charanjit Singh, Sardar, Ahlu- 

Chatterji, Sir P. C , Kt , C.I.K, 

Rai Bahadur. 

Daljit Singh, Sardav, Ahluwalia . 
Deo Indar Singh, Sardar 
Dina Nath Prithu Data, M.D , C.M. 
Din Mohammad Khan, Sardar, 

Acting Tumandar of Leghari 


MAP F-9. 

Cam}) Staff Officer. 
Medical Officer. 

Officer in charge Baluch Tuman- 
dar s. 
Officer in charge. 

Khan of /aida, Divisional Judge. 

Rawalpindi, Punjab Legislative 

( 'ouiicil. 
Ludhiana, Punjab Legislative 


Ramgarh, Dist. Ambala. 
Bagrian, Dist. Ludhiana. 
Kalabagh, Dist. Mianwali. 

Rojhan, D. G. Khan Dist., Punjab 
Legislative Council. 

Malaudh, Dist. Ludhiana. 
Raipur, Ambala Dist. 
Moran, Jullundhar Dist. 
Bhadaur, Ludhiana Dist. 
Ber, Ludhiana Dist' 

Personal Assistant to Manager, 
N. W. Railway. 



Ghanauli, Ambala Dist. 

Civil Surgeon. 

Choti, Dera Ghazi Khan Dist. 



Dost Mohammad Khan, bardar 

Dost Mohammad Khan, Malik, 

Drihan Khan, Sardar, Khan Baha- 
dur, Tumandar of Drishak 

Eaten Ali Khan, Kaziihash, 
Nawab, C.I.E. 

Fateh Singh, Raja 

Fazal Ali Khan, Sardar, Chief of 
the Kasrani Tribe. 

Ganga Ram, Rai Bahadur, C.I.E. 

Ghulam Hussain Khan, Sardar, 
Chief of Sori Lund Tribe. 

Ghulam Mohammad Khan, Malik, 

Ghulam Sadik, Sheikh, Khan Baha- 

Gian Singh, Sardar . . . 

Gopal Das, Bhandari, Rai Bahadur 

Gul Muhammad 

Gulzar Singh, Sardar . 
Gurbakhash Singh, Baba Bedi 
Gurbakhash Singh, Bhai 
Gurdit Singh, Bhai 
Gyan Chand, Rai Sahib 

Hari Chand, The Hon'ble Rai 

Hari Kishen Kaul, Rai Bahadur, 


Hari Ram, Lala . . , 

Harikishen Singh, Thakur . 
Harnam Singh, Sardar Bahadur . 
Harnam Singh, Sardar 
Hassan Bakhsh, Makhdum, Khan 

Hussan Bakhsh, Gurdezi, Syed, 

Khan Bahadur. 

Ibrahim Ali Khan, Nawab . 
If tkhar-ud-din, Fakir Syed, C.I.E* 
Ikramula Khan, Mirza, Khan 


Rojhan, D. G. Khan Dist. 
Shahpur Dist. 

D. G. Khan Dist. 



D. G. Khan District. 


D. G. Khan District. 

Pindigheb, Attock Dist. 

Pindi Lala, Gujrat Dist. 

Pleader, Amritsar & Vice-P resi- 
dent, Municipal Committee. 

Pleader, and Vice-P resident, Mu- 
nicipal Committee, Fcrozepur. 





Vice-President, Dist. Board, 
Sialkot, and Hon. Magistrate. 

Multan, Punjab Legislative 

Supdt., Census Operations. 


Kishen Kot, Gurdaspur Dist. 

Kharar, Dist. Ambala. 

Mukerian, Hoshiarpur Dist. 



Kunjpura, Karnal Dist. 





Inam Ali, Maulvi, Khan Bahadur 
Jiwan Singh, Sardar, C.S.I. 
Jallab Khan, Sardar, C.I.E., 

Tumandar of Gurchani Tribe. 
Jamal Khan, Sardar, de jure 

Tumandar of Leghari Tribe. 
Joti Parshad, Lala 
Jawahir Singh, Sardar 
Khuda Bakhsh Khan, Malik 

Nawnb, Tiwana. 
Lnclnnan Singh, Sardar 
Lutf Hnssain Khan, Mian 
Mahdi Shah, Sayad, The Hon'ble 

Khan Sahib. 
Mahan Chand Thakur, Hony. 

E. A. C. 

Mamdot, Nawab of . 
Massu Khan, Sardar, Chief of the 

Tibbi Lund Tribe. 
Megh Singh, Rai 
Melir Singh, Sardar, Chaohi 
Milkhi Earn, Rai Bahadur . 

Mohan Lai, Rai Bahahur . 
Mubarak Khan, Sardar, Chief of 

Khosa Tribe. 
Mubariz Khan, The Hon'ble Lieut. 

Malik, Tiwana. 
Muhammad Abdul Karim Khan, 


Mohammad Akbar Khan, Raja . 
Mohammad Ali Khan, Kazilbash, 

Khan Bahadur. 

Mohammad Amin Khan, Malik 
Mohammad Hakhsh, Khan Baha- 

Mohammad Khan, Raja 
Mohammad Tahir, Sardar, Sado- 


Mohammad Yar Khan, Khan 
Narain Singh, Sardar 
Narindar Chand, Raja, C.S.I. 
Narindra Nath, Diwan, Diwan 


Divisional Judge. 

Ainbala Dist. 

Harrand, D. G. Khan Dist. 

Choti, D. G. Khan Dist. 

Jagadhri, Ainbala Dist. 
Ainbala Dist. 
Khwajabad, IShahpur Dist. 

Buria, Ainbala Dist. 
D. tt. Khau Dibt. 
Lyallpur, Punjab Legislative 


D. G. Khan Dist. 

Wazir Rupi (Kullu), Kangra Disfc. 
Wazirabad, Gujranwala Dist. 
Vice-President, Municipal^ Com- 
mittee, Lahore. 
D. G. Khan Dist. 

Jehanabad, Shahpur Dist. 
Isa Khel, Mianwali Dist. 


Vice-President, Municipal Com* 
mittee, Laliore. 
Shamshabad, ^.ttock Dist. 

Pothi, Gujrat Dist. 

/Nadauii, Kangra Dist. 
Deputy Commissioner. 



Paind Khan, s. o. Sardar Moham- 
mad Hussain Khan, BozdarlChief. 

Partab Singh, Eisaldar, Sardar 

Raghbir Singh, Sardar 

Ram Chand Raizada . 

Ram Saran Das, Rai Bahadur 

Ram Pal, Raja, C.S.I. 

Ilia/ Hussain, Sheikh, Khan 

llustam Ali Khan, Nawab . 

Sardar-ud-Din Shah, Makhdum 

Saif Ullah Khan, Nawab . 

Shahre Khan, Risaldar- Major 

JShamshor Singh, Bhai 

Sher Ahmed Khan, Sardar, C.I.E, . 

Shibdeo Singh, Sardar 

Shib Kirpal Singh, Sardar . 

Shib Narain Singh, Sardar 

Sujan Singh, Bedi 

Sukhram, Lala .... 

Simdar Singh, The Hon'ble Sar- 
dar Bahadur, Majithia. 

Sunder Singh, Sardar 

Tara Chand, Lala 

TJmar Daraz Ali Khan, Khan 

Umrao Singh, Sardar, Majithia . 

Wali Ullah Khan 

Wilson Johnston, Mrs. 

D. G. Khan Dist. 


Vice-Prcs., Mun. Com., Multan. 





Multan Dist. 

Kangarh, Muzaffargarh Dist. 


Arnauli, Ambala Dist. 


Siranwali, Sialkot Dist. 

Ghanauli, Ambala Dist. 

Shahabad, Karnal Dist. 

Una, Hoshiarpur Dist. 

Sirsa, Hissar Dist. 

Amritsar, Punjab Legislative 


Malaudh, Ludhiana Dist. 
Bhiwani, Hissar Dist. 
Inspector of Police, Hoshiarpur. 

Press European Camp. 

CAMP 44. MAI> Ml. 

Mr. C. B. Bayley, M.V.O. . . Officer in charge, Press Camp. 
Mr. Alma Latin*, I.C.S. . . Asst. Officer in charge, Press Cainp. 

Begg, Mr. S. . 
Besso, Signor 
Bradley-Birt, Mr. F. R. 
Brcmner, Mr. D. S. .' 
Buck, Mr. E. J. 
Buckle, Mr. A. J. 
Castle, Mr. Ivor 
Collins, Mr. A. G. . 
Cotes, Mr. E. C. 
Courtney, Mr. Thomas 

Illustrated London News. 

La Tribuna. 

Daily Telegraph. 

Madras Mail. 

Renter's Agency, Simla. 

Madras Times. 

Daily Mirror. 

Indian Daily News, Calcutta. 

Eastern News Agency, Simla. 




Cox, Mr. Harold 

Duprce, Mr. F. . 

Fair, Mr. J. W. 

Ferenezy, Dr. . . . 

Fraser, Mr. Lovat 

Fraser-Blair, Mr. A. J. . 

Gatcly, Mr. J. E. 

Gordon, Mr. F. F. 

Grigg, Mr. B. W. M. . 

Hacrctt, Mrs. . 

Hooper, Mr. Charles F. 

Hornimaii, Mr. B. O. 

Kesteven, The Hon'ble Mr. C. 

Kingston, Mr. A. H. . 

Landon, Mr. Perceval 

Law, Mr. G. H. 

LeMaistre, Mr. 

Leon, Monsieur Mendes de 

Lovctt, Mr. Pat 

McBurnet, Major 

Manderson, Mr. H. B. 

Matania, Signor Firtunino 

Maxwell, Mr. . 

Miles, Mr. A. G. 

Park, Mr. Maitland . 

Phillips, Mr. Perceval 

Preston, Mr. T. H. . 

Kene Puaux, Mons. 

Rohertsou, Mr. F. W. . 

Boss, Dr. Denison 

Ross, Mrs. 

Sandbrook, Mr. ,] . A. 

Schumacher, Mr. J. K. 

Smiles, Mr. H. 

Stanley Reed, Mr. 

Urban, Mr. 

Wilkins, Mr. F. E. . 

Wilkins, Mrs. 

Graphic and Daily Graphic. 


Central News, Limited. 



Emph 2. 

Liverpool Courier. 

Advocate of India, Bombay. 


Baluchistan Gazette. 

Empress, Calcutta. 

Statesman, Calcutta. 

Press Association, Calcutta. 

Renter's Agency. 

Daily Telegraph. 


Eastern News Agency. 

Algernon Handelsblad, Amsterdam. 


Eastern New$ Agency. 

Daily Chronicle. 


Daily Mail. 

Bombay Gazette. 

South Africa and Morning Post. 

Daily Express, 


Le Temps. 

Pioneer, Allahabad. 

Rangoon Times. 

Englishman, Calcutta. 

Indian Daily Telegraph, Lncknow. 

Rangoon Gazette, Rangoon. 

Times of India, Bombay. 

The Kineinacolor Company. 

Civil & Military Gazette, Lahore. 

Abdul Aziz 
Abinash Chandra Gupta 
Aziz-ud-din, Khan Bahadur 
Baroda Parsad Bose 
Chaudhri, Mr. J. 

Press Indian Camp. 

Observer, Lahore. 

Biswa Barta, Dacca. 
Hony. Asstt., Indian Press Camp. 
Baiigabasi, Calcutta. 
Bengalee, Calcutta. 


Chintamani, C. V. . . Leader, Allahabad. 

Damodar Savalaram Yande . . Inclu Parkash, Bombay. 

I)aya Narayaii Xigam Zamana, Cavvnpore. 

Darshani, A. H. ... A 1 Haq, Bombay. 

Franvji Kavasji Mehta . . Kaiser-i-Himl, Bombay. 

Gupta, B. X. The Tribune, Lahore. 

Habibiir Rahman Khan . . Fauji Akhbar. 

Harihar Gaiigopadyaya . . Dacca Parkash. 

Hari Krishna . Akhbar-i-Am, Lahore. 

Ibn-i-Ali .... Xaiyar-i-Azam, Moradabad. 

Inshaullah, M. Sheikh . . Watan, Lahore. 

lyengar, S. Pnnjabee, Lahore-. 

Karunakara Menon, C. . . Indian Patriot, Madras. 

Kasturiranga Aiyangar . Hindu, Madras. 

Kunhi Raman Menon . . Kerala Patrika, Calicut, Malabar. 

Mahbub Alam 1'aisa Akhbar, Lahore. 

Manik Lai Joshi . . Hony. Asstt., Indian Press Camp. 

Minochecher-Homji, K. M. . Bombay Samachar, Bombay. 

Mubarik Ali .... All India Shia Gazette, Lucknow. 

Mohammad Ali . . Comrade, Calcutta. 

Muhammad Bashir-ud-din . . Al Bashir, Etavvah. 

Munshi Ram . . . Satdharam Parcharak, Bijuour. 

Xatesan, U. A. . . . Indian Review, Madras. 

Xattesh Appaji Dravid . . Dnyan Prakash, Poona. 

Pallonji Burjorji Dosai . . Rast (luftar, Bombay. 

Prabhakaran Thampan . . Madras Standard, Madras. 

Partab Chandra Mukerjeo . Kashipur Xibashi, Barisal. 

Raj Ram Rao .... Wednesday Review, Trichinopoly. 

Ram Kant Malviya . . . Abhyudaya, Allahabad. 

Roy, K. C. . . . . Associated Press, Calcutta. 

JSatyendra Xath Sen . . . Indian Mirror and Sulleb Sama- 

char, Calcutta. 

Sen, II. X. . . . Amrita Bazar Patrika, Calcutta. 

Sinha, A. B. N. ... Behari, Bankipore. 

Sundar Singh Ramgharia . . Khalsa Advocate, Amritsar. 

Upendra Xath Sen . . . Hitavadi, Calcutta. 

Vishvanatha Aiyer, T. S. . . Swadesha Mitram, Madras. 


CAMP 384. MAP 1-7. 
His Highness Jalaluddinkhan Bismillakhan Babi Xawab of Radhaiipurs. 

Mr. Chandulal H. Thakor, Revenue Assistant & Inamdar. 
Mr. Shi vial K. Diwanji, Amir & Jiwaidar. 


Mr. Syed Hmnsseinmian Mahomedmian, Amir & Jiwaidar. 
Mr. Bhavsinghji Sardarsinhji Thakor, Amir and Jiwaidar. 
Mr. Bliarumian Notiar, Amir and Jiwaidar. 

J. Montoath, Esq.,I.C.S., Adviser and Dewan. 
Mr. Mancharam A. Bhatt, Private Secretary. 
Kudratulla Khan, Risaldar. 
Ajodhyaprasad, Subedar. 


CAMP 396. MAP H-7. 
Raja Bhup Deo Singh. 

Jnbraj Xatbar Singh . . Heir-apparent. 

Lai Narain Singh . . Brother of the Chief. 

Lai Oajraj Singh . . . Brother of the Chief. 

Thakur Jagmohan Singh . . Cousin of the Chief. 

Kirpa Ram, Misra, Rai Sahib . Diwan. 

Rajgarh State. 

CAMP 412. MAP H-6. 
His Highness Raja Sir Bane Singh, K.C.I.E. 
Rai Bahadur Lala Bisheshar Nath Camp fcfl&ff Officer. 

Ajgar Singh, Thakur. 

Akbar Khan. 

Amar Singh, Thakur. 

Anar Singh, Thakur. 


Bakhtawar Lai, Lala. 

Bhawani Singh, Thakur. 

Birendra Singh, Kunwar. 

Chand Khan, Risaldar. 

Chunderlal, Subedar. 

Dhul Singh, Thakur. 

Gopilal, Lala. 

Haidar Hussain. 

Hanwant Singh, Thakur. 


Vithal Das, Seth. 

Lai Singh, Thakur. 
Liladhar, Doctor. 
Manmal, Seth. 
Mor Singh, Thakur. 
Mushtaq Ali, Munshi. 
Rain Adhar, Pandit. 
Ham Singh, Thakur. 
Ram Narain, Seth. 
Shankar I^al. 
Sheo Pershad, Munshi. 
Sheo Chand, Seth. 
Sham Sarup, Babu. 
Tirkha Ram, Babu. 



CAMP 445. MAP D-9. 

Thakor Saheb Lakhaji Bawaji, Thakor Saheb of Rajkot (living in thr 

camp of tlic Imperial C*det Corps No. 41, Map J-10). 
Kumar Shri (lumansinhji of Maliya. 
Kumar Shri Mansinhji of Dhrol. 
Harjivan Bhavanbhai Kotak, B.A., LL.B., State Karbhari. 


CAMP 377. MAP 1-7. 

His Highness Maharana Shri Chhatrasinhji Gambhirsiuhji, Raja of 

Kumar Shri Vijayasinhji (eldest son of His Highness). 

Kumar Shri Champaksinhji (second son). 

Kumar Shri Kishorsinhji (son). 

Kumar Shri Prithirajsinhji (nephew). 

Kumar Shri Digvijaysinhji (brother). 

Kumar Shri Kirtisinhji (brother). 

Kumar Shri Narsinhji (brother). 

Thakor Saheb Jitsinhji Bharatsinliji of Jhanor, cousin of His Highness. 

Mr. Dhamjisha Edalji Kothavala., Dewaii. 

Mr. B. H. Dalai, State Engineer. 

Dr. R. H. Telang. 

Mr. R. V. Adikari, Pte. Secretary. 

Rajputana Agent, Governor-General's 

CAMP 15. MAP H-8. 

The Hon'ble Mr. E. G. Colvin, Agent to the Governor- General 
C.S.I. in Rajputana. 

Mrs. Colvin. 
Miss Colvin. 
Miss M. Colvin. 
Mrs. W. B. Gladstone. 

Lieut. C. O'D. Preston, R.P.A. . Personal Assistant to Agent, 

Governor -General, Rajputana. 


Major J. B. MacGeorge^R.E. . Officer in Charge. 
Mr. K. H. Kealy, I.C.S. . . Camp Staff Officer. 
Abdul Wahid Khan, Sahibzada . Railway Magistrate. 

Akhai Singh, Maharaj . . Attach^. 

Berkeley, Mr. S. H. '. . . Supdt. Goril., Railway Police, 

Raj put ana. 
Berkeley, Mrs. 
Fisher, Major J., D.S.O., I.M.S. Officer in medical charge of the 

Rajputana Camps. 
Glaney, Mr. H. J., I.C.S. . . Special Magistrate, Rajputana 

Jacob, Sir Swinton, K.C.I.E., 


Jacob, Lady. 

Kaye, Lt.-Col. J. L. f I.A. . Resident, Mewar. 

Kaye, Mrs. 

Sanders, Mr. H. C. . . . Supdg Engr., Rajputnnn. 
Sanders, Mrs. 

Shelly, Lt.-Col. A. D. G., R.E. . Agent, B., B. and C. I. Railway. 
Shelly, Mrs. 
Showers, Lt.-Col. H. L., C.I.E., Resident, Jaipur. 


Showers, Mrs. 

Stratton, Lt.-Col. W. C. R., I.A. Commissioner, Ajmere-Merwara. 
Waddington, Mr. C. \V., C.I.E., Principal, Mayo College. 


Waddington, Mrs. 
Wilkinson, Mr. W. H. J., I.C.S. . First Asstt. to the Agent to the/ 

Governor-General, Raj putana. 
Wilkinson, Mrs. 


CAMP 310. MAP J-7. 

The Hon'ble Colonel His Highness XKwab Sir Muhammad Hamid AH 
Khan Bahadur, Mustaid Jung, G.C.I.E., A.-D.-C. to the King- Emperor. 

Sahibzada Raza Ali Khan 

Sahibzada Jaffar Ali Khan 


Sahibzada Mustafa Ali Khan. 
Sahibzada Muhammad Ali Khan. 
Sahibzada Mumtaz Hassan Khan. 



Sahibzada liiayat Hassan Khan. 
Mohammad Hadi Hassan Khan 
Major Saiyid Ullah Khan . 
Capt. Saiyid Muhammad Nabi 

Abdul Hakim Khan, Dr. 

Abdul Majid Khan, Sahib/ada 

Abdus Samad Khan, ISahibzada 

Ahmad AH Khan, Hatiz 

Cook, Miss. 

Hasan Raza Khan, Munshi . 

Hoskins, Mr. C. J. A. (Bar.-at-Law). 

Hunter, Major, I. M.S. 

Hunter, Mrs. 

Muhammad Ahmed, Munshi 

Muhammad Ajmal Khan, Hazik- 

ul-Mulk Hakim. 

Muhammad Qamar Shah Klian, Mr. 
Mahammad Wazir Khan 
Phillips, Col. G. A. ... 
Said-u/-Zafar Khan, Sahibzada. 
Tafazzal Hiisain Khan, Hakim 
Wright, Mr. W. C. . 
Zulktiar Ali Khan, Munshi . 

Private Secretary. 



State Surgeon. 
Itevenue Secretary. 
Chief Secretary. 
Household Superintendent. 

Revenue Officer. 

Household Officer 

Judicial Secretary. 
Household Officer. 
Commandant, State Troops. 

Chief Engineer. 
Excise Superintendent. 

Ratlam State. 

CAMP 337. MAP J-7. 

Capt. His Highness Raja Sir Sajjan Singh, K.C.S.I. 
Thakur Uinrao Sing . . . Assistant Camp Staff Officer. 

Arjun Xath, Kaul. 

Bnrdhbhaii Singh Pitalia. 

Bhabhoot Singh. 


Blioor Singh. 

Brijmohan Nath, Zutshi. 

Chain Singh, Kunwar, of Pancher. 

Gopal Singh, Kunwar of Amleta. 

Harlal Jamadar. 

Inayet Ali, Kazi. 

Krishnarao G., Musley. 

Misrimal Mathuralal, Seth. 

Mohamad Ali, Jamadar. 

Nahar Singh, Kunwar. 
Onkar Singh, Subedar. 
Raghunath Singh, Thakur of 

Raghunath Singh, Rao Bahadur, 

Muraj of Amleta. 
Ramlal, Joshi. 
Ram Nath, Zutshi. 
Ram Singh. 
Ratanji Dhabai. 

Ratanlal Unkarlal Surana, Seth. 
Ratan Singh, Amleta. 
Ratan Singh, Jodha. 



baligram Brijlal, Pradhaii. 
Sardar Singh, Muraj. 
Sriniwas, Rai. -* o o 
Tasudcluq Hnsain. 
Thanewala, Mancck C. 

TriggB, AT. B. 

Triggs, Mrs. 

Umrao Singh, Thakur. 

Vasantrai, Dr. C. Dholkia. 

Rewa State. 

CAMP 346. MAP T-7. 

His Highness Maharaja Sir Vcnkat Raman Singh Bahadur, 

Pandit Narayan Kishen 

Abdul Latif, Babu. 

Ahia Ali Khan, Dr. 

Baldeo Prasad, Tcwari. 

Chhaboo, Lala. 

Chhatarpati Singh Lai of Itma. 

Dasrathram, Pandit. 

Devcndra Nath, B. 

Dharam Das, Seth. 

Ganpat Rao, Pandit. 

Gopal Singh, Captain Lai, of Bal. 

Gopinath Mirotha, Babu. 

Hira Singh, Lai. 

Jang Bahadur Mirotha, Babu. 

Janki Prasad, Rao Sahib Pandit. 

Jowahir Singh Lai. 

Lachmi Narayan, Pandit. 

Lokhan Singh, Sardar Lieut. 

Narayan Prasad, Pande. 

Narayan Kishan, Pandit. 

Padham Nabh Singh, Sardar of 

Pannalal, Pancholi. 

Assistant Camp Staff Officer. 

Pirthi Nath Wanchoo, Pandit. 
Padyum Singh Lai of Kirpal- 

Pratap Singh, Captain Lai, of 


Radhika Prasad, Munshi. 
Rajendra Bahadur Singh Lai. 
Ramsewak, Lala. 

Ram Singh, Kunwar of Kasautha. 
Ran jit Singh Lai. 
Satrdamaii Lai. 
Shripati (Ihosh, B. 
Sukhdeo Singh Lai of Sohag- 


Surajbali Singh Lai. 
Tara Prasad, B. 
Upendra Bahadur Singh Lai of 


Valmek Prasad, Pandit. 
Visheshar Singh, Raja, of Guraya. 
Zabar Singh Lai. 


CAMP 453. MAP D-9. 

Nawab Lieutenant Sidi Ibrahim Muhainad Yakut Khan Mubazarat 
Davla Nasrat Jung Bahadur, A.-D.-C. to H. E. the Governor of 
Bombay, Nawab of Sachin. 


Ahmed Khan, brother of the Nawab. 

Nasrullah Khan, uncle of the Nawab. Sahebzada Karim Khan. 

Mir Muzaffer Hussein Khan. Mir Hafizudin Khan. 

Mr. Maniram Ambaram, Sta^e Karbhari. 
Mr. B. Krishnarao, Private Secretary. 

Mr. P. G. H. Anderson, I.C.S. 

Mrs. Anderson. Miss Shaddick. 


CAMP 413. MAP H-6. 

His Highness Raja Sir Jasvvant Singh, K.C.l.E. 
Hari Singh, Kothari . . . Asst. Camp Staff Officer. 

Ajatshatra Singhji, Maharaj | Moti Singhji, Thakur of Birma- 

Kunwar. wal. 

Bhawani Singhji, Kunwar of j llaj Kislien, Pandit. 

Kotra. i Raghuraj Singh, Kunwar of 
Chhatar Singhji, Maharaj of Semlia. 

Sernlia. Ran jit Singh, Kunwar of Bir- 

Dalip Singhji, Maharaj Kunwar, j mawal. 

Jaweri Shanker M. Dikshit. 

Ramchandra Singhji, Maharaj 

Mandhata Singhji, Maharaj j Sundar Lai, Pandit. 

Kunwar. Vishvanath Singh, Kunwar of 



CAMP 405. MAP H-7. 

Mr. L. E. B. Cobden-Ramsay, Political Agent, Orissa Feuda- 

I.C.S. tory States. 

Mr. G. C. Wood. 


CAMP 339. MAP J-7. 
His Highness Maharaja Bir Singh Deo Bahadur, Raja of Samthar. 

Lala Manohar Lai . . . Assistant Camp Staff Officer. 


Dayal Chand. 

Deo Singh, R. B. 

Ganga Prasad, Lala. 

Gaya Prasad, Waziruddaula. 

Hardayal Singh, Dcwan. 

Lalta Prasad, Goshain. 

Mehtab Singh, Chawand Rai. 
Maula Bakhsh, Khan Bahadur. 
Ma/but Singh, Jang Bahadur. 
Najmuddin Ali Khan> K. B. 
Raushan Singh, Dau Ju. 
Sultan Singh, IS ai nap at. 


CAMP 448. MAP D-9. 

Moherban " Chintamanrao Dhundirav alias Appasahob Patwardhan, 
Chief of Sangli. 

Mr. C. P. Bapat, State Karbhari. Mr. K. G. Liniaye. 
Dr. H. C. Dev. 

Mr. Balwantrao Khuwdorao Mr. Meshwant Balkrishua Lagu. 

Mehendale. Mr. Withojirao Ramchandrarao 

Mr. Chintaman Daniodor Gole. of Digraj. 

Mr. Narayenrao Harrav Mr. Payapa Jakhappa Desai. 

Patwardhan. Mr. Mahomed Ali Abdul Saheb. 
Mr. Ganpati-ao Harrav Patwardhan. 


CAMP 394. MAP G-7. 

Raja Jawahir Singh. 
Lai Tribhuan Singh . . . Nephew of the Chief. 

Akbar Khan, Munshi . . Diwan. 

Dhanjishah Khudadad. 


CAMP 368. MAP 1-6. 
Raja Dhiraj Sir Nahar Singh ji, K.C.I.E. 

Kunwar Umaid Singh (Heir-apparent). 

Kunwar Sardar Singh (Younger son). 

Babu Amar Singh . . . Private Secretary. 

Bhawani Singh, Kunwar . . Baland. 

Bijey Singh, Thakur . . . Khera Dalel Singh. 

Biram Singh, Thakur . . . Arnia. 


Chhattardatt, Pandit . . . Raj (him. 

Kalu Singh, Thakur . . . Amli. 

Madho Singh, Thakur . . . Sahalpura. 

Natliu Lai, Lala . . . Kamdar. 

Sawan Singh, Thakur . . . Bishia. 

Sevant Singh, Thakur . . . Mundla. 

Suraj Nrain, Lala . . . Mir Munshi. 

Udai Singh, Thakur . . . Tehnal. 

Sher and Mokalla. 

CAMP 455. MAP D-9. 
The Sultan of Sher and Mokalla 
(living at 73, Underbill Road). 

Sultan Omar bin Awadth Shanshir Nawa/jung Bahadur (brother). 
Sultan Saleh bin Uhalib Sef Nawaz jung Bahadur (son). 

Saved Hussein bin Hamid, Wa/ir. 

Sheikh Abdul Khadir Ba Akdtha, Secretary. 

Mohsin bin Mohamed, Secretary. 

Sayed Mohamad bin Abdullah, A.-D.-C. 

Abdullah Mohsin Abdullah Bubakur, the Kaiti A.-D.-C 1 . 

Dr. Ix-ud-din. 

Capt. Abdul Kave. Sheik Ali Baakza. 

Nowab Manoomia. Abdullah bin Ali. 


CAMP 317. MAP J-6. 
His Highness Maharaja Thotub Nanigyo. 

The Maharaj Kumar of Sikkim. Kumar Trashi Wangyal of 


Banniak Kazi. , Lambodar Pradhan, llai Sahib. 

Chee})a Lama. Lingino Choteripa. 

Dawsandup Kazi. | Living Kazi. 

(ryaltsen Ka/i. j Lobzang Chhoden, Rai Sahib. 

Kharagsing Pradhan, Babu. | Pern Tsering, Babu. 

Kincho Gyalpa. 

Lachminarain Pradhan, Rai 


Yangthang Kazi. 

Rhenok Kazi. 
Shamlal Subba, Babu. 
Tasang Lama. 


Mr. C. A. Bell .... Political Officer in Sikkim. 

Achuk Tscring, Rai Sahib. 
Gyaltsen Tscring, Babu. 

Hickley, Mr. A. 1). . . . State Engineer, Sikkim. 
Hodges, Mr. W. H. . . Supei intendenfc, Agency Office. 

Thapa, Babu H. B. 

Turner, Asst. Surgeon J. N., Civil Surgeon, Sikkim Agency. 


CAMP 393. MAP G-7. 
Maharaja Bahadur Kaghunath Saran Singh Deo. 

Ramanuj Saran Singh Deo Jubraj . Heir-apparent. 
Pandit Ganesh Prasad, Dube . Private Secretary. 

Sitamau State. 

CAMP 414. MAP H-6. 

His Highness Raja Earn Singh. 
Pandit Narayanrao Yashvant . Assistant Camp Staff Officer. 

Bhagwatilal, Rai, Diwan. 
Duleh Singh, Thakur. 
Himat Rao, Doctor. 

Mathuralal, Mehta. 

Mehtap Singh, Thakur. 

Ram Singh, Thakur of Bajkheri. 

Khuinan Singh, Thakur of i Saroop Singh, Thakur. 

Mahuwa. Shesh Karan. 

Lai Singh, Mr. N. 


CAMP 356. MAP 1-7. 

His Highness Maharao Sir Kesri Singh Bahadur, G.C.I.E., 

Maharaj Kan\?ar Sarupsinghji Heir-apparent. 

Bajsahiban Zoravvar Singh ji Cousin of His Highness. 


Mehta Kcshavlalji . . . Private Secretary to His Highness. 

Bhabutmalji, Singhi . . . Vakil, Sirohi State. 

Biliuioria, Dr. 

Bilhnoria, Mrs. 

Gaurishankarji Ojlia, Pandit . Superintendent! llajputana Mu- 
seum, Ajmcr. 

Kansinghj i, Thakur . . . Kalandri. 

Keane, Mr. R. M., I.C.S. . . Settlement Officer, Sirohi and 


Kcane, Mrs. 

Magan Lai, Mehta . . . Judicial Officer, Sirohi State. 

Mansaramji, Pandit . . . Excise Supdt., Sirohi State. 

Meghsinghji Thakur . . . Jawal. 

Mital, Mr. Vishnu Chandra. 

Pritchard, Captain H. R. N. . Assistant to the Agent, Governor- 
General and Magistrate, Ahu. 

Pritchard, Mrs. 

Punam Chaiul, Singhi . . Revenue Commissioner. 

Ilennick, Colonel 11. H. F. . . (Retired Indian Army.) 

Rennick, Lieutenant-Colonel . Indian Army. 

Remrick, Mrs. 

Sadashiva Ramji, Mehta . . Secretary to Musahib Ala Siroh. 


CAMP 402. MAP H-6. 

Maharaja Sri Bir Mitra-daya Feudatory Chief of Sonpur. 
Singh Deo. 

Arjuii, Babu. 

Hira Lai Sirkar, Dr., L.M.S. 

Keshab Chandia Guru, Babu. 

Sidhanath Deo, Babu. 
Srinibas Das, Babu. 

Southern Army G. O. C. Commanding. 

CAMP 38. MO. 
Gen. Sir Edmund Barrow, G.C.B. General Officer Commanding, 

Southern Army. 
Lady Barrow. 
Lieut. R, E. Barrow . . . A.-D.-C. Officer in Charge of Camp 

and Camp Staff Officer. 
Lieut. J. C. Wickham . . Extra A.-D.-C. and Camp Staff 




Alderson, Maj.-Oon. K. A. H., C.B. Commanding 

Alderson, Mrs. 

Barrow, Lt.-Col. G. deS. (35th 

Scindc Horse). 
Barrow, Mrs. 
Barrow, Miss. 
Barrow, Miss K. M. 
Barter, Maj.-Gen. C. St.L., C.V.O. 


Beatson, Brig-Gen. F. C., C.B. 
Bond, Brig.-Gen. F. G., C.B. 

i Poona Division. 


Carnana, Lt.-Col. A. .T. 
Caruana, Mrs. 
iKenyon-Slaney, Maj.-Gen. W. K. 


Kirkpatrick, Capt. C. H. 
Mercer, Brig.-Gen. H. F., C.B. 
Mercer, Mrs. 
Parr, Major H. O. . . 

Commanding Poona 

Southern Army. 
General Staff. 
Commanding Southern Brigade 

Southern Army. 
Deputy Judge Advocate General. 

Maj.-Gen. Comdg. 1st Infantry 

Brigade, Secunderabad. 
Chief Clerk, S. A. Office. 
Inspector of Artillery. 

Assistant Military Secretary, 

Southern Army. 
General Staff, Southern Army. 

Smith, Major G. K. deHcricz 

Smith, Mrs. 

Wolsey -Butler, Mrs. 

Wolsey-Butler, Miss. 

Woon, Lt.-Genl. Sir John, K.C.B. Comdg. 9th Secunderabad Divn. 

Younghusband, Major-Gen. G.J.,C.B. Comdg. Derajat Brigade. 

Younghusband, Mrs. 

Special Military Camp. 

CAML> 20. 

Brig.-Genl. H. P. Leader 

Col. C.Davis 
Capt. A. Chamberlayne 
Lieut. A. A. H. Beaman 
Col. L. N. Herbert 
Major G. A. Dale 
Capt. F. T. Duhan 
Lieut. E. H. Pembertoii 

'Col. G. A. Medley 
Major C. L. Gregory . 

MAP G-9. 

G. O. C. Sialkot Brigade. 
1st Lancers. 

19th Pu jabis 

19th Lancers. 


Capt. H. Fitz F. Lance . . 19th Lancers. 

Col. F. C. Muspratt . . . 30th Punjabis. 

Major A. Ward . . . 

Capt. C. C. R. Murphy . 

Capt. C. D. Webster . . . 

Lieut. J. A. Pottinger . 

Lieut.-Coloiiel C. A. Luck . . 22nd Cavalry. 

Major J. Hill D.S.O. . . . 15th Sikhs. 

Major J . L. R. Gordon . 

Major W. A. Tilney . . . 17th Lancers. 

Major R. F. W. Carden . 

Major DeA. Legard . . 

Major E. G. Thomson, . . 

Capt. T. P. Melvill . . 

Capt. R. W. V. Bruce . . . 
Capt. V. N. Lockett . 

Capt. S. Callaghan . . 

Lieut. J. H. Butler 

Lieut. E. Sopper . . 

Lieut. H. F. Parbury . . 

Lieut. I). C. Boles . . 

Lieut. H. B. Turner . . 

Lieut. C. E. D. Dubs . . . 

Lieut. H. F. Eckstein . . 

Lieut. H. R. H. Plowden . . 

Lieut. E. B. Egerton . 

Major A. E. McBarnett M.V.O., 25th Cavalry. 


Lieut. L. L. Buckland . 

Major A. G. Kemball . . . 31st Punjabis. 

Major G. J. Buchanan . . R. A. M. C. 

Capt. W. W. Boyce . . . 
Major Deane .... 12th Cavalry. 

Capt. D. W. McPherson . . 62nd Punjabis. 

Capt. DeL. Young . . . R. E. 

Capt. Rowan Robinson . . T. R. C). 


Mrs. Boyce. 
Miss Bligh. 
Miss Christie. 
Miss Chetwynd. 
Miss Clapperton. 
Mrs. Wynn Elias. 
Mrs. Gordon. 

Mrs. Gregory. 
Mrs. Kemball. 
Miss Kemball. 
Mrs. Luck. 
Lady Legard. 
Mrs. Lance. 
Mrs. McPheraon. 

Mrs. Murphy. 
Mr. Rawlins. 
Mrs. Rawlins. 
Mr. Scott. 
Mrs. Scott. 
Miss Scott. 
Miss Ward, 




CAMP 322. 

His Highness Raja Bhim Sen 
Raikumar Mian Laclihman Singh 


Mian Basabt Singh . 
Sardar Haswant Singh 

Albcl Singh, Dr. 
Gajendar Singh Sahib, Sardar. 
Durga Singh, Mian . 
Mahcndar Singh Sahib, Sardar 
Man Singh, Mian 
Nand Lai, Professor. 
Pratap Singh, Mian 
Raghunath Singh, Kumar . 
Sampuran Singh, Sardar 
Shatrujit Singh, Mian 
Sidhu Bam, Munshi . 

MAP. J.-6. 

Raja of Suket. 

Younjer brother to His Highness. 

Private Secretary to His Highness. 

Medical Officer. 


Rais Kathgarh, Dist. Hoshiarp ur. 


Secretary to Darbar. 

Civil and Criminal Judge. 



Offg. Mir Munshi. 

Tehri (Garhwal). 

CAMP 312. MAP J-7. 

His Highness the Hon'ble Raja Sir Kirti Sah Bahadur, K.C.S.I. 

His Highness Raja Vijoy Sen of Keonthal State, Junga, Punjab. 

Tika Baldeo Singh of Guler, Kangra, Punjab. 

Bana Gyau Jang Bahadur of Allahabad. 

Rana Tikcndra Jang Bahadur of Allahabad. 

Kunwar Pratap Vikram Shah of Singhai, Oudh. 

Kunwar Biehitra Sah (younger brother of Raja). 

Thakur Teg Sing of Tehri . . A.-D.-C. 

Thakur Devi Singh of Tehri . A.-D.-C. 

Pandit Bhawani Datt Ojha Private Secretary. 

Pandit Bishambhar Datt Bughan. 
Pandit Bishweshwar Dutt, Khan- 


Mahant Dayalpuri 
Lala Durga Sah 
Pandit Hari Kishen Ratu 
Pandit Jatiardon Saklaniri . 


Srinagar Garhwal Temple. 
Treasurer of Naini Tal. 
Medical Officer. 

Pandit Jivanaiid Nantyal . . Camp officer. 


Mahamahopadhyaya Hari Sharme Pauri Garhwal. 

Pandit Kam Sharan Raturi Retired Tahsildar and Camp Officer 

Pandit Sachchidanand Bijlwaii 
Pandit Satya Sharan Raturi 
Pandit Tara Dutt, Khandoo i 

Superintendent, Gardens. 
Head Nazir. 

Vasudev Namboori Rawal Badri 


CAMP 360. MAP 1-7. 

His Highness Muhammad. Aminud-Daula Wazir-ul-Mulk Nawab Sir 

Ibrahim AH Khan Bahadur Saulat Jang, G.C.I.E. 
Sahibzada Abdul Hafiz Khan (Heir- Apparent). 
Sahibzada Abdul Wahab Khan, brother of His Highness. 
Sahibzada Saadat AH Khan, son of His Highness. 
Sahibzada Saadat Abdul Rashid Khan, son of His Highness. 
Sahibzada Parooq Ali Khan, son of His Highness. 
Sahibzada Abdul Wahid Khan, son of His Highness. 
Sahibzada Masood Ali Khan, son of His Highness. 
Sahibzada Shafiulla Khan, cousin to His Highness. 
Sahibzada Abdul Alim Khan, cousin to His Highness. 
Sahib/ada Mohammad Hanif Khan, cousin to His Highness. 
Sahibzada Mohammad Ilyas Khan, cousin to His Highness. 
Sahibzada Sher Ali Khan, brother-in-law of His Highness. 

Sahibzada Abdul Rahim Khan . Home Member. 
Rai Sahib Lala Moti Lai . . Financial Member. 

Reid, Miss K Lady Superintendent, Walter 

Female Hospital. 

Reid, Miss N. Sister of the above. 

Saiyad H us sain Mir . . . Judicial Member. 


CAMP 313. MAP J-7. 

His Highness Maharaja Sri Padmanabha Dasa Vanchi Pala Sir 

Rama Varma, Kulasekhara Kiritapati Sultan Manne 

Maharaja Raja Ramaraja Bahadur, Shamsher 

Jang, G.C.S.I., G.C.I.E. 
Mr. A. T. Forbes, I.C.S. . . Resident in Travancore and 

M. R. Ry. Raghava Chari . Priv. Secy, to H. H. the Maharaja. 

Anantarama Aiyer, M. R. Ry. . Fouzdari Commissioner. 
Bidie, Major George, I. M.S. . Durbar Physician. 



Commandant, Nayar Brigade. 

Bidie, Mrs. 

DeL. Faunce, Major R. 

DcL. Faunce, Mrs. 

Forbes, Mrs. 

Kuppuramaswami Sastri, M.R. 

Ry. R. 

Narayana Mcnon, M. R. Ry. K. . In charge of Camp. 
Rajagopala Chariyar, Diwan 

Bahadur P., C.I.E. . . Diwan of Travancore. 

Sankaran Tampi, M. R. Ry. T. 
Vieyra, Mr. A. J. 

Comptroller of the Palace. 
Chief Secretary. 

Treasury and Audit Office Camp. 

Bailey, Mr. G. H. 
Cumberlege, Mr. R. C. 

CAMP 201. MAP J-9. 

. Audit Officer, Royal Visit Ac- 

. Sub- Agent, Bank of Bengal 
(Durbar Camp Branch). 

Udaipur (Mewar). 

CAMP 352. MAP 1-8. 

His Highness Maharajadhiraja Meharana Sir Fateh Singh 
Bahadur, G.C.S.I. 

Amar Singh. 

Asind, Rao of. 

Balwant Singh, Eothari. 

Baolas, Maharaj of. 

Battye, Major W. R., I.M.S., 

Residency Surgeon, Mewar. 
Battye, Mrs., 
Bedla, Rao of. 
Bedner, Thakur of. 
Begun, Rao of. 
Fateh Lai, Mehta. 
Gamir Singh, Chouhan. 
Girdhari Singh, Kothari. 
Gopi Nath Ojha, Pandit. 
Hamirgarh, Rawat of. 
Himmat Singhji, Maharaj. 
Jagannath, Shikari a. 

Jagannath, Paneri. 
Jagannath Singh, Mehta. 
Karoi, Maharaj of. 
Lachman Singhji, Maharaj. 
Loonda, Rawat of. 
Madan Mohan Lai, Babu. 
Mohammad Hanif . 
Partab Singh, Maharaj. 
Raghubar Dyal, Babu. 
Rfcj Singh, Rao Bahadur, 

Thakur of Bedla. 
Rampura, Thakur of. 
Sanwar, Maharaj of. 
Shimbhu Nath, Pirohit. 
Thana, Rawat of. 
Walker, Mr., Manager, Chitor- 

Udaipur Railway. 
Walker, Mrs. 



United Provinces. 

His Honour the Lieutenant-Governor's 

CAMP 7. MAP 1-8. 
The Hon'ble Mr. L. A. S. Porter, Lieutenant-Governor. 

LL.D., C.S.I., I.C.S. 
Mrs. Porter. 

Mr. W. E. M. Campbell, I.C.S. . Private Secretary. 
Major C. Hodgkinson, 6th (K. E. A.-D.-C. 

O.) Cavalry. 
Capt. J. P. G. Crosbie, The Rifle Extra A.-D.-C. 

Lieut. C. K. Howard Bury, The Extra A.-D.-C. 

King's R. R. Corps. 
Lt.-Col. E. A. Neville, V.D., Honorary A.-D.-C. 

Commandant, B. & N.-W. Rail- 
way Volunteer Rifles. 
Capt. A. D. Pickford, Cawnpore Honorary A.-D.-C. 

Squadron, 1st Rcgt , IT. P. Horse. 
Major P. H. Clutterbuck, 2nd Honorary A.-D.-C 1 . 

Northern Regt., U. P. Horse. 
The Hon'ble Mr. W. Gaskell, I.C.S. 

Capt. E. C. Hepper, I.M.S. 
Mr. S. R. Mayers 

Officer in Charge and Camp Staff 


Medical Officer. 
Police Officer. 

Baillie, The Hon'ble Mr. D. C., Senior Member, Board of Revenue : 

C.S.I., I.C.S. U. P. Legislative Council. 

Banarji, The Hon'ble Mr. Justice Puisne Judge, High Court, Alla- 

P. C. habad. 

Bevis, The Hon'ble Mr. W. G., of U. P. Legislative Council. 

Broun, The Hon'ble Mr. J 

C.S.I., I.C.S. 
Broun, Mrs. 

A., Commissioner of Meerut : U. P. 
Legislative Council. 

Brownrigg, The Hon'ble Mr. F. W., Commissioner of Allahabad : U. P. 


Legislative Council. 

Burn, The Hon'ble Mr. R., I.C.S. . Financial Secretary to Govern- 
ment : U. P. Legislative Council. 
Burn, Mrs. 
Calnan, Mr. D., I.C.S. . . Agent to Lt.-Govr. for Tehri. 


Campbell, The Hon'blo Mr. J., Chairman of Cawupore Municipal 

I.C.S. Board: U. P. Legislative Council. 

Close, Miss. 

Cobb, Mr. W. H., I.C.S. . . Agent to Lt.-Govr. for Eainpur. 
Cobb, Mrs. 

Crosthwaite, Mr. H. S., I.C.S. . Political Under Secy, to Govt. 
Crosthwaite, Mrs. 

de la Fosse, The Hon'ble Mr. C. F. Director of Public Instruction : U. 
de la Fosse, Mrs. P. Legislative Council. 

Donegal, The Marchioness of. 

Ferard, Mr. H. C., C.I.E., I.C.S. . Commissioner of Jhansi. 
Ferard, Mrs. 
Gaskell, Mrs. 
Griffin, The Hon'ble Mr. Justice Puisne Judge, High Co\irt, Allaha- 

H. D., I.C.S. bad. 

Griffin, Mrs. 
Goument, The Hon'ble Mr. C. E. V. Secretary to Government, P.W.D.t 

U.P. Legislative Council. 

Gentili, The Most Rev. Dr. C. . K. C. Archbishop of Agra. 
Foote-Miitchell, Mrs. 
Foote-Mitchcll, Miss. 
Hose, The Hon'ble Mr. J. W., Chief Secretary to Government : 

I.C.S. U.P. Legislative Council. 

Hose, Mrs. 
Holms, The Hon'ble Mr. J. M., Commissioner of Fyzabad : Impe- 

C.S.I., I.C.S. rial Legislative Council. 

Holms, Mrs. 
Henderson, The Hon'ble Lt.-Col. Inspector General of Prisons : 

S.H., I.M.S. U.P. Legislative Council. 

Knox, The Hon'ble Sir G. E., Kt., Puisne Judge, High Court, 

I.C.S. Allahabad. 

Knox, Lady. 
Lovett, The Hon'ble Mr. H. V., Agent to the Lieutenant-Governor 

I.C.S. for Benares. 

Lovett, Mrs. 
Mackinnon, The Hon'ble Mr. Far- U. P. Legislative Council. 

quhar, of Babhnauli. 
Mackinnon, Mrs. 

Madho Lai, Raja, C S.I., . . Benares. 
Manifold, The Hon'ble Col. C. C., Inspector General of Civil Hospi- 

I.M.S. tals : U. P. Legislative Council. 

Manifold, Mrs. 

McRobert, Sir A., Kt., V.I). . Comdt., Cawnpore Volunteer Rifles* 
McRobert, Lady. 
Moreland, Mr. W. H., C.I.E., I.C.S. Director of Land Records. 


Nehru, The Hon'ble Pundit Moti U. P. Legislative Council. 


Nehru, Mrs. Moti Lai. 

Nethersole, The Hon'ble Mr. M. . Secretary to Government, P. W. 
Nethersole, Mrs. D. : U. P. Legislative Council. 

Nixon, Lieut. K. J., E. (5. A. 

Ocrtel, Mr. .... Supdg. Engineer, 3rd Circle. 
Oertol, Mrs. 
Piggott, The Hon'ble Mr. Justice First Additional Judicial Commis- 

T. C., I.C.S. sioner of Oudh. 

Piggott, Mrs. 

Raliq, The Hon'ble Mr. Muhammad U. P. Legis. Council and Additional 

Judicial Commissioner of Oudh. 
Richards, The Hon'ble Mr. H. G., Chief Justice, High Court, Alla- 

K.C. habad. 

Richards, Mrs. 
Saunders, The Hon'ble Mr. A. L., Commissioner of Lucknow : U. P. 

I.C.S. Legislative Council. 

Saunders, Mrs. 

Spencer, Mr. H., C.I.E.,-I.C.S. . (Collector of Allahabad. 
Stuart, The Hon'ble Mr. L., I.C.S. Judicial Secretary to Government : 

U. P. Legislative Council. 
Straight, The Hon'ble Mr. I). M. Inspector General of Police : U. P. 

Legislative Council. 
Smyth-Osborne, Mr. 1). 
Tweedy, The Hon'ble Mr. G. A., Board of Revenue : U. P. Legisla- 

I.C.S. tive Council. 

Verrieres, Mr. A. C., C.I.E. . Under Secy, to Govcrnt.: P. W. D. 

Verrieres, Mrs. 

Wagle, Mr. K. B. . . . Accountt. Genl., United Provinces. 
Wagle, Mrs. 

Wyndham, Mr. P., C.I.E., I.C.S. Collector of Mir/apur. 
Walker, Sir James 
Walker, Lady. 

Westcott, The Right Rev. G. H. Bishop of Lucknow. 
Wright, The Hon'ble Mr. H. Legal Remembrancer to Govern- 
Nelson, I.C.S. meat : U. P. Legislative Council. 

Wright, Mrs. 

United Provinces Provincial Camp. 

CAMP 468. MAP D-7. 

Mr. C.' E. D. Peters, I.C.S. . . Camp Staff Officer. 
Mr. E. B. Smith, I.C.S. . . Assistant to Officer in Charge of 





Assistant to 
of Camp. 

M. Muhammad Abdus 

Deputy Collector. 
Eabu Anrudh Lai Mahendra, 

Deputy Collector. 
Mr. N. B. P. Shore, Assistant Police Officer. 

Superintendent of Police. 
M. Inain Muhammad Khan, 

Deputy Superintendent of Police. 
Major J. C. Robertson, I.M.S 

Officer in Charge 

Sanitary Commissioner. 

Abdul fthafur, Sheikh, Khan 

Abdus Sainad Khan, Nawnb of 

Abdus Shakur Khan, Kunwar of 

Aftab Ahmad Khan, The Hon'ble 

Mr., Bar.-at-Law. 
Akbar Bakht, Mirza. 
Asadulla Khan, Nawah Khan 

Asghar All Khan, The Hon'ble Mr., 

Khan Bahadur. 
Badri Nath, The Rawal of. 
Banspati Singli, Raja, of Bar a. 
Basdeo Singh Bahadur, Shahzada. 
Bhagwan Bakhsh Singh, llaja 
Bhagwati Prasad Singh, The 

Hon'blc Maharaja Sir, K.C.I.E. 
Bharat Singh, The Hon'ble Kunwar 
Bhupendra Bahadur Singh, Raja . 
Bindeshri Prasad Singh, Raja 
Brijnandan Prasad, The Hon'ble 


Brij Narayan . . . 
Chandra Clmr Single Raja . 
Dat Prasad Singh, Raja Bahadur 
Damodar Das, Rai Bahadur. 
Digbijai Singh .... 
Durga Dat Joshi, Pandit . . 
Paghfur Mirza, Nawab Bahadur. 
Fateh Singh .... 
Francis Xavier Shiam Rikh, The 

Hon'blc Raja, of Tajpur. 

United Provinces Legislative 

United Provinces Legislative 

Talukdar of Amethi. 



Talukdar of Payagpur. 

United Provinces Legislative 


Raia of Padrauna. 
Talukdar of Atra Chandapur. 

Raja of Daiya. 

Offg. Judge, Rae Bareli. 

Raja of Pawayan. 
United Provinces Legislative 



Ganga Prasad Vanna, The Hon'ble 


Girraj Singh .... 
Gyanendra Nath Chakarhatti, Rai 

Hamid-uz-zafar Khan, C.I.K., 

Khan Bahadur. 
Harihar Bakhsh, Thakur . 
Indar Bikram Singh, Raja . 
Intizam-ud-din, Shaikh, Khan 


Itimad Ali Khan, Kunwar. 
Juggi Lai, Lala 
Kali Charan Misra, Raja. 
Ki shan Kumar .... 
Kishan Sah, Rai Bahadur. 
Kushalpal Singh, The Hon'blc 


Lachhmi Das Deogan, Pandit 
Lalta Prasad, Kaja, Rai Bahadur. 
Madaii Mohan Malaviya, The 

Hon'ble Pandit. 
Mahadeo Prasad, Chaudhri. 
Mahdi Ali Khan, Saiyid 
Mahdi Husain Khan, Bahadur, 

Nawab Mirza (known as Abba 

Mathura Prasad Narayan Singh, 

Muhammad Tasadduk Rasul 

Khan, The Hon'ble Raja Sir, 

K.C.S.I., of Jahangirabad. 
Muhammad Abdul Karim Khan, 

Muhammad Abdul Majid, The 

Hon'ble Nawab. 

Muhammad Abu Bakr Khan 
Muhammad Ahmad Nur Khan 

alias Mangal Khan, Khan 

Muhammad Ali Muhammad Khan, 

The Hon'ble Raja Sir, K.C.I.E., 

Khan Bahadur, of Mahmuda- 


United Provinces Legislative 


Rao of Kuchesar. 
Inspector of Schools, Allahabad. 

Talukdar of Saraura. 
Talukdar of Raipur Ikdaria 


Raja of Sahespur. 

Kotla. United Provinces Legis- 
lative Council. 
Deputy Superintendent of Police. 

U. P. Legislative Council and 
Imperial Legislative Council. 



United Provinces Legislative 

Talukdar of Basitnagar. 

United Provinces Legislative 
Council and Imperial Legislative 


Imperial Legislative Council. 





Muhammad Faiyaz All Khan, 

The Hon'ble Nawab Mumtaz- 

uddaula Sir, K.C.I.E., C.S.L 
Muhammad Mahdi Ali Khan, 

Muhammad Mu/ammil Illlah 

Khan, Nawab, Khan Bahadur. 
Muhammad Nairn Khan, Khan 

Muhammad Nasim, The Hon'ble 

Muhammad Shafi, Maulvi, Khan 


Munna Lall, Rai Bahadur . 
Mushtak Husain, Nawab. 
Narendra Bahadur Pal, Raja 
Narsingh Prasad, The Hon'ble 

Natthi Mai, The Hon'ble Rai 

Bahadur, C.I.K., of Khurja. 
Nihal-ud-din Ahmad, Maulvi, Khan 


Parbal Partab Singh, Raja 
Partab Bahadur Singh, Raja . 
Partab Bahadur Singh, The 

Hon'ble Raja, C.I.E., Talukdar 

of Kila Partabgarh. 

Pateshri Partab Narayan Singh, Raja. Basti. 
Ragho Prasad Narain Singh, Rai Baraon. 


Raghuraj Singh, Raja 
Ramanuj Dayal, The Hon'ble Rai 

Ram Kishan Shastri, Mahama- 

hopadhyaya, Pandit. 
Rampal Singh, The Hon'ble Raja, 

C.I.E., Talukdar of Kurri 


Ram Partab Singh, Raja 
Ram Singh, Raja, C.I.E. . 
Ratan Sen Singh, Lai. 
Rudra Partab Sahi, Raja . 
Rukmangad Singh, Raja 
Sadeshri Prasad Narayan 

Raja, Rai Bahadur. 

Talukdar of Hasanpur. 

United Provinces Legislative 

Judge, Small Cause Court, 

Civil Surgeon, Bara Banki. 

Provinces Legislative 


Deputy Collector, Unao. 


Talukdar of Kurwar. 
Imperial Legislative Council. 

Talukdar of Mankapur. 

United Provinces Legislative 

Professor, Sanskrit College, 

United Provinces Legislative 



Talukdar of Dera. 
Talukdar of Katiar. 



Sadanand Gairola, Pandit . 

Sadanand Pandc, The Hon'ble Rai 

Saiyid Abu Jafar, Raja 

Saiyid Ahmad Shah, Nawab 

Saiyid Al-i-Nabi, The Hon'ble 
Khan Bahadur. 

Sanwal Singh, Raja . 

Sardar Singh, Raja Bahadur 

Shahan All Khan, Raja, Khan 

Shambhu Dayal, Raja 

Sheo Mangal Singh, Raja 

Sheoraj Singh, Rana . 

Sorabji Shavakshah, Khan Sahib . 

Srimant Balkishan Rao, Bhao 
Sahib Raja. 

Sri Rani, The Hon'ble Rai Baha- 
dur, C.I.E. 

Suklibir Singh, The Hon'ble Lala . 

Sundar Lai, The Hon'ble Rai 
Bahadur, C.T.E. 

Udai Raj Singh, Raja 

Extra Deputy Conservator of 

United Provinces Legislative 


Talukdar of Pirpur. 
United Provinces Legislative 

Talukdar of Salempur. 

Talukdar of Maurawan. 

Talukdar of Thalrai (Khajurgaon). 
Executive Kngr., I. B., Cawnpore. 

United Provinces 




Visitors' Camps. 

Officer in general charge Col. N. Woodyatt, 7th Gurkhas, Kudsia 
Gardens Camp (Telephone 107). 

Cecil Section. 

CAMP 63. MAP K-12. 

Camp Staff Officer Capt. R. G. Alexander. 
Enquiry Officer Mr. G. F. C. Shakespear. 

Barry, Miss Julia. 
Bruce, Mrs. Knight. 
Burkhardt, Misa Martha. 
Burns, Col. Philip. 
Burns, Miss. 
Burns, Miss. 
Burton, Mr. 
Burton, Mrs. 

Butler, Mr. C. K. 
Cartier, Mr. Jacques. 
Chahoon, Mrs. M. D. Owen. 
Chouteau, Mr. A. 
Corey, Mr. A. L. 
Corey, Mrs. 

deBaillet-Latour, Count Henry. 
deBaillet-Latour, Countess H. 



deBaillet-Latour, Countess Ford. 

deSpoelberch, Countess. 

Douglas, Mr. Walter. 

Douglas, Mrs. 

Fabbri, Mr. Allesandro. 

Follansbee, Miss E. 

Gibson, Mr. P. F. 

Gibson, Mrs. 

Gregory, Mr. Robert B. 

Gregory, Mrs. 

Gregory, Miss. 

Hely, Mr. Wisdam. 

Hely, Mrs. 

Hely, Miss. 

Hibbard, Mr. W. G. 

Hibbard, Mrs. 

Hoting, Mr. K. .1. 

Kidman, Mr. S. 

Kidman, Mrs. 

Kidman, Miss G. 

Kidman, Miss E. 

Kindersley, Mrs. D. 

Kindersley, Mr. (son). 

Kingsford, Mr. D. H. 

Kingsford, Mrs. 

Kirchner, Miss Mita. 

Lascelles, Mrs. 

Lea, Miss A. M. 

Lea, Mr. J. 

Macdonald, Dr. 

Macdonald, Mrs. 

Mackinnon, Miss Jane. 

Michaelson, Mr. Max. 

Milne, Miss. 

Ramsay, Miss E. L. 

Richard, Mr. Maurice. 

Rodman, Mrs. M. 

Rodman, Miss. 

Russell, Mrs. G. W. H. 

Saunderson, Mr. A. 

Saunderson, Mrs. 

Scanlan, Mr. P. C. 

Sharman-Crawford, Miss Ida. 

Smith, Mr. P. Eustace. 

Ward, Lady Evelyn. 

Watson, Mr. R. M. 

Watson, Mrs. 

Williams, Miss. 

Williamson, Sir Archibald, Bart , 


Williamson, Mr. 
Williamson, Mrs. 

Curzon House. 

CAMP 62. MAP K-12. 

Camp Staff Officer Capt. F. St. J. Atkinson. 
Enquiry Officer Mr. G. V. Hughes. 

Brassey, Mr. Albert. 
Brassey, The Hon'ble Mrs. 
Brown, Miss Richmond. 
Clay, Capt. Spender, M.P. 
Clay, Mrs. Spender. 
David, Mr. Percy. 
deFontana, Count Faust. 
deFontana, Countess P. Paravicine. 
deFontana, Miss Fausta. 
Friswell, Sir Charles. 
Friswell, Lady. 
Hall, Mr. William A. 

Hall, Mrs. 
Hosteller, Mrs. T. 
Hosteller, Miss. 
IVeagh, The Viscount. 
Jamieson, Mrs. J. Fyfe. 
Llangattock, The Lady. 
Lucas Tooth, Lady. 
Lucas Tooth, Miss. 
Petit, Miss H. F. 
Phillips, Mr. 
Phillips, Mrs. 
Scott, Major R. A. 



Scott, Mrs. 
Tata, Sir Dorabji. 
Tata, Lady. 

Curzon House 

Bonsor, Mr. Reginald. 
Campbell, Mr. 11. P. 
Gregson, Capt. L. 
Hall, Mr. Melvin A. 
Hanicl, Mr. 

Herberstein, Count Joseph. 
Jacobs, Mr. C. M. 
Kelly, Mr. F. M. 

Tata, Mr. R. J. 
Tata, Mrs. 
Testa, Mr. O. B. 

Swiss Cottage Tents. 

King Mr. E. B. 

Martin, The Hon'ble Mr. Justice, 

McKenna, Mr. E. 

Solomon, Mr. F. B. 

Stuart, Mr. Alexander Haig. 

Trouard-Riolle, Mons. J. 

Turner, Mr. H. O. 

Vickery, Mrs. E. 

Kudsia Gardens. 

CAMP 60. MAP L-12. 

Camp Staff Officer Capt. E. W. C. Ridgeway. 

Enquiry OfficerMr. R. C. Ruck. 
Bennet, Mrs. Louis. Harris, Rev. filmore. 
Bennet, Miss. Harris, Mr. 

Carr-Elleson, Lt.-Col. Harris, Mrs. 
Carr-Elleson, Mrs. Heebner, Miss. 
Chadwick, Miss Janet. Hills, Miss. 
Dawes, Mrs. Frank. Homan, Mrs. 
Homan, Miss. 
Keene, Mr. H. 

Dawes, Lieut. H. 
Fenwick, Mr. Mark. 

MacDiarmid, Mr. A. 
MacDiarmid, Mrs. 
McKay, Mr. G. Mills. 
McKay, Mrs. 
Moberly, Miss L. G. 
Palmer, The Rt. Hon. 

Palmer, Mrs. 

Fenwick, Miss Hilda. King, Mr. Charles S. Rivers Moor, Mrs. M. 

King, Mrs. 

Salveson, Lady. 

Knowles, Lieut. J. E. Salveson, Miss. 
Salveson, Ernest. 
Smith-Marriott, Miss. 
Spaulding, Mr. W. S. 
Spaulding, Mrs. 

Gordon, Miss. 

Gordon, Miss B. C. 

Graham, Mr. Douglas. Knowles, Mrs. 

Graham, Mrs. Douglas. Knowles, Mrs. E. S. 

Graham, Mr. James N. Knowles, Miss. 

Graham, Mrs. J. K. Leigh, Lord. 

Graham, Mr. J. Sfc. J. Leigh, The Hon. Miss. Spaulding, Mr. R. 

Graham, Mrs. J. St. J. Lindley, Mr. E. S. Steele, Mrs. 

Graham, Mr. Maxwell. Lindley, Mrs. (mother) Steele, Miss. 

Green, Mr. M. A. Lindley, Miss E. M. Williams, Miss Antonia. 

Green, Mrs. (sister). Yielding, Mrs. 

Nicholson Camp. 

CAMP 61. MAP K-13. 
Camp Staff Officer Major A. W. H. Lee. 
Assistant Mr. N. G. R. Woodyatt. 
Enquiry Officer Mr. C. W. Maxwell. 



Adams, Dr. Chas. 
Adiins, Mrs. 
Albar, Mons. F. 
Aldcrson, Mr. 
Alderson, Miss. 
Archer, Mr. W. 
Aslett, Mr. Alfred. 
Barclay, Miss. 
Barliticr, Mr. A. 
Barrington, Mr. A. 
Batliwalla, Dr. H. L. 
Beaumont, Miss E. 
Bethell, Capt. H. K. 
Billington, Miss M. F. 
Blackstock, Miss B. 
Blackstock, Miss E. 
Brodrick, Hon'ble Arthur. 
Bromhead, Mr. A. 0. 
Burnaby, Miss If. 
Cameron, Mrs. C. 
Carey, Mrs. G. deM. 
Catlow, Mr. J. H. 
Catlow, Mrs. 

Chaiiton, The Hon'ble Mrs. 
Chatterji, Miss. 
Clough, Miss M. 
Coppo, Mr. Max. 
Craig, Miss. 
Dhairjibhoy, Mr. S. C. 
Donkin, Mr. John. 
Donkin, Mrs. 
Donkin, Mr. 
Donkin, Miss. 
Doux, Mr. Julien. 
Duer, Lt.-Col., I.M.S. 
Duer, Mrs. 
Elkington, Major. J. 
Elkington, Mrs. 
Elliston, Lt.-Col. E.L. 
Elliston, Mrs. 
Gaumont, Mr. R. 
Grimshaw, Mrs. 
Gregson, Mrs. 
Hadow, Mr. D. S. 


Hawkins, Col. F. 
Hcraiilt, Mr. 
Holman-Jfnnt, Mr. 
Holnmn-Hnnt, Mrs. 
Hughes, Mr. G. V. 
Jes.,op, Lt.-Col. C.T., C.I.E., V.D. 
Job, Mons. P. B. 
John, Major. 
Joslin, Miss Mary. 
Joslin, Miss Rebecca. 
Kennedy, Fleet Surgeon. 
Kennedy, Mrs. Graham. 
Knight, Mr. P. 
Knight, Mr. R. 
Lee/ Major A. W. H. 
Logan, Miss. 
Logan, Mr. 1ST. L. 
May, Mrs. 
Maxwell, Mr. I. W. 
Mody, Mr. K. A. 
Muhammad Shirazi, Mir/a. 
Murray, Capt. 
Murray, Miss. 
Murray, Miss M. 
Xaicker, Mr. K. S. 
Neddie, Mr. 

Rajamannar Chettiar, Mr. 
Rainohandra Reddi, Mr. 
Reddiar, Mr. S. II. 
Rose, Miss. 
Ruck, Mr. R. C. 
Russell, Mr. G. F. 
Russell, Mrs, 
Russell, Miss. 
Shakespear, Mr. G. F. C. 
Shannon, Capt. J. H, 
Shannon, Mrs. 
Smith, Mr. W. G. 
Smith, The Hoii'ble Staniforth. 
Thiravengadathaii Chettiar, Mr. 
Veasey, Mr. H. C. 
Walker, Mr. Alex. 
Whiting, Mr. J. 
Whiting, Mrs. 
Brown, Mr. F. C. C. 



Visitors' Camping Sites. 

Tis Hazari. 

CAMP 64. MAP K-13. 
Camp Staff Officer Capt R. 0. Alexander. 
Assistant Capt. H. K. Bethell. 

Aram, Mr. A. 
Atkinson, Miss. 
Azcr Weiika, Mr. W. R. 
Bennett, Mr. 
Bennett, Mrs. 
Bennett, Mr. 
Bruere, Mr. R. Sale. 
Bruere, Mrs. 
Bullin, Mr. J. 
Burges, Rev. R. 
Burges, Mrs. 
Bushill, Mr. 

Campbell Stewart, Mr. J. 
Conway, Mrs. 
Dawson, Mrs. A. B. 
Ellis, Mr. Fred. 
Evans, Mr. A. C., C.E. 
Evans, Mrs. A. C. 
Evans, Mr. A. L. F. 
Everett, Mr. J. J. 
Farmer, Mr. H. 
Fitzpatrick, Miss. 
.Fleming, Mr. C. A. 
Goodsir, Mr. R. A. 
Haines, Mr. 
Haines, Mrs. 
Hamilton, Mr. H. S. 
Harkness, Mrs. M. E. 
Harrison, Miss R. 
Harvey, Mr. E. C. 
Harvey, Mrs. 

Harvey, Miss. 
Hodgkinson, Major. 
Hodgkinson, Mrs. 
Inglis, Mrs. 
Kesumall, Mr. 
Kisheii Chand, Mr. 
Kundan Mai, Mr. 
Long, Mr. W. W. 
Macgregor, Mr. R. M. 
Malkain, Mr. N. B. 
Mason, Mr. E. 
Meli, Mr. J. 
Meli, Mrs. 
Morris, Mr. J. D. 
Powell, Mr. W. W. 
Rawcliffe, Mr. J. L. 
Rawcliffe, Mrs. 

Renny, Doctor, Vice-Consul, Im- 
perial German Consulate. 
Rodocanachi, Mr. 
Rodocanachi, Mrs. 
Rowbury, Mr. W. 
Rowbury, Mrs. 
Sahib Singh, Mr. 
Shadwell, Mr. 
Swetenham, Miss E. F. 
Swetenham, Miss L. 
Timewell, Mr. H. W. 
Tria Pahlagri, Mr. 
Weatherly, Miss. 
Wright, Mr. J. B. 
Wright, Mr. J. G. 

Cruising Company's Camp. 

(In Baptist Mission Compound.) 
Alexander Thomas, Mr. I Angus, Mrs. L. G. 

Alexander, Mrs, I Angus, Miss Erica. 



Angus, Miss Joan. 

Angus, Miss Trcgo. 

Braye, Lord. 

Braye, Lady. 

Brough, Mr. ,T. R. 

Caul Held, Mrs. 

Canning, Major. 

Canning, Mrs. 

Cuchney, Mr. 

Custer, Mrs. 

Courteney-Bcnn, Mr. 

Clauson-Thue, Miss. 

Chorlcy, Miss 

Duprcc, Sir W. T., J.P., D.L. 

Dupree, Lady. 

Donald, Mr. Sidney. 

Darnell, Miss Davis. 

Easton, Mrs. 

Easton, Miss Agnes. 

Edgar, Mrs. 

Errera, Mr. Affred. 

Errera, Mrs. 

Franchciss, Mr. 

Fenwick- Harrison, Mr. 

Penwick- Harrison, Miss. 

Fenwick-Harrison, Miss. 

Frank Butler, The Hon'ble Mrs. 

Godfrey, Miss. 

Glover, Miss Helen. 

Gray, Miss. 

Hann, Dr. 

Hallewell, Miss. 

Hadley Hopkins, Mr. C. 

Hyde, Miss A. 

Hyde, Miss E. 

Haines, Mr. R. J. 

Hartung, Mrs. 

Jackson, Miss M. G. 

Jamicson, Mrs. 


Johnson, Lt.-Col. W., C.B. 
Lodder, Mr. E. R. 
Learmonth, Mr. Thomas, J. P. 
Learmonth, Mrs. 
Lyveden, Lord. 
Ma: well, Miss Mary. 
Matthews, Mr. F. P. 
Matthews, Mrs. 
Masters, Miss. 
Mordaunt, Miss Adcla. 
MacLaren, Mr. W. S.B., M.P. 
Nathan, Mr. Adolphus. 
Nathan, Mr. Philip. 
Nicholson, Sir Arthur. 
Nicholson, Mr. Malcolm. 
Proctor, Rev. 
Pineus, Mr. Conrad M. 
Pineus, Mrs. 
Pollexfen, Mrs. 
Pollexfen, Miss. 
Palmer, The Hoii'ble R. 
Parsons, Mr. John. 
Parsons, Mrs. 
Parsons, Miss. 
Price, Mr. H. Williams. 
Perry, Mrs. 
Robinow, Mr. Frank. 
Roney-Dougal, Mr. J. D. 
Roney-Dougal, Mrs. 
Rutherford, Miss Constance. 
Ritchie, Miss. 
Smith-Ryland, Mr. C. A. 
Smith-Ryland, Mrs. 
Scott, Miss L. 
Sloan, Mr. R. A. Walker. 
Thackara, Lt.-Col. 
Tyson, Mr. R. 
Tyson, Mrs. 

Tyndale, Mrs. Wyndham. 
, Mrs. 

Aitchison, Mr. H., Allahabad. 
Bell, Mr. H. J., I.C.S. 

Site 246. 

CAMP 246. MAP E-5. 

Bell, Mrs. 

Booth, Mr. J. R., I.C.S. 



Bull, Mr. P. E., Public Works 

Department, Agra. 
deGruyther, Miss. 
Fagan, Major, E.A., 36th Jacob's 

Fagan, Mrs. 
Falkland, Miss. 
Galbraith, Miss. 
Hobson, Miss. 

Hope, Mr. C., I.C.S., Sitapur. 
Hutton, Mr. C. H., Public Works 

Department, Agra. 
Hutton, Mrs. 

Kendall, Mr. A., I.C.S., Allahabad. 
Kendall, Mrs. 
Lane, Major F. C., R.A. 
Leggatt, Mr. S., P. W. D. 
Lyle, Mr. H. W., T.C.S., Agra. 
Lyle, Mrs. 
Mamdot, Nawab of 
Muhammad Hayat, Malik. 
Noble, Col. R, A., AJibottabad. 

Wilson, Mr. 

Noble, Mrs. 

O'Donnell, Mrs. M., Allahabad. 

O'Donnell, Mr. S. P., T.C.8., 


CVDonnell, Mrs. S. P. 
Oldfield, Mrs. 

Ouseley, Mrs. R. S., Allahabad. 
Pack Beresford, Mr. D. R. 
Pack Beresford, Mrs. D. R. 
Rodwell, Mr. E. H. 
Russell, Lieut. 
Shams Din, Malik. 
Spencer, Mr. F. R. B., P.C.S., 

Dera Ismail Khan. 
Swayne, Col. H. G. C., R.E. 
Swayne, Mrs. 
Sydney Edwards, Mrs. 
Torquil McLeod, Major, 7th 


Torquil McLeod, Mrs. 
Wilson, Mr. R. C. R,, P. W.D. 
Wilson, Mrs. 
R. C. R. 


CAMP 443. MAP D-9. 
Raj Saheb Amarsinhji Banesinhji Raj Saheb of Wankaner. 

Darbar Shri Bawa Vala, Chief of Vadia. 

Mr. Nathabhi Avichaldafl, L.C.E., State Karbhari. 

Dr. G. J. Mahimutr,a. 

Ratansha Bezonji, Private Secretary. 

Part III. Military Camps. 

The constitution of the force located at Delhi for the 
Coronation Durbar of Their Imperial Majesties is shown 
below. The order of units in camp, as shown in the Direc- 
tory, will follow this order, but the camps of the General 
Officer Commanding 2nd Division, the Supply and Trans- 
port directorate, and certain other units not included in the 
military scheme, have been put together at the end. 



Divisional Headquarters 202 

Major-General M. F. RIMINGTON, C.B., Commanding . 292 

Enquiry Office 292 

3rd Cavalry Brigade (Headquarters) . . 293 

1st King's Dragoon Guards ...... 293 

8th Cavalry 293 

36th Jacob's Horse 294 

Composite Cavalry Brigade (Headquarters) 294 

10th (P. W. O. Royal) Hussars 294 

9th Hodson's Horse ....... 295 

30th Lancers (Gordon's Horse) ..... 295 

7th Cavalry Brigade (Headquarters) . . 296 

13th Hussars 296 

3rd Skinner's Horse 296 

18th King George's Own Lancers ..... 297 

Divisional Troops 

9th Brigade, K. H. A 297 

10th Brigade, R. H. A 298 

Divisional Engineers 298 

British and Indian Field Ambulance .... 298 





Divisional Headquarters 298 

Lt.-Gen. Sir A. A. PEARSON, K.C.B., Commanding . 298 

Enquiry Office ........ 300 

7th Infantry Brigade 

1st Connaught Hangers ...... 300 

18th Infantry 30 L 

57th Wilde's Rifles (Frontier Force) . . . .301 

25th Punjabis 301 

8th Infantry Brigade 

1st Manchester Regiment ...... 302 

47th Sikhs ........ 302 

53rd Sikhs (Frontier Force) 302 

28th Punjabis 303 

9th Infantry Brigade 

1st Battalion Duke of Wellington's West Riding Regt. . 303 

1st Battalion 1st K. G. O. Gurkha Rifles . . . 303 

2nd Battalion 1st K. G. O. Gurkha Rifles . . . 304 

2nd Battalion 4th Gurkha Rifles 304 

Divisional Troops- 
loth Duke of Cambridge's Own Lancers (Hodson's Horse) . 304 
46th Field Artillery Brigade ... . 305 
No. 3 British Mountain Artillery Brigade . 305 
Ordnance Park . . . 306 
23rd Sikh Pioneers . . 306 
Indian General Hospital . 306 
British Field Ambulance . 306 
Indian Field Ambulance . 306 


Divisional Headquaiters 307 

Lt.-Oeii. Sir P. A. N. LAKE, KX5.M.G., C.B., Commanding 307 

Enquiry Office 308 

19th Infantry Brigade 

4th King's Royal Rifle Corps 308 

2nd Battalion 2nd K.E.O, Gurkha Rifles .... 309 

130th Baluchis 309 

2/9th Gurkha Rifles 309 



20th Infantry Brigade 

IstK. O. S. B . 309 

2/3rd Gurkha Rifles .... .310 

l/39th Garhwal Rifles .310 

2/39th Garhwal Rifles .... 310 

21st Infantry Brigade 

4th Worcestershire Regiment . . . . .311 

16th Rajputs 311 

l/3rd Gurkha Rifles 311 

2/10th Gurkha Rifles 312 

Divisional Troops 

17th Cavalry 312 

5th Brigade, R. P. A 312 

63rd Battery, R. F. A 312 

64th Battery, R. P. A. 313 

73rd Battery, R. P. A 313 

31st Mountain Battery 313 

32nd Mountain Battery 313 

128th Pioneers 313 

No. 32 Division Signal Company . . . . .314 

British Field Ambulance ...... 314 

Indian Field Ambulance . . . . . .314 

25th Railway Co. Sappers and Miners . . . .314 


Divisional Headquarters 314 

Maj.-Gen. C. I. BLOMPIELD, C.B., D.S.O., Commanding . 314 
Enquiry Office 315 

1st Comp. Infantry Brigade (Headquarters) 315 

1st Northumberland Fusiliers 315 

2nd Royal Fusiliers . '..... 316 

2nd The Black Watch . 
2nd Gordon Highlanders 

1st Durham Light Infantry 
116th Mahrattas 
45th Rattray's Sikhs , 
90th Punjabis 



2nd Comp. Infantry Brigade (Headquarters) 317 



3rd Comp. Infantry Brigade (Headquarters) 

1st H. L. I 

36th Sikhs 

74th Punjabis ....... 

41st Dogras . 

Divisional Troops 

6th Inniskilling Dragoons ..... 

4th 11. F. A. Brigade 

48th Pioneers ....... 

British Field Ambulance ..... 

Indian Field Ambulance, Section 160 

No. 33 Division Signal Company .... 

1st K. G. O. Sappers and Miners .... 

No. 11 Coy. 2nd Q. O. Sappers and Miners 


Divisional Headquarters .... 
Maj.-Gen. B. T. MAHON, C.B., D.S.O., Commanding 
94 Company 11. G. A. 
69 Company R. G. A. 
2nd Battalion Royal Berkshire Reg . 
3rd Battalion K. R. R. . 
1st Battalion Seaforth Highlanders 
llth K. E. O. Lancers . 
33rd Punjabis 
34th Sikh Pioneers 
107th Pioneers 

No. 19 Field Veterinary Hospital 
British General Hospital 
Station Hospital, Delhi Fort 
27th Light Cavalry 

G. O. C. 2nd (Rawalpindi) Division 

Cantonment Magistrate's Department 

Remount Department Officers ... 

Railway Concentration Officers ... 

Supply and Transport Corps .... 

Imperial Service Troops (Inspector-General's Camp) 

Imperial Service Troops 

Volunteer Camp . 

Massed Bands Camp 

Veterans* Camp . 

Military Dairy . 


. 319 
. 319 
. 319 
. 319 

. 320 

. 320 

. 321 

. 321 

. 321 

. 321 

. 321 

. 322 





Headquarters Cavalry Division. 

CAMP 252. 

Maj.-Gcu. M. F. Khnington, C.B. 
Capt. E. A. H. Fell, 12th Cavalry . 

Col. A. H. Short 

Major T. C. Watson, ^.OE:., R.E. . 

Major H. J. M. Macandrew, D.S.O., 

5th Cavalry. 
Major P. R. Lawrence, D.S.O., 14th 


Capt. H. B. D. Baird, 12th Cavalry . 
Major N. W. Haig, 6th Dragoons . 
Major J. Shea, 15th Lancers 
Surgn.-Genl. A. T. Sloggett, C.B., 


Major G. Tate, LM.S. 
Major A. S. R. Annesley, S. & T. 


Capt. D. Macdonald, A.V.C. . 
Capt. W. F. Dale, A.V.C. 
Capt. L. Danels, A.V.C. 
Lieut. B. A. Jarvis, A.V.C. . 

MAP E-6. 

Divisional Commander. 

Commanding R.H.A. 
Commanding Divisional R.E. 
G. S. O., 1st Grade. 

G. S. O., 2nd Grade. 


G. S. ()., 3rd Grade. 

D. A. A. G. 

A. Q. M. G. j 

Administrative Medl. Officer. 

Asst. to Adm. Medl. Officer. 
Asst. Director, S. & T. 

Veterinary Officers. 

Mrs. Annesley. 
Mr. Davies. 
Mrs. Davies. 
Mrs. Eddy. 
Miss Eddy. 

Mrs. Harbord. 
Miss Haig. 
Miss Jameson. 
Miss Macandrew. 
Mrs. Shea. 

Mrs Short. 
Mrs. S \veetman. 
Miss Tullis. 
Mrs. Watson. 

Enquiry Office Cavalry Division. 

Near CAMP 272. MAP D-4. 
Capt P. B. Sangster . . Camp Staff Officer. 

Sangster, Mrs. Sangster, Miss. 

Rev. D. E. Evans. 
Very Rev. Father P. 
Rev. A. E. Hubbard. 
Mrs. Hubbard. 


Ven. Archdeacon L. Klugh. 
Hughes. Rev. A. Knott. 
Mrs. Knott. 
Rev. W. R. Lequesne. 


3rd Cavalry Brigade Headquarters. 

CAMP 264 MAP C-3. 

Brig.-Gen. C. P. W. Piric . . Commanding Brigade. 
Major R. E. Cheyne . . .8th Cavalry Brigade Major. 
Capt H. M. Davidson . . 36th Jacob's Horse, Staff Capt. 

Mrs. C. P. W. Pirie. Miss Pirie. 

1st King's Dragoon Guards. 

CAMP 263. MAP C-3. 

Lt.-Col. F. C. L. Hulton. Lieut. W. R. F. Cooper. 

Major H. J. Williams. Lieut. L. H. Hawkins. 

Major H. F. Wickham. Lieut. L. W. White. 

Major R. S. Hunt. Lieut. L. Alexander. 

Capt. D. A. Rasbotham. Lieut. R. G. Fox. 

Capt. F. H. Charlton. i 2nd-Lieut. E. W. Sprot. 

Capt. W. G. F. Renton. I 2nd-Lieut. T. H. Gladstone. 

Capt. H. M. Appleton. j 2nd-Lieut. W. R. Read. 
Capt. R. S. Spurrier. 2nd-Lieut. H. S. Hatfield. 

Capt. L. St. C. Cheape, Adjutant. Hon. Lieut. W. T. J. Wells, 

Lieut. E. A. Wcinholt. Quartermaster. 

Capt. G. H. Stevenson, R.A.M.C. 

Mrs. Appleton. Mrs. Rasbotham. Mrs. Spurrier. 

Mrs. White. 

8th Cavalry. 

CAMP 266. MAP C-3. 

Lt-Col. W. M. Carpendale. 
Major T..C. Hogg. 
Major R.rE. Chaplin. 

Capt. F. B. Lane, Adjutant. 
Capt. C. B. H. Mansfield. 
Lieut. T. M. Carpendale, Qr. Mr. 

Major G. A. Becher. Lieut. B. R. Hudson. 

Capt. M. H. Gale. Lieut. A. H. A. Empson. 

Capt. J. O'Leary, M.B., I.M.S. 

Mrs. C. D. Mears. 



36th Jacob's Horse. 

CAMP 267. MAP C-3. 

Lt.-Col. C. M. Cartwright. 

Major E. E. Roomc. 

Major E. A. Fagan. 

Capt. W. G. K. Green. 

Capt. E. M. Nixon. 

Capt. A. M. Fortcath. 

Capt. M. M. Carpendale, Qr. Mr. 

Lieut. F. R. Farquhar, Adjutant. 

Lieut. H. Allardice. 

Lieut. C. F. Cahusac. 

Lieut. M. E. Parnell. 

Lieut. W. F. Blacker. 

Lieut. R. D. Owen Jonos. 

Lieut. H. G. F. Forbes. 

Capt. R, B. Nicholson, I.M.S. 
Mrs. Cartwright. Mrs. Green. Mrs. Nicholson. 

Composite Cavalry Brigade Headquarters. 

CAMP 278. MAP D-4. 

Brig.-Gen. R. Wapsharc 
Capt. J. E. Moir, 10th Lancers 
Capt. R. W. W. Grimshaw . 
Capt. G. A. Aylmor 
Lieut. J. M. W. O'Rorke . 

Capt. H. S. Mosley, A.V.C. 
Lieut. H. C. Agnew, R.E. 
Lieut. R. E. Harenc, 4th Cavalry. 
Lieut. W. S. E. Money, 22nd 

Commanding Brigade. 

Brigade Major. 

34th Poona 'Horse, Staff Captain. 

S. and T. Corps. 

25th Cavalry. Orderly [Officer. 

Lieut. D. T. D. Berrington, 15th 


Lieut. H. V. Hurt, 37th Lancers. 
Lieut. F. Oswald, 20th Horse. 

Miss Agnew. 

Mrs. Aylmer. 

Mrs. Wapshare. 

R. W. 

10th Royal 

CAMP 277. 
R. Barnes, 



Major C. W. H. Crichton. 
Major The Hon'ble W. G. S. 

Cadogan, M.V.O. 
Capt. The Hon'ble C. B. O. 


Capt. The Hon'ble A. Annesley. 
Capt. W. 0. Gibbs. 
Capt. E. H. Williams. 


MAP D-4. 

Capt. J. F. Neilson. 

Lieut. W. E. Palmes. 

Lieut. C. B. Wilson. 

Lieut. W. L. Palmer, Adjutant. 

Lieut. E. A. Fielden. 

Lieut. G. C. Stewart. 

Lieut. C. R. Tumor. 

Lieut. H. C. Brocklehurst. 

2nd-Lieut. R. C.Gordon-Canning. 

2nd-Lieut. V. J. Greenwood. 

2nd-Lieut. V. A. P. Stokes. 
2nd- Lieut. W. M. Armstrong. 
2nd- Lieut. Sir Basil Brooke, Bt. 
2nd-Lieut. W. S. Murland. 



2nd-Lieut. R. S. Hudson. 
Hon. Capt. R. Pillinger, Qr.Mr. 
Hon. Lieut. W. P. Littlewood, 
Riding Master. 


Capt. Wallace Benson, R.A.M.C. | Capfc. W. J. Dale, A.V.C. 
Capt. J. M. Reid, Australian Light Horse. 

Sir W. Bass. Mrs. Gibbs. Mrs. Herbert Smith. 

Lady Noreen Bass. Lady Helen Mitford. Mrs. Williams. 

Lady Brocklehurst. Lady Alexandra The Hon'ble Lilah 

Miss Sylvia Brooke. Palmer. Wingfield. 

Miss Fieldeii. Miss Stokes. 

9th Hodson's Horse, 

CAMP 279. MAP D-3. 

Capt. O. V. Smith. 

Capt. E. deBurgh. 

Lieut. M. D. Vigors, Qr. Mr. 

Lieut. T. I. G. Thomas. 

Lieut. T. W. Corbett. 

Lieut. E. V. P. Seymour. 

Lieut. Walker. 

Lt.-Col. R. B. Low, D.S.O. 

Major A. W. Pennington, M.V.O. 

Major G. A. H. Beatty. 

Major R. C. W. Lukin. 

Major C. H. Rovvcroft. 

Capt. H. L. Dyce. 

Capt. A. I. Fraser, Adjutant. 

Lieut. M. L. C. Irvine, I.M.S. 

Miss Baird. Miss Lloyd. Mrs. Lukin. 

Mrs. Beatty. Mrs. Low. 

30th Lancers. 

CAMP 280. MAP E-3. 

Lt.-Col. W. H. Fasken. 
Major C. R. Elliot. 
Major H. A. Lane. 
Major A. E. Barnard. 
Capt. V. E. Muspratt. 

Capt. A. U. Gledstanes. 
Capt. E. D. Raymond. 
Capt. H. S. L. Maydwell. 
Lieut. R. B. Butler. 
Lieut. H. de N. Lucas. 

Capt. W. H. Odium, I.M.S. 

Mrs. Barnard. Mrs. Gledstanes. Mrs. Maydwell. 

Mrs. Elliot. Mrs. Lane. Mrs. Odium. 

Mrs. Fasten. Mrs. Muspratt. Mrs. Raymond. 



7th Cavalry Brigade Headquarters. 

CAMP 258. 

Brig.-Gen. W.E. Peyton, D.S.O. 
Capt. C. A. C. Godwin 
Capt. A. M. Mills 
Capt. W. E. Hume Spry . 
Lieut. J. V. Dawson . 

MAP C-4. 

Commanding Brigade. 
Brigade Major. 
Staff Captain. 
S. and T. Corps. 
Orderly Officer. 

Mrs. Godwin. 

13th Hussars, 

CAMP 257. 

Lt.-Col. A. H. M. Taylor, D.S.O. 

Major J. J. Richardson. 

Capt. W. H. Eve. 

Capt. E. J. Carter. 

Capt. R. S. Hamilton-Grace. 

Capt. W. A. Kennard. 

Capt. E. H. Stocker. 

Capt. N. Neill. 

Capt. C. Steele. 

Capt. J. G. Rees, Adjutant. 

Lieut. J. H. Hind. 

Lieut. H. C. Jeddere Fisher. 

Lieut. S. O. Robinson. 

Lieut. W. C. A. Vanneck. 

MAP C-4. 

Lieut. J, N. Lumley. 

Lieut. H. G. T. Newton. 

Lieut. J. O. Oakes. 

Lieut. H. L. Jones. 

2nd-Lt. A. M. Sassoon. 

2nd-Lt. S. V. Kennedy. 

2nd-Lt. J. V. Dawson. 

2nd-Lt. T. E. Lawson-Smith. 

2nd-Lt. J. A. Jeffrey. 

2nd-Lt. J. W. Taylor. 

Hon. Capt. H. de P. O'Kelly, 
Riding Master. 

Hon. Lieut. A. Cooke, Quarter- 


Lieut. G. B. Stones, 7th Lancers. 
Lieut. Logan, Australian Light Horse. 
Lieut. Watson Smythe. 

Mr. P. Berwick. 
Mrs. Berwick. 
Brig.-Gen. G. A. 

Mrs. Cookson. 

Mrs. Eve. 
Lady Frankfort. 
Hon'ble Kathleen De 

Hanfblc Rachel De 

Mrs. Taylor. 
Miss Vanneck. 

3rd Skinner's Horse. 

CAMP 256. MAP D-5. 

Lt.-Col. W. E. A. Blakeney. 
Lt.-Col. C. L. Hamilton. 

Lt.-Col. F. L. Moore. 
Major. J. R. Gaussen, D.S.O. 


Capt. E. C. W. Conway-Gordon. 
Capt. M. R. H. Webber. 
Capt. .T. H. Bennett. 
Capt. T. E. Hulbert. 
Lieut. S. T. Polley. 

Mrs. Blakeney.l 
Mrs. Conway-Govdon. 
Miss Godfrey. 


Lieut. R. W. Manderson, Adju- 

Lieut. J. M. Lorimer. 
Lieut. E. D. Metcalfe. 
Lieut. G. C. G. Gray. 

Mrs. Hulbert. 
Miss Hulbert. 
Mrs. Moore. 

Mr. A. B. Smith. 
Mrs. Webber. 
Miss Wilson. 

18th (K. G. O.) Lancers. 

CAMP 255. MAP D-5. 

Lt.-Col. S. B. Grimston. 
Major P. E. Rioketts. 
Major E. C. Corbyn. 
Capt. C. H. Marsh, D.S.O. 
Capt. R. H. Marsh. 
Capt. A. M. Mills. 

Lieut. F. Gwatkin, Adjutant. 
Lieut. A. H. Brooke, Quarter- 

Lieut. A. Brooke. 
Lieut. S. J. W. Railston. 
Capt. A. J. H. Russell, I.M.S. 

Miss Ashburnham. 
Mrs. Carew. 
Mrs. Corbyn. 

Mrs. Grimston. 
Miss Grimston. 
Mrs. C. H. Marsh. 
Fraulein Werdecker. 

Mrs. Mills. 
Mrs. Ricketts. 
Mrs. Vores. 

9th Brigade R. H. 

CAMPS 261 & 262. 

Lt.-Col. A. D. Young. 
Major J. G. Rotton. 
Major N. E. Tilney. 
Capt. E. H. Jones. 
Capt. A. R. B. Cossart. 
Capt. A. Mellor. 
Lieut. T. H. Carlisle. 

A. (N & S Batteries.) 

MAP C-4. 

Lieut. A. T. Brooke. 
Lieut. J. R. Ramsay. 
Lieut. T. C. Newton. 
Lieut. A. C. E. Marsh. 
Lieut. R. F. Adam. 
Lieut. H. C. West. 
Hon. Capt. T. Council, Riding 

Lt.-Col. A. E. Tate, R.A.M.C. | Capt. E. D. Caddell, R.A.M.C. 

Mrs. Caddell. 
Mrs. Cossart. 

Mrs. Rotton. 
Miss Tate. 
Brig.-Gen. C. F. G. Young. 

Mrs. Tilney. 
Mrs. Walshe. 


10th Brigade R. H. A. (P & R Batteries.) 

CAMPS 259 & 260. MAP D-5, C-5. 

Major W. H. Kay. 
Major A. E. Wardrop. 
Capt. W. Stirling. 
Capt. E. H. Phillips, D.S.O. 
Capt. J. G. B. Allardyce. 
Capt. G. B. Balston. 

Lieut. H. H. Hulton. 

Lieut. P. G. Yorke. 
Lieu*. N. A. L. Day. 
Lieut. C. J. Clibborn. 
Lieut. E. F. Norton. 
Lieut. B. T. Holland. 
Lieut. B. S. Ellis. 
Lieut. P. (T. Leach. 

Capt. S. J. Bastyan. 

Mrs. Bastyan. Mrs. Hulton. Mrs. Kay. 

Mrs. Wardrop. 

Divisional Engineers Cavalry Division. 

CAMPS 253 & 254. MAP D-5. 

Capt. D. A. Thomson, B.E. . 41 Wireless Signal Company. 

Lieut. B. H. Logan, Loyal North Attached to 41 Wireless Signal 

Lanes. Begiment. Company. 

Lieut. H. W. Tomlinson, B.E. . Commanding Sappers and Miners, 

Field Troop. 
Lieut. B. T. Wilson, B.E. 

British & Indian Field Ambulance. 

CAMPS 273 & 274. MAP D-4. 

Capt. M. B. H. Bitchie, B.A.M.C. . Commdg. Sec. A, No. 37, B. F. A. 
Capt. J. A. Shorten, I.M.S. . . Commdg. Sec. 160, 1. F. A. 

Miss Baird. Miss D. James. Mrs. Bitchie. 

Headquarters IHrd (Lahore) Division. 

CAMP 119. MAP 1-6. 

Lt.-Gen. Sir A. A. Pearson, K.C.B. Comdg. 3rd Division. 

Lieut. G. H. A. Pearson . . A.-D.-C. 

Capt. W. G. K. Green . . Orderly Officer. 



Surg.-Gen. A. M. Crofts, C.I.E. 
Maj.-Gen. T. D. Pilchor, C.B. 
Maj.-Gen. C. H. Powell, C.B. 
Brig.-Geu. J. E. Johnson, D.S.O. 
Brig.-Gen. K. G. Egcrton 
Col. W. H. Sitwell, C.B., D.S.O. 
Col. W. A. Thompson 
Col. H. C. Nanton, R.E. 
Lt.-Col. A. Cavr, M.D., R.A.M.C. 
Lt.-Col. H. N. Roomo 
U.-Col. W. S. Speranza, R.E. 
Lt.-Col. W. Ewbank, R.E. . 
U.-Col. F. Temple Cole, R.A. 
Lt.-Col. S. W. Lincoln 
Major J. S. Banmgartner . 
Major S. W. King 
Major W. B. Pearson . 

Major A. W. Chitty . 
Major C. L. Storr 
Capt. H. C. Herbert . 
Capt. R. A. Tate, R.A.M.C. 
Capt. H. C. Cavendish, R.F.A. 
Capt. C. L. Whitaker 
Capt. S. de V. A. Julius 
Capt. R. Johnston 
Capt. H. K. Woods . 
Capt. G. H. Wilkinson, S. & T. 
Lieut. M. A. H. Scott, R.E. 
Lieut. G. E. Bruce 

P. M. O., 3rd Division. 
Comdg. Sirhind Bde. 
Comdg. Jullundur Bde. 
Divisional Artillery Commander. 
Comdg. Ferozcpore Bde. 
G. S. O. (1) 3rd Division. 
A. Q. M. G., 3rd Division. 
Commanding Royal Engineer 

37th Lancers. 

A. C. R. E. 

D. A. A. G., 3rd Division. 

C. O. O. 

A. D. S. & T. 

G. S. O. (2) 3rd Division. 

G. S. O. (2) 3rd Division. 

Lancashire Fusiliers. Provost 


Bde.-Major, Fcrozepore Bde. 
Bde. -Major, Sirhind Bde. 
South Lancashire Regt. 
Medical and Sanitary Officer. 

18th Infantry. 

R. Sussex Regt. 

4th Cavalry. 

South Lancashire Regt. 

Staff Capt., Divl. Engr. 

53rd Sikhs. Camp Commandant. 

Major S. A. Archer, 

Mrs. S. A. Archer. 
Mrs. H. Carr. 
Mrs. H. C. Cavendish. 
Mrs. A. W. Chitty. 
Mrs. H. Chitty. 

Mrs. A. W. Cripps. 
Capt. R. B. De la 

Motte, S. & T. 
Mrs. De la Mottc. 
Mrs. R. G. Egerton. 
Major P. C. Eliott 


Mrs. P C. Eliott 


Mrs. W. G. K. Green. 
Mrs. S. W. King. 
Mrs. S. W. Lincoln. 
Mrs. W. Mitchell. 
Mrs. H. C. Nanton. 


Lady A. A. Pearson. 
Mrs. C. H. Powell. 
Mr. Ridley. 
Mrs. Ridley. 
Mrs. H. N. Roome. 


Mrs. W. S. Speranza. 
Miss Speraiiza. 
Capt. E. M. Steward. 
Miss Steward. 
Mrs. C. L. Storr. 

Mrs. P. Temple Co le. 
Mrs. Thomas. 
Mrs. Tidswell. 
Mrs. Wilkinson. 

Enquiry Office 3rd Division. 

Xear CAMP 128. MAP .1-4. 

Lieut. A. H. Hopwood, Lincoln- Camp Staff Officer, 
shire Regiment. 

Mrs. Hopwood. 

Miss S. James. 


Rev. A. Brown. Rev. Father Colombo. 

Mrs. Brown. Rev. M. D. Mawe. 

Rev. Father Aloysius Carroll, Mrs. Mawe. 
Rev. A. J. Revnell. 

1st Bn. The Connaught Rangers. 

CAMP 127. MAP J.-4. 

Lt.-Col. G. H. Ford-Hutchinson, 


Major G. L. Hobbs. 
Major S. J. Murray. 
Major W. A. Hamilton. 
Capt. W. H. S. Alexander. 
Capt. C. E. Hack. 
Capt. R. L. Payne. 
Capt. J. M. B. Wratislaw. 
Capt. E. G. S. Truell. 
Lieut. G. F. Callaghan. 
Lieut. G. de M. A. L. Tulloch. 
Lieut. A. G. Moutray. 


Lieut. F. R. George. 
Lieut. F. L. Von Sticglitz. 
Lieut. G. J. B. E. Massy. 
Lieut. H. Q. Irwin. 
Lieut. M. E. Fell. 
Lieut. S. W. Howard. 
Lieut. C. T. C. Irvine. 
Lieut. J. R. Ovens. 
Lieut. & Qr. Mr. J. Rafferty. 
2nd-Lieut. E. G. Small. 
2nd-Lieut. R. L. Thomas. 
2nd-Lieut. A. L. P. Anderson. 
2nd-Lieut. G. D. Abbott. 
D. C. Branfoot. 

Mrs. G. F. Callaghan. 
Mrs. G. H. Ford-Hutchin- 

Mrs. G. L. Hobbs. Miss Warden. 
Mrs. A. G. Moutray. Miss Whyte. 



18th Intantry. 

CAMP 129. MAP J-4. 

Lt.-Col. P. W. Drake-Brockmaii. 
Lt.-Col. J. K. Tod. 
Lt.-Col. R. R. Ilenton. 
Major W. L. Cotton. 
Capt. H. A. Morgan. 
Capt. E. V. Jones. 

Capt. G. S. Douglas. 

Capt. W. P. Hammond. 

Lieut. A. C. M. Binny. 

Lieut. C. T. Drake-Brockmau. 

Lieut. A. S. Brooke. 

Lieut. M. D. A. Kureishi, I.M.S. 

Col. W. C. Barratt, 
C.B., D.S.O., 5th 
Light Infantry. 

Mrs. W. C. Barratt. 

Mrs. A. C. M. Binny. 
Mrs. W. L. Cotton. 
Mrs. H. A. Morgan. 

Mrs. J. K. Tod. 
Mr. Vcdder. 
Mrs. Vedder. 

57th Wilde's Rifles (Frontier Force). 

CAMP 128. 

Col. G. B. Hodson. C.B., D.S.O. 

Major ,F. W. B. Gray, D.S.O. 

Major E. C. Creagh. 

Major T. J. Willaiis. 

Capt. 11. S. Gordon. 

Capt. L. Forbes. 

Capt. S. J. B. Sparling. 

Lieut. A. H. Radford. 

MAP J-4. 

Lieut. W. S. Trail. 
Lieut. J. M. H. Mackenzie. 
Lieut. E. K. Fowler. 
Lieut. J. Mac A. Craig. 
Lieut. C. W. Maloney. 
Lieut. D. Bainbridge. 
Lieut. I. H. S. Clarke. 
Capt. J.F. Boyd, I.M.S. 

Miss Ames. 
Mrs. J. F. Boyd. 

Mrs. MacA. Craig. 
Mrs. F. W. B. Gray. 

25th Punjabis. 

Mrs. G. B. Hodson. 

CAMP 130. 

Lt.-Col. R. E. H. Dyer. 
Major W. C. Paleologus. 
Major F. Martin. 
Capt. C. B. Riley. 
Capt. H. R. A. Hunt. 
Capt. de L. W. Passy. 

MAP J-5. 

Capt. C. H. Tyrrell. 
Capt. G. W. Atkins. 
Lieut. C. N. Steele. 
Lieut. H. R. O. Walker. 
Lieut. N. G. R. Coats. 
Lieut. R. G. Gardner. 

Lt.-Col. A, C. Younan, M.B., I.M.S. 

Mrs. C. B. Riley. 

Mrs. A. C. Younan. 



1st Bn. The Manchester Regiment. 

CAMP 131. MAP J-5. 

Lieut. E. L. Musson. 
Lieut. F. N. Fox. 

Col. A. H. Baldwin. 
Major H. W. E. Hitchins. 
Major E. J. H. Walker. 
Capt. W. C. Hastings, D.S.O. 
Capt. H. C. Bates. 
Lieut. C. C. Stapledon. 
Lieut. E. N. Buchan, D.S.O. 
Lieut. J. R. Heelis. 
Lieut. A. K. D. Tillard. 
Lieut. B. V. Mair. 

2nd-Tiient. L. C. Bostock. 
2iid-Lieut. F. C. Hickie. 
2nd-Lieut J . Shaw. 
2nd-Lieut. B. J. Atkin. 
2nd-Lieut. W. X. Shipstcr. 
2nd-Licut. R. I. . Davidson. 
2nd- Lieut. 8. S. Norman. 
2nd-Lieut. R, F. Lynch. 

Lieut. J. W. Lane, R.A.M.C. 

Mrs. A. A. Baldwin. Miss Baldwin. Mrs. J. W. Lane. 

Mrs. E. J. H. Walker. 

Lt.-Col. H. L. Richardson. 
Major E. S. Hall. 
Major Gr. W. Johnson. 
Ma]or S. R. Davidson. 
Capt. H. le M. Fellowes. 
Capt. H. E. Browne. 

47th Sikhs. 

CAMP 134. MAP J-5. 

Capt. L. R. Hogge. 
Capt. B. H. Howard. 
Capt. A. W. Brown. 
Capt. R. J. McCleverty. 
Capt. W. H. Ralston. 
Lieut. E. H. Paske. 

Capt. H. C. Brown, M.B. 

Lieut. A. E. Drysdale. 

Capt. Paske. 

Mrs. H. C. Brown. Mrs. S. R. Davidson. Mrs. B. H. Howard. 

Miss Campbell. Mrs. H. le M. Fellowes. Miss Howard. 

Mr. Clift. Mrs. L. R. Hogge. Mrs. H. L. Richardson. 

53rd Sikhs (Frontier Force). 

CAMP 132. MAP J-5. 

Capt. C. I. Shepherd 
Lieut. G. Tomes. 
Lieut. P. A. Macartney 
Lieut. E. P. Watts. 
Lieut. C. A. Proudfoot. 
2nd-Lieut. H. Finnis. 

Lt.-Col. R. W. Falcon. 

Major A. F. Ferguson-Davie, 

C.I.E., D.S.O. 
Capt. R. Gardiner. 
Capt. C. A. Milward. 
Capt. G. H. Chapman. 

Mrs. G. H. Chapman. Mrs. A. F. Ferguson-Davie. 

Capt. C. F. Waterworth, D.S.O., Royal Warwickshire Regiment. 

Lt.-Col. C. G. Prendorgast. 
Major A. G. dcV. Chic-heater. 
Major C. W. Keem>. 
Capt. M. R. Pocock. 
Capt. J. C. Philips. 
Capt. C. B. Harcourt. 
Lieut. H. M. Barrows. 

Mrs. J. C. Philips. 


'28th Punjabis. 

CAMP 133. MAP J-5. 


Lieut. B. A. Ycarslcy. 
Lieut. W. R. BoBwell. 
Lieut. C. R. Watson. 
Lieut. M. C. G. Matthew. 
Lieut. R. N. G. Scott. 
Capt. A. G. Coullie, 

Mrs. C. G. Prendergast. 

1st Bn. Duke of Wellington's (West Riding 


CAMP 135. MAP J-5. 

Lt.-Col. C. V. Humphrys. 
Major W. M. Watson. 
Major P. A. Turner. 
Major R. E. Maffett. 
Major R. N. Bray. 
Capt. A. A. St. Hill. 
Capt. W. E. Maples. 
Capt/M. H. B. Wilson. 
Capt/R. M. Tidmarsh. 
Capt. A. S. Carlyon. 
Capt. E. H. B. Wellesley. 
Lieut. S. E. Marriner. 
Lieut. D. Eirth. 
Lieut. H. W. Glenn. 
Lieut. E. C. Boutflower. 

Lieut. G. Flemming. 

Lieut. W. G. Officer. 

Lieut. E. H. Eawcett. 

Lieut. E. G. Peake. 

Lieut. V. N. Kidd. 

Lieut. H. E. Treeby. 

Lieut. M. N. Cox. 

Lieut, and Qr. Mr. A. J. Carroll. 

2nd-Lieut. R. H. W. Owen. 

2nd-Licut. A. E. Miller. 

2nd-Lieut. E. A. Bald. 

2nd-Lieut. E. G. Gatacre. 

2nd-Lieut. P. V. Cornish. 
2nd-Lieut. J. H. Park. 
2nd-Lieut. B. H. O'Donnell. 
Captain W. E. H. Cass, Australian Eorces. 

Miss Humphrys. 
Mrs. R. E. Maffett. 
Miss Owen. 
Mrs.R. M. Tidmarsh. 
Mrs. Tidmarsh. 

Mrs. R. N. Bray. 
Mrs. A. S. Carlyon. 
Mrs. A. J. Carroll. 
Mrs. Eirth. 
Mrs. C. V. Humphrys. 

1st Bn. 1st (K. G. O.) Gurkha Rifles. 

CAMP 136. MAP J-6. 

Mrs. P. A. Turner. 
Mrs. E. H. B. 

Mrs. Wilson. 

Lt.-Col. A. G. B. Lang. 
Major H. A. H. Thompson. 
Capt. W. J. Evans. 
Capt. W. P. Cruikshank. 
Capt. C. H. Giffard. 

Capt. H. I. Money. 
Capt. N. M. Wilson. 
Lieut. G. S. Kennedy. 
Lieut. W. B. Northey. 
2nd-Lieut. L. B. Rundall. 



Capt. N. E. Howcll, 82nd Punjabis. 

Miss Dairy mple. 
Miss St. George. 

Mrs. Scott. 
Miss Scott. 

Mrs. A. H. H. Thompson. 
Mrs. X. M. Wilson. 

2nd Bn. 1st (K. G. O.) Gurkha Rifles. 

Major E. D. Money. 
Capt. A. Young. 
Capt. A. E. Johnson. 
Capt. A. H. W. Elias. 
Capt. H. Holderness. 
Capt. A. Latham. 
Capt. A. F. Inglis. 

CAMP 137. MAP J-6. 

, Lieut. M. C. Baldwin. 
; Lieut. C. F. M. Birch. 

Lieut. N. F. Graeme. 

Lieut. J. D. Ogilvie. 

Lieut. M. F. I). Cobbold. 

Lieut. E. C. Mocklor. 

Lieut. E. W. O'G. Kirwan, I.M.S. 

Mrs. P. Wynn Elias. Miss D. M. Ross. Mrs. Wichniann. 

Miss Elias. Mr. F. W. Wichmann. Mr. W. Wichmann. 

Capt. H. T. Shakespcar, Capt. F. F. Hodgson, 

12th Cavalry. 84th Punjabis. 

2nd Bn. 4th Gurkha Rifles. 

CAMP 138. MAP J-6. 

Lt.-Col. A. Grant. 
Major D. C. Young. 
Major A. E. Sealy. 
Capt. G. A. Perreau. 
Capt. F. S. Massy. 
Capt. H. St. G. Scott. 

Lt.-Col. G. H. Frost, I.M.S. 

Lieut. G. Kennedy. 
Lieut. W. A. Gardiner. 
Lieut. A. M. Arnott. 
Lieut. A. D. J). Carter. 
Lieut. W. L. Farwell. 
Lieut. D. M. Dennys. 

Mrs. F. S. Massy. 

Mrs. A. E. Sealy. 

10th (D. C. O.) Lancers. 

CAMP 125. MAP 1-4. 

Lt.-Col. W. L. Maxwell. 
Ma|or W. E. Young. 
Major H. G. Young. 
Major R. L. Ricketts. 
Capt. J. E. Moir. 
Capt. J. Peters. 

Capt. R. R. Chambers. 
Capt. A. W. M. KoramiB. 
Capt. K. O. Goldie. 
Lieut. D. O. W. Lamb. 
Lieut. G. de la P. Beresford 
Lieut. E. C. Braddyll. 

Major E. A. C. Matthews, I.M.S. 

Mrs. P. R. Chambers. 
Mrs R. A.C. Matthews. 


Mr*. W. L Maxwell. 
Miss Blackburn Maze. 
Mrs. W. E. Young. 


Mrs. P. L Kieketts. 
Mrs. H. G. Young. 

46th Brigade, R. F. A. 

CAMPS 150-151-152. MAP K-4. 

Lt..-Col. K. K. Xorris. 
Major W. Evans, D.8.O. 
Major M J. F. Fitzgerald. 
Major H. It. Phipps. 
Ca])t. (f. K. Willis. 
Capt. H. M. Baliingall. 
Capt. L. C. Warren, 
('apt. W. K. (tray. 
Lieut. H. G. Young 
Lieut A. Z. Blumenthal. 

2nd- Lieut. 

Lieut. E. H. W. Bolitho. 
Lieut. G. 11. Burnett- Stuart. 
Lieut. A. Block. 
Lieut. A. P. Dresser. 
Lieut. A. G. Cunningham. 
Lieut. K. G. Heath. 
2nd- Lieut. H. F. C. Kempe. 
2nd- Lieut. G. U. Stallard. 
2nd-Lieut. J. deH. Chisholm- 

R. P. Graves. 

Major .1. Hay. 
Capt. A. H. D. West. 


Capt. J. A. B. McGowau, A.V.C. 
Lieut. T. H. Beekley. 

Mrs. W. Kvans. 
The Ven. Archdeacon 

Mrs. Nicolls. 
Mrs. E. E. Nbrris. 
Miss Norris. 

Miss Xorris. 
Miss Willis. 

3rd Mountain Artillery Brigade, R. G. A. 

CAMPS 123-124. MAP 1-3. 

Brev.-Col. G. C. Dowell. 
Major H. R. Cook. 
Major E. E. Tyler. 
Capt. C. H. W. Owen. 
Capt. L. K. Stanbrough. 
Capt. J. E. S. Brind. 
Lieut. B. Walter. 

Lieut. M. E. Mascall. 

Lieut. E. F. C. Wilson. 

Lieut. N. C. Healing. 

Lieut. R. C. Seys. 

Lieut, W. H. Lewis. 

Capt. M. Orr Wilson, R.A.M.C. 

Capt. W. I. Macaulay, A.V.C. 

Capt. F. Syinon, Royal New Zealand Artillery. 

Mrs. L. K. Staiibrough. 


Ordnance Park (Army Camps). 

CAMP 147. MAP J-4. 

Lt.-Col. F. Temple Cole, B.A. Capt. A. S. Dawson-Moray. 

Capt. C. Hebert, ll.A. Capt. \V. A. Wood, A.V.C. 

Mr. Temple Cole. Mrs. Dawson-Moray. 

Mrs. Temple Cole. Mrs. Hebert. 

23rd Sikh Pioneers. 

CAMP 126. MAP T-4. 

Lt.-Col. G. L. Holland. 
Major H. F. A. Pearson. 
Major G. H. F. Kelly. 
Major A. V. W. Hope. 
Capt. B. Xieholas. 
Capt. B. C. H. Drew. 
Capt. K. P. A. Melville. 
Capt. K L. Croslegh. 

Capt. B. Tuniball. 
Capt. H. B. Bonny. 
Lieut. B. X. B. Campbell. 
Lieut. W. A. II. Bird. 
Lieut. K W. C. Hicketts. 
Lieut. F. C. Squires. 
Lieut. D. P. Chesney. 
Capt. M. L. Puri, T.M.S. 

Mrs. B. X. B. Campbell. Mrs. (V. L. Holland. Mrs. Puri. 

Miss Campbell. Mrs. K P. A. Melville. Mrs. II. B. Renny 

Mrs. B. C. H. Drew. Mrs. H. F. A. Pearson. 

Indian General Hospital. 


Lt.-Col. F. W. Gee, I.M.S. ] Capt, C. H. Cazalcy, I.M.S. 

Lt.-Col. C. M. Moore, I.M.S. Capt. C. H. Cross, I.M.S. 

Major H. J. K. Bamfield, I.M.S. Capt. F. F. S. Smith, J.M.S. 

Miss Bamtield. Mrs. C. II. Cazaley. Mrs. M. C. Clay. 

British Field Ambulance Section B No. 34. 

CAMP 121. MAP J-3. 
Major H. G. F. Stallard, B.A.M.C. 

Indian Field Ambulance Section B No. 160. 

CAMP 120. MAP 1-3. 
Capt. T. G. F. Paterson, I.M.S. 



Headquarters VHth (Meerut) 

CAMP 200. MAP J-7. 

Lt.-Gcn. Sir P. X. Lake, K.O.M.G., Commanding VII Division. 


Lieut. N. X. E. Bray . . 18tb Laiu-.ers, A.-D.-C. 

Mai-beau, C.V.O., Commanding 21st Infantry Bri- 
,, Commanding 20th Infantry. 

Maj.-Gen. F. 

Brig.-Gcn. II. D'u Keary, A.-D.-C 


Brig.-Gen. C. T. Robinson . 
Col. E. 1VA. S. Thomas 
Col. W. H. Dobhie . 
Col. M. W. Kevin, C. B. . 
Col. P. E. Dixon 
Col. L. W. Shakespcar 
Lt.-Col. H. J. Downing, D.S.O. . 
Lt.-Col. G. S. Cartwriglit 

Major W. H. Ogilvio 
Major St. .1. A. Cox 
Major C. R. \V. Burton 
Major F. W. II. Fortoatli . 
Major C. G. Stanstield 

Major A. E. Glasgow 

Major S. W. Robinson 
Capt. W. S. Anthony . 
Capt. P. S. Lelean . 

Capt. S. G. Loch, 1). S. O. . 
Capt. R. A. Cassels 

Capt. G. W. Denison . 

Capt. C. Nelson .... 

Capt. L. Daniels 

Capt. B. S. A. F. Grcvillc . 

Capt. MacDonald 

Capt. R. H. L. Cutbill 

Capt. C. O. Morris 

Div. Art. Comdr., 7th Division. 
G. S. O. (1), 7th Division. 

A. Q. M. G., 7th Division. 

P. M. O., 7th Division. 

C. R. E., 7th Division. 

R. IP. R. 

R.E, A.C.R.E., Meerut (Cav.) 


Royal Irish Regt. 
Cant. Magte., Meerut. 
S. & T. Corps. 
8th Gurkha Rifles. Bde. Major, 

Garhwal Bde. 
R. Sussex 11. Bde. Major, Bareilly 


R. G. A., D. A. A.G., 7th Division. 
A. V. S. 
R. A. M. C., Sanitary Officer, 7th 


R.E. Bde. Major, Dehra Dun Bri- 
32nd Lancers, G. S. O. (2), 7th 


3rd Brahmans. 
A. V. S. 
16th Rajputs. 
A. V. C. 
A. S. C. 
S/ and T. Corps. 


Lieut. (1. B. C. Rees-Mogg . 
Lieut. J. W. O'Kelly 
Lieut. A. H. Jukes 
Lieut. F. C. G. Campbell 


A. V. S. 

A. V. S. 

9th Gurkha Rifles. 

4()th Pathans. 

Mrs. Campbell. 
Miss Campbell. 
Mrs. Cartwright. 
Mrs. Cassels. 
Mrs. Cox. 
Mrs. Cutbill. 
Mrs. Daly. 

Mrs. Dobbie. 
Mrs. Downing. 
Lt.-Col. A. M. Faulk- 

nor, I. A. 
Mrs. Forteath. 
Mrs. Kerin. 
Miss Keriu. 

Miss Thomas. 

Lady Lake. 
Mrs. Lyndon Bell. 
Miss Lynden Bell. 
Mrs. Lelean. 
Mrs. Ogilvie. 
Mrs. R()l)insoii. 
Mrs . Shakespear. 

Enquiry Office 7th Meerut Division. 

Near CAMP 167. MAP K-7. 
Lieut. M. H. Vincent, 33rd Punjabis . Camp Staff Officer. 

Rev. B. II. Holman. 

4th Bn. King's Royal Rifle Corps. 

CAMP 184. MAP K-7. 

Lt.-Col. The lion. W. R. 

Montagu Stuart Wortley, 


Major E. Pearce-Serocold. 
Major H. R. Blore. 
Capt. C. H. X. Seymour. 
Capt. J. P. F. Tate. 
Capt. R. Crichton. 
Capt. C. V. L. Poe. 
Capt. H. A. Vernon. 
Lieut. C. J. T. R. Wingfield. 
Lieut. W. L. Clinton. 

Lieut. H. C. Ponsonby. 
Lieut. C. K. Howard Bury. 
Lieut. R. J. II. Pureell. 
2nd-Lieut. S. H. Ferraiid. 
2nd-Liout. H. O. Curtis. 
2nd-Lieut. C. T. Ellison. 
2ml-Lieut. A. E. Lawrence. 
2nd-Lieut. A. C. P. Butler. 
2nd-Liout. (I. S. Oxley. 
2nd- Lieut. M. K. MacKenzie. 
Hon. Lieut, and Q. M. T. Jones. 


Major B. S. Dowsett, Australian Rifle Regiment. 
2nd- Lieut. D. R. Montford, U. L. 

The Hon. Mrs. Montagu 
Stuart Wortley. 

Mrs. Seymour. 

The Lady Violet 



2-2nd (K. E. O.) Gurkha Rifles. 

CAMP 182. MAP K-7. 

Lt.-Col. C. E. deM. Xorie, D.S.O. 
Major (I. M. Morris. 
Major F. G. C. Ross. 
Major H. T. Fulton, D.S.O. 
Capt. E. W. C. Ridgeway. 
Capt. F. K. Barton. 
Capt. W. S. Dayroll. 

Mrs. Day roll. 

Capt. G. D. Mathew. 
Lieut, C. L. X. Newal. 
Lieut. K. J. Corse-Scott. 
Lieut, li. C. M. Lucas. 
Lieut. 1. C. limes. 
Lieut. W. B. Shakespear. 
Ca]>t. C. (T. Seymour, I. M.S. 

Mrs. Fulton. 

Mrs. Morris. 

130th <K. G. O.) Baluchis- 

CAMP 181. MAP K-7. 

Lt.-Col. J. O. Mennie. 
Major C. M. Price. 
Major P. H. Dyke. 
Capt. N. R. Anderson. 
Capt. (T. Newcombe. 
Capt. W. F. Adair. 
Capt. E. C. Kensington. 

Capt. H. G. Sealy. 
Capt. H. 1). Moore. 
Lieut. R. F\ Woodward. 
Lieut. 11. C. Simpson. 
Lieut. G. A. Pirn. 
Lieut. W. G. H. M. Mules. 
2nd-Licut. A. H. Wildman. 

Capt. C. E. liultct'1, l.M.S. 

Miss Anderson. Mrs. Kensington. Mrs. Mennie. 

2nd- Lieut J. P. S. Minter. Capt. Whitwortli Jones, l.M.S. 

2-9th Gurkha Rifles. 

CAMP 183. 

Major C. McL. Porteous. 
Major F. K. Coninghaui. 
Major C. R. Bradshaw. 
Capt. H. L. C. Turner. 
Capt. G. C. Wheeler. 

MAP K-7. 

Lieut. A. H. Parsons. 
Lieut. R. Blandy. 
Lieut. A. F. Spreckley. 
2nd-Lieut. D. Baillie. 
Capt. A. W. M. Harvey, l.M.S. 

1st Bn. King's Own Scottish Borderers- 

CAMP 176. MAP K-6. 

Li-Col. W. D. Seller. 
Major A. S. Koe. 
Major D. R. Sladen, D.S.O. 
Major A. J. Welch. 

Capt. C. F. Kennedy. 
Capt. A. S. Cooper. 
Capt. R. H. Crake. 
Capt. I. B. Hopkins. 



Lieut. C. T. Furber. 
Lieut. M. A. N. Bochor. 
Lieut. J. B. W. Funnyman. 
Lieut. A. J. Sanderson. 
Lieut. H. (I. L. Mayne. 
Lieut. F. X. Sanderson. 
Lieut. C. A. G. O. Murray. 

Miss Friend. 

Lieut. A. G. Patterson. 
Lieut. H. T. Cruikshank. 
Lieut. J. K. B. Campbell. 
Lieut. C. S. Stirling Cookson. 
2nd- Lieut. W. J. X. Cbeatle. 
2nd-Lieut. G. S. Hutchison. 
Hon. Lieut. & Q. M. W. Simpson. 

Mrs. Koe. 

Mrs. Welch. 

Lt.-Col. V. A. Ormsby. 
Major W. R. Brakspear. 
Major C. S. Eastmead. 
Major W. C. French. 
Major W. L. Dundas. 
Major G. M. Glynton. 

2-3rd (Q. A. O.) Gurkha Rifles. 

CAMP 177. MAP K-7. 

Major J. T. Lodwick. 

Lieut. W. G. Bagot-Chester. 

Major R. J). Alexander. 

Lieut. H. Bennett. 

Lieut. E. G. T. Tuito Dalton. 

Lieut. A. H. Bald. 

Lieut. H. F. C. McSwiney. 

Mrs. Bateman-Champain. Mrs. Dundas. 
Miss Clark. Mrs. Eastmead. 

Mrs. French. 
Mrs. Tuite-Dalton. 

Lt-Col. E. R. R. Swiney. 
Major D. H. Drakc-Brockman. 
Major H. M. MacTier. 
Major F. M. Home. 
Capt. K. Henderson. 
Capt. F. G. E. Lumb. 
Capt. J. T. H. Lane. 

1-39 Garhwal Rifles. 

CAMP 178. MAP K-7. 

Capt. W. G. S. Kenny. 

Capt, J. H. De W. Carruthers. 

Lieut. F. T. Etherton. 

Lieut. G. R. Mainwaring. 

Lieut. A. H. Mankelow. 

Lieut. G. S. Rogers. 

Lieut. T. C. St. G. Welchman. 

Major C. D. Dawes, I.M.S. 

Miss Forster. Mrs. Home. Mrs. Swiney. 

Mr. Henderson. Mr. Mainwaring, I.F. Miss Swiney. 

Mrs. Henderson. Miss Rhodes. Lieut. S. A. Tuck. 

Miss Henderson. Rev. Pritchett Shaw. Miss Tuck. 

2-39th Garhwal Rifles. 

CAMP 179. 

Lt.-Col. T). E. Mocatta. 
Major W. H. Wardell. 
Major G. H. Taylor. 
Capfc. G. W. Burton. 

MAP K-7. 

Capt. A. W. Robertson-Glas- 

Capt. D. A. Blair. 
Capt. H. R. B. Reed. 



Lieut. II. P. Nation. 
Lieut. E. II. P. Berryinan. 

Lieut. J. T. C. Wilcox. 
Lieut. E. C. Kenny. 

Mrs. Blan*. 
Mrs. Holland. 

Mrs. Mocatta. 
Mrs. Reed. 
Mts. Taylor. 

Mrs. Robertson - 
Glasgow . 

4th Worcestershire Regiment- 

CAMP 172. MAP K-6. 

L t.-Col. 0. W. Lewis. 

Major C. H. Norbury. 

Major C. H. Set on. 

Major H. A. Carr. 

Capt. H. A. Lang. 

Capt. E. VV. Moss, D.S.O. 

Capt. E J. Kaviuiagh, R.A.M.C. 

Capt. C. H. Kitdiing. 

Oapt. C. S. Linton. 

Lieut. G. C. Deans. 

Lieut. H. J. G. Gilmour. 

Lieut. E. T. J. Kerans. 

Lieut. G. S, Briscoe. 

Lieut. E. P. C. Amplilett. 
Lieut. J. H. Polly. 
Lieut. T. H. O. Crnwley. 
Lieut. J. V. Bridges. 
Lieut. C. A. Wytlies. 
Lieut. W. D. Bush. 
Lieut. If. Gordon. 
Lieut. G. J. Townsend. 
Lieut. A. E. Stokes-lloberts. 
Lieut. T. L. N. Mostyn. 
Lieut. X. L. M. P. Bunbury. 
Hon. Lieut. & Q. M. H. 

Mrs. Moss. 

16th Rajputs. 

CAMP 174. 
Lt.-Col. L. M. Bell. 
Major G. R. Vanrenen. 
Major P. C. Tregear. 
Capt. B. P. Garratt. 
Lieut. F. J. O. Hume- Wright. 

MAP K-6. 

Lieut. E. C. Second^. 
Lieut. E. P. M. Durand. 
Lieut. G. V. Hughes. 
Lieut. J. W. S. Hobson. 
2nd-Lieut. G. E. Balfour. 

Mrs. Bell. 

Capt. W. H. Riddell, I.M.S. 

Lieut. H. P. Haviland. Mrs. Vanrenen. 

Lt.-Col. W. H. Savage. 
Major A. C. Hickley. 
Major J. G. Eduards. 
Major P. B. Tillard. 
Major P. Manners-Smith. 
Capt. J. C. Loch. 

l-3rd (Q. A. O.) Gurkha Rifles. 

CAMP 173. MAP K-6. 

Capt. C. H. A. Tuck. 
Capt. H. H. Grigg. 
Lieut. A. G. Stone. 
Lieut. E. T. W. McCausland. 
Liexit. G. W. P. Money. 
Lieut. R. B. Dent. 

Lieut. G. T. Pisher. 


Miss G. K. Chauner. 
Mrs. Hickley. 


Mrs. Manners- Smitl i . 
Mrs. Savage. 

Miss Savage. 
Miss M. Savage. 

2- 10th Gurkha Rifles. 

CAMP 175. M;P K-6. 

Lt.-Col. (i. H. C. Coloinh. 
Major H. W. R. Senior. 
Ma'jor R. A. Firth. 
Major Roosniale-Cocq. 
Major G. Rooke. 
Capt. L. A. Bcthcll. 
Capt. H. E. Weekes. 

Capt. J. L. Higgin. 
Capt. C. Newington. 
Lieut. W. X. Atkinson. 
Lieut. B. T. B. Merritt. 
Lieut. H. B. Davidson. 
Lieut. J. F. Russell. 
Capt. A. D. Stewart, l.M.S. 

Mrs. Coloinb. 

Miss Coloinb. 

Miss Rose. 

17th Cavalry. 

CAMP 169. MAP K-6. 

Lt.-Col. E. W. Boudier. 
Major E. W. Wall. 
Major R. A. Steel. 
Major R. C. Barry-Smith. 
Capt. R. W. Henderson. 
Capt. I). D. Wilson. 
Capt. A. H. R. Dodd. 

Lieut. T. W. Kirkwood. 
Lieut. V. C. Duberly. 
Lieut. F. C. C. Yeats-Brown. 
Lieut. E. G. Atkinson. 
2nd-Lieut. C. G. Y. Skipwith. 
2nd-Lieut. 1. D. Outline. 
j Capt. W. E. Brierly, l.M.S. 

Mrs. Barry-Smith. Mrs. Boudier. 

Brig.-Gen. E. B. Burton, Mrs. Dodd. 
C.B. Miss Dyer. 

Mrs. Kirk wood. 
Miss Dueane Smithe. 
Mrs. Steel. 

Headquarters V Brigade R. F. A. 

CAMP 192. MAP K-8. 
Lt.-Col. L. O. F. Gordon, D.S.O j Capt. L. F. Raikes. 

Mrs. Gordon. 

Major H. Broke Smith. 
Capt. Arthur. 

63rd Battery R. F. A. 

CAMP 193. MAP L-8. 

Lieut. R. M. Carlisle. 

2nd-Lieut. C. C. Hartley. 

Lieufc. C. A. H. Montanaro. 


64th Battery R. F. A. 

CAMP 191. MAP. K-8. 

Major A M. Peri-can. 
Lieut. G. E. U.Watson. 

2nd-Lieut. G. Bun-aril. 
2nd-Lieut. G. C. Kemp. 

Mrs. Perreau. 

73rd Battery R. F. A. 

CVMP 194. MAP L-8. 

Major A. T. Mavsden. Lieut. M. Gregory. 

( 1 apt. L. Godnian. 2nd-Lieut. H. J. Glcndening. 

2nd-Lieut. J. Galloway. 

M?s. Gregory. 
Capt. F. A. Jackson. 

Mrs. Jackson. 
Mrs. Marsden. 

Baroness Winstowe. 

31st Mountain Battery. 

CAMP 170. MAP L-5. 
Lt.-Col. J. L. Parker . . Comdg. 7th M. A. Bde. 

Majoi K. H. Massie. 

Ca])t. L. S. Bayley. Lieut. I). D. H. Campbell. 

Lieut. H. P. Kenyon. 

Mrs. Kenyon. 

32nd Mountain Battery. 

CAMP 171. MAP L-5. 

Major J H. Paine, D.S.O. 
Capt. C.W. Stulpnagel. 

Lieut. H. C. T. Dowding. 
Lieut. M. F. A. Maclean. 

Lieut. G. W. C. Hickie. 
Miss Harrison. Mrs. Stulpnagel. 

128th Pioneers. 

CAMP 185. MAP K-8. 

Lt.-Col. A. H. I). Creagh. I Capt. A. Forbes. 

Majo- F. M. Lane. Lieut. C. K. G. B. Goad. 

Majr K. E E. Kriekenbeek. 
Capt H. W. Tobin. 
Capl X. C. Baniiatyne. 

Capt D. S. Graham. 

Lieut. F. H. Farebrother. 
Lieut. X. R. Whitaker. 
Lieut. P. Johnston Saint. 
Lieut. A. W. Pnlverman. 

Capt. A. C. Munro, I.M.S. 


Mrs. Graham. Miss Harbotlc. Mrs. Krickcnbeek. 

Mrs. Tobin. 

32nd Division Signal Coy. 

CAMP 180. MAP K-7. 
Capt. W. F. Maxwell. Lieut. L. V. Bond. Lieut, C. H. Walsh. 

British Field Ambulance. 

CAMP 193. MAP L-7. 
Major W. G. Beyts. . . . II. A M.C. 

Mrs. Beyts. 

Indian Field Ambulance. 

CAMP 196. MAP L-7. 
Major C. D. Dawes . . . I.M.S. 

25th Railway Coy. Sappers and Miners. 

CAMP 186. MAP K-8. 
Lieut. H. L. Woodhouse. 

Headquarters Composite Division. 

CAMP 118. MAP 1-6. 

Maj.-Gen. C. J. Blomfield, C.B., Comdg. 5th (Mhow) Di/ision 


Col. H. T. Brooking . . .A. Q. M. (J., 9th Divison. 
Col. O. M. R. Tliackwell . . C. R. K., 5th Division. 
Col. J. B. Edwards, D.S.O. . . A. Q. M. G., 5th Divison. 
Col. C. F. Willis, C.B., I.M.S. . P. M. O., 5th Divisioi. 
Lt.-Col. R. E. Sullivan . . Asst. Dir. S. & T., 5th Division. 
Major N. Faichnie, R.A.M.C. . Sany. Offr., 5th Divis.on. 
Major Rudd. 

Major F. L. Lloyd- Jones . . 113th Infantry. 
Major H. Smyth . . . The Cheshire Rcgt. Asst. Pnvost 

Capt. F. E. LL. Daniell . . Seafprth Highlanders. G. J. O: 

(ii), 5th Division. 

Capt. Sir G. M. H. Stirling, Bt., Essex Regt., D. A. A. G., 5th 
D.S.O. Division. 


Capt. A. F. Cusins, R.E. 

Capt. A. 1). Chaiiier . . . S. & T. Corps. 

Lieut. H. F. Fuller . . . S. & T. Corps. 

Mrs. Blomfield. Mrs. Faiclmic. Miss E. Gardom. 

Mrs. H. V. Drake- Mrs. Praser. Lady Stirling. 

Brockman. Mrs. Smyth. 

Enquiry Of f ice Composite Division. 

Opposite CAMP 99. MAP H-4. 
Lieut. 13. Seton James, The Royal Irish, Camp Staff Officer. 

Headquarters 1st Composite Infantry Brigade* 

CAMP 118. MAP 1-6. 

Brig.-Gen. W. P. Braithwaite, C.B. Comdg. 1st Composite Infy. Bdc. 
Capt. F. J. Joslin . . . W. Kent Regt. Bdc. Major. 
Capt. H. C. McWatters . . 22nd Punjabis. Orderly Officer. 

Mrs. Braithwaitc. 

1st Bn. Northumberland Fusiliers. 

CAMP 99. MAP H-4. 

Lt.-Col. 1). Sapte. ! Lieut. H. C. Stephen. 

Major C. Yatman, D.S.O. Lieut. A. C. Milne-Home. 

Capt. F. L. Festing. j Lieut. G. O. Sloper. 

Capt. H. R. Sandilands. I Lieut. W. Platt, D.S.O. 

Capt. W. Clifford, D.S.O. | Lieut. F. E. Watkin. 

Lieut, and Adjt. Bonham-Carter. 

2nd-Lieut. E. H. Baxter. 

2nd-Lieut. M. Blackett-Ord. 

2nd-Lieut. H. O. Sutherland. 

2nd-Lieut. R. T. Vachell. 

2nd-Lieut. L. A. Barrett. 

Capt. R. F. Gatehouse. 

Capt. B. Cruddas. 

Capt. A. H. Heslop, R.A.M.C. 

Lieut. B. H. Selhy. 

Lieut. R. M. R. Lamb. 

Lieut. H. L. Ovans. 

2nd-Lieut. K. H. W. Ward. 

2nd-Lieut. H. G. A. Fellowcs. | 2nd-Licut. E. R. C. Booth. 

Mrs, Bonham-Carter. Mrs. Clifford. Mrs. Cruddas. 

Mrs. Ovans. Rev. W. H. Garstein. 



2nd Bn. Royal Fusiliers. 

CAMP 100. 

Col. S. T. B. Lawfonl. 
Major C. H. 1). Lyon-Campbcll. 
Major M. P. Hancock. 
Capt. G. S. Guyon. 
Capt. M. O. Clarke. 
Capt. P. Villiers- Stuart. 
Capt. M. K. Hodgson. 
Capt. T. clc B. Carey. 
Capt. T. C. do Trafford. 
Lieut. A. C. Hewitt. 
Lieut. A. N. Pope. 
Lieut. T. J. Shafto. 

MAI> H-5. 

Lieut. P. K. Leslie. 

Lieut. R. M. Laverton. 

Lieut. P. A. Tillard. 

Lieut. P. W. Wilson. 

Lieut. H. II. Cripps. 

Lieut. F. W. A. Steele. 

Lieut, and Qr. Mr. H. K. 

2nd- Lieut. H. M. Hope- John- 

2nd-Lieut. R. G. Tottenham. 

2nd-Lieut. W. H. S. Sehotield. 

Mrs. Hancock. 

Miss Hancock. 
Mrs. Watt. 

Mrs. Villiers-Stuart. 

2nd Bn. The 

CAMP 101. 
Lt.-Col. W. McL. Campbell, 


Major J. G. H. Hamilton, D.S.O. 
Major H. H. Sutherland. 
Capt. A. G. Wauchope, D.S.O. 
Capt. E. F. M. Urquhart. 
Capt. G. L. S. McLeod. 
Capt. C. W. E. Gordon. 
Capt. L. P. Evana. 
Capt. H. F. F. Murray. 
Lieut. 11. K. Forrester. 
Lieut. N. G. B. Henderson. 
Lieut. E. V. Anderson. 

Black Watch. 

MAP H-5. 

Lieut, .). W. L. Sprot. 

Lieut. J. L. S Ewing. 

Lieut. A. K McLeod. 

Lieut, H. E. D. Orr-Ewing. 

2nd-Lieut. J. X. Iiiglis. 

2nd-Lieut. J. A. Durie. 

2nd- Lieut. A. C. Denison. 

2nd-Lieut. A. H. C. Sutherland. 

2nd- Lieut. P. N. Anstruther. 

2nd- Lieut. Hon'ble. F. 15owcs- 


2nd- Lieut. J. Anderson. 
llev. A. McFarlane, ( 1 ha])lain to 


Mrs. J. Anderson. 

Lt.-Col. Berkely. 
Mrs. Sutherland. 

Mrs. Sprot. 

2nd Bn. The Gordon Highlanders. 

CAMP 102. MAP 1-5. 
Lt.-Col. G. Staunton. 
Major A. D. Greenhill-Gardyne. 
Major R. Tytler. 
Major G. R. Macnab. 

Capt. J. R. E. Stansfeld, D.S.O. 
Capt. D. Macleod. 
Capt. P. D. Stewart. 
Capt. G. K. McLean. 


Capt. J. L G. Burnett. 
Capt. C. G. L>. Hugging. 
Capt. A. M. Ker. 
Lieut. J. A. O. Brooke. 
Lieut. L. Carr. 
Lieut. E. H. Davidson. 
Lieut. J. H. Fraser. 
Lieut. J. M. Hamilton. 

Lieut. II. O. Blair-Cuiiynghame. 
Lieut. l>. M. Mackenzie. 
Lieut. W. (i. Maxwell. 
2iid-Lieut. H. M. Sprot. 
2nd- Lieut. Hon'ble W. Fraser. 
2nd-Lieut. A. G. Finloy. 
2nd- Lieut. A. S. B. Graham. 
2nd- Lieut. W. F. H. Doliie. 

Ilony. Lieut, and Qr. Mr. J. Mackie 

Mrs. J. H. E. Stansfeld. 

Mrs. Staunton. 

Headquarters 2nd Composite Infantry Brigade. 

CAMP 118. MAP 1-6. 

Ma j. -Gen. K. S. Davison, C.B. 

Capt. L. H. Abbott . 

2nd- Lieut. K. H. M. Davison 

(!omdg. 2nd Coinp. Infy. lide. 
llth Rajputs, Jivigado Major. 
l()(3th Hazara Pioneers, Orderly 

Mrs. Abl)ot Miss Davison. Mrs. Moylan. 

Mrs. Davison. Mr. Moylan. Miss Tuson. Mrs. Taylor, 

1st Bn. Durham Light Infantry. 

CAMP 98. 
Major C. C. Liuird. 
Major M. I). Goring Jones. 
Major R. F. Hell. 
Capt. R. Tyndall. 
Capt. R. M. Tyler. 
Capt. Jf. K. Lavie. 
Capt. J. H. Wood. 
Capt. R. .1. G. Stoker. 
Capt. E. B. Lathbury. 
Lieut. R. V. Turner. 
Lieut. W. B. Green well. 
Lieut. H. W. Festing. 

MAP H-4, 

Lieut. II. C. Boxer. 
Lieut. H. R. McCullagh. 
Lieut. E. H. Gilpin. 
Lieut. J. F. Warren. 
Lieut. R. C. Smith. 
Lieut. A. G. de Bunscu. 
2nd-Lieut. G. Hayes. 
2nd- Lieut. J. G. Hartcr. 
2nd-Lieut. J. E. Drysdale. 
2nd-Lieut. A. X. Rountree. 
2nd-Licut. J. O. C. Hasted. 
Lieut, and Qr. Mr. J. Freel. 

Mrs. Bell. Mrs. Goring Jones. 

Mrs. Wilkinson. 

116th Mahrattas. 

CAMP 96. MAP H-4. 

Mrs. Tyndall. 

Lt.-Col. II. R. Mead. 
Major J. J. P. Quinn. 

Major A. W. Andrew. 
Capt. A. P. Harrison. 


Capt. W. L. Wayman. 
Capt. G. M. Ayscough. 
Lieut. II. W. Young. 


Lieut. M Dockrill. 
Lieut. It. C. Eberhardio. 
Lieut. (1. H. Hopkinson. 

2nd-Lieut. S. A. II. Hungerford: 

Mrs. Dockrill. 

Mrs. Harrison. 
Mrs. Wayman. 

Mrs. Mead. 

45th Rattray's Sikhs. 

CAMP 95. MAP T-4. 

Lt.-Col. H. 0. Bernard. 

Major F. T. Stewart. 

Major H. B. llattray. 

Ma] or I). O. D. McVcan. 

Capt. F. S Keen. 

Capt. W. W. von Someren, D.S.O. 

Capt. H. G. McRae. 

( 1 apt. B. W. Shuttle-worth. 
Lient. R. Ramsford-Hamiay. 
Lieut. J. G. Wilson. 
Lieut. J. E. Waller. 
Lieut. C. A. M. Tennant. 
Major C. H. Watson, l.M.S. 

Mrs. F. T. Stewart. 

90th Punjabis. 

CAMP 97. MAP H-4. 

Lt.-Col. G. A. Ward. 
Major R. J. T. Savi. 
Major H. A. Carleton. 
Major H. 11. McGill. 
Capt. E. H. Apthorpe. 
Lieut. G. I). Strong. 

Mrs. Carleton. 
Mrs. McGill. 

Lieut. E. S. Hancock. 
Lieut. D. 15. Morris. 
Lieut. G. N. Miller. 
Lieut. I). G. Porteous. 
Lieut. P. J. K. Wigley. 
Lieut. R. G. Binning, l.M.S. 

Mrs. Ward. 

Mrs. Savi. 
Mrs. Strong. 

Headquarters 3rd Composite Infy. Brigade. 

CAMP 118. 

Maj.-Gen. A. Wilson, C.B. 
Lt.-Col. J. B. H. Askwith 
Capt. T. N. S. M. Howard 
Lieut. W. A. T. B. Somerville 

MAP 1-6. 

Comdg. 3rd Comp. Infy. Bde. 
R. A. 

W. Yorks. Regt. Brigade Major. 
The King's Own (R. Lancaster 
Regt.). Orderly Officer. 

Mrs. Askwith. 

Mrs. Howard. 

Mrs. Wilson. 



1st Highland Light Infantry. 

CAMP 84. MAP H-3. 

Major T. C. Ross. 

Major R. W. II. Ronaldson. 

Major C. E. Andrews. 

Cap!. H. T. Singleton, D.S.G. 

Capt. T. A. Pollok-Morris. 

Capt. G. H. Walker. 

Capt. R. C. W. Alston. 

Capt. H. C. H. Johnston-Stewart. 

Capt. T. B. Moriarty, R.A.M.C. 

Lieut. H. S. Tarrant. 

Lieut. J. Inglis. 
Lieut. W II. V. Cameron. 
Lieut. W. U. M. (Campbell. 
Lieut. E. M. Grant. 
Lieut. H. A. Lean. 
Lieut, W. P. Stewart. 
Lieut. C. H. Anderson. 
Lieut. W. G. S. Mitchell. 
2nd-Lieut. J. A. Bali'our. 
2nd-Lieut. C. M. Pitts-Tucker. 

2nd-Lieut. E. E. Loch. 
Mrs. Andrews. Mrs. Singleton. 

36th Sikhs. 

CAMP 82. MAP H-3. 

Lt.-Col. E. L. Sullivan. 
Major E. F. Knox . 
Major de C. Ireland. 
Capt. G. L. Blair. 
Capt. J. Gray. 
Lieut. W. H. Padday. 

Mrs. Gray. 

Lieut. M. Saunders. 
Lieut. J. B. W. Hay. 
Lieut. A. 1). Martin. 
Lieut. S. DCS Vccux. 
2nd-Lieut. D. C. Robinson. 
Lieut. J. B. Tackaberry, I.M.S. 

Miss Gray. 
Mrs. Sullivan. 

74th Punjabis. 

CAMP 83. MAP H-3. 

Mrs. Priestly. 

Lt.-Col. R. J. R. Brown. 
Lt.-Col. S. Geoghegan. 
Major W. Key worth. 
Major A. V. Alexander. 
Major H. H. G. 'Stansfeld, 
Capt. J. Ardoino. 

Lieut. H. S. Moberly. 

Capt. F. G. Knnhardt. 
Capt. A. Riddcll. 
Lieut. K. Bagnall. 
Lieut. H. W. Milne. 
Lieut. C. Campbell. 
Lieut. W. H. Miller. 

Mrs. Brown. 

Mrs. Geoghegan. 

Mrs. H. H. G. Stansfeld. 

41st Dogras. 

CAMP 81 (in place of the 99th Infantry). MAP G-3. 
Capt. E. Colson. 
Capt. M. Eliot. 

Major R. G. Macpherson. 
Major R. P. W. Quin, 


Capt. M. A. Girdlestonc. 
Capt. W. K. Fleming. 
Lieut. K. M. Hobday. 
Lieut. B. G. F. Nixon. 

Miss V. G. Forman. 
Mrs. M. A. Girdlestoiio. 


Liout. P. H. Myles. 
Capt. W. S. MeGillivray, 

Mrs. A. M. Hunt. 
Mrs. R. (1. Macphersoii. 

Mrs. R. P. W. Quin. 

6th (Inniskilling) Dragoons. 

CAMP 86. 

Lt.-Col. F. A. B. Fryer. 
Major N. W. Haig. 
Major B. Vincent. 
Major C. R. Terrot. 
Capt. E. A. Fit/gerald. 
Capt. F. B. Nixon. 
Capt. R. G. Kitson. 
Capt. C. J. B. Bridgewater. 
Capt. A. R. Moncrieff. 
Lieut. C. A. Fleury-Teulon. 

2ud-Lieut. R. 

MAP 1-3. 

Lieut. E. C. Bowen. 
Lieut. H. Colmore. 
Lieut. G. C. R. Burnliam. 
Liout. S. J. Sassoon. 
Lieut. P. J. Syimott. 
Lieut. J. C. Humfrey. 
2nd-Lieut. R. M. Wootten. 
2nd- Lieut. N. F. Barton. 
2nd- Lieut. C. S. Hanson. 
2nd- Lieut. M. F. Dudgeon. 
G. W. Rimington. 

Miss Balfe. Miss Bald. Miss Fit/gerald. 

Mrs. Bridgewater. Mrs. Fryer. Miss Haig. 

Mrs. Bowen. Mrs. Fit/gerald. Miss Jameson. 

Mrs. Terrot. Lady Kitty Vincent. 

4th Brigade, R. F. A. 

CAMPS 87, 88, 89. MAP 1-3. 


Lt.-Col. L. A. C. Gordon . . Commanding. 
Capt. H. L. Nevill, D.S.O. . . Adjutant. 
Capt. C. K. Steel . . . A.V.C. 

TTH BTY., R. F. A. Camp 87. 
Major O. de L. E. Winter. Lieut. R. B. Warton. 

Capt. Hon. H. E. Thellussoii. 

Lieut. B. S. Ward. 

Major A. D. Kirby. 
Capt. R. Longstaff. 

Lieut. R. D. Beall. 
14-TH BTY., R. F. A.. Camp 88. 

Lieut. W. Weatherbe. 
Lieut. D. G. C. Rutherfoord. 

2nd-Lieut. W. D. Pritchard. 


66TH BTY., R. F. A. Camp 89. 


Major A. W. Hewctson. 
Capt. R. C. Williams. 

Lieut. R. H. Walsh. 
Lieut. W. J. F. Halliday. 

Lieut. P. G. M. Elles. 
Mrs. Gordon. Miss La Primaiulaye. Miss Nevill. 

48th Pioneers* 

CAMP 80. 

Lt.-Col. C. W. Somerset. 
Major A. J. N. Hanvard. 
Capt. C. W. Neumann. 
Capt. M. E. S. Johnson. 
Capt. A. Vickers. 
Capt. G. Hewitt. 

MAP G-3. 

Capt. R. D. de la Cour Corbett. 
Lieut. I). B. Gray. 
Lieut. W. S. Oldham. 
Lieut. E. W. Burdett. 
Lieut. F. D. Leslie. 
Lieut. I. Ferrier. 

Lieut. C. A. Ray nor. 
Mrs. C. W. Somerset. Mrs. A. Vickers. 

British Field Ambulance Section C, No. 37. 

CAMP 94. MAP H-4. 
Capt. J. R. Lloyd, R.A.M.C. 

Indian Field Ambulance Section C, No. 160. 

CAMP 93. MAP H-4. 
Capt. F. B. Shettle, I.M.S. 

No. 33 Divisional Signal Company. 

CAMP 85. MAP H-3. 

Capt. L. H. Queripel, R.F.A. 
Lieut. L. Griffith, 107th Pioneers. 

Lieut. W. E. Kidner, R.E. 
Lieut. W. R. Warden, 83rd 
Light Infantry. 

1st (K. G. O.) Sappers and Miners. 

CAMPS 112 TO 117. MAP 1-5. 

Lt.-Col. P. G. Twining, R.E. 
Major A. H. Cunningham, R.E. 
Capt. A. R. C. Saunders, R.E. 
Capt. E.S. J. Hill, R.E. 
Capt. R. C. R. Hill, R.E. 
(>t. A. J. G. Bird, R.E. 

Lieut. E. H. Kelly, R.E. 
Lieut. H. W. Tomlinson, R.E. 
Lieut. C. E. Colbeck, R.E. 
Lieut. F. M. Douie, R.E. 
Lieut. E. C. Whitely, R.E. 
Lieut. E. G. Kitchin, R.E. 



Lt.-Col. E. de V. Atkin- Mrs. Campbell. 
Mr. Capel. 
Major .T.R.E. Charles, 

D.S.O., R.K. 
Lt.-Col. A.W. Dnwson, 

Mrs. Dicksoii. 


Mrs. Atkinson. 

Lt.-Col. H. H. Austin, 
C.M.G., D.S.O., R.K 

Miss Austin. 

Brig.-Gen. K G. Bond, 

Major H. L. Crosthwait. 

Major J. M. C. Colvin, 
TO, R.E. 

Mrs. Colvin. 

Major H. B. I), ('amp- 
hell, R.E. 

Miss Douie. 
Col. G. M. Heath, 

Mrs. Hoath. 
Miss Heath. 

Lt.-Col. S. H. Powell, 

Capt. K. W. C. Sandes, 


Miss Sandes. 
Major F. W. Sannders, 


Mrs. JSaunders. 
Mr. Spark. 
Miss Steward. 
Miss T). Stewaid 

No. 1 1 Coy., 2nd (Q. O.) Sappers and Miners. 

CAMP 111. MAP 1-5. 

Capt. R. E. Prince, R.E. I Lieut. R. Hamilton, R.E. 

Lient. G. H. Morris, R.E. ! Lieut. S. Pemberton, R.E. 

General Officer Commanding Delhi 

CAMP 53. MAP .1-9. 
Maj.-Gen. H. T. Mahon, C.B., D.S.O. 
Capt. F. W. Barrett . . . 15th Hussars, A.-D.-C. 

Surgn.-Genl. J. G. MacNeece, C.B. P. M. O., 8th Division. 

Col. K. E. Lean, C.B. . . G. S. O. (1), 8th Division. 

Col. H. G. C. Swayne, R.E. . C. R. E., 8th Division. 

Major Eustace Crawley . . D. A. A. G., 8th Division. 

Major R. D. Marjoribanks . . G. S. O. (2), 8th Division 

Capt. H. E. Medlicott . . 3rd Horse, Camp Staff Officer, 

Delhi Garrison. 

The Hon. Mrs. Barrett. Mr. Ireland. 

Mr. G. Cooper. 
Mrs. G. Cooper. 
Lady Violet Crawley. 
Lord Gerard. 
Lady Gerard. 
Miss Gosselin. 

The Hon. Mi- 

Mrs. Lean. 

Mrs. MacNeece. 

Lieut. D. H. B. 
Mr. A. Wilson. 


Mrs. Medlicott. 
Mr. S. Medlicott, 


Mr. E. W. T. Miles. 
Col. Kenyon Mitford 
Mr. H. Persse. 
Mrs. Swayne. 



94 Company R. G. A. 

CAMP 207. MAP M-14. 
Capt. J. Grose. 

Mrs. Grose. 

59 Company R. G. A. 

CAMP 206. MAP M-L4. 

Major W. I 1 . R. Farmar. 
Capt. W. J. Standbridge. 

2nd-Lieut. G. F. Campbell. 

Lieut. E. Charles. 

Lieut. G. L. Leslie-Smith. 

Mrs. Farmar. 
Miss Lang. 

Mrs. Leslie-Smith 
Rev. H. Naish. 

Major T. R. Phillips, R.A. 
Mrs. Way. 

2nd Bn. The Royal Berkshire Regt. 

CAMP 208. MAP M-14. 

Lt.-Col. E. Keetham. 
Major G. H. Arhuthnot. 
Major J. G. R. Walsh. 
Major A. S. Turner. 
Capt. A. G. E. Binglcy. 
Capt. W. B. Thornton. 
Capt. F. H. Moore. 
Capt. G. P. S. Hunt. 
Capt. O. Steele. 
Capt. A. J. Fraser. 
Capt. G. W. Hopton. 
Lieut. T. R. Aldworth. 
Lieut. M. C. Radford. 

Lieut. P. A. K. Townshend. 

Lieut. R. G. T. Moody-Ward. 

Lieut. A. G. F. Isaac. 

Lieut. (. Xugent. 

Lieut. C. H. Dent. 

Lieut. 1). A. Macgregor. 

Lieut. A. D. Gordon. 

Lieut. & Qr. Mr. H. S. Lickmau. 

2nd-Lieut. L. M. Handley. 
! 2nd- Lieut. G. C. Hodgson. 

2nd-Lieut. C. C. O. Mackwood. 

2rid-Lieut. W. A. Guest -Williams. 
2nd- Lieut. C. J. Cockburn. 
2nd-Lieut. L. Hastings. 

Attached Officers. 
Capt. Eaton, Royal Canadian Regt. 
Capt. Cramer -Roberts. 
2nd-Lieut. W. G. Cowley, U. L. 

Mrs. Arbuthnot. 
Mrs. Bingley. 
Mrs. Cramer-Roberts. 
Mrs. Feetham. 

Miss Walsh. 

Miss Grant. 
Mrs. Hunt. 
Mrs. Lick man. 
Miss Lickman. 

Miss M. Lickman. 
Master C. Lickman. 
Mrs. Moore. 
Mrs. Walsh. 
Miss Wilson. 



3rd Bn. King's 

CAMP 156. 

Lt.-Col. C. S. Chaplin. 
Major C. Gosling. 
Major W. J. Long. 
Major W. F. G. Wyndham, M.V.O, 
Capt. H. C. Johnson, D.S.O. 
Capt. A. P. C. Maclachan, 


Capt. W. S. W. Parker-Jervis. 
Capt. B. Seymour. 
Capt. P. V. Yeats Brown. 
Capt. G. T. Blewitt. 
Lieut. G. Wynne-Finch. 
Lieut. G. M. Atkinson. 
Lieut. A. C. Oppenheim. 
Lieut. J. P. B. Pearse. 

Mrs. Chaplin. 

Royal Rifles. 

MAP K-5. 

Lieut. J. P. Franks. 

Lieut. J. V. E. Lees. 

Lieut. C. A. Grazebrook. 

Lieut. A. D. Thursby. 

Lieut. C. C. Grattan- Bellow. 

2nd- Lieut. H. M. B. de Sales La 

2nd- Lieut. F. W. Cavendish- 
Bent inck. 

2nd-Lieut. E. 1). Shafto. 

2d-Lieut. C. W. Fladgatc. 

2nd-Lieut. J. E. M. Mellor. 

Lieut, and Qr. Mr. A. C. Watkins. 

2nd-Lieut. X. C. H. Macdonald. 

Mrs. Wyndham. 

1st Bn. The Seaforth Highlanders. 

CAMP 155. MAP K-5. 

Lt.-Col. E. A. Cowans. 
Lieut. R. S. Vandeleur. 
Major A. B. A. Stewart, D.S.O. 
Major W. T. Gaisford. 
Major D. King. 
Major C. P. Doig. 
Capt. W. M. Thomson. 
Capt. C. P. M. Burn. 
Capt. K. G. Buchanan. 
Capt. H. W. C. Wicks. 
Capt. R. Horn. 
Capt. K. Forbes-Robertson. 
Capt. J. T. Johnson. 

Capt. C. 0. V. Gray. 
Lieut. K. D. M. Maclachlan. 
Lieut. A. M. Seovell. 
Lieut. P. Anderson. 
Lieut. N. C. Orr. 
Lieut. R. A. C. Murray. 
Lieut. H. H. Kennedy. 
Lieut. F. W. I. V. Fraser. 
Lieut. W. A. A. Middleton. 
Lieut. A. C. Murray. 
2nd-Lieut. P. W. Brodie. 
1 2nd-Lieut. R. H. Allanby. 
2nd- Lieut. A.M. Smith-Cumming. 

2nd-Lieut. D. C. Mackenzie. 

Mrs. Anderson. Mrs. Gray. Miss Murray. 

Mrs. Buchanan. Rev. J. H. H. Macneill. Miss Murray. 

Mrs. Burn, Mrs. Macneill. Mrs. Vandeleur. 

XI (K.E.O.) Lancers. 

CAMP 205. MAP J-9. 

Lt.-Coi E. H. Cole. 

Major A. C. M. Waterfield, M.V.O. 



Major W. H. Norman. 
Major G. B. M. Sard. 
Capt. T. R. C. Price. 
Capt. (I. M. Orr. 
Capt. R. G. Alexander. 
Capt. D. E. Robertson. 
Capt. E. L. Maxwell. 

Mrs. Cole. 

Miss Cole. 

Mrs. Clinton Baker. 

Capt. Delamain. 

Miss A. DuBuisson. 

Miss D. DuBuisson. 

Mr. Fitzherbert, 

Capt. F. T. Thompson, I. M. S. 

Mrs. G. Wathen. 
Capt. G. D. Pike. 
Mrs. Max well. 
Mrs. Norman. 
Lieut. N. H. P vender- 
Mrs. Price. 

Capt. J. K. Gatacve. 
Lieut. G. L. Brooke-Hunt. 
Lieut. St. J. V. Baker. 
Lieut. H. Macdonald. 
Lieut. C. A. Boyle. 
Lieut. J. R. V. Sherston. 
2nd- Lieut. J. P. Wylie. 

Mrs. Robertson. 
Mrs. Sarel. 
Miss Sarel. 
Miss Sprot. 
Mrs. Thompson. 
Mrs. Waterfield. 

33rd Punjabis. 

CAMP 209. MAP. M-16. 

Lt.-Col. H. King. 
Major G. H. G. Mackler. 
Major F. J. Eraser. 
Major H. N. Kelly. 
Major A. H. P. Harrison. 
Capt. E. II. Dunsford. 
Capt. W. R. Coningham. 

Mrs. Bronghton. 
Mrs. Bedwell. 
Mrs. Coningham. 
Mrs. Hamilton. 

Capt. A. F. Maclean. 
Capt. H. D. MacCall. 
Capt. J. A. Chamier. 
Lieut. G. Broughton. 
Lieut. R. St. J. L. Price. 
Lieut. T. R. Wells. 
Capfc. M. F. White, I.M.S. 

Mrs. Harrison. 
Mrs. Kelly. 
Miss Macfarlane. 
Mrs. MacLean. 
Mrs. White. 

Mrs. Mockler. 
Miss A. A. Ogilvy. 
Mrs. Pearce. 
Miss A. Scott. 

34th Sikh Pioneers. 

CAMP 153. MAP K-5. 
Lt.-Col. R. C. Lye, D.S.O. 
Major W. J. Ottley. 
Major H. A. Gib. 
Capt. C. K. Crookshank. 
Capt. C. E. Hunt. 
Capt. G. D. S. LeMessurier. 

Lieut. A. Masters. 
Lieut. G. F. J. Paterson. 
Lieut. D. G. Ponsonby. 
Lieut. H. T. D. Hickman. 
Lieut. H. R. L. Lawrence. 
Lieut. P. B. Bhavucha, I.M.S. 

Mrs. Gib. 
Mrs. Lye. 

Major H. T. Marshall. 
Lieut. O. Masters. 

Mrs. Ottley. 
Lieut. P. F. Pope. 


107th Pioneers. 

CAMP 154. MAP K-5. 

Lt.-Col. C. G. Carncgy. 
Major F. A. Andrew. 
Major H. P. Keelan. 
Capt. J. M. Bruce. 
Capt. W. D. McLaughliu. 

Lieut. E. B. Mangin. 

Lien i. J. E. (i. Carlisle 
Lieut. C. A. SI nit 
Lieut. M. C. Coote 
Lieut. H. C*. P. IVake 
Lieut. B. H. Wallis. 
2nd-Lieut. (J. B Lucas. 

Capt. R. F. Hebbert, I.M.S. 

Mrs. Andrew. Mrs. Bruce. Mrs Carnegy. 

Mrs. McLaughlin. Mrs. O'Callaglmn. 

No. 19 Field Veterinary Hospital. 

CAMP 204. MAP J-7. 
Capt. M. W. G. Glasse. 

British General Hospital. 

CAMP 45. MAP J-ll. 


Lt.-Col. H. N. Thompson, D.S.O., 

Lt.-Col. M. P. C. Holt, D.S.O., 

Major H. W. Grattan. 

Capt. A. C. Amy. 
Capt. C. P. O'Brien Butler. 
Capt. H. H. Blake. 
Capt. C. M. Higby. 
Capt. R. Corridoii. 

Major W. R. Blackwell. 

Nursing Sisters. 

Lady Superintendent Miss A. Bolster, Q.A.M.N.S.J. 
Lady Superintendent Miss E. A. Kelly, Q.A.M.N.S.I. 
Lady Superintendent Mrs. M. L. Hayes, Q.A.M.N.S.I. 
Nursing Sister Miss V. I. Lamb, Q.A.M.N.S.I. 
Nursing Sister Miss N. V. C. Angell, Q.A.M.N.S.I. 

Mrs. G rattan. 
Mrs. Gunter. 
Mrs. Holt. 
Miss Holt. 

Mrs. Amy. 
Mrs. Corridoii. 
Miss M. Stack. 


Station Hospital Delhi Fort. 

Lt.-Col. E. G. Browne., K.AM.C. j Capt. J. S. Bostock, R.A.M.C 
Major E. B. Steel, R.A.M.C. Capt. A. C. Duffey, R.A.M.C. 

Capt. (I. Sheehan, R.A.M.C. 

Mrs. Browne. Mr. Ernest Radcliffe. Mrs. Salvage. 

Mrs. Hostofk. Lt.-Col. J. V. Salvage, Mrs, Steel. 


27th Light Cavalry. 

CAMI> north of 325, between the ") ,- ^ 
Wa/irpur drain and Sirhirid road J A 

Lieut. T. S. .Tobson . . . With detachment. 

Camp of the G. O. C., 2nd Division. 

CAMP 199. MAP J-8. 

Lt.-( ien. Sir Alfred Martin, K.C.B. Commanding 2nd Rawal Pindi 

Capt, E. (i.deR. Martin , . 5th (I. R., A.-D.-C. 

Maj.-Gen. J. C. Young . Commanding Rawal Pindi In- 

fantry Brigade. 

Brig.-Gen. H. 1*. Leader . . Commanding Sialkote Brigade. 

Brig.-Gen. 1*. M. Carnegy, C.B. . Commanding Abbottabad Bgde. 

Col. R. G. Strange. . . . A. Q. M. G., 2nd Division. 

Lt.-Col. M. A. Ker., I.M.S. 

Lt.-Col. H. St. G. Thomas . . 84th Punjabis. 

Major S. H. Sheppard, D.S.O., R.E. G. S. O. (2) 2nd Division. 

Mapr H. I. Herdon . . . 55th Rifles, 1). A. A. G., 2nd 


Capt. J. S. Rivett-Carnac . . 16th Cavalry. 

Capt. W. G. K. Gough . . 15th Sikhs. 

Capt. J. C. Catty . . . Bde. Major, Rawal Pindi Infan- 
try Brigade. 

Lieut. N. Rolfe. 

Mrs. Carnegy. Lady Martin. Mrs. Rivett-Carnac. 

Miss Fleming. Miss H. deR. Martin. Mrs. Strange. 

Mrs. Gough. Miss A. deR. Martin. Miss Wickham. 

Mrs. Herdon. Miss Mellas. Mrs. Young. 


Cantonment Magistrates Department 

Between CAMPS 199 & 186. MAP J-8. 
Lt.-Col. W. C. C. Leslie. 

Mrs. Jennings. Miss Leslie. 

Mr. Jennings. Miss M. Leslie. 

Lieut. R. W. Paterson, 32nd Sikh Pioneers. 

Remount Department Officers' Camp. 

CAMP 249. MAP E-7. 

Col. 11. C. Broome, C.l.E. . Director General, Army Remount 


Major C. F. Templer . . . Officer in charge. 
Major W. F. Shore. . . . Per. Asst. to the Director General 
Capt. N. d'E. Roberts . . Camp Staff Officer. 

Capt. E. S. Gillet, A. V. C. i Mr. D. B. Myers. 

Mrs. Gillet. , Mrs. Myers. 

Mr. Holmes Gresson. i Lt.-Col. T. G. Peacocke. 

Mrs. Holmes Gresson. Mrs. Peacocke. 

Mr. Jardine Gresson. ' Miss Prophit. 

Mrs. Jardine Gresson. 
Mr. J. Harrison, A. V. C. 
Mr. V. McCaw. 

Capt. E. C. Russell, A.V.C. 
Mrs. Templer. 
Miss M. Vivian. 

Miss M. Mitchell. ' Miss J. Vivian. 

Miss J. Stewart Wilson. 

Railway Concentration Officers. 


apt. F. G. Marsh . . 9th Gurkha Rifles. 

Capt. G. W. S. Sherlock . 6th Gurkha Rifles. 


Capt. R. S. Gordon . . . 57th Wilde's Rifles. 
Capt. J. C. Macrae . . . 19th Punjabis. 


Supply and Transport Corps. 


CAMP 162. MAP L-7. 

Col. G. W. Palin . . . Deputy Director, S. and T., 

Coronation Durbar. 
Major B. E. Vaughan . . Assistant Director, Supplies, 

Coronation Durbar. 

Major H. A. P. Lindsay . . Assistant Director, Transport, 

Coronation Durbar. 

Mrs. Lindsay. Miss Palin. Mrs. Vaughan. 

Mrs. Palin. Miss Stewart. Miss Vaughan. 

Master Vaughan. 

CAMP 144. MAP J-3. 

Lt.-Col. A. Mullaly, D.S.O. 
Capt. H. G. F. Christie. Lieut. G. H. Pulleyn. 

Mrs. Christie. 

CAMP 146. MAP J-4. 

Lt.-Col. F. C. Bynd. 
Lt.-Col. J. F. Barry. 

Capt. J. Lawrence. 
Lieut. McArdle. 

Lieut. McWalters. 

Mrs. Barry. Miss. Barry. 'Mrs. Bynd. 

Miss. Bynd. 


CAMP 149. MAP K-3. 

Capt. L. D. Watling. 

CAMP 160. MAP K-6. 
Major F. C. R. Fulton. I Lieut. S. Brown. 

Mrs. Fulton. 



CAMP 272. MAP D-4. 
Major L. W. Fox. I Capt. E. A. Browne. 

Mrs. Browne. I Mrs. Fox. 


Major J. Muir-Smith . . Sabzimandi. 

Lieut. J. R. Rishworth . . Shukiirpur. 

Mrs. Muir-Smith. 

Imperial Service Troops, Inspector 
General's Camp. 

CAMP 477. MAP B-8. 

Maj.-Genl. F. H. R. Drum- inspector General of Imperial 

mond, C.B., C.I.E. Service Troops. 

Lieut. H. Allardice, 36th Jacob's A.-D.-C. 

Major R. G. Munn, 36th Sikhs . Officer in charge of Camp. 

Capt. S. Morton, 24th Punjabis Camp Staff Officer. 

Capt. H. C. Kay, 8th Cavalry . Staff Officer to Inspector General, 

Imperial Service Troops. 

Andrew, Major. 

Andrew, Mrs. 

Barstow, Capt. H. . . . Railway Concentration Officer. 

Barstow, Mrs. 

Boileau, Major G. H., R.K . Inspecting Officer, I. S. T. 

Boileau, Mrs. 

Cloetes, Capt. L. B., 37th Dogras Railway Concentration Officer. 

Cole, Capt. B. L., 13th Rajputs Asst. Inspecting Officer, I. S. T. 

Cole, Miss. 

Douglas, Major W. B., 3rd Inspecting Officer, Imperial Service 

Brahmans. Troops. 

Douglas, Mrs. 
Fergusson-Pollok, Capt. R. C., 

32nd Lancers. 

Finnis, Major J. F., 53rd Sikhs . Inspecting Officer, I. S. T. 
Haig, Major P. B., I.M.S. . . P. M. O., Imperial Service Troops. 
Haig, Mrs. 



Harry, Mr. Leslie. 

Harry, Mrs. 

Henderson, Major M. H., 26th Inspecting Officer, Imperial Service 

Lt. Cavalry. Troops. 

Henderson, Mrs. 

Holden, Major H. . . . Inspecting Officer, I. S. T. 
Hughes, Capt. C. F. W., 15th Asst. Inspecting Officer, Imperial/ 

Sikhs. Service Troops. 

Hutchinson, Miss. 
Jeddere-Fisher, Miss. 
Kay, Mrs. 

Kelly, Capt. V. R., U.A. 
Ling, Lieut. C. G., U.K. 
Ling, Mrs. 
Magniae, Mrs. 
Mitchell, Mr. W. 
Mitchell, Mrs. 
Mitchell, Miss. 
Molyneux, Major E. M. J. ,D.S.()., Inspecting Officer, Imperial Service 

12th Cavalry. ~ 

Molyneux, Mrs. 
Money, Capt. E. 

Inspecting Officer, I. S. T. 

Asst. Inspecting Officer, I. S T: 



1)., 4th Asst. Inspecting Officer, Imperial 
Service Troops. 


Gurkha Rifles. 
Money, Miss. 
Mann, Mrs. 
Pennington, Major A. W., M.V.O., Inspecting Officer, Imperial Service- 

9th Horse. Troops. 

Pennington, Mrs. 

Riddell," Major H. J., 48th Pioneers. Inspecting Officer, I. S. T. 
Riddell, Mr. W. 
Rose, Major J. L., 1st Gurkha Military Adviser, Kashmir Durbar. 

Routh, Capt. G. S. F., 

Punjabi Rifles (F. F.) 
Stride, Mrs. 

Todd, Capt. J. F., 39th Horse 
Todd, Mr. W. H. 
Turner, Brig.-Gen. J. G., C.B. 
Turner, Mrs. 
Turner, Miss. 
Vander Gucht, Capt. G. T., 3rd 

Walker, 13.C., Col. 

Gurkha Rifles. 
Walker, Mrs. 

Asst. Inspecting Officer, Imperial 
Service Troops. 

Asst. Inspecting Officer, 1. S. T. 
G. O. C., Cavalry Division, I. S. T. 

Asst. Inspecting Officer, Imperial' 

Service Troops. 
W. G., 4th G. O. C. Infantry Division, Im- 
perial Service Troops. 



Imperial Service Troops. 

CAMPS 479 TO 498. MAP A & B-7. 

The following officers and men in I. 
Orders : 

Col. Nand Singh, Sardar Bahadur . 

Capt. Muhammad All Beg, Sardar 

Sardar Sundar Singh, Sardar Baha- 

Sardar Natha Singh, Bahadur 

Sardar Bakshish Singh, Bahadur . 

Hony. Lt.-Col. Raj Kumar Bir 
Biknun Singh, C.I.E., A.-D.-C. to 
H.E. the Viceroy. 

Subadar Lachman Singh, Bahadur . 

Asst. Comdt, Hazara Singh, T.O.M. 

Maj.-Gen. Nihal Singh, Sardar 

Kote Daffadar Dal Singh, T.O.M. . 

Comdfc. Bhur Singli, Sardar Baha- 

Comdt. Dhanpat Rai, C.T.E., Rai 
Bahadur, Sardar Bahadur. 

Jamadar Roda Khan, T.D.S.M. 

Lt.-Col. (rirdhar Singh, Bahadur . 

Subadar Kishen Singh, l.O.M. 

Asst. Comdt. Gurbakhsh Singh, 

Major Mirza Karim Beg, M.V.O., 
Sardar Bahadur. 

Major Nawab,Hasham Xawaz Jung, 

Lt.-Col. Desaraj Urs, M.V.O. 
Comdt. Chamraj Urs, Bahadur 

S. Units are in possession of 

Patiala Lancers. 
Rampur Lancers. 

1st Patiala Infantry. 

Jind Infantry. 
Xabha Infantry. 
Sirmoor Sappers. 

Sirmoor Sappers. 

Tehri Sappers. 

G.O.C, 2nd Brigade, Kashmir 

I. S. Troops. 
1st Jodhpur Lancers. 
Alwar Lancers. 

Jaipur Transport Corps. 

Bharatpur Transport[Corps. 
Bharatpur Infantry. - 
Bikaner Camel Corps. 
Bikaner Infantry. 

Bhopal Lancers. 

2nd Hyderabad Lancers. 

Mysore State 

Chief Comdt., 

Mysore Lancers. 

Volunteer Camp. 

CAMP 248. MAP E-6. 
Lt.-Col. J. H. E. Beer, C.I.E., Commanding Force. 

V.D., Mussoorie Vol. Rifles. 

Surg. Lt.-Col. J. S. Brooke, V.D. E. I. Ry. Vol. Rifles. 
Surg. Lt.-Col. T. F. Pedley, V.D. Rangoon Port Defence Vols. 



Col. A. H. Deane, V.D., Madras 

Vol. Guards. 
Lt.-Col. S. J. Rennic, 2nd United 

Provinces Horse. 
Lt.-Col. G. H. Evans 
Lt.-Col. C. A. Mackenzie . 
Lt.-Col. W. Millar, 46th Punjabis. 
Major C. H. Alexander, 36tli 

Jacob's Horse. 

Major G. Walton, 46th Punjabis . 
Major W. D. Henry, V.D. 
Major J. Hope Simpson 
Major W. H. Lyall, V.D. 
Major G. R. Webb, V.D. 
Capt. J. Ashford 
Capt. A. E. Bice 
Capt. J. H. Bullen 
Capt. C. G. E. Hughes, Cheshire 

Capt. G. C. Lambton, D.S.O., 

Worcestershire Regt. 
Capt. J. C. Michell, 12th Lancers 
Capt. A. H. Morgan, V.D. 
Capt. S. H. Maule-Colo, V.D. . 
Capt. H. J. Mahon 
Capt. L. G. Miller, V.D. 
Capt. W. M. Watson 
Capt. H. G. Waters 
Capfc. F. E. Wood 
Capt. R. F. J. Weeks 
Capfc. W. Wilson 
Lieut. G. E. Coates . 
Lieut. F. H. Bowden 
Lieut. A. R. Burns 
Lieut. S. Cox .... 
Lieut. H. A. L. French 
Lieut. C. H. Gaunt 
Lieut. H. W. Howell 
Lieut. J. Hellier 
Lieut. J. L. Kelly . 
Lieut. E. W. Lace 
Lieut. N. Marryat 

Lieut. E. A. Macnee . 
Lieut. J. L. Maffey . 

Commanding Infantry Branch. 
Commanding Mounted Branch. 

Rangoon Port Defence Vols. 
Southern Provinces Mtd. Rifles. 

Chota Nagpur Light Horse. 
D.A.A.G. Force. 

Camp Comdt. 

Simla Volunteer Rifles. 

1st U. P. Horse. 

Assam Valley Light Horse. 

1st G. I. P. Ry. Vol. Rifles. 

1st Punjab Vol. Rifles. 

S. I. Ry. Vol. Rifles. 

2nd Bn., Calcutta Vol. Rifles. 

Madras Vol. Guards. Adjt. Dis- 
mounted Branch. 

Southern Provinces Mtd. Rifles. 

Punjab L. Horse. Adjt. Mtd. Br. 

Upper Burma Volunteer Rifles. 

N. W. Ry. Vol. Rifles. 

Sind Volunteer Rifles. 

St. Michaels' C. C. 

1st G. I. P. Ry. Vol. Rifles. 

E. I. Ry. Vol. Rifles. 

Northern Bengal Mounted Rifles. 

Kolar Gold Field Vol. Rifles. 

Punjab Light Horse. 

Punjab Light Horse. 

Madras Vol. Guards. 

Nairn Tal Vol. Rifles. 

S. P. Mounted Rifles. 

Karachi Artillery Vols. 

Rangoon Vol. Rifles. 

1st Bengal-Nagpur Ry. Vol. Rifles. 

Lucknow Vol. Rifles. 

N. W. Ry. Vol. Rifles. 

E. Coast Vol. Rifles. 

2nd Bn. B. B. & C. I. Ry. Vol. 


Nagpur Vol. Rifles. 
Punjab Light Horse. 



Lieut. J. J. O'Reilly 
Vet. Lieut. D. Quinlan 
Lieut. A. Simson 
Lieut. G. G. Simpson 
Lieut. C. M. Ward . 
Lieut. R. S. Troup 
Lieut. L. W. Vansomeren . 
2nd-Lieut. (T. G. Armstrong 
2nd-Licut. W. G. Burn 
2nd-Lieut. R. N. Clark 
2nd-Lieut. J. R. Campbell 
2nd-Lieut. 1). L. Mclver . 
2nd-Lieut. W. Townsend Smith 
2nd-Licut. C. F. Tofts 
2nd-Lieut. C. Steele-Perkins 

Simla Vol. Rifles. 

JBehar Light Horse. 

Cossipore Artillery Vols. 

Chota Nagpur Light Horse. 

Bombay Vol. Rifles. 

2nd U P. Horse. 

E. B. S. Ry. Vols. 

1st Madras and S. Mahratta V. 

E. T. Ry. Vol. Rifles. 

B. & N. W. Ry. Vol. Rifles. 

Bangalore Vol. Rifles. 

1st Bn. Calcutta Vol. Rifles. 

Surma Valley Light Horse. 

K. T. Ry. Vol. Rifles. 

Calcutta Light Horse. 


Mrs. Alexander. 
Mrs. Ashford. 
Mrs. Bagshawe. 
Miss Cheales. 

Mrs. Evans. 
Mrs. Hickic. 
Mrs. Marry at. 
Mrs. Millar. 

Mrs. Walton. 
Mrs. Ward. 
Mrs. Waters. 
Mrs. Webb 

Massed Bands Camp. 

CAMP 4.17. 

Col. T. C. F. Somerville, Commandant. 
Commandant, Royal Military 
School of Music. 

Major A. Stretton, M.V.O., Musical Director. 
Director of Music, Royal Mili- 
tary School of Music. 

Capt/C. D. Roe . . . Adjutant. 

Capt. R. O'Kelly, R.A.M.C. . Medical Officer. 

Lieut. G. A. Blackburn . . Assistant Adjutant. 

Veterans' Camp. 

CAMPS 54, 56, 57. MAP JKL-9. 

* Has been to England to the Court of St. James. 
1 Appointed State Paraphernalia Bearer at the Coronation Durbar, li)ll. 

Major C. D. Mears, 8th Cavalry. Officer in charge of Camp. 
Capt. C. W. McG. Compton, Assistant to Officer in charge 
69th Punjabis. Camp. 



Major-General A. S. Hunter. 

Major Allum. 

Capt. J. M. Courtenay. 


Capt. Rontliff. 

Capt. C. Briscoe, I.S.M.D. 

Capt. T. Ponlia. 




Brown, Mr. W., I.S.M.D. 
Cahill, Mr. James. 
Cahill, Mr. John. 
Cross, Sergt. W. H. 
Dennett, Mr. R. J. 
Donegan, Mr. R. 
Freegrade, Drum-Major A. 
irately, Sub -Conductor P. 
Gurrish, Mr. Isaac. 
Hilton, Mr. E. H. 
Muggins, Sergt. T. 
Ireland, Mr. W. M. 

i Janitor, Mr. llobinson. 
Leslie, Mr. R. J. 
Owen, Sergt. 
Peters, Mr. R. 
Probett, Mr. Charles T. 
Quieros, Mr. A. 
Ranee, Mr. T. 
70.C. Roots, Mr. James. 
; Salt, Mr. J. 

Shehan, Mr. Mark. 
Smith, Mr. J. W. 
Sutton, Mr. F. 
Young, Mr. D. E. 


1st Lancers 

1st Lancers 

3rd Horse 

3rd Horse 

3rd Horse 

3rd Hodson's Horse . 

5th Cavalry 

7th Hariaua Lancers 

7th Hariana Lancers 

8th Cavalry 

9th Hodson's Horse . 

9th Hodson's Horse . 

10th D. C. O. Lancers 

10th D. C. O. Lancers 

10th Lancers 

10th Lancers 

llth Lancers 

llth Lancers 

12th Cavalry . 

19th Fane's Horse . 

19th Lancers 

19th Lancers 

1 9th Lancers 

19th Lancers 

21st Cavalry 

22nd Cavalry . 

22nd Cavalry . 

39th K. G. O. Horse . 

39th K. G. O. Horse . 

Queen's Own Corps of Guides 

. Res. Banta Singh. 

. Jemdr. (Ian jar Singh. 

. Jemdr. Aminuddoula. 

. Duffdr. Bahadur Khan. 

. Duffdr. Timed Hussain. 

. Kt. Duffdr. Sham Singh. 

. Jemdr. Malik Kutab Din. 

. Res. Mohd. Xur Khan. 

. Res. Rahmat Khan. 

. Duffdr. Sepahdar Beg. 

. Res. Juma Khan. 

. Duffdr. Dittc Khan. 

. Duffdr. Tahal Singh. 

Duffdr. J a wand Singh. 

. Jemdr. Asar Singh. 

. L. Duffdr. Shadi. 

. Fr. Maj. Miran Bakhsh. 

. Duffdr. Nehal Singh. 

. Duffdr. Luchman Singh. 

. Res. Rahmat Ali Khan. 

. Duffdr. Jawahir Singh. 

. K. Duffdr. Bishan Singh. 

. Duffdr. Partab Singh. 

. Duffdr. Shaik-Kattu Lall. 

. Duffdr. Hukam Singh. 

. Duffdr. Dheraj Singh. 

. Duffdr. Ganda Singh. 

. Res. Naryan Singh. 

. Jemdr. Kutab -Din Khan. 

. Woordi-Major Asadaula Khan. 


Queen's Own Corps of Guides 

Queen's Own Corps of Guides 

Queen's Own Corps of Guides 

3rd Punjab Infantry 

19th Infantry . 

25th Punjabis . 

25th Punjabis . 

25th Punjabis 

25th Punjabis 

26th Punjabis 

26th Punjabis 

30th Punjabis 

31st Punjabis 

32nd Sikh Pioneers 

32nd Sikh Pioneers 

32nd Sikh Pioneers 

32nd Sikh Pioneers 

51st Sikhs (F. F.) 

54th Sikhs (F. F.) 

56th Punjabi Rifles 

56th Punjabi Rifles 

57th Wilde's Rifles 

57th Wilde's Rifles 

76th Punjabis . 

79th Carnatic Infantry 

80th Carnatic Infantry 

2nd Lancers 

24th Bombay Infantry 

26th Bombay N. I. 

34th N. Infantry 

3rd Gurkhas 

3rd Gurkhas 

3rd Gurkhas 

3rd Gurkhas 

3rd Gurkhas 

16th Brigade, R. A. . 


. Jemdr. Shah Sawar Khan. 

. Duff dr. Kasim. 

. Havr. Hunawar. 

. Naick Shorn. 

. Subdr. Amir Khan. 

. Jemd. . Mekham Din. 

. Col.-Havr. Rure Khan. 

. Havr. Kala Singh. 

. Havr. Sham Singh. 

. Subdr. Nur Ahmed. 

. Havr. Wazir Singh. 

. Havr. Bikarama. 

. Naick Atar Singh. 

. Subdr. Hari Singh. 

. Subdr. Jhanda Singh. 

. Havr. Jawala Singh. 

. Havr. Ala Singh. 

. Subdr. Chagotta Singh. 

. Subdr. Bhagwan Singh. 

. Subdr. Kalian Singh. 

. Subdr. Karain Khan. 

. Naick Uniar Bakhsh. 

. Sepoy Jhanda. 

. Havr. Jalil Shariff. 

. Subdr. Syjul Ali. 

. Subdr. -Major Mohd. Sulaiman. 

. Resdr. Shaikh Rahmatullah. 

. Col.-Havr. Hayanijee Israll. 

. Havr. Kariin Khan. 

. Havr. Moti. 

. Havr. Lachman. 

. Naick Arjan Khatri. 

. Havr. Dcbooah Bhist. 

. Naick Njrf>ar Singh. 

. Doctor Usman Gani. 

. Naick Kallian Singh. 

13th Lancers 
18th Lancers 
19th Lancers 
19th Lancers 

19th Lancers 
23rd Cavalry 


. Risdr. Kami Singh. 

. Duffdr. Ali Mohammad Khan. 

. Risdr. Abdul Aziz Khan. 

. Lce.-Duffdr. Mohammad Jumma 


. Sowar Amir Khan. 
. Risdr. Hasamud-din Khan. 



25th Cavalry 

31st Lancers 

Corps of Guides 

Corps of Guides 

1st Sappers and Miners 

19th Punjabis . 

22nd Punjabis . 

22nd Punjabis . 

22nd Punjabis . 

22nd Punjabis . 

22nd Punjabis . 

24th Rajputs . 

35th Sikhs 

40th Pathaus 

52nd Sikhs 

52nd Sikhs 

54th Sikhs 

54th Sikhs 

54th Sikhs 

55th C. Rifles . 

55th Rifles 

55th Rifles 

55th Rifles 

55th Rifles 

55th Rifles 

56th Rifles 

59th Rifles 

59th Rifles 

59th Rifles 

59th Rifles 

59th Rifles 

59th Rifles 

59th Rifles 

59th Rifles 

87th Punjabis . 

87th Punjabis . 

106th Pioneers . 

110th Mt. Infantry . 

127th Baluch Infantry 

50th Camel Corps 

Duffdr. Maiisur Khan. 
Risdr. Mohi-ud-din Khan. 
Resdr. Mughal Baa Khan. 
Subdr. Ali Gul. 
Jenulr. Ramantar Patak. 
Jenidr. Jalal Khan. 
Subdr. Allah Nur Khan. 
Havr. Radar Din. 
Havr. Jehan Dad Khan. 
Sepoy Jawala Singh. 
Sepoy Partab Singh 
Subdr. Gulakbar. 
Subdr. Mangal Singh. 
Subdr. Sahibulla. 
Jenulr. Ata Khan. 
Havr. Arjan Singh. 
Jenulr. Galodu. 
Havr. Hashmat Ali. 
Sepoy Mian Khan. 
Subdr-Major Mansur Klian. 
Havr. Fauja Singh. 
Sepoy Bela Singh. 
Sepoy Xa/ar Din. 
Sejxjy Baghi Shah. 
Sepoy Saniar Gul. 
Jomdr. Sarafraz \linn. 
Subdr. Mnkhmad Jan. 
Jenidr. Jehan Dad Khan. 
Subdr. Mobin Khan. 
Jcmdr. Sansar Singh. 
Havr. Mir Nabi Hussain. 
Sepoy Madat Ali. 
Sepoy Attar Singh. 
Sepoy Kaka Singh. 
Subdr. Sarban Singh. 
Jenidr. Sewa Singh. 
Subdr. Ali Dost. 
Subdr. Khandu Jhadu. 
Subdr. Rajwali. 
Ris Nazir Mohanied. 

Governor-General's Body Guard . Resdr. Kamal-ud-din 

Governor's Body Guard, Bombay . Resdr. Hauumat Singh. 



1st D. Y. (). Lancers . 

1st I). Y. O. Lancers . 
1st D. Y. O. Lancers . 
1st D. Y. O. Lancers . 
1st D. Y. O. Lancers . 

2nd Lancers 

2nd Lancers 
2nd Lancers 
3rd Skinner's Horse . 

3rd Skinner's Horse . 
3rd Skinner's Horse . 

5th Cavalry 
6th Cavalry 

7th Lancers 
7th Lancers 
8th Cavalry 
9th Hodson's Horse . 
9th Hodson's Horse . 
10th D. C. O. Lancers 
10th 1). C. O. Lancers 
llth K. K. O. Lancers 
llth K. E. O. Lancers 
llth K. E. O. Lancers 

12th Cavalry 
12th Cavalry . 
14th Lancers 

14th Lancers 

14th Lancers 
15th Lancers 

15th Lancer* 
16th Lancers 
16th Lancers . 


Resdr.-Major Ghnlam Mustafa 

Khan (Hony. Capt.). 
Resdr.-Major Sher Khan. 
Resdr.-Major Abdul Ghat'ur Khan. 
Resdr. Mazhar Ali Khan. 
Resdi -Major Mohammad Saiyid 

Khan. ' 
Hesdr.-Major Ali Mohammad 

Khan (Hony. Capt.).* 
Resdr. Mohammad Raza Khan. 
Resdr. Kala Singh.* 
Resdr.-Major Wajid Ali Shah 

(Hony. Capt.). 
Resdr.-Major Mangal Singh 

(Hony. Capt.). 
Resdr.-Major Haiiawat Singh 

(Hony. Capt.) *f 
Resdr.-Major Shahra Khan. 
Resdr.-Major Mathura Singh 

(Hony. Capt.). 

Resdr.-Major Kalandar Khan. 
Resdr.-Major Net Ram. 
Resdr.-Major Makbul Khan. 
Resdr. A jab Khan. 
Resdr. Hukam Singh. 
Resdr.-Major Sher Baz Khan. 
Kesdr.-Major Gopal Singh. 
Resdr. Ahmad Khan. 
Resdr. Mir Baz Khan. 
Resdr.-Major Sikandar Khan 

(Hony. Capt.), Khan Sahib. 
Resdr.-Major Bishen Singh. 
Resdr.-Major Gurdit Singh. 
Resdr.-Major Lai Singh (Hony. 

Resdr.-Major Baldeo Singh (Hony. 


Reedr.-Major Khubi Ram. f 
Resdr.-Major Muizuddin Khan 

(Hony. Capt.). 
Kesdr.-Major Niaz Muhammad 

Resdr.-Major Jugat Singh ^Hony. 

Resdr.-Major Shiv Lai. 



37th Cavalry , 
18th K. ft. O. Lancers 
18th K. U. O. Lancers 

19th Lancers 
20th Deccan Horse 
21st Cavalry 
22nd Cavalry . 
22nd Cavalry . 

23rd Cavalry 

25tli Cavalry 

26th K. (*. O. Lt. Cav. 

26th K. tt. O. Lt. Cav. 

26th K. U. O. Lt. Cav. 
26th K. O. O. Lt. Cav. 
26th K. G. O. Lt. Cav. 
27th Light Cavalry . 

27th Light Cavalry . 
27th Light Cavalry . 
29th Lancers 
31st I). C. O. Lancers 

31st I). C. O. Lancers 
31st D. C. O. Lancers 

3 1st D. C. O. Lancers 

31st D. C. O. Lancers 
31st D. C. O. Lancers 
32nd Lancers 

32nd Lancers . . 
33rd Light Cavalry . 

33rd Light Cavalry . 

33rd Light Cavalry . 
33rdLight Cavalry * 

. Resdr.-Major Mohammad Amin 

. Resdr.-Major Malik Ahmad Yar 

Khan (Hony. Capt.). 
. Resdr.-Major Misri Khan (Hony. 


. Resdr.-Major Budha Singh. 
. Resdr.-Major Karim Dad Khun. 
. Resdr.-Major All Hussain. 

llesdr. Musolli Khan. 
. Resdr.-Major Umdah Singh 

(Hony. Capt.).* 
Rosdr.-Major Mohammad Amin 

Khan (Hony. Capt.). 
Rosdr.-Major Nizam-nd-din. 
. Subdr.-Major Sayyid Amir (Hony 

. Suhdr. -Major Shaikh Ahmad 

(Hony. Capt.). 
Subdr.-Major Shaik Farid. 
. Subdr. Amir Hussain. 
. Resdr.-Major Mohammad Beg. 
Resdr.-Major Ali Gouhar Khan 

(Hony. Capt.).* 
. Subdr. Sayyid Ahbas. 

Resdr.-Major Mohammad Aulum. 
. Resdr.-Major Hussain Khan. 
. Resdr.-Major Jahangir Khan 

( Hony. Capt.). 
Resdr.-Major Jafir Khan. 
. Resdr.-Major Mirza Umrao Beg, 

Resdr.-Major Ram Chandar Rao 

Mahadik (Hony. Capt.). 
. Resdr.-Major Gunga Sahai. 
. Resdr.-Major Tilok Singh. 
. Resdr. Kanchar ISiiigh (Hony. 


. Resdr.-Major Han jit Singh. 
. Resdr.-Major Mohammad Bakhsh 

, (Hony. Capt.). 
. Resdr.-Major Lai Khan (Hony. 


. Resdr.-Major Ilahi Khan. 
. Resdr.-Major Kudrat Khan. 


35th S. Horse . 

35th S. Horse . 
36th Horse 
36th Horse 
37th Lancers 

37th Lancers. . 

38th K. (}. 0. Horse . 
39th K. G. O. Horse . 
39th K. (I. 0. Horse . 

Aden Troops 
Corps of Guides . 
Corps of Guides . 
Corps of Guides . 

Corps of Guides . 
Corps of Guides . 
Corps of Guides . 
21st Mountain Battery 
22nd Mountain Battery 

24th Mountain Battery 
24th Mountain Battery 

25th Mountain Battery 
28th Mountain Battery 
29th Mountain Battery 

30th Mountain Battery 
Fron. Garrison Artillery 
Fron. Garrison Artillery 
1st Sappers and Miners 

1st Sappers and Miners 
1st Sappers and Miners 
1st Sappers and Miners 
1st Sappers and Miners 
1st Sappers and Miners 


. Resdr.-Major Mohammad IJmar 


. Resdr. Slier Mohammad Khan. 
. llcsdr. -Major Punjab Singh. 
. Resdr. Natlia Singh. 
. Resdr. -Major Abdullah Khan 

(Hony. Capt.). 
. Resdr.-Major Mir Haidar Shah 


, Resdr.-Major AH Haidar Khan. 
. Jcmdr. Till j a Ram. 
. Resdr.-Major Malik Ghulam 

Mohummed Khan. 
. Resdr.-Major Abdullah Khan 

(Hony. Lieut.). 
. Subdr.-Major Sarfra/ Khan 

(Hony. Capt ).*t 
. Resdr.-Major Fai/ Talab Khan 

(Hony. Capt.). 
. Resdr.-Major Tirath Ram (Hony. 


. Rsdr. Sunder (I O.M.). 
. Resdr. Ishar Singh. 
. Resdr. Jawala Singh. 
. Subdr. Harditt Singh. 
. Subdr.-Major Ghulam Mohammad 

(Hony. Capt.)f 
. Subdr.-Major Akbar Ali (Khan) 

(Hony. Capt.). 
. Subdr.-Major Ratan Singh (Hony. 


. Subdr. Malitab Khan. 
. Subdr.-Major Slier Singh. 
. Subdr.-Major Ghulam Mohammad 

(Hony. Capt.). 

. Subdr.-Major Nawab Khan. 
. Subdr. NaxvabShah. 
. Jemdr. Gurdit Singh. 
. Subdr. Faizullah Khan (Hony. 


. Subdr. M. Kutab-ud-din. 
. Subdr.-Major Bunyad Ali. 
. Subdr.-Major Ali Bakhsh. 
. Subdr. Sudh Singh (Hony. Lieut). 
. Subdr. Jag Singh (Hony. Lieut.). 


1st Sappers and Miners 

1st Sappers and Miners 
2nd Sappers and Miners 

2nd Sappers and Miners 

2nd Sappers and Miners 
2nd Sappers and Miners 
3rd Sappers and Miners 
3rd Sappers and Miners 

3rd Sappers and Miners 
1st Bralnnans 

2nd Rajput L. Infy . 
2nd Rajput L. Infy . 

3rd Brahmans . 

6th Jat Light Infantry 

6th Jat Light Infantry 

7th Rajputs 

7th Rajputs 

8th Rajputs 

8th Rajputs 

10th Jats 

10th Jats 

llth Rajputs 

llth Rajputs 

12th Pioneers . 

12th Pioneers 

13th Rajputs . 

13th Rajputs 
14th Sikhs 
14th Sikhs 
14th Sikhs 
15th Sikhs 

15th Sikhs 
16th Rajputs . 

17th Infantry . 
19th Punjabis 


Sutidr.-Major Hira Sing (Hony. 


Subdr. -Major Sur Singh. 
Subdr.-Major Shaik'lsmail (Hony. 

Subdr.-Major Chinnasanii (Hony. 


Subdr.-Major Arunachalan. 
Subdr.-Major Rainasanii . 
Subdr. Hassan Khan. 
Subdr.-Major Ramehaiidar Sawant 

(Hony. Capt ). 
Subdr. Krishna Appajee.f 
Subdr.-Major Chandi Singh (Hony. 


Subdr.-Major Kusahar Singh. 
Subdr. -Major Basesar Singh 

Subdr.-Major Kanhai Parshad 

Dube (Hony. Capt.). 
Subdr.-Major Molar Rain. 
Subdr.-Major Uekha Rnm.* 
Subdr.-Major Gajraj Singh. 
Subdr.-Major Udhar Singh. 
Subdr.-Major Lalbihari Singh 
Subdr. Baldeo Singh. 
Subdr.-Major Hauwat Singh. 
Subdr.-Major Buta Singh. 
Subdr. Chaiidcrdip Singh. 
Subdr.-Major Nujadik Singh. 
Subdr. Yusuf Khan. 
Subdr.-Major Phula Singh. 
Subdr.-Major Juthia Khattri 

(Hony. Capt.). 

Subdr.-Major Harnam Singh. 
Subdr.-Major Mitt Singh. 
Subdr.-Major Bhagwan Singh. 
Subdr.-Major Man Singh. 
Subdr.-Major Gurdit Singh (Hony. 


Subdr. Man Singh. 
Subdr.-Major Nakched Singh 

(Hony. Capt.). 
Subdr. Ashik AH Khan. 
Subdr.-Major Ghulam Kadir. 


19th Punjabis 

20th D. C. O. Infantry 

20th I). C. O. Infantry 

20th D. C. O. Infantry 
20th D. C. O. Infantry 
21st Punjabis . 
22nd Punjabis 
22nd Punjabis 
22nd Punjabis 
23rd Sikh Pioneers 

23rd Sikh Pioneers 
23rd Sikh Pioneers 
23rd Sikli Pioneers 
24th Punjabis . 

24th Punjabis . 
25th Punjabis . 

25th Punjabis . 
25th Punjabis . 
26th Punjabis . 

26th Punjabis . 

27th Punjabis . 

27th Punjabis . 

27th Punjabis . 

28th Punjabis . 

29th Punjabis . 

29th Punjabis . 

29th Punjabis . 

30th Punjabis . 
30th Punjabis . 
32nd Sikh Pioneers 
3 3rd Punjabis . 

34th Sikh Pioneers . 
35th Sikhs 
35th Sikhs 


Subdr. Aniar Singh. 
Subdr.-Major Zaman Khan (Hony. 

Capt.). ' 
Subdr.-Major Turah Ifaz Khan 

(Hony. Capt.).*t 

Subdr.-Major Arbela (Hony. Capt.), 
Jeindr. Abdullah. 
Stibdr. Lehna Singh. 
Subdr.-Major Khan Bahadur. 
Subdr. Bedhawa Singh. 
Subdr.-Major Kartar Singh. 
Subdr.-Major Nand Singh (Hony. 


Subdr.-Major (lopal Singh. 
Subdr.-Major Jiwan Singh. 
Subdr.-Major Gurdayal Singh. 
Subdr.-Major Yasin Khan, C.I.TC. 

(Hony. Capt.). 
Subdr. Sardar Lai Singh. 
Subdr.-Major Shah Mohammad 

(Hony. Capt.). 
Subdr. Ujagar Singh. 
Subdr.-Major Jamit Singh. 
Subdr.-Major Magar Singh (Hony. 


Subdr.-Major Jiwan Singh. 
Subdr. Ghulaiu Mohammad. 
Subdr. Abdtilla Khan. 
Subdr.-Major Khusial Singh. 
Subdr.-Mao'or Mir Alam(Hy.Capt.). 
Subdr. Fakir Mohammad. 
Subdr.-Major Mihr Khan. 
Subdr.-Major Mitt Singh (Hony. 


Subdr.-Major Fa/aldad Khan. 
Subdr.-Major Ghulam Ali. 
Subdr.-Major Fatah Singh. 
, Subdr.-Major Mana Khan (Hony. 

Subdr.-Major Narayan Singh 

(Hony. Capt.). 
Subdr.-Major Ka 

, Subdr.-Major Hazara Singh 

(Hony. Capt.). 

aku Singh (Hony. 


36th Sikhs 

36th Sikhs 
37th Dogras 
37th Dogras 

37th Dogras 
38th Dogias 
39th Garhwals . 

39th (iarhwals . 
39th Garhwals . 

39th Garhwals . 
41st Dogras 

42nd D. Kogt. . 
45th Sikhs 

45th Sikhs 
45th Sikhs 

45th Sikhs 
47th Sikhs 

47th Sikhs 
47th Sikhs 
48th Pioneers . 

51st Sikhs 
5lst Sikhs 

51st Sikhs 

51st Sikhs 
52nd Sikhs 

53rd Sikhs 
54th Sikhs 
54th Sikhs 

54th Sikhs 

55th Coke's Rifles 


Subdr.fMajor Sundar Singh 

Houy. Capt.). 
Subdr.-Major Ham Singh. 
Subdr.-Major Bhag Singh, 
Subdr.-Major Sohanu (Hony. 


Subdr. Bainta Singh. 
Subdr.-Major Garkha. 
Subdr.-Major Bhupal Thapa 

(Hony. Capt.). 

Subdr.-Major Moti Negi ( Hony. 
Subdr. Pirthi Chaud (Hony. 


Subdr.-Major Ram Kishan Bisht. 
Subdr.-Major Rai Singh (Hony. 

Capt.).f ' 

Subdr.-Major Girdhari. 
Subdr.-Maj. Lehna Singh (Hony. 

Subdr.-Maj. Jawala Singh (Hony. 

Sub(fr.-Maj. Jmvand Singh 

(Hony. Capt.).* 
Subdr. Sangat Singh. 
Subdr.-Maj. Waryam Singh 

(Hony. Capt.). 
Subdr.-Maj. Naraiu Singh. 
Subdr.-Maj. Baryam Singh. 
Subdr.-Maj. Mahtab Singh 

(Hony. Capt.). 

Subdr.-Maj. Bahadur Ali Khan. 
Subdr. -Ma]. Narayan Singh 

(Hony. Capt.). 
Subdr.-Maj. Hira Singh (Hony. 


Subdr.-Maj. Prem Singh. 
Subdr.-Maj. Sher Baz (Hony. 


Subdr.-Maj. Bakhshish Singh. 
Subdr.-Maj. Hayatullah. 
Subdr.-Maj. Lehna Singh (Hony. 


Subdr. Dayal Singh. 
Subdr. Zargoon Shah. 


56th Punjabis . 

56th Punjabis . 

56th Punjabis . 

56th Punjabis . 

56th Punjabis . 

58th V. Rifles . 

58th V. Rifles . 

58th V. Rifles . 

59th S. Rifles . 
6 1st Pioneers 
61st Pioneers 

61st Pioneers . 

62nd Punjabis . 

63rd P. L. Infy. 
64th Pioneers 
64th Pioneers 

66th Punjabis . 

67th Punjabis . 

67th Punjabis . 

69th Punjabis . 

72nd Punjabis . 

72nd Punjabis . 

72nd Punjabis . 

73rd C. Infy. . 

73rd C. Infy. . 

73rd C. Infy. , 

75th C. Infy. . 

75th C. Infy. . 

76th Punjabis . 

76th Punjabis . 
81st Pioneers 

81st Pioneers . 
81st Pioneers 
81st Pioneers 

82nd Punjabis . 

84th Punjabis . 

84th Punjabis . 


Subdr.-Maj. Miraii ISakhsh 

(Hony. Capt.). 
Subdr.-Maj. Xarayan Singh 

(Hony. Capt.). 
Subdr.-Maj. Kala Singh (Hony. 


Subdr.-Maj. Narayan Singh. 
Subdr. Atru. 

Subdr.-Maj. Wassir Khan. 
Subdr. Zard Ali Khan. 
Subdr.-Maj. Mohan Singh. 
Subdr.-Maj. Baz Khan. 
Subdr.-Maj. Sayyid Hussaiu 
Subdr. Annasamy. 
Subdr. Kandasamy. 
Subdr.-Maj. Suliman Khan 

(Hony Capt.). 

Snbdr.-Maj. Abdur Rahman. 
Subdr.-Maj. Mir Abbas.* 
Subdr. Tiroovengadum. 
Subdr.-Maj. Munisami. 
Subdr.-Maj. Ram Singh. 
Subdr.-Maj. Darashanu. 
Subdr. Jan Mohammed. 
Subdr.-Maj. Ghnlam Mohammad 


Subdr.-Maj. Gopal Singh. 
Subdr. Gyan Singh. 
Subdr.-Maj. Kadir Muhiy-ud-din. 
Subdr.-Maj. Muhammad Hyat. 
Subdr. Jaganath Singh. 
Subdr.-Maj. Hussain Khan (Hony. 

Lieut ). 

Subdr.-Maj. Daud Khan (Hy.Cpt.). 
Subdr. Sayyid Modocn. 
Subdr.-Maj. Karim Khan. 
Subdr.-Maj. Syyid Jala (Hony. 


Subdr.-Maj. Shamas-ud-din. 
Subdr.-Maj. Chandriah. 

Subdr.-Maj. Joseph. 
Subdr.-Maj. Fazl Khan 


Subdr. Wali Dad. 
Subdr. Sundar Singh. 



89th Punjabis . 

90th Punjabis . 
91st Punjabis 

91st Punjabis . 
91st Punjabis . 

92nd Punjabis . 
94th Infy. 

94th Infy. 

94th Infy. 
95th Infy. 

95th Infy. 
95th Infy. 
96th Infy. 

98th Infy. 

10 1st Grenadiers 

10 1st Grenadiers 
101st Grenadiers 

102nd Grenadiers 
103rd L. Infantry 

105th M. L. Infantry 
105th M. L. Infantry 
106th Hazara Pioneers 
107th Pioneers 

107th Pioneers 
107th Pioneers 
109th Infantry 

110th Infantry 

114th Maharattas 
119th Infantry 
123rd Rifles 


Subdr.-Maj. Kuv Singh (Hony. 


Subdr.-Maj. Bhagwan Singh. 
Subdr.-Maj. Shaikh Mahtab Din 

(Hony. Capt.). 
Subtlr. Abdul Hak. 
Subdr.-Maj. Prakas Rae (Hony. 

Subdr. Jagat Singh. 
Subdr.-Maj. Shaikh Kashn 

(Hony. Capt). 
Subdr.-Maj. Shaikh Wali Ahmad 

(Hony. Lieut.). 
Subdr. Shaikh Ismail. 
Subdr. Mohd. Shahabuddin (Hony. 


Subdr. Chandan Singh. 
Subdr.-Maj. Bchari Singh. 
Subdr.-Maj. Salar Mohammad 

(Hony. Capt.). 
Subdr.-Maj. Shaikh Ahmad 

(Hony. Capt.). 
Subdr.-Maj. Shaikh Hussain 

(Hony. Capt.). 
Subdr. Balajee Mule. 
Subdr.-Maj. Siwa Moduck (Hony. 


Subdr. Gyan Singh. 
Subdr.-Maj. Mirza Ibraham 
(Hony. Capt.). 
Subdr.-Maj. Sikandar Khan. 
Subdr. Uttam Singh. 
Subdr.-Maj. Dost Mohammad. 
Subdr.-Maj. Shaikh Ismail (Hony. 


Subdr.-Maj. Fazil Khan. 
Subdr. Sawan Singh. 
Subdr.-Maj. Mirza Mohammad 

Beg (Hony. Capt.). 
Subdr.-Maj. Mohammad Ibrahim 

(Hony. Capt.). 
Subdr. Lakha Singh. 
Subdr. Bhajro Singh Gujar. 
Subdr.-Maj. Shaikh Mahbub 

(Hony. Capt.). 


123rd Rifles 

125th Napier R. 




Napier R. 

Baluchi s 





128th Pioneers 
128th Pioneers 
128th Pioneers 

129th Baluchis 
1st Gurkha Rifles 

1st Gurkha Rifles 
1st Gurkha Rifles 

1st Gurkha Rifles 
1st Gurkha Rifles 
2nd Gurkha Rifles 

2nd Gurkha Rifles 

2nd Gurkha Rifles 
2nd Gurkha Rifles 
3rd Gurkha Rifles 

3rd Gurkha Rifles 
3rd Gurkha Rifles 

3rd Gurkha Rifles 
4th Gurkha Rifles 
4th Gurkha Rifles 
5th Gurkha Rifles 
5th Gurkha Rifles 
6th Gurkha Rifles 
7th Gurkha Rifles 

Subdr.-Maj. Ganga Sewak Pande 

(Hony. Capt.). 
Suhclr.-Maj. Jagan Nath Pande 

(Hony. Capt.). 
Suhdr. Dhaku Kuhre. 
Subdr.-Maj. Maula Dad Khan. 
Subdr.-Maj. Umar Bakhsh. 
Suhdr.-Maj. Yar Mohammad. 
Subdr.-Maj. Allahdad Khan. 
Suhdr.-Maj. Shaikh Mohammad 
(Hony. Capt.). 
Suhdr.-Maj. Mohammad Khan 

(Hony. Capt.). 
Suhdr.-Maj. Ram Singh (Hony. 

Suhdr.-Maj. Sriput Psiidwal 

(Hony. Capt.). 

Subdr. Lall Mast (Hony. Lieut.). 
Subdr.-Maj. Mathar Singh Thapa 

(Hony. Capt.). 
Suhdr.-Maj. Tegu Kanka (Hony. 

Subdr.-Maj. Karn Singh Gurung 

(Hony. Capt.).* 

Subdr.-Maj. Balwant Singh Mahat, 
Subdr. Hanbir Thapa. 
Subdr.-Maj. Kirpa Ram Thapa 

(Hony. Capt.).* 
Subdr.-Maj. Gopal Ram Nama 

(Hony. Capt.). 
Subdr.-Maj. Tejbir Thapa. 
Subdr.-Maj. Megchand Gharti. 
Subdr.-Maj. Chamu Singh Bura- 

thoki (Hony. Capt.). 
Subdr. Balbir Rana (Hony. 

Subdr.-Maj. Kushal Singh Bura- 


Subdr. Partab Singh. 
Subdr. Liladhar Thapa. 
Subdr. Singbir Gharti. 
Subdr. Thaman Singh. 
Subdr.-Maj. Amar Singh Thapa. 
Subdr.-Ma3. Jewan Singh. 
Subdr.-Maj. Jaslal Rae.* 



8th Gurkha Rifles 
8th Onrkha Rifles 
8th Gurkha 

8th Gurkha Rifles 

8th Gurkha Rifles 
8th Gurkha Rifles 
8th Gurkha Rifles 
8th Gurkha Rifles 
9th Gurkha Rifles 
10th Gurkha Rifles 

54th Camel Corps 
58th Camel Corps 
8th Mule Corps 

17th Madras Infantry 
25th Madras Infantry 

25th Madras Infantry 
25th Madras Infantry 

3rd Scinde Horse 
3rd Lancers 

Senior S. A. S. . 
Senior S. A. S. . 
Senior S. A. S. . 
Senior S. A. S. . 

S. A. S. . 
S. A. S. . 
S. A. S. . 
S. A. S. . 

1st Lancers 
7th H. Horse 

. Subdr.-Maj. Kalu Thapa (Hony. 

. Suhdr.-Maj. Bhakan Singh Thakur 

(Hony. Capt.). 
. Suhdr.-Maj. Abiram Guruiig 

(Hony. Capt.). 
. Subdr.-Maj. Birbal Xagarkoti 

(Hony. Capt.). 
. Subclr. Jai Chand r Thakur. 
. Subdr. Satar Singh Bohaui. 
. Subdr.-Maj. Karnabir Thapa. 
. Subdr.-Maj. Kaberaj Karki. 
. Subdr.-Maj. Bir Singh Bohra. 
. Abhimaii Singh Gnrung (Hony. 


. Res. Bhai Khan. 
, Res. Sajawal Khan. 
. Res. Hakim Singh. 


. Subdr. Arif Khan. 

. Subdr.-Maj. Gulab Khan (Hony. 

. Subdr.-Maj. Shaikh Amir (Hony. 

. Subdr.-Maj. Abdul Aziz (Hony. 


. Ris.-Maj. Shaikh Jamal. 
. Res.-Maj. Mahrab Ali Khan 

(Hony. Capt.). 


. Fazal Hahi. 

. Shaikh Amir Bakhsh. 

. Hukam Chand. 

. Pati Ram. 

. A. Shreenavassa Pillai. 

. Shaikh Kabaruddin. 

. BishnuNath. 

. Devi Ditta Saithi. 


. Jemdr. Imam Ali Khan. 
. Sowar Zulfikar Ali. 


9th H. Horse . 
10th Lancers 
llth Lancers 
llth Lancers 
llth Lancers 
llth Lancers 
llth Lancers 
13th Lancers 
13th Lancers 
13th Lancers 
13th Lancers . 
13th Lancers 
14th Lancers 
15th Lancers 
18th Lancers 
19th Lancers 
19th Lancers 
19th Lancers 
19th Lancers 
19th Lancers 
19th Lancers 
19th Lancers 
20th Horse 
20th Horse 
20th Horse 
20th Horse 
20th Horse 
20th Horse 
20th Horse 
20th Horse 
20th Horse 
21st Cavalry 
25th Cavalry 
25th Cavalry 
25th Cavalry . 
26th Cavalry . 
26th Cavalry . 
34th Poona Horse 
34th Poona Horse 
34th Poona Horse 
36th Jacob's Horse 
Corps of Guides 
Corps of Guides 
Corps of Guides 
Corps of Guides 


Duffdr. Puraii Singh. 

Duffdr. Bagh Khan. 

Kot Duffdr. Jawala Singh. 

Sowar Arur Singh. 

L Duffdr. Partah Singh. 

Duffdr. Phangan Singh. 

Duffdr. Sant Singh. 

Jemdr. Kaxal Hussain. 

Duffdr. Sewa Singh. 

Sowar Hira Singh. 

Lee Duffdr. Ghulam Mohiuddin. 

Recruit Niax Ali. 

lies. Kunhaiya Lall. 

Res. Rah Nawaz Khan. 

Duffdr. Zaidch Khan. 

Duffdr. Muhammad Ishak. 

Lee. Duffdr. Mehr Khan. 

Sowar Yusuf Ali Khan. 

Duffdr. Kishan Singh. 

Sowar Ram Singh. 

Sowar Kait Ram. 

Duffdr. (itilab Singh. 

Duffdr. Ghafur Khan. 

Duffdr. Hussain Ali Khan. 

Duffdr. Mir Muriel Ali. 

Duffdr. Kifayat Khan. 

Duffdr. Anwar Khan. 

Kot Daffdr. Shah Nur Khan.* 

Duffdr. Mustafa Khan. 

Duffdr. Salamat Ali Khan. 

Duffdr. Abdul Rahman Khan. 

Res. Dildar Khan. 

Jcmdr. Wali Mohd. 

Duffdr. Xutha Singh. 

Kot Duffdr. Zeeoodin. 

Res. Hayat Mohd. Khan. 

Jemdr. Slier Baz Khan. 

Kot Duffdr. GuLsher Khan. 

Duffdr. Amir Khan. 

Naick Bapurao Khanwilker. 

Kot Duffdr. Beer Singh. 

Jemdr. Makhmudin. 

Subdr. Alam Khan. 

Subdr. Sakandar Khan. 

Jemdr. Dial Singh. 



Corps of Guides 

Corps of (hi ides 

Corps of Guides 

Corps of Guides 

Corps of Guides 

Corps of Guides 

Corps of GuidtM 

Corps of Guides 

Corps of Guides 

Corps of Guides 

Corps of Guide^ 

Corps of Guide* 

Corps of Guide* 

Corps of Guides 

Corps of Guides 

Corps of Guides 

22nd Mountain Battery 

26th Mountain Battery 

26th Mountain Battery 

26th Mountain Battery 

26th Mountain Battery 

26th Mountain Battery 

26th Mountain Battery 

27th Mountain Battery 

28th Mountain Battery 

28th Mountain Battery 

Frontier Garrison Artillery 

1st Sappers and Miners 

1st Sappers and Miners 

1st Sappers and Miners 

1st Sappers and Miners 

1st Sappers and Miners 

1st Sappers and Miners 

1st Sappers and Miners 

1st Sappers and Miners 

2nd Sappers and Miners 

3rd Sappers and Miners 

3rd Sappers and Miners 

1st Brahmans . 

1st Brahmans . 

3rd Brahmans . 

8th Rajputs 

13th Rajputs . 

14th Sikhs 

14th Sikhs 

Ris. Maj. Bahadur Singh. 

Duffdr. Kondu Singh. 

Havr. Semi. 

Sowar Punjjiba. 

Duffdr. Yakut Khan 

Naick Ha/ir. 

Havr. Bin/ Khan. 

Duffdr Suba Singh. 

Sowar Siranda/. 

Duffdr. Pir Mohammed. 

Kot Daffdr. Sadar-ud-Din. 

Sowar Alaf Khan. 

Duffdr. Bura Khan. 

Sepoy Barwea/a Khan. 

Sowar Mohamad Khan. 

Sepoy NUT Zaman. 

Subdr. Kishan Singh. 

Drill Havr. Rur Singh. 

Havr. Nihal Singh. 

Xaick Uttam Chand. 

Subdr. Jawala Singh. 

Gunner Diwan Singh. 

Jemdr. Dulla Khan. 

Gunner Thakur Das. 

Subdr. Alain Sher. 

Havr. Hussain Muhammad, 

Gunner Tmam Din. 

Jemdr. Natha Singh. 

Havr. Usinan Khan. 

Naick Nabi Buksh. 

Sapper Chaughatta. 

Havr. Soocha Singh. 

Sapper Gujraj Tewari. 

Sapper Sat Narain. 

Naick Badri Pande. 

Havr. A/ha Giri. 

Jemdr. Baryam Singh. 

Xaick Nur-ud-Dm. 

Snbdr.-Maj. Bessesar Tiwari. 

Havr. Jawala Pershad Awasthi. 

Subdr. Ramadhar Awasthi. 

Subdr. Man Singh. 

Sepoy Drigpal Singh. 

Jemdr. Mehtab Singh. 

Subdr.- Maj. Attar Singh. 

35C L 

14th Sikhs 
14th Sikhs 
14th Sikhs 
14th Sikhs 
14th Sikhs 
14th Sikhs 
14th Sikhs 
14th Sikhs 
14th Sikhs 
14th Sikhs 
14th Sikhs 
14th Sikhs 
14th Sikhs 
14th Sikhs 
15th Sikhs 
15th Sikhs 
15th Sikhs 
15th Sikhs 
15th Sikhs 
15th Sikhs 
15th Sikhs 
15th Sikhs 
15th Sikhs 
18th Infantry 
22nd Punjabis 
22nd Punjabis 
23rd Sikhs 
23rd Sikhs 
23rd Sikhs 
23rd Sikhs 
23rd Sikhs 
23rd Sikhs 
24th Punjabis 
24th Punjabis 
24th Punjabis 
24th Punjabis 
26th Punjabis 
27th Punjabis 
27th Punjabis 
27th Punjabis 
28th Punjabis 
29th Punjabis 
30th Punjabis 
31st Punjabis 
31st Punjabis 


Subdr. Sundar Singh. 
Jcxndr. Prem Singh. 
Jemdr. Kaka Singh. 
Subdr. Budh Singh. 
Sepoy Jaimal Singh. 
Naick ILhani Singh. 
Havr. Sadda Singh. 
Sepoy Ganga Singh. 
Sepoy Thaman Singh. 
Naick Atar Singh. 
Havr. Bogga Singh. 
Havr. Bhag Singh. 
Havr. Bur Singh. 
Naick Badan Singh. 
Subdr. Wary am Singh. 
Subdr. Hira Singh. 
Sepoy Sahib Singh. 
Havr. Kishen Singh. 
Havr. Bela Singh. 
Sepoy Bhola Singh. 
Sepoy Jiwan Singh. 
Sepoy Amar Singh. 
Naick Karpal Singh. 
Jemdr. Ram Charitcr Singh. 
Havr. Sadu Singh. 
Havr. Ram Singh. 
Jemdr. Ishar Singh. 
Havr. Bachan Singh. 
Nand Singh. 
Havr. Pateh Singh. 
Naick Jhanda Singh. 
Havr. Sundar Singh. 
Jemdr. Sawan Singh. 
Havr. Wadhawa Singh. 
Havr. Patch Singh. 
Jemdr. Umar Khan. 
Subdr. Umar Jan. 
Subdr. Gurdit Singh. 
Havr. Mangal Singh. 
Sepoy Jehan Khan. 
Havr. Hari Singh. 
Sepoy Dewan Singh. 
Subdr. Kesar Singh. 
Jemdr. Bam Singh. 
Havr. Atma Singli. 



31st Punjabis . 
31st Punjabis . 
31st Punjabis . 
31st Punjabis . 
32nd Sikh Pioneers 
32nd Sikh Pioneers 
32nd Sikh Pioneers 
32ud Sikhs 
32nd Sikhs 
32nd Sikhs 
32nd Sikhs 
35th Sikhs 
35th Sikhs 
36th Sikhs 
36th Sikhs 
36th Sikhs 
36th Sikhs 
36th Sikhs 
36th Sikhs 
36th Sikhs 
36th Sikhs 
36th Sikhs 
36th Sikhs 
36th Sikhs 
36th Sikhs 
36th Sikhs 
40th Pathaiis 
4()th Pathaiis 
40th Pathaiis 
40th Pathaiis 
40th Pathaiis 
41st Dogras 
45th Sikhs 
45th Sikhs 
45th Sikhs 
45th Sikhs 
45th Sikhs 
45th Sikhs 
45th Sikhs 
45th Sikhs 
45th Sikhs 
47th Sikhs 
51st Sikhs 
51st Sikhs 
51st Sikhs 

Sepoy Kala Singh. 

Sepoy Fateh Din. 

Havr. Fazal Dad Khan. 

Dr. Fazl. Khan. 

Jemdr. Sundar Singh.* 

Subdr. Baga Singh. 

Subdr. Kesar Singh. 

Sepoy Lall Singh. 

Naick Jhanda Singh. 

Sepoy Ishar Singh. 

Havr. Wadhawa Singh. 

Jemdr. Waryan Singh. 

Havr. Kurm Singh. 

Havr. Sundar Singh. 

Naick Sundar Singh. 

Sepoy Bhulla Singh. 

Naick Attar Singh. 

Naiek Hira Singh. 

Naick Sujan Singh. 

Havr. Sher Singh. 

Sepoy Rur Singh. 

Naick Hariiam Singh. 
Lee. Nk. Sada Singh. 
Sepoy Thaman Singh. 
Sepoy Bela Singh. 
Lcc. Nk. Sawaii Singh. 
Subdr. Bela. 
Lee. Nk. Payo. 
Sepoy Muhammad Khau. 
Havr. Sharif. 
Sepoy Akbar Shah. 
Havr. Gopi. 
Jemdr. Uttam Singh. 
Jemdr. Prem Singh. 
Subdr. Ala Singh. 
Sepoy Lai Singh. 
Havr. Atma Singh. 
Mahtab Singh. 
Naick Jccwa Singh. 
Havr. Wir Singh. 
Havr. Sant Singh. 
Havr. Partab Singh. 
Subdr. Narayan Singh. 
Jemdr. Sheo Singh. 
Jemdr. Hussain Shah. 


51st Sikhs 
51st Sikhs 
51st Sikhs 
51st Sikhs 
53rd Sikhs 
54th Sikhs 
54th Sikhs 
54th Sikhs 
54th Sikhs 
54th Sikhs 
55th Rifles 
55th Rifles 
55th Rifles 
55th Riflos 
55th Rifles 
55th Rifles 
55th Rifles 
55th Rifles 
58th V. Rifles 
58th V. Rifles 
58th V. Rifles 
58th V. Rifles 
59th Rifles 
62m! Punjabis 
62nd Punjabis 
66th Punjabis 
69th Punjabis 
72nd Punjabis 
72nd Punjabis 
72nd Punjabis 
72nd Punjabis 
7 2nd Punjabis 
72nd Punjabis 
72nd Punjabis 
72nd Punjabis 
72nd Punjabis 
72nd Punjabis 
72nd Punjabis 
7 2nd Punjabis 
72nd Punjabis 
72nd Punjabis 
72nd Punjabis 
72nd Punjabis 
72nd Punjabis 
72nd Punjabis 


Col. Havr. Mohan Singh. 
TJCC*. Naick Jalandah. 
Sep:>y Habib Ullah. 
Havr. Shah Sawar. 
Havr. Sham Singh. 
Subdr. Dheru. 
Subdr. Kninal Khan. 
Havr. Wazira. 
Subdr. Tulsi Ram. 
Sepoy Hishau Singh. 
Subdr. Daiid Shah. 
Subdr. Bt>la Singh. 
Havr. Ishar Singh. 
Sepoy Basant Singh. 
Naiuk Tt'ja Singh. 
Havr. Mir Dost. 
Sepoy Kalandar. 
Sepoy Nurdatl. 
Havr. Karamdad. 
Sepoy Dinar Khan. 
Sepoy Gholam Hussain. 
Sepoy Kashu. 
Sepoy Ainai" Singh. 
Subdr. Kami Singh. 
Jemdr. Narain Singh. 
Subdr. Chanda Singh. 
Subdr. Baryam Singli. 
Jeindr. Chaugatta. 
Sepoy Gania. 
Sepoy Sohawa. 
Clr.- Havr. Hira Singh. 
Sepoy Karm Ilahi. 
Sepoy Juma Khan. 
Sepoy (rhulam Muhammad. 
Sepoy Faqir Mohammed. 
Sepoy Saif Ali. 
Sepoy Nawab Shah. 
Sepoy Mehtab Din. 
Sepoy Miran Bakhsh. 
Sepoy Mirau Bakhsh. 
Sepoy Fazal Din. 
Sepoy Chandu Khan. 
Sepoy Mohamed Alam. 
Sepoy Khero. 
Sepoy Shanias Din. 



72nd Punjabis 

72nd Punjabis 

72nd Punjabis 

72nd Punjabis 

74tli Punjabis 

75th C. Infantry 

82nd Punjabis 

82nd Punjabis 

87th Punjabis 

89th Punjabis 

89th Punjabis 

89th Punjabis 

90th Punjabis . 
91st Punjabis 

93rd Burma Infantry 

104th Rifles 

106th Pioneers 

1 06th Pioneers 

120th Infantry . 

123rd Rifles 

124th Baluchis . 

126th B. Infantry 
127th Baluchis . 
127th Baluchis . 
127th Baluchis . 
127th Baluchis . 
127th Baluchis . 
130th Baluchis . 
1st Gurkhas 
1st Gurkhas 
1st Gurkhas 
1st Gurkhas 
1st Gurkhas 
1st Gurkhas 
2nd Gurkhas 
2nd Gurkhas 
3rd Gurkhas 
3rd Gurkhas 
5th Gurkhas 
5th Gurkhas 
5th Gurkhas . 
5th Gurkhas 
5th Gurkhas . 
6th Gurkhas . 
6th Gurkhas . 

Sepoy Ghulam Nabi. 

Sepoy Sultan Ahmed. 

Sepoy Buti. 

Sepoy Mehr Din. 

Havr. Xarayan Singh. 

Havr. Kunmiila Ramkrishnaimna. 

Subdr. Maj. Sundar Singh. 

Subdr. Rain Singh. 

Pte. Abdul Razack. 

Sepoy Mahi Khan. 

Havr. Uttam Singh. 

Havr. Gunda Singh. 

Sepoy Karim Din. 

Subdr. Bahadur Khan. 

Subdr. Jawand Singh. 

Ifavr. Butta Singh. 

Subdr. Abdullah Khan. 

.Temdr. Mohammad Akbar. 

Trmpr. AH Sher Khan. 

Xaick Ramjirao Dalvi. 

Sepoy Maya Singh. 

Subdr. Bulaka Singh. 

Havr. Shah Zad Khan. 

Pte. Khuda Bakhsh Khan. 

Pte. Fazal Khan. 

Haw. Nur Dad. 

Seiwy Subey Khan. 

Cor.-Havr. Saddu Singh. 

Subdr. Hira Singh Thapa. 

Subdr. Bulbcr G hurtle. 

Havr. Balbhadar Gurung. 

Naick Dhan Singh Bandari. 

Sepoy Xar Singh Gharti. 

Sepoy Lachmaii Thapa. 

Subdr. Birbal Singh Khatri. 

Havr. Tikaram Lama. 

Subdr. Harakbir Gurung. 

Havr. Deb Singh Bhist. 

Subdr. Goria liana. 

Jemdr. Moti Ram Thapa. 

Jemdr. Marii Ram Pun. 

Subdr. Birkhadhaj Khatri. 

Rifleman Kharn Gurung. 

Subdr.-Maj. Judhbir Gnnmg. 

Subdr. Kaman Singh Thapa. 


6th Gurkhas .... Havr. Singiah Lama. 

8th Gurkhas .... Subdr. Dhup Chand Thapa. 

8th Gurkhas .... Subdr. Gomo Basnet. 

8th Gurkhas .... Rifleman Tika Ram Thapa. 

8th Gurkhas .... Lee. Havr. Ganbhir Rai. 

8th (iurkhas .... Ritiem.ji Karagbir Gurung. 

13th Mule Corps . . . Driver Biwa. 

Senior S. A. S. . . . . Gaimu Rain. 

S. A. S. . . . . Shunkar Dass. 

Ex. Asst. Connnr. . . . Mohammad Zopar Khan. 


(Not, members of ant/ Order.) 

16th Cavalry .... Resaldar Mangal Singh. 
103rd Infantry . . . Subadar Ram Chandra Rao 


26th Cavalry .... Res. Thakur Mul Singh. 
26th Cavalry .... Res. Maj. Malik Sher Bahadur 


29th Lancers .... Res. Ahmad Khan. 
13th Rajputs .... Subdr. Rohtan Singh. 


(Other than those indicated in the above lists.) 

29th Punjabis .... Subdr. Sewa Singh. 

41st Dogras .... Subadar Nihala. 

110th Maharattas . . . Jemadar Anaula Rhamble. 

9th Hodson's Horse . . . Duffdr. Wadhawa Singh, 

llth K. K. O. Lancers . . Kot. Duffdr. Punah Khan. 

21st Koliat Mtn. Battery . . Havildar Miran Bakhsh. 

llth Rajputs .... Havildar Badal Singh. 

20th Infantry .... Havildar Jawala Singh. 

52nd Sikhs .... Havildar Ghulab. 
53rd Sikhs .... Havildar Achhar Singh. 


13th Lancers .... Risaldar Major Ghulam Raya 

Khan, M.V.O. 

61st Pioneers 
Gytli Punjabis 



Khan, Victorian 

Subadar Mir 

Snbdr.-Maj. Sardar Kbau, C.I.E., 


Military Dairy. 

CAMP No. 25. 

Matson, Capt. J. 
Matson, Mrs. 
Mellor, Capt. G. P. 
Mellor, Mrs. 

MAP H-9. 

Mellor, Mr. 
Smith, Mr. 
Smith, Mrs. 
Smith, Miss, 


The following Alphabetical Index includes names of residents in both Part II, 
Civil and Central Camps, and Part III, Military Camps. It has been found 
impracticable to include the names of all the Indian Officials and Guests. 

Abbott, 2nd- Lt. G.D. 


Aga Khan, The . 


Amplett, Lt. E. P.C. 


Abbott, Mr. II. . . 


Agnew, Lt. H. C. . 


Aim, Capt. A. C. . . 


Abbott, Capt. L. II. . 


Agnew, Miss . . . 


Amy, Mrs. . . . 


Abbott, Mrs. . . . 
Abdul Aziz, Kis.-Maj. 


Ahad Shah, Khuaja 
I Ahmad, Mr. Saiyid, 


Anagundi, Raja of . 
Anderson, Capt. C. 


Abdul Aziz .... 


Wasi . 


Anderson, Capt.G.H. 


Abdul Ghafur Khan, 

Aikman, Mr. D. W. . 

192 ' 

Anderson, Mrs. . 


K. B 


' Aikman, Mrs . 


Anderson, 2nd-Lt. .1. 


Abdul Kanm Khan, 

Aitehison, Mr. H. . 


Anderson, Mrs. .1. 


Ris.-Maj. . . . 


Aivar, K. K. V. . . 


Anderson, Lt. E. V. . 


Abdullah Khan, 

Akhai Singh, Maha- 

Anderson, Miss . 


Nauab Sir Hah'/ 

ra.i .... 


Anderson , Lt. C. H. . 


Mohomed, K.C.I.E. 


Albar, Mons. F. 


Anderson, Capt. N.R. 


Abdul Maj.d, K. B. . 


Alder, Mr. W. . . 


Anderson, 2ml-Lt. A. 


Abdul Majid, Maulvi 


Aldersimth, Mr.C.H. 


Anderson, Lieut. F. . 


Abdul Majid Khan, 

Aldersou, Maj.-Gen. 


Anderson, Mrs. . 


Nawab .... 


Alderson, Mrs. . 


Anderson, Mr. F. G. 


Abdul Qaiyum, K. 

Alderson, Mr. . . 


Anderson, Mrs. . 


B., Sahibzada . . 


Alderson, Miss . 


Andrew, Major . 


Abdul Wahab, Syed 

Aldworth, Lt. T. R. 


Andrew, Mrs. 


Hazratji .... 


Alexander, Maj. A. 


Andrew, Maj. F. A. . 


Abdul Wahid Khan, 

Alexander, Maj.R.D. 


Andrew, Mrs. 


Sahibzada . . . 


Alexander, Capt. R. 


Andrew, Major A. W. 


Abdur llahim, Mr. 

Alexander, Lt. L. . 


Andrews, Maj. C. K. 


Justice .... 


Alexander, Mrs. . 


Andrews, Mrs. 


Abdus Samad Khan 


Alexander, Maj. LC. . 


Andrews, Rev. C. F. . 


Abdus Subhan, 

Alexander, Capt. W. 


Angell, Miss N. V.C. 


Chow dhury, Nawab 


Alexander, Capt. R.G. 


Augclo, Mr.W. . . 


Abinash "Chandra 

Alexander, Mrs. . 


Angelo, Mrs. . . 


Gupta .... 


Alexander, Mr. R. 


Angus, Mrs. L. G. . 


Abu Ahmad Ghuz- 

Alexander, Mr. T. . 


Angus, Miss Erica . 


navi, Mr. A. K. . 


Ah, Prince Abid . 


Angus, Miss Joan . 


Abud, Lt.-Col. H.M. 


Ahpura, Raja of . . 


Angus, Miss Trego . 


Adair, Capt. F. W. . 


Ali Rajpur, Rana of 


Angus, Mr. R. J. 


Adamji Mamooji, 

Allanby, 2nd-Lt. R.H. 


Anley, Major F. G. . 




Allanson, Capt. C. J. 


Anley, Mrs. 


Adam, Lt. K. F. . . 


Allardice, Lt. If. . . 


Annaly, Lord 


Adams, Dr. Chas. 


Allardyce, Capt. J. . 


Annasawmi Muda- 

Adams, Mrs. . 


Allen, Mr. P. U. . . 

206 < 

har, Rai Bahadur. 


Adam son, Sir Harvey 


Allen, Mis. P. U. . 


Aniiesley, Capt. A. . 


A damson, Lady . 


Allnutt, Rev. Canon 


Aunesley, Maj. A.S.R. 


Adamson, Dr. P. 


Allum, Miss . . . 


Annesley, Mrs. . 


Addis, Mr. R. B. 


Allum Maj. . . . 


Annesly, Capt. C.A.J. 


Addis, Mr. F. H. . 


Alma Latin, Mr. 


Anst rather, 2nd-Lt. 


Addis, Mrs. . . . 


Alston, Capt.R.C.W. 


Anthony, Capt. V. S. 


Adie, Mr. J. C. . . 


Alwar Maharaja of 


Apcar Mr A A . 


Adic, Mrs 


Amarsingh, Lt. . . 


Apcar, Mr. J. G. . 


Adinsall, Miss . . 


Ambler, Dr. ... 


Appala Kondayamba, 

Af tab Ahmad Khan . 


Ames, Miss . . . 


Maharani . . . 



Apparanda Mandana 


Atkinson, Miss 


' Banerji, Mrs. . 


Appaya, Mr K. . . 


Austin, Lt.-CoUF. H. 


i Banganapalle, Nawab 


Apploby, Mr. K. A. 


Austin, Miss . 


! Bannatine-Allason, 

Appleton, Capt.ll M. 


Autar Singh, Sarclar. 


! Maj.- Gen. R. . . 


Applet on, Mrs. 


Avlmer, Capt. G. A. . 


1 Bannatyne, Capt. N. 


Apthorpe, Capt. E.H. 


Aylmer, Mrs. G. A. 


! Bannerman, Sur-Gen. 

Aram, Mr. A. 
Arbuthnot,, Maj.G.H. 


Ays*>ugh, Capt. W.G. 
Ayscough, Capt. G 



i W. B. 

Bannerman, Mrs. 


Arbuthnot, Mrs. 


A/am Knsain, K.S. . 


i Bannerman, Maj. W. 


Arbuthnott,Mr. J. C. 


Azani Shah, Kaia 


! Bannerman, Lt.-Col. A. 192 

Arbuthnott, Mrs. 


A/erWenka, Mr. W. 


1 Bannerman, Mrs. 


Archer, Col. C. . 


Azr/-nd-din, R. B. 


Banswara, Kaja of . 


Archer, Mrs. . 


Bahrain Khan, Nawab 254 

Bausda, Kaja of . . 


Archer, Mr. W. . . 


Baghat, liana of 


Ban spat i Singh,Raja 


Archer, Maj. S. A. 


Baghdad, Nawab of . 


Barat, II. B., S. N. . 


Archer, Mrs. S. A. . 


Jiagley, Mr. V. R. . 


Barclay, Miss. . . 


Arcot Pniico ol 


Bagley Mrs. . 


Barge, Capt K. . . 


Ardomo, Capt. J. 


Bagnall, Lt. K. . 


Baria, Raja of . . 


Anff, Mr. G. H. . . 


Bagot-Chester, Lt.W. 


Barlitier, Mr. A.. . 


Armstrong, 2nd-Lt. 


Bagshawc, Mrs. . 


Barlow, Miss . . . 


Armstrong, 2nd-Lt. 

Bahadur All Khan, 

rtarnard, Maj. A. K. . 


W M 


Sub.-Maj. . 


Barnard, Mrs. 


Armstrong, Mr. C.H. 


Bahadur .lung 


Barnard, Mr A. B. . 


Armstrong, Mrs. . 


Bahawalpur, Nawab ot 


Barnard, Mrs. 


Arnott, Lt. A.M. . 


Balaknshna Aivar,T. 


Barnard, Mr. . 


Arthur, Capt. 


Hailey. Maj. G. . . 


Barnard, Miss . . 


Arthur, Sir Allan 


Bailey, Mr. G. H. . 


Barnardiston.Msij. E. 


Asadulla Khan.Nawab 278 

Bailev, Mrs. . 


: Barnes, Lt.-Col. R. 


Asghar AH Khan, 

Baillie, Mr. D.C. . . 


Barnett, Mr. . . . 


K. B 


Baillie, 2nd-Lt. I). . 


Barnett, Miss . . 


Ashburnham, Miss . 


Bambridgfi, Lt. D. . 


i Baroda, Maharaja of 


Ashburner, Capt. L. 


Bam es. Mr. A. C. 


Baroda Prosad Bosc 


Ashburner, Mrs. 


Baird, ( 1 -apt. H. B. I), 


: Barr, Maj. 11. K. . 


Ashby, Miss 


Baird, Capt, P. T. C. 


, Barratt, Col. W. C. . 


Ashford, Capt. J. . 


Baird, Miss . . . 


, Barratt, Mrs. W. C. . 


Ashford, Mrs. . 


Baird, Miss 


' Barret, Mons. C. . 


Ashton, Mr. K. P. . 


Baker.fLt. St. J. V. . 


Barrett, Capt. F. W. 


Askwith, Lt.-Col. J. 


Baker, Mrs. C. . . 


Barrett, Hon. Mrs. . 


Askwith, Mrs. 
Aslett Mr. Alfred 


Bala Sahib Dafle.Lt. 
Bald 2nd-Lt. K. A. . 


, Barrett, Maj-Gcn. Sir 
A. A .... 


Aspmall, Capt. C. F. 
Aspinall, Mrs. t 


Baldwin, Col'. A. II. 
Baldwin, Mrs A. H. 


Barrett, T,ady . . 
! Barrett, 2nd-Lt. L. A. 


Aster, Lieut. J. J. . 


Baldwin, Miss 


i Barrington, Mr. A. . 


Astley, Capt. A.G.L. 


Baldwin, Lieut. M.C. 


, Barren, Mr. C. A. . 


Atkin, 2ml-Lt. B. .1. 


Bald, Lt. A. H. . . 


Barron, Capt. R. 


Atkins, Capt. G. W. 


Bald, Miss . . . 


Barron, Miss . . . 


Atkins, Mr. C. 11. . 


Balfe, Miss . . . 


Barron, Capt. W. E. 


Atkins, Mrs. . 


Balfour,2nd.-Lt. G.E. 


! Barron, Mrs. . . . 


Atkinson, Mr. J. N. 


Balfour, 2nd-Lt. J. 


i Barrow, Mr.R. P. . 


Atkinson, Mrs. 


Ballingal, Capt. H. 


> Barrow, Miss K. M. 


Atkinson. Lt. W. H. 


Balston, Capt. G. K. 


i Barrow, Lt.-Col. G. 


Atkinson, Capt. P. 


Bambawala, Mr. A. 


1 Barrow, Mrs. 


Atkinson, Mr. A. E. 


Bamber, Col. C. J. . 


1 Barrow, Miss . . 


Atkinson, Mrs. 


Bamber, Mrs . . 


j Barrow, Genl. Sir E. 


Atkinson, Miss 


Bambho Khan, Jam. 


! Barrow, Lady . . . 


Atkinson, Lt. K. G. . 


Bamfield, Maj. P. J . 


i Barrow, Lt. R. E. . 


Atkinson, Lt.-Col. E. 


Bamfield. Miss . . 


! Barry-Smith,Maj.R.C 


Atkinson, Mrs. 


Bamra, Chief of 


1 Barry-Smith, Mrs. . 


Atkinson, Lieut. G. 


Banarji, Mr. P. C. . 


i Barry, Maj. C. C. S. 


Atkinson, Lt. W. N. 


Banerji, Mr. A. K. . 


Barry, Mrs. . . . 




Barry, Miss Julia . 


Bean, Mr. L. C. D. . 


Benyon, Miss . . 


Barry, Lt.-Col. J. F. 


Bean, Miss . . . 


Heresford, Lt. G. . 


Barry, Mrs. . . . 


BeatHon, Maj.-Gen. 

Berenford, Mr. W. 


Barry, Miss . . . 


SirS. B. '. . . 


Berkeley, Lt.-Col. R. 


Barry, Mr. C. B. . 


Beatson, Bg.-Genl.F. 


Berkeley, Mr. S. H. 


Barstow, Capt. H. . 


Beatson, Mr. E. B. . 


Berkeley, Mrs. . . 


Barstow, Mrs. 


Beat son, Mrs. 

2^8 j 

Berkley. Lt.-Col. . 


Barstow, Mrs. . . 


Beatty, Maj. G.A.H 

295 ' 

Berkley, Mrs. G. 


Barter, Maj. -Gen l.C. 


Beattv, Mrs. . 

295 i 

Bernard, Lt.-Col. If. 


Bart on, Capt. F. H.. 


Beatty, Major L. N. 

129 - 

Berrington, Lt. D. 


Barton, 2nd-Lt. X. F. 


Bcatv, Mr. F. M. A. . 


Berrvman, Lt. E. R. 


Barton, Miss W. M. 


Beatv, Mrs. F. M. A 


Berthon, Maj. H.W. 


Barton, Mr. W. P. . 


reaty, Mr. G. . . 

248 ' 

Berthon, Mrs. . . 


Barton, Miss . . 


Peaty, Mrs. G. . . 


Besso, Signor . . 


Barua, Raja P. C. . 


Beaumont, Miss E. . 


Bethell, Capt. H. K. 


Barua, Mr. M. C. . 


Becher, Major G. A. 


Bethell, Capt. L. A. 


Barwam, Chief of . 


Beeher, Lt. M.A.N. 


Seville, Major F. G. 


Bar wick, Miss 


Beckley, Lt. T. H. . 


Bevis, Mr. W. G. . 


Basavpranhu, Sardar 


Beddv, Miss . 


Beyts, Major W. G. 


Bass, Sir W. . . . 


Bedw'ell, Mrs. . . 


Beyts,iMrs. W. G. . 


Bass, Lady Xoreen 


Beer, Lt.-Col. J. H. 


B ha g wa n Bakhsh 

Basoda, Xawab of . 


Begbio, Mr. J. . . 


Singh, Raja 


Bast van, Capt. S. J. 298 
Bastyan, Mrs. . . 298 
Basu, Babu Bhupendra 

Begg, Mr. S. . . . 
Behram Khan, Genl. 
Mir . . . . 


Bhagwati Prasad 
Singh, Maharaja Sir 278 
lihan Sinsrh Jemdr I^MI 

nath . . .196 
Basu. Mrs. Bhupendra 
nath . . . . 196 

Bell, Major-General . 
Bell, Lieut. H. W. . 
Bell, Major R. F. . 


Bhanja Deo, Raja 
Rajendra Xarayan. 
Bharat Singh, 



Bell, Mrs. . . . 




Maj. H. F.. . . 


Bell, Lt.-Col. L. M. 
Hell, Mrs. . . . 


Kharatpur, Maharaja 


Mrs. H. F.. . . 


Bell, Mr. J. M. . , 
Bell, Mrs. . . . 
Bell, Mr 


Bharucha, Lieut. P. 
Bha vnagar , Maharaja 


Bates, Capt. H. C. . 


Bell, Mrs 


Bhinai. Raja of 


Bathwalla, Dr. H. L. 
Batten, Mr. J. K. . 


Bell, Mr. H. J. . . 


K nopal. Begum of . 
Bhor, Chief of . . 


Bell, Mrs. . . . 

Batten, Mrs. . . . 
Battino, Maj. R. St. 
Battine, Mrs. . . 
Battye, Maj. W. R. 
Battye, Mrs. . . . 


Bell, Mr. E. A. S. . 
BeM, MTH. . . . 
Bell, Mrs. Lynden . 
Bell, Miss Lynden . 
Bell, Mr. C. A. . . 



Bhutan, Maharaja of 
Bice, Capt. A. E. . . 


Hickford. Major W. . 
Biddie, Maj. G. . . 
Biddie. Mrs. 

Battye. Capt T. H. 


Behi, Mr. D. V. 


Bidhi Chand, Capt. 


Baxter, 2nd-Lt. E. H. 
Baumgartner, Maj. J. 
Bayley, Sir Charles 
Bayley, Lady . . . 
BayJey, Capt. L. . . 
Bayley. Mr. A S. B. 
Bayley, Capt. L. 8. 
Bayley, Mr. C. B. . 
Bayley, Maj. E. C. . 
Bazeley, Miss . . 
Beadon-Bryant Mr. . 
Beadon-Bryant, Mrs. 
Beale, Maj. W. . . 
Beale, Mrs. . . . 
Beall, Lt. R. D. . . 
Beaman, Lient. A. . 
Bean, Mr. B. 0. L. . 




138 , 
320 ! 
270 i 
238 ! 

Benares, Raja of 
Benn, Maj. R. A. E. 
Benn, Mrs. R. A. E. 
Bennett, Lt. H. 
Bennett, Capt. J. H. 
Bennett, Mr. W. E. 
Bennett, Mrs. . . 
Bennett, Mr. . . . 
Bennett, Mrs. . . 
Bennett, Miss . . 
Bennett, Mrs. Lours 
Bennett, Mr. R. H. 
Benson, Capt. W. . 
Benson, Sir R. . . 
Benson, Lady . . 
Benton, Sir John . 
Benton, Lady . . 

213 i 

213 : 

310 i 
250 ! 
251 J 
251 i 

224 i 
224 , 
196 1 

Biernacki, Mr. U.K. 
Bigge, Lt. J. N. '. . 
Bijawar, Maharaja of 
Bikaner, Maharaja of 
Bilaspur, Raja of . 
Billington. Miss M. 
Bindeshri Prasad 
Singh, Raja . . 
Bingley. Col. A. H.. 
Bingley, Mrs. . . 
Bingley, Capt.A.G. . 
Bingley, Mrs. 
Binning, Lt. R. G. . 
Binny, Lt. A.C.M. . 
Binny, Mrs. A. C.M. 
Birch, Lt. C. F. M. . 
Bird, Capt. A. J. G.. 




Bird, Lt. W. A. H. . 306 

Bonsor, Mr. B. . . 283 , 

Bird, Lt. Col. R.. . 124 

Booth, 2nd-Lt. E. R. 385 i 

Hird, Mrs 129 

Booth, JVir. J. R. . 286 


Booth, Mrs. . . .147 

Birdwood, Mrs. . 240 

Berwick, Mr. P. . 296 i 

Biscoe, Mr. W. T. . 238 

Berwick, Mrs. . . 296 

Biscoe, Mr. W. F . . 206 

Bo*}, Sir B. K. . . 167 

Biseoe, Mrs. . . . 206 

Bostnck, Capt. .1. S. 327 

Biscoe, Mias ... 206 

BoBtoek, Mra. . 327 

Bisheshar Nath.R.B. 260 

Bostock, 2nd-Lt.L.C. 302 ' 

Black, Maj. W. C. . 177 

Boswell, Lt. W.R. . 303 , 

Black, Mrs. ... 177 

Botiworth Smith, Mr. 171 

Black, Capt. G. C. S. 139 

Boudier, Lt.-Col. E. 212 , 

Blackburn, Lt. G. A. 334 

Boudier, Mrs. . . .312 

Blacker, Lt. W. F. . 29-1 

Boughcy, Mr. G. ,vi. 171 

Blackett,0rd. f 2nd-Lt. 315 

Boughcv, MIHS . . 171 ' 

Blackstock, Miss B. 284 

Bourne,* Dr. A. G. .224 

Blackstock, Miss K. 284 

Bourne, Mrs. . . . 224 ! 

Blackwell, Maj. W.R. 3*6 

Boutflowcr, Lt. E. C. 303 ! 

Blair, Capt. D. A. . 310 

Bowden, Lt. F. H. . 333 i 

Blair, Capt. G. L. . 319 

Bowen, Lt. E. C. . 320 

Blair, Mra. . . 311 

Bow en Mrs . . 320 

Blair-Cunynjrhaine.Lt. 317 

Bowes L>on, 2nd-Lt. ' 

Blake, Capt. Jr. H. . 326 

F .*.... 316 : 

Blakeney.Lt.-Col. W. 296 

Bowles, Mr. C. W. . 246 ! 

Blakeney, Mrs. . . 297 

Bowlby, Lt. H. S. .233 

Blakesley, Mr. K. A. . 167 

Bowring, Mr. 1. W. . 248 , 

Hlakeslev, Mrs. . 167 

Bowrmg, Miss . . 248 i 

Blakeway, Maj. D. B. 235 

Boxer, Lt. H. C. . 317 ' 

Blakewav, Maj. J. P. 163 

Bojce, Capt. W . W. . 271 i 

Blakeway, Mrs. . . 163 

, Boyce, Mrs. . . .271 

Blakiston, Rev. R. . 171 

Boyd, Capt. J. F. . 301 ! 

Blandy, Lt. R. . . 309 

Boyd, MTH. J. F. . . 301 j 

Blcackley. Mrs. . . 164 

Boyd, MIKS ... 171 . 

Blewitt, Capt. G. T. . 324 

Boyle, Lieut C. A. . 325 ! 

Bligh. MiRs . 271 

Boynton, Sub-Lt. G. 234 i 

JilisH. Lt. P. W. . . 178 

Bracken, Mr. G. T.H. 250 

Block, Lieut. A. . . 305 
Blomtield, Maj.-Gl.C. 314 

Braddyll, Lt. E. C. . 304 ; 
Bradford, Mr. J.H. P. 156 ! 

Blomiield, Mra. . . 316 

Bradford, Mrs . . 156 i 

Blore, Major H. R. . 308 

Bradley Birt, Mr. F. R. 257 

Bluraenthal, Lt.A.Z. 305 

Bradwhaw, Maj. C. R. 309 | 

Blyth, Mrs. ... 213 

Bradshaw, Mr. W. J. 140 i 

Boalth, Mr. V. H. . 238 

Brakspear, Maj. W. R. 310 ] 

Bobbih, Maharaja of 226 

Brailhwaite, Brig- 

Boddy, Col. O. V. . 250 

Gen. W. P. . . 315 

Boileau , Major G. H. 330 

Braithwaite Mrs. . 315 

Boileau, Mr B . . . 330 

Braithwaite, Mrs. . 206 

Boileau, Mr. ... 200 
Boles, Lieut. D. C. . 271 

Bramley, Mr. P. . . 248 
, Bramley, Mr. R. C. . 243 

Bolitho, Lt. E.H. W. 305 

| Branfoot, 2nd-Lt. D.C. 300 

Bolster, Miss A. . . 326 

! Brassey, Mr. A. . . 282 

Bombay, Bishop of . 151 
Bond,Br.-Gl. F.G. . 270 

Brassey, The Hon.Mrs. 282 
Bray, Maj. R. N. . 303 

Bond, Lt. i.. V. . . 314 

Bray, Mrs. R. N. . 303 

Bonham Carier, Lt. . 315 

Bray,Lt. N.N. E. . 307 

Bonham Carter, Mr. 186 

, Bray, Mr. D. deS. . 133 

Bonham Carter, Mrs. 186 

i Bray, Mrs. ... 133 

Bonham Carter, Mrs. 315 

I Braye, Lord ... 286 

Bonner, Mr. A. . .200 

1 Braye, Lady ... 286 


Bremner, Mr. D. S. . 257 
Brett, Mr. C. M. W. . 196 
Brett, Mrs. ... 196 
Brett, Mrs. George . 232 
i Brewster, Mr. J. F. . 253 
Brulgeman, Lt. II.G.0.17H 
Bridgeman, Lt. R.O.B.233 
Bridges, Lt. J. V. .311 
Bndgewater, Capt. C. 320 
Bndgewater, Mrs. . 320 
Bnerly, Capl W. E. 312 
Brigtitoeke.Mr.A.M. 2B1 
Brijnandan Prasad, 

Habu 27rt 

Bnj Karayan, Raja. 278 
Brind, Capt. J. E. S. 30f> 
Briseoe. Capt. C. . 334 
i Briscoe, Lt. G. 8. . 311 
! Briscoc, Mr. H. K. . 186 
Broacha, Mr. Shapurji 

Barjorji . . . .160 
Brocklehurst, Lt. H.C. 204 
Brocklehurst, Lady . 294 
Brodic, 2nd-Lt. P/W. 324 
Brodnck, A. . . .284 
, Broke Smith, Maj. H. 312 
Bromhead. Mr. A. C. 284 
, Brook, 2nd-Lt. Sir B. 294 
1 Brooke, Lt. A. . . 297 
i Brooke, Miss Sylvia 294 
Brooke-Hunt, Lt.G. L. 325 
! Brooke, Lt. A. T. . 297 
Brooke, Lt. A. 8. . 301 
Brooke, Lt. A. H. . 297 
! Brooke, Lt.-Col. J. S. 332 
i Brooke, Lt. J. A. O. 317 
Brooke, Capt. J. A. . 150 
! Brooke, Miss . . . 163 
! Brooke, Mrs. ... 138 
i Brooking, Col. H. T. 314 
Broome, Col. R. C. . 178 
I Brough, Mr. J. R. . 286 
i Broughton, Lieut. G. 325 
j Broughton, Mrs. . 325 
i Broun, Mr. J.A.. . 275 
I Broun, Mrs. ... 275 
Brown, Rev. A. . . 300 
Brown, Mrs. ... 300 
Brown, Lt.-Col. R. J. 300 
Brown, Mrs. ... 390 
Brown, Mr. P. . . 194 
Brown, Mrs. ... 194 
Brown, Capt. A. W. 302 
Brown, Mrs. . . . 302 
Brown, Capt. H. C. . 302 
Brown, Mr. H.W. M. 176 
Brown, MT. G. . . 206 
Brown, Dr. Edith . 261 
Brown, Lt. S. . . 329 
Brown, Mr. W. . . 335 



Brown, Miss R. . . 282 
Browne, Col. C. A. B. 186 
Browne, Mrs. . . 186 
Browne, Lt.-Col. E.G. 327 
Browne, Mrs. . 327 
Browne, Maj. H. J. P. 129 
Browne, Mrs. . . 129 
Browne, Capt. K. A. 330 
Browne, Mrs. E. A. 330 
Browne, Capt. G. B. 133 
Browne, Mr. C. E. . 161 
Browne, Capt. H. E. 302 
Browning, Mr. G.E. 176 
Browning, Mrs. . . 176 
Brownlow, Maj. O'A.C.129 
Brownlow, Mrs. . . 129 

Burke, Capt. . . 
Burke, Mr. E. 11. . 
Burke, Mrs. . . . 
Burn, Mr, R. . . . 
Burn, Mrs. . . . 
Burns, Col. Philip . 
Hums, Miss . . 
Burn, Capt. H. P. . 
Burn, Capt. C. P. M. 
Hum, Mrs. . . . 
Burns, Lt. A. R. 
Burn, 2nd-Lt. W.G. 
Burkhardt, Miss M. 
Burnaby, Miss H. . 
Burnett, Mr. K. . 
Burnett, Mrs. . . 

181 ; 

Calder, Mr. N. D. . 
Caldwell, Mrs. . . 
Caldwell, Mr. J. . . 
Callaghan, Lt.G. F. 
Callaghan, Mrs.G. F. 
Callaghan, Capt. S. 
Callaghan, Capt. S. 
Calnan, Mr. D. . 
CalvocoressijMr. P. J 
CalvocorcHsi, Mrs. . 
Cambay, Nawab of . 
Cameron, Maj. H. A. 
Cameron, Mrs. . . 
Cameron, Maj. D. . 
Cameron, Mrs. 
Cameron, Mrs. C. 



Brownngg, Mr. F. W 
Bruce, Capt. R. W. V. 
Bruce, Lt. G. E. . . 


Burnett, Cap. J.L.(J. 
Burney, Lt.-Col. P. 
Burnett-Stuart, G.Lt. 


Cameron, Lt.W.H.V. 
Cameron, Mr. J. G P. 

Campbell, MIHB . . 



Bruce, Mrs. Knight . 


Burnham, Lt. G. C. 


Campbell, Mr. R. H. 


Bruce, Capt. .1. M. . 


Burrard, Col. S. G. . 


Campbell, Miss . . 


Bruce, Mrs. 


Burrard, Mrs. 


Campbell, Miss . . 


Bruce, Mr. G. . . 


Burrard, 2nd-Lt. G. 


Campbell, Lt. F. C. . 


Bruere, Mr. B. Sale . 


Burrows, Lt. H. M. 


Campbell, Miws . . 


Bruere, Mrs. Sale 


Burt, Mr. H.P. . . 


Campbell, "Mi Hi 


Brumby, Mr. 


Burt , Mrs .... 


Campbell, Miss . . 


Brumby, Mrs. 


Burt, Lt. If. V. . . 


Campbell, Mrs. . . 


Brunyate, Mr. J. B. . 
Brnnyate, Mrs. . . 
Buchan, Lt. E. N. . 


Burton, Mr. . . . 
Burton, Mrh. . . 
Burton, Mr. E. . 


Campbell, Mrs. . 
Campbell, Mrs. . 
Campbell, Mr. A. Y. 


Buchanan, Lt.-Col. 

Burton, Mrs. K. . . 


Campbell, Mrs. A. Y. 


W J. ... 


Burton, Lt.-Col. R. 


Campbell, Lt. C. . . 


Buchanan, Mrs. 



Campbell, Lt. D. D. 





Campbell, Mr. D. E. 


Buchanan, Mrs. 


Burton, Major C. R. 


Campbell, Lt G. F. 


Buchanan, Maj. G. J. 


Hurton, Capt. G.W. 


Campbell, Major H. 


Buchanan, Capt. K, 
Buchanan, Mrs. 
Buchner, Herr H. 


Burton, Bg.-Genl.E. 
Bush, Lt. W. D. 
Buslull, Mr. . . . 


Campbell, Mr. J. . 276 
Campbell, Lt. .1. K. 310 
Campbell, 2nd-Lt. J. R.334 

Buck, Mr. Jfl. J. 


Butcher, R. . . . 


Campbell, Mr. L. S. 


Buckland, Lt. L. L 


Bute, the Marquis of 


Campbell, Mr. R. H. 


Buckle. Mr. A J. . 
Buckley, Mr. F. . . 
Buist, Lt.-Col. A. 


Bute, Marchioness of 
Butler, Mr. S. H, . 
Butler, Mrs. . . . 


Campbell, Mrs. R. H. 
Campbell, Col. B. N. 
Campbell, Lt. K. N. 



Buist MM. . . . 


Butler, Mr. M. S. D. 


Campbell, Mrs. R.X. 


Bull, Mr F. E. 


Butler, Lt. J. II. 


Campbell, Mr. R. P. . 


Bulkley, Mr. W. W. 
Bulkley, Mrs. . . 
Bullen, Capt J. H. 
Bullen, Mr. R. H. P. 


Butler, Mr. C. K. . 
Butler, Lt. R. B. 
Butler, 2nd-Lt. A. C. 
Cabell, Mr. W. H.JL. 


Campbell, Capt. W.L. 235 
Campbell, Lt.-Col. W. 316 
Campbell, Lt. W. U. 319 
Campbell Stewart,Mr.J.286 

Bullen, Mm. . . 


Cabell, Mrs. . 


Canning, Mai. 


Bullin, Mr. J. . . 
Bnlteel, Capt. C. E. 
Bunbury, Lt. N. L. 


Caddell, Capt. E. I).. 
Caddell, Mrs. 
Cadell, Mr. P. R. . 


Canning, Mrs. . . 
Capel, Mr 
Carden, .Vlaj. R. F.W. 


Bnnbury, Gon. W.E. 240 
Bunbury, Mre.W. E. 240 
Bundi, Raja of . . 158 
Burdwan, Maharaja of 196 
Burgea, Rev. R. .285 

Cadogan, Maj. W. G. S. 124 
Caffyn, Lt. . . 200 
Cahill, Mr. James 335 
Cahill, Mr. John . 335 
Cahusac, Lt. C. F. . 29i 

Cardew, M r. A. G. . 
Cardew, Mrs. . . . 
Carew, Mrs. . . . 
Carey, Capt. T. deB. 
Carey, Mrs. 0. deM. . 




Barges, Mr*. . . 


Caldccott, Capt. E.L. 


Carleton, Maj. H. A. 




Carlcton, Mrs. . . 

318 n . 

Cavendish, Mrs. H. . 

299 Chctwyiwl. Miss . 


Carlisle, U. T. H. . 

297 j 



ATaior A. Y. 


Carlisle, Lt. J. E. <J. 


2nd-Lieut F. W. . 


, Cheyne, 

Major R. E. 


Carlisle, Lt. K. M. . 

3i s ; 

Cazaley, Capt. C. H. 



nir. Raja of 


Carlyle, Mr. R. 'V. 

196 t 

Cazalcy, Mrs. C. IT. . 

Hi 6 Chhotta U d e p u r , 

Carlyle, Mrs. . 

196 i 

Chadwick, Miss J. 


, Raja 

[)f . . . 


Carlyon, Capt. A. S. . 


Chi/.ioon, Mrs. M. D. 


Chi cheater. Maj. A. 


Carmichael, Sir T. G. 

223 , 

Chakko Mr. M. A.. 



A. D. 


Carmk'hael, Lady 


Ch -Ik, Mr. W. 0. . 


f hi n tan 

naiii, C. V 


Carmichael, MibS 

223 1 

Chalk, Mrs. . . 



tin llatuu, 2nd 

Carnana, Lt.-Col. A. 

270 ! 

Chalmers, Mr. C. S. 


Lt. .J. 



Carnana, Mrs. . . 


Chatnba. Raja of . . 



is, Mr. G. M 

. 196 

Carnegy, Brip.-Qenl. 


Charnberlin, Mr. 


, * hitral, 

Mehtar of 

. 236 

Carnegy, Mrs. 


Chamberhn, Miss 



Maj. A. W. 

. 299 

Carnegy, Lt.-Col. C. 


Chambe rlavne,Capl . A . 


: Chitty, 

Mrs. A. W. 

. 209 

Carnegv, Mrs. 


Chambers, 'Capt. R R. 



Mr. A. .1. 


Carnell, Mr. N.M. . 


Chambers, Mrs. P.R. 



. Miss . 


Caroll, Rev. Fr. A. . 

300 . 

Chamier, Capt. J.A. . 


Chouteau, Mr. A. . 281 

Carpendale, Lt.-Col. 


Chaimer, Miss G.K. 


uti, MaulviH 

. 189 

Carpendale, Capt. M. 
Carpendale, Lt. T M. 


Chandra Chur Singh, 
Raja. . . 



, Capt. H. G 
, Mrs. . 

. 329 

Carr, Lt.- Col. A. 


Ch n nda varkar , Si r 


. Miss . 

. 271 

Carr, Mr. H. . . , 


Nary at Ganesh 


Chunilall.S. Motilal 


Carr, Maj. H. A. . 


Chandravarkar, Lady 


Churchill, Lieut. 


Carr, Lt. L. . . . 


Chanter, Capt. A. D. 


Clapperton, Miss 


Carr, Mr. R. C. C. . 


Chaplin, Mr. A.W.C. 


Clark, 2 

ml-Lt. R. N 


Carr-Kllesou, Lt-Col. 


Chaplin, Mrs. 


Clark. ] 

Miss . . 

. 310 

Carr-Klleson, Mrs. 


Chaphn, Lt.-Col.C. S. 

3'>4 Clark.' Mr. W. . 

. 197 

Curr, White, Lt.-Col 


Chaplin, Airs 


Clark y 

Irs. . . 

. 107 

Car> -White, Mr. 8. P. 


Chaplin, Major R. E. 



Capt. . . 

. 184 

Can oil, U. A. J. . 


Chapman, Mr. E. P. 



Capt. E. H. 

. 150 

Carroll, Mrs. A. J. . 
Ca rruthers, Capt. J. 



Chapman. Mrs. . . 
Chapman, Capt, G.H. 


Clarke, Sir G. S. 
Clarke, Lady . 


Carson, Mr. C. W. C. 


Chapman, Mrs G. H. 



Miss . . 


Carson, Mrs. . . 


Charkhan, Maharaja 



Mrs. . R . 

. 171 

Carter, Lt. A. D. D. 


Charles, Lt. E. . . 


, Clarke, 

MissD. . 


Carter, Capt. E. J. . 
Cartier, Mr. J. . . 


Charles, >laj. J. R.E. 
Charles, Lt.-Col. Sir 



Mr. E. U. S. 192 
Lt. I. H. S. . 301 

Cartwright, Lt.-Col. 

R. Haveloek 



Maj. L. A. H. 125 

G. 8 


Charlesworth, Miss . 



Capt, M. 0. 


Cartwright, Mrs. 


Carlton, Capt. P. H. 



-Thue. Miss. 


Cartwright, Lt.-Col. 

Charlton, Mr. H..I. 


I Clay, Mrs. M. C. 


C. M 


Charlton, Hi>n Mrs. 


Clay, Cj 

int. Spender 


Cartwright, Mrs. 


Charnngton, Capt. A. 


Clay, Mrs. Spender 


Carwithen, Mrs. 


Charteris, Capt. J. . 


' Clayton 

, Mr. J. A. 


Cassels, Capt. R. 


Chatfield, Capt. A.E. 


. Clayton 

, Mrs. . 


Cassels, Mrs. . . . 


Chatterji, Sir P. C. . 


1 Clerk, Mr. H. E. 


Casailis, Earl of . . 


Chatterji, "Miss . . 


Clerk, I 

ttrs. . . 


Cassilis, Countess of 


Chatterton, Mrs. 


Cleveland. Mr. C. R 


Cassim Shah, Lt. 

Chaubal, Mr. M. . 


i Clevclai 

id, Mrs. . 




Chaudhri Mr. J. 


1 clibbor 

n. fjt C. J. 


Castle, Mr. Ivor . 


Cheales, Miss . . 


1 Clifford, Mr. S. . 


Castlestuart -Stuart, 

Cheape, Capt. L St. C. 


Clifford. Mrs. . 


Mr. A. E. . . . 


Cheatle, 2nd Lt. W. J. 


i Clifford 

, Capt. W. 


Cathcart, Mr. W. T. 


Chcnani, Raja of 


i Clifford 

. Mrs. . . 


Catlow, Mr. J. H. . 


Chcnevix Trench, 

Clift, M'r. . . 


Catlow, Mrs. . . . 


Capt. 11. II. . . 


| Clinton 

. Lt. W. L. 


Catty, Capt. J. C. . 
Caulfield, Mrs. 


Chesney, Lt. D. P. . 
Chcsney, Miss . . 


1 Cloetes, Capt. L. B. 
Close, Mr. H. Arden 


Cavendish, Capt. H. 

299 ' 

Chettiyar, Mr. . . 


i Close, Mrs. . . 



Close Miss . . . 276 1 

Close, Mrs. . . . 248 i 

dough, Miss M. . 284 i 

Cluttcrbuck Mai. P. 275 ' 

Coaker, Civpt. v. A. 149 ! 

Coates, Lt. G. E. . 333 

Coates, Mr. J. . . 238 , 

Coates, Mrs. . . 238 i 

Coats, Lt. N. G. R. . 301 

Cobb, Mr. H. V. . 138 i 

Cobb, Mr. W. H. . 276 i 

Cobb, Mrs. . . . 276 | 

Cobbe, Lt.-Col. A. 8. 129 : 

Cobbe, Mrs. . . 129 | 

Cobbold, Lt. M. F. D. 3<H 

Cobden-Ramsay, Mr. 265 ; 

Cochin, Raja of . 175 
Cockburn, 2nd Lt.C. J.323 , 

Colbeck, Lt. C. E. . 321 i 

Coldstream, Mr. J. . 253 ! 
Coldstream, Maj. J. C. 214 > 

Coldstream, Mrs. . 214 i 

Cole, Capt. A. F. . 186 i 

Cole, Lt.-Col. K. II. 324 , 
Cole, Lt.-Col. II. W. G. 186 

Cole, Miss ... 325 

Cole, Miss ... 330 ; 

Cole, Mrs. . . . 186 ; 

Cole, Mrs. . . . 325 

Cole, Capt. B. L. . 330 
Collett White, Mr. K. J.213 

Collet t White, Mrs. 243 ; 

Collin, Mr. E. W. . 140 

Collin, Mrs. . . . 140 ' 

Collingridge.Capt.H. 186 

rollings, Mr. C. J. . 163 

Collins, Mr. A. G. . 257 ! 

Collins, Mr. C. . . 184 

Collins, Mr. C. W. M. 156 ' 

Collins, Capt. L. P. . 169 i 

Collins, Mrs. L. P. . 169 ' 

Column, Miss . . 171 

Colmore, Lt. H. . 320 
Colomb, Lt.-Col. G. H. 312 
Colomb, Mrs. . .312 

Colomb, Miss . . 312 ' 

Colombo. Kd Father 300 . 

Colombres, Senor . 102 

Colombres, Senora . 192 i 

Colson, Capt. E. . 319 

Colvin, Mr. E. G. . 261 

Colviu Lt. E. J. D. . 202 , 
Colvin, Major J. M. C. 322 

Colvin, Mrs. . . 322 

Colvin. Mrs. . . 261 

Colvin, Miss ... 261 

Colvin, Miss M. . 261 , 
Compton, Capt. C. 

W. McG. . . 334 

Condon, Maj. DeV. . 158 i 


Condon. Mrs. . . 158 
Coningham, Major 

F. E. .... 309 

Coningham, Capt W. 325 

Coningham, Mrs. . 325 

ConneTl. Capt. T, . 297 

Connolly, Mr. J. F. 254 

Conway', Mrs. . . 285 
Con way-Gordon, Capt. 

E. C. W. . . . 297 
Con way-Gordon, Mrs. 297 
CoochBehar, Maha- 
raja of .... 170 
Cook, Maj. II. R. . 305 
Cook, Mr'. J. H. E. . 249 
Cook, Lt. A. . . .296 
Cooke, Mr. C. A. . U6 
Cooke, Deaconess 

Mary .... 171 

Cooke, Maj. H. F. . 129 

Cooke, Mr. T. F. . 24s 

Cooke, Mrs. . . . 1">3 

Cooke, Mr. W. L. S. 243 

Cookson, Bg. Gen. G. 296 

Cookson, Mrs. . . 29ti 

Coombes, I)r. G. W. . 176 

Cooper, Capt. A. S. . 309 

Cooper, Mr. G. . . 3>2 

Cooper, Mrs. G. . . 322 

Cooper, Mr. T. . . 156 

Cooper, Lt. W. R. F. 293 

Coorc, Rev. A. . . 171 

Coote, Lt. M. C. . 32B 

Copps. Mr. Max. . 281 

Corbet t. Capt. R. D. 321 

Corbet t, Lt. T. W. . 295 

Corbyn, Ma.i. K. C. . 297 

Corbyn, Mrs. . . 297 

Corey, Mr. A. L. . . 281 

Corey, Mrs. ... 281 

Corlyon, Mrs. A. S. . 303 
Cornish, 2nd-Lt. P. V. 303 

Corridon, Capt. R.J. 326 

Corridon, Mrs. . . 326 

Corse-Scott, Lt. E. J. 309 

Coss, Capt. W. E. H. 303 

Cossart, Mrs. . . 297 
Cossart, Capt. A. R. B.297 

Cotes, Mr. E. C. . . 257 
Cotesworth, Mr. C. G. 156 

Cotesworth, Mrs. . 156 
Cotgrave, Lt.-Col. 

B.C. B. ... 163 

Cotton, Major W. L. 301 

Cotton, Mr*, W. L. . 301 

Coullie, Capt. A. G. . 303 
Court, Miss. . . .238 
Courtenay, Capt. J. M.334 
Courtney, Mr. T. .257 

Courtney-Bonn, Mr. . 386 

I Co veil, Mr. B. C. . 156 

Covell, Mrs. . .156 

Covernton, Mr. .1. G. 160 

Covernton, Mrs. . 160 

Cowans, Lt.-Col. E.A. 324 

Cowasjee, Mr. M. . 161 

Cowie, Col. C. II. . 242 

Cowie, Mr. 1). W. G. 221 

Cowie, Mrs. . . . 224 

Cowie, Mrs. . . . 243 
Cowley, 2nd Lt. W. G. 323 

Cow per, Col. M. . . 177 

, Cowpor, Mrs. . . 178 

Cox, Mr. II. . . 258 

Cox, Brig.-Genl. H.P. 192 

Cox, Mrs. II. V. . . 192 

Cox. Maj. St. J. A. . 200 

Cox, Mrs 178 

Cox, Mr. J. H- . . 163 

Cox, Mrs. J. H. . . 163 

Cox, Lt. M. N. . . 303 

Cox, Lt.-Col. P. Z . 192 
Cox, Mrs. P. Z. . .19? 

Cox, Lt. S. . . . 333 
Cox, Capt. T. S. . .178 

Cracldock, Mr. R. H. 165 

Craddock, Mrs. . . 165 

Craddock, Miss . . 165 

Crake, Capt. R. H. . 309 

Craig, Lt. J.Mac A.. 301 

Craig, Mrs. MacA. . 301 

Craig, Miss . . . 284 

Cramer-Roberts, Cap. 323 

Cramer-Roberts, Mrs. 323 

Crawford, Mr. F. R. . 248 

Crawford, Mr. F. C.. 202 

, Crawford, Mrs. . . 202 

, Crawford, l.t A. G. . 233 

Craw ley, Maj. E. . 322 

Craw ley, Lady V. . 322 

: Crawley, Lt. 'r. II. 0. 311 

Creagh, Lt. . . . 177 

Creagh, Lt.-Col. A. 313 

Creagh, Maj E. C. . 301 

Creagh, Sir O'M. . 176 

Creagh, Lady. . . 176 

Creagh, Miss ... 176 

Crewe Marquis of . 122 

Crichton, Major C. 294 

, Crichton, Capt. R. . 308 

Cripps, Lt. H. H. . 316 

Cripps, Mrs. A. W. . 299* 

Crimmin, Col. J.V.C. 153 
Crofts, Sur.-Gen.A.M. 299 

Crookshank, Maj. S. 192 

Crookshank, Cap. C. 325 
Crompton Roberts, 

Col. 206 

Crompton Roberts, 

Mrs 206 


Crosbie Tapt. J.P.G. 


Dane, Sir Louis . . 150 

Crosbic Mr. P. N. . 


Dane, Lady . . . 250 

Croslegh, Capt. E.L. 


Dane, Miss D. . . 250 

Cross, Capt. C.H. . 


Dane, M iss N. . . 250 

Cross, Sergt. W. II. 


Daniell, Capt. P.E. . 314 

Crossc, Mrs. . . . 


Daniels, Capt L. . . 307 

Crosthwait, Maj. H.C. 


Datiels, Lt. A. M. . 240 

Crostbwaite Mr. U.S. 


Da> is, Capt. C. T. . 149 

Crosthwaite Mrs. . 


Darling, Mr. M. L. . 261 

Crow, Miss 


Darling, Mrs. . . 251 

Cruddas, Capt. B. . 


Darnell, Miss Davis 286 

Cruddas, Mrs. . 


Darsham, A. II . . . 259 

Crnickshank, Mr. 


i Darwood, Mr. J. W. 160 

Cruiek shank, Miss . 


Pas, Mr. B. R. . . 189 

Cruickshank, Lt. H. 


' Das, Mr. Madhu- 

Cruickshank, Capt. W.303 

i sudan . .142 

Crump, Mr. H. A. . 


' Dastur, Mr. Manik- 

Crump, Mrs. . 


shah Ratanji . .166 

Crump, Mr. L. M. . 


Dat Prasud Singh . 278 

Crump, Mrs. . 


1 Datia, .Maharaja of . 180 

Cuehney, Mr. . . 


Davar, Mr. D. U. .150 

Cut oh, Rao of . 


David, Sir Sassoon . 197 

Camming, Mr. J. G. 


David, Lady ... 197 

Callis, Mr. H, T . . 


David, Mr. Percy . 28'3 

Curtis, Mrs 


I'avidhon, Capt. H.M. 293 

Curtis, T. Mr. C. 8. . 


Diuidson.Lt. E. 11. 317 

Cumberlege, Mr.R.C. 


Daudson, Lt. H. B. 312 

Currie, Mr. M. . 


Davidson, Lt.-Col. D 251 

Currie, Miss . 


Daiidtson, Maj. 8. R. 302 

Ouster, Mrs. . . . 


Davidson, Mrs. . 302 

Cumminjrham, Maj. A. 


Da\ iduon, 2nd Lt. R. 302 ' 

Cuningham, Lt. A. G. 



Cunningham, Capt.C. 
Culme-Seymour, Capt. 


Major C. E. I). . 211 
Daview. Lt.-Col. P. 241 



Da vies) Mr. . 292 

Cu^eher, MOIIH. M. . 


DavioH, Mrs. . . 292 

Cummin g, Mr. H. T. 


Davies, Mrs. . . 241 

Curtis, 2nd- Lt. H.O. 


DavieH, Col. C. . 270 

Cusins, Capt. A. P. . 


Da\is, Lt.-Col. C. . 164 . 

Currie, Hon. Mr. J. . 


Daus, Mrs. C. . . 164 

Currie, Mrs. . . . 


, Davis, Lt.-Col. R.E.S. 160 

Cust, Cunulr. -^ir C. 


Davis, Mr. W. S. .164 

Cutbill, Capt. R.H.L. 
Dadabhoy, Mr. M. B. 


Daus, Mr. W. S. 164 
1 Davison. Maj.-Gen.K. 317 , 

Dadabhoy, Mrs. . . 


Davison, Mrs. . 317 

Daji Raj, Kunwar . 


DaviHon, Miss . 317 

Dajiraj, .'ardar S. 


Da\ison, 2nd, Lt. K. 317 

Dale, Major G. A. . 


! Davood Khan, Sir . 192 

Dale, Capt. W. P. . 


Dawe, Miss . . 250 

Dallas, Capt. J. S. . 


, DawCH, Maj. C. D. . 310 

i 'alias, Col. .1. . . 


Dawes, Lieut. H. . 283 

Dallas, Li.-CoI. C.IM. 


, Dawes, Mrs. Frank . 283 j 

Dallas, Mrs. . . . 


1 Dawkins, Gen. H. S. 241 1 

Dalpat Singh, Thaknr 


Dawkins, Mrs. . 241 

Dalrymple, Miss 
Daly, Mrs. . . . 


Dawson, Mrs. A. B. 285 
, Dawson, Lt.-Col.A.W. 322 

Daly, Lt.-Col. H. . 


' Dawson, Mr. P. C. 184 ' 

Daly, Mrs 


, Dawson, Mrs. Royal . 184 , 

Daly, M iss ... 


Dawson, 2nd Lt.J.V. 296 

Dane, Capt. R. . . 


1 Dawson, Mr. V. . 196 


A. . . . . . 306 

Dawson-Moray. Mrs. HOG 
Day. Lt. N. A. L. 208 
Dayrell, Capt. W. S. . 309 
Dayrell, Mrs. . . 309 
De, Raja Baikanta N. 142 
Dean, Mr. A. If. . 1S6 
Dean, Major . . 271 
Deane, Col. A. H. . 333 
Deane, Mr. H. H. . 156 
DcaiiH, Lt. G. C. . 311 
Dens, Major L. M.R. 129 
Dean, Mrs. . . .129 

Deb.Mr.DulalChandni 189 
Deb, Abha> a Narayar, 
Raja .... 1HU 

dc Baillet-Latour, Coun- 
tess Ford . . . 282 
do Baillet-Latour, Count 
Henry .... 281 

de Baillet-Latour, Coun- 
tess H . . . . 2.81 

Dob, Raja Binoy K. 142 
Deb Koy, Raja 1 J . B. 142 
dc Brett, Mr. E. A. . 16G 
de Brett, MTH. . .166 
de Bunnen, Lt. A. G. 317 
de IJurgh, Capt. E. . 295 
DeepNarayan Nigam 259 
de Fontana, Count 282 
de Fontana,ConntessP.282 
de Fontana, Miss 282 
de Gruyther, Miss . 287 
de la Fosse, Mr. C. F. 276 
de la Fosse, Mrs. . 276 
Delamain, Capt. . 323 
de la Motte, Capt. R. 299 
delaMotte, Mrs. . 2lH> 
de Lotbiniero, Lt.-Col. 217 
do Lotbiniere, Mrs. . 217 
Dcmetnadis, Mr. C. 172 
Demonic, Dr. D. A. 154 
de Montmorency, Mr. 253 
de Montmorency, 

Hon. Kathleen . 296 
de Montmorency, 

Hon. Rachel . 296 
Dempster, Mr. P. E. 197 
Dempster, Mrs. . . 197 
Denmg, Capt. L. E. 187 
Deuing, Capt. R. . 186 
Dening, Mrs. . . 186 
Denison, 2nd Lt. A.C. 316 
Denisou, Capt. G. W. 307 
Denison. Lady Irene 234 
Dennett, Mr. R. J. . 335 
Dennys, Lt. D. M. . 304 
Dennys, Col. G. W. P. 166 
Dennys, Lt.-Col. H. 248 



Dennys, Mrs. H. T. 248 

Donegan, Mr. R. . 335 

DuBuisson, M>ss A. . 


Dcnt.'Lt. C. H. . . 323 

Donkin, Mr. .J. . 284 

DuBuisson, MissD. . 


Dent, Lt. II. B. . .311 

Donkm, Miss . . 281 

Ducnne Smithe, Miss 


Denhth, Mr. A. W. 176 

Donkin, Mrs. ... 284 

Dudgeon,2nd-Lt. M.F 


Desai, Sardar P. V. 151 

Donlca, Mr. M. . . 235 

Dndhona, Raja Bijoy 

de Salon Iji Terricre 

Ponlea Capt T 334 

Sen . . . 


2nd Lt. H. M. 13. '. 324 

Donkin, Mrs. . . "81 

Duer. Lt.-Col. . . 


<le Spollberch, Counts. 2H'i 

Doran, Mr. K. A. . 151 

DUCT, Mrs. . . . 


DOB Vocnx, Lt. 8. . 310 

Dorq. Mr. A. It. . . 231 

Duff, Major A. A. . 


dc Traffonl, Capt. T. 316 

Douglas, Capt. (J. S. 301 

DuflVy, Capt. A. C. . 


Deuehars, Mr. G. . 238 

Douglas Lt.-Col.M.W. 2:.l 

Duhah, Capt. F. T. . 


Dcuclurs, Mrs. . 238 

Douglas, Mrs. . . 2S2 

Dnjana, Nawab of . 


Devon, Mr. G. C. . 220 

Douglas, Mrs. . . 330 

Duke, Mr. F. W. . 


Devon, Mrs. . . . 2.M) - 

Douglas, Mr. W. . 283 

Duke, Mrs. . . . 


Devonshire Duehessof 122 , 

Douglas, Major W.H 330 

Duke, Miss . 


de Vries, Baroness . 17.") ; 

Douglas Johnston, Miss253 

Duke, Col. A. L. . 


Dewas.Rajaof (Senior) ISO 

Douie, Mr.J. MeC. . 251 

Duke, Mrs. . . 


DewaH,Rajaof(.lunior) 181 

Dome, Lieut, F. M. C. 321 

Dnmayne, Sir F. G. . 


Dhanjibhoy, .MrS. C. 284 ' 

Dome Mrs. . 251 

Dunbar, Mr. L. G. . 


Dlmr, Raja of . .181 

Douie, Miss . . 322 

Dundas, Vaj. * . L. . 


Dnarmpur, Raia of . 182 

Dou\. Mr. J. . 2H1 

Dundas, Mrs. . . 


Dholpur, Maharaja of 18 J 

Doweling, Lt. II. C. T. 313 

Dundee, Col. W. J. D 


Dholpur, Rana of . 206 

Dowell, Mrev.-Col. G. (-.305 

Dundee, Mrs. . 


Dhrangadra, Kaia of 183 
Dhcnkanal, Chief of . 183 

Downing, Lt.-Col H. J. 307 
Do wing, Mrs. . . 308 

Dungarpur, Raja of . 
Dunlop, Mr. A. J. . 


Diaek, Mr. A. II. 251 

Dowsett, Maj. B. S. . 308 

Dunlop, Mrs. . 


Diaek. Mrs. . . . 251 

Drake-Broekman, Lt. 

Dunlop Smith, Lt.- 

Dick Capt R N 178 ' 

C T . 301 

Col. Sir .1. R. 


Dick* Col. A. k '. '. 235 

Drake-B r o e k m a n, 

Dunsford, Capt. E. IF. 


Dick, Mrs. . . . 235 

Maj. D. H. . . . 310 

Dnpree, Mr. K. . . 


Digbijai Singh, Raja 278 

Drake- H rock man, 

Dupree, Sir W. T. . 


Dickie, Maj. -Gen. .'l. K.178 

Lt.-Col. H. E. . . 202 

Dupree, Lady 


Dickson, Mrs. . . 122 

Drake - Broi? k man , M r. 202 

Durand, Lt.'E. P. M. 


Diggorv, Mr. S. L. . 1/2 

Drake-B roc km an. 

Durham, Karl ol 


Diggory Mrs 72 

Mr. H V ... Ifi6 

Dime, 2nd-Lt. J. A. 


Djaafer Bev . . . 192 

Drake-Hrockman,Mrs. 166 

Dutt, Mr. K. B. . 


Dip Singh,' Lt. Thakur201 

Drake-B r o e k m a n, 

Dutton, Capt. H. U. 


Dir, Khan of ... 236 

Mrs. H. V . . . 315 

Dutton, Mrs. . . . 


Dixon, Col. P. E. . 200 


Dyce, Capt. H. L. . 


Dobbie, Col. W. H. . 307 

Lt.-Col. P. W. ;t01 

Dyce, Lt.-Col.R.E.H. 


Dobbie, Mrs. ... 208 

Dresser, Lt. A. P. . 305 

Dyer, Miss . . . 


Dobbs, Mr. H. 11. C. 133 

Drew, Mr. W. W. . 150 

Dyke, Maj. P. H. . 


Dobbs, Mrs. . . . 133 

Diew, Mrs. . . . 150 

Dyson, Mr. R. C. 


Dobie, 2nd Lt. VV. F.B. 317 

Drew, Capt. B.C. H. 306 

Dyson, Mrs. . 


Dobson, Mr. B. H. . 253 

Drew, Mrs. B. C. H. 306 

Eales, Mr. H. L. . 


Dock/ill, Lt. M. . . 318 

Drihan Khan, S. . 255 

Eales, Mrs. . . . 


Dockrill, Mrs. . .318 

Dring, Mr. W. A. . 140 

Earle, Mr. A. . . . 


Dodd, Capt. A. H. R. 312 

Dnng Mrs. ... 140 

Earle, Mrs. . . . 


Dodd, Mr 312 

Drnmmond, Maj.- 

Earle, Capt. R. G. . 


Doddappanayakkan u r . 
Zaraindarof . . 226 . 

Gen. F. H. R. . . 330 
Drysdale,2nd-Lt.J.E. 317 

Eastmead, Maj. C. S. 
East mead, Mrs. . . 


Doig, Major C. P. . 324 ! 
DomodarffavalaramY. 259 1 

Drysdale, Lt. A. E. . 302 
Drumraond, Capt. E.G. 149 

Easton, Mrs. . . 
Easton, Miss Agnes. 


Donald, Mr. D. . . 235 

Drummond.Miss D.C. 241 

Eastwood, Miss B. . 


Donald, Mr. J. S. . 235 

D'thala, the Amir of 183 

Katon, Capt. . . . 


Donald, Mrs. . . 225 < 

Duberly, Lt. V. C. . 312 

Eberhardie, Lt. R. C. 


Donald, Mr. Sidney. 286 i 

Dubosceq, Mr. H. . 172 

Ebrahim, Mr. Fazul- 

Donaldson, Mr. R. . 156 
Donegal!, Marchio- i 

DuBoulay, Mr. J. H. 125 
DuBoulay, Mrs. . . 126 

bhoy Currimbhoy . 
Eckhart, Miss . . 


ness of ... 276 

Dubs, Lt. C. E. D. . 271 

Eckstein, Lt. H. F. 




Eddy, Mrs. . . . 



Col. R. A. . 


Fenwiek-Harr i son, 

hVMv Miivj 



M i ss 


Mr . . 


KiQdy, 1VI 1 ah 

Edgar, Mis. . 



Re>. J.C.R. 


Fenwick- Karri son, 

Edwards, Miss 



Lt. J. L. S. 


Misses . . . . 


Edwards, Col. .1. B. 



, Lieut. H. . 


Ferard, Mr. 11. C'. 


Edwards, Maj. .1. G. 



Mr. A. . . 


Ferard, Mrs. . . . 


Egcrton, Mr. H. 



, Sultan of . 


Ferenezy, l)r . 



Major E. A. . 



Egerton, Lieut. K.H. 
Egerton, Mrs. K. (J. 


r a .ui, 


Mrs. . '. 


Ferguson- Davie, Maj. 


Egerton, Bng.-Gl. K. 
Elias, Capt. A. H. W. 


Faghfur Mir/.a,N.B. 
Faic'hnie, Major N. . 


Ferguson- Davic, Mrs. 
Fergusson-P o 1 1 o k, 


Elias, Mrs. P. W. . 



le, Mrs. . . 


Cupt. R. C. . . . 


Elias, Miss 


Fair, A 

tr. .J. W. . . 


Ferrand, 2nd-Lt. S. 


Eliot, Capt. M. . . 



Ah Khan, 

Ferner, Lt. I. 


Eliott-Loekhart, Maj. 

i Xawab Sir . . . 


Fe.sting, Capt. F. L. 


P. C. . 



id-din, S. M. 


Fobting, Lt. H. W. . 


Eliott-Loekhart, Mrs. 


Fall-on, Lt.-Col. R.W. 


Fetherbt o u h a u g h, 

Elkmgton, Major J. 
Elkmgton, Mrs. 


Falkland, Miss . . 
Faiibhavvc, Gen.H.D. 


Capt. W. H. . . 
Field, Capt. I). M. . 


Elles, Lt. P. G. M. . 



wo, Mr. G. D. 


Field, Mr. . . 


1011 irtf TVTrv 



itliftr Lt. F. 


Field Dr. J. W 


iviuot, jyirp. 
Elhot, Mr. . . 


Ffcridkot, Raja of . 


Ficldeu, Lt. E. A. . 


Elliot, Mrs. . - 



, Maj.W.C.R. 


Fielden, Miss . . 


Elliot, Major C. K. . 


Farmer, Mrs. . 


Filgate, Mr. T. R. . 


Elliott, Miss . . 



, Mr. II. . . 


Filobc, Lt.-Col. C. Sir 


I'lhs, Mr Fred . . 



ar.Lt. F.B.. 


Filohc, Lt.-Col. M. Si 

r 200 

Ellis, Lt. R. S. . . 


Farquhar, Mr. C. D. 


Findlay, Dr. Harry . 


Ellison 2nd-Lt. C.T. 



Mr. J.T. . 


Finlay, 2nd-Lt. A. G. 


Klliston, Lt.-Col. E.L. 


Farrant, Mrs. . . 


Finlay, Mr. C. K. . 


ElliKton, Mrs. . 



, Lt. W. L. . 


Finlay, Mrs. . . . 


Elwes, Capt. F. F. . 


Fasken, Lt.-Col. W. 


Finney, Mr. S. . . 


Elwes, Mrs. F. f. 



Mrs . . . 


Finney, Mrs. . 


Emerson, Mr. E. C. 


Fateh Ah, Khan K.. 


Finney, Miss . 


Emerson, Mrs. 


Fatch I 

)m. Khan . 


Finnimore, Mr. B. K. 


I* mpson, LI. A.. H A. 


Fateh Singh, Raja . 


FinntH, Lt. H. C. 


Errera, Mr. Alfred . 
Errera, Mrs. . . . 
Etherton. Lt. P. I . 


Fateh Singh, Raja 
Fateh Singh Rao 
Faulknor, Lt.-Col. . 



Finius, 2nd-Lt. 11. . 
Finnis, Major J. F. . 
Firth, Col. R. II. . . 


Kttiyapurani, Xnidr. . 



, Mai. R. do L. 


Firth, Mrs. . . . 


Eustace, Capt. F. B. 


Fauuce, Mrs. de L. . 


Firth, Lt. D. 


E\ans, Mrs. . 


Fa veil, 

Mihb . . . 


Firth, Mrs. . . . 


Evans, Mr. A. C. 


Fait ectt, Lt. E. H. . 


Firth, Miss . . . 


Evans, Mrs. A. C. 



Maj. F. D. 


Firth, Major R. A. . 


Evans, Mr. A. L. F. 



Mrs. . 


FiBchor, Mr. F. N. . 


Evans, Mr. A. 0. 


Feelham, Lt.-Col. E. 


Fiuchur, Mrw. . . 


Evans, Lt.-Col. C.H. 


Feethaui, Mrs. . 


Fisher, Lt. O. T. . 


Evans, Rev. D. E. . 


Fell, Capt. E. A. II.., 


Fisher, Major J. 


Evans, Capt. L. 


Fell, M 

r. G. B. II. . 


Fisher, Mr. Jr. . . 


Evans, Mrs. L. . 


Fell, M 



Fisher, Mrs. . . . 


Evans, Capt. L. P. . 


Fell, Lt. M. E.. . . 


Fitzgerald, Capt. E. 


Evans, Miss M. . . 
E\ann, Major W. 
Evans, Mrp. W. . . 


Fellow, Mrs. . . . 
Fellowes, Capt. II. . 
Fellow es, Mrs. . . 


Fitzgerald, Mrs. 
Fitzgerald, Miss 
Fitzgerald, Major M. 


Evans, Capt. W. J. . 
Evans-Gordon, Lt.K. 
Eve, Capt. W. H. . 


Fellowes, Lt. R.T. 
Fellowes, 2nd-Lt. H. 
Fellowes, Miss B. . 


Fit/Henry, MIBH 
Kitzherbert Mr. . . 
Fitzmaurice, Major 


Eye, Mrs. ... 



k s, Mrs. . . 


Lord Charles . . 


Everett, Mr. J. J. . 
Everoll. Mr. W. T. . 


i Feiiwit 

, Mr. M. W. . 
k, Mr. Mark . 


Fitzpatrick, Mr. J. 
Fit'/patrick, Miss. . 


Ewbank, Lt.-Col. W. 


Fenwick, Miss Hilda 


Fitzroy, Mr. A. C. . 




Fitzroy, Hon. MM. . 


Fraser, Capt. P. W.N. 


Gardiner, Mrs. 


Fladgate, 2nd-Lt. 0. 


Fraser, Lieut. F. W. 


Gardiner, Capt. R. . 


Fleming, Capt. W. 


Fraser, Lt. J. H. . 


Gardiner, Lt. W. A.. 


FlemiiiK, Mr. C. A. 


Fraser, Lt. Col. T. . 


Gardner, Lt. R. G. . 


Fleming, Mr. F. J. . 


Fraser, 2ml-Lt. W. . 


(Jardom, Miss . . 


Fleming, Miss . . 


Fraser, Mrs. T. . . 


Gardon, Miss E. 


Fleming, Miss E. . 


Fraser, Mai. F. J. . 


(iarratt, Capt. K. F. 


Flemnnng, Lt. G. . 


Fraber, Maj. H. .1. . 


Garrett, Mr. .1. H. E. 


Fleury-Teulon, Lt. C. 


Fraser, Mr. H. S. . 


Garrett, Mrs. . . . 


Foley, Mr. G. . . 


Fraser, Mrs. . . . 


Garrett, Mr. R. S. . 


b'oley, Mrn. . . . 


Fraser, Mr. Lovat . 


Garstin, Capt. W. A. 


Foley, Miss . . 


Fraser, Mr. S. M. . 


Garstein, Rev. W. 11. 


FollanKhee, Miss E. . 


Fraser, Mr. W. S. . 


Garha, Raja of . . 


Ff rate-Mitchell, Mrs. 


Fraser-Blair, Mr. A. 


(iarud, Sidhanath 

Foote-Mitchell, Miss 


Freegrade, Drnm- 



Forbes, Capt. A. 


Maj. A 


Gaskell, Mr. W. . . 


Forbes, Capt. L. 


Freel, Lt. J. . . . 


Gaskell.Mrs. . . . 


Forbes, Lt. H. G. F. . 


Freeland, Maj. II. . . 




Forbes, Mr ... 


Frceland, Mrs. . . 


Gatacre, Capt. J. K. 


Forbes, Mr'. A. T. . 


French, Lt. H. A. L. 


Gatehouse, Capt. K. F. 


Forbes, Mrs. . 


French, Major W. C. 


(lately, Mr. J. E. . 


Forbes, Mr. Charles 


French, Mrs. . 


(Jately, Sub-Con- 

Forbes, Mrs. . . . 


French, Mr. E. Lee. 


ductor P. ... 


Forbes-R o b e r tbon, 

French, Mrs. Lee . 


Gates, Mr. F. C. . . 


Capt. K. . . . 


French, Mr. L. . 


Gates, Mrs. 


Ford-Hutch in son, 

French, Mrs. . . . 


(iamfoin, Dr. . 


Lt.-Col. G. H. . . 


Frenchman, Col. E. P 


Gaudoin, Mrs. . . 



Freyeslebpu, Dr. F. . 


Gaumont, Mr. R. 


Mrs. G. H. . . . 


Friend, Miss . . . 


(taunt, Lt. C. II. 


Fordyee, Mr. J. K. . 


Friswell, Sir Charles . 


(Taussen, Maj. J. R. . 


Forman, Miss V.G. . 


Friswell, Lady . . 


Gaya Prasad Varma, 

Forrester, Lt. K. E. . 


Frost, Lt.-Col. G. H 


Babu .... 


Forster, Maj.-Gen. . 


Fryer, Lt-Col. F. A. 


Gee, Lt.-Col. F. W. . 


Forster, Miss . 


Fryer, Mrs. 


Gentih, Rev. Dr. C. . 


Forteath, Capt. A. M. 


Fuller, Lt. H. F. . 


Geoghegau, Lt.-Col. 


Forteath, Maj. F. W. 


Fuller, Miss . . . 


Geoghegan, Mrs. 


Forteath, Mrs. . . 


Fuller, Sir Bamp- 

George, Lt. F. R. . 


Fortescue, Mr. J.W. 


fylde .... 


Gerard, Lord . . 


Fowler, Lt. A. . . 
Fowler, Lt. E. K. . 


Fulton, Maj. F. C. R. 
Fulton, Mrs. . . . 


Gerard, Lady . . 
Ghaus Bakhsh Khan, 


Fowler, Mrs. . . 


Fulton, Major H. T. 


Sardur Sir . 


Fowler, Miss . . . 


Fulton, Mrs. . . . 


Ghosal, Mr. J. . . 


Fox, Lt. F. N. . . 


Furber, Lt. C. T. 


Ghosal, Mrs. . . . 


Fox, Lt. R. G. . . 


Funuvall, Mr. F. . 


Ghulam JiusR.iin 

Fox, Maj L. W. 


Furnivall, Mrs. . 


Khan, S. 


Fox, Mrs. L. W. . 


Furze, Mr. T. . . 


Ghulam Mahomed 

Fox, Sir C. E. . . 
Fox, Lady 


Fuzell, Miss. . . . 
Gabriel, Capt. C. II. 


Bhurgry . . . 
(ihulam Muhi-ud-din, 


Framji Kawasji 

Gabriel, Mr. E. V. . 


K. B. ... 


Mehta .... 


Gaisford, Maj. W. T. 


Ghulam Raza Khan 


Fraiichciss, Mr. . 

286 , 

Gait, Mr. E. A. . . 


Gib, Major H. A. . 


Francis, Miss . . 


Gait, Mrs. 


Gib, Mrs 


Francis Xavier 

Gaitskell, Mr. A. 


Gibbs, Capt. W. O. . 


Shiam Rikh, Raja 

278 i 

Gaitskell, Mrs. . . 


Gibbs, Mrs. . . . 


Frank- Butler, Mrs. 


Galbraith, Miss . . 


Gibson, Mr. P. F. . 


Frankfort, Lady 


Gale, Capt. M. H. . 


Gibson, Mrs. . . . 


Franks, Lieut. J. F. 


Galloway, 2nd-Lt. J. 


Gifl'ard, Capt. C. H. . 


Fraser, Capt. A. I. . 


Gatnbhir Singh, 

Gilbertson, Mr. J. G. 


Fraser, Capt. A. J. . 


Kunwar .... 


Gilbcrtson, Mrs. . . 


Frasor, Mrs. . . . 


Gardiner, Maj. A. . 


Giles, Mr. R. S. . . 




Lilian, Mr. B. W. . 197 Gordon, Maj. I.L.R. 


Gratton, Maj. H. W. 32 

<Jillan Mrs, ... 197 J Gordon, Mrs. 


Graves, 2nd-Lt. E. P. 305 

<Hllet, Capt. E. S. . 328 1 Gordon, Lt.-Col. L.A. 


Gray, Capt. C. O. V. 324 

Gillet, Mrs. . . . 328 1 Gordon, Mrs. . . 


Gray, Mrs. ... 324 

Gilmour, Lt. H. J.G. 311 Gordon. Lt.-Col. L. 


Gray, Lt. D. B. . . 321 

Gilpin, Lt. E. H. . 317 

Gordon, Mrs. . . 


Gray, Maj. F. W. B. 301 

Oilpin, Lt. G. . . 127 

Gordon, Miss 


Gray, Mrs. P. W. B. 301 

Oimlette, Col. . . 202 

Gorton, Lt-Col. R. F. 


Gray, Capt. J. . . 319 

Girdlcstone, Capt. M. 320 

Gordon, Capt. R. 8. 


Gray, Mrs. ... 310 

Girdlestone, Mrs. M. 320 

Gordon, Capt. R. S. 


Gray, Miss . . . 319 

Glacken, Mr. S. H. . 249 

Gordon, Mr. W. 


Gray, Mr. J. B. . . 172 

Gladstone, 2iul-Lt. T. 293 

Gordon Canning, 

Gray, MISH .... 2H6 

Gladstone, Mrs. VV.B. 261 

2nd-Lt. R. C. . . 


Gray, Capt. W. D. . 178 

Olancy, Mr. B. J. . 262 

Gordon Walker, Mr. A. 


Gray. Maj.-Gl. W.duG.178 

GJancy, Mr. K. I. R. 202 | Gordon-Walker, Mrs. 


Gray, Capt. W. K. . 305 

Glancy, Mrs. . 202 ! Goring Jones, Maj. M. 


, Gra/ebrook, Li. C. A. 324 

Glascock, Mr. L. C. . 126 ! Goring Jones, Mrs. . 


Greaves, Mr. H. R.. 150 

Olascoek, Mrs. . . 248 

Gorton, MihS . . . 


Greaves, Mrs. . . 150 

Glasgow, Maj. A. E. 307 

Gosling, Major C. . 


Green, Mrs. ... 239 

Glusse, Capt. M. W. . 326 

GoRBclin, Miss . . 


! Green, Mr. M. A. . 283 

Gledstanes.Capt.A.U. 295 

Goswami R.B. Kiso- 

i Green, Mrs. . . .283 

Gledstanes, Mrs. . 295 



Green, Mrs. . . . 294 

Glcndenuig, 2nd-Lt.II. 313 

Gough, Maj. H. A. . 


Green, Capt. W.G.K. 298 

Glover, Miss Helen . 286 

Gough, Mrs. . . . 


i Green, Mrs. W. G. K. 299 

Glen, Lt. H. W. . . 303 

Gough, Capt. W.G.K. 


Green, Lt.-Col. G.R. 139 

Glynton, Maj. G . M. . 310 

Goujrh. Mrs. . . . 


Green, Mr. J. D. . 239 

Gmeiner, Miss . . 172 \ Gould, Mr. B. J. 


i Greene, Mr. A. . .239 

Goad, Lt. C. E. G. B. 313 ' Gouldmg, Mr. H. . 


Greenh i 11-Gardyne, 

Godfrey, Lt.-Col.S.H. 164 Goument. Mr. C.E.V. 


Maj. A. D. . . 316 

Godfrey, Mrs. . . 164 

Goyder, Mr. . . . 


Gieenwell, Lt. W. B. 317 

Godfrey, Miss . . 297 

Graeme, Lt. N. F. . 


Greenwood, 2nd-Lt. 294 

Godfrey, Miss . . 286 

Graham, Mr. A. 


Greer, Mr. R. T. . . 140 

Godley, Mr. ,1. C. . 251 

Graham, Mrs. A. 


1 Grcer. Mrs. ... 110 

Godley, MrtJ. . . . 251 

Graham, 2nd-Lt.A.S. 


Gregory, Maj. C. L. 270 

Godman, Capt. L. . 313 

Graham, Mr. C.D.N. 


Gregory, Mrs. . . 271 

Godwin, Capt. C. A. . 296 

Graham, Capt. D. S. 


] Gregory, Lt. M. . . 313 

Godwin, Mrs. C. A. . 296 

Graham, Mr. I).. . 


Gregory, Mrs. . . 313 

Gokhale,Mr. G. K. . 197 

Graham, Mrs. D. . . 


Gregory, Mr. R. B. . 282 

Goldie, Capt. K.O. . 304 

Graham. Mr. J. N. . 


Gregory, Mrs. . . 282 

Gondal, Thakor Saheb 195 

Graham, Mrs, J, N . 


Gregory, Miss . . 282 

Goodbody, Maj. C. . 148 

Graham, Mr. J. St.J. 


Gregson, Mr. F. R. . 235 

Goodbody, Mrs. . . 148 

Graham, Mrs. J.St.J. 


Gregson, Capt. L. . 283 

Goode, Miss ... 172 

Graham, Mr. Maxwell 


Gregson, Mr*. . , 284 

Goodeuough. Capt.W. 233 

Graham, Mrs. . . 


Gregson, Mr. F. . . 243 

Goodsir, Mr. R. A. . 285 

Graham, Mrs. . . 


Greig, Maj. J. G. . 149 

Goodwin, Col. F. . 123 

Graham, Miss 


i Gresson, Mr. Holmes 328 

Gopal Rao, Nana . . 205 

Graham, Capt. R. B. 


' Gresson, Mrs Holmes 328 

Gopal Saran Nara- 

Graham, Mrs. R. B. . 


' Gresson, Mr. Jardine 328 

yan Singh, Maha- 

Graham, Mr. W. L. . 


' Gresson, Mrs. Jardine 328 

raj Kumar ... 140 

Granger, Maj T. A. 


Greville, Capt. B. S. 307 

Gordon, Lieut. A. D. 323 

Grant, Lt.-Col. A. . 


Grey, Lt.-Col. Arthur 251 

Gordon, Mr. A. H. . 213 

Grant, Mr. A. H. . 


Grey, Lt. G. C. G. . 297 

Gordon, Miss B. C. 283 

ttrant, Col. . . . 


Grey, Mr. 8. ... 252 

Gordon, Capt. B.G.R. 229 

Grant, Lt. E. M. . 


Griffin, Mr. H. D. . 276 

Gordon, Capt. C.W.E. 316 

Grant Gordon, Lt.- 

Griffin, Mrs. ... 276 

Gordon, Mr. F. F. . 258 

Col. G 


Griffin, Mr. J. G. . 172 

Gordon, Mr. G. . .253 

Grant Gordon, Mrs. . 


Griffiths, Capt. L. . 321 

Gordon, Sir II. . . 234 

Grant, Miss . . 


Grigg, Mr. E. W. M. 258 

Gordon, Lady . . 234 
Gordon, Lt. IF. . . 311 

Grattan, Mrs. 
Grattan-Bellew, Lt. C. 


Gngg, Capt. H. H. . 311 
Grimshaw, Capt. R. 294 


Grimshaw, Mrs. . 281 

Grimston, Brig-Gen. 123 

Grimston, Lt.-Col.S. 297 

Grimston, Mrs. . . 297 

Grimston, Miss. . 297 

Grisewood, Capt.A.E. 172 

Grose, Capt. ,J. . 323 

Grose, Mrs. . . . 323 

Grover, Maj.-Gen.M. 178 
Grover, Mrs. . . .178 

Griming, Mr. J. F. . 186 

Griming, Mrs. . 187 
Guest-Williams, 2nd- 

Lt. W. A. . . . 323 
Gnlam Jilani, Sheikh 

Nawab .... 206 

Gunter, Mrs. . . 326 

Gunter, Miss. . . 326 

Gupta, Mr. B. L. . 137 

Gupta, H. ... 269 

Gimlon, Lt.-Col.P.K. 187 

Gurdon, Mrs. . . 187 

Gurdon, Miss . . 187 

Gurnsh, Mr. Isaac H35 

Guthrie, 2nd-Lt. I. D. 312 

Guyon, Capt. G. S. . 316 

G wall or, Maharaja of 123 

Gwatkin, Lt. F. . . 297 
Habibur Kahman 

Khan .... 259 

Hack, Capt. C. E. . 300 

Haerett, Mrs. . . 258 

Roddy. Lt. F. G. . 234 
lladlev Hopkins, 

Mr/C 286 

Hadow, Mr. I). S. . 284 
Hafiz Mahomed, 

Nawab Sir . . . 236 
Haider Xaman Khan, 

Raja .... 205 

Haig, Major P. B. . 330 

Haig, Mrs. . . . 330 

Haig, Major N W. . 202 

Haig, Lt.-Gen. Sir D. 178 

Haig, Lady ... 178 

Haig, Miss ... 292 

Haig, Miss ... 320 

Haigh, Mr. A. G. . 156 

Hailey, Mr. W. M. . 192 

Hames, Mr. . . 285 

Haines. MTU. . . 285 

Haines, Mr. K. J. 286 
Ha.S Ismail Salt, 

Khan Bahadur . 232 
Haji Khan, Saheb- 

zada . . .205 

Hall, Major E. S. . 302 
Hall, Lt.-Col. E. A.W.186 

Hall, Mr. Melvin A. . 283 

Hall, Mr. W. A. . 282 


Hall, Mrs. ... 282 

Hall, Mrs. ... 187 

Hallet, Mr. C. Hughes 166 

Hallewell, Miss . 286 

, Hallidav, Mr. F. L. . 140 

Hall iday Mrs. . . 140 

Halliday, Mr. R. .T. . 243 

Hallulay, Lt W. J. F 321 

| Hallowes, Capt. J. II. 135 

Hallward, Mr. N. L. 187 

i Hallward, Mrs. . 187 

Hambro, Major P. O. 194 

i Hambro, Mrs. . . 191 

Hamcl, Mr. G. S. D. 192 

i Hamilton, Major A.. 252 

Hamilton, Mrs. . . 252 

Hamilton, Lt.-Col. 

C. L. . . . 296 

Hamilton, Mr. H. S. 285 

Hamilton, Duke of 206 

Hamilton, Duchess of 206 

Hamilton, Major J. 

' G. H. . '. . 316 

; Hamilton, Lt.J.M.. 317 

Hamilton, Miss . 224 

Hamilton, Lieut. R. . 322 

Hamilton, Mrs. . 325 

Hamilton, Maj.R.K.A.lH3 

, Hamilton, Mrs. R.E.A.163 

i Hamilton, Mr. \V. A. 300 

I Hamilton, Col. W. G. 129 

Hamilton- Gordon, Brg. 
i General A. . .178 
; Hamilton-Gordon, Mrs.178 
Hamilton-Gordon, Misl79 
, Hamilton-Grace, Capt. 

R. S 296 

Hamnnck, Sir Murray 224 

i Hammick, Lady . 224 

Hammick, Miss . 224 

Hammick. Miss L. . 224 

, Hammond, Capt.W.P. 301 

Hancock, Maj. M. P. 316 

1 Hancock, Mrs . . 316 

Hancock, Miss . .316 

! Hancock, Lt. E. S. . 318 

, Handley, 2nd-Lt.L.M. 323 

Handyside, Mr. E. C. 248 

, Haniel, Mr. . . 283 

i Hankin, Mr. A. C. . 202 

' Hankin, Mrs. . . 202 

i Hannay, Mrs. H. M. 185 

I Hannay, Miss . 185 

1 Hanson, 2nd-Lt. C.S. 320 

Hanson, Mr. F. W. . 15H 

1 Hanson, Mrs. . . 156 

Hanza, Mir of . . 216 

, Harbord, Lt. J. D. . 154 

Harbord, Mrs. . . 292 

Harbotle, Miss . . 314 

1 Harcourt, Capt. C.B. 303 
Hanlingo, Viscount 

C. B 120 

1 Hardmge, Viscountess 126 
I Hardmge, the Hon. 

Diamond . . . 124 

Hardmge.Lt.Hon.E. 125 

Hardinge, Hon. A. . 124 
Hare Scott, Mr. H. 

, V. B 248 

Harene, Lt. R. E. . 294 

HanharGangopadjaya 259 

Han Krishna . . 259 

: H ark i shen Lai, Mr. . 252 

, Harkishen Lai, Mrs. 252 

i HarknesB, Mrs. M.E. 285 

I Han Chan d, R. . . 255 

' Hari K. Kaul, Pt. . 255 

, Harington, Col. . . 128 

Harmgton, Mrs. . 128 

' Harnam Singh, Raja 

! Sir 252 

1 Harnam Singh, 

Rani Lady . . 252 
llarnaram Singh, 

' Sardar .... 205 

I Harrington, Sir R. , 197 

Harrington, Lady . 197 

Harriot, Mr. G. M. . 166 
Harriot, Mrs. . .166 

Harris, Lt. A. E. C. 186 

Hams, Rev. E. . . 283 

Hams, Mr. ... 283 

Hams, Mrs. . . . 283 
Harris, Lord . . .149 

Harris, Lady ... 149 

Harris, Hon. George 149 

Harris, Col. G. F. A. 140 

Harris, Mrs. . . 140 

Harris, Miss . . 187 

Harrison, Miss . . 131 

Harrison, Mr. A. W. 241 
Harrison, Maj. A. H.P. 325 

Harrison, Mrs. . . 325 

Hamson, Capt. A. P. 317 

Hjtrri son, Mrs. . . 318 

Harrison, Mr. J. . 328 

Harrison, Mr. M. H. 253 

Harrison, Miss . . 313 

Harrison, MissR. . 285 

Harrison, Col. T. A. 129 

Hart, Mr. G. S. . . 166 

Hart, Mrs. ... 166 

Barter, 2nd-Lt. J.G. 317 

Hartley, 2nd-Lt. C. C. 312 

Hartley, Capt. A. F. 125 

H aTTy , Mr. Leslie . 331 

Harry, Mrs. . . . 331 
Haitnoll, Mr. Justice 

H. S 160 



Hartuoll, Mrs. . . 160 

Hendcrbou, Mr. . . 310 

Hill, Capt. H. . . 124 

Hartung, Mrs. . . 286 

Henderson, Mrs. . 310 

Hill, Capt. H. W. . 178 

Harvey, Capt. A.W.M. 309 

Henderson, Mrs. . . 331 

Hill, Maj. J. . . 271 

Harvey, Mr. E. C. . 285 

Henderson, Mrs. . 239 

Hill, Capt. R. C. R. . 321 

Han ey, Mrs. . . 285 

Henderson, Mr. J. J. 239 

Hill, Capt. ... 177 

Harvey, Miss . . 285 

Henderson, Mr. B. H. 187 

Hills, Miss ... 283 

Harvey, Lieut. C. 0. 163 

Hilulerson, Lt.-Col. 

Hill Tippera.Rajaof 201 

Harward, Maj. A ..T. N . 321 

S. H 276 

Hilton, Mr. E. H. . 335 

Hassan, Mr. Mahdi 1(>6 

Henderson, Major . 230 

Hind, Lt. J. H. . .298 

Hasted, 2nd- Lt.J.O.C. 317 

Henderson, Mr. W.K. 192 

Kingston, Maj. G. B. 129 

Hastings, 2nd-Lt. L. 323 

Henderson, Mrs. . 192 

Hmgston, Mrs. . . 129 

Hastings, Capt.W.C. 302 
Hata, Mai. ... 178 

Hennessy, Mr. G. . 187 
Hennessy, Mrs. . . 187 

Hira Singh, Kunwar 205 
Hira Singh Sub.-Maj. 139 

Hatfield,2nd-Lt.ll.S. 293 

Hennessv, Mr. J. G. 235 

Hirata, Mr. T. . . 193 

Haumer, Maj. .l.A.L. 172 

Henry, Major W.D.. 333 

Hird, Mr. R. L.. . 172 

Hanmer, M rs. . . 172 

Henry, Sir E. R. . 122 

Hird, Mrti. . . . 172 

Ifann, Dr. . . . 286 

HenHman, Mr. If. . 241 

Hitch ins, Maj. H. 

Havilund Lt H. I 1 . 311 

Hcppcr Capt. K. C. . 275 

W K . 302 

Hawkos, Mr. F. R. ' '. 239 

Hopper', Maj.'ll.' A.' L. 200 

Tlobart, Lt. P. C. S. 191 

Hawkins, Lt. L. H. 293 

Hcppcr, Mrs. . . 200 

Hobbs, Maj. G. L. . 300 

Hawkins, Col. F. . 284 

Hcrault, Mr. . . 284 

Hohhs, Mrs. G. L. . 300 

Hay, Capt. Bruce . 139 

Herberstem, Count J. 283 

Hobday, Lt. E. M. . 320 

Hay Mrs 140 

Herbert, Col. L. N. . 270 

Hobsoii, Lt. J. W. S. 311 

Hay, Ma] . J . . .305 
Hay, Lt/J. B. W. . 319 
Hayes Mrs M L. 326 

Herbert, Capt. H. C. 299 
Herbert, Capt. W. N. 177 
Hcrdon Maj. 11. 1. . 327 

llobaon. Miss . . 287 
Hodding, Col. J. .187 
Hodding, VI rs. . . 187 

Hayes^nd-Lt. G. .317 

Herdon) Mrs. ... 327 

Hodges, Mr. W. H. . 268 

Ilayne, Capt. S. ci. . 229 
lleadlam.Br.-6cn. J. 

Hcslop, Capt. A. H. 315 
Uewetson, Maj. A. W. 3'U 

Hodgkineon, Maj. C. 275 
Hodgkinson, Maj. . 285 

K. W 178 

TIcwett, Sir J. P. , 123 

Hodgkinson, Mrs. . 285 

Hcadlam, Mrs. . . 178 

Hcwett,Lady . . 126 

Hodgson, Miss . . 172 

Headlam, Lt. K. J. . 233 

Hcwett, Miss . 126 

Hodgson, Capt. F. F. 304 

lleadlam, MiM. . . 179 

Hewitt, Lt. A. C, . 1B6 

Hodgson, 2nd-Lt. G. 323 

Healing, Lt. N. C. . 305 

Hewitt, Capt. G. . 321 

Hodgson, Capt.M.K. 316 

Heard, Mr. E. S. . 191 

Heyland, Mrs. . 200 

Hodson, Col. G. B. . 301 

Heath, Col. G. M. . 322 

Hibbard, Mr. W. G. 282 

HodHon, Mrs. G. B. . 301 

Heath, Mrs. . . . 322 

Hibbard, Mrs. . . 2H2 Hodnon, Lt. V. C. P. 126 

Heath, Lt. E. G. . 305 

Hickman, Bg.-Gen.H. 178 Hodson, Mrs. . . 126 

Heath, Miss . . 322 

Hlckman Lt. H. T. 326 Hogg, Capt. R. E, T. 124 

Heath, Mr. R. H. . 156 
Heath, Mrs. 11. H. . 156 

Hickie, 2nd-Lt. b\ C. 302 
Hickie, Mrs. ... 334 

Hogg. Major T. C. . 293 
Hogge, Capt. L. R, . 302 

Hoaton, Hon. Mr, J. J.150 

Hiekie, Lt. G. W. C. 313 

Hogge.Mrs. ... 302 

Heaton, Mrs. . . 150 
Hebbert, Capt. B. F. 326 

Hickley, Maj. A. C. . 311 
Hickley, Mrs. . 312 

Holden, Major H. . 331 
Holderness, Capt. H. 304 

Hebert, Capt. C. . . 30tf 

Hickley, Mr. A. D. . 268 

Holland, Mr. G. . . 248 

Hebert, Mrs. ... 306 

Hide, Mr. P. . . .163 

Holland, Lt.-Col. G. L. 306 

Hecbner, Miss . . 283 
Heelis, Lt. J. R. . 302 
Hellier, Lt. J. . . 333 

Hide, Mrs. ... 163 
Higgin, Capt. J. L. 312 
Higgins,Mr.J.C. . 2?9 

Holland, Mrs. G. L. . 306 
Holland, Mr. R. E. . 144 
Holland, Mrs. . 144 

Hely, Miss ... 282 

Higgmson,Mr.G.B. 243 

Holland, Lt. R. T. . 298 

Hely, Mrs. ... 282 

Highet, Mr. J, C. . 243 

Holland, Mrs. . . 311 

Hely, Mr. Wisdom . 282 
Hemayatuddi Ahmed, 
Maulvi .... 189 

Highet.Mrs. . . 243 
Highet, Mr. R. S. . 185 
Highet, Mrs. . . 185 

Holman, Rev. B. H. . 308 
Holman-Hunt, Mr. . 284 
Holman-Hnnt, Mrs. . 284 

Henderson, Capt. K. 310 

Higman. Mr. B.F. . 172 

1 Toman, Mrs. ... 283 

Henderson, Maj. M.H. 331 

Higman,Mrs. . . 172 

Homan, Miss . . 283 

Henderson, Lt.-N.G.B.316 

Home, Maj. P. M. . 310 

Henderson, Capt. R.W.312 
Henderson, Miss . 310 

Hill, Mr. C. H. A. . 152 
Hill, Mrs. C. H. A. . 152 

Home, Mrs. ... 310 
Holms, Mr. J. M. , 276 

Henderson, Miss . 230 

Hill, Capt. E. S. J. . 321 

Holms, Mrs. . . . 27 




Hughes, Mr. G. V. . 282 

Holt, Mrs. . . . 


Hughes, Mr. G. V. . 284 

Holt, Misn . . . 


Hughes, Capt. C. F. 331 

Hooper, Miss . . 


Hughes, Lt. G. V. 311 

Hooper, Mr. C. F. . 


Hughes, Capt. C. G. 333 

Hooper, Miss J. 


Hughes Buller.Mr.R. 187 

Hope, Maj. A. V. W. 


Hughes Duller, Mrs. -87 

Hope, Mr. C. . . . 


Hukam Singh, Ris.- 

Hope Simpson, Maj. J 

. 333 

M,j 125 

Hope- Johns' one, 2nd 

Hulhert, Mrs. . . 25)7 

Lt. H. M. . . . 


Hulbert, Miss . . 297 

Hopkins, Capt. I. B. 


Hulbcri, Capt. T.E. . 297 

Hopkmson, Lt G. H. 


Hull, Mr. L. H. B. . :'4l 

Hopton, Capt. G.VV. . 


Hull, Miss W.G. A. 241 

Hopwoocl, Lt. A. If. 


Hulton, Lt. Col. F. 293 

Ilopvrootl, Mr. . . 


Hulton, Lt. H. II. . 2 f >8 

Horo-Kuthven, Cant. 

Hulton, Mrs. . . 2 l >8 

Hou'blo A. G. A! . 


Hume-Spry, Capt.W. 296 

Horo-Rut.hven, Mrs. 


^umfrcy, Lt. J. C. . 320 

Horrobin, Mr. A. 


Humphreys, Capt. D. 15'i 

Horn, Capt. R. . . 


Humphrys, Lt.-Col.C. 303 

Home, Mr. W. O. . 


Humph rys, Mm. C. V. 303 

Home, Mrs. . 


Ha vphrvs, Miss . 303 

Horn i man, Mr. B. G. 


Hungerford.Lt. S.A.H.318 

Horpbrugh, Li oat. - 

Hunt, C pt. H.R.A. 301 

Col. 11 


Hunt, Mrs. A. M. . ?20 

Honbrugh, Mrs. 


Hunt, Maj. R. S. . JR)3 . 

Hose, Mr. J. W. 


Hunt, Mr. . . . 2. 4 ?4 ' 

Hose, Mrs. . . . 


Hunt, Capt. C. E. . 3"5 , 

Hoflkms, Mr. C. J. A. 


Hunt, dipt. G. P. S. 3>3 

Hostc'ler, Mrs. T. . 


Hunt, Mrs. . . 32i i 

Hosteller, Mis* . . 


Hunter, Mr. J. C. . 239 , 

Hoting, Mr. K. G. . 


Hunter, Major . . 263 , 

Howard Bury, Lt. C. 
Howard, Ladv K. . 


Hunter, Mrs. . . . 263 I 
Hunter, Mr. W. . 234 i 

Howard, Lt. S. W. . 


Hunter Maj.Gjnl.A.S. 331 ' 

Howard, Mrs. 


Hume-Wright, Lt.F.J. 311 

Howard, Capt. B. H. 


Hnssain, Mirza 

Howard, Mrs. 


Abdul 161 , 

Howard, Miss . . 


natchiniion, Capt. 

Howard, Capt. T N. 


W. G . 148 

Howell, Mr. B B. . 


Hutchirson, Miss . 331 

Howcll, Mrs. B. B. . 


Hutchison, 2nd-Lt.G. 310 

Howell, Mr G. C. L. . 


Hutton, Lt. R. W. 234 

Howell.Mrs. G.C. L. 


Hutton, Mr. C. H. . ?87 

Howell,Mr. E. B. . 


Hutton, Mrs.. . . ?87 ! 

Howell, Lt. H. W. . 


Hyde, Miss A. . . 286 

HoweJl, Capt. N. E . 


Hyde. Miss E. . . 186 

Hsi.Mr. Hsiao Yung 


Hyderabad* Nizam of 20 1 - 

Hubbard, Mrs. 


Ihn Ali, Riuldr. . . 1^6 

Hnbbard, Rev. A. E. 


Ibn-i-Ali .... 259 

Huda, Mr. S. N. 


Ibrahim, Sir Cur- 

Hudson, 2nd-Lt. R.8. 


rumbhol . . .154 

Hndson, Col. H. . 


Ibrahim Khan. Lt. . 205 

Hudson, Mrs. 


Ibrahim Rahinmt- 

Hudson, Lt. B. R. . 


ulla,Mr. ... 150 

Hoggins, Sergt. T. . 


Ichal Karanii, the 

Hngfiring, apt C. G. 


Chief of .... 164 ! 

Hoghee, Very Rev. 
Father-P. . . . 


Idar, Maharaj of . 204 
Imdad Imam, Nawab 142 

Impey, Lt.-Col. L. . 163 
Impey, MIHH . . .163 
Imtiaz Rasul Khan, 

Sheikh .... 206 

Inam Ali, M., K. B. 256 
Indar Bikrum Singh, 

Raja .... 279 

Indore, Maharaja of 2^6 

Inglis, Mrs. . . . 285 

Inghs, Mr. J. J. . 239 

Inghs, Mrs. ... 239 

Inghs. ('apt. A. F. . 304 

Inglis, Lt. J. . . 319 

Inghs, 2nd- LI. J. N. 316 

Ingncn, Capt. P. L. 186 

Ingrain, Mr. . . 172 

Ingram, Miss . . 135 

limes, Lt. I. C. . 309 
IiiH'wulInh.Mr.Shuikh 259 

Ireland, Mr. . . . 3*2 

Ireland, Mijor deC. 319 

Ireland, Mr. W. M. 3% 

Irvine, Lt. C. T. C. 300 

Irvine, Lt. M. L. C. 295 

Irvine, Li-Col. T.W. 235 

j Irvine, Mrs. . . . 235 

i Irwm, Lt. H. Q. . 300 

; Itfcraonger, Mr. F.C. ?48 

, Is.'mongor, Mrs. 248 

Inmay, Mr. S. . . 230 

i Ismay, MM . . . 2:30 

, Isaae, Lt. A. G. F. . 323 

, Iveagh. The Viscount '.'82 

I Ivor, Mr. G. G B . 243 

i I\er, Mrs. . . . 218 

I yen gar, S. . . . 251) 

I'/at, Capt. W. R. . 243 

I'/at, Miss ... 24* 

Jackson, Ma,j. A. W. 1*>9 

Jackson, Capt. V. A. 313 
Jackson, Mrs. . .33 

.lackson, Lt.-Col.. J. 150 
Jackson, Mrs. . .151 

Jackson, Miss . . 243 

; Jaokson, Miss M.G. 286 

Jacob, U.-Col. A. L. irs 

.lacob, Lt. R. M. . 194 

Jacob, Mr. **. VI. . 173 

Jacob, Sir Swinton . S62 

Jacob, Lady ... 262 

Jacobs, Mr. C. M. . 283 

.'acobson, Mr. A. R. 243 

Jac-omh Hood, Mr. F. 1 9 3 

Jafarlloosain, Jemdr. 126 

Jai Narain -ahib, Rai 243 

Jaipur, Raja of . . 207 

Jaisalmer, Raja of . 208 

Jambon, Mons. C. . 193 

James, Lt. B. Set on . 315 

Ja35e&, Col. C. H. . 247 



James, Capt. E. H. S. 183 Johnston, Mrs. . 202 

i Kaye, Lt.-Col. J. L. 262 

James, Miss D. . . 298 Johnstonc, Mr. A. H 185 

; Xealy, Miss. ... 148 

James, Miss S. . . 300 

Johnstone, Mrs. . 185 

I Kealy, Mr. E. H. . 262 

James, Major W. H. 193 

Johnstono, Mr. D. C 252 

Keane, Mr. R. M. . 269 

James, Mrs. . . . 193 Johnstono. Mrs. 252 

I Keane, Mrs. ... 269 

James, Mrs. . . . 136 

Johnstoue, Miss. 252 

Keary, Bg. Gen.H.D'U123 

Jameson, Miss . . 202 

Johifbtone Saint, Lt 313 

Keary, Mrs. . . 130 

Jameson, Miss . . 320 Johnston-Stewart 

i Keates, Capt. H. C. 253 

Jamieson, Mrs. J. F. 282 Capt. H. C. H. . 319 

I Kcalinge, Mr. D. E. 242 

Jamieson, Mrs. . . 2rt 

Jolv. Miss . . 164 

Kcatinge, Miss. . . 243 

Janitor, Mr. Robinson 335 Jones, Miss . . 131 

Keatinge, Miss I. . 243 

Janjira, Nawab of . -08 Jones, Mrs. . . 144 

Keelan, Major H. P. 3?6 

Janson, Mr. V. . . 150 Jones, C.ipt. E. H. 297 
Jaora. The Nawab of 208 \ Jones, Mr. F. E. 144. 

i Keen, Capt. F. S. .318 
Keene, Major C. W. 303 

J anh no, Mr. W. E. . 164 Jones. Capt. E. V. 301 

Keene, Mr. H. . 283 

Jarvis, Lt. B. A. . 292 

Jones, Mr. F. P. . 195 

Kchar Singh, Risldr. 126 

Jarvis, Capt. C. . . 223 

Jones. Mr. G. A. . 173 

Keighloy, Capt. V.A. 126 

Jaswal, Itaja of . . 215 ! Jonesj Lt. H. L. . 93 

Keighley, Mrs. . . 126 

JeddM-e Fisher, Lt.H. 296 ! JOIIOH, Mr. H. L. 15 

Kellner, Mr. P. T.R. 239 

Jodde.-e Fisher, Miss 3.11 i Jones, Mrs. H. L. 156 

Kelly Capt. C. R. . 331 

JeffVey, Stid-Lt. J. A. 296 Jones, Lt.-Gol. R. G 230 

Kelly, Capt. Dennis 223 

Jeff -eys Clarke, Mr. 243 Joioa, Capt. S. W. . 309 

Kelly, Miss E. A. . 326 

Jeffreys Clarke, Mrs. 2*3 Jo es, Lt. T. ... 308 

Kelly, L'. E. H. . . 321 

Jehaugir, SirCowuzji 154 Jorawar Singh, Kun- 

Kelly, Mr. F. N. . 283 

JchantFir Lady . 154, war 205 

Kelly, Major G.II.F. 306 

Jelf, Major R. G. . 125 Joshn, Capt. F. J. . 315 

Kelly, Major H. N. 3J5 

Jenkins, Mr. J. L. . 397 Joslm. Mi-s Mary . 284 

Kelly, Mrs. . . . 325 

Jenkins, Mrs. . . 197 

Josh , Miss Rebecca 2S1 

Kelly, Lt. J. L. . 333 

Jenkins, Sir L. . 107 

Joy, M-. E. E. . . 185 

Kelso, Mr. H. A. . 142 

Jenkins, Lady . . 197 

Joyce, Mr. A. E.. . 166 

Koinhill, Major A.G. 271 

Jenkyus, Mr. H. 11.. 253 

Jubbal, Rana of . . 212 

Kemball, Mrs. . . 163 

Jenkyns, Mrs. . . 253 

Judhir Thapa, Capt. 177 

Kemball, Lt. Col. '\ 210 

Jennings, Mr. . . 328 

Judd, Mr 144 

Kemball, Mr.H.V.R. 151 

Jennings, Mrs. . 328 

Judd. Mrs. ... 141 

Kemb ill, Miss. . . 271 

Jerwood, Miss . . 173 

Judd, Re/. A. C.. . 173 

Kemball, Mrs. . . 271 

Jessop, Lt.-Col. C. T. 284 

Jukes. Lt. A. H. . 308 

Kcminis, Ct.A.W.M. 314 

Jeypore, Maharaja of 216 | Julius, Cipt. 8. do N. 299 

Kemp, 2nd- Lt. G. C. 3 3 

Jbalawar, Raja of . 209 j Kalahandi, Chief of 213 
Jijeebhoy Sir Jam- I Kalat, Khan of . . 2i3 

Kempo, 2nd-U.H.F.C.3l5 
Kendall. Mr. A. . 287 

setjec .... 154 Kali Charan Misra, 

Kendall, Mrs. . . 2tf 

Jind.Ra.ja of . .210 

Raja ... . 27'J 

Ki>nnard, Mr. . . 206 

Job. Mons. P. B. . 28* 

Kalsia, Sardar of . 2.3 

Kennard, Capt.W.A. 177 

Jobson, Lt. T. S. . 3:7 

Kamoswara, Mr. V. 226 

Kennaway, Mr. F.W. 169 

Jodha Junj Rana 205 
Jodhpur, Maharaja oi 124 

Kapur, Raja Ban 
Bihari .... 142 

Kjnnaway, Mrs. . 169 
Kennedy, Fleet Surgn. 284 

John, Major . . . 284 

Kapur thala, Raja of 2i4 

Kennedy, Mrs. . . 151 

Johns, Mr. W. A. . 239 

Karandikar,Mr.R.P. 154 

Kennedy, Capt. C. F. 309 

Johnson, Capt. A. E. 304 
Johnson, Majoi- G. W. 302 

Karauh, Maharaja of 214 
Karunakara Menon C. 2"i9 

Kennedy, Lieut. G. 304 
Kennedy, Mrs. G. . 281 

Johnson, Capt. H. C. 324 

Kashinath K3sho . 16S 

Kennedy, Lt. G. 8. . 3>3 

Johnson, Br.Gl. J. E. 299 

Kashmir, Maharaja of 215 

Kennedy, Lt. II. H. 324 

Johnson, Cj-pr. J. T. 3-'4 


Kennedy, Mr. M. . 151 

Johnson, Capt. M. E. &2L 

Kauker, Maharaja of 213 

Kennedy 2nd Lt.S.V. 296 

Johnson, Lt.-Col. W. 286 

Kavanagh, Capt.E.J. 311 

Kenny.'Lt. E. C. . 311 

Johnston, Mr. A. F. 239 

Kay, Miss ... 179 

Kenny, Capt. W. G. 310 

Johnston, Mrs. . . 2b9 

Kay,Ctpt. H. C. . 333 

Kenrick, . r.O. H.B. 197 

Johnston, Mr. F, W. 235 

Kay Mrs 331 

Kensington, Mr. A. 252 

Johnston, Mis. . . 235 

Kay. Major W. H. . 298 

Kensington, Miss . 252 

Johnston, Capt. R. . 299 

Kay, Mrs 298 

Kensington, Mrs. . 252 

Johnston, Rev. S. H. 202 

Kayo, Mrs. ... 262 

Kensington, Capt. E. 309 


KenHington.Mrs. E.C. 309 

Kiran, Miss M. . 328 

Kuroibh.,Lt.M.l).A. 301 

Kensington, Capl. G.B.I 30 

Kirbv Mrs 157 

Kushalgarh, Rao of 222 

Kenhington, MrH.G.D. 130 

Kirb>, Maj. A. D. . 320 

KushsUpal Singh, 

Kenyon, Lt. II. I'. . 313 
Kenvon-Slane) , Ma.).- 

Kirbv, Mr. W. A. . 157 : 
Kirchner, Miss Mita 283 

Thaknr .... 279' 
Laoo, Lt. K. W. . . 333 

Ge'nl. W. R. . . 270 

Kirke, Capt. St. G. . 130 

Lace, Mr. .J. II . . . 160 

Kent, Capt. L. M. . 178 

Kirkpatru-k, Mr. C. 173 

Lachhim l^as Deo- 

Kconthal, Itaia of . 272 

Kirkpatnek, Mrs. . 17 1 

gan, Pandit, . . 279 

Ke.ppel, Sir I 1 . U. . 122 
Keppol, Sir 1). VV. G. 123 

Kirkpatnek, Capt. C. 270 
Kirk wood, Lt. T. W. 312 

Laha, Balm H. K. . 14A 
Lahej, Sultan of . 221 

KIT, Sir A. M. . . 252 

Kirkuood, Mrs. . . 312 

Lahore, Bishop of . 252 

Kor, Lady . . . 252 

Kirwan. Lt. E.W. . 301 

Lake, Sir P. . . . 307 

Ker, Capt. A. M. . 317 

Ki shan Kumar, Ka?a 27V) 

Lake, Ladv . . 308 

Kor, Mr. J. I 1 . . . 218 

Kishon ('hand, Mr. 285 

Lakhaji Raj, Thaknr 205 

Ker, Lt.-Col. M. A. 327 

Kihhi'ngarh, Raja of 2JK) , 

Lakhlar, Tliakor of . 221 

KeranH, Lt. E. T. .1. 311 

Kitclu-n, Lii'ut.'E. G. 321 

LaltaPrasad, KajaR. 229 

Kerm, Col. M. W. . 307 

Kiti-lung, Capt. C'. H. 311 

Lamb, Lt. 1). O. W. 304 

Kerin, Mr*. . . . 308 

Kitson, Mai.-G(>n. (i. 178 

Laml), Mr. R. A. . 151 

Ker in, Miss . . . 308 

KitHoh, ('apt. 11. G . 320 ; 

Lamb, Mrs. . . . 151 

Kerr Pearse, ('apt. . 223 

Klugli, Vt-n. Art-h. L. 2<)2 

Lamb, Lt. K. M. R. 315 

Kesava Pilhai, Mr. P. 226 

Knapp, Mr. A. H. . 223 

Lamb, Miss V. I. . 326 

Kcshri Sing, Kunr. 205 

Knapp, Mrs. A. H. . 224 

Lambert, Mr. . 200 

Kesteven, Mr. C. . 258 

Knapp, Floot Sur- 

Lambton, Capt. G. C. 333 

KeMimall, Mr. . . 285 

geon M. H.. . . 234 

Lambton Meu\, Ad- 

Hot, Maung . .162 

Knight, Mr. 1'. . .281 

miral Sir U. . 126 

Kettle well, Mr. A.B. 253 

Knott, Kirv. A. . . 21)2 

Lambton Meuv, Lady 126 

Kettlewell, Mrs. . . 253 

Knot!, Mrs. . . . 2!2 

Lam-e, ('apt. H. Fitz 271 

Key worth, Major W. 311) , 

Knight, Mr. K. . 281 

Lance, Mrs. . . . 271 

Khaii'pur, Khan of . 217 

Knollvh, Mai. K. W. K. 253 

Landon, Mr. P. . . 258 

K ban ladhana, Rao of 105 

KnoHw, Mrs. . . 253 , 

Lane, ('apt. F. B. . 2i>3 

Khan, Sarfara? II. . 142 

Knowles, Lt. J. . 283 

Lane, Mai. F. C. . 287 

Khan Chowdhun 

Know It's, Miss . . 283 

Lane, Maj. F. M. . 313 

Manlv. M. 1. . . 189 

Knowlos, Mis. E. S. 283 

Lane, Maj. II. A. . 295 

Khusniu. Jung Baha- 

Kiumk's, Mrs. . . 28*3 

Lane, Mrs. ... 295 

dur Nawnh ... 202 

Knox, Mrs. . . . 130 

Lane, ('apt. J. T. II. 310 

Khwaja TaMidduq 

Knox, Mrs. ... 161 

Lane, Lt. .1. W. . . 302 

Hussain . 251 

Knox Maior K. F. . 310 

Lane Mrs. .1. W. . 302 

Kidd, Lt. V. X. . . 303 

Knox' Sir G V . ''70 

Lang, Lt.-Col. A. G. 303 

Kidman, Mr. S. . . 2*2 

Knox, Ladv . . . 270 

Lang, Mr. . . . 253 

Kidman, Mrs. . . 282 

Kno\, Cupf. H.II.S. 130 

Lang, Miss . . . 323 

Kidman, MissE. . 282 

Knox, Mai. K. . . 101 

Lang, Capt. H. A. . 311 

Kidman, Mi*s O. . 28'! 

K oc, Major A. S. . 309 

Langhorne, Lt. A. P. 240 

Kidner, Lt. W. C. . 321 

Koo, Mrs. . . 310 

LaPruuandaye, Mibs 321 

Kiiu'iitd, Mr. C. A. . 151 
Kinoaid, Mrs. . . 151 

Kolhapur, Maharaja of 210 
Kotah, Maharao of . 220 

Larmour, Mr. F. . 231 
Lashela, Jam of . . 221 

Kmdersley, Mr. . . 282 

Kriekenbvek, Maj. K. 313 , 

Lascelles, Mrs. . . 282 

Ktndorslev, Mrs. D. . 282 , 
King, Major D. . .321 
King, Mr. C. S. . . 283 

Knerkonboek, Mrs. . 314 
Krishnaswaim Aivar 
^Mr. V 22C 

Latham, ('apt. A. . 304 
Lathbury, Capt. E. B. 317 
La Tone no, Mr. C. R. 148 

King, Mrs. ... 283 


La Tone-he, Mr. . . 157 

King, Mr. E. R . .283 

A 1 1 \ an gar, X. . 226 

La Touehe, Mr. J.X.D. 157 

King, Lt.-Col. It. . 325 
King,Sub-Lt. R. W.M.234 

Krumbiogal Mrs . 230 
Kuchlcr, Mr. G. W. 141 

La Touehe, Mrs. . . 157 
La Touehe, Miss. . 157 

King, Maj. S. W. . 299 

Kuchlor, Mrs. . . 141 

La Touehe, Mr. . . 212 

King, Mrs. S. W. . 299 

Kui'ht-sar, Rao of . 279 

La Touehe, Mrs. . 212 

Kingsford, Mr. I). II. 28'i 

KundanLal.Mr. . 285 , 

LaTonehe, Miss. . 243 

Kingsford, Mr. . . 282 

Kunhardt, Capt.F.G. 390 , 

Laurie, Mr. H. M. . 160 

Kingston. Mr. A. H. 258 

Kuuhardt, Capt. J. C. 130 

Lanne, Mrs. . . . 106 

Kmnaird, Master of 148 

Knnhi, Kiiinan ' 

Laverton, Lt. R. M. 310 

Kiran, 31 iss J. . . 328 

Menoo .... 259 

La^ie, Capt. H. E. . 317 



Law, Mr. G. H. . . 


Leslie, Lt. F. 1). 


Long, Major \V. .1. . 


Law, Mr. . I. M. . . 


. Leslie, Lt. F. K. 


Long, Mr. W. W. . 


Lawa, Raja of 

22 1 

Leslie, Miss M. . . 


Longdcn, Mr. C. C. . 


Lawford, Col. S. T. B. 


Leslie, MihS . 


LnngHtaif, Capt. R. 


Lawley, Sir Arthur . 


Lwlie, Lt. X. .1. B. . 


Lonmer Mr. J. G. . 


Lawley, Lady . 
Lawley, MISK 


Leslie, Mr. R. ,1. 
Leslie, Lieut. W. . 


Lonnier, Lt. .1. M. . 
Loughlm, Mr. F. J. 


Lawley, Miss M. 


Leslie, Mrs. . 


Lo\egro\c, Mr. W.H. 


Lawrence, 2nd- Lt. A. 


Leslie, Miss 


Lo\egro\c, Mrs. . 


Lawrence, Lt.H.R. L, 

, 325 

Leslie-Smith, Li. G. 


Lovett, Hon. H. . 


Lawrence, Capt. ,1. . 


Leslie, Lt. Col W. (H 1 

Lo\ett, Mrs. . . . 


Lawrence, Maj. P. R. 


Leslie-Smith, Mrs. L. 

' 323 

Lo\ett, Mr. Pat. 


Lawson, Major . 


Lcthhridgc,Ma.ior W. 


Low, Mr. C E 


Lawson, Mr. A. E. . 


Lcthhridgc, Miss 


Low, Lt.-Col. H. B. 


Lawson, Mrs. 

22 1 

I ewes, Mrs, . 


Low, Mrs 


Lawson, Mr. 


Lewis, Lt -Col.G.W. 

311 - 

Lowndes, Lieut . R.C. 


Lawhon-Simth, 2nd- 

Lewis, Lt. W. H . 


Lowry-Cole, Col A.W. 


Lt. T. E. . . 
Lea, Miss A. M. . . 


Lickman, Lt. H. S. . 
Lickman, Mrs . . 


Lowr'y Cole, Mrs. 
Lowther, Mr. B. C. . 


Lea, Mr. J. . . . 


Lickman, Miss 


Luard, Major C. C. . 

Leach, Lt. P. G. 


Lickman, MISH M. . 


Lnard, Major C. E, . 


Leader, Brig.-Gl. H.P 

. 270 

Lillic, Mr. 11. . . 


Luard, Mrs. . 


Lean, Lt. E. . . . 


Limhdi, Tliakor of . 


Lucas, Mr. F. H. . 


Lean, Lt. H. A. . . 

3 1 9 

Lincoln, Lt.-Col. S. 


Lucas, 2nd-Lt . G. B. 


Lean, Col. K. K. . 


Lincoln, Mr. G. A. . 


Lucas, Capt. G. W 


Lean, Mrs. ... 


Lincoln, Mr. S. W. . 


Lucas, Lt. H. C. M. 


Learmonth, Mr. T. . 


Lindley, Mr. E. S. . 


Lucas. Lt. H. di-N. 


Learmonth, Mrs. 


Lindley, Mrs. . . 


Lucas, Capt. T. C. 


Leather, Rev. M. G. 


Lindlev. Miss E. M. 


Lucas, W. . . . 


Lecky, Col. R. St C. 


Lindwi), Maj. A. B. 


Lucas Tooth, Lady . 


Lecky, Mrs. . . 


Lindsay, Mr. I). 


Lucas Tooth, Miss . 


Ledgard, Mr*. . . 


LindhJij, Mai. H. A. 


Luck, Lt.-Col. C. A. 


Lee, Capt. 


Lindsav, Mrs. . . 


Luck, Mrs. . . . 


Lee, Mrs 


Ling, Lt.C. (J. . . 


Luck now, Bishop of. 


Lee, Capt. 


Ling, Mrs. . . . 


Lukin, Maj. R. C. W. 


Lee, Ma). A. W. H. . 


Linton, Capt. C. S. 


Lukm, Mrs. . . . 


Lee, Mr! G. B. 


Lister, Capt. A. K. 


Lukis, General C. P. 


Leeke, Lt. \V. If. 


Lister, Mrs. . 


LukiM, Mrs. . . . 


Lees, Lieut. .1. V. E. 


Littlewood, Lt. W. 


Lumb, Capt. F. G. E. 


Lees, Mr. O. C. . . 


Llantrattock, Lady . 


Luuiley, Lt. .1. X. . 


Lees, Mrs. . . 

100 , 

Lloyd, Capt. J. R. . 


Lumsden, Mr. O. F. 


Legard, Major DeV . 


Lloyd, Miss 


Lnmwlen, Mrs. . . 


Legard, Lady 

271 ' 

LIovd-.J>nes, Major F. 


Lumsden, Capt. W. . 


Lcggatt, Mr! S. . . 


Loch, 2nd- Lt. E. E. 


Lumsden, Mrs. . 


Legge, Mr. F. C. 

1 .*>." 

Loch, Capt. F. C . 


Lunhani, Capt. J. L. 


Lehna Singh, Capl. . 


Loch, Lieut. P. G. . 


Lvall, Major W. H. . 


Leigh, Lord . 


Loch, Capt. S. G. . 


Lye, Lt.-Col. R. C. . 


Lcisrh The Hon. Miss 


Locke, Mr. ... 


L)c, Mrs. 

Lcleau, Capt. P. S. . 


Locke, Mrs. . . . 


Lyle, Mr. H. W.. . 


Lclean, Mrs. . . . 


Lockett, Capt. V. X. 


Lyle, MrH. . . . 


LcMaistrc, Mr. 


Lodder, Mr. K. R. . 


Lyle, Mr. J. C 


LeMcBguricr, Capt.G. 


Lodwick, Major .LT. 


Lynch, 2nd-Lt. R. F. 


LcMesnrier, Mr. H. 


Logan, Mr. X. L. . 


Lyoii, Mr. V. C. . . 


LeMcBiiner, Mrs. . 
Lentaigne, Mr. B. P. 
Lentaigne, Mrs. . 
Lentaigne, Capt. E. 
Leon Mons M. dc 


Logan, Miss . . . 
Logan, Lt. 
Logan, Lt. R. H. . 
Logan Home, Lt.-Col. 
Loharu, Nawab of . 


Ljon, Mrs. . . . 
Lvveden, Lord . . 
Macandrew, Maj. H. 



Lequesue, Rev. W. R. 
Le KOBsignol, Mrs. . 


Londesborough, Lord 
Londesboroagb, Lady 


Macandrew, Miss . 
Macauley, Capt. W. J. 



MacaulifTe, Mr. . . 232 
Mac-Call, Capt. H. I). :tefi 
Macartney, Lt. K A 30' 
Mat-bean, Maj. -Ocn.F. 307 
MacDiarmid, Mr. A. 28* 
MaeDiarnnd, Mr*. . 1?8'1 
Maedoimld, Lieut. H. 323 
2nd- Lieut. N. C. H. 324 
Macdonald, Dr. . . 282 
Maedonald, Capl. D. 292 
Macdonald, Mrs. . 282 
MacDonald, Captain 307 
Macfarlanc, Miss . 3LT> 
MarGrorge, Major .1. 2<i2 
Margrcgor, Lt. 1). A. H23 
Margrcgor, Mr. K. M. '8"> 
Mnckellar, Dr (MIHK) 161 

Macncill, Mrs. . . 324 
Macomiclue, Mr. . 253 
Mauphcraon, Mr. J.M. 1! 8 
Macpbernon, Mrs. . li<8 
Mjicphcrrton, Mr. D.J. 141 
Macphcrwm, Mrs. 141 
Mncplierson, Mr. C. . 248 
MacplMTKon, Maj.K.G. 310 
Macplicrson, MIH, K. :^20 
Macrae, Mr. A. H. . 218 
Macrae, Capt. J. C. . 32H 
Macrae, Mr. H. 8. F. 14? 
Macrae, MTK. . . 143 
Mac-Tier, Maj. H M. 310 
Madan Moluin Mala- 
\i>a, Fandit . 271) 
Ma<ldox, Mr. C. L. . 141 
Msiddox MTH. . .141 

, Mulronv, Lt.-Col. . 232 
Manulof, Nawab of . 256 
Manchester, Duke of 148 
, Manchester, Duchess 14s 
MandtTHon, Mr.H.H. 2R8 
Mundcrhon, Lt. K.W. 207 
Ma ixli, Raja of . . 228 
Mongin, Lt. K. B. . 32 
' Manifold, Mis. . . 276 
Manifold, Col. C. C. . 27 
Manik L;il .losln . 259 
M am pur, Kaja of . 228 
Mankclow, Lt. A H. 310 
MannerK-Sniith, Mr. 
F. St. (i. ... 187 
Mannci-h-Smith, Mrs. 187 
Manners -Smith 
Maj F 311 

Mnekcn/ie, Lt'. W. G. 317 
Mackcii/io. Capt. .!.. 126 
Macken/ie, Mrs. . 1"<? 

Miultfc, Mr. W.'C. ! 11'8 
Madlm\a Kao, V. P. 120 
IMii(lliu\ alal Cliiiiii" 

Manners-Smith, Mrs. 312 
ManncrK-Simth, Lt.- 
Col. .1. ... 103 

Maekcmie, Lt.-( 1 ol. C. 333 
Maekcn/ic, Lt. J. M. 301 
Mackenzie, Lieut. C. 23"! 
Mackeime, 2nd-Lt. M. tt 8 
Mackenzie, 2nd- Lt. I). 32 i 
Mackic, Lt. J. . . 317 
Mack union, Mr. 
Farquhar . . . 270 
Murk union, Mrt. . 270 
Mackinnon, M'IKH .lane L'82 
Mackler, MnjorU. H. :r. 
Maekwood.2nd-Lt.C. 323 
Maclachlan, Lt.K. D. :<2l 
Maelachan.Capt. A.F. 3:'4 
Maclagan.Mr. K. I>. . lf8 

bbai.Sir . l.^i 
Madho KJIO, Kadani 
Sardar, 205 
Madlio Sm^li, Kiinn, 
Subdr.-Maj. . .120 
Madho Lai, Haja . 270 
Madras, Hinhop of . 225 
Maffctt, Maj. K. K. . 303 
MuflVtt, Mm. R. K.. 3(>3 
MaflTo, Lt. J. L. . 333 
Matfev, Mrs. . . 'J.'3 
Mairniar, Capt. K . 139 
Magni::c, Mrs. . X3I 
Mahlmb Alain . 250 
Mulidi Httssain 

Munneih-Smith, Mrs. 103 
Manstield.C.ipt. C. B. 203 
MaiiHtiold, .Maj -Gcnl. 
H. ... 170 
MansMfld, Mrs, . . 170 
Manslield. Miss . 170 
MaiiMin, Mr. S. D. 230 
Alant, MrH. . . . 252 
Mant, Mr. R. A . . 252 
Maples, Capt. W. E. 303 
Mar A. K el lie, Karl of K6 
Mar A; Kellie, 
Countess of . . 126 
Mankar, SnrdarTrnu- 
bnk 155 

Marlagan. Col. K. S. . 1513 
Ma-lagan, Mr. H. S. 193 
MacLarcn, Mr. W. 8. ygc 
Maelaren. Capt. F. N. 139 
Mnclcnn Lt. M. F. A. 313 

Khan, Nawab Mir/a270 
Mabdi Shah. Sa>ad 250 
Mahcndra Ranjan 
Hoy, Kumar . .187 
Mabomcd Abdul 

Marriner, Lt. 8. F. . 303 
Marriott, Mr. K. K. . 243 
Mam at, Mr. X. . . 157 
MarrVat, Mrs. . . . 167 
Mam;it, Lt. N. . . 333 

Maclean, Mrs. . . 325 
Maclean, Capt. A. F. 326 
Macleod, ( apt. D. . 3ic 
MaeMillan, Capt. J. it '6 
MaoMullen, Capt. C. 133 
MncMunn, Major G. 130 
Mae Murray, Mi s . 173 
Macnab, Lt.-l'ol. A. 217 
Macnab, Mr. . .217 
Macnab, Maj. G. K. . 316 
Macnabh, Capt. R. J. 245 
Macnabb. .\r. A. C. 245 
Macnab b,Lt.- Col. D.J. ICO 
Macnabb.Mra. . . 100 
MacNecce, 8ur.-Gen 
J. G. . . . 322 
MacNccce, Mrs. . 322 
Maeoee, Lt. E. A. . 333 
Wacneill, Rev. J. H. 324 

Kuddus, Mr. M. . 216 
Mabon, Capt. H. J. . 333 
MainwaruiK. Lt.G.K. 310 
Main waring, Mr. . 310 
Mnir, Lt. B. V. . . 302 
Wait land, Mrs. . . 173 
Maj id, Mr. A. . . 18'J 
MnjoribankH, Maj. 
R. D 322 
Makrai, Raja of . . 227 
Malan, Mr. C. H. . 253 
Malan, Capt. L. M. . 178 
Malan, Mr> ... 178 
Malegaon, Raja of 154 
Malcrkotla, Nawab 
of . 227 
Malkain, Mr. *N." B! 285 
Mnloney, Lt. C. W. . 128 

Mamat. Mrs. . . 334 
MarMen, Maj. A. T. 313 
Marsden, Mis. . .313 
Maish, Capt. C. H. . 297 
Marhh, Mrs. C. H. . 297 
Marsh, Capt. R. ft.. 297 
Marhh, Lt. A. C. E. . 297 
Mar&h, Capt. F. G. 38 
Marsh, Dr. Jane . . 148 
Mar*h, Rev. X. C. . 173 
Marshall, Mr. J. A.. 185 
Marshall, Mrs. . . 185 
Marshall, Major H.T. 325 
Maryland, Mr. F. . 157 
Maryland, Mra. . . 157 
Martin, Rev. H. C. . 130 
Martin, Mrs. H. C. . 130- 
Martin, Mr. L. J. . 157 
Martin, Mrs. ... 157 


Martin, Mi UK A.df.K. 

327 . 

Ma>ers, Mr. S. K. . 275 

Mead, Mis. . . .318 

Martin, Miss il. dolt. 

327 , 

Ma>iwrd f Mr. H. .1. . 253 

Meade, Lt. M. K. M. 196 

Martin, Lady 

327 ' 

Ma\:ird, Mrs. . . LT>3 

M ears, Maj. C. 1). . 334 

Martin, Mr. Just ice. 


Mauic, Lt. 11. G L. 310 

Me.ire, Mrs. C. D. . 293 

Martin, Lt Gen.SirA. 


Mtue, II. . 3or, 

Medlv%, Col. G. A. . 270 

Martin, (.'apt. K. G. 

Ma/hanilHa<jm',Mr.M. llti 

MedUcott, Mr. S. . 322 

dc H . . 


MtArdlo, Lt. I 1 . 3'.'U 

Medlicolt, Mrs. . . JW2 

Martin, Major F. 


MrHai-iiett.MajorA.K. 271 , 

Medheott. Capt. U.K. 322 

Martin, Lt. \. I). . 


MeHurnett, Mnjor . 'j;>8 , 

Meek, Lieut. A. H. . 153 

Marti no/, Don .1. M. 


MH'allnni, Sir K. 193 ' 

Mehtn, Mr. L. H. . l&K 

Mascall, Lt. M. K. . 


MeCalhun, Lady . 1W 

Mehta, SirPherozeshahld 

Mason, Mr. K. 


MeCalniont, Mn|. (it'll. 

Mehla, L:dv . . . l fil 

Massie, Maj. K. 11 . 


Sir 11 . I7t> 

Meli, Mr. .l! . . ^5 

Maflsicu, Madame . 

LV>i . 

Mc( 1 aljii(nt, Ladv 1 70 

Mel,, Mrs. . . 385 

Matron, Sir Da\ id 


MK'alinoiit.Lt I) 1I.K 3i2 

Mcl.tus. Air. P. G. . M 

Masson Lady . 


MfCaiihlniul.Ll KT.3ll ' 

Mel it us, Mrs. . W 

Massu Khaii, S. . . 

2:0 ' 

McCaw, Mr. V. .V.'H 

Mellns, Mis* . . 327 

Mas*}, Capt. F. S. . 


Mri'levert\, Capt.A.I! 10." 

Melhss, r. (Jl. C. .1. 12U 

Mass}, Mrs. F. S. . 


Mc('](>\crt\, 1'apt .!{..! 3o2 

Melliss, Mis. . 241 

Massj.Lt 0. ,1. H. K. 


MeC'loskc'N, Mr. \ K. 1 57 

Mellor, Mr. . ft& 

Masters, Lt A. . 


MI-COIIIUK, Mr H. . 2J3 

Mellor, Capt (J. F. . 36 

Masters, Lt. (). . 


MrCoinah, Mr. H. . 24'J 

Mellor, Mi>. G. F. . #* 

Masters, MIS& 
Mataiua, Sitrnor K 

2*0 . 

MK'onairhi'\,Cnl \. i: 
MrCiillajrh.Lt H H :i!7 

Mellor, Capt. A. . 2U7 
Mellor, 2u<lLt.. I. K.M. 324 

Mat hew, rapt (J. I). 


McDonnell, Mr. K.(i I0> 

Melvill Cupt. T. P. . 271 

Malson, Capt. .F. . 


Me Far lane, Ki. \. 3lfl 

Mehille, Capt. K.P.A. :W6 

MatMin, Mrs. 


McGill t Mm H H . 3IH 

Mrhill.-, Mrn. K.P.A. .'M)6 

Matthew, Lt M C G. 


Me(J]ll, Mrs . 3i8 

Mennic, Mrs. . . :M 

Matthews, Mr. F. P. 


Mc(TilIi\ra\.t'apt W.S. :'.'JO 

Menu i.', U.-Col. J.O. 309 

Matthews, Mis. . 


Mc(, 3O1 

Menon, 1C. M. . . 226 

Matthews, Maj.K V.C. 


Mi-lntohh, Mr. K. . lOi) 

Mcn/icn, HCM. II. . 243 

Matthews, Mis.K.A.C. 


Mel\e.,2ulLt I) L. 33 i 

Mercer, Hr. Gl. H. F. 270 

M'Liil'i liakhsh 

23 I 

MeKav Mr (i M. 281 

Mercer, Mrs . 270 


McKav' Mrs. . -^ 

Me.cer, Mr A. W. . 248 

Maun g liah Too,' Mrs. 
Maurice, Mr. H. A. . 



MeKeeiiiiie MJ^ . 243 
MeKenna, Mr K. 2<J 

Mercer Mrs 248 

Mcre<lith, Mr.A. . . 252 

Maule-Cole, Capt. S. II. 


MeLau/hlin.Capt II D 10'i 

Meredith, Mrs. . . 252 

Mawe, Ke\. M. 1). . 


Mi-LanKhlin.Mrs . :0 

Men-wet her, Mrn. . 245 

Mawe, Mif. . . . 


McLean, Cajit X. 310 

Mcrntt, Lt. li. T. li. 318 

Maung, Sao . 


McLeiMl, Mr. N . - Ul 

M.'Hioii. Mr. J. S. . 198 

Maxwell, Lt.-Col. F.A 

. 125 

MeLefHl, Lt \ 1C. . 316 

Mi-Bton, Mrs. . . 198 

Maxwell, Mi*. . 

I 6 

MrLccxl, Lieut. I). K. 15'J 

Mela, Mr. T. N. . m 

Maxwell, Mr. W. . 


McLeo.l, Mr. . . .212 

MttaxH ( MTH . . 173 

Max veil, Mrs. . . 


MeLeod, C:ip1 (i.L S. :^0 

Metcallc. Lt. H. F. . 316 

Maxwell, Miss . 


MeMahou, Lt.-Col Sir 

Mctralfc.Mr.H. fc.F. 253 

Maxwell, Mr 


A. H. ... 123 

Metcalfe, Lt. K. D. . 2U7 

Maxwell, Mrs. . . 

3"5 ' 

Mi-Mahon, Lady. . 12 

Michael, Mr. W. H. 193 

Maxwell, Miss Mary . 


McMahon. MISH. . 128 i 

Michael, Miss . . 193 

Maxwell, Mr. C. W.. 

24 i 

McNeil, Mr. J. . . 213 

Michael, Mr. W. H. 161 

Maxwell, Mr. 1. W. . 

LSI ' 

M c PhiThon ,Capt . D. W 2tt 

Michael, Mrs. . . 151 

Maxwell, Capt. W. F. 

3 4 

McPhiThon, Mrs. . 24CJ 

Michacltton, Mr.Max 283 

Maxwell, Lt.-Col. W. 
Maxwell, Mrs. W. L. 

304 ' 
305 , 

MePhcrHon, Mr. H. . 141 
McRae, Capt. H.U. . 318 , 

Mieliell,Capt.J. C. 333 
Middlcton, Mr. R.H. 167 

Maxwell, Lt. W. G. . 


Mr Robert, Sir A. . 270 

Middleton, Mrs. . . 157 

Maxwell, Capt. E. L. 
May, Mr. A. J. . . 

315 J 
167 ' 

MrKobcrt, La*ly . . 270 
MeSwmcy, Lt.H.F.C. 310 i 

Mfddleton, Lt. W.A. 324 
Miles, Mr. A. G. . 2f8 

May, 31rs 
Maydwell, Capt. U.S. 
Maydwell, Mrs. . . 
Myer, Dr. C. A. L.. 

184 i 
296 j 

138 ' 

MeVean.Maj.D.O.D. 318 ! 
MeWattwrs.Capt.H C. 815 ! 
MeWatten*, Lt. W. . 329 i 
Mead, Lt.-Col. H. R. 317 ' 

Miles, Capt. K. P. . 229 
Miles, Mrs. ... 20$ 
Miles, Mr, E. W. T. 338 
Millar, Lt.-Col. W. 883 


Millar, Mrs. ... 334 

Miller, Lt. G. N. . 318 

Miller, 2nd-Lt. A. E. 303 

Miller, Mr. O. V. . 138 

Miller, Mrs. ... 138 

Miller, Capt. L. G. . 333 

Miller, Lt. W. H. . 290 

Millet, Mr. G. P. . 151 

Mills, Capt. A. M. . 297 
Mills, Mrs. . . .297 

Milne-Home, Lt.A.C. 315 

Milne, Miss ... 282 

Milne, Lt. II. W. . 390 

Milward, Capt. C. A. 302 

Minchin, Lt.-Col. C.F. 235 

Minchin. Mrs. . . 235 

Minchin, Maj. A. B. 202 

Minchm, Col. P. F. 130 

Minchin, Mrs. . . 130 

Minchin, Mrs. . . 202 

Minocheeher-Homji . 259 
Minter, 2nd-Lt. J.P.S. 309 

Mir Jafar Khan, Bis. 177 

Misick,Mr. J. . . 248 

Misick,Miss . . 248 
Mitchell, Capt. J. .130 

Mitchell, Mr. W. . 331 

Mitchell, Mrs. . . 331 

Mitchell, Miss . . 331 

Mitchell, Miss M. 328 
Mitchell, Lt. W. G. S. 319 

Mitford, Lady Helen 294 

Mitford, Col. K. . 322 

Mitford, Capt. C.B.O. 294 
Mitra, Mr. Rajeshwar 166 

Mitra, Mr. B. C. . . 141 

MitSingh,Subr.-Maj. 125 

Mitter, Lt. J. A. T. . 245 
Mobariz Khan, Lt. 

Malik .... 256 

Mohcrly, Miss L. G. 283 

Moberly, Lt. H. S. . 390 

Mocatta, Mrs. . . 311 

Mocatta, Lt.-Col D. 310 

Mockler, Lt. E. C. . 304 

Mockler.Mrs. . . 325 

Mody.Mr. K. A. . 284 
MohamedMahdi Ali 

Khan, Raja . . 280 

Mohammad AH . 259 

Mohan Lai, R. B. . 256 

Moir, Capt. J. E. . 304 

Moir, Capt. J. E. . 291 

Molesworth, Capt. E. 223 

Molesworth, Mrs. E. 224 

Molyneux, Maj. E. . 331 

Molyneu*, Mrs. . . 331 

Monaljan, Mr. F. J. . 187 

Monahan, Mrs. . . 187 

MoncriQff, Capt. A. . 320 


Money, Maj. E. D. . 124 

Mount, Mrs. ... 239 

Money, Mrs. E. D. . 130 

Mourbhani, Chief of 229 

Money, Lt. G. W. P. 311 

Mousell, Mr. J. 239 

Money, Capt. H. I. . 303 

Mowbray, Capt. J. 1 . 130 

Money, MIBB . . . 331 

Mowbray, Miss . 131 

Money, Lt. W. S. E. 294 

Moylan, Mr. . . 317 

Money, Capt. E. F. . LSI 

Moylan, Mrs. . 317 

Monk, Mr. F. P. . 173 

MubarikAli . . 259 

Montague, Lord C. . 126 
Montagu Stuart Wort- 

Mudhol, Chief of 229 
Mudholkar, R. N. 598 

ley, L..C. W.R. 308 

Mudholkar, Mrs. 198 

Montagu Stuart Wort- 

Muhammad Abdul 

ley the Hon. Mrs. 308 

Majid. . . 279 

Montanaro, Lt. C. . 312 

Muhammad Abdul 

Monteath, Mr. J. . 260 

Karim Khan, Nb. 279 

Montford, 2nd-Lt. D. 308 

Muhammad Ali Jinn ah 198 

Montray, Lt. A. G. 300 

Muhammad Ah Mohd. 

Montray, Mrs. A. G. 300 

Khan, Raja Sir . 279 

Moodliar, Sardar C. V. 155 

Muhammad Akbar 

Moody-Ward, Lt. R. 323 
Moore, Lt.-rol. C. . 306 

Khan Raja ... 266 
Muhammad Akbar 

Moore, Mr. D. O. . 157 

Khan, Lt. ... 205 

Moore, Mr. W. T. . 188 

Muhammad Anwar 

Moore, Mrs. ... 297 

K. B 226 

Moore, Capt. H. D. 309 

Muhammad Aslam 

Moore, Lt.-Col. F.L. 296 

Khan, Lt.-Col. 

Moore, Mr. P. L. . 225 

Nawab Sir . . 235 

Moore, Mrs. . . . 225 

Muhammad Bashir. 

Moore, Miss . . 173 

mi-din .... 259 

Moore, Capt. F. H. . 323 


Moore, Mrs. ... 323 

K.B. ... 226 

Mordaunt, Miss A. 286 

Muhammad Hayat 

Moreland, Mr. W.H. 276 

Malik . . . 286 

Morgan, Miss. . . 173 

Muhammad Faiyaz 

Morgan, Capt. H. A. 301 

Ali Khan ... 280 

Morgan, Mrs. H. A. 301 

Muhammad Aslam 

Morgan, Capt. A. H. 333 

Khan, Nawab Sir . 124 

Morgan, Mr. G. . 187 

Muhammad Khan, 

Moriarty Capt F B 319 

Raja 25 

Morison/Mr. W. ' '. 151 

Muhd. Muzammil* 

Morley, Mr. W. C. . 157 

Ullah Khan, 

Morley,Mr. . . 157 

Nawab .... 280 

Morley,Miss . . 157 

Muhammad Nasim . 280 

Morony, Miss . . 173 

Muhammad, N awab 

Morris, Lt. I). B. . 318 

Saiyid .... 143 

Morris, Capt. C. 0. . 307 

Muhammad Khan, 

Morris, Mr. F. D. . 285 

Rr. Khwaja ... 240 

Morris, Lieut. G. H. 322 

Muhammad Sal eh - 

Morris, Major G. M. 309 

ud-din .... 226 

Morris, Mrs. . . 309 

Muhammad Shaft . 262 

Morshcad, Mr. L. F. 141 

Muhammad Shira ?. . 284 

Morshead. Mrs. . . 141 

Muhammad Taki Kn. 234 

Mort,Mr. A. . . 239 

Muhammad Tasad- 

Morton, Capt. S. . 330 

duck Rasul Khan . 280 

Mosley, Capt. H. S. 294 

Mnir. Capt. W. W. . 126 

Moss, t apt. E. W. . 311 

Muirfwad, Capt. .l.A. 130 

Moss, Mrs. . . .311 

Muirhead, Mr. A. . 226 

Mosse, Capt. A.H.E. 163 

Muirhead, Mrs. . . 226 

Mostyn, Lt. T. L.N. 311 

Muir-Smith, Maj. J.. 330 

Mount, Lieut. A. H. 239 

Muir-Smith, Mrs. . 330 



Mukharji. Mr. Justice 198 

Nanton, Col. H. C. . 299 

Nicolas, Mrs. . . . 263 

Mukharji, Mr. II. N. HI 
Mukharii, Mrs. . . HI 

Nanton, Mrs. H.C. . 299 
Norendra Bahadur 

Nicolls, The Yen. 
Archdeacon. . . .'K>5 

Mules, Lt. W. G. H. 309 
Mullaly, Lt.-Col. A. 320 
Muller, Miss . . . 173 

Pal, Raja ... 280 
Norendra Nath Kaul, 
Pandit .... 216 

Nicolls, Mrs. . . . 306 
Nicolls, Mr. R. N. . 239 
Nicolson, Capt.F. A. 125 

Mullick, Mr. B. K. . 187 

Nafharsingji Ishwar- 

Nimhalkar, Kumvar 

Mullick, Mrs. . . 187 
Mumtaz Mohd. Lt. . 130 

singji, Sardar . . 131 
Nariman, Dr. Temul- 

Sultan .... 206 
Nixon, Lieut. B. G.F. 320 

Munn, Major R. G. . 330 
Munn, Mrs. ... 331 

jiBhikaji ... 151 
Nanman, Mr. . . 151 

Nixon, Lieut. E. J. . 277 
Nixon, Capt. E. M. . 294 

Munna Lai, R. B. . 280 

Narindra Nath, 

Nixon, Capt. F. B. . 326 

Munshi Ram . . . 259 

Diwan .... 256 

Nixon, Sir J. E. . .241 

Munro, Capt. A. C. . 313 
Muirhcad, Miss . .200 

Narpat Sing, Thakur 205 
Narsinghgar, Raja of 233 

Nixon, Ladv ... 241 
Noble, Col. 'R. A. . 287 

Murland, 2nd Lt. . 295 
Murphv, Capt. 0. C. 271 
Murphy, Mrs. . . 271 
Murray, Dr. R. K. . 173 
Murray, MajorS. ,T. 300 
Murray, Capt. H. F. 316 
Murray, Capt. H. A. 201 
Murray, Comdr. G. . 234 

Narsingh Parshad, 
Munshi .... 280 
Natesan, G. A. . . 259 
Nathan, Mr. Adol- 
phus . . . . 286 
Nathan, Mr. Philip . 286 
Nathan, Mr. R. . .187 
Natthi Mai, R. B. . 280 

Noble, Mrs. . . 287 
Norbury, Maj. C. H. 311 
Norie, Lt.-Col. C. E. 309 
Norman, 2nd-Lt. S.S. 302 
Norman, Maj. W. I f. 325 
Norman, Mrs. . . 325 
Norns, Lt.-Col. K. E. 305 
Norr.H, Mrs. E. E. . 305 

Murray, Mrs. . . 193 
Murray, Miss . . 284 

Nation, Lt. R. F. . 811 
Nattesh Appaji 

Norris, Miss . . W5 
Northey, Lt. W. B. . 303 

Murray, Capt. . . 284 
Murray, Lt.-Col. C. . 193 

Dravid . . . 259 
Nawab AH Chaudhri, 

Norton, Lt. K. F. . 298 
Nugent, Baron . . 225 

Murray, Major V. . 243 
Murray, Mrs. . . 243 
Murray, Miss M. . 284 
Murray, Lt. C. A. G. 310 
Murra-, Lt. R. A. r. 324 
Murray, Lieut. A. C. 324 
Murray, Miss . 324 
Murshidabad, Nawab 

Moulvi Syed . .187 
Nawanagar, Jam of . 234 
Nedalie, Mr. ... 284 
Needham, Mr. F. J. . 188 
Needham, Capt. II. 19 
Nehru, Moti Lai . 277 
Nehru, Mrs. Moti, Lai 277 
Neill, Capt. N. . . 296 

Nugent, Baroness . 225 
Nugent, Lieut. C. . 323 
Nugent, Mai.C.H.H. 130 
Nugent, Mrs. . . 130 
Nnr Muhmd. Khan . 236 
Oakcs, Lt. .1.0. . 296 
O'Brien, Mr. . . 212 
O'Brien. Lieut. W. . 16 

of ... .141 

Neilson Capt. J. F. . 294 

O'Brien, Major A. J. 252 

M[urtaza Khan, 2nd- 
Lt. Aga ... 205 
Murtrie, Mr. D. ,T. . 249 
Mushtak Uunain Nb. 280 
Muspratt, Capt. V. E. 295 
Muspratt, Col. P. C. 271 

Nelson, Capt. C. . .307 
NetherRolc, Mr. M. . 277 
Nethersole, Mrs. . 277 
Neumann, Capt. C. W. 321 
Nevill, Capt. II. L. . 320 
Nevill, Mias ... 321 

O'Brien, Mrs. . . 252 
O'Brien Butler, Capt. 326 
O'Callaghan, Mrn. . 326 
O'Connor, Mr.Scott '243 
O'Connor, Mrs. Scot t 243 
Odgers, Mr. C. E. . 225 

Muspratt, Mrs. . . 295 
MUBBOU, Lt. E. N. . 302 

Neville, Lt.-Col. E. A. 275 
Neville, Mrs. . . . 173 

Odgers, Mrs. . . . 225 
Odluin, Capt. W.H. 295 

Myers, Mr. D. B. . 328 
Myers, Mrs. ... 328 

Newal, Lt. C. L. N.. 309 
Newbould, Mr. B. B. 188 

Odium, Mrs. ... 295 
O'Donakl, Lieut. E. 126 

Mylcs, Lieut. P. II. . 320 
Mysore, Maharaja of 230 
Nabha, Raja of . . 232 

Neweomhe. Capt. G. 309 
Newington, Capt. C. 312 
Newnham. Maj. C.C. 130 

O'Donnoll, 2nd Lt. B. 303 
O'DonnuII, Mrs. M. . 287 
O'Donuell, Mr. S. P. 287 

Nagar, Mir of ... 217 
Nagpur. Bishop of . 166 
Naha, Babu Ananga 

Newnham, Mrs. . . 130 
Newton, Lt. H. G. T. 298 
Newton, Lt. T. C. . 297 

O'Donnell, Mrs. S. P. 288 
ODonovan, Mr. D. . 185 
O' Donovan, Mrs. . 185 

Mohan . ... 189 

Newton, Mr. W. G. . 160 

O'Dwyer, Mr. M. F. 163 

Nali an (Sirmur), 

Nicholas, Capt. R. 306 

O'Dwyer, Mrs. . . 163 

Raja of .... 232 

Nicholson, Capt, . 177 

Oertel, Mr. ... 277 

Nahar Singh, Kun- 

Nicholson, Sir Arthur 286 

Oertel, Mrs. ... 277 

war . . 205 

Nicholson, Mr. M. . 288 

Officer, Lt. W. G. . 303 

Naicker, Mr. K. S. . 284 

Nicholson, Capt. R. 294 

Ogg, Capt. W. M. . 130 

Naish, Rev.H. . . 323 
Nandi, Maharaja M. 143 

Nicholson, Mrs. . . 294 
Nicolas, Maj. F. C. . 253 

Ogg, Mrs. ... 130 
Ogilvie, Capt. G. D. . 163 


Ogilvie, Mrs. . .163 
Ogilvie, Lt..T. D. . . 304 
Ogilvie, Major W. H. 307 
Ogilvie, Mrs. ... 308 
Ogilvy, Miss A. A. . 3'>5 
O' Kelly, Capt. H. . 206 
0' Kelly, Capt. R. . 334 
O'Kclly, Lieut. J. W. 308 
O'K mealy, Lt.-CoI. F. 1*& 
O'K mealy, Mrs. . J 27 
Oldfield, Mrs. . . *87 
Oldham, Lieut. W. S. 321 
Oldham, Mrs. 0. A. . 141 
O'Leary, Capt.M. . 293 
O'Lcary, Col. F.K.R. 133 
Oliver, Capt. I>. G. . 217 
Oppcnhcim, Lt.A. C. 324 
Orchha, Maharaja of 241 
Ordo, Mr. P. L. . . U6 
O'Reilly, Lt. .J. J . 334 
Ormond, ur. JusticeE.160 
Ormond, Mrs. . . 161 
Ormsby, U.-Col. V 310 
O'Borke, Lt.J. AJ.W. 204 
Orr, Mr. E. W. . . 225 
Orr, Capt. G. M. . 130 
Orr. Lieut. N. C. 324 

Orr, Mr. J. ... 151 
Orr, Mrs. . . 151 
Orr, Ewing, Lt. H. 316 
Orr, Wilson, Capt. 305 
Ostel, Miss. . . . 124 
Oswald, Lt. F. . 204 
Ottley, Major W. J. . 325 
Ottley, Mrs. . . 325 

Ouseley, Mrs. B. S. . 2?-6 
Ovans, Lt. H. L. . 315 
Ovans, Mrs. . . .315 
Ovens, Lt J. R. 300 

Owen, Capt. C. H. 305 
Owen, Mr. C. B . 239 
Owen. Capt. H. C. . 157 
Owen, Mr. A. C. . . 166 
Owen, Mrs. . . . 939 
Owen, Miss ... 303 
Owen, Miss . . . 157 
Owen, Mrs. . 157 

Owen, 2nd-Lt. R. flf. 3u3 
Owon, Sergt. . . . 335 
Owen Jones, Lt. R, 91 
Oxley, 2nd Lt. G. S. 308 
Pack Beresford, Mr. 286 
Pack Beresford, Mrs. 286 
Padday, Lt. W. H. . 319 
Padtield, Mr. R.C.H. 173 
Page, Mr. C. . . . 173 
Page, Mrs. ... 173 
Page, Mr. F. J . . . 157 
Page, Mrs. ... 157 


Paine, Maj. J. H. .313 
PakenhamWalhh, Mr. 239 
PakenhamWalsh, JVhs. 239 
Palunpur. Nawab of 244 
Paleologus, Maj. W. 301 
Palin, Col. G. W. . 3<>9 
Paliu, Mrs. . . . 329 
Palin, Mi&s . . . 329 
Pahtana, Thakur of 155 
Pallanji Burjorji Dc^ai 259 
Palmer, Lady Alex, . 294 
Palmer. Rt.Hon.G.W 2H3 
Palmer, Mrs. . . 2H3 
Palmer, R. . . . 286 
Palmer, Lt. W. L. . 294 
Palmes, Lt. W.E. . 294 
Panet, Maj. A.E. . 133 
Panua, Maharaja of 245 
Parbal Partab Singh, 

Raja ?80 

Parhury, Lt. If. F. . 271 
Park, 2nd-Lt. J. H. 303 
Park, Mr. M. . . 2r8 
Parker, Lt. H. J. .311 
Paikcr, Lt.-Col. J.L. 313 
Parker-JeniH.Capt.W 324 
Parkin Lt.-Col. II. 161 
Par kin, Mrs. . . 161 
Paroell, Lt. M. E. 294 
Parr, Major II. O . . 270 
Parsons, Miss . . 173 
Parsons, Miss . . i'86 
Parsons, Lt. A H. . 309 
Parsons, Lt.-Col. . L'52 
Parsons, Mrs. . . 252 
Parsons, Mr. J. . . 286 
I aisons, Mrs. J. 2s6 
J'arrons, Mr R. . 12^ 
Pai-tab Bahadur Singh, 

Kaja 280 

Partab Bahadur Singh, 

Raja 280 

Partab Singh, Maha- ' 

raja Sir . . . . ]22 
Partao Singh, Sardar 198 
Partabgar, Raja of 245 
Paske, Capt. . . 302 
Pa eke, Lieut. E. H. 302 
Passq. Capt. de L. . 301 
Pataudi, Nawab of . 246 
Paterson, Lt G. F. 325 
Paterson, Capt. T. . 306 
Paterson, Lieut. R. 328 
Pateshri Partab Na- 

rnyan Singh, Raja 28^ 
Patia a, Maharaja of 246 
Putna, Nawab of . 143 
Patronas, Mr. M. .. 173 
Patronas, Mrs. . . 173 

| Patterson, Mrs. . . 193 
I Patterson, Mr. A E. 200 
Patterson, Lt. A. G. 310 
Patterson, Major S. 193 
Payne. Capt. R. L. . 300 
Peacock, Maj. H. B. 159 
Peacock, MIHS . . 159 
I'eacocke, Lt.-Col. T. 328 
Peacock, Mrs. . . . 328 
Peake, Lt. F. G. . 303 
Pcake, Lt. II. C. P. 31'6 
Pearce, Mrs. . . 325 
Peavce, Mrs. . . . 185 
Poarcc.Mre. . . 243 
Pearco, Mr. C. M. . 1*5 
Peaicc, Mr. W. R. . 243 
Pearee Serocold, Maj. 308 
Pears, Mr. >S E. . 241 
Pearee, Mrs. . . . 232 
PearbO, Lt.-Col. G. B. 232 
Pearse, Lt. J. F. B. 324 
Pear&on, Lady A. A. 300 
Pearson, Sir A. A. . 298 
Pearson, Lt. G. H. 298 
Pearson, Mrs. U.K. A. 306 
Pearson, M:n H.F.A. 306 
Pearson, Maj. W. B. 2l ! 9 
Peck, Mujor K. S. . i!4 
Pedley, Lt.-Col.. . 332 
Peerbhoy, Mr. Abdul 

HuHsein Adainji . 151 
Peerbhoy, Sir Adamji 155 
Pellv, Miss . . . 207 
Polly, Lt. J. H . . 311 
Peniberton.Lt. E.H. 270 
Pemherton, Lieut. S. 222 
Pona, Senor E. . . 193 
Pendlebury, Mr. W. . 203 
Pendlebury, Mrs. . '><>3 
Pennmgton.Maj.A.W. 331 
Pennington, Mrs. . 331 
Pennyman, Lt. J. B. 310 
Pepper, Lt. H. . . 130 
Pepper, Mrs. . . 130 
Perreau, Maj. A. M. 313 
Perreau, Mrs. . . 313 
Perreau, Capt. G. A. 304 
Perry, Mrs. ... 286 
Persse, Mr. H. . . 322 
Peters, Mr. C. E. D. 277 
Peters, Capt. J. . . 304 
Peters, Mr. R. . . 336 
Petit, Sir Dinshaw . 1&& 
Petit, Miss H. F. . 282 
Petrie, Mr. D. . . 248 
Petrocochin,Mr.L.D. 103 
Peyton, Bg.-Genl.W. 193 
Peyton, Mrs ... 193 
Peyton, Mr. W. H. . 157 
Phillip, Mr. W. A. . 173 



Philip, Mrs. ... 173 

Ponsonby, Lt.-Col. 

Pritchard, Lt. W. D 320 

Philips, Capt. .T. C. 303 

Sir F. B. G. . . 123 

Pritchard, Mrs. . 269 

Philips, Mrs. J. C. . 303 

Ponsonhy, Lt. H. C. . 308 

Prohett, Mr. C. T. 335 

Phillips, Mr. ... 282 

1'on.Honby, Lieut. G.D. 3 9 5 

Procter, Sir H. . 151 

Phillips, Mrs. . . 28S 
Phillips, Mrs. . . 166 

Poonoh, Raja of . . 215 
Poore, Col. . . .179 

Proctor, Rev. . 286 
Procs, Mr. E. M. 150 

Phillips, Capt. E. H. 298 

H>ore, Lady ... 179 

Proes, Mrs. . . 161 

Phillips, Mr. F.A.T. 166 

Pope, Lt. A. N. . . 316 

Prophit, Miss . 328 

Phillips, Mr. F. W. . 247 

Pope, Lt. P. F. . . K25 

Proudfoot, Lt. C. A. 302 

Phillips, Col. G. A. . 26'1 

Porteous.Maj.C.MeL. 309 

Pruce, Mr. P. J. . . 239 

Phillips, Mr. P. . . 259 
Phillips Major P 2?4 

Porteous, Lt. B. G. 318 
Porter Mr L A 275 

Prvor, Maj. P. 
ilolland. ... 130 

Phillips, Maj. T.B. '. 323 

Porter, Mrs. . . . 275 

Prvor, Mrs. . . .130 

Phipps, Major H . R. 305 

Poiter, MIRH . . . 239 

Pudukkottai.Rajaof 250 

Pickford, Capt. A.D. 275 

Porter, Mr. L. C. . 198 

Pugh, Mrs. L. T. E. . 185 

Pierce, Miss ... 124 

Porter, Capt. M T. . 231) 

Pulley, Capt. O. C. . 185 

Piggott, Mrs. . . 277 

Pottingcr, Lt. J. A. 271 

Pullev, Mrs. . . .188 

Piggott, Mr. Justice 277 

Powel-Cotton, Mrs. . 207 

Pulleyn, Lt. G. H. . 329 

Pigott, Mr. B. K. . 157 

Powell, Maj.-Gen. C.H. 299 

Pulverman, Lt. A.W. 313 

Pigott.MrH. . . . 157 

Powell, M rs. C. H. . 299 

Purau Singh, Col. . 214 

Pike, Capt. G. D. . 325 

Powell, Maj. J. . . 241 

Purcell, Mr. K. E. . 185 

Pilcher, Maj-(ienT.D. 29H 

Powell, Lt.-Col. S. 11. 322 

Purccll, Mrs. . . . 185 

Pilkington, Major . 203 

Powell, Mr. W. W. . 285 

Purecll, Lt. R. J. H. 308 

Pilkington, Mr. . . 195 

Prabhakaran Tham- 

Purekh, Mr. G. K. . 156 

Pilkington, Mrs. . 195 

pan . 259 

Puri, Capt. M. L. 306 

Pilkington, Mrs. . 203 

Prakram Singh, 

Puri, MM 306 

Pillinger, Capt. R. . 294 

Kunwar . . . 205 

Purton, Rev. G. A. 173 

Pirn, Lt. G. A. . . 309 

Pramada Nath Roy, 

Poynty. Mr*. . . 203 

Pinens, Mrs. . . 286 

Raja .... 198 

Queripel, Capt. L. H. 321 

Pinens, Mr. C. M. . 286 
Pinhey, Lieut.-Col. 202 
Pinhcy, Mrs. . . 202 

Prasad. Bahn Braja 
Kishor .... 143 
Prat up Singh, Raja . 205 

Quieros, Mr. A. . . 336 
Quinlan, Vet. Lt. D. 384 
Quin, Maj. R. P. W. . 319 

Pinhey, Miss V. . 202 

Pratt, Mr. E. M. . . 151 

Quin, Mrs. R. P. W. 320 

Pinhcy, Miss . . 202 

Prendergast, Lt.-Col. 

Quin Ian, Mrs. D. . 243 

Pirie, Miss . . . 293 

C. G 303 

Quinn, Maj. J. J. P. 317 

Pirie, Brig.-Gen. C.P. 292 

Prcnderga8t,Mre. . 303 

Raban, Capt. R.B. C. 124 

Pirie, Mrs. C. P. . 292 

Prendergast, Lt. . . 325 

Radcliffe, Mr. E. . 327 

Pirthi Singh, Lt. . 205 

Presswell, Mr. T. G.. 185 

Radfonl, Lt. A. H. . 301 

Pisangan, "Raja of . 127 

, Presswell, Mrs. . .185 

Radiord, Lt. M. C. . 323 

Pithapuram, Raja of 227 

Preston, Mr. . . .200 

Rudhanpur, Nawab 

Pitkeathly, Mr. J. 8. 195 

Preston, Lt. C. O'D. 261 

of 260 

Pittaluga, Chcv. A. . 193 

! Preston, Mr. S. . . 200 

Rao, Mr. C. D. . .249 

Pitts-Tucker, 2nd- 

! Proston, Mr. T. H. . 258 

Rafferty, 2nd-Lt. J. . 300 

Lt. C. M. ... 319 

Price, Capt. T. R. C. 325 

Ratiq, Mr. Muhammed 277 

Plant, Capt. ... 139 

1 Price, Mrs. ... 325 

Rafiuddm Ahmad, 

Platt, 1 1. W. . . . 315 

Price, Col. C. U. . . 153 

Moulvi .... 151 

Plowden, Capt. C.T.f. 164 

Price, Mrs. . . . 153 

Raghugarh, Raja of . 165 

Plowden,Mrs. G. C. 253 

Price, Lt. R. St J. L. 325 

Raghuraj Singh, Raja 280 

Plowden, Lt. H.R.H. 271 

Price, Major C. M. . 309 

Raghava Rao, Mr. G. 226 

Pocock, Capt. M. R. 303 

Price, Mr. H.Williams ^86 

Rahman.NawabAbdul 143 

Poc, Capt. C. V. L. . 808 

Prickard, Mr. G. H. . 248 

Raigorh, Raja of . 260 

Pollard Lowsley, 

Prideaux, Maj. F B. 181 

Raikes, Capt. L. F. . 312 

Capt. H.deL. . . 165 

Prideaux, Mrs. . 184 

Railston, Lt. 8.J.W. 297 

Pollard-Lowsley, Mrs. 166 
Pollexpcn, Mrs. . . 286 

Priest, Miss . . 173 
Priestley, Sir A. . 234 

Lt. R 318 

Pollexpeii| Miss. .' 286 
Polley, Lt. S. T. . . 297 
Pollock, Capt. B. V. 127 
Polio k-M orris Capt 

Priestly, Mrs. . 319 
Priestly, Mr. E. . 155 
Prince, Capt, R. E. . 322 
Pritchard, Capt. B. 130 

Rais .lung, Nawab . 206 
Rais Yar Junjr, Nawab 206 
Rajamarwar Chettiar, 
Mr 284 

T. A. . '. . . 319 

Pritchard, Capt. H. 269 

Rajgarb, Raja of. . 260 


Rajkot.Tliakur Sahib 

of 2GI 

Rajpipla, Raja of . 261 

Raj Ram Rao . . . 259 

Ralston, Capt. W. H. 302 

Ramanuj Dayal, R.B. 280 
Ramchandra Reddi Mr.281 
Ram Chandra Rao, 

Aha Sahib ... 205 
Ramchandra Rao. 

Mr. M 226 I 

Kain.ii, Mr. Manmohan 

Das 155 

Ram Kant Malviya . 259 

Ram Kishen, Mr. . 243 
Ram Kishen Shastri, 

P. . . . 280 

Ramnad, Raja of . 227 
Ram Pal, Raja . .257! 

Rampal Singh, Raja 280 
Raru Par tab Singh, 

Raja of Mandu . 280 
Kampur, Nawab of . 124 
Ram Singh, Kunwar 205 
Ram Singh, Raja . 280 
Ramsay, Miss . . 132 
Ramsay, Mrs. . . 132 
Ramsay, Maj. A. 1). 183 
Ramsay, Mrs.. . . 183 i 
Ramsay, Miss E. L. 282 ' 
Ramsay, Col. J. . 13'3 ' 
Ramsay, Lt. J. 11. . 297 
Ranee, Mr. T. . . 346 
Rangoon, Bishop of 160 
Ranjit Singh, Raja. . 205 
Rasbotham, Capt. 1>. 293 
Rasbothum, Mrs. . 293 
Rat lain, Raja of . . 263 
Ratclifle, Mr. C. . . 243 
Ratchffe, Mrs. C. . 244 
Rattrny, Major H.B. 1:30 
Rattray, Mrs. . . . 130 
Ranbir Singh, Kun- 
war Sir ... 246 
Raw, MT. W. . . . 183 
Raw, Mrs. W. . . 183 
Rawoliffc, Mr J. L. . 285 
Rawoliffo, Mrs. . . 285 
Rawlence, Lieut. M. 19t? 
Rawlins, Mr. ... 271 
Rawlins, Mrs. . . 271 
Rawlinx, Major A.K. 148 i 
Rawlins, Mr. E. F. . 143 I 
KawlinPon, Lt.-Col. 236 
' Rawlinson, Mrs. . . 236 
Rftwson, Mr. . . .185 
Bay, Babu Mohendra 

Nath .... 143 
1 Bay Chowdhury, 

Babu B. K. ... 190 

Ray Chowdhrv, Raja 

RMiardsoii, Mrs. . 200 

M. N. . \ . . 190 

Richardson, Lt.-Col. 

Ruy, Maharaja G. N. 189 

H L 302 

Ray Maharaja Jaga- 

Richardson, Mrs. . 302 

dimlraNath . . 189 

RifhardKon.Mai. J. J. 296 

Rav, Mr. Saradindu 

Rieketts, Mai. P. E. 297 

Narain .... i90 

Rk-ketts, Mrs. . . 297 

Ray, R. B. Sita Nath, 190 

Rieketts, Major P.L. 301 

Ray, Raja Bahadur 

Rieketts, Mrs. P. L. 305 

Sasi Sekhareswar . 190 

RickettK, Lt. E.W.C. 306 

Raymond, Capt. K.D. 295 

Richmond, MTK. . 225 

Raymond, Mrs. . . 295 

Richmond, Mr. T. . 225 

Raynor, Lt. C. A. . 321 

Riddell, Capt. A . .390 

Raynor, Mr. V. 0. . 239 

Riddell, Maj. H. .1. . 331 

Read, Mr. J.C. . . 173 

Riddell, Mr. W. . . 331 

Read, Mrs. . . . 173 

Riddell, Capt. W. H. 311 

Read, Lt. W. R. . 179 

Ridgeway.Capt.K.W. 28* 

Read, 2nd-Lt. W. R. 293 

Ridley, Mr. ... 299 

Reddiar, Mr. S. R. . 284 

Rien, Mr. J. L. . . 151 

Reddic. Mr. J. G. . 161 

Rum, Mrs. . . . 151 

Reed, Mrs. . . . 311 

Rigby, Capl. C. M. . 326 

Heed, Capt. II. R. B. 310 

Ri ley, Capt. C. B. . 301 

Rces, Capt. J. G. . .296 

Riley, Mrs. C. B. . 301 

Recs-Mogg, Lt. G. B. 308 

Rimington, Maj-Gen. 

Reid, Miss . . .179 

M. F 179 

Reid, Mrs 179 

Rimington, Mrs. . 179 

Reid, Sir Arthur . . 252 

Kimingtoi), 2nd-Lt. 

Reid, Lady ... 252 
Rpid, Capt. J. M. . 294 

R. G. \V. . . . 320 

Rishworth, Lt. J.R. 330 

Reid, Col. L. H. . . 179 

Ritchie, Miss . . 286 

Reid, Mr. W. J. 188 

Ritchie Capt.M. B. 11. 298 

Rene-Puaux, Mons. . 258 

Ritchie. Mrs. . . 298 

Rcnnick, Mr. C. S. . 244 

R i vers Moor, Mrs . M. 283 

Renmck, Mrs. . . 244 

Rivett-Carnae, Capt. J. 327 

Renmck, Miss . . 244 

Rivett-Carnac, Mrs. . 327 

Rennick, Mr. . . . 269 

Roberts, Mr. J. C. . 174 

Rennick, Lt.-Col. R. 26'J 

Roberts, Mrs. ... 174 

Reunie, Col. ... 159 

Roberts, Lt.-Col. J.R. 163 

Ronnie, Mrs. . . . 159 

Roberts, Mrs. . . 163 

Ronnie. Lt.-Col. S..T. 333 

Roberts, Capt. N. d'E.328 

Reimy, Capt. H. B. 306 

Robertson, Capt. D. B.325 

Runny, Mrs. H. B. . 306 

Robertson, Mrs. . 325 

Renny, Doctor. . . 285 

Robertson, Mrs. . 19-* 

Renton, Miss . . 173 

Robertson, Mr. H. . 198 

Renton, Lt.-Col. R. R. 301 

Robertson, Mrs. . 198 

Renton, Capt. \* . G.F. 293 

Robertson, Capt. D. 192 

Reuss, Prince Hein- 

Robertson, Mr. F. A.. 252 

riehof .... 193 

Robertson, Mrs. . . 252 

Revuell, Rev. A. J. . 300 

Robertson, Mr. F.W. 258 

Rewa, Maharaja of . 264 

Robertson, Rev. H. . 195 

Rewehotty, Mons. L. 193 

Robertson, Maj. J. C. 278 

Reynolds, Mr. J.R.. 157 
Reynolds Mrs J R 157 

Capt . .310 

Reynolds', Mr. L/w; 193 


Rhodes, Miss . . 310 

Mrs 311 

Rice, Mr. W. P. . . 161 

Robiuow. Mr. Frank 286 

Richard, Mr. Maurice 282 

Robins, Mr. F. J. . 174 

Richards, Mr. H. G. . 277 

Robinson, Mrs. . . 212 

Richards, Mrs. . . 277 

Robinson, Bg.-Gl.C.T. 307 

Richardson, Mr. . 200 

Robinson, Mrs. . . 308 



Robinson, 2nd-Lt.l).C.319 Roy, Rai Sita Nath. 142 

Sahm, Mauh i Abdus 143 

Robinson, Capt. R. . 271 Ruck, Mr. R. C.. . 283 

Salvage, Lt.-Col. J.V. 327 

Robinson, Lt. S. O. . 296 

Ruck, Mrs. R. C. . 281 

Salkield, Mr. T. . . 174 

Robinson, Maj. S. W. 307 

Rudd, Maj. ... 314 

Salkield, Mrs. . . 174 

RobmSOU Lt.-Col. W. 212 Miulrn. lnrtali S.ihi 

Salt Mr J . 335 

Robson, Lt. R. E. . 195 

Raja . . .280 

Salvage, Mrs. . . 327 

Rodda, S. K. . . 155 

Rlikmangad Singh, 

Sahe&on, Lady . . 283 

Salvcson Ernest . . 283 

Kodocanaclu) Mrs. . 285 RumbolJ, Mr. . . . 200 

Salvoson, Miss . . 283 

Rodman, Mrs. M. . 282 Kundall, 2nd-Lt.L.B. 803 

Sambanda Mudaliar, 226 

Rodman, Miss . . 282 

Bundle, Mr. G. A. . 248 

Samthar, Raja . . 265 

Rodwell, Mr. E. H. . 287 

Rundlett, Mr. J. H. . 185 

Sandbaeh, Miss . . 253 

Roe, Capt. C. 1>. . . 334 

Rundlett, Mrs. . . 185 

Sandbrook, Mr. J.A. 258 

Roe, Mr. B. R. . . 139 i Russell, Mr. Justice. 151 

Sand ford, Miss . 124 

Rogers, Lt. G. S. . 310 

Russell, Mrs. . .151 

Sanders, Maj. F. W. 244 

Rogers, Mr. G. J. . 217 

Russell, Miss. . . 284 

Sanders, Miss . . 244 

Rolfe, Lt. N. . . . 327 

Rdfwell, Mrs.. . . 207 

Sankaran Nair, M. J. 225 

Kollo, Mr. A. D. . . 157 

Russell, Mrs. . . T81 

Sangster, Mrs. . . 292 

Ronaldson, Maj. R. W.319 

Russell, Capt. A. J. 297 

Sanders, Mr. H. J. . 193 

Ronev-Pougal, Mr. . 286 

Rus&ell, Lt. ... 287 

Sanders, Mrs. . . 193 

Roney-Dougal, Mrs. 286 

Russell, Mr. C. L. S. 206 

Sanders, Major G.A.F. 130 

Rontliff, Capt. . . 334 

Russell, Capt. E. C. 328 

Sanders, Mr. II. C. . 262 

Rooke, Major G. . 312 

Russell, Mrs. 282 

Sanderson, Mr.Gordonl74 

Roome, Lieut. H. E. 195 

Russell, Capt. J. C. 250 

Sanderson, Mrs. Gordonl 74 

Roome, Lt.-Col. H.N. 299 

Russell, Lt. J.F. . 312 

Sanderson, Lt. P. N. 310 

Roome, MTK. II. N. . 299 

Rustam All Khan, 

Sanderson, Lt. A. J. 310 

Roome, Maj. R. E. . 291 

Nawab .... 257 

Sandes, Capt. W.C. . 322 

Roos-Keppel, Lt.-Col. 

Rutherford, Miss C. 286 

Sandcs, MJHS . . 322 

Sir U. . . .234 

Rutherford, Col. C. . 179 

Sanwal Singh, Raja 

Roosmale-Cocq, Maj. 312 

Rutherford, Mrs. . 179 

Bahadur. ... 281 

Roots, Mr. James . 335 

Ruthcrfoord, Lt. D.G. 320 

Sandilands, Capt.H.R.315 

Rose, Comdr. G. G, . 161 

Rutherford, Mr. R.E. 174 

Sangli, Chief of . . 266 

Rose, Mr. G. W. N. . 241 i Rynd, Lt.-Col. S. C. 329 

Sangster Capt. P. B. 292 

Rose, Mr. H. E. . . 244 Rynd. Mrs. . . . 329 

Sangster, Miss . . 202 

Rose, Mrs. ... 161 

Rynd, Miss . . . 329 

Sapte, Lt.-Col. D. . 315 

Rose, Mrs. C. S. . . 244 

Saehin. Nawab of . 264 

Santbir Gurung, Capt. 177 

Rose, Miss ... 244 Sadanand Pande,R,B. 281 

Sarangarh, Raja of . 266 

Rose, Miss ... 281 Sadeshri Prasad Narayan 

Sarhadhikari, Babu 

Rose, Miss ... 3i2 Singh, Raj. R. B. . 280 

Deba Prosad . . 143 

Rose, Maj. J. L. . 331 Sahib Singh, Mr. . 285 

Sardar, Saiyad Edroos 

Rose, Mr. W. C. . . 174 i Sahay, Babu Bal 

All El .... 152 

Rose, Mrs. . . . 174 | Krishna ...... 143 

Sardar Singh, Haja 

Ross, Dr. Dcnison . 258 

Sahay, Rai Shibu 

Bahadur. ... 281 

Ross, Mrs. . . . 2.'8 

Shanker ... 143 

Sarel, Maj. G. B. M. 325 

Ross, Mr. C. E. . . 239 

Saif Ullah Khan, 

Sarel, Miss ... 325 

Ross, Mrs. C. E. . 239 

Nawab .... 257 

Sarel, Mrs. ... 325 

Ross, Miss D. M. . 304 

Sailana r Raja of . . 265 

Sarkar, Rai Annada 

Ross, Maj. F. G. C. . 309 

Sain, Raja Mong 

Prasad .... 143 

Ross, Maj. T. C. . . 319 

Nephru .... 190 

Sassoon, Sir Jacob . 155 

Rosevears, Rev. W.H. 174 

Saiyid \bu Jafar.Raja 281 

Sassoon, 2nd-Lt. A.N. 296 

Rosevears, Miss . . 174 

Saiyed Ahmad Shah, 

Sassoon, t tS.J. . 320 

Rotton, Major J. G. 297 

awab .... 281 

Satyendra Nath Sen. 259 

Rotton, Mrs. . . . 297 

Saiyid Al-i-Nabi,K.B. 281 

Saunders, Lt. M. . 319 

Rountree, 2iid-Lt.A.N. 317 

Saiyid Hussain Bil- 

Saunders Mrs. . . 277 

Routh, Col. C. . . 186 

grami .... 198 

Saunders, Capt. A. C. 321 

Routh, Capt. G. S. F. 331 

Saiyid .Md. Sahib, 

S aunders, MajorF.W. 322 

Rowbury, Mr. W. . 285 

Nawab Bahadur . 198 

Saunders, Mr. A. L. . 277 

Rowbury, Mis. . . 285 

Salamullah Khan, 

Saunders, Mrs. . . 322 

Rowcroft, Maj. C. H. 295 

vawab .... 166 

Savage, Lt.-Col. W.H. 311 

Roy, K. C. ... 259 

Saldaiiha, Mr. P. F. . 226 

Savage, Mrs. ... 312 



Savage, Misses . . 312 
Savai Singh, Kunwar 2u5 
Savi, Maj. R. J. T. . 318 
Savi, Mrs. ... 818 
Saxby, Mr. H. B. . . 167 
Sayed Shamsul Hnda, 
Maulvi .... 198 
Sayed Ah Imam, Mr. . 198 
Scanlan, Mr. P. C. . 28 J 
Schmidt, Mr. C. M. . 225 
Schmidt, Miss . . 174 
Schofield. 2nd-Lt. W. 316 
Schumacher, Mr. J. 
K 258 

Senior, Maj. H.W.R. 312 
Seshagiri Aiyar, Mr. 226 
Setalvad, Mr. Chi- 
ti, an Lai Han Lai . 152 
Set on, Mrs. . . .164 
Socton, Maj. C. II. . 311 
Seymour, Capt. B. u . 34 
Seymour, Miss . . 253 
Seymour, Lt. E. V. F. ?95 
Seymour, Mrs. . . 3C8 
Seyinour,Capt. C.H.N. 308 
Seymour, Capt. C. G. 309 
Seys, Lt. R. C. . 305 
Shakespear. Lt. W.B. 309 
Shakespear, Mr. G.F. 181 
Shakespear, Mrs . SOS 
Shakespear, Col. L.W. 307 
Shah Beg Khan, Col. 193 
Shams Din Malik . 287 
Shakespear, Mr. G. F. 284 
Shanmubham, Pillai 
Mr S T . 227 

Shooraj Sing, Rana, 
Raja 281 

Sheppard, Maj. S. II. 327 
Sheppard, Mrs. . . 152 
Sheppard, Mr. W. D. 152 
Sheppard, Mr. T.F.G. 157 
Sheppard, Mrs. . . 157 
Sheppard, Miss . . 174 
Sher Singh, Capt. . 177 
Sher Mahomed Khan, 
Subadar-Major . . 149 
Sher & Mohalla, 
Sultan . ... 267 
Sheridan, Mr. C. . . 194 
Sheridan, Mr. P. C. . 184 
Sherlock, Capt. G.W.S. 328 
Sherston, Lt. J.R.V. 326 
Shettle, Capt. II. S. . 321 
Shipp, Mr. W. E. . 157 
Shipp, Mrs. ... 157 
Shipster, 2ud-Lt. W. 302 
Sluv Charan Das, L. 214 
Shiv Darshan Lai, L. 214 
Shore, Col. O.B. S.F. 130 
Shore, Mrs. ... 130 
Shore, Mr. N. B. P. 278 
Shore, Maj. W. F. . 3,8 
Short, Col. A. H. . 163 
Short, Mr. V. A. . 251 
Short. Oo 1 . A. U. . 292 
Shorten, Cant. J. A. 298 
Shout, Mr. F. P. . 249 
Shutc, Lt. C. A. . .326 
Showers, Lt. t ol. H. 262 
Showers, Mrs. . . 22 
Shuttle worth, Capt. 177 
Shurtleworth, Capt. 
A. R. B. . . . 128 
ShutilewoFthMrn.A. 131 
ShuttlevNorth, Caut. 
B. W 318 
Shuttle wo 'th,Cai>t. I). 128 
Shuttleworth, Mr.H. 2'3 
Sikkim, Maharaja of 267 
Simpson, Lt. R. C. . 209 
Simpson, Lt. G. G. 334 
Simpson, U. M. W. 310 
Simson, Lt. A. . . 334 
Simsoii, Mi. J. . . 241 
Singh. Mr. Dip 
Norayai ... 143 
Singh, Raja Narpat . 143 
Singh, Maharaja 
Kumud Chandra . 190 
Singh, Raja Thaku- 
rai Bhagwat Dayal. 144 
Singh, Maharaja Sir 
Rabaneswar Prasad 144 
Singh, Kumar Shiba 
Nandan Prasad . 144 

Soh"aiger, Mr. Imre 174 
Schwaiger, Mrs. . 174 
Sclater, Maj.-Genl. 
H . . 133 

Sclater, Mrs. ... 133 
Scott, Mr. .J . . . 125 
Scott, Sir Basil . . 15? 
Scott, Mr. S. . . 174 
Scott, Mr. F. S. . . 195 
Scott, Mr. ... 200 
Scott, Mrs. ... 200 
Scott, Mr W. H. . 200 
Scott, Mr. E. A. . 239 
Scott, Mibs ... 271 
Scott, Mr. ... 271 
Scott, Mrs. . . 271 
Scoit, Maj. R. A. . 282 
Scott, Mrs. . . . 283 
Scott. Miss L. . . 260 
Scott, Lt. M A. H. ?99 
Scott, Lt. R. N. G. . 303 
Scott, Capt. H. St. G. 304 
Scott, Mrs. ... 304 
Scott, Miss. ... 304 
Scott, Miss A. . . 3'6 
Scovcll, Lt. A. M. . 3*4 
Scratchloy, Mr. A. J. 25? 
Scratch ley, Mrs. . 252 
Seabrooke, Mr. . . 17^ 
Seagrim, Mr. C.. . 207 
Sealy, Major A. E. . 304 
Sealy, Capt. H. G. . 309 
Sealy, Mrs. A. K. . 304 
Sears, Mr. R..H. . 184 
Seconde*, Lt. E. C. . 311 
Seddon, Mr. C. N. . 138 
Seddon, Miss . . 138 
Seddon, Mrs. . . 138 
Softon, Karl of . . 127 
Softon, Countess of l'J7 
Seller, Lt.-Co. W.I). 309 
Selby. Lt. B. H. . . 316 
Sen Rai Baikuntha 
Nath .... 143 
Sen, Mr. P. ... 188 
Sen, W, N, -. . . 269 

Shahpura, Raja of . 245 
Shaltbaz, Khan, Nawab 
Sir 135 

Shaf tesbury, Earl of . 12'? 
Shaf tcabury, Countess 122 
Shakespeavs, Capt. H. 304 
Shannon, Capt. J. H. 284 
Shannon, Mrs. . . 284 
Shaf to, Lt. T. J. . 3 IB 
Sharp, Mr. W. H. . 152 
Shaw, Mr. J. O'Neil. 17A 
Shaw, Mrs. ... 174 
Shaw-Stuart, Sir H. 225 
Shaw, Rev. Pritchett. 310 
Shaw, 2nd-Lt. J. . 302 
Shadi Lai R. B. . 253 
Shaw, Mr. G. W. . 161 
Miss Ida ... 282 
Sharp, Mr. H. . . 198 
Shaban AH Khan, 
Raja K. B. . . ?8l 
Shambhu Dayal, Raja 231 
Shakespear, Lt.-Col. 

Shaw-Stewart, Lady 225 
Short, Mrs. ... 292 
Shafto, 2nd-Lt. . D. 324 
Shea, Maj. J. . . 292 
Shea, Mrs. . . . 292 
Shehan r Mr. Mark . 335 
Sheehan, Capt. G. . 327 
Sheikh Abdullah . 247 
Shelly, Lt.-Cl. A.D.G. 262 
Shelly, Mrs. . . . k62 
Shekleton, Mrs. . .2.6 
SheoMangal Singh, 281 
Shepherd, Capt. C. I. 302 



Singh, Maharaja Sir 
Ramoswar . . . 144 

Smith-Ryland, Mrs. 2?6 
Smith, Maj. F. A. . 145 

Spender, Mr. A. . . 2 J 6 
Spender, Mrs. . . 2S6 

Singh, RajaSeoraj 

Smith, Mrs. ... 145 

Sporanza, Lt.-Cl.W.S. 296 

Nanda- .... 144 

Smith, Maj. W. F. . 217 

Sporan'/a, Mrs W. S. 299 

Singh, Raja Durga 

Smith, Mrs. W. F. . 217 

Sporan'/a, Miss . . 299 

Prasad .... 143 

Smith. Mr. C. A. . 225 

Spreekley, Lt. A. F. . 309 

Singh, Raja Kala- 

Smith, Mrs. . . . 225 

Spring, Mr. F. J. E.. 225 

nanda .... 143 

Smith, Mr. Sydney . 218 

Sprot, Lt. J. W. L. . 316 

Singh, Raja Kamal- 

Smith, Vrs. Sydney . 2i8 

Sprot, Mis. . . . 316 

eswari Prasad . .143 

Smith, Miss Sydney 248 

Sprot, 2nd- l,t. H. M. 317 

Singleton, Capt. H. 319 

Smith, Miss K. . 248 

Sprot, 2ud-Lt. K. W. 298 

Singleton, Mrs. . . 319 

Smith, Mr. II. Scott 253 

Sprot, Miss . . 325 

Si ha, Mr. Sachchi- 

Smith, Mrs. Si-ott . 253 

Sprott, Mr. F. L. . 152 

da anda . . 198 

Smith, Mi SH Scott . 253 

Sprott, Mrs. ... 152 

Sinha, Maharaja 

Smith, Lt.-Col. S. B. 253 

Spurrier, Capt. R. S. 292 

Rariajit . . . . 144 

Smith, Maj. G. lt.deH.270 

Spurrier, Mrs. . . 293 

Sinha, Babu Kirta- 

Smith, Mis. . . . 270 

Squire, Lt. F. C. . 306 

nnnd . . . 144 

Smith, Mr. R. B. . 277 

Srhnanth, Balkishan 

Sinha. A. I). N. . 250 

Smith, Mr. P. 

Rao Hhao, S. Raja 281 

Si g ja Maharaja of 268 

Eustace . . .282 

Stack, MIHS M. . . 326 

Sirohi, Maharaja of . 2t>- 

8 mi ill, The Hon'ble 

Stallard, 2ud-Lt. G. R.305 

Sisson, M". W. A. C. 239 

Stainforth . . . 284 

Stallard, Maj. H. G.P. 308 

SisMon, Mrs. . . . -39 

Smith, Mr. W. G. . 284 

Stainfordham, Lord 122 

Situmau Raja of . 1268 

Smith, Mrs. Herbert 294 

Stanborough, Capt.L. 305 

Sitwell, Col. W.H. . 290 

Smith, Capt.' . K. . 2)5 

Stanborough, Mrs. . W6 

Sivaswami Aiyar Mr. 216 

Smith, Mr. A. B. . 237 

Stands go, Mai. K. P. 231 

SVemp, Mr. P. W. . 2*3 

Smith, Caj.t. F. V. S. ft 6 

S andbriUge.Capt.W.J.323 

Skinner, Cant. A. B. 1104 

Smith, Lt. R. C. . 317 

Stan den, Miss B. . 149 

Skiprtith, Mr. F. E 157 
Skipwith, Mrs. . . IPS 

Smith, Mr. ... 355 
Smith, Mr. T. D. . 335 

Stand en, Miss. . 149 
Stanley Heed, Mr. . 2E8 

Skipwith, Capt. P. . 195 

Smith-Marriott, Miss ?8'i 

Stapledon, Lt. C. C. 302 

Skipwith, and-Lt. C. 312 

Smyth, Capt. < .A.W. 131 

S^apleton, Mr. B. . ?3 

Slacke, Mr. F. A. . 141 

Smyth-Osborne, Mr. 277 

Stansfcld.Maj.H.H.G- 390 

Slaeke, Mrs. ... 141 

Smyth, Via]. H. . 314 

Stansfeld,Mrs.H. U.G.399 

Slad3 SirE.J. . . 109 

Smyth Mrs . 315 

Stansf eld, Capt. J.R. 316 

Slade', Lady .' . .109 

Sorabji Shavaksha't, 

Stansfield, Major C.G. 807 

Slada Miss . . . 109 

K S . . . 2SI 

Stansfield Mrs . . 317 

Slade' vr. G. E. R. . 158 

Solomon, Mr. P. E.. 283 

Stanton, Ht.-Col H.E. 123 

Sladen, Maj. D. R. . 309 

Sorneraat, Lt.-Col. C. 821 

Stanyon.Mr. b. J. . 1*6 

Slater, Mr. S. H. . 225 

Som-rset, M-s. 3'il 

Stanyon, Mrs. . .166 

Slattery, Mr. J. . . 105 

Sornerville, Col. T.C. 334 

8'aunton, Lt.-Col. G. 316 

Sloan, Mr. R. A. W. 2^6 

Romervillc, Lt. W.A. 318 

Staunton, Mrs. . . 317 

Slocock, Mr. P. S. A. 166 

Sommorville, Rev.Dr . 212 

Stead, Mr. C. . . 248 

Slocock, Mrs. ... 166 

Son pur, Chief of . 269 

Stead, Mrs. ... 248 

Sloggett,8n.-Gl. A.T. 131 

Sopper, Lt. E. .271 

Steel, Maj. E. B. . 327 

Sloggett, Cpt. A.J.H. 150 

Sopwith, Lt. G. E. 195 

Steel, Mrs. . . . 3:7 

Sloper, Lt. G. O. 315 

Boater, Mr. W. L. B. 155 

Steel, Mai. R. A. . 812 

Small 2nd Lt. E. G. 300 

Spaik.Mr. . . . 32 

Steel, Mrs. ... 312 

Small wood, Maj. P.G. 116 

Sparkes, Mr. H. H. . 231 

Steel, Capt C. E. . 3'>0 

Smallwood, Mrs. . 127 

Sparkes, Mrs. . 231 

Steel, Lt. C. N. . , 301 

Smallwood, Mr. E. . 2P3 

Sparling, Capt.S.J.B, 301 

Steele, Capt. C. . .296 

Sraedley, M itss . . 179 

Sparling, Miss . . 241 

Stecb, Capt. 0. . . 323 

Smellie, Mr. J. H. . 239 

Spaulding, Mr. R. . 283 

Steele, Miss . . . ?83 

Smellie, Mrs. . . . 239 

Spaulding, Mr. W. S. 28 J 

Steeb, Mrs. . . . ?81 

Smiles, Mr. H. . . 2.38 

Spaulding, Mrs. . . 2*3 

Stoalc-Perkins, 2tid-Lt. 334 

Smith Camming, Lt. 
A. M 240 

Spenec, Mrs. . . 14 
Spence, Lt.-Col.P. T. 146 

Stent, Mr. D. H. 156 
Stephen, Lt. H. C. . 315 

Bmith-Dorrien, Lt.- 

S^enoe, Mrs. ... 146 

Stephen, Mr. Justice 199 

Gen. SirH.L. . 122 

Spencer, Mr. F.R.B, 287 

Stephen, Mrs. . . 199 

flmith-Ryland, Mr.C. 286 

Spencer, Mr. H. . .277 

Stephens, Mrs. N. . 203 



Stevens, Miss. . . 253 

Straight, Mr. P.M. . 277 

Swinburn, Mr. . . 133 

Stevenson, Capt. G. H.293 

Strange, Col. R. G. . 327 

Swiney, Lt.-Col. E.R. 310 

Stevenson-Moore, Mr. 141 

Strange, Mrs. . . 327 

Swiuey, Mrs. . . . 310 

Stevenson-Moore, Mrs. 141 

Strangman, Mr. T. J. 152 

Swiney, Miss . . . 310 

Stevenson, Mrs . . 152 

Strangman, Mrs. . 152 

Swinhoc, Major E. A. 179 

Stevenson, Surgn.- 

Stratton, Lt.-Col. W. 2B2 

Sydney Edwards, Mr*. 287 

Genl. W. H. . . 152 

Stratton, Major F. C. 131 

Symon, Capt. F. . . 305 

Steward, Capt. E. M. 299 

Stretton, Maj A. . . 334 

Synnott, Lt. P. J. . 320 

Steward, Miss . . 299 

Stride, Mrs. . . , 331 

Taekberry, Lt. J. B. 319 

Steward, Miss . . 322 
Steward, Miss D. . 322 

Strong, Lt. G. D. . 318 
Strong, Mrs. ... 318 

Takht Singh, Raja . 168 
Talbot, Mr. A. W. J. 174 

Stewart, Mrs. . . 248 

Strong, Mr. E. S. . 239 

Talbot, Miss M. M. 174 

Stewart, Capt A. D. 312 

Strong, Miss . . . 239 

Talpur, Khan of . 155 

Stewart, Capt. P. D. 316 

Strong, Capt. A. D. 212 

Tanner, Col. J. A. . 131 

Stewart, Lt. G. C. . 2'.4 

Strong, Dr. ... 212 

Tarleton, Mr. W. H. . 161 

Stewart, Lt. W. P. . 319 

Stuart, Maj.-Genl. R. 179 

Tarleton, Mrs. . .161 

Stewart, Maj. A. B. A. 324 

Stuart, Mrs. . . .179 

Tarrant, Lt. H. S. . 319 

Stewart, Major. P. T. 318 

Stuart, Sir Harold. . 227 

Tashmuddin Ahmed, 

Stewart, Mr. A. C. . 21& 

Stuart, Lady ... 227 

K. B 190 

Stewart, Mr. F. II. . 141 

Stuart, Mr. L. . . 277 

Tata, Sir D. . . . 155 

Stewart, Mrs. . 141 

Stuart, Mr. A. H. . 283 

Tata, Lady . . . 284 

Stewart, Mrs. . . 3*9 

Stulpnagcl, Capt. C. W. 313 

Tata, Sir Dorabji . 283 

Stewart, Mrs. F. J. . 318 

Stulpnagcl, Mrs. . . 313 

Tata, Mr. R. J. . .283 

Stewart-Wilson, Mr.C.199 

Subba Rao, Mr. I Tata, Mrs. ... 283 

Stewart-Wilson, Mrs. 199 

Nyaputhy ... 227 Tate, Capt. R. A. . 299 

St. George, Miss. . 304 

SubbaRao, Mr. Nairn- Tate, Lt.-Col. A. E. 297 

St. Hill, Capt. A. A. 303 

pelh .... 227 Tate, Miss ... 297 

Stikenian, Hon. Mr.W.ltfl 

Sundar Singh, S. . 257 Tate, Capt. J. F. F. 308 

Stirling, Capt. Sir G. 314 

Suntook. Mr. C. N. . 127 Tate, Maj. G. . . 292 

Stirling, Capt. W. . 298 

Sukhbir Singh, Lala 281 

Taylor, Mrs.. . .317 

Stirhng-Cookson, Lt. 310 

Suhrawardy, Dr. Ab- 

Taylor, Mrs. . . .296 

Stirling, Lady . . 315 

dulla-al Mamum . 143 

Taylor, 2nd-Lt. J. W. 296 

Stirling, Mr. G. C. B. 161 

Suket, Raja of . . 272 1 Taylor, Lt.-Col. A. 296 

St. John, Major H. B. li)4 

Sukha Singh, Sardar 248 j Taylor, Rev. Dr. G. P. 155 

St. John, Mrs. . . 194 

SullU an, Lt.-Col.R.E. 314 ; Taylor, Mrs. , . . 16& 

St. Joseph, Mr. J. D. 182 

Sullivan, Lt.-Col.E.L. 319 I Taylor, Maj. G. H. . 310 

St. Joseph, Mrs. . .182 

Sullivan, Mrs. . . 319 | Taylor, Mrs. . . .311 

Stocker, Capt., 10. H. 150 
Stockley, Maj. H. R. 124 

Sundar Lai, R. B. 281 i Taylor, Lt. H. B. . 234 
Sundar Singh Ram- ' Taylor, Mr. A. K. . 140 

Stockley, Mrs. . . 322 

gharia . . . . 259 i Taylor, Mrs. ... 244 

Stoehr, Lt. C. F. . 195 

Sundar Singh, Bhai . 236 ' Taylor, Miss. . . 174 

Stoker, Capt. R. J. G. 317 

Sutherland, Maj.H.H. 316 ; Taylor, Mr. H. B. . 244 

Stokes. Mr. H. G. 145 

Sutherland, 2nd-Lt.A. 316 Taylor, Maj. R. O'B. 204 

Stokes, Mr. . . . 200 

Sutherland, Mrs. . 316 ! Tcbbs, Mr. F. R. . 185 

Stokes, 2nd- Lt. V. A. 294 

Sutherland, 2nd-Lt.H. 315 Tebbs, Mrs. ... 185 

Stokes, Miss ... 294 
Stokes-Roberts, Lt. A. 311 

Sutherland, Mr. J. . 239 Tcck, Maj. H. H. The 
Sutton, Mr. F. . ' 335 ; Duke of ... 122 

Stone, Mr. J. H. . 225 
Stone, Lt. A. G. . . 311 
Stone*? Lt G B. 296 

Suttoji, Mr. R. L. . 174 Tegart, Mr. C. A. . 144 
Sutton, Mrs. R. L. . 174 Tehn, Raja of . . 272 

Storr, Maj'. C. L. . 299 

Sutton', Miss L. . .174 Temple-Cole, Mr. . 306 

Storr, Mrs. C. L. . . 299 

Swainson. Mr. J. . 174 ' Temple-Cole, Mrs. . 306 

Stothcrd, Mr. C. E. 208 

Swaync, Col. H. G. C. 322 , Temple-Cole, L.-Col. 

Stotherd, Mrs. . . 208 Swayne, Mrs. . . 322 ' F. . . . . .308 

Stow, Mr. A.M. . 174 Swayne, Col. H. J. C. 287 I TempJe-Cole, Lt.Col.F. 299 

8tow, Mrs 174 , Swayne, Mrs. . . . 287 ; Temple-Cole, Mrs. F. 29ft 

Stowell, Mr. ... 179 
Stowell, Mr. A. T. . 239 

Sweetman, Mrs. . .292 Templer, Mrs. . . 328 
Swetenham, Miss E. 285 Tennant, Lt. C.A.M. 318 

SttafTord, Cora Coun- 

Swetenham, Miss L. 285 , Terrot, Maj. C. K. . 320 

tess o .... 207 

Swettenhajai, Capt.W. 179 Terrot, Mrs.. . . 32Q 


Test Or, Mr. G. B. . 283 

Tod, Lt.-Col. J. K. 301 

Tronp, L(. R. S . 334 

Thaokara, Lt.-Col. . 286 

Tod, Mrs. .7. K. . .301 

Trimmer, Mr. L . 188 

Thackwell, Col. O.M. 314 
Thackwell, Mr. A. 11. 158 

Todd, Capt. J. F. . 331 
Todd, Mr. W. II. . 331 

Trim in per, Mrs. . 188 
Tsong, Mr. Lion Chin 162 

Thakersey, Lady . 199 

Todhiinter, Mr. 0. G. 199 
To(Miunter Mrs . 199 

Tuck, Tapt. C. H. A. 311 
Tuck Lt. S. A. . . 310 

Thakersey, Sir V. T). 109 
ThelhiHson, Capt. 11. 320 

Tofts, 2nd-Lt. C F.' 334 

Tuck, Miss . .. . 310 

Thi ravungadathan 
Chettiar, Mr. . 281 

Tollmtoii, Mr. II . P. 253 
Tolluiton, Mrs. . 253 

Tucker, Mr. A. L.-P. 236 

Tucker, Mrs. . . 236 

Thomas, Lt.-Col. 11. 327 

Tomes, Lieut. G. . 302 

Tucker, Mr. F. 11. . 190 

Thomas, 2ml- Lt. B. 300 

Tomkins, Maj. H. L. 241 

Tudor Owen, Mr.W.C. 153 

Thomas, Mrs. . . 300 
Thomas, Lt. T. I. G. 295 

Tomkins, Mr. It. G. . 141 

Tomkins, Mrs. . 141 

Tudor Owen, Mrs. . 155 
Tmell, Capt. E.G. S. 300 

Thomas,Cl.E.D'C.A. 307 
Thomas, Miss . . 308 

Tomkins, Mr. L. L. 2-18 
Tomk.ns, Mrs. . 249 

Tuite Dal (on, Mrs. . 310 
Tui to Dal ton, Lt. K. 310 

Thomas, Rev. K. S. 174 

Tomkins, Mr. S. ('. 244 

Tukc, Lieut. J. M. . 234 

Thomas, Mrs. . .174 
Thomas, Rev. II. J. 174 
Thomas, Mrs. 174 

Tomkins, Mrs. . . 244 
Tomkins, Miss . 244 
Tomlmson,Ll.H. W. 321 

Tullis, Miss . . . 292 
Tulloch, Lt. G deM. 300 
Tura Ba/ Khan, Capt. 177 

ThomaK , Miss . 174 

Tonk. Nnwab of . . 273 

Turn bull, Capt. B. . 306 

Thomas, Rev. S. S. 175 
Thomas, Lt. G. O. . 179 
Thompson, Col. W.A. 299 
Thompson, Capt. F. 325 
Thompson, Major IT. 303 
Thompson, Lt.-Col.IT. 326 
Thompson, Mrs. . 325 
Thompson, Mrs. A.I I. 304 
Thompson, Mrs. . 232 
Thompson, Maj. E.G. 232 

Torquil-MeT.cod, Maj. 287 
Torquil-McLeod, Mrs. 287 
Torne, Capt. T. G. J. 223 
Tottenham, Miss . 138 
Tottenham, 2nd-Lt. 
R. G. . . 316 
Townscnd, MissM. . 213 
Townsend, Miss . . 213 
Townsend Smith, 
2nd-Lt.W. . 334 

Turner, Lieut. II. B. 271 
Turner, Br.-G. J. G. 331 
Turner, Mrs. . . 331 
Turner, Miss . .331 
Turner, Maj. P. A. . 303 
Turner, Mrs. P. A. . 303 
Turner, Maj. A. S. . 323 
Turner, Capt H.L.C. 300 
Turner, Lt. E. B. . 317 
Turner, Mr. S. D. . 222 

Thompson, Mr. S. . 175 

Townsend, Lt. G. J. 311 

Turner, Miss . . 222 

Thompson, Mr. J. P. 175 

Townsheud, Lt. . 153 

Turner, Miss K. . 222 

Thompson, Mrs. . 175 
Thompson, Mr. H. . 161 

Townshend, Lt. . 323 
Trail, Lt. W. S. . . 301 

Turner, Miss . . 200 
Turner, Mr. II. G. . 283 

Thompson, Mrs. . 1H1 
Thomson, Mr. R. S. 158 

Traill, Maj. W. S. . 207 
Traill, Mrs. ... 207 

Turner, Lt. C. R. .294 
Turner, Mai. H.H.F. 131 

Thomson, Capt. W. 324 
Thomson, Major E. 271 
Thoinson.Capt.D. A. 298 
Thome, Maj. T. . 179 

Travaneorc, Maha- 
raja of .... 273 
Travers, Dr. M. W. 199 
Travers, Mrs. . 199 

Tuson, Miss . . . 317 
Tweddoll, Mis . . 200 
Tweedy, Mr. G. A. . 277 
Tvvigg.Mr.J. . . 225 

Thornc, Mrs. . . 179 
Thornhill, Col. H. B. 194 

Trcgear, Major F. C. 311 
Trench, Lt. A. H.C. 195 

Twigg, Mrs. . . . 225 
Twining, Lt.-Col. P. 321 

Thornton, Capt. \V. 323 

Trench, Mr. J.S. . 239 

Tyagaraya Chetti, Mr. 227 

Thursby, Lt. A. D. . 324 

Trench, Miss. . . 289 

Tyler, Capt. K M. . 317 

Tidmarsh.Capt.R. M. 803 
Tulmarsh, Mrs. R. M. 303 

Trent, Major G. A. 195 
Trent, Mrs. ... 195 

Tyler, Maj. R. E. . 305 
Tyndale, Mrs. W. . 286 

Tidiimrsh, Mrs. . . 303 

Treelcy, Lt. H. F. . 803 

Tyndall, Capt. B. . 317 

Tidswell, Mrs. . . 299 

Trevaskis,Mr.H. K. 253 

Tyndall, Mrs. . . 317 

Tilncy, Major N. K. . 297 
Tilney, Mrs. . . 297 

Trevor, Sum. -Gen. F. 179 
Trevor, Mrs. . . 179 

Tyrrell, Capt. C. II. 301 
Tyrrell, Maj. J.B.J. 164 

Tilncy, Major W. A. 271 
Tillard, Lt. A. K. D. 302 

Trevor, Miss ... 179 
Trevor, Mr. D. B. .239 

Tyrrell, Miss . . 164 
Tyrrell, Miss Phyllis 175 

Tillard, Lt. P. A. . 316 

TriaPahlagri,Mr. . 285 

Tyson, Mr. B. . . 286 

Tillard, Maj. F. B. 311 
Tindall, Mr. C. . . 188 
TindaN, Mrs. . . 190 
Timcwoll,Mr.H.W. 286 

Trimbakrao, Bala 
Sahib, Khanvclkar 205 
Trollope, Hon. Sophia 164 
Trollope, Hon. Mrs. 

Tyson, Mrs. . . 286 
Tytler, Maj. B. . . 316 
Udaipur (Mevtar), 
Maharaja of . . 274 

Tobin, Capt. II. W. 313 
Tobin, Mrs. ... 314 
Tod, Capt, A. A. . 122 

Cranmer . . . 164 
Trollope, Mr. T. . . 164 
Trouard-Biolle, MODS. 283 

Udai Baj Singh, Baja 281 
Umar Hayat Khan, 
Malik .... 199 



Umar Hayat Khan, 
Mrs 199 
Umri, Raja of . . 164 
Upondra Nath Sen . 259 
Upson,Mrs. A. . 2-10 
Upson,Mr. . . 240 
Urban, Mr. . . . 258 
Urquhrfrt, Capt. E.F. 316 
Vachcll, 2nd-Lt. K. . 315 
Vairicherla Vira- 
bhadra, Raja . 109 
Vakil, Navroj! 

Vizianagram, Maha- 
raja Kumarika of 227 
Vlasto, Mr. A. . .175 
Volkers, Mr. K. C. F. 240 
Volkors, Mrs. . . 240 
Von Noek, Mr. S. H. 240 
Von Stioghiz, Lt. F. 300 
Vores, Mrs. ... 207 
Vost, Colonel . . . 244 
Vost, MrK. ... 244 
Waddmgton, Mr. C. 2' 2 
Waddington, Mrs. . 262 

Walton, Mr. If. R. . 244 
Walton, Col. E. W. 240 
Walton, Mrs. . . 24(V 
Wankaner, Raja of . 287 
Wanklyu, Mr. W. L. Ifl4 
Wanklyn, Mrs. . 194 
Wanchope, Capt. A. 316 
Wapsnare, Mrs. . . 294 
Warburton, Mr. P. B. 232 
^arburton, Mr. J. P. 253 
Ward, Major A. . . 271 
Ward, Lt. B. S. . 390 

Pestanji . . .152 
Vandelcur, Lt. K. . 324 
Vandelour, Mrs . . 324 
Vander Gucht.Capt. 331 
Van Gotham, Miss 179 
Vanneck, Mihs . . 2U6 

Wagle, Mr. K. B. . 277 
Wagle, Mr*. ... 277 
Wagstaff, Capt. C. M. 131 
Waite. Mr. H. W. . 249 
Wake-Wilkinson, Mr. 
J. V. S 148 

Ward, Lt. C. M. .334 
Ward, Mrs. ... 334 
Ward, Major E. L. . 195 
Ward, Lt.-Col. G.A. 318 
Ward, Mrs ... 318 
Ward Lady Evelyn 28 9 

Vanneck, Lt. W. C. 296 
Vanrenen, Maj. G. 311 

WaK-e, Lt.-Col. E. S.A. 148 
Wall Muhammad, 

Ward,' 2nd-Lt. K.H.' 
W 315 

Vanrenen, Mrs . . 311 
Van Someren, Lt. L. 334 

Ri&ldr.-Maj. . . 122 
Walker, Mr. . . . 274 

Ward, Surgeon J. S. 234 
Ward Mr T R J 175 

Van Somcrcn, Capt. 
W 318 
Vasudeva, Raja . . 227 
Vaughan, Maj. R. K. 329 
Vaughan, Mrs. . . 329 
Vaughan, Miss . . 3'?9 
Vaux, Capt. H. G. . 223 
Vay de Vaya, Mons. 
Cardinal . . .148 
Veasey, Mr. U. C. . 281 
Voddor, Mr. ... 301 
Vedder, Mrs. . . 301 
Venkatagiri, Maha- 
raja of .... 227 
Vernon, Capt. II. A. 308 
Verrieres, Mr. A. C. . 277 
Verrieres, Mrs. . . 277 
Vickers, Capt. A. . 321 
Vickers, Mrs. A. . K21 
Vickery, Mrs. E. 283 
Vickery, Mr. P. C. . 249 
Vigors, Lt. M. D. . 295 
Vijai Singh, Maha- 

Walker, Mrs. . . . 274 
Walker, Col. W. G. . 331 
Walker, Sir James . 277 
Walker, Lady. . . 277 
Walker, Mai. E..1.H. 302 
Walker, Mrs. E.J.H. 302 
Walker, Capt. G. H. 319 
Walker, Lt. H. It. 0. 301 
Walker, Lt. ... 295 
Walker, Lt. G. B. . 195 
Walker, Mr. ... 200 
Walker, Mr. A. . . 284 
Walker, Mr. J. . . 168 
Walker, Mrs. ... 166 
Walker, Miss . . . 253 
Wall, Maj. E. W. . 312 
Wall, Mr. M. G. . . 249 
Wall, Mrs. ... 249 
Wallace, Mr. 8. E. . 249 
Wallace, Miss . . 249 
Wallace, Capt. C. C. 131 
Waller, Mr. F. C. . 175 
Waller, Lt. J. E. . 318 

Ward, Miss ' ' . ' '. 175 
Ward, Miss . . . 271 
Wardell, Ma.ior W. H. 310 
Warden, MISR . . 300 
Warden. Lt W. R. . 321 
Wardrop, Major A. 298 
Wardrop, Mrs. . . 298 
Wardy, Rev. S. . . . 175 
Waring, Mr. M. L. 175 
Warne, Miss . .175 
Warnoek, Mrs. . . 175 
Warnock, Mibrf . . 175 
Warre, Flag-Lieut. P. 199 
Warren, Mr. A. W. G. 212 
Warren, Mrs. ... 212 
Warren, Lt. J. F. . 317 
Warren, Capt. L. C. . 305 
Warton, Lt. R. B. . 320 
Waterfield, Mr. S. S. 133 
Wftterfield, Maj. A. 
C. M 324 
Waterfield, Mrs. . . 325 
Waterfield Mr H G 163 

raj Kunwar . . 206 
Villiers Stuart, Capt. 316 
VillierslStuart, Mrs. 316 
Vincent, Miss . . 253 
Vincent, Miss A. . 253 
Vincent, Lady Kitty 320 
Vincent, Major *. 320 
Vincent, Lt. M. H. . 308 
Vincent, Mr. W. 199 
Vincent, Mrs. . . 199 
Vishindas. Mr, Har- 
ehandrai . . . .152 
Vishwanath Singh, 
Raja 169 
Vishvanatha Aiyar 259 

Wallis, Mr. Justice v25 
Wallis, Mrs. . . 225 
Wallis, Lieut. B. H. 326 
Walsh, Lt. C. H. . . 314 
Walsh, Major J. G. R. 323 
WalRh, Mrs. ... 323 
Walsh, Miss ... 323 
Walsh, Lt. R. H. . 321 
Walshe, Mrs. . . 297 
Walter, Col. J. Mac N. 131 
Walter, Miss ... 131 
Walter, Mr. ... 131 
Walter, Lt. B. . . 305 
Walton, Major G. . 333 
Walton, Mrs. . . 334 

Waterfield, Capt. F.C. 165 
Waterlow, Mrs. . . 146 
Waters, Capt. H. G. . 333 
Waters, Mrs. ... 334 
Waterworth,Capt.C.F. 302 
Wathen, Mrs. G. . 825 
Watkin, Lt. F. E. . 316 
Watkins, Lt. A. C. . 324 
Watts, Lt. E. P. .302 
Watt, Mrs. ... 316 
Watts, Miss ... 175 
Watling, Capt. L, D. 320 
Watson, Capt.C.S.M. 240 
Watson, Mrs. . . 240 
Watson, Maj. W, M. 303 



Watson, Lt. G. E. B. 313 

Whclan, Mr. A. A. . 179 

Williams, Miss A. . 176 

Watson, Maj. J. W. . 128 
Watson, Capt. W.M. 333 

Whitaker,0apt. C. L. 299 
Whitaker, Lt. N. B. 313 

Williams, Col. A.B.C. 131 
Williams, Mrs. . . 294 

Watson, Maj. 0. If. 318 

Whitakcr, Lt. H. 131 

Williams, Miss A. . 28 

Watson Smythe, Lt. 290 

Whitaker, Mrs. II. 131 

Williams, Capt. E.H. 294 

Watson, Mr. 0. C. . 149 

Whgto, Mrs. . . 325 

Williams, Mr. H.A.C. 158 

Watson, Lt. C. B. . 303 

White, Mrs. . 293 

Williams, Maj. H. J. 293 

Watson, Col. W. A. . 131 

White, Mrs. ... 175 

Williams, Mr. J.*. 242 

Watson, Lt. Col. H.D. 122 

White, Mr. C. A. . 141 

Williams, Capt. B.C.B.130 

Watson, Mrs. II . D. 131 

White, SirC. Arnold 225 

Williams, Mr. T. B. 201 

Watson, Mr. I?. M. . 282 

White, Mr. G. G. . Ifil 

Williams, Col. G. . 133 

Watson, Mrs.. . . 282 

White, Mrs. . .161 

Williamson, Mr. U.S. 195 

Watson, Mr. A. . . 244 

While, Mr. U. 175 

Williamson, Mr. . 282 

Watson, Mrs. . . . 244 

White, Lt. L. W. . 293 

Wil'ianmon, Mrs. . 282 

Watfc.on.Lt. T. N. . 170 

White, Ladv . . 225 

Williamson, Sir A. . 282 

Watson, Maj. T. C. . 292 

White, Capt. M. K. . 3"5 

Willis, Capt. G. B. . 305 

Watson, Mrs. . 292 

White, Mr. Norman 244 

Willis, Miss Vera . 164 

Wav, Mrs. . . . 323 

White, Mrs. Norman 244 

Willis, Col. C. F. . 314 

Wayman, Capt.W.L. 318 

Whitehead.Mr. K. B. 253 

Willis, Capt. E. S.C. 213 

Waynian, Mrs. . 318 

Whitely, Lt. E. C . 321 

Willis, Miss ... 305 

Weatherbc, Lt. W. 320 

Whitehead, Mrs. . 225 

Willonghby. Lt. J. G. 203 

Weather ly, M IKS . 285 

Whiting, Mr. J. . 284 

Wills, Mr. C. U. . 165 

Webb, Mr. M. DeP. . 152 

Whiting, Mrs. . . 284 

Wilson, Mr. A. . . 322 

Webb, Mrs. ... 152 

Whitney, Mr. A. . 158 

Wilson, Mr. D. H. . 240 

Webb, Maj. G. R. . 333 

Whittle, Mr. A. T. . If6 

Wilson, Mrs. I>. H. . 240 

Webb, Mrs. . . . 334 

Whittle, Mrs. . . 156 

Wilson, Maj.-Gen. A. 318 

Webb, Miss ... 175 

Whvte, Miss . . 300 

Wilson, Lt. E. F. C. 306 

Webbe, Mr. D. B. . . 146 

Wic'hmann, Mr. F. W. 304 

Wilson, Mrs. J. S. . 328 

Webber, Capt. M. K. 297 

Wiehmann, Mr. W. 304 

Wilson. Capt. D. D. 312 

Webber, Mrs.. . . 297 

Wiehrnann, Mrs. . 304 

Wilson, Capt J.H. B. 303 

Webster, Capt. C. U. 271 

Wickham, Miss . . 3^7 

Wilson, Capi. N. M. 303 

Webster, Mr. If. J. . 175 

Wickham, Maj. Tl. F. 293 

Wilson, Mr. B. C. B. 287 

Weeks, Capt. R.F.J. 333 

Wickham, Lt. J. C.. 269 

Wi'son, Mrs. K. C. R. 287 

WookcH, Secretary B. 190 

Wicks, ('apt. H.W.C. 324 

Wilson, Capt. W. . 333 

Weekes, Capt. H. E. 313 

Widdic-ombe, Mr. E.P. 185 

Wilson, Lt. A. H. M. 149 

Weinholt, Lt. E. H. 293 

Wiglev, Lt. P. J. B. 318 

Wilson, Lt. C. B. . 294 

Weleh, Major A. J. . 309 

Wi grain, MaiorClhe 12'J 

Wilson, Lt. J. G. . 318 

Welch, Mrs. ... 310 

WightwiRk.Lt.H.M. 153 

Wilson, Sir G. F. . 199 

Wclchman, Lt. T. C. 310 

Wilbcrforco, Mr. S. . 175 

Wilson, Lt. B. T. . 288 

Weld- Forester, Capt. 125 

Wilberforce, Mrs. . . 175 

Wilson, Lt.-Col.M.K. 179 

Wells, Lt. T. K. . 325 

Wileox, Lt. J. T. C. . 311 

Wilson, Lt. P. W. . 316 

Wells, Lt. W. T. J. 293 

Wildnian, 2nd-Lt. A.H. 309 

Wilson, Maj. B. P. . 141 

Wolls, Mr. G. . . 185 

Wildtnan, Miss E. A. 131 

Wilson, Mrs.. . . 141 

Wells, Mrs. ... 185 

Wilkin, Mr. A. H. . 249 

Wilson, Mrs. N. M. . 304 

Wollesley, Capi.F.H. 303 

Wilkin, Mrs. ... 249 

\Mlson, Mrs. ... 318 

Wellesley, Mrs. F.H. 303 

Wilkins, Mr F. E. . 238 

Wilson, Mrs. . . . 303 

Wemysn, Mr. O. G. . 139 

Wilkins, Mrs. . . 258 

Wilson, Miss . . 323 

Werdecker, Fraulem 297 

Wilkinson, Capt. G. 299 

Wilson, Mrs. ... 287 

West, Capt. A. H. D. 305 

Wilkinson, Mrs. . . 299 

Wilson, Miss . . 297 

West, Lt. II. C. . . 297 

Wilkinson, Capt.H.B. 131 

Wilson, Johnston, 

West, Miss F. M. . 138 

Wilkinson, Mrs 131 

Mr 264 

West, Mr. S. E. . . 239 

Wilkinson, Mrs. . . 317 

Wihon Johneton,Mrs. 257 

Weston, Mrs. . . 286 

Wilkinson, Mr. W. H. 262 

Windham,Mr. . . 212 

Westrup, Mr. B. G. . 175 

Wilkinson, Mrs. . . 262 

Windham,Mrs. . . 212 

Whateley, Miss . . 253 
Whately, Mr. B. . . 158 
Wheatley,Lt. A.H.S. 132 
Wheeler, Mrs. . . 141 
Wheeler, C.ipt. G. C. 309 
Wheeler, Mr. H. . 141 

Willans. Maj. T. J. 301 
Willcoeks, Sir J. . 240 
Willcoeks, Lady . 240 
Willcoeks, Mr. J. . 161 
Willcocks. Maj. . I. . 161 
William*, Miss . . 282 

Windham, Maj. C. J. 212 
Wingfield, LadyViolet 308 
Wingfleld,Lt.C.J.T.B. 308 
Wingfield, Hon. Lilah 294 
Wlnstowe, Baroness 313 
Winter, Maj. 0. deL, 320 



Wise, Lt, A. 1). . . 164 

Wrjght, Mr. T. T. 158 

Young, Rev. 0. B. . 175 

Wise, Mrs. . . . 161 

Wright, Mrs. T. T. . 158 

Young, Capt. DoL. . 271 

Wodohouse, Major F. 153 

bright, U.-Col.W.T. 251 

Younjf, Briir.-Goiil. C. 297 

Wolsey-Butler, Mrs. 270 

Wright, Mr. W. C. . 2C3 

Young, Mr. C. K. . 161 

Wolsey- Butler, Mi ISH 270 

Wyndham, Maj. W.F. 324 

Young, Major 1). C. . 304 

Wood, Miss . . . 158 

Wyiidhazn, Mrs. . 324 

Yonng, Mr. D. E. . 335 

Wood, Mr. Vornon 188 

Wyndham, Mr. P. . 277 

Young 1 , Lady K. . . 194 

Wood.JHra. . . 188 

Wylly, (-apt. G. G. K. 240 

Young, Mr/E. H. . 158 

Wood, Maj. E. J. M. 241 

Wyhe, 2nd-Lt. J. P. 325 

Young, Mrs. E. H. . 158 

Wood, Mrs. K. J. M. 241 

Wynne, Sir T. B. 194 

Young, L1.-IV1. F. P. 253 

Wood, Capt. F. K. ;3 

Wynne- Finch, Lt. G. 324 

Young, Mrs. . . . 253 

Wood, Mr. 0. C. 265 

Wjim-EliaH, Mrs. . 271 

Young, Mr. G. M. . 253 

Wood, Capt. J. II. . 317 

Wythes, Lt. C. A. 311 

Young, Lieut. H. G. 305 

Wood, Mr. J. B. 104 

Xydis, Mr. G. . 175 

Young, Mrs. H. 0. . 305 

Wood, Mrs. J. B .191 

XydiK, Mr. . 175 

Young, Major H. G. 301 

Wood, Capt. W. A. . 306 

Yatinan, Major C. 315 

Young, Maj.-Gonl. .J. 327 

Wood, Mr. W. H. . 199 

Yearslcy, Lt. K. A. . 303 

Young, Lt. H. W. .318 

Wood, Mm. W. II. 199 

Yeats-Brown, Mr. 

Young, Mr. M. C. G. 185 

Wood, Major, W. M. 153 

F. C. C 284 

Young, Major W. K. 304 

Wood, Lt.-Gon. Sir 270 

Yeats-Brown, Lt. F. 312 

Young, Mrs. W. E. . 30:> 

Wooden, Und-Lt. It. 320 
Woodhouse, Lt. II. 314 

Yeats-Brown, Capt. 
F. V 324 

Young, Mr. W.H.H. 240 
Younghusband, IVlaj.- 

Woodward, K. F . 300 

Yielding, Mrs. . 283 

Gen. G. J. . . . 270 

Woodyatt, Col N. . 281 

Yorke, Lt. P. G. . . 298 

Younghusband, Mrs. 270 

Woodyatt, W. N. G. 283 

Younan, Lt.-CoI. A. 301 

Yusifshah, Syed 

Woods, Capt. ir. K. 299 

Youiian, Mrs. A. C. . 301 

Alahando . . .156 

Worgan, Capt. B. B. 223 
Wratislaw, Capt. J. 300 

Young, Mrs. . . . 327 
Young, Mrs. . . 185 

Yusuf Shah, Khwaja 253 
/ahruddin, M. Saiyid 144 

Wreni, Senhor de . 194 

Young, Mr*. . . 161 Zefirupulo, Mr. . . 175 

Wright, Mr. A. G. . 166 

Young, Mr. P. C. . 240 Zetiropulo, Mrs. . 175 

Wright, Mr. H. N. . 277 

Young, Mrs. ... 240 Horn war Singh, Lt. . 206 

Wright,MrR. . . 277 

Young, Capt. A. . 304 Zuberbuhler, Mr. .1. 194 

Wright, Mr. J. G. . 285 

Young,Lt.-Col. A.D. 297 KuDohna, Count . 179 

Wright, Mr. J. B. . 285 

Young, Sir A. H. . 194 ' /ulfiknr Ali Khan . 190